The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 1-26

cmutmuc herald , F riday , apxil h tm f THE C 1 0 A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER JEaterod At th« Poet Office, Cedxrville, Ohio, October 81 , 1887 , U second class matter. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 , 1931 , COMPETITION IN FOOD PRICES . • The general business depression has brought a very gradual decline in prices of most food products, which of course is wel­ come news to the consumer but what ‘is one man’s gain is anoth­ er’s loss”. The producers of green foods and fruits probably are getting no better return for their labor and investment than the farmer does for grain or faistocks. The problem of equali­ zation is the one that will give our best minds in economic af­ fairs no little concern. Today we tan purchase fresh peas and new cabbage and potatoes about as cheap as we can raise them in Ohio, and they are all grown in distant states and shipped un­ der high freight rates. ■Considering retail prices and the rate bn freigth we wonder just how little a grower can get out of his pea crop in California when we can purchase two pounds for as little as 19c in Ohio. When we have a more equalized priced system in this country through an entirely different marketing program, all interests can be cared for with a reasonable profit to producer and fair price to cpnsumer. ■ j& m h A r t u r B rliban* King Alfonso Is Out An AdmiraWa Will Ford’s 20,040,0WUi Cor An XSol, One Relative • Europe's big news is the abdication of King Alfonso, He goes, and a re­ public rules Spain. I t is one thing to vote fo r a republic, ariother to make it go, Having a king, or no king, makes little difference, England has long been, in reality, an actual republic, with a kipg draw* ing bis salary and avoiding frequent elections. Some republics, on the oth­ er hand, have not been very repub­ lican, although they have had no king, with the possible exception of money. STOCK MARKET CONTINUES DECLINE The speculator in the stock market is not finding much en­ couragement in the cry that prosperity is just around the cor­ ner. Continued declines in stocks of good standing for many years makes one wonder what the future has in store for any of us. As a rule the followers of the stock market have master minds in thinkout what is to happen even months away but the present depression seems to have everybody guessing. About all we get is a propaganda statement from some source that is put out more to make people f£el good than to remedy the sit­ uation. . ■ , ■■, . There are some very good grounds for believing business conditions will not improve much under the tariff law passed by the last Congress, which has cut off much of our export busi­ ness.. The recent campaign last fall in which the tariff was an issue evidently has brought disaster to companies that had all the' favor Congress could bestow. The interests received all that was asked for and much of it at the expense of other lines „of industry. Today business is not even on par with last fall and steel stocks are the lowest in many years and show no signs of having reached the bottom. Steel companies several months ago tried to bluff business in placing orders as prices were to be increased. The bluff was called by fewer orders because most manufacturers were unable to sell their product before steel was advanced. Business leaders pleaded with Congress not to pass the tariff bill but Congress was under the steel influence and did its bidding. No congressman or senator that voted for the tariff bill can even be drawn into a debate over their veto. B A B YC H I CKS NEW LOW PRICES Tom Barron English Leghorns 9c; White Rocks, Barred Rocks,’ Reds, and White Wyandottes- 10c; Heavy Mixed 8c. Custom Hatching 3c per egg. A Hatch Each Week RALPH H: OSTER Oak Wood Poultry Farm Phone 224 Yellow Springs, Ohio THE SMART SHOP 5 East Main St., Xenia, O. 700 LADIES’ SILK DRESSES g - SIZES 14 to 52 $ 2'98 and $ 4.98 Jiggs, and W OW IE LET ’S GO Maggie Dinty AT THE Opera House TO -N IGHT BY THE Mary Rose Stock Company, Vaudeville Between Acts 'the will of the lata Colonel Fried- sam sets a fine example of good cit­ izenship. ' He provides generously for those dependent on him and related to him apd gives to the public his maginificeut and skillfully collected workB of a rt th a t cost $10,000,000 and are worth double that amount. He leaves the bulk of his large for­ tune to the public, to be spent by his executors fo r 'th e young and “com­ fo rt of the old ” words that express a beautiful thought clearly. He leaves to J. S. Burke, vice presi­ dent of his organization, who fo r year has helped, carry the heavy load of the business, a large interest in that busi­ ness'and the controlling influence in carrying out his philanthropic plans. All his life Michael Friedsam worked hard. He lived without ostentation or extravagance, and now leaves the re­ sult of his life’s work to the people a- mong whom he lived. Not long ago Henry Ford had noth­ ing. But he was thinking and work­ ing. Recently he drove from his fac tory to his own residence in his Ford car number twenty million. He made the first in 1893 and the twenty mil­ lionth. will stand in the Ford museum beside the first. Ford has made auto­ mobiles enough to carry 100,000,009 human beings, in fact our entire ,pop- ulation of 123,000,000, without pack­ ing them too tightly, the babies sit­ ting on their parents’ kites. I t pays to think and work; Neither by itself will carry you far. , You perhaps never heard of a rare sea eel, which lives in the ocean mud Itnd has for a scientific title a name a s long as the eel. Nevertheless, science says you are closely Telated to him. You do know that you got your fiver fingers from the foot of a salamander that lived in the carboniferous era, millions of years ago. I t that kata mander had had six toes, you would have six fingers, including the thumb; also the duodecimal instead of the decimal system, much better for math emetics. And the violin would have six, strings. You owe even more to the little mud eel than you do to the salaman­ der. The brain of that little eel was the beginning of yours, and a little cortex like the thick cortex on top of your brain. The five divisions of an eel brain are found only in the fully developed human brain, and they function as in man. Doctor Conel a t Boston university is studying brains in 100 of these eels. To be related to the five-lobcd-brain mud eel is in esting. During the discussion of the tax question a t a meeting of the farm bu­ reau last Friday evening in Xenia, it developed that th e one safe guard of the people was th a t the proposed lew if passed must carry a provision for a referendum if the people want itv It lias been hinted that the tax spenders in Columbus would hide behind a for­ mer supreme court decision tha t inch a referendum could a c t he held. The case on which the court dtfcided was of course along - tax lines hut if the ilaw provides for a referendum the court has no other alternative than recognise-the tapr and not attempt by their own decision to legislate the per­ sonal views of the members of the court, When Ohio adopted the initia­ tive end referendum, the public was told that power would then he in the hands of the .electors on any subject of vital importance if the people did not approve o f certain legislation. At this meeting the proposed new tax on automobiles was also discussed. There was a time when farmers held to the view that the city auto owners was the one who was' using the highpriced roads. Today the farmer owns not only an automobile e r :two but prob­ ably a truck. Heretofore automobiles have been licensed by the horse power method. The new law. makes weight the standard a t rates that will more than double the cost of a license tag, The bill also provides that personal jroperty tax on automobiles will be dropped. Trucks will pay a higher rate for tags on / the weight basis. The proposed bill will bring the Btate several million more '' dollars than was collected unfier the*. horsepower tax and personal property tax on aq- motive vehicles. * Russia has no death penalty 'for murder, but many death penalties for dishonesty and treachery. A week ago six were sentenced to death in con­ nection with grain transactions, now ten more must die for the same of- fense, and fifty-eight go to prison as “inveterate class enemies.” At the same time Russia’invites skilled work­ ers from other countries to come anc earn good wages. Workers will won­ der tha t there isn’t in Russia anybody out of a job. American hotel keepers will leara from Ray Long, editor ol' Cosmopolitan Magazine, tha t it is al­ most impossible to rent a hotel room in Russia. He was delighted to get a small room by special favor, with no carpet on the floor, paying eighteen American dollars a day. Borne of our best financial minds, that once had contempt for Russia, may soon be go­ ing over to find out how they do it. STONE PLANT WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING; GOOD NEWS i ■ * j — , . ! The Herald has been reliably in- 1formed the former plant of Carter N. Abel, Inc., now owned by the Adam Realty Co., Columbus, and will in the future be operated under the latter will he placed i n / operation Monday, Mr. Hoskins at Columbus will he the manager in charge. , In as much as there will be require­ ments for. considerable stone for the township and corporation the com­ pany may have an opportunity of bid­ ding on the Springfield pike improve­ ment. We were unable to learn as to operation of the hydrating lime or dolomite sections of the plant. POULTRY: Wanted Poultry ail kinds, also broilers, New’ Crop, 414 lbs. up. The Peters Poultry Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. NOTJCHI LowM* tirtMfctoff double deck loads. Spwrial pdeea e« long distance. Frank CLArm**"* phone 00. The question of taxation of bank and building and -loan deposits devel oped, several interesting problems. If the financial institutions did not elect to pay the tax the list of depositors must be certified', to the State Tax Commission who then, will certify it back to the county auditor to be plac­ ed on the tax duplicate, No one can even estimate how many banks or buildings and loan associations in the state will he witting to absorb the tax. The financial institutions could pay the tax and charge it to the de positor’s account is desired but this would not be likely as such a proceed ure would only bring a certain amount of friction between the institution and the patrons. Another problem was whether deposits mentioned in the bill was to he taken a s bank or building and loan balance on a certain' date o r an average of the deposits for the en tire year., Patrons could easily move their account ff a balance was to be returned on a certain dqte and for .this reason it whs thought 'the legislature had in mind deposits as the general purpose of the hill is to find some new way to get more tax money. When classification was under discussion the voters were urged to support it because real estate was carrying an unjust share of the tax burden. Real estate in the present analysis must ke care of itself for officialdom only, interested in raising more money for u s spenders. I t has been admit­ ted for some time that little of the load could be lifted from real estate owing to the demands for more tax funds. The automobile industry is inter­ ested in news that the New Haven railroad, during the last year, saved $90,000, using trucks instead of freight‘cars. In time railroads will use trucks to pick up freight a t the factory, carry it to the tracks, then run on rails msing steel wheels, at high speed, with no stops, instead of burning up rubber and brakes, then take to the road again and deliver a t destination. No automobile truck could compete with a combination road and steel rail truck line. Louis J. Brown, president of the Kellog company, says: “Necessity .will force industry in general to a six hour Working day and a higher wage scale.’ His firm has adopted the plan. The “higher scale’’, presumably, means a higher rate per hour, not per six hour day. As machinery makes fewer men necessary, the work day and week must be shorter. The deplorable situation is that no organization out over the state or in- the legislature will or has yet consid­ ered the question of reducing the high cost of operating this state govern­ ment. Individuals and business in­ terests have been forced to . fix their budget according to their Income but all the legislature h a t figured on at this date Is raising more money to balance the budget, There has been some little, reduction so fa r by the present administration but' the pre- ceeding business administration left the largest deficit in the history of the state and the bills must be paid, Governor White has refused to have anyth to do with drawing the new tax bill although requested to do so by the legislature. His promise during the campaign that all tax matters should be approved by the people, or affirmed by a referendum vote was a popular move and it remains now to be seen ,whether the legislature will make this possible or pass a tax law, adjourn and force it down the throat of the people and make them like it whether they want it- or not, WANTED: Sour Cream. Wolf's Dairy- For price, 'phone 194; Xenia; WOOL J. E. HASTINGS and PRANK CRESWELL will pay Highest Market Prices a t old stand . Wool Received a t all Times Allen’s Elevator «mnH1WWMWWHIH,IWIHW,M,^,i|IMIIIII>l>IWmWllllllMMIIl|l|ll LOOK AT THIS!! STARTIN GTHIS WEEK Leghorns.............. 12c All Heavy Breeds ..14c They may go higher. Place your order this week and be safe, for the supply is, very, limited the country over, FOR SALE:-—150 igres well Im­ proved within 8 miles of Cedarviile. Nice house. Large barn. Silo, Noi - waste land, all smooth, Well fenced * and tiled, Deep soil, Very reasonable price. Easy terms. W, L, Clemens, Realtor, Exclusive Agent, Cedarviile. THE STURDY BABY CHICK CO. ttox 423 Springfield, O, Cor. Erie and Auburn Ave, I leitHNiHHirtMHwmHiiirtignindwniiiiHHiiiiiiHiiMiMwiHi JUBILEE WEEK Thursday, Friday, Saturday $402 In Prizes Given Free On these days, 46 of Xenia’s Merchants are giving a free chance to win one of these Prizes with each 50c purchase or 50c paid on account. Special Values Are being offered in every department and our Decennial Prices----- the lowest in ten years, con­ tinue. It will pay you well to trade in Xenia—and more especially Jobe’s these three days. The val­ ues alone are sufficient inducement without the chance of winning one of the 14 valuable prizes totaling the above sum. J © H 3 C * i ' Xenia, Ohio Soundly bu ilt to servo you long and w e ll * - If you could see the new Chevrolet Six being built, you would understand why it performs so Thtpiuanptntnt -dating well, lasts SO loUg mw ifIk* many mmntUuujr itmenntatJltmt Ji», , . , , lainCknrtlttquality and brings somuch satisfaction and pleasure to its owners. The quality of raw materials is held to standards unsurpassed anywhere in the automotive industry. In the manufac­ ture of the engine alone there are hun­ dreds of separate inspections, Pistons are matched In sets to within one-half ounce. Piston pins must be within 1V4 tenths of one one-thousandth of their specified aiae, Connecting rods are matched to within Chmakt prrdritn inlrU- imam art regularlyAaW agatail mtmtr gauge* wMefc are accurate m aaa a H M dmlmk one-quarter ounce and are individu­ allyfitte d b y hand. The special alloy- stee l crankshaft pm fc tan a em ia l. I, ant tj milt* aadt year m , , , , Gtmrtl Mtitrt' great la the subject of prwringrtuni truly amazing cars and precision In manufacture and cannot vary from per­ fection in balance more than Vi Inch* ounce! These few examples of Chevrolet stand­ ards indicate th e care uaed In the manufacture of every part of the cor. Soundly built to serve you long and well! No aom- promiae with qua lity lit m anu fa c tu re m e i a i no compromise with complata satisfaction In ownership. MEW CHEVROLET SIX ThmttnmtAm*triemm Vmlmm > • 9 jV««0 L ump P r ic e s—Chevrolet ’« paeeenger earprice* rangefrom $475 to $ tt» . True* chassis prices rangefrom $355 to $590. AUprice* f t o. b. Flint, Mich, ment extra. Lout d*ttver4d priem am i eat# term*. \ S m y e a r d e rn ie r Lang Chevrolet Co*, Cummings Chevrolet Sales, Xonix, Ohio Codarvillo, Ohi*