The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 27-52
CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 , 19U. LOC.kL AND PERSONAL Master Paul Jobe o f Granville, 0 „ is visiting at the home o f his grande mother, Mrs, R, B. Barber, Miss Ruth White, daughter o f Mrs. j J. P, White, Xenia, spent Sabbath aa ' the guest o f Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hast ings, Wa are prepared to do your custom sawing promptly. W. J. Tarbcx Mrs, J, W, Johnson entertained the Tuesday Night Rook Glub and other guests the past week, i The Dinner-Bridge Club held a pic nic at the Taylor Cliffs west o f town, Friday evening. Miss Rosa Stormont, who has been visiting relatives in Oklahoma and Kansas, returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. A, B, Creswell entertained with three tables of bridge Friday af ternoon at her home in honor of Miss Bertha Creswellr her sister-in-law, who teaches in Steubenville, 0 . Mrs. Elvira Murray is spending the week in Springfield, visiting with her granddaughter.. Mra, A . G, Eveleth o f Akron, O., and sister, Mrs. C. N. Thomas o f Sharpsville, Pa., have returned home after a visyt with numerous friends in this vicinity. Mrs. E. C, Oglesbee and Misses Wilmah Spencer and Lucile Johnson, visited for several days the past week with Mr, and Mrs* M. H. Jackson in Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Dora Hill has been visiting the ‘ past week with Rev. Gavin Reilly and family at Bradford, O. Upon her re turn she will move to the A. E. Huey residence at the corner o f Main and Elm street. ' . ■ Mrs. Henry Fetz, 72, Xenia, died at her home Tuesday evening at 6:45, after an illness o f eight months from heart trouble. Her husband, Henry Fetz, died about a week ago. The fun eral was held Thursday afternoon, with burial at Woodland Cemetery. The Kensington Club was enter tained last,J^riday evening in a very pleasing manner at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbins. The lawn was lighted by electric lights and the evening enjoyed outdoors. Refresh- ■ments were served during thet even ing, • " Misses Lucile Johnson and Wilmah Spencer have issued invitations for a bridge luncheon Saturday, August 20, at one o’clock at the home o f the for mer, honoring Mrs. M. H. Jackson of Louisville, Ky, Mrs. Ida Stormont, and Miss Mabel, have returned from ft two weeks visit with Rev. and Mrs. Paul Duncan of Coulterville, 111. They were accom panied home by Claire Stormont, who has spent the summer with Rev. and Mrs. Duncan. Mr, and Mrs. Aden Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reed o f Clifton, and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brewer o f Yellow Springs, attended the Tingley reunion at the London Fair Grounds, Sunday. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred, spent several days last week visiting Mr. R, B. Trumbo and family of Os born, O. They were accompanied home by Mrs. R. B. Trumbo, who spent the week end as their guest. Mrs. Trumbo also had as her guests on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, R. B. Trum bo; their son and daughter;. Robert and Rebecca; Mr, F. B. Trumbo, all pf Osborn; and Mr. and Mrs. James Ward o f Dayton. What’sWhat in Modern Sports Wear By GHERIE NICHOLAS . Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Hastings were given a surprise Saturday evening by a number o f friends in honor o f their forty-first wedding anniversary. Mr. Elgin o f the Adam Realty Co., operating the magnesia plant, has rented the George Hamman property on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Duffey* of {South Charleston, were dinner guests Friday evening with Mr. J. E. Hast ings and family. ' Mr, G. Hart and family o f Toledo, 0 ,, is visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. J. M. McMillan and family. Mr, Hart is connected with the executive offices o f the New York Central Rail road in that city. j The following delegation is in at tendance at the annual convention of th e ,Young People's Christian Union of the United Presbyterian church at Lake George, N. Y.: Misses Frances Williamson, Lois McClellan and Mary Mary Eleanor Collins, Lois Hutchi son and Harold Bull o f Xenia; Chas. and Gordon Kyle and Rev. Robert French, Clifton, and Emile Finney, Cedarville. WANTED—I am now prepared to resume my trade as a painter and decorator, interior and exterior work. If in need o f such service let me give you an estimate.. Phone 138; (4t) Elmer Jurkat. LAND PLASTER to be used in stead of lime on melons, potatoes, etc. Will not burn the plants and acts as a fertilizer and carrier o f poisons. Stiles Company, S. Detroit & Hill Sts. Xenia, Ohio Phone 298. (4t) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Sarah J. Kyle, deceased. A, H. Creswell has been appointed and Administrator o f the estate o f Sarah J. Kyle, late of. Greene county, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 8th day o f July,! 1932. S. C. WRIGHT, Probate Judge o f said County. G V COURSE you are riding.'yacht ing, golfing, tennis-playing and so on and so forth these days, Every woman who claims to be modern is • going jn for these healthgtving things, as time goes on, with increasing en-. tlmsiasm. Tnke a style census at any “ classy” resort or country club gathering and yoii will find that the majority of those present are costumed in roguish cottons this summer. There never lias been a more attractive array of fetch iDg cottons In sight as are sporting in the great outdoors these days. As for Instance the handsome piques which In either wide or shallow wale are immensely popular and the rough Washable crepes and the new ding* A onals And ginghams galore' and seer sucker striped in blue, or in red and white, while the smartly new lacy mesh weaves have so completely cap tured the heart of the fashionable world we are dressing frottf top to toe In them even to the berets, the gloves, the hosiery we wear and the handbags we cany. There’s no mistake about It, the smart set has been entirely won over to the Idea o f wearing cottons and what’s more they are doing It for mally a* well as informally. For that matter a gay plnided gingham party dress tenches the very pinnacle of the mode. However, this story Is Intend ed to tell about cottons as they flour ish in the realm of sports and there is some exceedingly interesting news to impart In this connection. For In- Manet, the fact that the up-to-date squestrienne Is hearing the lorn, artd persistent call from the cotton field as It echoes throughout all fushlonland Is real news. Riding habit makers are laying great stress on a new durene material which closely resem bles the very fine ribbed fabrics we used to see In the, smnrtest English riding clothes. The durene cord- ribbed habit shown In the picture Is styled with breeches or jodpburs ac- ,. cording to preference. Sleeveless Jackets"such ns tops this suit are quite the thing this summer. The pert little hat Is made of the same durene material which is equally chic In “dirty white,” 'sand, Egyptian white or hrown. With the first three black boots are good style. j Ship a-hoy for summer, 1932, is j what the outfit worn by the seafaring lady standing to the left In the pic ture at once suggests. One can really be ever so nautical to all appearance in these* durene mesh pajamas nnd never leave the bcacli. They have their own anchor upplUjued ns you see matched in color to the buttons which fasten a veritable first officer’s double breasted jacket. The new shorter trouser length here advocated makes It possible to stroll along the sand without stumbling, as a contrast to lost, year's versions, Seated in the foreground we see Miss 1932 wearing the new durene mesh apron pajamas designed for sun hntlm and bench wear in general, These pajamas have one leg and the rest of the drapery behaves like a bungalow apron, tying at the bnck of neck and waist. It may be donned on the bench over the Imthfng suit. <©, 1*3*, Western Newspaper Vnlorf.f ‘t.'fr&i:’;: 9 CAN BE CUBED HEMORRHOIDS (OR PILES) WITHOUT USB OF KNIFE WITHOUT LOSS QF TIME A successful treatment far internal and protruding piles. Requires from four to seven treatments at intervals o f about once a week for a cure o f the average case. Also the Ideal Non-Confining Method of Treatment fo r Fistulao, Pruritis Anl (itching) and Fissure, etc. DR. J* A* YODER Osteopathic Physician and Proctologist 18,19, Steele Bldg,, Xenia Phone 884 iiiiiiiniiiniiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiTf'r frf —f—t-—.................— ..........n—..i...nn.»«>»i# HE’S GOING TO LAUGH HIS BLUES AWAY! He's going to forget the drouth, farm mortgages and what have you and just en joy himself at the theatre! Phil Chakeres SPRINGFIELD, O. 20th Anniversary Week f A u g - 2 0 —2 6 Special Attraction Special Low Prices So that every one can attend! REGENT THEATRE — SPRINGFIELD The News-Sun Opportunity Revue— featuring Singing, On the Screen—Buster Kea- Dancing and Specialty Acts, ton in “ Speak Easily. STATE THEATRE — SPRINGFIELD BRING ’EM BACK ALIVE You can see things no white man ever saw. FAIRBANKS .THEATRE — SPRINGFIELD SHOWING— “PAINTED WOMEN” 300 - PIECE BAND WILL1 PLAY AT STATE FAIR COLUMBUS (Special)— Thoso who have heard rehearsals o f the 390-piece All-Ohio high ’ school band, which is to be one of the features o f the Ohio State Fair at Prof, L. E. Pete Columbus, August 29-September 3, predict that visitors to the Fair are in for a rare musical treat. This splendid organization this year is being conducted by Profes sor L. E. Pete,'supervisor of music. in the Ashland High School, a thor ough musician and capable musical leader. . . Professor B, O. Skinner, state director of education, says o f Pro fessor Pete: “He is one o f the best supervisors in the State, and is not only a man of musicianship,- but of ideals as well. I have great respect for him.and confidence in his ability.” The boys’ band will be heard each'day and night o f the Fair. 1200 In Cast of State Fair Pageant Historic Drama To Be Enacted in “ Washington Lives” All the great characters connect ed with the American Revolution ary War and the foun ding o f the American government will pass before the eyes of the spectators in the mammoth outdoor maBB drama, “ Washington Lives!” which is to be the night attraction in.Trent- o f tho grandstand at’ thcr Ohio State Fair, CulumbuB, August 29-Septcmber 3. Such great military figures as General Monroe, General Knox, General Putnam,,General St. Clair, Baron Von Steuben, Alexander Hamilton, and such prominent per- sonages'aa Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Reynolds, Edmund Randolph, John Adams, and others Oo f this stature,.all are.depicted in exciting, dramatic' scenes with crisp, moving dialogue, disclosing their connection with the events that shaped the American nation. . Cut of 1200 Persons. It is .exlained by the State Fair Manager, Charles M. Beer, that al though this performance will enlist 1200 persons, in the. cast -and abound in elaborate movements and colors, the audience will know the meaning of every turn because microphones concealed on the stage and connected with the amplifying public address system will project the dialogue to every part of the grandstand and the bleachers. -This feature is a radically new de velopment and marks a forward step in the art of outdoor dramatic pageants. Will Hear Everything- This device makes possible giv ing to the audience the identical words of Washington and the great men about him, framed in the in tensely exciting episodes in which they took part. All of these speeches are brief and pithy and of a deeply dramatic character, sur charged with the most unselfish patriotism and electrifying to an American audience, and the expec tation is that the audience at the Ohio State Fair will find this per formance'one o f the most inspiring as well as entertaining that they have ever witnessed.. SHEEP “ BARBERS” COMPETE A T OHIO STATE FAIR ^ mhmmuhwh immhmm iiwiiimiiiiiHiMiiifc ! Church Notes | UNITED PRESBYTERIAN i Clifton, Ohio Robert H. French, Pastor Sabbath School at JO A- M, Mr. Gor don Kyle, Supt, Morning worship at 11 A. M. The Rev. Lee E. Rife, D.'D., pastor o f the Norris Square U. ?P, Church, Phila delphia, Pa., will occupy the pulpit. Y. P. C. U. at 7:80 P. M. Topic: “‘Qualities o f a Christian.” METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH j C. A . Hutchison, pastor, P. M. Gillilan, Supt. Sunday School at 10 A . M, Preaching at 11 A, M. Epworth League at 7 P. M. There are two more Sundays before Conference. Wanted to Buy Used Electric Water Pumps W. H. Swankhouse 3303 E . Third St., Dayton, Ohio UNITED PRESBYTERIAN R. A. Jamieson, Pastor. There will be no Sabbath School or Pleaching at this church Sabbath ow ing to the Pastor being on his vaca tion. Y. P. C. U. at 7:30 instead o f 7:00. Subject: “ Qualities of a Christian.” Leader: Doris Korne. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Dwight R. Guthrie, pastor. Sabbath School, 10 A. M. Prof. A. J, Hostetler, Supt. There will be no preaching Sabbath morning owing to absence o f the pas tor, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT 'd Estate o f Calvin F. Owens, Deceased. I, C. Davis has been appointed and qualified as Administrator o f the es tate o f Calvin F. Owens, late of Greene County, Ohio, deceased. ] Dated this 23rd day o f July, 1932. 1 ' * ■ , S. C. WRIGHT, j Probate Judge o f said County. 1 PARTITION SALE. - The late homestead o f David McFarland will be sold in partition on SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1932 AT 10 :00 O’CLOCK A . M. A T THE WEST DOOR OF THE COURT HOUSE, XENIA, OHIO Appraised at Twenty One Hundred Dollars, ($2100 .00), and may sell for two-thirds. TERMS:——One-third cash, one-third in one and two years or all cash at option of purchaser. Make inquiry of Mc Farland heirs or the undersigned. MILLER & FINNEY, i Attorneys. TUBERCULIN TESTED MILK Delivery Morning and Evening , Milk—7c Quart Milk—4c Pint Cream—15c Pint COTTAGE CHEESE— 10c Pt. 20c Quart HARRY HAMMON — ■ *i „ * [ electr ica l . I I r e p a ir in g ! WANTED * ' • • \ TO BUT XENIA .0 ■ -. Building and Loan Stock OF ALL KINDS i Nelson Creswell, I * Phone 1741 s , j .- Anyonehavingstockforsaleineither oftheXeniaBuilding&LoanCompan- iescanwritetheundersigned, stating numberofshares, name of loan, and thelowestpriceyouwilltakeforit.Ad dress "Mr.Holland”. Postoffice box 597,Cedarvile,Ohio. TUNE IN Wed...— P. M . Goodyear Radio Program TRADE mmm I your thin risky tires I lor new I GOODYEAR I ALL-WEATHERS JEAN PATTON Cedarville, Ohio . GOOD USED TIRES $1.00 UP - EXPERT TIRE VULCANIZING COLUMBUS (Special)— H o w long should it take to shear a sheep and shear him right? This question will be answered at the Ohio State Fair at Colum bus, August 20-September 3, when deft wlelders of shearing equip ment will do battle in the Sheep Shearing Contest. There will be a senior contest and junior contest for boys under 20 years of age. Just What’s involved in a cham pionship job o f shearing can be gleaned from tho following division of points: Time of shearing and tying, 20 points; absence of cuts on sheep, 10 points; handling of sheep, 10 points; absence of second cuts in fleece, 20 points; condition of fleece, 20 points; smoothness of job, 10 points; tyihg of fleece, 10 points. - Why not supplement your supply o f repair lumber, by hauling in those ‘ few logs and having them sawed into ; lumber? j ‘ ■ „ W. J. Tiirbox j a 1 7 Yearn the F IR ST -choice tire! g o o i # V e a r 'v ,' -|M \ P m k £ & * A t Every Price the Greater! ValueI Proof: MillionsMore peoplebuy Goodyears Latest Lifetime Guaranteed G O O D Y E A R W S P E E D W A Y 1 K ? Sunertwlst Cord Tires S.SS-2I 4 1 Each Tubeose' d.w-ae TobeOH 4.M-21 Tube0<« S.7S-19 $ j S $ Z&Eetli TabsOSS 4.7S-2* $ A S 7 fR c a th J^WlnPrt. Tube«H S.M-19 5.H-2S g a i t : 4 « Tabs St.tS fl.H-ai $ d $ « Z R es « ii " • h i P it . TubeOt.IS MXe*«eH»Mi#* of tii«eor SIMMs of 8up*ctwl»t Cord in this tioodrear, twodonotrunIrons beadtobead—th*» srsrsslly cord breaker itflp* and that’*whatt»Scall them althouSh torn* tire maker* call them astro piles. - Also these and larger sizes in tho famous GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Supertwist Cord Tires S.4S-21 t r e e s ’ 4.SS-3I *£>*7 4.7M9 t a n • t i t When new tires cost so Httlej more than ever it pays to buy the best. Who says Goodyears ARE best? The people who use tires say It—they buy more Goodyears than any other kind — they have been doing that for seventeen successive years . . . If that isn’ t enough proof, come in—we can actually demon strate the REASONS WHY you get more for your dollars m Goodyears, Something New out of the Sky! ► Ask tie to showyou the mssrm “ RIDING Is like PLYING’* —on the new Super-Soft GoodyearAIR- WHEEL tiros. __________ CornsInferdemonstration. Heavy Duty Ttudt TiiSi* , 7 A
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