The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52
BUY NOW rite FURNITURE REFINISHING LOWEST PRICES UPHOLSTERING QUAL ITY WORK REPAIRING ESTIMATES FREE ■ Phone No. 3 " ' Fred F. Graham Co. 17*1# South Whiteman St,, Xenia, Ohio BUY NOW BOWK!DOWN!G* the Price Bn the Last fewDaysef the U A M F CLOTHING X lV J f lS i COMPANY'S CEDARVILLE, OHIO STOCK DISPOSAL S A L E ; NOTHING RESERVED BARGAINS GALORE OURFIRSTSALEIN22YEARS , v 1 . ‘ ' _ ‘ , ' 4 f " . Ifautic redactions. It is our Ions and your coin, so buy now and save, fnralshiiif store for men, women and children and has always carried. Quality merchandise. ^ Right in the heirt of the selling season* when' everybody is wUihc at high prices and big profits, we i r i selling at drastic redactions. It i sour loss and your gain, so buy now And sore. CO C ■K S % DPMI LO C A L A N O PBM D M A L Sirs, % H. Oharry to* ter tor gueet, Mis* Carrie Rrif of Dayton. Miss Margaret Kyi* of Cohupboa spent Saturday here with relatives and friends. ORsuEinaxE s c r e w s lfilpLA m J g WUt U o A m BN3M4 to Jpg' )*•* «w '<***.<***■ * *m *m rstetivee |n Pwsifeife, Yft* Prof. F. A. Jurkat is s id in g week in New Galilee, d g y vki with his mother, C m is ting Mr, and Mrs, Fred Clemana had for their guest for several days, Mrs. Pat Haynes of Dayton. Susannah West s f TolAoi is spending her vacation here' w i t her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. 8. West. Prof. G, F. Siegler of Marietta, G., spent,several days here this week with relatives!, Miss Florence Summers o f Colam- bus visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. H iff., Mrs. Mary little jgurptoy of Con nersville, Ind., is hart on n visit with her sister, Mrs. Ethel Buck. The Sunshine Club enjoyed n picnic at the cliffs Monday night, ja atake arid welner supper being served. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Anderson and children of Sprinfield spent thg week- end here with relatives. Rev/ W. A, Condon,, wife and daughter, Margaret, of Ada, are visit ing here with Mrs, Lulls Watt.1 , Rev, Walter Bep^ag and wil# of B u fa lo^^ . Y., jdrited the first of The wash with the termer's brother, Mr. William Hopping and wife. Rev. Hopping and wife ware accompanied to Dayton by hia sister, Mrs. Bessie Rant and daughter, wto were their guests for some that. Dr, aadMrs. C. M, Ritchie are touring the West and visiting rel atives and .friends. They will be guests of Dr. Ritchie's brothers, Dr, 8. tV . Ritchie in Bagermanu Idaho, and Rev. j . L. Ritchie at Ojai, Cali fornia, and Mr*.. Ritchie's brothers, Janies Hemphill o f Des Moines, New Mexixco, and 8»ntuel Hemphill of Pueblo, Colorado. They wU lviait other friends on the way coftting and going in Southern Illinois and St. Louis, Mo. . . "■ . Mrs. R. R. Townsley, who has been reported critically . ill for * several .days, does not show much improve ment at this time. Mr. and Mrs. R. ,Cecil Bums’ of Washington, D. C,» are guests at' the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs: John Bums, Dr. and Mrs, W. R. Graham ’and' daughter, Jesse, , Lafayette, Ind., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iliff, the first of the week. . ■ •< BARGAINS ^ 'Roys A ll Wool * a i t e £ | | '£ y Beuys Blaus* Salta 37c B e fa ll Knee Panto,. , BARGAINS Mena Wool Suitsl lot' 3.87 Entire stock Suits, O'Coats below chat. ' * , . BARGAINS ■Me*’* Fancy Suepeoder* 91.0* Value Man's Belts 37c 43c BARGAINS Women's Fine . S i,57 Women’s House Dresses 77C Silk Rayon .Under Garments 1 37c »G. H. HARTMAN, Prop. A t YOUR Command H av * you avar stoppad to think what a composHra organization you command whanyou uso •lactricity or gas? You prass a button and gat light...«hold t lighted match ovar a ga* burnar and . gat haat. In this community alona, thousands of - dollars worth of proparty rasponds to your touch. Thousands of dollars raprasantad in machlnary; raal astata; milas and. milas of wiras and gas plpas; polas, insulators, transforming stations . . . tha list is almost without and. And this must work continue afly! If can navar rast. Hundreds of man— ofganizad into day and night shifts— ara fn constant attend ance — exercising a ceaseless supervision ovar the operation o f these,properties. Just for one purpose — so that when you press the button or light the gas, light and haat will be there for you instantly— any time — All times, . i ■ The Dayton Power & Light C o m p a n y Mr. And Mrs. O. A. Dobbins' at tended the Illinois State F a ir. Rut week, attending the National Swine Show, which was held in connection with the fair. Mr, and Mrs. Aden Barlow and son, Willard, and Paul .Reed, who enjoyed a vacation in Northern Canada'for two weeks, on a fishing trip, returned home Friday. Mrs, Laclede Merida and two daughters, left Friday torgaaFeilte* Cal, where they win snake their home while Chaplain Markle is sta tioned on the west coast. # Mr. H*rry Wright drove to Sea man, 0., Sabbath, and was accom panied home by hia wife ami family, who .have been visiting witjb the let ter’s mother, Mrs. McCullough. Miss Harriet Ritenour is spending a "short vacation at Dalton, Mich., with her sister mid brotbsr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Millar o f Xenia, who are enjoying a vacation at that resort. / ■ Rev, Merle Rife and family, who have been spending mos tof the sum mer here with relatives, have return ed to Tarkio, Mo., where Rev. Rife is professor’ in Greek in Tarkio College. Prof. ..and Mrs. C. W. Steel have returned home from Chicago, where they, have been spending .the summer while the. Professor was doing post graduate work in Northwestern Unl- vsrsity. West Porkwood Drive, Dayton, O, Re*. MMI oa Haunt and family ef NRe* OWe, tad Mr- Edward Writer and family of Bfetord, O., 'guests ter several days at the home «* 8 Em»ft ft “ Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ritchie Me dure ware guests recently sfDr. and Mrs, C. M. Rttehto. Mr. MeCter* la a teacher In AmeM Critega in New Haven, Coma, and la a aaphesr of Dr, and Mrs. RHfbjri The .annual reunion and picnic of the St, John family was held at Shawnee Park, Xenia, last Thursday, it being the thirty-second annual family event, Otis Si. John was elected president; Misa Margaret Neeld, secretary, and Mrs, Clara Mc Clellan, a member o f the entertain ment committee,. The reunion will be held at the same piftce nexxt. year. Mias Lounett* Sterrett left yester day for Erie, Pa., expecting,to atop enroute at Columbus and Cleveland. Miss Sterrett teaches in the Erie pub lic schools. - Miss Mauds Hastings has returned to Kent, O., where she will teach this coming year. Mr. Allen Turnbull leaves tihs week ter Cleveland, where he .will resume teaching in the high school. NOTICE;- Patrons ara asked to make appointment .ter ' Saturday September 5. M rjZora Wright. Rev, Charles Donation and family, tod Misa Donna Bunts, Monday. Their son, Arthur, expects to enter Cedar- viU* College. Mrs. J. C. Ferryman, accompanied her brother on a visit to her sister in Toledo. They expeet'fto return aome-. time Saturday/.1 /■»“ Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Marsh will spend the week-end in, Cleveland attending the wedding of, a niece, Miss Jane Roodebush. They will be accompan ied to Cleveland by Misa Martha Run yan o f Terraco Park/Cincinnati and expect to return home Monday even ing. ' Mr. V, E. Sullivan, Mrs, Florence Taylor and Miss Carroll Self of Charleston, W« V *, and Mrs. Clyde White and son, Neal, Dawes, W. Va., ware guests of Dr.'and Mrs,'Q. P. Elias several days the past week, Mrs, Gordon Oolites, Mias Dorthy Collins, and Mr. Robert Collins, enter tained about ninety guests Iasi Fri day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Collins, who were married recently. Miss Ruth Burns entertained three tables at bridge Wednesday afternoon in honor, of Mrs. R. Cecil Burns Washington, D, C. Miss Helen Iliffe won first honors and Mrs, John Stewart, Cincinnati, the consolation "prize. . d MrCfcaii Dayton .aid Rev. Robert afXolkxteLN.Y., andriMif o B er on mends! of thV Galbn Wauu want am smjeam par lies Galbreaih and vtife of Gribroatb Ajhlle, hemUtet Ssturday. Both , ilbreaths were former resi dents"of this place. Mrs. W. W. Troute returned home Monday after spending several days in Dayton with her brother, Rev. Will Duffield and wife, Rer. Duffleld just recently left the hospital follow in g^ serious operation. Bo is much Improved but ta net able to be out yet, * MISS JANE F. HUFF MARRIED TO DAVID C. BROWN, TUESDAY Mis* Janet F. Huff/daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Huff, Clifton, became the bride of Mr. David C, Brown,, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Day, ton, Tuesday, the ceremony being per formed at the home of the bride at four o’clock. The double ring cere mony Was performed by Dr. *J. G. C. Webster, Clifton, former jjaator of the bride before an altar o f garden flowers and ferns. Preceding the cere mony Mr, David Roble, Dayton, pi anist, presented a musical program. As the wedding petty approached he played “Lohengrin” , followed by Mac Dowell’s “To a Wild Roee," The bride and her sister, Miss Annie Huff, maid of honor, came down the stairway and were met by the bride groom and his best man, Mr! Robert Moody, Dayton, and the,officiating minister. The bride wore an assem ble of brown ehtffott Velvet with har monising accessories and carried an arm bouquet of American Beauty roses. Mtoa Huff was gowned in brown chiffon velvet with ISO* Mouse and completed with a short bolero jacket. Her bouquet was of . Marshal Neil rtjsoi. Following the eeremony a huffejb luncheon was servpd after which the bridejjand groom%«i by motor for d trip to New YorkCity addOthereaad em print*, The will redid* te D*#cmj* at 128W. Second st Mr*, Brown to a graduate of Cedarrilto High School and Mtemi-Jaeoba Coll#** and has bean employed te a sectorial position with the Frigktoke Cwp. MwBtown Is connected With the rental depart, ment of the Third Natiefttf Bah* Dayton. FOR SALE: MALE HOG. A A iidlid***. S l O I f N n A v w i t o FOR SALE: Fenehee, Ftote and Flnma. H. t* WMttingten. Fhone 188. Mtoa Dorritor Ibreades, Dayton,! Mm week-end with her nurie1 Mr mud Mrs. Lee Shrcmdes. l i t end Mr*. Frank Krndkir, Mtoe Noth Beckett end Mr. Wilber Derklc-! sen o f Hamilton, ware week-end gueets at tha home e f J. A. .Bums. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and daughter, Ethel Retie, have returned home after a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mono te Alpena, Mich. Rev- R. A, Jamieson and family have returned home after a vacation trip to Lake Geneva, Wis., * and to Hanover, H I "r-v* A ■ft a 6 6 6 ReRevee a Headache or Nonralgia in N miastee, ahedma Cold the first day, end checksMalaria te three days, IM f nlso bnTmbkria. 50061.PEACHES Rlpealsg from now until Oct. 15th, 50c, 75c And f 1.00 per Bit, At orchArd in your bnelcote. A - bnut 50 bu. ready now. Nice Yellow P. M. G ILLILAN „ Call 3 on 86, Cedarville, O. : i i BE INDEPENDENT •* r* ^ Do not wait for tin Old Age Pension. Open a Sav ings Account with ns now and receive4% compounded semi-annually. •teteto TIMA' The Exchange Bank p ■ C€darvHle,Ohio “HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAF / BIG SALE NOW ON , , * i -• ’ , , * i iNever before in the history of our Company have we offered such bargains in all wool blankets. An excellent selection in plaids^and plainsin both singles and doubles iti various sizes, weights and colors* Call a t sales room, three- story building* south end of plant* r ’V' ■?, i'fr The On Frit & Blanket Co. % 1. t ^ *- *M1 w PIQUA, OHIO The Montgomery DAYTON; OHIO Sept 7th (Labor Day) 8-940 Thefair that is Educatisnal, Entertaining, and llivtiinf 4 BIO NIGHTS BIG •DAYS Home Racing Day and Night FOR SALE MALEHOG Call at tentt ec phoM Howard Arthur 3 Big Free Attractions 1000 Boys A Girls in 4-H club Work County School Exhibits Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibit* Fine Arts, domestic Mfg*., — Provisions Beautiful booth displays by lsading mer- CHildrsn Admitted Free Tues. Sept. Sth. Sobio Gyro lands on Fairground, Sept ft Something doing every minute. GENERAL ADMISSION 50c f . A . RUOTSON, Fra*. 'Band:Cun^jHk, 1 Large Stock Exhibits Team Fulling Contest* Homo DoMonstPatitm Projects * A ll Exhibition Buildings open Jay, night chant* of Dayton and Maa t iinfity Co. Soldiers* Day, SepL Otk. Prixe Winning Stock Parade, Sept. lOtk Com* arid eee ana o f tha bast and gait Fair* in tha Stata* AUTOMOBILES Xfc ' . . I t C. HAINEI, fecyv
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