The Cedarville Herald, Volume 54, Numbers 27-52
O N f t v & u «p t i A tp . r z r.v \ ::c v s j x i i n . tiMK C I O A R V I L L E H E R A L D WMTOR AND PUBLISHER >J*MOi«*AMia* 61$ le, Ohio, October 31, 1887, i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1981. g o v e r n m e n t a l c o s t o f n o in t e r e s t t o f a r m e r Tbe continued, coet o f state and federal government was o f little or no concern to farm leaders in session in Columbus this weak* if published.reports can be relied upon ., We have follow ed tba reporta elosidy expecting to see some concentrated move ment launched to demand reduced cost o f government. I f there is anyone group that has a greater interest in taxation problems than the farmer or land owner, we do not know who it is. ’ The session just ended seems to have been devoid o f any movement towards lowering cost o f state government. More economy was urged in highway construction but that , was about all. In as much as the motorist pays that bill there can be no relief to property or land owners, When it comes to new or additional taxes the Farm Bureau seemed to be in a happy frame o f mind. A number o f things were recommended. For instance taxes on incomes; sales taxes so that everyone will be required to pay a tax on everything he or she purchases, o age pensions and unemployment insurance, the last to be load ed on manufacturing concerns that would be compelled to re duce the wage scale to finance it. Farm leaders also found more new ways fo r tax money and recommended numerous laws that if passed will require more tax funds from some source. Safety police and highway patrol were mentioned. During the last legislature^ was estimated It would cost more than a million a year to support it. There was opposition to increase in postal rates and protection o f au tomobile drivers from liability for injuries to guest passengers. Both should be-supported by everyone. ------- ' ------- It was suggested that the annual dues be reduced from $10 to $5 but this was defeated by an overwhelming vote. Every now and then, we bear complaints from some o f our farmer friends about tax rates, cost o f sclfools and government but the action o f the Farm Bureau in session this week, not even making a move toward a recommendation, means there is to be no change. It must at least be inferred that so far as the or ganization is concerned, there is no need for lower taxes even . onfarmTand. LIFE INSURANCE BEST INVESTMENT . There has been, no time in the past twenty years when the public has been more impressed with the necessity o f life insur ance. Thousands upon thousands o f persons have purchased what they.supposed were sound investments, blit after the stock market crash found their investment wiped out or their, assets reduced to almost nothing. They have seen business fail. But . the life insurance companies have withstood the financial strain during the depression. . We hear much about unemployment insurance but there ’has not been a time in the past twenty years that any employee could not have secured for himself a neat sum in the form o f life insurance. It is a good thing in bad times and just as good when times are prosperous. It is always ready in time o f need. It cart be used for security for a loan. After it has run a reason able time it has a cash value that does not go up or go down by the trena o f business conditions. When the policy matures it is payable in cash. Here is the answer to unemployment insurance. Insurance is not only fo r those who can affort it but espec ially for persons o f moderate means. It is the one place where multi-millionaire and the humblest policy holder meet. One has no safer investment than the other* One has no advantage the other does not have. Millions o f persons carry insurance and realize its value. Had many other millions made such an investment in the*days when we all enjoyed more, prosperous be the need for nationwide relief or ganizations. England has tried the one system for unemploy ment and it has failed. Any plan o f state or corporate unem ployment insurance'is hound to fail. It would tend to weaken the moral fiber o f men to be self-supporting and become wards o f some branch' o f government or o f society, The future o f the . individual must remain in his own hands. He can be aided to some extent and shown how he can provide for himself but to ' provide a way to relieve him o f personal responsibility, would be inviting him to became a public ward to be supported by -society, the state or nation. THICKSo fMAGIC, fr* ,# f lo w TO CHANGE PACK OF CARDSFROMBLACKTORED Teddy Richards bud a birthday Mon day. He ha* had several in hts time, the exact number keep* friends guess ing. Neverthdesf there are hopes he can atill have more of them in the future, Mr, and Mra, William Marsh all gave Teddy a birthday dinner Monday that added youth to the “old war horse” as Charley Smith saya. November has been very kind to us thus far, considering the weather. What the month has in store we can only wait and see. Last year the coldest day of the year was Thanks giving Hay. So far we have been having having some things much out; Of season. For instance Fstel and Wilson found a few strawberries in their patch. Others report a few red raaberries,, More than one has found cherry bloom, The dandelion has not waited for^apring but blooms could .be found in many places last Sabbath, The month has been easy on the coal bin and: yet kept the ice man in good humor. >This kind of winter until the first o f next May and we would not be forced to travel south. But the cloth-ink,,boot and 8hpe_merchapt car^ not be satisfied with many months"of this kind o f weather, Comment oil reduction of govern mental costs seldom reaches to the extreme high points. It is natural to think first of the things around us more than the things at a distance al though the litter may add much more' to the cost o f government than what We are inclined tovomplain about. I t ! was not so many years ago that all’ congressman and senators had large increases in their salaries, With the government running behind several million each month, someone has sug gested that congressman and senators should take a cut in salaries. So far Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas is the only one to express himself that way. There was a time when Con- gresman Charley Brand gave part of his salary away to ease his conscience a little bit. He soon tired of the hab it or his conscience bothered him no longer and the big pay of recent years is accepted by Brand. fieparate the black cards at a pack from the red and put them together ‘ ; with the colors in alternate petitions, black followed by red, the black extending about one-eighth inch above the red, and place the joker on 'tap. Bold the deck flmly In this position and tell the audience that yon ,wttl first make all the card* Mack and then, with the exception of the joker, change them to red. Flip the carde forward and they appear black; do the sail* backward ahd they are red. Then aland the deck on a table and tap the oarde SOthat the deck Is flush. Flip the cards again arid they are both hfgtf and red. iPimriinkl. WittJ* 1 WANTED TO BUY ■l a l a t e a I t e e l C a r C o . . TELEPHONE TO * RAUL TOCIUrr PHONE 1079 XENIA, OHIO JBHBNHDOFSAUiBaSSffiUS ■afiw ha hUlac to hme seam. Mrt the feBtafin* da* A m tll « # . fh t hart WtiH-fid gk§ m |# Uup tide am I sbuNi Ik tiktut* wta done, without the knowledge of anyone, About three weeks ago abe decided to take a vaarttoa and visit friend* in New York. Having been a very efficient housemaid she was giv en the vacation. While in New York her mistress wanted to be kind to her and have a uurprise m her return* The bedroom was redeoorated, new draperies provided, even new furni ture. The dorter taking the old fur niture and mattress in exchange. The bank had closed during her absence and this worried the Mr, of the house, who feared the girl might loose her savings. Upon her arrival, she was escorted to her newly furnished room. The expected surprise was a sad dis appointment to the Mr, and"hi* wife who had tried to please her. He hid to confide to her that' the bank had been closed and her money tied up for a while. To his amazement-she told him she had taken the moneyout the next day after it was deposited hut she wanted to know what had be come of the mattress. When told the furniture man got it, the trio made a hasty trip to the store,' The mattress was found tnd the girl was not long in ripping one end open and taking out $1,800 in gold, and currency, -The French girl was overjoyed while the Mr, was almost speechless. The sur prise was that the girl had more in terest ih thatbld mattresa tfian lihe had in the closed bank, 8*' fa Laiulfttt ms a beriMPtrt eugfia#so email thigf It $■ almost impeartMe to 'em the werktog peris in sieumi without « amgrtfyto* glaac. II la only a quarter of aa tnch toag and le worked. by eompreeeed air. A hair fromthe bead of thewife of the model maker forme the drtrt tag belt And a Oeed Cron *Besuty,Msaid Mark Twain, *1a the seed of spirit from which wemow the flowers HiaI shall endure.”—American Vagsslne. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of R, Benton Barber, deceased.! Kate R. Barber has been appointedr and qualified as Administrator of the; estate of R. Benton Barber, late o f • Greene County, Ohio, deceased, I Dated this 4th day o f December,1931. S. C. WRIGHT, ; Probate Judge of said County. BARGAIN IN BUILDING LOT The only available building lot on Chillicoth Street. Located On comer of alley in good community. - .o , l . M c F arland 1217 Glendale Ave, Apt. A-10 Dayton, Ohio BE INDEPENDENT Do pot wait for the Old Age Pension. Open a Sav»- ings Account with us nofir and receive4%compounded semi-annually, The Exchange Panic Cedarville, Ohio LOCAL The proposal to,take quail from the song bird list has provoked much con troversy. Hunting quail has been for bidden in Ohio since i912‘. Many that favored such action at that time are now in favor of restoring the bird to the game list. Some would have only ten dayr season and some only eight. It was suggested. Chat.,twodays each week for a month be open Season and the days to be designated by the con servation commissioner. There are many quail to be found out of season but a month's hunting for pheasant causeB quail to disappear. Where they go to no one seems to know. For this reason some advocate a limited open season, ' . We have a sample ,of what is news in press reports this week. There is the old story of a dog biting a man as i a story of no particular hSws value. But if a man hit a dog, think what kind of a story that would make. The story o f the week concerns a man not known in the public mind as haying a pert in a liquor .violation in -Santa Monica, Gal. The fact that we have thousands of prohibition violations in the country each 'day and court report proceedings published, no attention is given such news. But when President Hoover's brother-in-law, C, V. Leavitt becomes involved in such a charge, then a citixen that most of the wbrld didnot know exists, steps to the front page And his act becomes news of national importance. The yeaj* 1931 is drawing to a close ahd from early reports the increase of deaths from motor car-accidents con tinues to gain, iff addition thousands are injured, irianyfor life. We have all kinds of ;!awa for governing the motor traffic with mechanical devises] to warn drivers Of danger to pro,] tect pedestrians,in.crowded streets, Probably each driver knows when he I is^driving beyond- s' safe speed but | the craze for speed can only be sat- j.ihfied by fast-driving or getting., the wthril” as some would say.. We hive [campaign* for law enforcement along that line but it soon dies down and,the wreckless driver is at his old tricks. How then are we, or is the state to control such practices? After all it is the driver’s problem. The big thing is to make him conscious of his duty. A SOLID FOUNDATION The real basis gf all wealth is Real Estate—Homes, Buildings, Farms. It is upon ’ such a secure foundation as this that Build ing and Loan Associations are built. That is why thousands o f conservative people are keeping their surplus funds in this in - ‘ stitution where their money will draw i • - ' 51 - 2 % UNTEREST t i ■ T a * f i f i i w W f P a y t h e T a x e s A wise control of withdrawals as well as loans i>royides ample uncertainty. Keep your moneyprotection in times o f stress aild working for you at top prices by investing it here. The Springfield Building & LoanAssociation .2§ East Main Street , ~ QHIO W fify, ,nnd Aikiilliil sr rirtting with Mrs. J. Mtohf, was fqasrrt o f IfasrliT . Tho Hoaxi At' tHf J issmi S sss A mf ' Mr, John dortt to the The W. homo of Nov. fid at Ctownoy will Mtoiooi ;tho wortt-o " tho 0. 8. 17. Saturday. Mr. Ralph stood, Fa., Enos Hill, f Mrs. Hill s will spend ROV, R. , boon spendin their two Ky. Rev. tice address Tuesday. Mr. O. A. iufltrated 1 Sabbath eve have scenes Holy Land, views of m* not been For Sale toes at ..40c farm. L. R. J 'V ; The hunting season opens Monday and sportsmen should be sportsman m every sense o f the word. Just at present therefore many farms infec ted With hog cholera. There are many that are posted against hunting. Do the right thing' and not enter any ifarm that is-posted. Farms where hog cholera exists should be shunned can be carried to other farms. The hunting license required by the state of Ohio does not give you the right to enter any farm without per mission. You are subject to arrest if the owner desires, having entered his farm without asking first. The fu ture of-pheasant hunting is to-de poned on how hunters treat land own ers* Stay away from farms that are posted against hunting. ' Thirteen years ago Wednesday the world was informed that peace had been declared in the greatest conflict the world had ever witnessed. One year ago Wednesday the new armory,c built by the State, was dedicat ed in Xenia. Then Greene County had a company of militia. Now it has none and the ’ state threatens to close the armory. Several movements have been fostered in Xenia to rebuild the company and bring it up to -re- required strength. Efforts failed and | once again Xenians will try to "sell the plan” to young*men. Back in the days of the Civil War Greene, county was the banner county for eiilistment accordingto population, When it came | to townships Cedarville township Won the honor. In those days we did not have the automobile or picture show to detract from patriotic, church,-ediU cational or business duties. FOIt SALE—-We have, in this vi cinity, a practically new Baby Grand Piano, which we‘ are forced to repos- i l ess. This account wlU be transferred | to a reliable partyfor the balance due. Terms $3.00 per week. Also, have a: studio size upright piano at terms o f ) $2.00 per week -Write, giving' refer ences to FACTORY REPRESENTA TIVE, cafe this newspaper. Clifton, Ohio SUGARFranklin Cane 25 lb. i a Sugar Bulk Cane 10 lbs 52c ▼ # SWEET POTATOES Fancy. Jerseys—6 lbs.................... 666 a i a n m . ' . : .... ifc ° d ™ r ~- ch I™“ LETTUCE FANCY LEAF lb*. ... 10c Relieves q Heafiaeke or Neuralgia la St mlantee, ckecka * CoM the fifal day* tad checks Malaria la three days. 666 alsa !n Tablets. POTATOES Choice stock, ^ m m Good Cookers 100 lb. bag $ ^ » 5 EDGEMONT Crackers lb. bx. OLEO BO-KAY 2 lbs. 25c SUNSHINE CRISPY Square Crack- . ___ ers or Grahams lb. b x ......... ........ 16c OATS Quick Cook 20 oz. bx............7c Winchester Shells Will Kill WhenAll Dtherl Fail Banger Shells bx. of 25 ga............79c ^Leader Shells 12 ga. bx. o f 25.. $1.5 * Winchester Speed -Load 12 ga. bx. o f 25............................... I ........ .....$1.00 ALL SHELLS IN 5B X LOTS OR MORE 10c LESS PER BOX. ■PALMOLIVE SOAP BEADS bx.<^ 4c SUPER SUDS 2-10c Bxs......... 1. .14c n ■ r- -■""- ■■■**•i " "«■>« ■*** ''''1'''■' f There are some ead stories coming out of the recent bank disaster in Dayton, which "'must he expected, as regretful .ah they may be. But noW and-then * story in tontiediton with | the hank^.figure provokfis a good &Ufh.' £ Frofich servant girl ih a very well-to-do family had saved up quite a sum of mousy which was dis covered by the mistress of the house. She was admonished for Mot keeping her savings in a bank. The head of the house upon learning of the sum the French inaid had saved after no little persuasion induced her to put the money in the bank whert ha did business. The girl was taken to the bank and introduced to tbe officials and the deposit made. That night she bad a failing that bar money was COAL GOOD GRADE BUYNOW \ . iREASONABLE PRICE t f -• ■ - JBHmTBiini CedWritte, Okie P. G. SOAP 10 BARS...................32c WALDORF Toilet Tissue 3 roUs .16c LOW PRICES IN OUR MEAT DiPARTMINT Pork Chops Shoulder or Bib lb.:... 14c .•i'- ••••- ...... . ■> 1 "- Pork Rousts Choice Cuts lb..... .....14c LOIN CHOPS lb ........... ......... ... !** Pudding lb ........ ......................... 10c . I«ard Lb*................ .... ............... .-'.lie. BACON- Sugar Cured Sliced Fresh Side Slked or piece lb. 14 b| ' 'RndBindless lb. j 19c SAUSAGE Fresh lb ... 16clHAM—Fresh Sliced lb,...' lie JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF SIBERIAN COLD TOST MOTOR OIL—will run freely at 19- below Zero-45 gallon can SEETHEHERALDEMCOMMERCIALJOBPRIHHH8
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