The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52
4 I f t 'i Do not wait for the Old Age Pension. Open a Sav ings Account with us now and receive4%compounded semi-annually. The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio / ip#y Beys Jadgt Americas Strange, Almost in time for hie fffty-sew. enth lnrthday aanivoroary, live crest nations—Germany, France, Italy Ja pan and Great Britain—-signed a doc ument indorsing the President’s ’’debt holiday” proposal* The announce ment made the world more cheerful. Foreign bonds went up, good news for Americans that bought them. Wall street, rapidly wiping a tear from each eye, straightened out ita wrinkles and bid “Big Steel” to 90, other prices to match. There ia noth ing like action, and the President "got action” when he announced his moratorium idea, Debts are not for gotten or wiped out. The plan iff to give Germany an'opportunity to get her breath, A w n S S A S S a W i . L -u on for 30 THE MISSION TO CYPRUS '-rr7~ J' t I ' ;S ’ v Completely redecorated and remodeled'. . . over $&OQ;OOQ spent in making the Hotel Chittenden the topcil choice for the traveler. Home o f the “ Purple GW” Coffee Shop.' Large, comfortable rooms1— exceptional service. Rates from $1.50 .upward. Geo. A Werydig, Manager COLUMBUS, OHIO B U T N OW FIELD FENCE BARBWIRE AND POSTS PAINTS, VARNISHES, ANDLlNSEED OIL • << L . , ( * ~ - ft it i 1 ’ A L l ' t, r- ) cm - /\h - V I E. Main St.4 Xenia, 0 . PLUMBING W o to x ’ G o n n o e tio n s * * . ■ “ . . W M i f o v (Mui w §$m ■ H%pnlt»fp jl Fa iiBO f MMl Ssslis Mm**fflmWmtmx 91 mm * in t o th « T a rd tm S p r in k lin g * ' rarp< ¥ JPt E. HARPER - Chief Justice Hughes, who ha* the final say, sent?to New York Federal Judge Richard J^Hopkiqs of 'Kansas, who saw' interesting things in New York,, aa, he told JKr.lgwin*'; ofr.thfi- New Orleans States, Professor,.Guar- riieri of Columbia and others at lunch eon. Judge HhpJdo?.' M^rpriM and _grievecLMr.“Lega” Diamond,by prov ing that federal judges mega;busi ness. Re sent Mr. Diamond tO-pgiaon for foun,years, fined him gll^MKbahd informed the district attorney- that he would give him evidence with enough in it-to send MrTDiamond and,others to jail for-30 or40 years more. Those who believe that the law should be' will? be*,much o- above bootleggers bliged .to Kansas^for sending Judge Hopkjna, and pfohi{)iti0rufftfi Will re call with satisfaction *tfr fBfljr is a regular Kansas prohibitionist.* The shipping board, about to sell some big ships, including the giant Leviathan, will make sjire that Amer ican ships will continueto be owned by Americans and operated to create a commercial marine for the United Stated Fortunately the principal bidders are the Dollar Line and Her bert Fleishacker, on the Pacific Coast Kermit Roosevelt, and Vincent Astor, Mr. Bruce of Baltimore, a broth of Secretary Mellon’s son-in-law, and others, on the east cOast. Both these groups are entirely American. - Of Kansas, you may say 'again with Goethe: "Das unbeffchreibliche, hier wild es getaru” "The indescribable here it is done,” Three Kansas towns Bellvitte,. Ch&nute, CoWy, run'their own “utilities,” and make enough money to get alon^ without taxation: That seem* to upset ,the. well-estab lished Wall Street theory:; “Public ownership can never pay in America:” Perhaps we' are not as stupid o f dis honest as we are supposed to be,' Colby owns its water and light plant,'municipal airport and munici pal cemetery, and they yield profits that abolish municipal taxes: Chanate owns its water, electric ligfct.and gas plants, airport, cemetery, tourist camp, swimming pool, auditorium* and supports a municipal band, Belle ville owns its prater and light plants. Mr. Doherty supplies it withnatural gas. It owns its Cemetery and air port, and supports a municipal band. If thatibe Socialism, make the most of'iti ’ LESSON TEXT—Act* GOLDEN TEXT—For t am not ashautaO of the gospel of ChrUt; for It 1* the power o f God unto Miration to every ope tint belirveth; to the jew first, and also to the Greek, PRIMARY TOPIC—Paul Starts on a Greet Trip. JUNIORTOPIC—Paul Bigin* an Ad. venturous Journey. . INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR t o p . IC—Million*.ry Adventure* in Cyprus. YOUNGPEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC—Christianity atOOurt, Wonderful are German scientists. One recently explored the atmost- phere 40,000 feet up. Another tells you that in Greenland thaice i*8,85Q feet deep. - Greenland, according to those learned Germans, ip like a great bowl filled with ice.* Good news for the enteiprising city of Buffalo, N* Y. - It stands first a- mong grain ports of the United States according to the shipping board re ports* and is also the country’s and the world’s., largest flouring milling center. In water-borne freight it is second onlj^to Duluth, — l ■ In Spain Charles Chaplin, whom you have seen walkingewith hi* toes out, saw eight bulls killed In one fight, but didn’t say what jifi thought about it, Those that know"him know what he thought. Lalafida, Spain’s -champion bull fighter, conferred great honor on Mr, Chaplin by presenting to Mm an ear cut from one of the dead bulls, ~ I. Barnabas and 8auf Return from Jsrusalsm (12:25). The Christians at Jerusalem were in need because of a famine which had come upon the world, When news of this reached the believers at Antioch, they were moved with sympathy for thus, and relief was sent fit the hand; ofr Barnabas and SfifiU OR thejr re- , turn from this ministry, they companied by John Marie. It, Gift* of the Church at Antioch (v.. I). was this, new religious center, If had prophets anirteficliet* Such are essential to right church life. In Ephesians4: &12 is enumerated the gifts'which when ChrlBt ascended on high be,gave to mpiUtor the perfect ing of the saints unto the work of the ministry. -JJifts, in the Church are not for the Church itself, but to enable tt to perform service -for. others. III. Barnabas and Saul Sent Forth (vv. 2, 3). « This marks thebeginning of foreign missions as the [deliberately planned enterprise of the Church, 1. The occasion (v. 2), While the five prophets and.teachers were fast ing and praying, the Roly Spirit com manded them to send forth Barnabas and Saul. The work rof evangelizing f!te world was laid so heavily upon these men That they refrained from efiting.fn order fo seek the will of God In prayer, Thl* 1* the kind of fasting,that hfis,Godjs approval. The missionary! enterprise is the Index to the spirituality of a church. The emp tiness of missionary treasuries and the falling off of missionary candi dates reveal the traspirituatity of the home bass. 2. The divine command (v. 2). The Holy Ghost said, “Separate me Barna bas and Safi)” 'The real call to Christ ian service come* from the Holy Spir it The Spirit called, the Church re- ■ponded by -sendlng out those called by him. Splgt-fllled Christians know the Voice of ike Holy Spirit The Spir it called, and'the best men which the Church at Antioch had'were sent out A The obedience (v. 3). After,fast ing end prayer,;Baraabaa. and Saul were sent bat The men were ready to go»‘ A ‘ <-* " * 4. Instant, obedience was' rendered. Those who bafe received the. Spirit’s call'are not.taken by sprprise when they are .bMMaiiMikmed. by the Chnrcb. There should bfi no holding hack on the part of tie Church, nor of the workers when the Spirit calls. By the worker* whan the Spirit bails. IV. Fresohlno th* Word of God in Cyprus .(vr. 4, G). We are not told aa to'why they first went to Cyprus, but we are left tb infer that it was owing to the fact that Cyprus was the home of Barna bas. He was acquainted with the country and the people and could he thus assured .of a respectable hear* Ing among them: Besides, it was most natural that thoss who had heard the good hews go first with' It to their kindred and friends. Andrew first want to his brother, and the man out' of whom the demons were cast was dented the pleasure of following Jesus, in order that he might go and tell his kindred.. Aa they went forth they carefully carried out their / commis sion, for they preached the 'Word of God. Those who artr faithful to*God will preach nothing'but,his Word. The great,need today Is Spirit-called and Spirit-filled meu preaching God's Word. V' V. Withstood by Elymas, tha iorcar- ‘ar (w, 6-12). Sergina Fanlus, the. deputy, invited Barnabas and Saul to tell him of God’s Word. Elymas maliciously sought to- turn bis mind from the faith. He sought to-bar the gospel as It entered upon Its* mission of converting the heathen. Raul came to the front and denounced Elymas in the most scathing terms. He called him tha child of the Devil, denounc ing him at full of guile and vllt&lny; pronouncing him the enemy of all righteousness, and accusing him of perverting the right ways of the,Lord, Surely a man is never more a villain than when he tries to torn a soul from God, So many flyers are over the differ ent oceans and continents that it is dif ficult to keep track, of them. Suffi cient to say that they are all doing “ very nicely,” You wonder what the old saltans of Turkey would have said had yon told them that In their great city of Istanbul men that had flown the Atlantic ocean and the European continent would land to drink to the health o f “Kemal Pa«h«, president o f' Turkey,” That would be too much ior any sultan. . 'God D om Not Foruho Thoo Suppose that all men forsake or foiv get thee; God does not. Ills eye sees' thee, his heart feels for thee, and his hand Is able fo deliver thee. Thou art not friendless, nor wilt thou be . till the God of4all consolation dies.— Charles H, Spurgeon: • The Retunrsetfen-Lifo It la the resurreetlon-life that is the truest as well as the highest form of life; tha surest at well at th# moat glorious Immortality; it admits of no ■reversal and no decay.—It Bonar, ' FOR SALE 100% Pttauylvluila OH MALE HOG * ■ Call at la m ot* phone tib m m A J b n k m TRACTOR “B” GRADE •4 , Every Afternoon and Bvaninf A t jirnuffrtniHl The title, "World's Gatatsst Ag ricultural Exposition,” is not n. were hit of ballyhoo designed te arouse a fM m interest in the Fair or to dUceive the pubtte. Through many years of prooroM hi nwabers and quality of exhibits, kg virtue, of having followed » constructive program of building and expansion, until now the OMo Mafia /Fair ■Grounds and its equipment is worth more than $5,OOfi£fi0, *dth n Premium lUiat o f $1W!A<W—the largest of any similar exhibition— and now by reason of haying book ed the world’s premier amusement feature, surely there can be none who will question the right o f tha. Ohio State Fair to use the fore going slogan, In the past many super attrac tions have been used, la 1987, the International Stampede and Rodeo attracted the largest crowd find responsible for the largest' waB grandstand receipts fat' history, Following upon the heels o f this •vent, in 1928, the incomparable" Lieutenant Commander, John Philip Sous*, and his Band tingled untold thousands during that week- ■The circus will positively appear in its entirety. Sixty specially.buiitJJ steel fist cars are required for the transportation of equipment .and animals, while 2G Pullman cars are used for sleeping accommoda tions . for performers, - helpers* laborers and others of the organi sation—numbering in all over GOO, horses and 1000.people. The per formance will not be held-under a tent ds is the. usual custom, but Will be placed directly opposite tha. grandstand in the race track en closure. It includes 3 rings and 3 stages, the length over-all nearly 600 feet,-which,means that occu pants. of end seats in the grand stand will be' given as good an op portunity to see and hear as those in the center. Six thousand seats willM placed on the opposite side of the circus facing the grandstand for the over- flow crowds that will be present. All of the over-head equipment will, be used so that all aerial acts and high-wire performers will be pre sented in their usual maimer. . The afternoon performance will. of necessity be interspersed, be tween the heats..of the horse races. At night ttte scene will be bril liantly illuminated.' In addition to the regular lighting supplied by- the- fair management, the Hagen- beck-Wallace Circus carries its own .'lighting, equipment. N Two complete sets, including dynamos/; are carried so that if trouble de velops in one set the other can be used without delay, 1Color screens > and fipod lights Will be used generously, giving the performers, with their colorful and costly costumes, a beauty and. brilliance never before obtained iaj circuadom. The Menagerie, (the largest and - most compkte' of its kind in the world, a srriaU city in itself, oc cupying a space of 100 feet by 600 feet and under a tent, will be located at a point accessible,to-tbe race track enclosure so that tha animals used in the circus can easily, be taken to and from tha menagerie to the performance la ftont o f thesgrandstand. FOR SALE:—156 acroa wall Im proved within 3 miles o f Cedarville. Nice house. Large barn. Silo,. No waste land, all smooth. Well fenced and tiled. Deep soil, Very reasonable price. Easy terms. W. t . Clemana, Realtor. Exclusive Agent, Cedarville^ House for Rent:- Shroades, Call Mrs. Lee 666 Relieves a Headache er Neuralgia hi 80 minute*, cheeks a Ceid the Bret day, end checka Malaria ia three daja. 666 also in Tnfclota. Before jgsxfcetinff your Iff® ifowsk T H ® S O U T H CHAB IJ538Ta i# DAILY MARKET a e & K. SMOOTS * . 9pO & t* MONEY PAID WHRN WRIOMID liiMfiHiyiMIMiMMWHW zspm • f ! •4 - vn Stop at the Hotel Havlin in Cincinnati and enjoy all the comforts o f home. Spacious, well-venttifited rooms, courteous service anr* hospitality of the jk^heat degree, RATES; ' Room with running water, f2.0G. Single with hath, ^2.B(Ho $B.pO Double with bath, $4.00 to $7.00 Special Group Rates g a r a g e SERVICE HOTEL HAVLUfl' CINCINNATI. OHIO F . A t YOUR Command Have you ever stopped to think what a, composite . organization - you command when you use electricity or gas?. You press a button and get light ~. . hold •a lighted match over a gas burner and get heat. / - 'V # In this community atone, thousands of dollars worth of property responds, to vour touch/ Thousands, of dollari represented in machinery; real estate; miles and miles of wires and gas pipes; poles, insulators, transforming stations . . . the list Is almost without end. And this must work*continu- §| , l j • < - , iu , f ' • •*' ally. It can never rest. Hundreds of men — organized into day and, night shifts— are in constant attend ance — •exercising a ceaseless supervision over the operation of these properties. Just for one purpose — - so that when you press the. button or light the gas, light ■and heat will be there for you instantly.-*— any t i m e A l l times. The Dayton Power & Light Company V IF YOUNEEDPRINTING DROP IN FERTILE SOIL Everyone, from the beck yard gfcrd ter to the thousand acre farm operator, knows the need of planting in fertile soil te produoe an abundant crop. What is true of foodstuffs la equally true of dollars, Thousands of thrifty people have planted their dollars here because they have found it produces an abundant yield with per fect safety. <■> »* 5 1 - 2 % INTEREST TAX FREE — WE PAL THE TAXES If your money la lying idle or not earning what It should, deposit It t m whore it will earn a genorawa return and be protected by first mortgage on good real oatate. The Springfield BulkHng & Loan Association SPRINGFIELD, OffiO 2 8 B a s t M a in S t r e W “ W. G; Bureai evenin] Presidt believe celient to get faith i The farmer Farm : of a si last ye; 000 m particij to the Farm country ere ex Muster ancestoi Annoi Day c« Bureau signed O’Neal, dent. “ Fari its sign of earl fiite ex aside o the ent commu tion an commu rnen.po c “ Tho a ers. ’ problei d enemy- that ti The st farms “Tod d d ir with e stead the foi ductioi the lik muske #4 '.be mel ft is v set asi ifirmei it 1 should; demon; .and contim “Mu for mi reaffirt G and their t says B n couUti; Form pUed grams tion unifor ity gr ing S' mobili: sends Farm Fan invited tions county year ance state be one of th; cultur Farm Mrs |er ■-dl.UEfigW'* .'.v.UMFMr**S I*
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