The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 1-26
CEDARvULE HXXAH H V* ..»«-. -■•» 'illI|1T| f jpnnHMW* " p— — g w g j g 'a a g ------------------------ < o * n u t s ) w o t o u t t m o T k n o t s WITHOUT LP6B OF T1MB A w iiiii M firsatmami fr* infernal sad jwstrwtiftf yfia*. Raqairct fleamfimr t« asvaa teewtoMmt* »l krtsevals «Csbfert aama wwk fur a mr* *f fdMi svarag* m i Al*o tiw Meal Nca*Confl»i»* Method of Traortoset for Flrtulaa, Pruriti* Ani (ibehiag) and Fiaaura, ate. DR, J, A, YODER OaUopathk Physician and Proctplogizt IS, 1>, 20 Stael* BWg., Xanta Phono984 UNIFORM INTMNATtOKAl S UNDAYI choo i Lesson •m * * * * saw C . F . SELF .•l ■ ■ BARBER SHOP (Located in Boom Formerly Occupied by Service Hard -1 ware Co,) CIGARS,CIGARETTES,TOBACCO, SOFTPRINKSANDCAM P o o l a n d B i l la r d s We Invite a Share o£ Your Patronage Main Street, Cedarv ille , - Ohio IMPORTED SEASON —1932 Breton de Terduyst, American No. 13596, Belgian No. 24-5124. Color, Bay. W t , 2250. Will make the Season at my bam,'South Main Street, Ced&rville, O. Not responsible for accidents hut will use best of care to prevent same.. TERMS —$15 to Insure Living Colt R. A Murdock WOOL A ' ' rtf ■ j . *r*i ■. . t Ir you mtb ready to sell, see me or call up.- I will come out and weight it up, and settle for it and haul it in any time. FERTILIZER if you want fertilizer in a hurry, 1 can deliver it to you in « few hours at lowest price. Either Hamm’s Wuichet or Miami. MANCtiU SOY BEANS BROODER COAL STARTING MASH AND OTHER FEEDS COAL AND FEED OF ALL KINDS Clarence L McGuinn TELfePHONE— 3 South Miller St. Cedarville, O. - HORSES &COWS . E r MlZB rcverec P hone C hawoes of omc* hue.Ohio jr,ftmchik»D.lnc. CALL .KEENE COUNTY FERTILIZER Tel, 816, Xenia, O. WWl USD HUNTINGDROPIN SOMEWISE SAYINGS WHY* •i} ’ Lew» forMay IS JACO» AT BETHEL LXgSON T*XT-~G*n**i» g»:l*-17, GOLDKN TKXT—And, b*hoW, I M» Vita tkM, and wiu kt*p thM Is Ml jgluw wklthH thou soMt, aad will; .bring that again Into thla land; far 1 'Will B0t IMV, tbaa, until I ksva ion* .that whisk * hay* apokan to tkM af, = PRIMARY YOJPIC—Finding God i* A Strang* Plact. JUNIOR TOPIC—laoob Mak** a Great Dlacovary. INTERMBDIATBANDWBNJQRTOP IC—What 'Jacob t*arn*d at B,th,l. r YOUNGPBbPLB AND ADULTTOP* JC—Paca to Faca Wltb God, I. Jacob's Flight (v. 10). I. The occasion (27:84-46). Jacob Gad by deceit and trickery secured jbaac's blessing. Because of thla, jSsau determined to kill Jacob ss soon as his father was dead. When Re* bekah realized that Esso's anger was hot against Jacob, even to tha point Where he was Ukely to'kill hlm,.*h# urged him to flee to her brother Laban. Rebekah bad a tive. She'not only realised that ter, uiainlng at home meant death,' but she realized -that-lf. Jacob_remalhed In that land, be would Ukely marry a heathen woman and thus defeat God’s purpose regarding the covenant ns-, tlon. . This latter she pressed upon £saac as a motive for sending Jacob (way. Isaac at once recognized the -Wisdomof her suggestion. Isaac, sllve to Jacob’s destiny, issued bis com mand as to marriage and bestowed; upon him the covenant blessing which bad come /from God Almighty to Abraham (Gen. 17:1). This covenant {(Gen. 28:1-4) embraced,: ‘ a. A.numerous offsprtn_______ b. Possession of tbs vMRNBlsnfi (v. 4). c. Everything Included In the Abra- bsmlc Covenant (v.4). Z The Journey (v. 10). He went to wardHaran. He was fleeing from an outraged brother In order to save bis .'own life. a. Be sore your rin will find yon out Jacob deceived'his father. He, In turn, was deceived by bis children. ' b. Wrong homo life has Its perils. Isaac knew that the blessing [beJacob's yet be planned for Esau to [have the place of pre-eminence. He 'was willing for the sake of s little 'venison to give to Esau that which God bad planned for Jacob. ‘ It. Jacob's Vision (vv. 11-15). Jacob's soul was peculiarly tested. He had to leave home andmother..On the way. to Haran nlflht overtook him and he was obliged to Bleep In a field with acetone for h!s pillow and the canopy of heaven,for a covering, ft Was under such circumstances that the Lord gave bln the wonderful vision at BetheL . 1. He saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven <v. 12). This sug gests a means of communication be tween earth and heaven, between man and God. It.abowed Jacob that in spite of his .awful sin,there was s, way to heaven for him. JeSua Christ is the ladder connecting earth and heaven for us (John 1:51; 1441; Heb, 10 : 10 , 20 ). £ He saw angels of God upon the ladder (v. 12). They were ascending and descending upon this ladder, These, angels were the divine helpers to render needed assistance along life’s way (Heb. 1:14). Though un seen, God’s angels guide'and protect us on our earthly pilgrimage; 8. He saw the Lord standing above the ladder (w. 18-17). To show Jacob that..the ladder did not merely 1reach into space, the personal God ap peared and talked with him. a. He declared that he was the God of Abraham and Isaac (v. 18), thus assuring Jacob that the same hand that folded his fathers was over him, ■%h. He renewed the. covenant as to ‘ the land (v. 18). Though Jacob was now fleeing from the land, had yet be would return and bis seed should yet possess It . c. He assured himof numerous seed -<v. 14). His descendants rould spread abroad—north, south, eart, west ' d. The divine presence to be with .Jacob (r. 15), God promised‘•not to leave him till the covenant promise should be fulfilled, s III, Jacob's Vm (W. 18-22). God’s gracious visitation provoked Jacob to make a vow. tie set up as a monument the stone which hs had had for a pillow. Ho named the place “Bethel,” which means “the house of God,” His vow Included: 1. The dedication of himself to God ;(v.'21). Z The establishment of worship (vr. 18, 10). HO declared that this stone should' be God’s house., 8. The consecration of his posses sions (v- 22), He obligated himself ’ to give back to God one-tenth of alt that was given him, Mwrlir Mm A mi N a t L x tH tig ..4 A s « m eg ssmplatas, says the Mich* tgM» Farmer that the smooth surface ih* seMpmskf pstetta* upmortarJoints 1m brisk waps, and chimney crumbles jaad peels «E after several months. jDne muMm is that stoat atsson* use . ’toolRGe camset fit their mertgr, and | ’•amtfiea aWeagtkand durability to get j jmseethnees i» laylsg up. Four times ] ss much asmaut ss Ume will give a j much harder sad store durable mortar ■ rthaa «fscl parts ef each, but will mot butter or speeed so well and must bet peed op miMtu tkkty atfautss after ft ■ 11smhml ibobdein. let tiles & £ * * '* # m m w i up, m ar hriU -tea ttulckiy-^ifid |d)w«utr'ih’Jnim'sst> tlag to its fall sfafOBgth.' Htbo maswi wUl wet M ’tttSs-pc;at*oss. .tboroo^hlywith the surface waterJust jfrying olt before laying, will use a mortar rich fa eeaisnt,'wUI. mix only a small batch at a time, and never re work Rafter ft starts to set; and will (point up DmJoints before the mortar has taken much Mt, he will have a much stronger wall and there will be no troubleabout themortar crumbling, W k ? W s sO r f Can Diver ;i»*fFtM>Coi 4 4 oSt«»w,» The weather bureau any* the great est number ,ef more or leiui heavy snows come from scmtherly to easfer- ly winds—f. a, In what la known as t)ie •'rainy*' portion-of theoyclonlc or . I^onu area, Tbsss winds generally gre relatively mild. As the storm passes the wind* come from the qorth- Wtot, roUtblyr and are relatively cold. Jn short.-precipitation comes with rel- atlvely warm sssteriy, to soutberiy Winds, and clear weamer follows wltb relatively,, cold northwest winds. If. then, tha winter wind is from the northwest, It Is cold, and from the Wrong direction to give much snow. This, presumably, Is the origin of-the laying "It Is too cold to snow.” This (itstement, however, is..not literally true, for Ugbt snows can occur at any temperature sod, indeed, it occasion ally hsgpens that heavy snows occur when the surface sir la unite cold.* [Washington Star. ' Why Sky Is Blue According to old theories, the sky IS blue because fine particles In the tipper sisAtmosphere catch the shorter Waves of light and scatter them. How pr. V . H. Cohn of. the University of (Berlin, working In the A. D. Little lab- pratorle*, .is manufacturing blue sky by the tubeful In a new way. Using a blgh. vptcunmtube, he shot k stream ‘ (af electrons Into an Invisible cloud of plectdcally charged ions .andproduced a richer blue thanAlpine.climbers ever paw, Hopce the sky Is blue, he has nonctaded, not because of tbe scatter- pugof ntaa-vlolet ltghtsln tbe strato- scope butbacguM dectrons,streamlng psrihwtuU from the sun, strike Ions of gassa la the vacuum of space—end |wnr tha^iieaveBs..lilusu li^yiyalvM Ate Grime# The purposeof grinding Valves Is to prevsot the Inlet ami exhaust valves from leaking comprasalbn, The ex- fiaust valve is surrounded by a flame [(exhaust gas) when open, and will •ventnally.become "pitted” or warped. The Inlat valve admits gas instead of .ejectinga flame end therefore does not pit as badly as the exhaust valve, ityhantheJobIs done, all valves should As Included and soy exhaust valves •found badly burnt or warped should he replaced.' . Why K»*wm m "Mick” la a corrupted, form - of •Michael and Irishmen art so-called be- Sesuse the name la. a common one among-them. Irishmen recent the ap pellation when seriously used in ref erence to them end It is ‘not gener ally employed except in fun or con tempt, la. telling Irish stories It is ‘customary- ta substitute the more [friendly ‘‘Hike” for "Mick” ss a short form of Michael.—Pathfinder Msg- "trine*. i The chances we get are mostly self- made.—Royston, • * • . , To do nothing is in many cart* to do a positive wrong, and, as such, re quires a positive punishment.—Por- i.teus, ; • * • I It la much safer to reconcile an sa- •emythan to conquer him; viotmymay 'deprive him of his poison, but recon- '< dilation ofhls wlil*—Feltham. N o n e * OF APFO IN tm rT Estate of John X, Tayjw, Decsaned. Andrew H. Creswall has beso ,*p-! pointed and qualified m luesetor e f the estate of John B. Taylor, 1st* of Greeng County, Ohio, deceased. - Dated this Pth day of April, 19&L S. C. WEIGHT, Probate Judge of said County, Chick, Ckkk, Bay them now. Bleed tested stock, price por hundred: White Leghorns $7,60; Barred Whits, Buff Kcclcs, fffiO; B. I, Reds, Buff Orph- ingtons, White WyaadotUm $8.50. Heavy asaortod. Light assorted. Behjr DuckBnga |18.00 put hundred. Visit pur hatchery, Phone Xenia 475. Xenia Chick Hatchery, I jk ^ - 100 W. Main S t, Xenia, Ohio, Ikj ; I' * ELECTRICAL REPAIRING OF ALL KfNDS Nelson Creswell, Phone 174 IKIIHlHEMIIWIlllllHHIEWIIllIHlIrtMHHlHlIilfiiWIlillllMllllhi }. . LOANS AND . . . j . . . INSURANCE . . . |We Will Loan You money on Your AUTOMOBILE Farmers’ Special Rale On , INSURANCE A Savijtg Can Be Made on insur ance by Calling Us :ELDEN & CO., Inc., Steele BUIg. Xenia, O. Phone 28, iwniiiHiMinwiiiHimiiminimMwwimMiiiiiiiiiiimnM an n ou n cem en t I hare t*ken the »M 0 dsPs M«ttml Inwww e Company, of which ex-Governor Donahey is the Preaidont, As this Company makes a specialty o f Automobile Insurance ONLY TO CAREFULLY SELECTED R fS ^ placf* them id a position to furnish you Au tomobile PROJECTION at perhaps a more BEA- BRATE than SONABLE l you have been paytojr- I f Interested we would be glad to explain our con tract. G.H. HARTMAN Plumbing,Heating andFurnaceWork Latest in Plumbing Fixtures A visit to our new plumbing shop In Yellow Springs will convince you that we. can give you great savings in bath roomfixtures and yoyt-can sea them before they are installed. We are prepared to in stall hot water, steam and other 'heating systems or repair any kind. Let Us estimate either new or repair work. WORK GUARANTEED A.W.BLESSING Phono 264 J King Bldg. YELLOW SPRINGS,/ O. Would You Do Electricity and Adds Comfort To Modern Home Long years ago—years before electricity and natural, gas were, available at your finger tips, rural life was,, .a cbntinuoua round of bard work. 4 1 , . ^ .-.. -..-...of course there is. plenty of Lard work even now, but. nothing- to. compare with ten or twenty, yeurs past. •You have at your immediate command, in gas and ..electricity, two powerful servants that do not -quib- •ble about the hours you ask them to work; who ask only a small cost in return for what > .1' Xenia District E. HLHeathman, Mgr. Printing for Particular people Why Class Dm Nat’ Craek A silver spoon prevents a glass from ’cricking whan hot Uquld'is poured In to It because the metal of tbe spoon absorbs a coaridemblt amount of heat fromtfc*.liquid so that tbe glass Is not hsatsdquits so suddenly. It is sudden heating and cooling that makes glam- ware crack. ■ Why IsaIsIBw*rr Tha .sfipparinsM of les is das to tbs fact that its resistant^ to motion is very, slight. It depends on its even and crystalline structure. The mole cule#of water are held together so smoothly And evenly that tha result ing ilirfaCe is also extremely smooth and arte. Why Trees We Tree# die not st>much from old age ss a remit of starvation, drought and attache by insect pests and fungus dis- seres, firistlrely few are .killed by gas, destroyed by electric currents or wrecked hy-tita# stf»thunderstorms ■ ‘ m § iak'Pto#le«V"Raia> < • Why is suit1damp' Wheb It is going to' ratal Srit fir-greedy of moisture. The sir is dahipef before rain so that salt t« able to absorb more water va por than when the air is dry. 'Why Bat* Are el Value Bats are great destroyers of insects And furnish guano, which la a valu able fertiliser. * i ste.'wear k ? Por Bale:* Farm Produce, Cream, Eggs, Milk, 200 gallon. Bripg contain ers. thmkls Farm, Kyis Road. E. B. MILLS -To hi ' nominated on ticket as Representative in Btorte^ghpal Assembly from this eplrtidtil r iM v of Greene. Hard-boil- M m m m - fit AppropristietuL exeept ■ H, a b a CLMY, ■ uwav wrwwspwwwwvwew wep furs uue**eTmm,wwspg iCMbpcit, Gl|», HI .years. (Pol, A h ,. G o o d Printing . Inspires Confidence When you send, out a poorly printed circular, or any printed matter, you make a very bad im pression upon its recipient. . When you send out a well printed circular, you in spire confidence and resect The quality o f your printed matter reflects the dignity and distinction o f your business enter prise* We do exert printing at reasonable prices; you have nothing to worry about when you place a printing order with us----- the work will be turned out promptly, correctly, and will be o f the kind that inspires, confidence, creates interest and im presses with its good taste and neatness. Give us your order the next time you need to have some printing done, and we'll prove that we live up to all the claims in this advertisement. TheHerald Job Shop
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