The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 1-26

7KB CXBAKVIUJE B1RALD, FRIDAY, DCCXMBRS IS, ISM. THE CEDARVILLE HERALD K|A.BT.fl BUTJU — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jta&wad at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31 ,1887 , a* M«oad claw* matter. # FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930 ilin in'. ■i;ny.,«,.y jn in □ REDISTRIBUTION OF GASOLINE T A X We ran across an editorial several days ago argu ing 'for a new deal in distributing the gasoline tax, a subject that is being discussed more and more by the press o f the state. The cities as well as smaller toyrns And townships realize the forty million dollars collected by the state on gasoline must be returned in a fairer division than the law now provides. The federa l government has increased funds fo r Ohio roads by fifty per cent fo r the coming year and this gives rise to the thought that some relief must be given cities and villages b y a new deal. Improved streets are put down largely at the expense o f the abutting property owners. The assessment fo r hard surface roads on farm land has been abolished and this’' then leaves the property owner in town to carry an unjust share o f street construction costs. The improved street is just as important today as the improved road fo r it is the street that is the connecting link fo r the highway through towns and cities. As important as through roads are they only constitute 13 per cent o f the state highway mileage and get 62.5 per cent o f the gasoline tax goes to pay the bill. Township roads are listed at 60 per cent o f the mileage and only get 5 per cent. Counties have 27 per cent mjleage and receive 15 per cent o f the tax ; Municipalities receive 17 1/2 per cent which is fa r short of enough to keep up streets that are main .highways. The time is, coming when town property owners must be relieved o f the assessment cost the same as the land owners. by Arthur Brltbant Money and Game To Boycott Italy What Is Health? The Worst Hatred Two thing* are powerful in this country, money and sawed-off shot­ guns and other paraphernalia o f the gangster. Mr, Thaw escaped easily from the Matteawan hospital for the criminal­ ly insane some time ago. He had money. From the' same hospital recently es­ caped six supposed maniacs, some of them convicted murderers. Three gun­ men released them, defying the state; /overpowering the guards. I Church N on* iii 4 »i»uim tuiiiiiuii<«m —daMiii*—ium tiiH im iiiii UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School at 10 a. m, Supt. J, E. Kyle. Preaching at U |, n . Y. P. C, U. at 6:80 p, m. Subject Fourth Chapter to Mission . Study Book. Leader, Franees Finney. Union Service in the Presbyterian church at 7:80 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. Leader, Mrs, 3. E. Kyle. The Young Ladies* Missionary . So­ ciety met Wednesday evening wit. Mis* Frances Finney. Priaonera Will Not a Serve Sentence The Supreme Court this week re­ versed the Court of Appeals which had ordered that Forest Nooks and Samuel Wallace be tried again In Common Pleas Court where they were found guilty o f stealing chickens. The sentence waa from one to seven years and both have served part time in the pen and also the county jail. Some time age Judge Gowdy without wait­ ing longer for action from the Su­ preme Court discharged both Nooks and Wilson, who will now be free, FOB*** h * ws*» room. In goad condition *»4 win b* sold cheap, Call * «n 71- CHIBF DEPUTY NAMED Loriug Shepard, o f Xenia, ex-World war veteran, will be appointed chief deputy recorder when Leroy Wolf Greene county recorder-elect, takes office January 1, 666 Relieve* * Headache or Neuralgia in SOminutes, cheeks a CeW the first day, [and check* Malaria in three day*, j 6 6 6 a lg o in T ab lo ta . It is suggested that Mussolini may be compelled to take the advice of the big three concerning Italy’s navy, etc., by cutting off her credit. The big three, as you know, are France, Great Britain and the United States. If they arrange, as suggested, to refuse all loans to Italy, Mussolini might find, it difficult to survive. t «. IT IS A FAM ILY AFFA IR , FATHER AND TW O SONS As the present Ohio, “ Business Administration” passes and becomes nothing: more than an “ unpleasant memory” after January first, the writer, o f state history the past two years, ,ii such is ever attempted, must not overlook the fa c t that “ Busi­ ness has been Business” in seeing that prosperity fe ll to. the fa ith fu l.. State affairs h.ave been well cared fo r from a political standpoint,, the state having more employees, on the payroll than any time in its history. The stqte banking department has been a “ Father and Son” institution. O. C. Gray did 'well the bidding o f the lobby element as speaker o f the House and Gov!: Cooper awarded him head o f the Bank Inspection Depart­ ment, at a salary o f $7,500. Father Gray placed two sons in the department,, at a salary o f $3,000 each, which certainly would guarantee prosperity fo r the Gray family. But the Gray fam ily has not received all the state gravy fo r Harry Silver, state finance director at a salary o f $10,000 yearly, has had a son on the state payroll at a handsome salary f o r hard times, and the youth is a student in the O. S. U. The “ Business Administration” did not stop with the Gray and Silver families. A long list o f members of. the O. S. U. faculty, drawing good salaries, were provided soft births in state jobs under the*“ Capitol Dome” with equally good salaries as paid at the University. How a student could do any amount o f work in a state office and be in class and how members o f the faculty could hold down two different jobs at the same time is something that could not be explained other than by a “ Busi- •ness Administration.” It would be useless to go deeper, ever to the State Prohibition department, which has been a “ Father and Son” affair. On' the other band, something might happen that would hurt the feelings of the big three considerably more than Mussolini’s Italy has ever hurt them. - _________ ____ __ With Mussolini down, chaos, fol­ lowed by anarchy and disagreeable consequences, might develop.. •> The big three should know that one Russia in Europe is enough at a time, A girl from Iowa and a boy from .Missouri are selected as the “ health­ iest boy and girl in the nation.” The girl scored 99.7 out of a possible 100 points. The boy scored 98.7. Such scoring, o f course, means lit­ tle. Life and health depend primarily on heart, kidneys, lungs and nerve force. THE PEOPLE MUST CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES Government, under the democratic scheme o f things, exists fo r the sake o f its individuals. Its sole duty is to protect those individuals from encroaching on th e rights o f each other, When government goes beyond this, it becomes paternalistic. - ^ ’ The mania fo r reform , fo r regulation and suppression o f individuals and businesses is as un-American as communism, or facism. It represents an alien influence which has come into American life in the past few decades. It is an affront to the spirit o f our forefathers. Business has been persecuted. Individual rights have been abrogated. And the people o f the nation suffer. Every time the government or state takes over new power, the individual loses an “ inalienable” right. Every time politics lays its dread hand on business, the Constitution becomes less a living docu­ ment and more a useless scrap o f paper. ' • . On the one hand is our tradition o f individualism— on the other the new road which leads to communism. There Ts no middle cou rse^J tJa jup .io the people to choose their way. W E ARE NOT SO FAR APAR T AFTER ALL ---------- T h e telephone^nd-airplane-are-bringing-the whole-world. just a little closer each year. From the history o f man certain sections o f the globe have been so distant from us we really know little o f them.' F ew o f the millions o f th is country-have any conception o f what conditions are or what even exists in fa r off Australia. * There have been round the world tours by airplane but not many such excursions have been taken, just enough to prove that some day passenger communication will be closer. But we are closer than we think and with the telephone we can «-»vf>i^tH^^xpflnae-fl£-fourteen-thouaand miles, as easily as talk- ing from one city to another in our own state. We are told that telephone conservation between this country and Australia is n ow available. Mountains, deserts and the oceans have been crossed probably with no greater difficulty than when our first lines were laid across the western continent. In doing this time has been conquered and physical laws have yielded to science and invention while Aladdin’s magic lamp story no longer in­ terests us. You can talk today to Australia and receive the answer over the same wire, when its ’ ’tomorrow” ill that coun try^ Lady Astor gives a party and] in­ vites only women, thirty-six of them, who, says she, are the thirty-six most Important women. in^England;----------- And they are all workers in some field, scientists, doctors, government workers. Not oho" would be'called by our American reporters “ a woman” or anything approaching it. THE PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT Reports from all industrial centers in this country give stag­ gering figures as to the number o f unemployed. Industry seems to be paralyzed. General retail business is below ‘a twenty year average. Farm conditions mired in the mud. People are despondent and seem to have lost confidence. The other side o f the picture is that banks and building and loan companies have good reports. Savings have been in­ creased during the past y e a r / Many companies will pay the usual dividends to stockholders. But with all thjs there is a fear o f what the future has in store, a great lack o f confidence -***and why? . . . . . . . . There was a time when the people as a whole did not realize the value o f thrift but the World War taught them that and you have the answer as to why savings continually increase. Certain lines o f business f o r the year have been profitable but with many this is not true. Some contend that mass production has produced a labor situation such as the world never before knew and as a result an overstocked market, but most manu­ facturers produce only on order. We then have faced the lack o f a buyer’s market. A t present everything has gone back to unemployment and what can be done fo r it. It is a new problem f o r government and industrial leaders to solve. With indystry idle the govern­ ment also faces another crisis. Government must be supported largely from taxes on corporations and income. With factories closed there can b e no income from that source so v iere will the government get funds to meet the needs o f the unem­ p loyed? HERALDWANTANDSALEADS PAY’ Any workman fighting against ini* [M oved methods in machinery or any­ thing else fights against himself in the long run. Similarly any individual that fights against a new idea also fights against himself. - In Britain’s cotton industry, as in certain lines of work here, workers refuse to do as much or even half as much as they might do *if they chose. They call this “ helping the Other man to get a job.” Mill owners in England offered in­ creased pay to their workers,-almost doubling wages, if the men would at­ tend to eight looms instead of the usual four, which they could do quite well. The men say “no” . They want to do half as much as they can, so as to give twice as many men work. That idea will keep them poor and force in machines that will do more than men ever dreamed of doing. To fight progress is folly. SCHOOL NEWS « (Continue frost page 1) beth Anderson; Double duet, Frances Williamson, Betty Nelson, Neal Bar­ ber and Justin Northup; Clarinet solo, Ned Brown;' Piano solo, Rachel Har­ dman; Song, Sixth Grade girls. We want this good work to continue throughout the year and make it a part -of the school work. The training received by the pupils will be a valu­ able asset to their education before going into high school. A brief Christmas program will, be given by Misa Lois McFarland's pupil* in the Fifth' Grade next Thursday. Parents are cordially invited to attend the Elementary Grade Chapel exer­ cises each Thursday at 9;00 a. m. ’ Dr. Miller Reese Hutchison has #. new invention,, and Hawks, our great­ est air pilot at the moment, Is ex­ perimenting with it. The importance of this 'invention, if Doctor Hutchi­ son’s hopes are realized, cannot be exaggerated. / It will take from the fumes of gaso­ line the deadly quality that poisons the air in great cities, causing occa­ sional deaths in closed garages. The Store o f the Christmas Spirit J O B E * / • 3 ' • Main St., Xenia, Ohio . We get a real thrill out o f the Christmas Hustle and bustle. That’s why we spend so much thought and effort in making our store into one big Christ­ mas house filled with every manner o f useful gifts LETTER TO THE EDITOR The lungs can be developed, heart and kidneys can be protected. Nervous energy can be built up somewhat, but you get most o f it at birth. : Voltaire, as a baby, had fits, and if it hadn’t been for a kind-hearted Catholic priest, who showed his moth­ er how to take care of him, putting him in hot water when the fits came on, he would have died as a baby. In­ stead, having wonderful nervous force, he died in Paris long past eighty- after a tremendous triumph, in which one of ‘ his plays was produced. The populace took the horses from his carriage and dragged him home. He had worked furiously all his life. Health goes deeper than pink cheeks and sparkling eyes. The. worst o f all hatreds is religious hatred. In. on* o f the recently es­ tablished Balkan countries four hun­ dred students celebrate « gathering by beating with heavy sticks all the Jewa they meet and.smashing windows in stores owned by Jews. A mob of 200 prevented the Cath­ olic archibishop of Liverpool from en­ tering Notre Dame convent to attend a prize giving. The convent windows are stoned, railings torn down and the archbiship pelted by the mob, but, fortunately,' he escaped serious injury. A recent fire in a Catholic church in New York city is attributed to arson, as is another in New Jersey. In the recent election, Creswell, Be-’ publican, received 5628 votes, and Naragon, Democrat, received 4524 votes. For about eighteen months this county has had an Auditor by appointment, who has ^represented none o f the votes of the people. If we are to have public officials who rep­ resent the choice of the people, through the exercise o f their right to vote, short term appointments should be made according to the official elec­ tion records, rather than on a partisan basis, by the appointment' of persons who have not been candidates for the office. Now that Mr. Paul Creswell, Audi­ tor-elect, has been appointed to a Federal position, we therefore, believe that-the people o f Greene County should stand for the appointment of Mr. W, T. Naragon, the Democratic candidate, as County Auditor, in yiew. of the fact that he received so nearly a majority of the total vote cast for this office, This wd consider to be the essence o f fair play to the voters of die county, and we further believe that this would constitute a just precedent to be established in this State and country—-a confirmation in­ deed, o f t!;e original intent of the United States Constitution. I f you, a t a ’vbbS:, agree With the principle involved in this suggestion,, make your will known to those offi­ cials who are to make this appoint­ ment. In addition to the aforesaid considerations, the cost o f a special election may thus be saved, Mr, Naragon is at present the Mayor o f Osborne, and is a man of wide experi­ ence as a school teacher, accountant and business man, which has given him the practical knowledge required to administer the duties o f this office in the most efficient manner. Yours very truly, ~A VOTER; V ISIT OUR NEW G IFT SECTION Needing much more space than last yea* we have taken over the whole rear section o f the store and connected it into a Christ­ mas Gift Section. Come and see all the new things in it. ~ s e e SAN T A IN ......... TO YLAN D Take the elevator up the flue to our Third Floor Toyland. Bring the children, for Santa will be there among the thousands o f toys he has ready for the chil­ dren o f Greene County. .. s- THB-GBDi A long-ii p ; Cedarvi! 1(11114*111 Pric Ready-to-Wear Clearance Buy a Warm, Stylish Winter Coat or Dress now, enjoy it dur­ ing the holiday and at the same time buy it at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES *fiifmittiuiiiMfl CHRISTMAS LAMP SALE Table tamps, Bridge lamps, Floor lamps. Newest pattern bases, Parchment shades. An unusual group that will contain a lamp for. many purposes and pocket book. - SPECIALLY BOXED JEWELRY Newest styled Necklaces, pend­ ants, pins, bracelets in attrac­ tive g ift boxes featured at $1.00 and $1.50. Costume Jewelry so reasonable and very desirable as a Christmas gift. ■1 Come and See O ur Christmas Store! dur- CES ; d pend- ittrac- t $1,00 slry so irable AREMARKABLE VALUE! It would be interesting to print the pictures of those thirty-six women selected by Lady Astor and contrast ■with—their .face* the thirty-six most important women, if they could be identified, in the New York city's “four hundred,” selected by Ward McAllister long ago. Which set of thirty-six faces do you think would show the most in­ telligence ? Dr. Carl’s Discovery Stops Gas, Constipation - Iir-his -private practice, Dr. Carl Weschcke first perfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerika. Un­ like most remedies, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and re­ moves old poisons you would never believe were in your system. Stops GAS bloating in 10 minutes! Relieves chronic constipation in 2 hours! Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feeii It will surprise youl Brown’s Drugs. Your money on Deposit with The Cedarville Building (k Loan Associa­ tion will earn 6%. NO HUNTING NOTICE No hunting with dog or gun will be permitted on the. following land: A, J. Kennedy, , Massies Creek Cemetery. G. H. Hamman it Son. Paul Ramsey. J. C, Townkley, * Jack Furray. W. L. Clemans, Children Like this Safe Prescription Cough* and Sore Throat Relieved A lm ost Instantly Stop children’s coughs and sore throats before these ailments lead-to dangerous ills. Use Thoxine, a doc­ tor’s famous prescription Which brings relief within 15 minutes, yet contains no harmful drugs, j Thoxine works on * different prin­ ciple; it has a quick, double action— it relieves the irritation and goes di­ rect to the internal cause, Ideal for alt children because it is pleasant tast­ ing atfd easy to take—.not a gargle. Ask for Thoxine, put up ready for use in 85c, 60c, and 41.00 bottles. I f you are not satisfied your money will be refunded, Bold by Richard’s Drug Store and all other good drug stores, Allowance Made on Your Old Battery Jean Patton yS ' . . / ford Sale# and Service Cedarville, Ohio :ry