The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 1-26

SS3SiaES» % FORYOU ELECTRICALTROWS PHONE #14 HOUSE WIRING, EXTRA LIGHTS mad BASE PLUGS, ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, HEATERS, FLOOR LAMPS, DOOR BELLS and ELECTRIC MOTORS RE­ PAIRED AND NEW CORDS PUT ON. Repair* for all kinds of water faucet*. FREDEWRY LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Irene Adams of Camden, 0., i i* * guest of Miss Marguret Barnhart. i Mrs. J. Q. Stewart spent Christmas i in Cincinnati with her son, Prof. John Orr Stewart and family. Friday being New Year holiday the H*r*l£***s Ur pres* a day sooner than nasal. Mr. Ward CresweU o f Columbua has been spending a few days here with relative* and friend*. * Miss Susanna West of Toledo is here during the holidays with her pa- Irents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West. 8IMK8£9I * WANTED TO BUY Twenty-five Shares Preferred Stock — OF THE—- • • ’ ' ' Ralston S te e l Car Co. TELEPHONE TO PAUL YOCKEY PHONE 1079 XENIA, OHIO 'iir- TO OtJR PATRONS ■t AMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year A Savings Account W ill Make a Better and a Happier 193L 4%, Paid on Savings and Non Taxab le The Exchange Bank Cedarville, Ohio Hotel Chittenden Conbletely redecorated and" remodeled . . . over SaOOToOO spent in making the Hotel Chittenden the logical choice for the traveler. Home o f the Purple Cow” Coffee Shop. Large, comfortable rooms — exceptional service. Rates from $1.50 upward. Geo. A Weydig, Manager , COLUMBUS, OHIO I©@EST BUY i o k 9 s r® iu * m o n e y ! 8 j j ' f V / y I p ' P v J S j w * * £ & ................ You can't boat a Pliilco! A com* w J j pk'io line cf big-performing modelB " at tlio lowest prices ever offered! Buy your new 1932 Pliilco NOW! L O W B O Y Equipped with Phiko’n new automatic volume control, oversize electro-dynamic speaker and many ether big Philco fea­ tures. With- 9 tubes 5-tulra BABY GRAND Uses pentode tube,electro* dynamic speaker and three tuning condensers. s i * 6 , s o * (; o :,; p u ;H ’ ,iih s mbe. E asy T e rm s ! Halanced Tubes better the performance o f any radio HUSTON-BICKETT Xenia, Ohio Miss Bernice Elias entertained the members of the college sophomore class last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley enter- i tained a company of relatives at din­ ner on Christmas Day. Miss Kathryn Sanders was a guest Wednesday and Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Grant, m Selma. New3, 7* 9, anti 11* tube model* from $36.30 to $39$, complete tilth tales. 5 Mrs. Ira Gates, Columbus, formerly of this place,, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Troute. • Mrs. Lula Watt and Mrs. Jennie Rader spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins,/near Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sanders and children of Columbus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Allen, —v- Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis of Newark^ O.r visited over Christmas with relatives here and in Jamestown. Rev. and Mrs. R. A, Jamieson en­ tertained a number of young people o f the United Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening. Miss Eleanor'Kyle, who has been attending Illinois University, has been spending the holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs..C, E. Masters had as their gueBts Tuesday, Mrs. J. F. Me Kinniss and Mrs, W. H. Hinds of Silverton, O. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Kyle and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kyle of Dayton were dinner guests of Rev, and Mrs. C. C. Kyle, Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Townsley were guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Rolle in Cincinnati the first of the week. Mrs, Rolle was formerly Miss Kathleen Putt. ' ’ "V Miss Dorothy Wilson entertained Wednesday evening" with a miscellan­ eous shower and bridge, honoring a recent bride, Mrs. Robert Jacobs. .The color scheme was green and white. Mrs. G. E. Cecil of Garrett, Ky.» Mrs, Helen J. Ware and son o f WeR*- ton, 0 .; is spending the week-end with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters,. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchison and four daughter* o f St. Lpyiaville, 0., were Sunday guests o f the former's brother, Rev. C, A. Hutchison and family. H. E. Eiehman Xenia, has bean elected chairman of the Greene Co, executive committee o f the Boy Scouts when the group held a meeting Monday evening. Mrs. 0. A, Dobbins and Mrs. Ar­ thur Evans entertained a number of ladies at bridge and rook Wednesday at their home on Femdale farm on the Jamestown pike. MISS HELEN ILIFFE CHRISTMAS BRIDE OF MR. ROBERT JACOBS CEDARVILLE IlSSALS* IToftAY, JANUARY I, JM# " ..HIM i WO. i .H* Miss Helen Iliffe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Iliffe became the bride Marietta, East Liverpool, BeUafontain Springfield, Dayton, Xenia andCedar - 1 viU*. a j Udrtau ZZSStf ?i FarTea**awl Trace, plant* jmrthbN*^,SMBS' ones, are like chlli e , Tbqty aH i The bride and groom left flo w in g g j g * m m D . , T i " " : t r ~ ; -------- ~>w»« inception by motor for a ahort i0ver o Robert Jacobs, at the homo o f j wedding trip and returned here for a flower* ties parents, Christmas at 4 1series o f social events announced in light a * |honor of the bride. Mrs, Jacobs' go- them gr ceigpiony was performed by ‘ ing-away outfit consisted o f a black of modi Dr. W, P. Harriman, pastor of the icrepe dress trimmed with touche* of denlng have and a raspberry wool Not untu the setting WMIdtiag ow to maturity, fa tb fw day* ern sciatica many gar* Memorial Presbyterian Church, Day-’ flesh chiffon ton, formerly pastor of the First Pr^s- j coat, trimmed in gray fur. Her a<> byterian chureh, Cedarville. The sin-*eessories were black, 1 Wg 1 rree* 803 gle ring ceremony was read with the j The bride is a graduate of Cedar- couple standing before the fireplace in j ville College and the Ohio State Uni- the living room. Christmas trees on ‘ versity. She also attended the Conaer- Mr. W. L. Marshall o f Los Angeles, Cal., former Greene countian who has been located in the west for several crabapple shade, and years, is visiting with his son-in-law bridal bouquet of Talisman roses. each side formed the setting with large bouquets of white chrysanthe­ mums used about the rooms of the Charming home. The couple was un­ attended, there being but the immed­ iate members o f the two families, numbering eleven, present. The bride wore-an afternoon gown of coral chiffon, which was form-fit­ ting and sleeveless. The skirt was full .and fell to the floor in graceful folds. Her slippers were satin in she carried a and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, James Hawkins, near Xenia. Miss Kathryn Sander* won first prize, a Philco Radio, for submitting the-best 25 word advertising .slogan for an Akron firm. The award was announced at The. Strand Theatre and the presentation made. Mrs. E. A. Allen and Miss Kathryn Sanders entertained at luncheon Tues­ days honoring; Mrs. Milton Akers, nov­ elist of Trop, and her son, Rogers of the University o f RUnois. Mra. Wm. J. Cherry, Xenia, was also a guest.. Mrs. James Miller, Xenia, will en­ tertain at bridge at her home New Year’s Day in honor" of Mr*. Robert Jacobs, a Tecent bride. Miss Kathryn Jacobs', near Xenia, sister of the groom,As entertaining today in honor of Mrs. Jacobs. " . Readers will observe a confliction of dates in regard to tax paying time in Cedarville. A head on page one gives the date as January 5. This is incorrect and should be January 4 when a representative pf the treas­ urer’s office will' be at the Exchange Bank, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer enter­ tained a number of relatives at din­ ner Christmas' Day: Those present were Dr. J. J. W^son and family of Fostoria, 0., Messrs W. L. and H. C. Wilson, Mrs. Anna Wilson and^amily, Cedarville; Mr, find Mrs. R. J. Shultz -and daughter, Barbara, and Miss Wil* mah Spencer, Dayton. i - Mr. aqd Mrs. Albert Peterson and sons of Frankfort, O., visited for sev­ eral days the past week with the lat­ ter’s parents, Judge and Mrs. S. C. Wright, Mr. Hnrry Lewis has rented the property at the corner of Xenia ave­ nue and Miller street, owned by Miss Bernice Wolford and Mrs. Edna Dodds and expects to move there some time next week. Mrs., Arthur Cummings left by mo­ tor for Macon, Ga., where she wilt visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dukes, and son, Mr. Lloyd Cummings and wife. She was accompanied by he r . son, Walter, as far as Knoxville, Tenn. A number from here have, received the following announcement: “ Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Corry have the honor of announcing the marriage of their daughter, Wilmah Louise, iff Mr. Woodrow Edwin Klontz on Friday, the twenty-fifth of December.” The bride was a member of the local high school graduating class last spring. . Plumbing,Heating andFurnaceWork* Latest in Plumbing Fixtures A visit to our new plumbing shop in Yellow Springs will convince . ,you that we can give you great savings in bath room fixtures and you can see them before they are installed. We are prepared to in­ stall hot. water, steam and other heating systems or repair any kind. Let us estimate either new or repair work. * . . WORK GUARANTEED / : Mr, and Mrs. J. *A. Langwin of De­ troit, Mich., and Miss Kathleen Kyle of Pittsburgh, spent the Christmas season with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Kyle. Miss Eleanor Kyle, also a house-fcueat, Is taking a Libra­ ry Course at Illinois University, Ur* bana, 111., and was visiting friends in the vicinity and doing some research work in the Library at Columbus. COAL GOOD GRADE BUY NOW —AT— ■ REASONABLE PRICE C.E. Barnhart Ccdarvi|ie, Ohio The 1931 senior clas* p t . the local high school.enjoyed a covered dish dinner and reunion at the homo of Miss Eleanor Bull, Wednesday even­ ing. Seventeen of ’ the twenty-six members o f the class were prepent and.three guests, Including Mis* Car­ rie Rife, Mr.VWoodrow Klontz, and Mr. Edwin Beatty, former member of the class, During the evening an informal re­ ception for seventy guests was held at the home from 7:30 until-9:30. The guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. Iliffe and Mr. and Mrs, Jacobs. Dur­ ing the evening a musical program was presented by the Misses Lucile and Eleanor Johnson, West Carrolton; Miss Ruth Burns' and Miss Dorothy Gglesbeer-Cedarvillej-and Mr, -Marcus Shoup, Xenia. Miss Eleanor Johnson sang, “ 1 Love You Truly” and the Misses Johnson sang a duet ’’Oh Promise Me■', Miss Burns sang “At Dawning” followed by Miss Oglesbee who sang “ Because”. Mr. Shoup play­ ed a group o f violin solos, accompan­ ied at the piano by Miss Lucile John­ son. During the evening and ice course was served. The table in fke dining, room was centered with a bowl of pom-pom chrysanthemums.. Guests were’ present "from Lafayette, Ind., vatory of Music, Cincinnati, and Sim mons College, Boston. She is a mem­ ber of Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Qmi- cron Sororities, She has been super­ visor of music in Ashtabula County schools and located at Andover. She will continue her work. - Mr. Jacobs is a graduate of Cedar­ ville College and is a member o f the faculty and athletic coach in Niles High School, Niles, O. Ing of trees and shrub*, JjfF t t » & 0 BM.I and every house must hast* IMJS k H t UI-: ual planning to insure tb f jprepF land- > scape development „ Bridge Party Tuesday Honoring Mra. Robert Jacobs Miss Ruth Burns was at home Tuesday afternoon to a numbed of guests honoring Mrs. Robert Jacobs, (nee Helen Iliffe). Bridge prizes were won by Mrs, Earnest Gizson . and Kathryn Jacobs. Out-of-town guests were the Misses Josephine and Louise Stoner of Dayton, Margaret and Mar­ jorie Blazer, Pauline -Lybarger— of West Mansfield ^nd Miss Marian leton of Kenton.1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of* Tom Andrews, deceased. Walter F. Andrews has been ap­ pointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Tom Andrews, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 9th day of December, 1931. > S. C. WRIGHT, ■Probate Judge of said County. Celor«! Walk* Just as a parson wftb shoes Is not well drawad, so la A hosts not well dresaad whasa owner has sag*; lected to improve the setting with lawns, shrubbery and trim walk*. , Concrete la the Ideal walk material* for it 1* easy to keep clean mid 1* pleasing In appearance, A near touch can be added with concrete hr the placement, of flagstone*, or by fiha id* ditlon o f coloring matter. Oplored-r walk* that turaonfae with the home and its surrounding*now can jbe easily | and Inexpensively obtained.'” Appearance Mean* Meek Ever so many homes need paint to - give them something of an asternal respectability. Any number of yards ; and gardens are waiting for tk# magic i ministrations pf tidiness and, home-1 keeping interest. It J* so mtggh more; beneficial, in almost any condmoh of life, to have the outside of one’s dwelling lend expression to one’s home-lovlugjpstlnct*,—Erchsaje,........ . NOTICE OF APPOINTjMPBNT ■ ■ • ", - ■ ■ " ' . Estate of James Haley, deceased. M. C, Nagley has been appointed and qualified as Administrator .of the estate of James Haley, late o f Greene County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 7th day o f December* 1931. . , S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge 9f said-County. Rock Bottom Prices Prevail Here—Big Savings o n E v e r y C o l d Weather Luxury and Necessity as Well — Change Your Oil and Grease to Meet the Change in Temperature. r DENATUREDALCOHOL A.W.BLESSING / Phone 264 J King Bldg. YELLOW SPRINGS* O. Per Gallon ■ 3 9 c - ; . v ’ ‘ . .If you bring your own container V! , Also Prestone* Whiz, Gold Band and Ivb glycerine HEATERS-—To Fit Every Make of Car # Francisco Hot Air, Hot Water, Arvin, Tropic-Aire IMPORTANT— Different Cars Require Different Oil. We have the Proper Oil Here for Every Car. PAUSE FOR DAWES PAUSE FOR DAWES The Carroll-Binder Co. 3 Conveniently Located Stations 118 E. Main St. Bellbrook Rd. North Detroit ' At Fairground Rd. * ’* • -PURE OIL also on sale at these stations in Greene county: PAGE AND SON Columbus and Market sts. Xenia, O, JAMESTOWN OIL CO. Jamestown, 6 ., N. MAIN ST. GARAGE New Burlington, O. PURE OIL also-on sale at these stations in Greene county: C. O. MILLER Trebeln, O. ARCH COPSEY Spring Valley, 0 . E. J. RUTHERFORD - Mt. Holly, O. A Wonderful Opportunity Better have those bad teeth taken out be- fore^cold weather. We are still extracting for 50c each. .Painless? Why certainly! Convenient terms can be arranged if you haven’t the cash. 50c "We Will extract all your teeth, ho matter hbw Many you have and make you this beautiful set, upper and lowaV for $40.00, just for two weeks. If, ypur teeth arc bad don't let this opportunity pass as you Will never get it again. Beauty Light Weight Comfort Natural Teeth We give gas, if you pre­ fer for painless # 1 .00 extraction........... “ ; Our Full Suc­ tion Plate at tit .00 DB. GENSLER DB. HOLMES White Cross Dentists ■* ' .... ........................... ............... t ...... * ... • Steele Bldg*., Xenia. —9 A. M. to 6 P. M* — Evenings by Appointment Phone 211