The Cedarville Herald, Volume 53, Numbers 27-52

'H*t«■€* fttfcwrIf. ,pau»8MUtvfuji would , fwuy , octowi *,tm Court tu*#dtfe* lubinco» Cluband t*recent doing of .•tofJohn Sngs,The nanSian- iof Day- ible have teirjuri- jnaleged Walace qatingan fritz In notguilty‘ g undera I feta 'uition 1ofEdu- Common binedSl- ilagefor defendant uitionfor hat were istrict. iHiimutiHt .cl RDS ■'.K /, ,EUi!? 11 *,lc. mil Li. Cedarvilianscanbejustlyproudofournew municipalwaterworkssystem andsanitarysewers. Youcaninviteyourfriendsandrelativesfromadistance andshowthemoneofthemostmodernplantsin.Ohio. Tocapatalizeonourinvestmenteverycitizenshouldadopttheplanof"sel ing”histown whereverhegoes. Locatedasweare weshoulddevelopthe"com muter”ideaofthoseemployedinneighboring cities making Cedarvile their home, Wehavetheadvantageof modernconveniences withalowercostofliv ing..Splendidhighways makesthispossibleandthousandsareleavingthecity forahomeinasmalercommunity wheretheycanretideand beapartofthe .community. MUNICIPAL WATERWORKS SANITARY SEWERS PAVED STREETS J CEDARVILLE .COLLEGE CTDCf fill AfllJ. HIGH SCHOOL "CHURCHES PUBLIC LIBRARY MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES OURINTERESTIN THE WELFAREOFTHISCOMMUNITYPROMPTSUSTOSPONSOR THIS MESSAGE!TOTHEPEOPLEOFCEDARVILLE AND VICINITY O.P.Elias E.E*Neal C.E.Smith V.Rigio C.H.Crouse W W. Troute E. A. Alen W.Celif JamesBailey C.E. Masters CedarvileBakery h Richards’ DrugStore HiltopServiceStation A*.E*HueyHardwareCo. Jean Paton Ford Agency CedarInn I.C.Davis KarlhBul H.H.Brown M.C.Nagley Robt.Bird&SonsCo* W.L.Clemans IM P Old Mil Camp I k Ralph Wolford j CedarvileLumberCo. CedarvileTelephoneCo* HagarStrawBoard &PaperCo* by WILSONGALLOWAY, Mgr. H.W. Evans Geo.A. Martindale HomeClothingCo. TheExchangeBank byL.F.TINDALL,Cashier MironI. Marshy M*D. McMilanFuneralHome HughC*Schick, M.D* Leo Anderson y Boost Your HomeTown