The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
TUB CBDARVILLE HERALD mm MBFT".. . k a i l s w uu i EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Xgtsrtd i t the Poet Office* CedsrvHle, Ohio, October 31,1837, a a a s e o a d c la s s m a t te r . ’ ^ ^FRIDAY, AUGUST 57l5sO MINISTER CALLS CHARLEY BRAND’S HAND Rev. R. W. Ustlck’s letter in our last issue askihg the voters of the Seventh Congressional District to join with him in dom inating Probate Judge Harry Gram for Congress at the primary next Tuesday was a clear statement of facts. I t set forth many reasons just why Judge Gram should have the nomination and how he would be free from the influence qf the Daugherty-Pemberton machine in/ the district. When he stated that there was nothing in Cong. Brand’s four-term record which entitled him to renomination and election, he not only voiced our views but those of hundreds of voters who have tired, of continued promises and new issues each campaign, none of which have every been fulfilled. Rev. Ustick in referring to the Brand proposed school hill, which the author would have rural people believe would pro vide them with schools without paying tax, handled tha t sub ject in a way that proves the usual attempt of deception on the part of Brand, The minister was very modest in terming Brand’s claim as mistatement of facts, all of which served a purpose when bound by ministerial ethics. From a newspaper stand point Brand’s statement is a bold lie which he cannot defend or prove true.' ■ The Seventh District should awake next Tuesday and vote for Judge Gram. We certainly have had all the evidence .needed to prove that it takes more than a high silk hat and scissor-tailed coat td make a congressman in Washington that will meet the requirements' of the Seventh. District: : ' b y A r t h u r B r l i b a n # fiie Ui»im»gla*b|# A Really B*ar City What’s Wrong With IT»? Meden Agasi, and Ederle Britain's airship R-100, greatest that ever rose into the air, has wifely crossed the Atlantic and arrived at Montreal, with thirty-seven ereyr and seven passengers. The R-100, fsstar than the Graf Zeppelin, represents Britain’s determination to rule the ocean of air, as for centuries she has ruled the ocean of water, regardless of expense. A few years ago the average man could not have imagined that. Now that it has happened, not one in a hundred realises what it means. Long after steam railroads were operating successfully in England, wise men, in and. out Of parliament, said the locomotive could not possibly be a success. . Mapy equally “wise” still think that •‘flying never can be practical.” NEW TAX SYSTEM WILL INTEREST ALL Ohio .has adopted classification of property for taxation and the incoming legislature, must pass legislation this winter . to place the new system in force. I t makes no difference what ypur views on this subject have been in the past, we now face the serious time' of passing the right kind of a law that will be fair to all interests. Greene county being largely agricultural it means the voters should send a man to the legislature that at least owns a farm. He can favor no proposed law that will harm the farming interests without injuring his own interest. For this reason alone Representative R. D. Williamson .should be given the nomination at the primary, Tuesday. He is the only candidate that is a farm owner. His past experience is needed now. What ever views citizens may have on the need of certain reforms, they should not be considered at this time. The state and the country face a bread and butter problem. The lowly little cigarette is governed now by laws-that give all the protection possible to young folks. We should take no chance on having farm and home interests traded and subjected to an unjust tax that some new cigarette proposal can be put’over The future will take care of what ever evils thetcigarette pro duces but this winter is the only, time the farm and home in- terests can have representation in the legislature and Mr. Williamson can be depended upon to do that. WHO HAS BEEN GETTING FARM RELIEF? There is no one Element' more concerned over farm relief than the .politicians, and a certain class of office holders. Cong Brand specializes in farm rejief talk but how does he explair his own prosperity as compared with the conditions all farmer, have been forcedto meet the past twd years? Not many months ago Brand purchased a 350 acre farm with a twenty room brick house for a summer home. By what process of business man agement has he been able to get profits from farm lend that wil justify such an investment for a summer home ? Farmers in all parts of the nine counties irt the Seventh District are having trouble to haye a profit to pay? taxes* let Alone a living. The Daugherfcy-Peihbfertdn gang Congressman is withholding val uable information from farmers by not letting them*in on his secret of farm success.. , TAKE NO CHANCES ON FIRE NOWADAYS As we drive through the country and see acres of burnec * grass we know that some one has been very careless in handling matches, cigar or cigarette Stubs. The dry grass is like so much tinder and the least exposure to fire may mean great loss to some farmer’s home and barn. We see scores of places cover- : ing several acres where there’have been fires. We can never b.e too careful at anytime with fire and moreover at this time with buildings dried out due by the hot weather and drough. Exposure will mean a great loss even in town where there may be fire protection. _______ ■ „■ , ■ ..-'v 1. Before marketing your live stock call THE SOUTH CHARLESTON STOCK YARDS DAILY MARKET Phone 80 S. K. SMOOTS P. P. SMOOTS .MONEY PAID WHEN WEIGHED Some Day You Will Decide to Heat Your Home With Gas » a ■ .vr * . Why not do it now when in stallation Is most convenient? It is Almost inevitable that you will someday decide to en joy the advantages of a gas heated home, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT For now you are not using your basement and installation can be most conveniently made without interrupting home heating. Then* too, special summer rates and easy terms on gas furnaces and gas burner* make RIGHT NOW the time to decide to HEAT WITH GAS, Call H* fqr i n estimate on installing’ a g*< furnace or gas burner in your home, New York City'* population is fixed i t 6,059,195. It will pass 7,000,000 in a lew months. Manhattan "island,' which uh lif re jently was all of New York, has lost 1S.6 per cent in ten years: This is made up by gains in the outlying bor oughs, 1304 per cent, in Queens, 2$.6 per cent in Brooklyn, 73 per Cent 'In. the Bronx. . m PRNMYWIL TELLTHETALE NEXTTUESDAY (Continued from page 1) M«wis BMufb lersrt«? sk s sif wkshad,- BeMghn as Ms'dpptfV *J*> mdmm Ctogden. LerayWsshhNrtw* *>A*-' Whitfield, of the George WSt,1 colored, Xenia, are endorsers. Other Legion leaders in different parts- of th#countyhave signedendthe Legion seems to be determined to make 8ug* den’s success Tuesday assured. There are two contestants for au ditor, P, H. Creswell, present auditor made is his letter to the voters of seeking his first elective term, sad endorsement by those prominent in the George Eckerle. In the list fo r pro- American Legion, of which he is a gecutor are Marcus McCaiUster and member. 'James P, Kyle, bftb young attorneys ,Dr. Ben R. McClellan, Xenia, heads The county commissioner fight is the list as can he seen by the an- between three candidates; Herman nouncement on another page. Local- Eavey, Peking a third term; John ly John Collins and Hugh Thrnbull,1North who is campaigning for a sec- both outstanding young men, members Jond term and C, A. Jacobs, prominent of the Legion, give their endorsement, j Beavercreek township farmer who Is f o r t h . f i r s t ^ ^ is msfcfaig * bwA fWM1•** hm* reports m #* t fh* uwwdy if-' ***** lei* iftrided by seetione aa to atrsugtb of #nob eandidst*. - The fight to rreeorder is betwsen Roy WcMand % F. Thomas, the latter sfvMuy ya» i teatiew. Hmoid M. Vau Pelt, peasant deputy, a n dK .0 , Gopsey see the candidate* fo r county tree*®*. «r. Both are originally foam #pri»g Valley. Van P eh has served under Miss Helen Dodds, who will leave the office a t the completion o f her term, with an outstanding record for the manner in which she has served the people in the county, There has been much speculation as to the size of the vote Tuesday, Every voter should go to the polls a* a mat te r of duty. Queens is probably the fastest grow- ng big place in the world. Manhattan. 3tiU hplds the pocketbook. Hundreds of thousands work there and .sleep elsewhere. - Americans from all over the nation come to spend their money, between Fourteenth and Fifty- ninth streets, to say nothing of what they spend downtown in Wall street. When you are traveling serenely in an express train and it stops suddenly you put your head out o f the window to look, or you ask the conductor, the matter?” We' were ail traveling in the pros perity express train, it stopped with a jolt last October and everybody, is atill asking, “What is the matter ?”• Adolph Zukor, an intelligent Ameri can business man, who retains his ca parity to keep cool, and think clearly •ven when business is no t so good, says': , “For one thing we had lost our leads, We began to think about lollar as we ought to thiftk about 25-cent piece. ' “After a while we shall learn what money is, what th rift and common tense mean. Then we shall be better oft than we ever were. “Nothing better than this so-called slump’ could have happened to us. “For my part, Xwas never more op timistic in my life.” Mr. Zukor, of course, speaks sincere ly and his optimism is justified, - This country needed a lesson and is having it. How long it will last nobody knows. I JUDGE h a r r y G. GRAM | We have read With interest the I "Constructive public Record” of I Congressman Brand as set forth in j district-wide advertisements of the _Champaign County Brand-Vor Con ' gresa Club. We were pot surprised t h a t j t proved td be NO RECORD^ whatsoever b u t , as* u s u a l ; PROMISE OR PLAN to do some- { thing in Congress- Hie PLAN now, as stated in the | advertisement; is to provide' nation-J al funds to aid RURAL SCHOOLS. | This so-called Educational Bill was.| introduced in May 1929. This bill § _ is advanced by Mri* Brand as a | | measure for farm relief, by reduc-1 i ing rural school costa with Federal | {aid. If ther bill had any merit as a § I FARM RELIEF measure, why has | 1 hot the House Committee on Edu-1 1 cation reported favorably on it in | | the past, year? Why does Mr. | | Brand now try to explain his in -1 ability to' secure the favorable re-1 | port or passage of bis bill by stat- i | ing in the newspapers’ of July 22nd 1 * that bis bill has been “endorsed in !j | principle” by the National Advi-§ i aory Committee’ on ’Education? § | That Committee has no connection | | whatever with Congress and has | I no legislative powers. In a letter I 1 to Judge Gram, of date of July I 123rd, 1930, C. R, Mann, Chairman i * of t h a t' Committee states; “We | have hot passed' specifically upon j any of the bills now pending i n f Congress, inasmuch as we are en-1,| gaged in studying fundamental res- f ponsibititie* and functions and in “ formulating basic principles and policies.” Doe* that statement sup- | port the Congressman's advertised ’ claim that- that Committee was “converted to his idea?” IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MR, BRAND IS ATTEMPTING AGAIN TO FOOL HIS EARNER FRIENDS? ‘ Every little while something re minds, you of two Words that the wise Greeks wrote above their temple doors, “Meden Agan,” meaning “Shun Excess.” ■Aristotle pot it almost a s briefly, “Not too much, not too little.” This time the “Meden Agan” re minder comas from Gertrude kderle, who swam the English channel, amaz ing the world almost entirely deaf as the result of the fourteen hours spent in.the cold English channel. The “outboard motor” idea, used for years on little boats, is successfully applied to the air. Hyrten Johnson, from Oakland’s field, in a glider with a thirty horse power engine attached, went up I f,600 feet. Boys and young men will want to experiment with that. G A S W E L t» i f s, . 1- t it a n i c D e tro it $L THI »AV T «* X t M I A TRIC SHOP APTtlAWCr COMIAHV T cU p h on * 5 0 5 s # ahp mcmt **} DUT ItlCT John MacDonald years ago swore that.Tom Mooney and Billings were responsible for a bomb that destroyed many lives. Now he swears his orig inal testimony was perjury. “If he is telling the truth this time,” Modney and Billings will, of course, be set free. How are the seven justices of Cali fornia’s Supreme court to know whether MacDonald was lying then, or is lying now? Knowledge of hu man nature may help. One thing is certain. MacDonald committed per jury, then or now. The governor and the judges might Well hesitate to keep men in jail on his testimony. Canada’s election surprised many of our friends in the' north. Mackenzie King, who has been prime minister for twelve years, lost the election to a Conservative, a lawyer named Berrett. King, educated a t Harvard, was al*1 Ways on friendly terms with the United States. Perhaps his d e fttt means that Canada doesn’t like our new, tariff. For the first time a woman is elect ed to the Canadian parliament. Nine more that wanted to he elected failed. Turkish territory was invaded by savage tribesmen coming out of Per sia, Kama) Pasha threw -his troftpe into Persia to get them and killed thousands of them. I To Persia’s demand for damages “for* invasion” Kemal replies, “Come' and get the damages,” j SUR-1 f ! i Why does Mr. Brand mention the f 16 os, Ohio Bread Law? What con nection has that with his service in Congress? Of what value has his advertised collective selling law been to either f farmers or consumers? | 'According to the advertisement: Mr. Brand claims independence of I the-POLITICAL-BOSSES. Then ‘ If, by any miracle, this $100,000,-1 000.00 bill should be passed, some^ | body would hive to pay the $100,- § 000,000.00. Do yOU, Mr.’Voter, not | realize that Ohio is one of the eight | states which bear the burden of | furnishing the money for the other f forty'states? How will that relieve ' the Ohio farmer? Mr. Brand has now shifted from t GRAVEL ROADS to HARD FACE ROADS. WHY? why was he endorsed by the DEE § PEMBERTON-MAL DAUGHERTY f MACHINE and why are they seek-1 ing to renominate him for a FIFTH I TERM? | According to the same advertise ment, Mr. Brand claims to have se cured pottofflee buildings fo r Springfield and Urbana. U it not m well known fact that Senator Fees was the person responsible for se curing the Springfield postofilce building? As far as Mr. Brand having any influence with the ad ministration in securing postofllcCs or anything else, we would point ou t that he did no t have influence enough to appoint even the Census Supervisor for this district, being one of very few Republican Con gressmen in the United States who did not appoint the census supers visor In his home district; MR, BRAND CANNOT-POINT TO A SINGLE ACCOMPLISH MENT IN HIS FOUR TERMS IN CONGRESS AND PROVE Vt BY THE CONGRESSIONAL REC ORD, EXCEPT PENSIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL WIDOWS. HAS MR. BRAND CARRIED THROUGH ANY ONE OF HIS PLANS OR PROMISES, SOME OF WHICH HE HAS MADE TSVERY TWO YEARS? WERE THEY ALL CAMPAIGN PROMISES TO GET FARMER VOTES? VOTE FOR~JODQB HARRY G. fGRAM—FORcjEfiBMX ,, Oritm *or gggjM*! Committee * t . 0 . . m m t t Chrirman. Margaret 1 , tak e r, Secretary %ringfi*ld, Ohio, itMmiH)>>h)awuiiiiiHaiaii(fsw*hiM<iieiieeiiniiiisii(iii<)i V o te F o r JOHN A. NORTH For County Commissioner Republican Primary, Tuesday, August 12 -Political Adv. \ o u Save in m an y ways when yen and by large industrial companies whichkeepaccnratecost figures. Hon- fflreds o f these companies use fifty, one hundred, and two hundred Ford Cam and trucks. One large corpora* tion uses eight thousand! Their ex perience is a dependable guide for yon in the purchase o f an automobile. See the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you a demonstration ride in the new Ford. You will be par* ticnlarly pleased with its easy-riding comfort, ease o f control* alert speed and acceleration, and the safety o f Its folly enclosed four-wheel brakes, fix addition, every new Ford brings yon viricing cvidence o f it in the increas* the' added protection o f a :Triplex ing purchases by police department* shatter-proof glass windshield. LOW first cost Is jnst one advantage o f buying a Ford. Of even greater importance is the saving in the cost o f operation and np-keep. As the months and years roll by* this saving will total many dollars. The economy o f the Ford is doe to its simplicity o f design, high quality o f materials, and accuracy in manu facturing; Every part has been made to endure— to serve'you faithfully and well under all conditions for many thousands o f miles. Thousands o f Ford owners will tell you of the economy and reliability o f the new Ford. You find further con- NEWLOW r * n » MUCKS t e e k i i r *. . . • •435 Fbsrtoa ' . . . . 440 Tsdor SeSsii. . . 495 Cwpi . . « . . 495 ftp eel Cos^o . ^. • 825 U l s t t C n f a . . Muss vlafiaw Fowler .845 Boim . . . * £00 Cemwrtibl*Celwiolel 625 Dc I mx * PkMlM * *25 Be L « * 8 e i n . * 640 Tem S d n . . . 660 M frhmt f. •. k Mti fnl»Kt « m I if.Hw r. R m > jmh Hr. MW. wntewMl M S C»mf my ptm *f M m mfm* —»iSsr fm T*wl **NSMJb Ask th e iw a r e s t . V o r d B o r fo r for a HomonttrMlon mwiWSJr '*UWislVn JIUnW S M *M . . . . __ mm *. T « mm s m fm mm SM f*.J tmo, sAtt- 1 J. u-ws pis simrawwa mpsu * ctw*. V m »mi a Is U m *• iMMt- Pam*’HftiliS' mM -MdtMJL. vmSi sms S*1 SBMEP^t e ^pmmmSn^aas UPS- *M «U*h I. Mhk WuSM’a i " * • » M M S . t o ****** *g>. on-' ^ Uum*EKmiPbee mwiMwsaiasnasa^nasmaa$ma$$E$> V * K . a . M S f S B C s a r A R T a
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