The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52

CfflOAKYILU! gERAEP^PRfflAY, A W m Mt DBT* ^KwwWKm Si nMNNI .' ATOUL HARVEST IS HERE—NOW IS THK TIME TO SAVE, it WILL BE A W)NG TIME BEFORE ANOTHER HARVEST. WE PAY 4PER CENTON A IX SAVINGS, SMALL OR LARGE AMOUNTS, The Exchange Bank CedarviUe, Ohio Bfll> i 1 / Hotel Chittenden Completely redecorated and remodeled . . . over IS0&0Q0 spent in making the Hotel Chittenden die logical choice for the traveler. Home o f the “ Purple Cow" Coffee ,Shop. Large, comfortable rooms— , exceptional eervice. Rater from $1.50 upward. G e o . A W e y d ig , M an ag er COLUMBUS, OHIO m BUY NOW FIELD FENCE % BABB WIRE ANDPOSTS PAINTS, VARNISHES, AND LINSEED OIL E.Main St. Xenia, O. tOCAJL AM n MM QM AL RAUb* H. L, Mrs. m Mis* l m West la visiting xobttivw} uwnbsr e f fir&ofs is * Y »i*y era* Iin Ripley, 0 * tide week. I iag at bridge md reek. Mr. Char* E. Rmith spent Sab.; !bath In Cehuabwi with rrietivs*. Mr. Frsd McMillan ot Pittsurgh, [was tha c w t of relative* her* ever the week-end. MM* Winifred Btiwkny, who haa |bam Epsnding eeveral months visiting | in California, baa returned heme. 9fe!a* La*nR(Mrtrigs, w fe baa bson ,*>ttmain*cho<»l *kN*w York University, 1* expected heme Monday, ' Rev. W , P. Harriman and family, who have been absent on their vaea* tion for three weeka, have returned home, Mrs, Ralph Townaley m>t 4 jrtained with several tables of bridge at her home last Friday with a one o’clock luncheon. NOTICE:-Patron* of Mrs, Zora Wright can make appointment for Thursday, August 27 at Smith’* Bar­ ber Shop. -¥ ■ Rev. Lee Rife, D. D., paitor of the Norris Square church, Philadelphia, and. family, have been visiting with relatives~in~this-community^------- Rev. Walter -Morton and wife of ILouisville, Ky„ are guest* *t the 'home of Mr. S. M. Murdpck, Mr*. Morton ia a daughter of Mr. Mur. Idock. Miss laadore Owsnri haa rrterasd hema attar spsadfeg several days in Toledo, visiting friends and relative*, Rev, James Gbsconfe wife and son, of F t Wsyne, XnA, retatmed hare last Saturday, after a mafcsr trip through the Bast They left Tuesday morning for Crystal City, Me, where they will visit with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Conley and Mrs. James L. Chisawt Ih^ir, R. McChssnsrwes ashed tw lee, Pa., owing to the d s*^ Ataxsnder Savage, wh*,; ft ‘ ,^ r e y w «,.jm . P**ior of the Reformed PnisfcrtsriMi church in that place. Dr, Savage was welt known to many CedarviUe people. ■— vvm " * . * . - Mr. Carlton McLean of Detroit,; and sister, Mm .Beta Ross, of Indian- apolis, Ind., ant here for a few days visit with relative*. They had been visiting their sister, }tn . Jeanette Eskridge In Dayton. Mrs. JBskridge 1has been an Invalid for many yoSraj and makes her home with her brother, Mr. Rollln McLean and family in that city. The annual moonlight picnic of the IA. M, E. church will be held Saturday evening on Barr’s lot, South Main St. ! CedarviUe. ^Special chicken dinner served beginning at 5:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow, Wil­ lard, and Paul Reed, left Wednesday mornipg for a ten-day fishing trip in Northern Ontario. On the way back -they expect to visit Niagara Falls and Cleveland. :«■■■" I .................. ^ 11. Mrs. James Murray whs Called to Cambridge, O., Tuesday, by the ill- |ness o f her sister,. Mrs. MeUssa Briggs, who is 88 years of age and |recently suffered a stroke of paraly­ sis. . Mr...and Mrs. Joseph McMillan and. two children, James and Margaret, of Cleveland, arrived here last Friday on a Visit with Mrs. Mary McMillan. Mr. IMcMillan returned home Sunday and IMrs, McMillan and children will re- |huiin for a longer visit, |- , I--, i 1 . Miss Rachel Crssweli' has re­ turned homo after a visit1 with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bryant-of Detroit, and Rev, Andrew Creswell and family of | Pontiac, Mich. She also spent one week at a summer resort: at Black Lake, ’ PLUMBING $ ' * Water Connections Changing Water or Gas Pipes Repairing Faucets anS Leaki Hare tlia W ater Piped la ta tfce Yard fa r Sprink ling Purpeses. F. E. HAEPEE motet x»# Mr.’ and Mrs. Harper Warnock and two daughters of Cold VaUey, HI., are visiting friends in CedarviUe and over the county. Mr. Warnock is a son of the late J. C. Warnock, pastor for a number of years of the local U. P. church.' Mrs. J, W. Johnson and two daugh­ ters, LUcile and Eleanor, left Monday on a ten days trip to Arkansas. They wire accompanied by Mrs. Edith Blair, who will stop onroute for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dow- dy and Hr. and Mrs. Fred Satterfield in Atlanta,. 111. Dr. and Mrs. 0. P. Elias wsnt to Berea, Ky., Saturday, where they vis­ ited a few days with their daughter, Mias Bernice, who attended summer school in Berea College, Sho return­ ed home with her parents and wiU be a student in CedarviUe College. Rev. Henry C. Foster of Belineville Ohio, who was a former pastor of the Cilfton Presbyterian church, is visit­ ing Mrs. } Mildred Foster, Yellow Springs, and other friends about Clif­ ton. B e v . Foster will preach Sabbath for thovCUfton congregation. Sabbath School at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. MlUer of Springfield, announce coming mar- risge of their daughter* Mary Alice to Mr. Paul P. Tanner, Xenia, on Aug. 27 at the home of the bride. Mr. Tan­ ner da a graduate of CedArvill* Col- lege and has been teaching in the Read School, South Charleston, The County Commisionera " have appointed Mrs. Mabel E, Welch, Yel­ low Springs as ; a member of t M Green* County Children’* Home board to fill the vacancy caused by the res­ ignation of Mrs. Lucy Morgan; wife of President Arthur Morgan, Antioch College, Mrs. Morgan served more than a year as a member of the board* resigning upon leaving soma time ago for an European trip. House for Bent:- Call Mrs. Lee ShroSdet. FOR SALE:—16$ sons wett Im­ proved within 8 Miles of Cedarrille. Nlae house. Large bam. Rio. Ha waste land* all smooth. Well fenced and tiled. Deep aril, Yery reasonable prise,.Rasy terms. W, L, Clemens* Realtor, Exelcsive Agent* OsdarriBe. to r Sale—Good timothy hay, In­ quire of Fred Dobbins* phone 1-1X8, The first band concert by the-newly- organised band was given last Satur- daynightinfronrofthei»p*r* house.; An unusually large numbsr o f people were in town for the event. The band is composed mostly o f members of the public schools, who have had some training in band and orchestra work. Daniel Poland of Springfield js the leader and instructor and considering the organisation had had but five op­ portunities for practice, the young ] folks gave a good program. It is ex­ pected that the hand will be aide to give concerts each Saturday night as long as the weather permits, The band is sponsored by the Cedarrille j Community Club and business men. ...............*......... "H11 1H ‘ » t , Mrs. Sarah J, Kyle celebrated her eighty-third birthday,at her home last Friday with a number of relatives I and friends present.. Of a family of) ten brothers and sisters, eight were [ present for the occasion. The two dead are Mrs. Martha J. Turnbull and Mrs. Julia C. Sterrett, Those present I were Mr, James H. Creswell, Mr. and [ Mrs. A. H. Creswell, Mr. W. H. .Cres­ well, Mr. and Mira. George. H, Cwa-1 well,. Miss Mary Creswell* Mrs, Ida C. Stormont mid daughter, Mabel* Miss Lounette Sterrett, Mrs. Bug­ gies, CedarviUe; and Mrs. Nettie C. Ervin, Xenia. Mrs. Kyle.suffered a] slight paralytic stroke list April and since been confined to ber home, but) the day was one thoroughly enjoyed- Four occupants in ' a Nash sedan had a narrow escape Wednesday af­ ternoon when the car skidded mt the wet road near Blockson’s bridge and landed upside down ip the mire in the Wildman field. The occupants ware F, B. Ludwig and. wife jsnd Henry B.j Scott and wife o f Atlanta* Gs. They had been visiting In Cleveland and were enroute home. The car landed on the top in a boggy place with all four wheels in the air.- Mr. Ludwig received injury to his chest probably] from the steering, wheel* as he was driving. In addition he had a badly cut finger and other bruises. Mr. Scott W*a injured more than spy other mem ber of the party* receiving a broken rib and a scalp wound that required five stitches to dose. He also had a badly injured knee. Neither of the( women were badly hurt other than minor cuts and bruisss.; They were taken to the office o f Dr, M. I. Marsh,, who dressed their injuries. The party remained in town over uigh£ and left the next morning by train for home. I Mr. Ludwig represent* a Cincinnati j concern in Atlanta. The oar was bad­ ly wrecked. Feed costs account for about TOpsr cent of the total cost of producing eggs on 78 farms in northwestern Ohio. PEACHES FOR SALE Reaches fa*earning will bs ripe It timNagky nmrt wedt, - ■ *1* HAMMY MAGLKY I HW*fc«MIIME : The marriage o f Mir. la ri M, Got* has, son ef Mrs. Maty CoMhw and Ittce Mary Am Dixon, New Caaaevd* was solemnised last Friday evening hi the U. P. church in that place, Th* etremeny was psrformsd by Bsv. W» H. Hughes* D. D.* pastor of the bride, assisted by Bev. Herbert Dixon, Cuy­ ahoga Falls. In the wedding party were Mrs, William Oriett, Canons- burg, Fa„ a sister as matron of hon­ or; Miss Dorothy Collins, Brooklyn, N. Y, sister of the groom, maid pf honor; and little Norma Ovitt, flower girl, Mr. J, Robert Collins, brother of the groom, beatman, Messrs, William Garrett* St, Clalrsvilie; Cecil Rife, Ce. dsrville; Harold Vance, New Castle, Fa,, and W. Wilbur White, Chicago, ushers. The Inride was given, in mar- by her father. A reception fol­ lowed at the home of the bride, The bride3and groom became acquainted while in misionary work in Egypt. They will make their home in Tarkio, Mo., where Mr. Collins wiUbe.dean of men and head, the department of ed- cation o f Tarido College. A large number of relatives from here at­ tended the wedding and reception. . GIgaatie Strsctwro Herodotus eetlmatsd that 109,000 man ware mgaged for 20 years in building the Great pyramlfi. o ST. FA 500BU.PEACHES Ripening from now until Oct, 15th. 50c* 75c and $1.00 per Bu. >. at orchard in your basket^ A- bout 50 bu. ready now. Nice Yellow Free Stones. P. M. GILLILAN Call 3 on 86* CedarviUe* O. P 58 I sm A ss yss’d sfykuriiy P*y ie t*t a sjreu* sloss. you css ywtt tf)§ Ohio Sist* Fair, ss- I»y ih* »pWW agdeuihifst end IndUftrisI sdiltits ami wit asm H is Hsgsnbsefc-Waliees qrsst* sit entwrtafnmMt fsstur* is the Fsfr'* Miteiy. - Ysc'll riiriii teClyd* Isatfy, Otis boy. forsmeHw«d snipSal trsissr; Wilns, the hsmss prefeettht fiw fsijiou* Hannsferd risttnf falsify and other*. Ohio Isvlfs* yw t* ft* fissst fain. L a GUTHBRY Director CHAS. M. BEER . . '^CuiEEiK' HAGEH BECK WALLACE CIRCUS COLUME) y INTEREST AND WE PAY THETAX ' Absolute safety is assured for every dollar is protected*by first mortgage on con­ servatively appraised real estate. If Your money is earning less come in and^see Us. The Springfield Building & Loan Association 28EastMain Street SPRINGFIELD, OHIO YOU CAN KEEP. YOUR KITCHEN Miss Eloise Farquhar* London, and Mrs. Mildred Foster, Yalknv Springs* j sntsrtainsd at tha home ot th* latter Monday afternoon in honor o f Mr.a ' Paul Orr* a rscen tbrida o f this place, The party was In ths/natura of a shower. Luncheon was served at five o’clock and after a “treasurer hunt” through Antioch Campus was enjoy­ ed. Notes were placed at various directing where the “treasure seek­ ers.” ” The gifts ward then presented to Mrs. Orr. Those present were: Mrs. Maty Lane, Mrs. Russell Hal­ stead, Mrs. James Beam and Miss Lewis* Xenia;'Mr*."L, 8. Farquhar and Miss Eloiae Farquhar, London; Mrs. Robert Carry, Mrs, Mildred Cor- ry and Misa Leah Flatter, Yellow Springs; Mrs. M. C. Hughes, Mrs. Paul Orr* Misa fdmt Merton, Mrs. Fr&hk cCresw*lli iffir. Pimti Edvrards, Mrs* Afena Wllien, r l^ 'O r a Mss* Mao'Hitris* Mrs, lAWr*nce.^kr-j;1 bar*Miss Winifred Sticks* # i e AU- < nlbdlie Murdock* Miss Mabel Stor­ mont, and Miss Carrie Rife* Cedar- vllle.v • I j WANTED: BoUr uream. WolT* Dairy. For primb *phou# MM* Xetdk / > 35 At least three times a day* someone spends a good many minutes in the kitchen o f your home* preparing meats. To her this room is important. Home- times it is uncomfortable. It* overshawoda the pleasure o f Bummer* simply because o f the oppresive heat that comes from old-fashioned ranges-particu- larly before dinner* when she l is constantly beside the range attending to her cocking. Is her “ workshop” as conven- venient and as pleasant as you Can make It? Your 1home is not completely modem With- out a modern gas range* Thintc 5 F how’easy it is to use’! Simply turn a handle . . . and you have a clean, concentrated cooking heat that is confined to its job o f cooking. Insulated ovens keep cooked dishes warm without heating the kitchen. Heat, well directed, cooks quickly . . . and only a minimum o f it escapes. ’ Gaa Is a valuable servant. In no appliance does it so fully assert its value as In the modern gas range. If the kitchen in your home is hot . . .if the Cook in that kitchen finds cooking a burden, remember this; Gas* thru a modern gas range, will modernize your kitchen and make it a happy place to work, ' When you think o f SERVICE think o f TheDaytonPower&LightCo. XENIA DISTRICT Golden Grain— Golden Dollars V % - Central Ohio's wheat fields are pouring into the granaries a record yield of golden grain* but it is only speculation as when is the best time to turri pt into dollar*. One thing is sure however,,-when the grain IS ■turned into dollar* you can plant the money here arid know that it will earn as