The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 1-26

i The new things are advertised by merchants first. Advertisements keep yon abreast o f the times. Read them! ifhe Advertising is news, as much as the headlines on the front page. Often it is o f more significance to you. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 7. NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS | COURT NEWS j FORECLOSURE SUIT j A foreclosure suit has been filed in ! Common Pleas Court by The Home? Building and Savings Co., against William Gamble, Juanita Gamble, Robert W. McGuffie and Marie A. a CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY JANUARY 22,1932. Youth Must Be Served ID InsuranceCompany ClaimsCadillacCar COLUMBUS—Secretary- o f State Clarence J. Brown is reaping the r e - , ward o f his insistaiwe upon respect!McGuffie. Attorney H. D. Smith rep- fo r the motor vehicle license laws !rpsents the plaintiff. which thus, through the cooperation i ___ ______ ____ o f owners o f motor vehicles, l-esulted, ***' URGE CASE DISMISSED in the early collection o f the auto tag j Suit filed by Mary Elizabeth Big- license. As a result of this policy, jger in Common Pleas Court has been Chalmers R. Wilson, commissioner *ofi dismissed and a divorce decree pre- motor vehicles, was enabled to for- j viously granted the husband has been ward £12,081,024,03. to county auditors, affirmed. A property settlement was fo r distribution, in municipalities and county treasuries, after 25 per cent had been allotted to the state for maintenance and repair o f highways. The action o f Secretary Brown in speeding up the collection and distri­ bution o f these funds, will enable of­ ficials to open up road work and give work to thousands of unemployed in various sections of the state. ' Farmers' Week at Ohio State Uni­ versity, February 1 to 5, ^will bring in all probability at least 7,000 visi­ tors to the Capital City on those dates Numerous 1 other farmers’ organiza­ tions will-hold their meetings at the same time. More than 200 events have been announced on the program, meaning busy hours for those in at- insuranee, workmen’s compensation, tendance, Taxation, unemployment rural clectricification, rural schools, will be among the' problems discussed. There will be an elaborate program for the farm wives and the twenty- fourth annual corn and grain show will take place in conjunction \^th an elaborate fruit display, machinery and poultry exhibits. agreed upon by the parties to the case WINS JUDGMENT John T. Harbine Jr., has recovered a note judgment -fo r $127 against Charles II. and Rilla M. Wilson in Common Pleas Court. ■ JUDGMENTS GRANTED The Pijttsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary o f The United Presbyterian Church o f North America has been a- warded a note judgment for $23,098.- 70 in a suit against Mary L. Bryson and others in Common Pleas Court. • The Citizens National Bank also won] a judgment, fo r $8,667463 on its cross- petition and the bank’ s mortgage on property involved in the case was ad­ judged a second best lein, • Ash Wednesday falls on February 10th this year and Easter •Sunday, March 27th. The Passover, observed in the United States and many for­ eign countries, is celebrated Thrusday April 21st. Lincoln’s birthday,- Fri­ day, February 12 th, is observed as a holiday in 27 states, including Ohio. Washington’s birthday* February 22, is a national holiday, also in the Pan­ ama Canal Zone, Alaska, Hawaii, Phil ippine Islands, Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Memorial Day, May 20th, falls on Monday this year, as does also Independence.M y , July 4lh.L Chinese New Years Day will be cele­ brated by the- Celestials on February 6 . 7 and - 8 . WIFE WANTS DIVORCE Alleging grounds o f gross neglect |t)f duty and wilful absence’ from home for more than three year's, Edith! Maud Parker and restoration to her maiden name o f Turner in a suit.filed; in Common Pleas Court. The couple was married in Xenia, 1921, no children being bom union. The plaintiff asserts her hus­ band left her three years ago and has not been soen since. CollegesReportOn Financial Conditions WIFE ASKS DIVORCE Mary Mangan has brought suit for divorce from her husband, James Mangan, alleging neglect o f duty and over-indulgence of liquor. She says he'was sentenced to prison on a theft charge.. Gustiody o f a ninor child is asked, , ’ Thomas L. Woods, of Steubenville, Jefferson County, cashier in the office o f Secretary o f State Clarence J. Brown has been elected President of the St. -e Employes Beneficial As­ sociation, which has a membership of over 6,000, The selection of Mr. Woods met with popular approval) as he is a hustler along all lines, po- i tent, forceful and dynamic and will endeavor during his administration, to conduct thp affairs o f the associa­ tion so that its membership may he APPEAL TAKEN Appeal from * decision o f Oliver Watson,’ Sugarcreek Twp. justice o f the peace, awarding Ira Bridenbaugh a judgment for $75 in his attachment suit for $300 has been taken >to Com­ mon Pleas Court by Louis H. Richards The American Association o f col- February 2, leges 'and universities, has been in ses- o f the eion in Cincinnati this past week a- long with other college organizations. The feature o f the meetings were how to maintain college standards with the economic depression eating serious hole in college finances.. The situation is regarded one o f the major problems confronting college authorities, as well as one o f import­ ance to families that have children to educate. A nation-wide survey, just complet­ ed shows the result, o f the depression on 233 institutions. The report shows that colleges reporting have establish­ ed a net economy o f $ i^ 88 t 8 S| bVet 1929, but that, despite tfieae: eimn'om- ics, budget deficits at the end o f the year aggregated $1)998,097. Attend­ ance, meanwhile, showed a slight de­ crease. • Eastern colleges reported the-great­ est tendency to expansion of budget and the least tendency of contracting South* EndorsementGiven EdwardE.Greiner Edward E;* manufacturer, date fo r the | for congress:# let, received f ’ark County f .ommitteeort as extended thm to utten the action wa. The resolU Greiner, Springfield md banker, and eandi- Etepublican .nomination om the Seventh Dis- RossTwp.Constable WantsLittleCredit Constable Raymond Fletcher, Ross Township has had his experience with Greene County’s "best sheriff” and on a. visit to this office puts a diffef- e endorsement o f the’ enf face on a story relating to the ar- Repubfican executive Saturday. Mr. Greiner the meeting at which taken* V-endorsing Mr. Grei­ ner’s candidaejf and pledging him the unqualifies go|jbort o f the Republican organizationitw Clark county, read as DIVORCES GRANTED Florence Warren won a decree from j budgets in the last two yars Aaron Warren on grounds iff extreme Iern colleges showed the least expnii- eruelty and the question o f alimony sjon and the greatest curtailment of was continued for future considera­ tion. F. J, Kaiser has been granted a di­ vorce from his wife Della Kaiser and given the custody of a minor child, Emery, ,Noah Riggs gets a divorce from increased and its power for good Gwendola Riggs1, on the grounds o f more firmly established. neglect. The new Fish and Game Laws for budgets, while Mid-western colleges showed the largest anticipation of deficits. Qhio colleges were classed with the Eastern grdup, Of the 233 colleges, 111 had made no budget adjustments to meet the depression; 124 anticipated no deficit or else a nominal one, and 108 were out o f debt or had obligations o f less than $50,000. Attendance increased at 113 colleges and decreased at 116, JUDGMENT GIVEN 1932 have been printed In neat pam-j Peoples Building and Savings] for a total net loss o f 269 pupils out phlet form by Conservation Commis-. p,as 7 ecovered a judgment fo r $9,- jofll4*,104 registered November 20, sioner Wm. H. Reinhart, and are now 22(;>Gi in a suit agajnst Alberta Loyd’ 1931, the date of the survey, ready fo r distribution. There ha.s iUld others in Common Pleas Court. 1 Twenty-four colleges increased been a slight change in the open sea-, [i'oreclosure and sale o f mortgaged ■ their budgets by $736,333, while the son fo r racoon from that «o£ 1931,. property was authorized. ; others decreased their budgets for a made by order of the Conservation, ’ ----- — „ ' |total o f $2,219,664. Council. The season closes January; JACKS GETS JUDGMENT i This survey ^vas made under aus- rest of Harry Hopkins, 21 , and Ernest Runkle, 32, 'alleged chicken thieves, md accepted an invita- forty-five chickens having been taken from Mrs. Anna C. ICimley, who re­ sides on the Jamestown ; and South Charleston pike. Constable Fletcher says he ■wants the public to know that Sheriff John IBaughn had nothing to do with find- follows: ' - |ing Hopkins at the Runkle home near “ Whereas, Edward E. Greiner •o f .Jamestown and made the trip after Clark county a candidate-for repre- he (Fletcher) had called the Sheriff’s sentnt&a tguS*?, ^ I $ jt§ d States e o n -jo R ^ from M R . L« Hairie?’ office ip gress from the Seventh Congression- Jamestown, that Hopkins Was spotted al district, and _ ‘ . ; and under watch and couid be found with the chickens at the Runkle home. Constable Fletcher and Walter An­ drews, who recently lost a set of truck Wheels and tires, being taken from the Andrews’ barn, had been on the road for two days and nights ip, an effort to run down the man they suspected. It was/in this way they happened to locate Hopkins, who has been wanted for several months on another charge. According to the story Fletcher re­ lates, Baughn was much peeved when he entered the coroner’s office and let it be known that he wan tired of being called so often as he had to have some rest. The Constable says he has no objection to Baughan hav­ ing some credit for making the trip but that hunting for a chicken thief 15th, instead o f February 1st, and this may result in a little confsuion by those who have not secured copies o f the new pamphlet. State Treasurer Harry S. Day con­ tinues to gather in the sheckles as ______ Tesult o f the state c ig a r e tta* J a^ ’ l $5,000 VERDICT GIVEN the amount totaling $1,007,620.00, . . which cigaret smokers o f Ohio have A m Common Pleas Court has paid for cigaret stamps since Septcm-; rendered a verdict for $5,000 from the her 1st. Treasurer Day sold 1,262] Hooven and Allison company forWil- new licenses to wholesalers and re- lianl IL Rector- 9- through his father, Arthur Jacks has been awarded a pices of the Liberal Arts College note judgment for $1,070 against;Movement, which represents a ma- Ralph. Bransen arid Nettie B, Shanks jjm ity o f the denominational and pri- in Common Pleas Court, and a second judgment against Bransen and Nettie B, Shanks. vately-supported colleges. BellCo.Employees On PartTimeNow retailers in the state and 270 whole- tailers during the same period netting Thirty-rive employes o f The Ohio Bell Telephone Co. ip the Xenia dis- “ Whereas, Mr. Greiner has had a wide experience in manufacturing) farming and banking that eminently qualify him for real effective work in these important branches o f the na­ tion’s legislature, and “ Whereas, he is not only well ex­ perienced and fundamentally capable to properly represent every business interest and citizen in the largest and best congressional district. through­ out the entire state o f Ohio, and “ Whereas, Mr. Greiner has been generous beyond fault in his time, en­ ergy and devotion to relief and phil­ anthropic work in this community, arid Whereas, he has. be< a directly -re­ sponsible fop the development o f avia­ tion in this community making possi­ ble United States air mail and pas­ senger service for this part o f the state o f Ohio, and "Whereas, during times o f war, he volunteered and served his country, and “ Whereas, Mr. Greiner being a life- amg Republican. “ Therefore be it resolved, that we .he executive committee o f the Repub­ lican organization o f Clark county lereby endorse the, candidacy o f Ed­ vard E. Greiner fo r congressman from the seventh district, pledge our unqualified support for his nomira- ■ ion and election, arid urge all Repub­ licans throughout the district to sup­ port Mr. Greiner. “ Secretary, W. W. Lemon.” "Chairman, Lewis L. Miller. The Cadillac sedan found by Harry j Hamman sonic months ago, which has been the subject o f court controversy, has been turned over to the American jInsurance Company, Columbus, th% car having been sold first to Dr, J. M. Dunn, Columbus,‘ and stolen from him shortly after he purchased it in 1928, It had, a green body then but has since been repainted black and if outward appearances indicate any. thing, it has not been used. When Mr. Hamman found the car it had 18,000 miles on it by the speedometer and at the time it was turned over to the in­ surance company, it had 21 ,*<} 00 , three thousand .having been added by the sheriff's’ office at the expense o f the taxpayers in the county. The insur­ ance company had paid Dr. Dunn for his entire loss. Sheriff Baughan had' the use o f the car pearly three months before Mr, -Hamman,-Jto>ught-:replevin-suit—The- car had been operated by the Sheriff's office in direct violation of law, there being no motor numbers on it and. a county license- plate attached to what was not county property. Sheriff Baughan claims now that he had been mislead by incorrect ■ in­ formation from the Automobile Pro­ tective Association, Chicago,, that the car was a 1918 .model inltead o f 1928 model. This statement in automobile circles in the county has caused many a good snicker. The contrast o f the car 1 o f 1928 with one of 1918 is about as great as the difference between a tumble-bug and a fire-fly. There was never a moment the Sheriff had the car in his posession he couid not have been in direct communication with any. Cadillac agency, who -could have informed him ab 9 ut the numbers on the car as to tracing ownership. The expensive sedan was? too valuable a “ find” to think o f giving it up when- jt could and was used up until the Hamman suit ,at no cost to the Sher­ iff. He also intimates that the Cleve­ land company, Towell-Cadillac Co., which controls most o f Ohio as state representatives for sale o f such cars, had “ doubtless destroyed its records of that date’’ is a myth, fo r the com­ pany is still in business and has been fo r many years. Judge Gowdy in his decision had ordered- the car sold yet the Sheriff turned it over to the Insurance Co. which was the rightful^ owner, but a court decision has faided into a thin mist and using a. legal term, is a “mooted” question now. When the ownership o f the car first came up Baughan claimed to Attorney J. A. Finney and Mr. Hammon it was a liquor car as two ‘ pints had been found in it. A deputy had stated the car had two quarts in it. A deputy had searched the car in the presence of witnesses and found no liquor. At another time a deputy admitted to the Attorney there was no liquor in the sedan. The whole situation is this that outside sources were just as busy in locating the ownership o f the car in the proper manner. The Sheriff says lie had been “ mislead” , whatever that means, but when he was aware that there was determination behind a PRICE, |1.50 A YEAR REV. STEWART ISCOMINGFOR XENIAREVIVAL A general tide o f religious interest has been rising in and around Xenia which culminated in the announce- ment Tuesday that the Laymen’s Evangelists Association, in coopera­ tion with the pastors o f Xenia, would begin Evangelistic services Sunday evening in the Tabernacle on E. Third street with Dr. H. B. McElree, presi­ dent o f the Ministerial Association as the principal speaker. It is planned to make the Sunday evening service a great Evangelistic Rally and plans to accomodate 2,000 people have been made. The following bulletin was issued by the Laymen: “ Feeling the great need in our own souls o f an awaken­ ing, and realizing the unfinished task -of—hundreds-of-soulB^nirair;own- city and county who are unchurched and away from, Christ, We, the Laymen’s Evangelistic Association o f Xenia, af­ ter advising with our pastors have de­ dicated our lives, our finances and our whole interest in a Crusade fo r Christ and the souls o f men.” They have selected the Rev, Ralph E. Ste-wart, known as “ WSB Radio Preacher” for: the Executive Secre­ tary to direct activities under the leadership o f the Holy Spirit. Homer, Hammontree, songleader fo r many “ Billy” Sunday campaigns and Paul Beckwith, pianist and young people workers formerly, with Homer Rode- heaver and heard by thousands on the National Broadcasting Company chain will assist Mr. Stewart in the services beginning Monday evening January 25th, and continue daily* in the Tab­ ernacle each evening at 7:30 p. m. Sunday the laymen o f the Associa­ tion will visit the various churches o f the county in so fa r as possible to make announcement, urge uppn all church folks .the need o f praying fo r the movement and enlist as many churches. o f our county to take part by sending special delegations during the week to the meetings. Mr; Stewart, whp is to do the preach ing .directed with the aid o f helpers an Evangelistic, campaign in Atlanta, Ga., which continued fo r five months with over 125,000 people in attend­ ance and between eight and nine hun­ dred confessions. Hte has been heard regularly eight periods a week over WSB, Atlanta Radio Station and the most popular o f his - weekly broad- • casts is the "Bright Spot” hour com­ ing each Sunday evening. It has been heard in more than 35 states, Mexico and three provinces o f Canada. Last October he was invited'by the Nation­ al Broadcasting Company- to conduct the morning devotionals fo r them over a coast to coast hook-up and was heard by millions. XeniaAutoOwner TrickedBySlicker and walking in the rain was all a movement to .locate the owner, he was yarn, for it was the Constable him- , not long getting on the job. self that found the man and chickens j The Sheriff was more peeved be- and. not having a warrant he could;cause his office Was denied the use of not make the arrest hut made it pos-,the car. As things turned out it was sible for Baughn to take the men back;not sold to any deputy in his office, to Xenia. He says he and Andrews it was only a few weeks previous that drove fifty miles and it was them that *a late model Hudson, worth $500 or more, was sold at .public sale to a deputy sheriff fo r $250. Ray Rector, who brought suit fo r $10, 000 damages, due to injuries when the!trdet, are* affected by a company or* the state $44,909.00. There are 22,000 ! 80n was hit l>y an automobile owned j dcr reqUjring every employee to take salers. Treasurer Day has received hy the company. The boy was return-! day off each week in order to 228,000,000 stamps o f various denom­ inations; 48 inspectors have been op­ ing from school to his home. The basis- morc equally distribute loss o f time i ti a; i n u u u - Claim is that the injuries r e -! 0£ empl 0 yees. The decline in business pointed to enforce the law, which it su,tc(J in permanent impaired vision. j of the company’s 11 000 employees is estimated will bring in a revenue , — jhas prevented more than 50: per cent o f over $5,000,000 the first year. TRIAL IS POSTPONED jfrom working full time during the The Joint trials o f Ralph Morrow]past two years. All employees from i * -i» i .. t\ i . the president down to the office boys and A. B. Malotle, Osborn, ind ictedr’ ., ‘ . ___, ...__ , , ........ - , . . . . . . . . . , , will share in the part time rirder with for burglarizing an inhabited dwelling w _____..___* „ „ „ was to have come up in Commons 21 ? 01 7 fL WSIV nnmGnr > pmn"inv. Kay Hennesey, 43, Bellefontaine ad- Pleas Court Tuesday but the state’s : 1,1 t 2 _y ... . , p y) vertising agent, announces that ho is. star witness, Horace Thomas, was one j j -'-8 'VTUpS^ an went Into rtfret ,0 a , p, . - famd to bo Thomas , a s « ! J WET ISSUE INJECTED INTO CONGRESSIONAL RACE mary election, on a platform o f lower tariff, higher taxes on incomes o f $ 10 , 000 a year and more, and submission o f the prohibition question to the elec threatened with torture by the gang which raided the Charles Monnetti home, last November. Goods valued at! the Xenia district. tornte. He bids for the wet vote in ;$619 were taken. The case was Con-]NEW TRUSTEE NAMED AT favor o f a'change in the prohibition tUnited until January 27 at the request laws. MAY GET FREE TOLL o f Prosecutor McCallister.. The bonds; of Morrow and Marlotte were inereas- O. S. & S. O. HOME RalphRifeHeads Miami Twp.Bureau Ralph Rife was elected president of the Miami Twp. Farm Bureau at a meeting in the Clifton opera house on Wednesday evening last. Seb. Ger- hnrdt, vice president and Clark Mere­ dith, secretary-treasurer. Ed Dean livestock dlrectorfi David C. Bradfute, president o f the Greene County Farm Bureau, discuss­ ed the question o f incorporating the farm bureau. Ed Dean reported on livestock shipping. Miss Ruth Radford spoke on the Scope o f the 4-II club work and E. A. Drake on the county farm analysis. Music was furnished hy the 4*H Club orchestra. had to walk in the mud and stand out in the rain and Wind, and not the Sheriff, who takes all the credit with­ out mentioning anyone else. The truck wheels and tires have not yet been located and Fletcher lays the! blame on Baughan, who had promised] to notify sheriffs and police in neigh- j boring counties. He says that when lie and Andrews were in the sheriff’s; office in London making inquiry the sheriff o f Clark county entered. When asked if they had any information a- bout the wheels and tires stolen said ]20(956 catt,e> 34i639 calvea> 93>491 !!,C1 h<\ - n°Wr. e.V,e" . hea, ° SUC.h .a !sheep and lambs, and 255,067 hogs valued at $5,404,952.64 ifor its patrons LivestockAssocia. AnnualReport The annual report of the Producers Co-Operative Commissions Associa­ tion at Cincinnati shows that this farm-owned marketing agency gold theft. He Says, they also went to Washington G. IL and Wilmington, only to be told they had never been during 1931. This was 31.58% o f the total business transacted at the Gin. Capt, James E. Finncrty, Findlay, ed from $2,000 to $3,000, which waa-'o,, state commander of the Spanish Through a movement started by; furnished. • ( War Veterans’ Association, has been the Greem* County Farm Bureau, di-j Waldo Baker, Arcanum, one o f six !niullC(j trustee by Governor Whito. reel telephone communication between;men indicte.d in connection with th o jjie will succeed the late Col. W. T. Xenia and Osborn and Fairfield, twin jrobbery is also missing, according to Amos, Sidney publisher, whose term he re-established hy theiollicials. Ho was out on bond. Three;would have expired April 4 this year. TREASURER’S OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS villages, may Ohio Belt Telephone company. A t the others awaiting present time toll charges are in effect Icoiinty jail trial are in the Subscribe for the Herald County Treasurer Harold Van Pelt announces that the county treasurer’s office will be open the next two Sat­ urday afternoon’s for receipt o f taxes, The dead line will be February 1 . asked to locate any stolen wheels orjdniiati Union.gtock Yards and placed tires, this being three days after the-tho cooperative association far in the discovery of the theft. !cad of all other agencies on the mar- And further, deponent sayeth not. !kct< Groene 0ounty fam e rs 8ok We understand police authorities in . 225 k head thr0„ gll this a9Sociation Xenia, Yellow Springs and Bath,]a8t yCaP and Will participate in $37,- Towns up have had similar expenen-;m m rofull<1 to b(s paid on the basis cos. Ihe public will be interested in;of 2B,, of the commlssions collected what they have to say, but only «ne froln nM,mber 8hippers. at a time. . ,. Mayor Richards received a call on Tuesday to' be on the look-out fo r a stolen car, taken from Garl Anderson, Xenia. A stranger asked to have a car demonstrated, being a -prospec­ tive purchaser. The car was demon­ strated on the Raney road riot far from the Clifton and Wilberforce road and the man had given his name as Clark, who was. a farmer. A fter driv­ ing with Anderson, and his brother- in-law, William Conner, Springfield, Clark asked to drive the car up the road by himself. He never stopped and proceeded towards Cedarville or Wilberforce, the road making a turn where Clark could have gone either way. The car was valued at $300. Anderson also lost $300 in cash in the attempt to make a sale Tuesday,' the details of which have not been made public. The Anderson car was found aban­ doned at Clifton Wednesday and Carl M. Anderson, the owner, went after the car.***While driving towards Ce­ darville, he picked up a “ thumber” whom he later suspicioned as the man that gave the* name o f Clark the day •revious. He delivered his man to Marshal McLean, and two persons were calied from Xenia to identify the fellow, but after looking him over said he was not the man. He was—— Howell, who-^lives in Cedarville. TaxPayingTime HasBeenExtended AL ZEINER DIED WEDNESDAY IN CLEVELAND, O. Al Zeiner, 66 , former marshal in J Jamestown, died Wednesday at the ;home o f his daughter, Miss Mary - Zeiner, in Cleveland, He had been in Tax paying time has been extended jfailing health since the first o f the another ten days, according to Harold ]year. Death was due to pneumonia. Van Pelt, County Treasurer, and the]For many years he was associated dead lino will be February 1 . Hereto-i with bis brother, Frank, in the furni- forc January"20 lias been the limit on :ture and undertaking business. He is extension of time without delinquency]survived by two daughters, Miss Mary but, due to n confusion o f the old and and Mrs, Robert Harrmrant, Dayton, new tax law, more lime is given wh ich /A brother Frank, Jamestown, and a will be pleasing news to taxpayers. Isister, Mrs. C. M. Ridgway, Xenia. BROTHER OF T. W . St JOHN DIED TUESDAY MORNING Ulysses Grant St) John, 62, New Jasper, brother o f T. W. St. John o f this place, died Tuesday morning at the McClellan hospital, Xenia, from typhoid fever and complications, He had been ill four weeks, The deceased was married to Miss Lola Sutton, February 26, 1904 and she survives with one son, Fred. Four brothers also survive: T. W. St. John Cedarville; William St. John, Spring- Held; Alva St. John, Dayton, arid Os­ car, near Xenia, and orie sister, Mrs. Emma Jones, Xenia. ,