The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52

. . . . m . #ikwi N » «T * * * s iiM * mamMgiMMt'fiMNtaailftftBift teF*^3®wG^a^^^FWIEWI t . ^ p | jP ^ i W ^ iw ^ 1 •—■* "*’*', *r*?v ■ 5tf»srai^riss ksk #• A* PMfe^lMM* bfci^ UftK • 1 * \ ■ J ... tigt fta j a y * ts jMklMi^'aaMt n m wS m tlEKNE OOUNTT FERTILIZER Tel 819, Xwde, 0 . lPll|MOTWillMWWWPi|l.W9l>|HWIWIW|llll) ^ li^W lil l i lipp llll|)|l||lll ShopAtThe BigShop 415 VA M am Si. Xenia, O . Where You Can Get What You Want In P u m p t ) K p e , V i l Y € s , a n d P i p e F i t t i n g s PLUMBING WORK, REPAIRS FOR HEATING' PLANTS, FUR­ NACES, Etc, MACHINE SHOP AND WELDING PLANT, WHERE YOU CAN GET ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, EN­ GINE AND BOILERS REPAIRED PROMPTLY, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ENDLESS WATER MOTOR BELTS, FAN HSLTS FOR. AUTOS, LARGE. AND SMALL MACHINE^ SCREWS IN IRON AND BRASS FOR MOST ANT KIND OF A MACHINE OR* MOTOR. SMALL FLAT AND GROOVED MOTOR PULLEYS, PIPE CUTTING AND THREADING BY ELECTRIC DRIVEN PIPE MACHINES.------- / ' We Solicit Your Business Phone 360 Hotel Chittenden Cwetietely redecorated and remodeled , . . . over fwflwOi Spent w Baking the Hotel Chittenden the Itgfoti ebttcce for ebetraveler. Home o f the “ Purple Gow” Gaffe* Shop. Larger comfortable rooms' arevptiond. •wyfce.. Hate* f<bm $);J0 G tft A Weydig, Manager COLUMBUS, OHIO upward. i y A r t h u r J M b * iW Ajuatar KHMi G mmn -SRimmwiwmar— W* N««d A Tat* Cwv It’a $4| tat Never KM , Here It awl M It Ham* «h#*rs' and: «ratHade for John Pefeado mad Ru#s*a Heaniinwa, who brake the loag-toetoaee Hying tocewl o f the wprld, landtag in ftten- bul on the edge of the Bosporus, 49 beer* after they left New Yoric.’TfMqr Hew the Atlantic, in mad above stead* mad fogs, over the whole o f Kero] nbver stopping, hod settled down in the greet Tutieish city at the edge of Asia. Leander, now somewhere above hi » heaven, ough$ to hear about that flight. He awam in the Hellespont every night, to visit his /air one. A hero, only to be drowned when he tried the swim in a storm. We pro­ duce flyers in this country. Polando and Boardman think they might pa well keep on going east and come home' around^the world that way.' «aiM.y ’ If We only had a -“yata crow" in this, country, It is a bird sent by the' sun goodess to Jimmu Tenno, fisst emperor of Japan, long ago, to .guide him when, surrounded by enemies, he had lost hia way. The Japan Adver­ tiser Review says of the yata crow, intelligent looking bird with three legs. The third was tacked dh that it1 .might not he “confused with other birds.1’ Our yata crow Ought to have' about ten legs, to .avoid possibility o f mistake, and it would be cheap at ten billion dollars if it could really guide' us in our national, international, and economic wanderings.' • , ■ You will succeed H yhu hare wha| jS S ld lr iS t lo ” or a member of our lAviIn. n f o v if -mmv l l n t * 9 n a m V h a I v iTTS. . people want, and let them know you have it. Mr. Tom Miey, like other able, merchants,'understands that. He .be­ gan a sale to celebrate the fiftieth an­ niversary o f what is now the May store in LOa Angeles, and did the.big­ gest day’s business in -all the'fifty years;' not excepting recent boom years. In addition to having the goods he really advertised them. Berlin has just heard news more important to them in the . long irnn than any 9100,000,906-loan. Julios Rosenwaldv.of Chicago sent $1,000, 000 to' establish a Berlin dental clinic for, children. We are what we eat, and what we eat depends on bur teeth President Hoover continnes to pro-’ |est 'against reduction in wages, par­ ticularly among laborers, mechanics and others engaged in Industry. Their payrolls represent fb* badttane eff national prosperity, thousands of millions of dollars a year. The United States Steel company reducing divi­ dends and salaries, respects' Presi­ dent HooveFs.wishes as regarda labor In the mills,' but cuts the salaries of the clerical force, * Rumors that the Bank o f England has been' trying to borrow $100,000, 000 from the Banque de France ainnby the British government The rumors are called “ah attempt to undermine the British reputation in-the world.” However, in the War, when moneywas reallyhard to get Britan lent not mil lions but billions to France mid the other allies. Colonel Sultan of the .army engi­ neering corps, investigating the Nica­ raguan canal possibilities for the gov­ ernment, says the thing can be gone and will* cost $760,000/100, It'would be cheap at the price, add with mod­ ern machinery, including 'electric steam shovels .that take out ten cubic yards and more at a bite, the thing probably could be done more cheaply. Jft?0 O k0A o o Some things are encouraging in our depression. .The public buys now, for about forty million dollar^ the lame quantity and quality of coffee that Cost us formerly two hundred million dollars. That is what makes Brasil sad, America buys now for fifty mil­ lion dollars as much and as good rub­ ber as we used to buy for three hun­ dred million dollars. That saddens the British, who have a monopoly of -rubber. But it is cheerfulfo r you who .buy tires. Make Fair time veeatien timel Combine * glorious outing toflilbe chute to ate the wonders e l Ohio's. Agrirndtiiro, Industry and Fine Arts. YouK be re- hwshsdi Inspbudsadhillo ! idohs lor « more complete We. Lavish entwtotomiwf. headed by Hegenbedc- Weleoe Chous, toti» no extra sdmhffan at the gate. - % S.GaUmy < .C& a i-E 'ite Ambassador Dawes, back in London says recovery in trade is coming soon and'a “wave o f optimism is sweeping the United States.’’ Many here have not met the wave, hut there is no doubt that conditions are better. At least we knowwhat la the matterwith* us—m ely, that we are paying for the big war—and that knowledge is ‘ encouraging in itself. Nothing is worse than uncertainty! u . 1SJ1 FCATUKES Hegenbeek-WeBeoe C&toL./ Cad' HagenbecFsWlW Aidmels, Rodeo, Trick and Rough RJderi. **M>O0 Rao- tngProgram, Gfgsati* Aircraft &tposHion. MHMTeto Chio (dgh *dte4 band. Junior Fab. Outstanding ttktbftiM* of Shaap, Dairy Cattis, Uva Stock, PouHryand M Ifadkand AgtU mmwrm rm w m 4U m \ FOR BALK:—166 acres Well lm- proved<within 3 miles of Cedarville. Nice house. Large barn. Silo. No waste land, all smooth. Wall f swept and tiled. Deep soil. Very rsasooahie price. Easy terms. W. L. Clemsns, Realtor. Exclusive Agent, Cedattilla. LwaawAfor lu|iW 16 tOWiNR AND REAPiNR - <'{Tauil»fraiiee l ueses,) utaaoH ■ cun A uvk Ood Ip' net r.... « 4 -ie. a*t 4*c*tv*d: t€; ter wtataepver a tmtXt m ••wetktalts puia*AlW*wtra»*4)twtfmrahexeiw. Of' , JTOIOR* ■ ^nnwajcwo: KlwSewslNr M« atMU Alcohol). ■ tobng pkoplb am n * uqw top - 10—«owlnu and AUapImr (iHCeete of Alcohol). * . . Ri^hhipteoi throeaai ieur Paul pra- aentai in-arataatorful wag tb* heart of Dhtietlaaity; na»ely, that Justification is >jr faith In the atoning work of Christ rather then by the works of the law, In chapters five and six he made practical application #P the doctrine to th# allalra of life. Gradons Justi­ fication py faith la the dynamic for ‘ right living. Those who trwfreely, Justified in Christ will manifest the tori tar the feilewteg conductt 1. Restore the , «nntnfl Urether - - i.; WhOhe la “Theone overtaken inafSnlt" The.Ideaexpreaeedby the word “fault’’ la hot to minimise the tin, buttoshowthesuddennessOf the temptation. One’s spirituality is shown by hie wBUngntos to help in tuch e:case. v_ 2. Whet Is,to be done. He Is to be e’nMtored.’t Restore Is a surgical tarn -which meane the piecing heck of u dlsleeated member to its norms! piece. Christians are members of th'e body of Christ. 'Therefore, the sinning of a should ee reaEygive us pain ...................... ............ -8. How it ip to be gone; ‘Tn e spirit.of.meekness.” Harsbneashasno place'in the life of u christien, The fruit ,of the Spirit Is love, meeknessT etcr Thehellerermust-ahowhis right to rialmthe life la the beavenllee by -eteoplag dow^ to hMp the brother Crippled end besmeared.Inthedirt of earth. ■. , 4 4, The Incentive. “Lest thou also, be tempted.” No one If immuneProm temptation Tfie: ettitot -way to'be fortified sgalnst tseaptation ls to go sympethetieelly ip the rescue of the fallen. . - l|. Rear Ope Aneiherie Eurdene <v. 2). . . Many are the burdensof lifer bur­ dens of wehkhffe. temptations of a fallen1nature, Krrttw.’.suffer!ay, and sin, gome have more temptations thett-ethem. Since triSeveini ere In- ntoetohD hound togeflifr. the attoag --eheUld of the week,, -Christ is ’the euprea**harden bearer. When w%MBBrone etwther’e hnvdeta,’we iaKWthUlew’of Christ, Many have laberited the appetltSfor IttiOxicatlng liquors, am) the spirit of hsorden bearing will Move ns to make«nnr ntomat endeevto to remove far away the temptation to strong drink, . . . III. RearOurOwn.Eurdene{vv.3-8). There ere some burdens which can heborneatonebythe Individual Per- sonal responsibility .cannot be cm caped. to n most rifai sense every men lives Ms life alohe. Helpful as Is’sympstby, human‘end divine, great-, ly nsweneedthehelpinghandof our toother, the Individual must live hie own We. The tew of God which Is la harmony with the tewwhich con­ trols theIndividual dtolaren“Thesonl that etnnethIt shall die.** .. IV. .Jtoenort Teacher#. ef Gad’s Ward <w. OB). It la Incumbent npon thosewho aih taught InGod’s Word to give of their means for the support ef the teacher. To repudiate thisobligationIStomock Godft. 7), for God has ordained that they who preach the gespri shall live of the gospel fi cm. 6:14fr Thedee- laratlon, “Whatsoever a awn aoweth that shall be also reap,” seta forth a lawwhich operate# in an spheres of rife, ' V. Ee lamest inWell Oefog (r. 9). The-harvest insure, Rowgood seed sbd patiently welt tor the reward. The same unfailing law which even­ tuates in -a harvest of-corruption to those who sow to the Hashwill bring life everlasting to those who sow to toeEphrit Vi. Work far the Asad of All Mali ir. 10). The believer’fa Christ who realizes Mefreedomwill have sympathies and luteraata aawide as the race. While especially endeavoring to help those In Christ, he .will he reachlsg out to sit men. He will be seeking to win them to Christ, This obligation to work for the good of all men applies Insuchmattersas th*abolitionof the manufacture aid mile ef alcoholic bevcfigee. WANTED; Hour ufeant. Welfe ityiry,# For tote*, ’phone 194, Xenia. 9 H H E m NeurMEto lg « mihutoa, chocka* Coldtta Mm day, andcheck*Malarld toHire*tera. MW * la « to Tnlstoto. -The RIghlseas - , . The rigbtoou# are M trees of Ufa; |he fruits o f thrir piety wd*.charity, their ihatnictiena, reptoofr, .samples arid’ ptoieri,'. thalr <to»^ to h*avea and their thhuencs tor lartii are like the fruits o f that tree, precious and useful, contributingto the support and nourishment of the spiritual Ilf* in many.—Matthew Bemry. When Learning Is Useful Education to naefnl hut ghe* It Ignotoa God ft to dtotaKttvaHPab* tom. ■ wv at tiurfwmts&v Ut* MtinJU IXi 4^P6M mniv 6( m K tor d l Mew Yam; City, ki to he 'm ent” atondiag activity to the Womens’ SniLtete. StaAi ixurtft. Im i K aw Task CDy, toll ha jsresent and wifi wet- ento. damnnatmta the agt of saaktof up a dree*, hut wRI Mae, ghr# laettoaa aw stole, gswtois aL Ate^tOMf M6IUPnMNM^^iAltSt tlMNf wID present a model on the stage, Hleet patient adapted to her, out the material, assemble it, and per­ form every step to mtafog. the drees, displaying the fintohei gar­ ment on tiusmodel for whom it was made. This will be a rare oppor­ tunity for the wemen o f Ohio to have aj) their dsea* .problems solved. Appropriate doth** for school children will h* disansaed , and made at_ the Stole. Clinic. Dmss TStario?,'TpatUttos' neadfc- work articles, transfer designs, and quilt patterns will ha exhibited in connection with the Style Clinic, which people may attend and en­ joy while' seated comfortably in the auditorium of the Women’s Building^everyafternoon from otte t o six o’clock; r Before marketteg your live rixxk t m S O U T H C H A K L E S T O N g T O f c K Y A B W ‘ DAILY MJUMM teHL^taum ag,'teiO (m \ p. ocm MoUpr f jm wiitfi w um ro . FOR THE KIDDIES Soap aculptnre toll be a feature "that every child ought to ate- Soap -as a medium for the sculptor is be- gbming to lose its first flush o f . novelty. In other words,- it seems to he taking its place alongside the harder,more traditional materials; jund its -popularity is attested by ~tbe increasing interest*in it, Shap­ ing figures in soap must be almost - as, much fun as making mud’ pies. . Children ate natural workers in the plastic arts- There ia training as welt as mere amusement in the ' .making of soap sculpture. .. _ For Sale—Good timothy hay. In­ quire of Fred Dobbins; phone 3-122. H a rrM t 1 e H ere 9- A FULL HARVEST IS HERB—NOW IS H IBT IM ETOSAm /T WILL M IA LONG TIME .BEFORE ANOTHER HARVEST. -WEPAY 4PERCENTON ALL SAVINGS, SMALL OR LARGE AMOUNTS. ; ' - file ExchangeHank Cedarville, Ohio G o ld en G ra in—G o ld en D o lla r s 1 . * . v - v ’ * v ■ ’ f t i X - 4 . 14 Central Qhio’a wheel fields ere pouring into the granaries a record yield o f . golden grain, hut il ia only speculation as when ia the best time to turn it into dollars. One tiling is sure however,, when the grain IS turned into dollars you can plant .the money here and know that it will earn . ' I N T E R E S T ' / \ : V AND WE PAY THE TAX ' Absolute safely in assured for every dollar is protected by first mortgage on con­ servatively appraised real estate. If Your money is earning less come in and see us.' & 28EastMainStreet SPRINGFIELD, OHIO HEAD M t> J O LD worn tires invite punc­ tures,blowoutsand skidding. Don’ t wSit for diem to spoil your tripor causean accident. r Put on a act o f new firdttone flH^hSpeed Heavy Doty Balloons ---dtotirestlMtdnnoaajtoalcd their safety and long tronlde-fxee mile­ age in the Indianapolis 500-mile endurancerace. Used on 35 ont of 58 ear* includingall winners, they finished ffithoiit f single tire failure* T R A D E - I N N O W ! ! Bring in your old tires, regard­ less of naakeor condition. We will nuke foil allowancefordiennnsed astieEgelwtiiemandapOlyitondie |Nteffhate;0iriffe. ‘IWe law cost of tew Pirastone tires will tisrpris* you. Come in today. Your tires are worthmorein tradebeforeapnno* tnreorMowontthanaftor. m -v^V tV k k % «■ Price* Reduced Sensatlond redttetleas, l<knr Flfcstone tires cost lass now thaneverbefore.Buynew ; M a s «v e «M »to RALPH WOLFORD ■§m m f t e t o o t G a iK f o r M M X T t m M t e N f f l t o c f M i f r * Itonf gism i t e y B A T A -ltiiTyit f ' itt# td i t e :