The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 1-26
ClftAJtVILL* HJUU4UD, FJUIXAY, MAY *8, 1WL SPRINGTIME The Time to Plant PLANT A FEW DOLLARS IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TO GROW INTO A FULL HARVEST. The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio FIELD FENCE BARB WIRE AND POSTS PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND LINSEED OIL E. Maim St. Xenia, O. * : v : Hotel Chittenden Completely redecorated And remodeled * . . over $300,000 spent in making the Hotel Chittenden the logical choice for the traveler. Home o f the “ Purple Cow" Coffee Shop. Large, comfortable rooms — exceptional service. Rates from $1.50 upward. Geo. A Weydig, Manager COLUMBUS, OHIO /Minted w i t h 1 Hanna’s, became Hanna'* * ma k e * h o u s e * t o o k younger.” Green Seat Paint, the quality coat for outside surfacet Not even blasting wind or blustering rain or broil* ing sun disturbs Hanna’s Green Seal A quality product since 1888, which has improved with each passing yean Here in our owh neighborhood arc examples of Hanna paint endurance. We have carefully observed these examples and know that whenwe sell Hanna paint to our friends andneigh* bors, We are selting them years o f protection and satisfaction. QUALITYFAINTS&FIN E. A . ALLEN Then's tm for evttjf pwjtea# CEDARVILLE, O. FRAGMENTS F IN AN ASTRONOMER'SWORKSHOP By Dr. Harlan True Stetson, Director of Parkins Oboorvatory, Ohio Wesloyan University, Author o f “M«n and th« S t a r t s ” ! CfefrhsMM, Uka psopte, respond te a diet eoatahsing liberal quantities of .graans. The lards prefer their salads , in the form of sods green food ae cab* i bage, kale, Swiss chard, alfalfa, end rape. NEW BOOKS ON ASTRONOMY After a luncheon talk on astronomy the other day an enthusiastic listener remarked that he had just read Sir James Jeans’ “ Mysterious Universe” with a degree o f satisfaction and de satisfaction and, delight he had not anticipated. Continuing the conver sation, he quoted the booksellers from It is only a spot to tbs astronomers ofearth. T la f ^ r iw t it wonMsngaNa mil lion earths Is mentfy a trivial state ment to males in passing, for 1mm will take you to ether stars composed o f stuff a thousand timM more weigh ty than any substance o f wfcieh wa know, where a teaspoonfbl would whom lie hid purchued the vohun, u T h » 7 <mwlU Tom- I’&nrssfiiitcd tli6 ijcat soiling ffrOUD ill where swarms o f stars will buzz a- represented the best selling group m m ^ ^ M you thehookstore ****• .. Itravel with the speed Of light it mar “ By the way, Professor another. ^ a Kundr#d ^ ollntld yeKra to re_ manmterrogated, “what are some o f „ pIgyerblllldf ^ the best books on astronomy that re-) therfl „ e count some of the latest discoveries of ' astronomy in termsthe ordinary lay-1;ToWow about them you simply must man can understand?” This question' ^ JeaM» «staw Thdr Courses.” was so timely and is so typical of the Thi, is by fw ^ moit ^ Md questions asked by thousands of m- mogt readable ^ ^ree recent telligent people today that the *na-,volume8 which have come frotn hi8 wer may interest every reader o f this ^ , f 8Uch a picture 8et8 you thinl?.. column, tbave delved Into his volume First pf all for a narrative account of the real thrills in astronomy, read Jean’s latest, 'The Stars in their ,cour- You won’t stay on the earth c e c v v v Believe* a Headache or Nsuralgla to M minutes, ehesks a Celd the krst day. and sharks Malaria in tiaras days. 99S i I m I n Tablets. ................. ' CAN BE CURED " ' HEMORRHOIDS (OR PILES) WITHOUT USB OP KNIFE WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME . A successful treatment for internal and protruding pita- Bag***®## from four to seven treatments at intervals of about once a wade far • cum of the average case. Also the Ideal Nod-Confining Method of Treatment for Fistulas, Pruriti* Ani (itching) and FiasuM, ete, DR. J. A . YODER Osteopathic Phyaician and Proctologist 1 8 ,19 ,20 Steele Bldg., Xenia Phone $84 . ‘ ses. long, but that is not to be expected Joi^ne^thaLJs-jtar^m inded. A ft e r ' w ith^m e 'U f all, is it not a little exhilarating to sc^ fiti||b thinking in forsake the office or even the golf links for a little flight into space, and to wonder about breathless fo r a while amo^g the intersteiler spheres ? - Jeans will take you on a rather flighty hop, past the moon and plan- “ The ing, you won’t be satisfied qntil you Mysterious Universe,” where Jeans the philosopher attempts to inquire In to the meaning o f it all. Here you will become acquainted lif recent years. You will se t why the physicist takes less seriously the views o f the uni verse accepted as so orthodox a gen eration ago. You may be introduced to Einstein and ■ his revolutionary theories about apace, and time ,and be ets, and soon arriving at the sun it- to wonder hdth De Sitter whether self.' You won’t be stopped much by tbe universe is really getting bigger the sun’s outer atmosphere fo r it is scarcely one- millionth as dense as our own. burrowing ability, it will soon be in the heart o f the sun where the tem perature rises to a few millions o f degrees. You will extricate yourself in time, perhaps, to see a terrific tor nado tearing across the solar surface. and bigger *11.the time, or whether the apparent recession o f distant I f your imagination has any saarB and nebu!ae may be due to Some U caav , V a ' lorn V... : - 2- ■. ^ ' T* ' effect at light and space not yet clear ly understood. For cultivating the imagination there is nothing quite so stimulating as reading oatromony. You believe it or not, but just try it. Improved Uniform International StindaySchool ' Lesson' I8 y REV. P. B. FITZWATER. D. D„ Mem ber. of Faculty. Moody Blbl. Institute' ot Chicago.) (©■ lW i, Western Nowxpnpor Union.1 Lesson for May 31 JESUS IN OETH$EMANE GOLDEN. TjEKlf—Saylor. F*tbcr, If thou ho Wilting, rotaova tbla cup from mot nevartheleaa not mjr will, but. thine, bo done. < LESSON ’ TEXT—Luke 32:39-54. PRIMARY TOPIC— J.xus In the Gar- den, JUNIOR TOPIC—Jeaua In the Gar den. • < * • INTERMEDIATE an d SENIOR TOP IC—Obeying God at Any Coat. YOUNG PEOPLE ANI> ADULT TOP IC/—The Meaning of Qethaemane. I. Jesus at the Mount of Olives. (v. 39). He went from the upper room under cover o f the night to the Garden o f Getbsemane, a favorite resort on the slope of the Mount of Olives, a short distance east of Jerusalem (Matt. 28:30), It is a place where the oil was crushed out of the olives. Geth- semane means “oil preas.'^ Olive oil was precious, being, used both for food and lighting, The bruising and crash ing of Christ In. this Garden lias yield ed the largest blessings to the world. II. Hit Companions (vv„ 39, 40). Peter, James and John, who had been with him on the Mount of Trans figuration, were permitted to go with him Into the deep shadows of the Gar den (Matt. 20:37). He took those who were best able to apprehend the mean ing of the tragic hour to be his sympa thizing companions. This was needed to prepare them as his witnesses. Knowing the peculiar trial through which they would soon pass when the Shepherd should be smitten, lie needed to prepare them for It. They needed to taste the bitter cup o f which he drank and of which they, too, later should drink, III. Jssus Praying (vv, 41-44). 1. Withdrawal from the disciples (v. 41). Even these members of the Inner circle could not now go with him. He tore hlnfself away from them, for lie must be alone in this darkest hour. He kneeled down and prayed, 2. What he said (v. 42). “If thou be wilting, remove this cup from me.” 22:34), but they were ao benumbed with sorrow that they failed to keep awake,. He gently reprimanded them and commanded that theyabotrtd-arise aad pray lest they enter late tempta tion. -. ■ V. Jaeua Betrayed (vv. 47, 48). . 1. The betrayer (v. 47). It was Judas, one o t tba twelve. He had ea- joyed the most' Intimate relations with the Lord: eating with him, .listening to his teaching, witnessing hla mar velous miracles, and enjoying bis. ■countenance. These privileges Inten sity the ttomir ot .tfcar deed. Ha even guided the Jritf to arrest Jasos, 2. The sign o f betrayal (ir, 47). tt waa a kiss, the token of the most tender affectlott aad frlendehip. 3. Jeaua’ tender word* to him (v.48). These words to the InCamoue disciple reveal the infinite'.tenderness of the Lord’s .heart ‘ Many protecting dis ciples today ate proving their disloy alty to Jssus and even are betraying him. AHwho bear thename o f Christ, and especially ministers sad teachers, who deny the Virgin birth, deity, and vlrariobs atonement o f Jesus Christ, are following in ths.footsteps of Judas. VI. Jssus Ariestsd (v. 64). The multitude led by Judas invaded .the sadred precincts of the Barden and arrested Jesus and brought him before the High Priest. Peter followed him afar off. Peter*! downfall may be traced to bis selfwonfidence, WOOL J. E. HASTINGS and FRANK CRESWELL will pay Highest Market Prices at old stand Wool Received at all Times » . Allen’s Elevator Faith a Necessity There Is only oae door Into heaven; that door Is faith, There la o&ly oh* ship that sail* for the skies; her name is Faith. There la only one weapon with which to contend with oppo sition; that weapou Is faith.—TaU mage. A Great Mistake There Is no graater mistake than to suppose that Gbristiaas can Imprest the world by compromising with It.— Selected. EXPLAINS HOW TO MAKE FINE CREAMY CANDY * ..Fudge, Panoehe, Mints, and.. Cream Centers Should Have Fine Granted Texture . Creamy, delirious candy that will tempt folks at parties, teas, picnics, and other affairs, is relatively easy to make i f a few simple directions are : followed, according to extension spec- ] ialists in home economics at the O. S. j The cup did not mean primarily the , University, t physical sufferings of tiie cross, though j To make fudge, panocha, mints, find they were exceeding great. He did not Icream centers, so that they will have now desire to escape from the cross ' fl fine g ratned taxtUre, it is beat to and tints to stop short of tils redemp tive work, for .litis was the supreme purpose of his coming Into the World (Heb. 2:14). He was so completely Identified with a sinning race that the judgment of a holy God which right fully would have fallen Upon It was about to strike him—the Father’s face was actually turned from him. The cup, therefore, meant his death as the : bearer of sin, He came to Gethsem- 1 ane with the full knowledge of what ■ U meant, and consciously brought his human wiHk into accord with the dl- ■ vine will, He bowed In aubmt*sieU to the Father’s will. So great was his agony thnt he sweat, as It were, great drops of blood. In this crucial hour au him. sion henceforth went with unfaltering steps to the cross, !V, th e Disciples Sleeping (vv, 45, 40). They had boasted of their fidelity (Matt, 20:85), but could not watch with him for an hour, He had leaned a word of warning to them (Luke dissolve the sugar by stirring until the boiling point is reached. The su gar should not be- stirred after it be gins to boil. They also suggest that the sides of the pan be washed frequently so that no crystals will form and prop into the syrup. After the candy is almost cold and there is ftd heat in the center of the pah, the mixture Is cool enough to beat. Ah soon as the track follow ing the spoon begin* to look dull, the candy is poured onto a greased pan. Beat until the mass holds together, then knead until 1at sioft and creamy; it can then be made into rolls and site- “ K M a y r a s : * ■«*“ ta“ , " ,m* *0 »1* Father’s will, and from - ~ s f b l a n ■ WANTED; Sour .Cream, Wolf’s ' Dairy, For price, ’phone 194, Xenia. < NOTICE— AU parsons knowing themselves to he Judebted to ths un- designed, please call and make ssttle- mentment at ones. - Dr, H. C, SeWok. SAVE it with US and let it WORK for you. It will earn more than 30 % profit in five years. A SAFE and SOUND investment that will give you the principal and profit in cash whenever you want it. Nothing speculative about this. It is secured by first mortgage on real estate and protected so as to be absolutely SAFE. ■ \ Ww P ay 51 % Oh Savings x We Charge 61 % .On Loans' SPRINGFIELD, OHIO c (j/ J U th eU d e it 1 9 3 1 T H I U A P I N 6 T I R E I N E V E R Y P R IC E R A N G E Enjoy your 2-duy holiday without live trouble L owest P rices E ver / , a Famous L ifetim e G uaran teed Q oodyfar Pathfinder EXTRA S a v i n g s P A I R S 4.40-21 (29x4.40) 4 . 50-2 (29x4.50) 4.30-21 (30::1.50) 4.75-19 M W (23x1.7.',) $ 5 .S 9 6.65 -Alt f,hct Lotc Priced- ^ Factory Firsts! JEAN PATTON PhaRe 4-179 CEDARVILLE, OHIO. --------- .................................. . BVANARTXBD TIKIS ttltl»AIR!NG~GOOP DSBP TIRES MiU* I .
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