The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52

OBttimu* vmm>, rmxxtstnwttz *§, *c:i. iXLI■lyw1 eywqpy i RMPl ,iri|i.W'l'iU^.|'.Wia y i|»nrw * nvm.'vm aIMwiwmM''u. ' ,|i|,iMwinm Jiti 1.1 ..Hi' inu u.«mu t W « c I d a r v i l l e h e r a l d g * i * » g g g . EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Ohio, October 31,1887, FRIDAY, S tn V X B K K 26* m i . HOOVER SPEAKS PLAIN ON THE S0NO5 Preeidwpt Hoover In hi* addreea to the American Legion Monday made the meet Important public utterance since he en­ tered the Whjta House. It was a speech o f plain spoken facts that not oaly appealed to the Legion but was representative of the thought and opinion o f the American people. His appeal to the veterans o f the World War to enlistTn the fight to save this nation fropi further economic destruction was courageous and it is to the credit o f the organisation that the question will not be pressed further at this time. There could be no re lief by plungipg the nation.into more debt fo r this would only add to the burden o f everyone. There is misconception in many quar­ ters when it Is claimed only a certain class o f citizenship, can be forced to pay a government, even by taxes. There is no tax but what corneaback to the consumer in some form or another. •While we approve of'President Hoover’s stand on the pay­ ment o f additional bonus* it must not be taken that the obliga­ tion should not be paid in the future. In our opinion there has been money that could have gone to the Legion* such as the hundreds o f millions being spent fo r extravagant post office buildings* on the assumption that we are aiding in restoring prosperity. Rather than millions in loans to foreign countries as a protection to American manufacturers that haye opened factories in Europe* we would say that the boys that helped save the day in Europe should come first.,. We cannot go on spending money with the nation’s debt increasing monthly by millions and authorize expenditures to the extent o f two billion dollars fo r bonus payment. We are to -pay-a high price fo r the government federal building program, a criticism President Hoover must stand sooner or later. The more tax money takeiHfrom corporation or individual* the less the corporation or individual has fo r spending. The nation as well as the whole world is paying now fo r extravagance o f the past few years. Individual and taxing district, as well as state and federal government has spent more than conditions justi­ fied. Our older citizens w ill tell you that we must go back to the dark days o f 1857 and in the nineties. The solution is not spending but .saving. W e must again adopt the thrift cam­ paign so well remembered back in 1916. n< There is no short cut to escape a situation such as we have experienced in recent months. There can be no patent dose or formula to sooth a condition and give the people the impression we are not as-financially distressed as we think we are.With un­ employment everywhere, factories closed, many financial insti­ tutions closed, England dropping the gold standard o f payment o f her obligations* public appeal to provide food for the unem­ ployed this winter, is a picture that the present generation nev­ er witnessed before. As. dark ns the picture is it can not be re­ moved by going on as we have in the past. A new start must be made or we w ill contiue to drift back. We cannot stand still. LONDONZ XENIABUSLINE EA5TBOUND DAILY - —■■Buie* leave Cedarville East al 8:19A.M. 1:19P*M. 5:19P*M. and make direct commotion at London for Columbus WESTBOUND D A ILY TO XENIA ‘ 7:30and11.05A. M. 3:05,4:30and.7;05P.M. C e d a r v ille S ta tion— R ich a rd s D ru g S to re LONDON — XENIA BUS LINE RALPH E. DAVIS, Mgr. A G A S • .. 4 •"=*CW What Would You Do Without It? Plpod to your homo or to your factory, this Idaal fual aftmlnatai drudgoryt lossont offort and introduces quicker, better results, more leisure hours end better living con* dttiorw. theDaytonPowerandLight Company takes pride in ren­ dering a service to this and adjacent communities by tlitMw ttus conven­ iences and economy of gas, MW' 'IRV pi MP m I TIHHe F T k a g Dayton Power & Light C o m p a n y | L t t , HRATHMAN, Mgr., . r ,, Xeni* DMrict Over at Grove City, Franklin coun­ ty, they have a dosr and how* trade. Beth have withdrawn race* ainc* the recent agitation over gambling. Both have been in progrea* at various in­ tervals for several year*. Both are on­ ly a few mile* from the State home and court; house. Near the Frsnkiln county line Is a dog track at West Jefferson. Columbus has always been excited about that track and the gam­ bling that goes with such forms of racing. Neither state or Franklin county officials knew of the Grove City gambling until lately. A ll three tracks used the same form o f gamb­ ling, so if one was a violation* so was the other. It is now hinted’ that cer­ tain big business men in Columbus were financially interested in the Grove City tracks but not hi the West Jefferson course! Columbus interests stirred public sentiment in Madison county for the benefit of the two re­ sorts at Grove City. Charges were recently filed against the Grove'<Qty management hut a “wooden Indian justice o f peace, dismissed them. But the track owners have'*called o ff all -races.-— — — r---------- — ------ §mM§ Pw* Jay wmraL FawmSetsst tit estsesd' 6hs l^s*4is6s jarlst Ited. what he tanned a “ platonic" friend­ ship wfcsh a Rt-yaar old girl that has had several trials at marriage. The fudge has powerful political friends 1 at FrsnkMa eewriy that tried te save hhg, ,;It seems the judge wanted a young companion and in return be­ stowed upon her a $2,300 diamond ring, a new Auburn automobile and other gifts. The girl found the jur­ ist a “sweet papa.” In as much a* her “ Unde Berner” was leading a double life the girl played the same game and not giving him warning, secured a marriage license andwaiked to the altar once more with, a man named Eversole. When his legal highness learned o f th# base betrayal -a friend and certain county oAcials bfot the newly married 'platonic” friend tp the courthouse and threatened crim­ inal action if she did hot return the 12,800 diamond,ring,The ruse worked but the girl still had another “ ring”, the one .that was wound around the judge's neck. Now that “Uncle” Ho­ mer is free and can have meals at. home with his wife, when he feels the urge-for “platonic friendship” he can content himself .by reading “Three Weeks” or “Sapbo.” Some time when you are walking up East Main street in Xenia, take a view of the new and ornate home of the Peoples Building and Savings Co., home that is nearing completion. The view, as you glance between two of the shade trees on . the courthouse lawn presents a striking picture. The building is of stone and black marbel with a strong resemblance o f Italian architecture. It is not only a credit to the company but a great asset to the City and county. There arc only three building and loan associations in this county, two in Xenia and one in Ce* darville. All three are governed by men of seasoned business experience and all three have strong financial standing. When the peoplp o f Greene county make some comparisons with other counties, not a'financial insti­ tution has failed or even been em­ barrassed during the depression. Any rule adopted for. government of busi­ ness has been for ,the best interests of the depositors and stockholder*. We are sure the people realize this and any inconvienance experienced now is to be repaid in later months when ev­ ery one enjoys more prosperous time*. No one would-want to trust funds with an institution that was Wreck­ less in making loans. Such a policy with many financial institutions has sent them on the rocks. What the public: must-do today is not to spend,’ but to save as much as possible. 1 The London board of education has placed a ban on young married upils remaining in school. I t is certain most citizens of Ohio approve of such ac­ tion, if for no other purpose than to hold a check on high school mar­ riages. Such action has disturbed an­ other set in' the state, including a few idealists, who probably have ho chil­ dren and certain feminine organiza­ tions, hesded*With probably well in- tentioned women, that think they know mote about such a subject than the London board of education. The Ohio law never made provision for student marriages in high schools. The question is not one of the married couple getting an education but the influence such actions has no othor pupils. I f such couples feel they need additional education, we- have many colleges in the state open to them. The best interests of the high school demand no married students. The school is no matrimonial shop, even some match-making may occasionally happen, . Three Common Pleas Judges from as many rural counties have rendered an opinion in Franklin county sustain­ ing charges of immorality, miscon­ duct of office, and a lot of other il­ legal acts against Probate Judge Bostvrick and ordered the bench da. There has been sorae big news this week. Important news, news that will go-down in history-for it not only ha* to do with an act of a president but President Hoover found it necessary to go before the strongest and moat active organisation in/ the United States and plead for the boys of 1931, to enlist in tbe fight to help save the nation in an economic strugle as they did in the World War to save the World from the grasp of the war lords.- Unemployment has driven the Legion hoys by -the thousands to de­ mand the balance of the adjusted cbmpensatoin* amounting to about two billions dollars. This would all but wreck American finances, and the Legion will not ask for it at this time. Another big news event was the announcement that England will stop payment of gold to conserve her gold resources which are now down to six hundred million. This brings up the silver issue for England has' now gone on that basis. What influence it will have on this nation, that has advocatedthe gold standardno one can predict. America now has more than half of the gold'in the world. France comes next and Belgium follows. The depression is writing many pages of history and elder citizens are taken back to the days of 1896 when the gold and silver issues divided the na­ tion into two waring camps, .hut gold won by the-elsction o f the, late Wil­ liam McKinley for. president!, t ”4 ,-«;)■■ ‘ There are still a few covered bridges in Greetle county, but only one & Ce­ darville township, to the best of our knoweldge. We do not know of a double covered bridge in the county but Clark county has a alnd mark of this type that it unique"today. It is on the National Highway just west of Springfield along Snyder Park and was constructed in ,1889. I t has two 14-foot roadways ahd spans 178 feet over Mad river. The development of the Ohio State Highway program in­ cludes removal of this old bridge to be replaced With a $100,000 steel and concrete structure. Those interested in preserving historical things now protest its removal. In as much M the bridge is in good repaid*' has two roadways* w i tie no reason why it cannot stand a few years longer. The $100*000 could be used to replace nu­ merous other bridges that are narrow and dangerous. For instance there are numerous small bridges between Cedarville and Springfield,' especially the bridge over the Little Miami river in Clifton that should be widened. Be­ tween Cedarville and Xenia we have several narrow bridges and so on the Jamestown mid Xenia pike. In as much as this work is label relief for unemployeed, the more bridges put under repair, the more men that can be employee*). Empolyees are limited as to the sit* of the bridge. Ohio should make it possible for more men and not fewer men to get work.- J BE INDEPENDENT Do not wait for the Old Age Pension. Open a Sav­ ings Account with tis now and rece ived compounded semi-annually. The Exchange Bank Cedarville, (M e m FOR SALE! 400BU.POTAOES (GRADED) Special Prices on 5 and 10 bit. lets W. B. FERGUSON Cliftoa-014 Town Road Pkeae 34F11 Clifton. ^ I t Rente LS*$ (Seoul S % 1 41 the bogtaaiaf of the OMetfcw H tbo actual Bomber of stom^tteo in Una* was 1,960,000. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia la M minutes, cheeks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days, 666 *l*o in Tablets. SECURITY Is tbe first consideration of tins institution in investing the funds of its depositors. A ll loans ere baaed pn conservative appraisal* and are protected by first mortgage^ With­ drawal* are governed in a manner to fully protect all depositors. That la why, even intimes of business depression, weare able to pay 5 1 - 2 % INTEREST Despite-the low priceson most things, your money w ill earn as much fo r you as ever when invest ed here. The Springfield Building & Loan Association 28East Main Street SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ' Again W E REPEAT COMPARE 4 , „ *,j • - " t ^ ' f. . ^ , i , Compare the values, pricesandservicewegiveyouwith • thoseof anyother tire dealer or distributor of special brands *, Tbe low price*of rubber and cotton RiveFirestoneunusual advantagesdue to their world-wide facilities in securing these raw materials andtheir efficientmanu- , factoring. With Firestone's most economical distributing system, with over 600 branches* warehouse* and service stores* we can secure a complete line of fresh . Firestone tires* tubes* batteries, brake lining, rims and accessories within a few minutes' to a few hours' time arid give our customers values and service that are ti - w ~durHnttrtf, COM PARE A . / S f i \ * & . v VALUES i« hasthl* yearaddedmore rubber to (he.tread whichgive* 20%to25% more talc milcSge before the treadween smooth. The Rrwton*DoubleCordBreaker give* youSIX and EIGHT piles under the tread—tpreadi road .hock*— lemmapuncture*—*give* over 50%Wronger union,be, jV tweenneedandtire bodywhichenaurcelongertire life S h andgreatersafety. - Live rubber penetrate, every.cord and coat* everyfiber by the patented Gum-Dipping proccw—th'ua not only everycoed,butevery fiberwithin thecord**Uintuletedi thi* give* yOn25% to 40%added tire life. COMPARE CONSTRUCTION 1 J /-S 8 r U ' P L I S S V f K A IS . fJfSet tae ef tha a w l e - i e - a i T i r . O M l f n A M a ll O rS to r T l c « R u bb er V o lanM • • . • . l 6 f cu . In * 2 5 6 cu . in . W ( i | h « e e e . e e * S fe M lb S . X feM ttW e W id th . • a e • e e • 4 *7 S in . 4 . 7 * h i. F lie s a t T r e a d . 4 p lie s S p ile * Th ldkaase * f T i r e , . • e S fS ln , . 5 S R I * . . P r ic e * « e . e . . . . f S - M , f S - 6 f ’ *A “ Mag Order” er “Special Brand” tire ismade by aoi faitefar madsaid amder a Came that deaa not identify ■anally M m s h be bnllds his “ Amt grade” Urea an s meunknown U a to the u der his own 4 » COMPARE .TRICSS * '- % plflfpIMW OLDFlKLDTm m. 2 ^ term* 4 A d l.l4 .f6 64.96 l f . M 4 M 4 L f « * f % J » 1 M 6 4.7MR. L M M l I L f t IAM I- 7*16 7.1IXSJ6 LS8-16- 7.96 7.96 S f* l6 M M L M 7 14716.76 IM lM t .S 6 11412L36 S txS_JX7e*f 17.9* 1 4 .96 $Sx6 — R7 »7§ 29.7617*91 fbtotem ----- (RWRIiR TYPE ' ' mm' msMadMm am Mfm Tte^eadlftb* at** tut Matat PirPalr «H tSW ~*f*f 76 L 97 ? 7.74 * 1 x 4 — 6.96 6.96 I I . S 6 A4A21. A l l 44» ASA21- $.XS 6.16 $. 25 - 21 . 7 . 7 * 7.76 I S iM ■ A im n iB S • m ^ sxtxx VAiant m give pm ! W* aik. m i * aoeiraate' tmt ANCHOR TYW •wperHMwyXM ttir Sw MiNOeiw . gar, ^ a«MiPH*a Tie. amspwa Sin t a t , Prtwza* Pwl3r , 7 8 * 8 3 ! 4*76-19- 7.7R 9.76 4.7LS0.XR^IS 19J6 X f.fR 6.0W».XX**» 11.80 X L .| f w w m g tm m3m is.76 6.0M0 1S.XO IL26 t f a f f 64KL29 J 7 .* * W .l* S M 6 7.09.21 M a l i s iJ6 » f ^ S f weeewaw*W pliesfi SOW lln iiL la flss—»■*— ■ » t*#irwtfill feirtifttbf TWmfrmi mimiti fnrfbefimtiiM ' 4100ofour custonets. Bvwfy the carries tbe unlimited Firo#touoguanmte«ami ours. RALPH WOLFORD C«m*»aaai ttmrm'm tfceaeeilea. jet QtlSfillTawSf OWIiaimimi tat geueeu«e« far jMWHHgOiegXTltAVAMtKSwegne 1