The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
V*-- \ l w c s m a w w m u » , w b p a t . Itftw w , n o T H B C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D ! MAET3I MtlT.T. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER NftfcwdAt the Poo* 0® e*, Cedwville, Ohio, O ctoberS l, 1887, M aoooad elam ' n PRIDAY, JUNE 2Q, 1980 PUN ISHM EN T f o r t h o s e w h o t r a n s g r e s s North Carolina was one o f the southern states that fe ll into the H oover column in the last presidential election. Senator Simmons, a fter a service o f twenty years, was seeking re-elec tion but suffered a terrible defeat in the recent Democratic pri mary in that state. Simmons could not stand Al Smith f o r presi dent and this yea r o f 1930 the Democratic voters cou ld not stand Simmons. Evidently there has been a b ig change in senti ment in North Caroline.' A Greene county resident was a visitor in 4hat state pre vious t o the primary and reports that he never was in as hot a campaign. The Rian is very strong in the Democratic party in that state, o r was supposed to be, but the primary result indi cates the Democratic Klansmen want back in A l Smith’s party.. Democrats that were regular two years ago made things hard. 101 those who bolted Smith. The Klan can hardly hold togeth er. Even regular Democrats went so fa r as to cut financial sup port to churches as a punishment f o r taking a hand in the elec The North Caroline result is indicative o f one thing, the South is still Democratic. One other state, Alabama, is yet to vote and Senator Tom Heflin must face a situation much like what Simmons did, and: h e ‘will find the result the same. An other blow to the power o f the Klan. I /A r t h w f l l r t f tM i a * Leisure **i Money &?*» Qmnowt NajNfrw WekoMC to B ra il Important ‘ to the human race are physical power ami mental power. Mental power has stood still for about two thousand year*. Physical power is constantly increasing A G-erman has found.* way to in crease the power of engines, gasoline, Diesel or steam, from 90 to CO per ent, his new hind of turbine using the power of exhaust gases. axurns MHUPTO MILWAUKE KEEPING STEP WITH BUSINESS One o f the largest mail order houses in the country has an nounced that next year it will reduce its enormous stock from over ij.2,500 different items to about 5,500 items. How many business men know the reason fo r such a radical change? How many business men know new conditions are arising in the mer- chantile field that are causing not only mail order houses but chain stores to fo llow different course in the future? The mail order house in question has found out that it has been handling more lines o f goods than Have proved profitable. It has found out that many lines have a slow sale. It has dis covered these slow moving lines have been loosing money and f o r that reason only quick selling merchandise will be carried lifter this year. Is this not a lesson worth while to all merchants, whether ia the small town or large city. Are there not thousands o f mer chants that have more different lines than are proving profit ab le? Successful merchandising can only be brought about by having what the trade wants. Customers are shoppers nowa days and the time is nearing when there will be a return to the plan o f hatdware fo r hardware stores; bread in the bakeries; groceries in grocery stores and furniture in furniture stores. Stores that cannot find a quick turnover fo r their stock today are facing a serious problem. The public does not want goods that have aged tm shelves. The public w ill not be satis-' fied with anything but the new goods and latest styles., Mer chants must realize this change and confine their lines to those with the fastest turnover. Lufthansa, great German air com pany, has ordered a Diesel engine built bn the new plan for airplane experiment. Fuel oil will be used. Germany leads the world in me chanical invention and in chemistry. Professor Claude, one of theworld's most distinguished physicists, informs i;he French Adademy of Science that le is making progress in hiseffort to utilise power from the oceart, A small fraction, of the tides’ powers would; make all other power uiipec cssary. The tides, once harnessed, would,,,run our machinery as long as; the sun and moon combine to raise and drop the waters of the ocean, TEACH BOYS POWER USE More extended instruction in the handling o f machinery, and particularly in the use o f electricity, is advocated fo r farm boys by the Federal Board fo r Vocational Education, according to the southern regional agent. He declares that electricity is rap id ly becom ing used to * greater extent on farms, particularly in theSoq th and in other sections where waterpower is available. For this reason he urges the necessity f o r requiring vocational agricultural teach e » t o study the op e ra t ion a l electrical equ ipm en t ,^ that they may teach the boys underibe ir charge how to employ it in prac tical farm ing. ‘ ■; " Recently a specialist in the. Department o f Agriculture pointed out that mechanical power can be produced at less than ha lf the cost o f animal power. The increased cost o f man power is also an important factor in hastening the employment o f greater number and a larger variety o f labor-saving, machines. The farmer o f the future must have a certain amount o f mechanical knowledge, hence the farm boy should begin as early as possible to master the practical operation o f power- operated machinery^ rrofessor Claude’s experiments use he warm water at the surface of .ropical seas to operate a turbine, tin water being converted to steam by means of a vacuum. Cold water fron the depths of the sea is’ used ’to re- condense the steam and renew the; /acuam. < It is complicated for the nonacienti- Sc mind, but if there is “an- inex haustible store of power in tropical sea water,” ‘that certainly will make a great difference to enormous popula tions living near the equator in com- 'parative idleness. The death of Sir Henry Segrave, brilliant, courageous Englishmen, will be regretted everywhere. He had developed new speeds in motorboats and automobiles, and was killed when a boat in which he was going 100 mites an hour turned over {and sank. r Mr. Nelson Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller, writes bp "Mia Use of Leisure,” in the Dartmouth alumni magazine.. The article is well written, serious. In time the young man’s problem will be “the use of money.” - His fa ther and .grandfather da not live ex travagantly. They give away a great deal bu i compound interest is more powerful than their giving. With any sort of»iuMm*m«ntthe third.geiiari tion of Rockefellers should have at least five billions of dollars. A large sum to use satisfactorily. Readers of the Humidm ay be in terested la * few side lights about the city that entertained the National Edi torial Association this week. To get to Milwaukee you must -go through Chicago and a stop In that city shows some wonderful progress during the past two years, Chicago may have her “beer war” and “machine gun” Ploy but business is moving slowly about normal. This the third city in the world w8t in 1*W hold the next great World** Fair and excellent pro- gresa is being made towards grounds for the event by filling the lake, Acvt after acre now has wide cement walk* end roadways -with the landscape dotted with trees and shrubs, Upon reaching Milwaukee one.'na- turally wonders how the name origin ated and We find It comes from, the Indian name “MiHicke”, meaning, Good Land.” This must he true foi v« find crops under way following vlate spring that has been benefited by almost weekly raln fall. Peonies are new in full bloom and the finest strawberries we ever saw-are-found in all the markets. What‘a contrast tc all Ohio and part of Indiana. This city has a population of 570,00C people Upd has many industries that are*famous outside,of the reputation sde?years ago by Mr. Rabat. ,Evl- !entiy what Mr. Pebst did for th<- hirst o f the country has not yet he- Dpio history If aU reports are true- But at that we would guess conditions here are no worse than in other cities, if *s bad as in some. . The- German influences—cultural, social and industrial are evident every where. In the*city we find Marquette University, a vocationtraining school; a state teachers* college; Milwaukee, Downer College for girls; ConCordis College; a Seminary; Art School; Business Schools and 102 elementary, high and technical schools. The public library has 800,000 volumes and there are 280 churches and 44 hospitals. The civic spirit stand* high and we find all the street* and alleys unusual ly clean. It. fa the only city in the world that haS men collect ashes from the basement and what a stroke any municipal administration could make by following this example. ( Milwaukee boosts of another feature n havings clerk of courts that has collected all forfeited hail bonds dur ing the past forty years except an amount that is less than $1600. This tfi IntiwPubllc Museum we find fifty pieces of Nedgwood, said, to be the brirt',1* 'th*werl&; • 'Also the Nunaen- Mfdier eolJeetfcm of 'arms numbering: 2,206 piece!,-an -exhibit; • the Hke of which oenaet he found sb swhato. One of the topics discaseed here, as weft p» UMeage, to townew tariff aa< hour it wifi affect business. The lead ing JtepebUoaa papers, even I* Cfcka- go see Httle hope for betterment. Among editors end publishers there is a greet difference,of opinion and with many not even an expression from a,party standpoint can be had. While e few states may favor ttuThiH. there can be little truthful forecast made at this time. Several well known business experts at the conven tion touched on the tariff bat each stated the country cannot adjust it self on -the history and experience of the past for we have an entirely differ ent problem to face this time. Many valuable prizes were donated for the best editorial on “Wisconsin* or “Milwaukee,” the rift of manu facturers and business men under the direction of the Milwaukee Press Club. The capital prize was livp passenger Nash sedan with other prizes such a* electric radio, electric dish washer, furniture, and half a hundred ether prizes, aU of which will be greatly appreciated by the various winners. As host to hundreds of publishers from California to Massachusetts and from Florida to Minnesota the city has provided much entertainment. .Three days were devoted to business sessions after -which came sightseeing atid pleasure trips by train and boat to various points of interest in son and to Mackniac and Sault Ste, rips were made possible by large farie on the Canadian border. These business interests as part of the enter- '■•inment for visiting editors apd it vas with regret that business engage ments made it impossible for the writer to accept this hospitality, —K. R. SAVE! A SPECIAL SALE OF ALL SUITS AND TOPCOATS, INCLUDING HOT WEATHER SUITS AND r tr o p ic a l w o r sted s • i p * * 2 3 90 * 27 * ° IN ■ FORMERLY $22.50, $28.50, $34.50 There are first vioUa wb* aa* born In an insane Used to a Wtnt* and is (Sliced violins Later be ssu he discovered Jin nnioufiicli! la the art. In the Tyrol. Subject -fitiiiiiitiiitiiiiMimtni Subject" The Y. P. C. U. enjoyed a social and business meeting at the Auld home last Tuesday eveningwith a very foil attendance of the members and a very full attendance of the members.and a very enjoyable eveningwas 'spent with substantial refreshments. About fif teen expect to attend the Presbyteri*l Convention in Reynoldsburg, Friday. C L O T U E S t: J u t i L O . M c D O R M A N , M g r . USE THE TEN-PAY PLAN SPRINGFIELD OHIO IIMmitliMIMIMIMIIMI & ! ‘ V. W H A T ’S W R O N G A N D W H E R E ? Napoleon stud his government could not last if he allowed liberty to the | press, , Chicago gangsters seem to have! heard about that. A gangster bullet j in the back of the bead killed Alfred Lingie, Chicago Tribune reporter. Lingle, it seems, knew more about | gang criminals than a reporter ought | to know, according to gang standards, Chicago takes seriously this latest | killing. But conviction is improbable. The killer, probably, was some youth i in his teens, fortified with cocaine. Paid for the job, he did not know the.j name of the man he killed, perhaps doesn’t know it yet. It is hard for detectives to work in ] the absence of any motive. ISREUEVED IT FAMES 10 NJ 0 L 1 Cincinnati Lady, Husband and TfctW Tfifir OM Son Find Haaltfc In Naw Modicine A H e r t h e W i r s t ? • n " H v e M U e s THE'¥AXD| e i tmm& fadgnf’ good nutterials «nd careful craftnianahip la c^eCiaHj apparent In the new Ford after •the fim t twentjr-five thonaand m ilei. Long, continuous service emphasise* In mechanical reliability and economy o f operation and np<fceep». As yon drive the Ford throughmanymonths and years you will develop an increasing pride In its appearance and s growing respect fo r the substantial worth that has been built iuto-it* From every standpoint—-in everything that goes to make a good automobile— you will know that yon have made a far-seeing, satisfactory purchase. Wherever yon go, foot hear enthusiastic praise o f the car and this significant, oft-repeated phrase— “ Pm glad I bought a Ford.” I Presidsnt-EIect Julio Fnstts de Al buquerque of Brazil, coming to visit os, will be welcome everywhere. As head of Brazil** government, he rep- resents a gigantic empire, magnlfi ctntly typical of wealth and greatness in America, Larger than thp Unted States, wit|i one water power much more powerful than Niagara, a soil of fertility inde scribable, diamond mines who*# blue- white products surpaes all others, and, most important, an intelligent,' pa triotic, hard-working people, our guest from Brazil speak* for a nation of Whose friendship this country may be proud. * Wail Street continues to worry small fish* and reflect the actions of bigger men. " , Little Ones worry, and sell. Bigger ones, that have been taming out stocks, tens of millions of shares at a time, do n3t want any “violence,” so they let the market slide down hill a little white, then steady it. Thus you may see a tender father gently catch his Uttle child as r-R umps from' a height But one of these days the child may be seriously bumped, A F ord * n w I r Haw Yack teBa •# a 13,000-mlIe trip m h n U m IMtadi S m n and back in sixty days and.Miyi **tbs car waei How good are you at finding mistake*? the artist has intentlonaiiy made ’ Jieverei obvious sues to drifting the abev* picture. Seme ef them are easily dissevered, ethers may be hard. See how ten* It will taka YOU to find them JOHN A. NORTH C A N D ID A TE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ** ■ ' ' ' < * ‘ ■ ( - A ■ -4pt ■ to ill* •i to# iifutitui Vrimtio Aagimt ml New York city clihica announce “ffee plastic surgery.” If you doh't like your face the city will change it for you if you have a god reason. No bsatity parlor businee* will be dohe, no face,lifting to hide wrinkles, The Id** is to improve feces that interfere with assuring employment. Deformed noses,, “cauliflower” sari, torn lips, eaved-ln check bones titfifc, mak« facto repulsive, will be attend ed tO. :: ..w „ ", “ 'V Grover Atexafitoir, famous baseball pitched, is “fiMKHwdttionally released” by the Philadelphia National league club, It moans that his day la 4 toe, Such la fame, when yon acquit* it with aims, legs, physical atttngtlu MRS. CRBRRSA SCHMIDT “Beaide helping me, Konjola bene- fitted my husband and three year old boy,” said Mrs, Cheresa Schmidt, White Oaks, Cincinnati. “ I suffered from stomach and kidney trouble and norvooeneae. Food seared in my stom ach and formed gas. Paina across the back, dizzy spells and bilious attacks nude life a burden. My feet and limbs Swelled terribly'and I was so tried all the time that the simplest household tasks wet* drudgery, “I had read and hoard a great deal about Konjola but I had no idea it could do all,.that it did in my Case, The second bottle began to show its effect. 1 kept right On with Konjola and today 1 weigh lflO pound*, eat what I Wish and sleep well at night. The swelling has left my ankles and feet ahd my housework is no longer drudgery* My nerves ate calm and I am enjoying life; We knew what to do at our house when we do not feel right. We will never be without Kon- Jela,* *' Konjola drive* the accumulated poi son* from the body, stimulates the oil ing organs and aide Nature in re storing hew and ahogdant health. A tori test, from six to eight bottles, has amased titouemidf of mew and women wfc#1found now health- lie tide great miditrim. Konjola it Mid tit GolarvMo,- Ohio;, atPtowimfcft ItoeWh and W fg .gM- tiyfrmi 'Usnpmtoe worn . e^su osmuse fortiUe mod opoudy.” A ggetofwl fathar tells few t b Triflax ohnlter proof gum r io lild d d m ed U s wife aril nlrfMrom from oerlova fasj«ry. To tori time, a largo eompoay ftrwro a mowFerddsy eod alri<t>foramatoraji of 500 mBio every twomlffearfceere. Mwao still giving satlafaetohy fiotvioa after 105,000 mlleo. A Fmri c * tiwt lari fUBam lade Fornam Lake wm enhuaargod tmf twolve iays Im> fore bring ralaod. Afteramowholtary and carfaaretoxrbowlworetarioBodiltwaodrlvem idktoS Mmty af $ha zperiri advnnlogoe of ftko ForA in crowded aceriemtlmh, ahd ram from Xbpenhagah4odPariodo^Cb|N9»* bagaa, tbroe gold medala In Etq^and, first making be tbe dnrrirility toot ower tbo tortnonoAmwinoee rood inP ern , and first fle e# tattbo 1 9 3 0 rrilability ran conducted by f t * Royal Antomobile Q nb o f Sweden, I V f oontsri W m mi occeptlonally oo> voro tori o f cndnraaee and sturdy eon* oeanoh it w m krid In the dead o f aad eoreTod 6 0 0 miles o f a to id f '« f « e omow corered oonntryroade ■ ■ » 1 of t amiroL An bn s*o ado*. pBfdiMbg A t Ford lai 'ftkimjMdtaaiafi' ftoai JUiahitositoML^^wIk :r.-„ *n oommom^so -majpotiont anWRlpM’m Germany, Franeoaodltofy, tbo Ford worn 'ftJUjs-jdtomdJaFftriimftiim ^ mm^'ft'niwft' v w * M M MlMMMmMMFo' tot fMatosriLdtoaeamdaMnnaa to Otoe *ewMwp| maoo Mvmvoiinip-tRBiiMPPR?ftlRMRRPRHMP. N E W E f tW f * l » P l l C i f l • W 5 ’ Cenjio . , $495 • 440 Tudor Sedan 495 SfortGonpo • • ,• , « .* , >S25 DoLwceConpo * . , . * * $45 Tlmomwiodow Fordor Sedan , , $00 Cemvartible Cabriolet . . . . £$$ Do Luxe Phaeton ftgS Da Imxe S e d a n ..................................640 Town Sedan , 660 ■Wprise* fiOkhtpmotif platAelgfctandieftem^ miu.njijjgiiiual' ^WB WWm wm9g9wwmft* Mi P ommr • X K n v o n G o m v a n v j
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