The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52
t*a<agugm um rtapiAT, rrftrkbi * *$,up I 1 Si ; ‘ l»H TUB CEDARVILLE HERALD wm* EDITOR AND PUBLISHER * r t# red * tth « Port Office, Cedorville, Ohio, October 31,1887, HI wniwict ela** inattir. F R I D ^ ^ ” MAY HAVE POSTAL INCREASE Report* given out by Postmaster General Walter Brown in dicate the department will sooner or later ask for an increase in portal rates on that class mail to meet a constantly growing deficit in the operation o f the department. It has been suggested that the increase be two and phe half centsinstead o f two cents atpresent, What the reactiuu will be no one can tell at this time. A few years ago the rate for third class mail was increased and-the tonage dropped so low the government lost more than under the lower rate. The in crease was more than the traffic could bear. The amount o f free mail from government departments evidently could be reduced many thousand tons each year. Again there is no reason why a congressman shoud hjive frank ed mail much o f which is purely o f a political nature. If the government pays railroads in proportion to what shippers* pay these rates should be reduced. Railroads are cutting service to the*public without consideration o f public needs to reduce operating costs. Such a policy could bring lower rates to the government for hauling mail and to, shippers in general. Re duction in government operation as well as state will have a greater appeal to the public at this time. Increased taxes and mail charges will be resented by the public. by Arthur Brisbane He’ll Try » Lindbergh W ill NiiSaoUai Fall? Angels That Watch Us Oakland’s Fine Idea R oy Amroel, a rai-haired young man from North Dakota, who did some air fighting in the war, and enjoyed it, has invested his $4Q,ik)0, including his last dollar,. in * fast Lockheed Ex plorer plane, and plane to fly by him* self to Paris. He calls the trip that he plans "Doing a Lindbergh,” and hopes to cover the distance, 3,610 m iles, in about twenty-five hours, beating Lind bergh by nMrly eight hours. I f he does that, Lindbergh w ill be well pleased. The engine decides the speed, and Lindbergh, like everybody else, knows that the trip will be made eventually in ten hours and less, GAMBLING IN FOOD PRODUCTS Wheat has reached a new low price and we are t o1d it is the lowest in twenty-four years. Farmers have not much reason to worry about that for the simple reason ninety-five per cent of wheat raised by farmers was sold at threshing time. •This means that wheat at the new low price will not excite many farmers, unless it is the few that have some in storage. The speculators that deal in wheat and paid much higher prices are now letting out'long and' loud crys about low wheat and the blame is being placed on the Russian government. . I f the Russian government had anything to do with dealing in wheat on the Chicago market by "selling short” some Ameri can broker or brokers actually made the transaction possible Demands have been made by Secretary Hyde o f the Chicago Board o f Trade for an investigation, meantime wheat continues to drop. Lower wheat in the big market should mean lower feed prices such as is found in the patent brands and bran. But will farmers get this benefit at a time when they need it most? How much will flour drop 2nd how much can the. baker lower the price o f bread? Cattle have been low in price hut the consum er finds little difference in the price o f meat for his table. Gambling ip food products may be prohibited someday bul o f recent years any form o f gambling, in the stock market has beep regarded lawful business. Men have been ruined, banks have been closed as the result o f this form o f gambling but the public seems to be more interested in petty gambling like what might he found at a dog race track. It seems to be a greatei sin than gambling in food products. . George Seldes, able newspaper man, returns from Europe, predicting "Mus solini’s fall from power -with his Fascist government tumbling about his ears within a year.” Revolution will do the job, says Mr. Setde$, and Mussolini’s enemies at home are preparing it, He thinks Mussolini might plunge Italy into war to stave off revolution.' Other rulers have done that, and successfully, * France evidently 'is convinced that her first trouble will come frbm Italy! and seeks alternately to placate and terrify the implacable and forever un terrified Mussolini. . Concerning that powerful leaders, the marvel is that he has endured so long Hie terrific strain o f gigantic re sponsibility- And a greatei- marvel is that, with absolute power and so many attacks on his life, he has ruled so moderately. ■ r "■"L HORSE IS STOLEN—NOW BURNING THE BARN Reports we read, o f the activity o f state officials handling what'is left o f the Washington C. H. bank wreckage would make the public believe Ohio’s bank inspection department was the most outstanding in the country. It is in the mind o f the public but for inefficiency, stupidity and corrupt political pull With the banking department and the .attdrney genera' taking some new form o f activity almost daily the public is expected to be made to believe that everything was all right and is now all right. Nevertheless the public knows the banks are closed and depositors see little or no hope o f getting their money back. Had these two departments been as diligent a year ago as today 6,500 depositors o f the two banks in Fayette county might not now be suffering the mental torture and anguish that has been inflicted upon them. It has been reported In banking cir cles that the Ohio Banking Department would not have permit ted the merger o f the two banks had it not been for the Daugh erty pull. ; , Depositors are satisfied and there is no power to dispel the idea that nothing but politics was responsible for the remain ing assets o f several closed banks being turned bver to the Daugherty bank as depository. I f the bank department admits it did not know o f the condition o f the Daugherty bank, it is proof the Ohio Bank-Department is inefficient. I f it admits it bank as a .depository. Suits by the score will be the result o f the activity o f the department and the attorney general. Innocent citizens will be subject to humiliation and heavy costs to defend themselves at a time when not only their financial resources are the lowest but a time when their funds are probably all tied up in the wrecked institution. The order o f the day with the state 'officials in charge o f the bank affairs is nothing more than-grandstand play to ease the conscience o f those who have lost and to* fool a large per cent o f Ohio citizens that have never: experienced hav ing their money tied up in. a wrecked financial institution. A little dfligence and honest dealing raonths ago would have saved hundreds o f depositors their money. It might also have given the Ohio Bank Department a better standing in the minds o f the public. It would also have saved many other banks embarrassment that naturally follows exposure such as Wash ington C. H. is going through. ' ■ Every citizen in reviewing the Fayette county situation should apply himself or herself as one o f the victims. It then would be easy to realize what 6,500 depositors o f the two- banks are now experiencing. Had the Ohio Bank Department a head that could act with out political consequence the horse would never have been stolen. As it is the department is attempting to distract atten tion by burning the bam to get the nasty mess out o f the minds o f the people most concerned. It is no wonder Fayette county citizens are hard to convince that their savings were safe guard ed or what little left will ever be returned. Every new move by* state officials,now is only cause for more suspicion. Angels that watch us,ran perhaps talk about us, must'have been amused when they saw Henry Ford sleeping at Nancy, in a bed once occupied by the sultan o f Morocco. .The bed could not well have held two individuals farther apart than the sultan o f Morocco and the sultan oi Detroit. * i But to the angels we may seem-as much alike as ants seem to us. Oakland, one o f the most progres sive cities in progressive California, establishes, thanks to the University o f California, the country’s first "adult education center.” The adult, rather than thd child, craves information, eagerly seeking tt repair lack o f neglect o f opportunity in childhood. No man should feel that he is "too old to learn.” Desire to learn proves o f itself that you atili can tear#. On tile opening day o f the univer sity fo r adults, students admitted in cluded a banker, a day laborer, school teachers, two doctors, a dentist, a photographer, clerks, bookkeepers, in surance agents, a successful merchant and two truck drivers. Well might the anqient Chinese say: “He that knows not, and knows that he knows not, is wise. Encourage him.” Chicago’s police, in the fight against racketeers, raided 10 labor union o f fices. Papers seized show the deter mination o f racketeer gangB to "mus cle” into reputable tabor groups and control them. Forunately, union labor as a whole is free thus far from any racketeering taint. But union racketeering does exist on a gigantic and dangerous scale. The welfare o f the unions demands that it be stamped out. H ave Y ou Exam ined Y ou r R oo f? The long dry season has made many leaky roof’s. Now is the time to fiix them up to meet the fall rains and winter snow. Grip Tight Asbestos Fiber Roof Paint Will do the work. For tin, shingle or felt roofs. Tejn year guarantee on job. No tar. Will not crack or peel. A. B.McFARLAND,Agent *•*■*« In a secret test Captain Orlebar, squadron leader in the British air force, *heat his own new world’s rec ord fo r speed, made when he won the Schneider cup, 355 miles and a frac tion per hour, He has recently severely times ex ceeded 400 miles per hour, a speed that would bring him across th^ At lantic in less than a day, across the Pacific by the daylight o f one day. We are not far from real flying. HERALDWANTAND SHEADSPAY 1 Congressman Hamilton Fish., Jr., able, earnest young man, head o f the committee appointed to investigate the "Reds,” says investigation should cover the United States. He is right. The United States should know about all important activities, includ ing those o f "Reds,” and, if possible, some others, inefftding national graft ers, racketeers, bootleg organizations and wholesale criminals, ‘The "Red” menace, which worries one o f our "best minds,” seems to he spreading, 0 ( 0.1 AM.WfSt m REVIEW—THE QRKATNE 8 S, THE $OGM*EARIN 9 GOLDEN TBXT—Tb. (Mr o f Je&p. vakils Uts beginning of wisdom; a sco« understanding have at) tb.jr that do hla commandments; tol. aralaa on. dureth forever, PRIMARY TOPIC—-What Makes peo ple. Great ; JUNIOR TOPIC—What Makes F.o- pIoGraat INTERMEDIATE AND SENIORTOP IC—.What Makes Me* and Woman Great?- YOUNG PEOPLE AMP ADULT TOP IC-—An JDatlmat* of the Characters Studied Darlas the Quarter, Leeeon for July t. When called to go oat from his own country and kindred, Abraham be lieved God and obeyed hla command. True faith la proved by unquestioned obedience. Leseon for July' 13. / Jacob, % crafty schemer, through discipline at, God’s hands, became Israel, a prince with God. Before he could enter the Promised Land a change must take place, Self-will must he broken.before 'there cut be confi dence In God. Lesson for'July 29. Moses, educated, first at hla moth- er’a knee and then at Pharaoh’s court, was forced to flee from Egypt be cause of a premature effort to deliver the enslaved people. Forty years of training In the wilderness was neces sary before he was ready, to bear God’s calL Lesson for July .27. In the time of national emergency, there being no man' to iudge Israel, Deborah was called to take this place. God bestows blit grace upon .whomso ever be will, regardless of sex. Leeeon for August S. - Ruth chose. |o csst her lot with God's people. Thl* choice brought her not only sslvntlon' bot earthly blast ings. Ruth’s relationship to Naomi shows the vital fellowship contend In the God of IpraoL National preju dices, hatred,' and strife disappear on the part of those who an nnlted in Jeans Christ ' , . Lesson for August 10. •Hannah , asked God to give her a son, promising to dedicate him to God’s service. God heard her pnyer and aha named her,eon Samuel, which means "asked of God.” Samuel In his tender years wag given to God, and ha rendered a distinguished service for many years. Leseon for August 17. Saul was a man of fine gifts and had a gnat opportunity, but made a dismal failure because hla heart was not right toward God, Ha had more concern for hla Ownhonor andwelfare than for the glory of God. God la moro concerned with, having hla com mandsobeyedthanhe igwith the offer-: lng of eacrlficea. , Lesson for August M, - Friendship between David and Jona than has bean immortalized. This friendship was unique in that tt took place between two men of rival in terests. Jonathan was the natural heir to the throne,ImtDavidwasGod's choice. Jonathan Imew this and mag nanimously waited hla rights. Lesson for August 21. Amos, a humble herdsmen, was called from bis Ufa as God's prophet to stand before the ktag. Ha was not n prophet by succession nor was ha trained In the schools. God selects ids servants snip #f fils, ° .Lagoa# far isgtewiber f, Jariah, Dm young Wag, wna legal to Gad. Two wicked kings had pro. ceded him. during whose reigns God’s law wm lost God put tt into Ms heart to Inaugurate a rafOmsnttao. and to theprows*of restoring the tem ple, Urn law was found. When it wm reed before him, the king rent bis clothes, and proceeded to instUnta his reforms on tbs tmsls of God's word; Lesson for September 14. Jeremiah, having beerd God’s call In his early yeere, sealoasly carried on his ministry. He called upon Indi viduals to face their responsibility be- fore God, assuring them that they would not be judged on the basis of racial heritage. -Every man shaU give an account of himself to God, Leeson for Saptambar 21. Jonah, a Jaw, wm called to pnach repentance to a Gentile city, Ha sought to escape his responsibility by fleeing to Tarshlsb. God prepared a fish to swallow him. This wm tbs meana of his chastisement and return to tfis own land. After chastisement be was recommissioned. At hi* preaching the city repented, •< putting on their sackcloth and aahee. God is not willing that-any should perish but that alt should come to repentance. Revealed l i the Divine Beak All that I am I owe to Jeeua Christ, revealed to me In his divine Book.— David Livingstone. Sunshine" Those who bring sunshine to the live* of others cannot keep it from themselves.—J. M. Barrie. . Defending the Bible Spurgeon said: "You talk about defending .the Bible1 It’s a HonI Open the cage and let It out!” Before marketing your live stock call THE SOUTH CHARLESTON STOCKYARDS DAILY MARXIST Phone SO 3. K. SMOOTS f P. P. SMOOTS MONEY PAID WHEN WEIGHED First Stethoscope Rena Theophlle Laennec in 1808 made with hit own lathe the first' stethoscope,, the forerunner of the ! modern Instrument carried by every | practicing physician today. Most of themodern termsdescribing the condi tions In the chest, both normal and tuberculous, were originated by Laeu- nec,—Hygefn Magazine. M E T R O P O L I S •JDLEASING service that antic* ipates every convenience and comfort o f the guest, complete appointments and distinguished cuisine make it an ideal hotel for .visit to Cincinnati' Walnut between - 6thandyth (one square southofBus: Terminals} “HERALDWANT ANDSALEADSPAY” A DEMONSTRATION Of thenew“Oliver Hart Pari Row Crop Tractor”, will begiven on theFrank Harbisonfarm Westof town at ISOO’clock - \t • -- •*-. . ’ ^ '.............. Friday, September Z 6 th Comeandseea real tractordo itswork right. E. A. Allen The atore beside the track Crime becomes ever more efficiently organized. A gang o f automobile thieves, al leged by the government to be man aged by a distinguished criminal, for merly o f Chicago, takes orders through regular salesmen fo r any car you want. They explain that some cars were ordered fo r shipment to Russia and the shipment refused. You„give_yoqr order fo r a fine car. at half price. It costa $50,. aa a bribe, to arrange for license plate changes.* Blue Smackover ■« . * Near the Ouachita River in Southern Arkansas there is a little town called Smackover—a name now world famous because o f the Crude Oil this‘field produces. These Crudes contain a high natural content o f the so called, aromatics naphthenes and unsaturates petroleum compounds which produces the desired anti-knock qual ity. This unusual gasoline COMBINES IN ONE MOTOR FUEL every desirable quality required by high compression motors and in addition contains the same quick starting and smooth operating characteristics that ave popularizd High Test Gasoline. The great power found in Smackover accounts not only for its remarkable anti-knock performance but likewise is responsible fo r considerably higher mileage yields per gallon. NEVER BEFORE HAS A GASOLINE RECEIVED SUCH Instant Approval Once Tried*-Always Used-Come in and Fill Your Tank at the REGULAR PRICE t i c per gallon T h e C a r r o l l- B in d e r C o . PHONE 15 No.1—108E.MataSt No.2—N.DetroitSt No.3—BellbrookRoad , EXIDEBATTERIES,HIGHESTGRADEGASANDOILS Xenia,Ohio . i V ~ ' -J
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