The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 1-26

r r ‘ U v iL t f h r r a l d , » x ■.*, :* h y «, i « m ufrumii CANEECimEJD ■HEMORRHOIDS (OR PUJtS) WITHOUT USBOFKNIFE WITHOUT LU3S OF TIMS for Jatonuti and protrsdtaji pil«u JUqulr** £ mm four to mwm tro*t»snt* *fcintoml* of about o»t* a weak for a wrt of tbs »v***f* nm . Also the Idea! Nflm*C«uft&i»g Method of TTaataMitt for Fivtaoh**, Pnuriti* Aati (itehiari wedFi«ure, etc, DB, J, A* YODER Oftaopatbk Phyeicia* apd Proctologist IS, J», »0 Steele BWg„ Xsni* Fhoc* 384 . mm IMPORTED !<.■-. ■■■''. ■ ."■• ' ' ■' .' ••■. . . ' .-•■■■ ..,■ ■.■ 'V BELGIAN SEASON—1932 Breton de Terduyst, American No. 13596, Belgian No. 24-5124. Color, Bay. Wt., 2250. ’ ) i * ; . , • W ill make the Season at my barn, South Main Street, Cedarville, O. 'Not responsible for accidents but will use best of care to prevent same. TERMS—$15 to Insure Living Colt R. A . Murdock WOOL HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR YOUIbWOOL A T THE FARM. WILL COhfc AND WEIGH IT UP AND HAUL IT IN ANY TIME. FERTILIZER . LOWEST PRICE— DELIVERED TO FARM ANY TIME FOR EITHER HAMM, WUICHET, OR MIAMI*. WILL TRADE FOR CORN, WHEAT, OR WOOL. COAL AND FEED OF ALL KINDS mSm t IMPROVED l ’UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S chool Lesson C. F. SELF & BARBER SHOP ' t (Located in Room Formerly Occupied by Service Hard­ ware Co.) CIGARS, CIGARETTES,TOBACCO, SOFT DRINKS ANDCANDY _ Pool and Blllards - 1 * '■ f W e Invite a Share of Your Patronage Main Street, Cedarville, Ohio Clarence L.McGuinn TELEPHONE— 3 ; South Miller St. Cedarville, O. SB e SHHSSSK??! horses b cows _ Qpv SlSUE R e v e r se P h o n c C h aw om o m c t MsOftlO Zmrn - CALL iREENK COUNTY FERTILIZER Tsl. 810, Xtnia, 0. IF YOU NHH PK im C DROP IN IB* XBV. r. B- JWTSWA' . . m imt UfOjr 1 inatuwt* •* (Wsm.) ;« (*, ifii. w*at«sHMwsi» «*mu*? Lesson fo r May 8 a . mtm m EMU SELLS HIS fHtTHRIOHT (T*mp*r*nc* L***»n.) JjESaON TEKT—G«n**l» OOLDBH TBSCT—A»4^»Y«ry W*p ,th»t »triy«th tor th* m**l*rj la fcw ts in *U thin**, Now th*Y do It to Obtain a corruptibl* crown; but v s M 1P to S]!(JURT*TOPIC—-A Trad* B«tW*W f JUWOR TOPIO-A Hungry Man’*, ? 'INOTRMMIATB AND SENIORTOP- « . . . JG—Indulgence nr Bolf^Control* After yeans of married Ufa, I*MC and Rebekah bad no children to glad* Sen their heart*, for Rebekah V**, barren. In response to Isaac's —- treaty twin* were born whose name* Wtere Esau and Jacob. The Lord re. wealed- to Rebekah that the *Wlf should serve the younger. Tb* com­ mon law among the Israellteswasthat ’the eider should have the place of pre­ eminence. 1. Boys with a Difference (v. 27), Esau and Jacob were in decided con­ trast. They -differed in appearance find disposition. Every chiid born Into" the world possesses a peculiar bent. which we call “Mdlvidoality.” bach*of which is personality. No' two*are ex­ actly alike, even (wins, as Esau and Jacob. The wise parent, the Wide­ awake teacher-, the educator seek diil- gentiy to discover this IndlvldhaUty In every child and to give It direction ac­ cording to the laws of. the individual being. * 1. Esau was Ma cunning hunter,” n man of the field. He was energetic and of a roaming dlSporittriNtoiriP' give, and self-indulgent. He lacked foresight fund was under .the sway ef appetite. 2. Jacob was ”a plaln man dwelling In tents.” He was a home boy, choos­ ing td look after the. flocks and herds and other affairs at home. , He was not, however, a negative Character, for be showed great capacity'for affec­ tion and administration. % It. Parental Favoritism {r. 28). 1 . Isaac loved EsaU because- he 'did eat of his venison. He ought to have loved him because he was his son. It is a sad commentary upon a father that his love for his sou.had aucb a sordid basis as that o f his appetite, Isaac, however, Is Uke many today whose love is secured through such an appeal. , 2. Bebekah lovedJacob, We are not told wby she loved Jacob, Naturally, bis being much at home would cauae a peculiar- love . t o spring up .between' him and his mother. Perhaps Ip was bCc&tfte o f his being of a similar dis­ position.1 Both Jacob and his mother displayed - unusual traits, of cunning. Cleverness Is the bond which strongly binds together many people. . lit. A Birthright field (w . 2244). 1. Esau’s profanity (Heb. 12:18,17). He sold his birthright for a bowl o f pottage. The birthright was thO-.right of being at the head of the patrlnrchsl: family, a position of honor and Jhfiu-v cnee, ag well as being the Inheritor o fj a double portion of the father’s es-’ tate. \ - ■ ! Esau came from bunting, physically exhausted. In this moment o f distress! he thought only o f that which pcoet-1 Ised immediate satisfaction. He-was^ willing to relinquish all claim upon the] future If only bis present desire could' be gratified. A profane person Is one' who for the enjoyment of the preeent will forfeit all claim upon the future.^ He would gladly gain both worida, bat! eeeltfc that mess of pottage, he let go* of the future for the enjoyment of the* present. Swearing is profanity, bat not o f the most common variety. To be under the sway.of appetite is to be profane. What profanity abont m For a moment's sinful pleasure men' and women are throwing away iano-’, cence, happiness, and their soul*) eternally. This is most serteus, for, their acts are irrevocable, 2. Jacob's cunning. It w*s right that Jacob should have the birthright for it was according to God’s plan which had been dnnonaced (▼. 28),’ but his scheme to get it I* to be con­ demned. He took advantage of Us! brother’s weakness to drivs a. sharp’ bargain. The seme thing to prac­ ticed when under the feres o f necessity unlawful Interest to exacted or prop­ erty Is bought under price because one. Is obliged to selh To get rick at the expense o f another to to practice Jacob’s sin. Modern competitive bust "hess methods to a decided eastont are of this type. Let tech ette aek him self, "1» my name Jacob?” The end never justifies the means, tiled said, "The older shall sen * the yoenger.” It was his plan.that Jacob should he at the head of the family,had God wan able to bring about his ewa plans. r a n d o m Twm m m But, toy friends, l believe that only God If really wise.—‘Plato, e * * Our best moments are not glimpses iof nnotber world. They are liftings of .this world Into the light of God. ’ Phillips Brooks, / e * * J The goddess of fortune gives end {takes away whatever she pleases, and ,he who today may find himself ipoor tomorrow.—Ovid. MLM rm> roB poultry IN WUfeSR MONTHS' baying TUfctanProved Good 1 by Experience. Whet are the beet method* of' baDdhoc the. farm dock of *laying ben* during the winter) SngfiaatiMware gives by O. a Uf- ford, extennlen penttrymnn at the, Colorado Afirienttwral eeilege, ns fol­ lows: * Water to cheap and a vary beets- gary food,. |EM*)hp jnytot fieri! id- waya MBfitiiei wttii ml aheinddnea- e«; dean water, A good laytnc rationmay Includea scratch faed satotwwef 40 poandl ef cracksd ornhriled com to fli) pounda of wheat Experience has shown that the foliowlnf approximate number of poundn Of dn should be fed per 10Q bene'daily daring-the different winter months: Heavy breeds, 88 pounds in November, U in December, 15-in Jasoery, 16 tatTriMruary, 14 m ; March and M ia April; Hlcht breeds, 12 pounds Is, November, 12 in De­ cember, 12 in January, 12 in Febru­ ary, 18 inMarchand 13 In April. Keep tbe laying mash before the hens-all the time in non-wasfe hop­ pers. .As gresn feed, the following may he need: Gsbbegewhenthe pricewill permit, alfalfa, beets carrots etc. .Keepmbox of gravel in ton laying house In winter time. Lime te fur­ bished In the form of oyster shell or catdtm " Feed om-third; of the grain In tbe morning and two-thirds in the eve­ ning, in strawJitter at least hn boor. before dash. Fill the mash hoppers with fresh mash in tha morning, if needed. Regularity of feeding 'and tiers are Important for securing the best reaulti Chick, Chick, Boy them sew. Blood tested stock, price per hundred: WWfc* Leghorns *7.W; Barred White, BoH Rocks, *8.60; R. t Reds, Buff Oryh- ingk®*, White Wyandotte* f&SO- Heavy assorted. Light assorted. Baby Ducklings *18.00 per hundred, VMt our hatchery. Phone Xenia 476. ] Xenia Chick Hatchery, Lac* - 1 108 W. Main SL, Xenia, Ohio Over-Early Production o f Eggs Not Advisable Pallets should he foil grown and well n» toatandardweight before they begin laying, adviseeMiasCoraCooke, poultryapadaltot of theMinnesotaag>, ricultural extension division, Onlrer- alty farm. Vgg laying to a heavy strain, MM* Gaefce expialna, and If tbe pntleta hegiB tojylng before they reach Ihaproper maturity and condi­ tion, It t» a cinch they will not hold' out long and the eggs wll) be under- rised> ' • - . . Pullets that attain foil weight be­ fore tbey-Mgia to lay will produce biggereggs fromthestart andwill net,, besoKkelyto molt ln the foil or early winter. Pallet* should be in good fieehwhentheystart toying-, Any that art evenatigfatiy this firelikely to lay for only a abort time, Shoaa of (ha yefloW- ilHabad .hteada ifntd ttia to-1' cludea as- mmapt tkrpiagtmu^ ijhriM bavebeaksaadshanks timt ate s deep orasge wbaa1'Haying commencea, J f pbtiatariiowarigaaofiaytog too earlytheym*y be bridback bygiving them iotaof aeratcb feed, Miss Cooke, M M ‘A*:; stmmer. advaiDces, scratch .feed riwuMbe steadily Increased and when pellets go into laying quartan they sbarid ha aatlag about twice, as mtteb scratchegmash. Good fleshing will be promoted It the scratch feed consists Of at toast one-third yellow cow*. ... •*................ BUY CHICKS NOW The price toSara t o advance. HATCHED RIGHT PRICEDRIGHT Openday *ad sight Tha Sturdy Baby Erie St Ankara Ava Springfll Main m. Chicle Co. a fleM, O, . . LOANS AND . . . . . .INSURANCE.. . Wa WH1 Leaa Yea maswy aa Year AUTOMOBILE s Farmara* Spacial Rata On INSURANCE A ftoviagCanBe Made aa Insur­ ance by Calliag Us JELDEN & CO., Inc^ SlHl. BUf. XMb. O. Phan* *8 miHiiinM>iiM>fniniiitHiuinni»H»n~1i»|Tr'»fT'ftiiiiiiiiii)M For .Sale:- Farm Produce, Cream, Eggs; Milk, 20c gallon. Bring contain­ er*. Dunkle Farm, Kyle Road. 1 E, B, MILLS Plumbing,Heating andFurnaceWork ■Latest fat Plambing Flxtiiras A visit to our saw plumbing shop in Yellow Springs will convince you that. w« cab give you great saving! inbathroomfixtures and you caa t«e them before they era installed. Wa are prepared to in­ stall hot water, steam and other heating aystoma or repair any kind. Let us estimate either new W fflPlT wWXf WORK GUARANTEED A.W.BIES9NG H ums * MK4 J . Kfasw Bide. YKLLOW SMirNGS. O. 'fit MWWtiMtoFmW 1 1 - Ibffto: tommAWIWMPVmg. mm * i. noticr o r drropwwNY 1yi(mniiomiwiiuimuMseiiwiii xatoto Of n t o f iM f iR l BWK SW f c Andrew H. CrowroU Juw hawt PP- pejsted and quaWfied as lasmtier «f tha aetata t i jB, Tajtor, toto m Gromta County* Okie, dissasi# __ Dated this 8th day of April, III*, S, C. WRIGHT, Frpbeto Judge 4 $ Arid OriMdff* MARK SUiBOTAMTIAL TMOMI* Salttog ^*wr-a-D«y Acrid —t wri Sickness pritotos. Atoa daHar a y—r Burglar priky- Writ* 816-KA, G*«- aatoa Title Bldg^ CtovriawL Okie. OF 'AIKING KINDS Nelswm Creswell, 174 : VO TE FOR . \ A. Candlriata For Subject t# Republican Primary Tuesday. May 10,1932 Sound Values Haven’t Shrunken " ■ ■ - . With nearly all forma of inveatmemt greatly depreciated, your money deposited . in-this institution continues to pay the same generous return' it did in boom times. W hy? because it is invested in conservatively appraised homes and other local real estate, the security of which is increased as the principle is reduced. INTEREST t 1 ' 4F * ’ * ^ ’ * 1 .. Tax Free—We Pay the Taxes \ Money deposited here will combat idleness alnd give you a return'of BE PATRIOTIC------BE THRIFTY— PUT YQUR IDLE DOLLARS TO WORK HERE & Loan Association 28EJastMain Street ' SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Printing for Particular people Good Printing Inspires Confidence — - “ * When you send out a poorly printed circular, or any printed matter, you make a very bad im­ pression upon its recipient. When you send out a well printed circular,you in- spirgconfidence and resect. The quality o f your printed matter reflects the dignity and distinction o f your business enter­ prise. We do exert printing at reasonable prices; you have nothing to worry about when you place" a printing order with us™— the work will he turned out promptly^ correctly, and. will be o f the kind that inspires, confidence, creates interest and im­ presses with its good taste and neatness. Give us youi\order the next time you need to have . some printing done, and we'll prove that we live up to all the claims in this advertisement. - m u :__