The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 27-52

V The new things are advertised by merchants first. Advertisements keep you abreast o f the times. Read them! yterald. Advertising Is news, as much "as the headlines on the front page. Often it is o f more significance to you. F IFTY -F IFTH Y E A R NO. 44. . 1........ ■SS5|Bi555-55!«£*~. CEDARV ILLE , OHIO, FR ID A Y OCTOBER 7 1932 PRICE, J1.50 A YEAR LONGILLNESS BRINGSEND TO FORMERCITIZEN Fred Gohl, 64, died a t his home on Jamestown street, South Charleston, Thursday afternoon, following an ill­ ness o f about seven months, Mr. Gohl came to this section about 11' years ago, first residing on the Lower River road,. He was bom and raised in Champaign County, Illinois. He farmed and operated' a general store in Illinois-. He -was a member o f the Methodist Church, South Char­ leston. Mr, Gohl is survived by his wife and one son, Glenn Gobi, who resides in South Charleston. Two brothers, also survive, C. F. Gohl, Crawfordsville, Ind., and William Gohl, St. Joseph, 111 . The funeral was held at the resi­ dence last Sunday afternoon. Burial took place in South Solon. it* l Church Notes Xenia Police Have Radio Cruiser Car The Xenia police radio was given credit fo r running down in a hasty manner, Edward Thompson, 36, Xenia, who is charged with theft of an-auto from Clarence Hamer, Xenia. The Dayton police were given the number and description c f the car at 9 P. M. and the next morning the car and the driver were arrested in Dayton. The Xenia police department now has a cruiser car equipped with radio. This with" Chief Cornwell’s finger print system completely equipts the depart­ ment fo r effective work. Chief Corn­ well, is rated one o f the best chiefs o f any town of the size in the state. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ! R. A . Jamieson, Pastor. : Sabbath School 10:15 A. M. Supt. J. 1E. Kyle. Remember this is RALLY {B A Y , with a combined program o f Sabbath School and Church. The Jun­ ior Department will present a special program and there will be Promotions from one Department to another. The! address o f the day will be delivered- by Prof. H. H. Smith o f Wilmington' College on the-theme, “ Spiritual Ob-j jectives” . Prof. Smith was formerly ( a professor in Cedarville College, and sang in our choir, and will be gladly welcomed for this Rally Day service. All-are cordially invited to be present and enjoy and profit by this service. Y. P. C. U. 6:30 P. M. Subject: “ How Doet, the Liquor Problem affect Young People Today ?*’ Leader, Har­ old Dobbins. ' • Union Service 7:30 P. M. in our Church, with sermon by Rev, Dwight Guthrie . Prayer-meeting Wed. 7:30 P. M. Leader, Mrs. E. E. Finney. Choir Rehearsal Saturday, 8 P. M. Our Synod Will meet October 11 and 12 at Bloomington, Indiana. Mr. Roy Waddle is the delegate from the ses­ sion, and w ill accompany the pastor. Rev. Jamieson is cn the program Wednesday evening in the Spiritual Life Conference. Wednesday forenoon session is to be held in the University Chapel and will be addressed by some of the University professors on the “ Trends of the Times.” Dawes Bank Gets L ift From Uncle Sam The Central Republic Trust Co, o f Chicago, o f which former Vice President Charles G. Dawes, was chairman o f the boa rj o f direc tors, has been reorganised into a national bank -and known-as the City National Sank and Treat Go., with Dawes a* chairman o f the board. The week following the" Republican National Convention a run was made on the Dawes bank and to clear up the old bank a new national takes its place. The new bank gets ninety million dollars from the Reconstruc­ tion Finance Corporation, which is not. bad fo r one bank ,when hundreds o f shmller banka cannot get a Cent. vSOUTHARD SAYS W E ARE SHORT ON RAIN FALL Director H, G. Southard o f the State Department of Health states that Central Ohio is about seven inches short o f rain this year and other parts of the state have suffered worse, which is almost wholly responsible for the recorded increase o f typhoid fever in rural districts. With the open­ ing o f schools infectious diseases are expected to increase, especially scar­ let fever, diptheria and chickenpox. A lt such cases should be reported im­ mediately to health officials so that proper care may he taken of them. 'TIJST PRESBYTERIAN IHURCH Dwight R. Guthrie, pastor, Sabbath School, 10 A . M. Prof. A. I. Hostetler, Supt Lesson: “ The. Christian in the Fam­ ily.” (Luke 2: 40-52; 10: 38-42.) Morning Service f t 11 A. M, Ser­ mon Text:“ For What Is Your L ife? ” (James 4:14). Christian Endeavor will meet in the church at 6:45. The topic fo r discus­ sion is “ How Does the Liqor Problem A ffect Young People Today?” (Matt. 7:17; John. 8:22.) Mr. Cappola will be the leader. A ll young people are cor­ dially invited to attend. . Union Evening Service at 7:30 in Uta Unitedl Presbyterian Church. Rev. Guthrie Wifi speak on the text found $n Isaiah 55:1- “Ho, every one that \thirsteth, come ye to the’ waters; and he that hath no money, come ye buy and eat.” The first o f a series-of cottage pray­ er meetings will be held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A . E. Huey on Wed­ nesday evening at 7:30. The discus­ sion on “ The Home o f ,the Coming Generation” will be led by the pas­ tor, , The Yong People held their regular monthly business meeting on Thurs­ day evening at the home o f Mary Margaret McMillan, Following the meeting a social hour was held. This was the first meeting since - the new officers were elected. They are as fol­ lows: Mary Margaret McMillan, Pres. Sarah Margaret Chance, vice-presi­ dent; Maxine Bennett, secretary; Walter Kilpatrick, Treasurer, and Carma Hostetler, pianist. The Conference for young people of AUDITOR CURLETT SENDS OUT TAX MONEY County Auditor James Curlett has made distribution o f the tax funds to the various districts in the county as a result o f the June tax collection. The tax collection was $391,968.23 in the county, the state’s share being $3,880.65. $ The tax on intangibles was dsitrib- uted as fa r as permitted under the re­ pent court decision. f SCHOOL NEWS I I - . I LOCAL MINISTERS HAVE PART IN PROGRAM , ' 1 ‘ Arrangements' have been made whereby the local ministers will have a part ,in the high school chapel pro­ gram, three days a month. Rev, Guth­ rie, pastor o f the First Presbyterian Cedarville School.District received Church, was the first to-take part/He $14,945.67, Cedarville Township, $2,732.17. . Cedarville Village, $5,531.01 President, Cletis Jacobs; vice-pres­ ident, Frances Kimble; secretary, Lawrence Williamson; treasurer, Paul Stickel. JUNIORS— President, Christiana Jones; vice- president, Lowell Northup; secretary, James Anderson; treasurer, Harvey Ferguson. SENIORS— President, Joseph West; vice-pres­ ident, Dorothy Anderson; secretary, Mary Margaret Mac Millan; treasur­ er, Joseph Waddle.. BANK BANDIT IDENTIFIED BY XEN IA POLICE CHIEF Police Chief O. H.‘ Cornwell, Xenia, has made, positive fingerprint inden- tification of- thed river o f the -bandit car that carried the two men who recently held up the North jLewishurg -Bank, -September 19. It is said the suspect has a criminal record. The information goes to the Champaign county authorities working on . the case. GOLDEN RULE CIRCLE HOLDS SOCIAL THURSDAY LAST The Golden ^Rule Circle Class of the M. E. Church held their regular monthly meeting in the S. S. Room, Thursday evening, Sept. 29. The meeting was called-to order by the President, Mrs. O. P. Elias, after the business meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President, Mrs. C. E. Masters; Vice President, Mrs. Cora Trumbo; Secy., Mrs. Maywood Homey; Assistant DaVton^I^eTbyte^ heldTast^Sabbathl was well attended by our Christian A. B. L ITTLE ILL Endeavors. These meetings have proven- themselves to be of great val­ ue to the young people. Rally Day will be observed Sabbath, tpet. 16. The Sabbath School and Church Services will be combined that A. B. Little, Sidney, has been quite ill at theJmme o f his son-in-law and daughter,Tlr. and Mrs. George Mar- tindale. NOTICE OF ELECTION ON PROPOSITION NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a Resolution o f the Clifton Union Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio, passed on the 15th day of August, 1932, there will be submitted to a vote o f the people of said School District, at the GEN­ ERAL ELECTION to be held in said School District, at the regular places o f voting therein, on Tuesday, the 8th day o f November, 1932, the question: “ Shall the Clifton Union Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio, apply for participation in the State Educa­ tional Fund* and levy a tax outside of the fifteen mill limitation for the cur­ rent expenses o f said School District in an amount equal to the average tax levy voted outside o f said limitation for the current expenses of schools by all the school districts in the State o f Ohio which do not participate -in 'said fond (but in no event to exceed three mills), fo r4such period as the district may continue to participate in said State Educational - Equaliza­ tion Fund,” | The Foils for said Election will bo open at 6:30o’dock A . M. and remain open until 6:30 o'clock P. M. (East­ ern Standard Time) o f said day. By order o f the Board of Elections, o f Greene County, Ohio, HARRY a SOWN, Chairman, EARL SHORT, Clerk. Dated October 1st, 1932, trade Stormont; assistant Treas, Mrs. Scott. The members of theclass put aside the cares and worries o f to­ day’ and spent a short time in the school room of childhood days in dress, recitation and song, and the {committee served refreshments in with the entertainment. morning. The joint service will be- . School was then dismissed and the gin at 10:30. Our Fall Communion wifi be held on Sabbath Oct. 23, Baptisms and recep­ tion o f new members will form a part of the service. The services wifi be announced later. <* . members departed fo r their homes af­ ter a very enjoyable evening. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH C. A , Hutchison, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. M. P. M. Gillilan, Supt. This Sunday, Oct. 9, is Rally Day, There will be the usual lesson period and the special program will be held at the ehurch hour at 11 A. M, There wifi be a special Rally Day offering. After the morning service there will be a basket dinner in which all the friends o f the church are invited to join. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Fields, new pastor o f the First Methodist Episco­ pal Church, Xenia, will he our guests at dinner and Rev. Fields will speak for us. Those coming to the dinner are asked to bring table service along with their baskets, Coffee will he fur­ nished, Epworth’ League at 6i30 F» M. Union Service at the United Presby­ terian church at 7:30 P. M. Rev. Guth­ rie will preach.* Prayer-meeting, Wed. 7:30 P. M. The Win One class Will be .in charge. Choir Practice, Saturday at 8 P. M Revival meetings will begin at Sel­ ma, Monday evening, October 17th. CEDARVILLE VS. FAIRMONT The C. H. S; football team was de­ feated by Fairmont 24-0, when the two met on the local field, Friday af­ ternoon. The Red and White team was outclassed by the strong Fair­ mont "Class A.' team. Cedarville be in a position to score three different times but failed to do so. Fairmont’s scoring Was distributed through the last three qarters. The hardest part o f the schedule has been ocmpleted as the remaining games are to be played against teams from schools nearer the size o f C. H. S. I Friday, the squad wifi go to Leba­ non. Next week, Mt. Sterling plays here. Wanted—To purchase timothy seed, red clover seed, mammoth clover seed, Call us for prices. Dewine and Ham- man, Yellow Springs, 0. Phone 168. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Clifton, Ohio Robert H. French, Pastor Preparatory services this evening, Oct. 7th, 8 P, M., with the Reverand Dwight R.Guthrie, Cedarville, preach­ ing, and Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2 P, M. with Dr. L. L. Gray, preaching. Sabbath School 10 A. M. Mr, Gor­ don G. Kyle, Supt, Morning Worship 11 A. M. The Sac­ rament o f the Lord’s Supper will be observed. Th e’theme of the sermon wifi be the words o f Christ: “ This do in Remembrance o f Me/’ The Y. P. C. U. wifi meet at 7 P.M. Please notice the change of time. The topic o f the meeting wifi be, “ How does the Liquor Problem Effect Young People Today?” Charles Kyle is the leader. Thursday evening, Oct. 13th, the Young People’s Society will bo hosts to the congregation at the home o f Mr. Wifi Rife. This will he the first of six weekly gatherings at which Dr, StuArfc Bergsma’s book on Ethiopia “ Rainbow Empire” will be studied. Tho pastor is to direct the study o f the book, with the young people as­ sisting in the presentation of the pro gram. A fter this first Week these gatherings will be held on Wednesday evenings. Rev. II. J. Kyle, Elder W. T. Wad die and Rev. Mr. French will attend the meeting o f Second Synod, Bloomington, Indiana, oh Tuesday an Wednesday o f next week. addressed the highly school students, Monday morning on “Jesus' parable o f the wedding feast” Rev. Guthrie referred to the parable as a drama in three acts, each of *arhich he presented in' an interesting way. Proceeding the $ddre 3 S, Mrs., W il­ son read the B fi^ a ft e r which the en­ tire group prawafehe .Lord’s Prayer, astMaSnfs K IW INAS IS CLUB SPONSORS GUIDANCE PROGRAM The Kiwanis Glub o f Xenia is spon­ soring a vocational gidanee program ,ofr the high school students o f Greene County. Mr. W . W. Galloway, repre­ senting \the Xenia Kiwanis Glub, spoke to the local students Monday morning and outlined fo r them the plan for conferences to be held each -week. These conferences are being held for the purpose o f aiding stu­ dents in choosing a ' life career. A booklet published by the Xenia K i­ wanis Club concerning the problems of choosing a life career was pre­ sented to each student. This is a real opportunity for the young people o f high school age to be­ come acquainted with various voca-it . „ . .ions for which-they are best fitted. *he^ ed themselves ta some cigars, It is hoped that the parents will assist'tobacco, candy and contents o f vend- in making it possible for the young' machines. Entrance had been people to attend at least one of these' ^ i" ed ^ b r e a k in g a rear door. Part conferences. ; * f the loot was found the next day a- ______ f long the Pennsylvania tracks. No clue SCHOOL PATROL CONTINUED 8US- The local boy scouts will continue' r ................... ‘.his year their patrol during the dis­ missal periods. The boy on duty will halt traffic in front of the school building anjl thus permit the children to cross the street in safety. This has been carried on successfully other years and the boys are to be com­ mended for the service they are rend­ ering, DECISION FOR B. & L. In the suit o f the Cedarville Build­ ing and Loan against the. Exchange Bank and Ira J. Fulton, state banking superintendent, seeking to collect on a note given the bank for rent on the Forest' K. Waddle farm, Judge Gowdy in Common Pleas Court has decided in favor of the Building and Loan, Har­ ry Hammbn had given the hank a note for the rent, and the state hanking .de­ partment sought to hold the notes of $360. The farm was sold and the rent went to the loan on the grounds Waddle was delinquent at the time the bank took over the farm on a second mortgage while the loan association held first mortgage. ANOTHER FORECLOSURE Foreclosure and sale o f mortgaged property fo r non-payment of $8,324.67 adjudged to be due on a loan, has been authorized in the case o f the Peoples Building and Savings Co. against T. C. Long and others in Common Pleas Court. . ATTACHMENT ASKED Attachment o f personal - property kept by the defendants in a safety de­ posit box in the closed Exchange Bank is sought in a suit pending in Common Pleas Court, brought by Ira J. Ful­ ton, state hanking superintendent in charge' o f .the bank's liquidation, a- gainst F, B. Turnbull and Lydia B, Turnbull. The suit asking judgment for $3,614,64 was based on two prom­ issory notes, assertedly unpaid, .The attachment request charges -the de­ fendants are about to remove their personal property to defraud creditors and the plaintiff. W ANT TO SELL PROPERTY Authority to sell the ■ 90-year-old Methodist Protestant Church and par­ sonage at Bellbrook, abandoned for church purposes some years ago, is asked in an applicaion filed in Com­ mon Pleas Court by C. M. Austin, member o f the board o f trustees. The building is a frame that adjoins the brick church. The two lots have a frontage o f 120 feet. The congrega­ tion and. conference gave approval of the sale. Miller and Finney, attorneys fctphUniHt. - - BANK BUYS NOTE Acceptance o f an offer o f D. J. Schurr, deputy o f the state banking department in charge o f the liquid- ation o f the closed Commercial and Sayings Bank Cq. Xenia, to purchase a mortgage and $1,828.35 note o f Fifed DeVoe, held as collateral security for funds deposited by the board, for $3,- 142.53, which includes interest of $1,- 314.18, was decided upon Monday by the County Commissioners. Cummings Garage Broken Into Tuesday Some one broke into the Cummings Garage some time Tuesday night and Barn Burned On Faulkner Farm •j a ELECTION DAY A large frame barn on the Fred Faulkner farm, Hussey Pike, near Pamterville, burned wRh all contents Saturday night about 8 o'clock. The cause o f the fire is unknown. The lose included hay, wheat, fertilizer and Wednesday, September 28, was elec- farming implements. The fire was ion day for the local high school, discovered by a neighbor, Fred Wol- ulected by the students fo r the com- ^iry, while Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner Class officers and cheer leaders were were in Xenia. The loss Was at least ing year. j partially covered by insurance. Aftec assembling in the auditoriumf ----------------------- s m a l l - m o u t h e d b a s s p u t .he home rooms where they selected Verna Mac Stine and John Peterson cheer leaders. ' Class officers elected at the same time include the following: DIVORCE SUIT Asking a'divorce on.grounds of ha­ bitual drunkness, cruelty and failure to provide, Mary Scott also seeks the custody of three minor children in a suit against John Scott filed in Com­ mon Pleas Court. They were married January 2, 1922. SUIT AGAINST XEN IA FIRM Judgment fo r $1,512.64, claimed to be due on account fo r merchandise sold, is sought in a Suit filed by The White Mountain Dairy Co., Lima, 0., against the Ohio Cheese Products Co., Xenia, in Common Pleas Court. COUNTY BUDGET WILL BEREDUCED FORCOMINGYEAR According to A . E. Beam, o f Graatt* County Commissioners, -the new o f Commissioners, states that the new budget w ill he greatly reduced due to reduced income from taxes. The leg­ islature last week reduced the salar­ ies o f elective officials and according to the commissioners a cut will be necessary fo r all clerk hire. No re­ duction has been set yet. The budget had been held up owing to the legislative session and what changes would be made there. Income from taxation will be much less due to declining values, the suit ovei' distribution of intangible tax and the reduction of ten per cent on real estate valuations, which County Au­ ditor James Curlett announced sever­ al weeks ago. Mr. Curlett. fe lt that. all property owners were entitled to .his reduction owing to the declining /alue of all real estate. The September bulletin o f the col- ege is just o ff the press and is ready for distribution. Some o f its contents are: the classes o f the alumni^anoth- sr chance for high school graduates, che account of attendance, the an­ nouncement o f next Summer School, he schedule o f Football and Baskefc- oall games, financial needs, and the directory o f the officials. Any one is welcome to a bulletin who may re­ quest it.- . James C. McMillan, Osborn, class, of '28, and president o f the alumni as­ sociation, announces that the alumni new in the hands o f the printer,-Mr. Bull. It will be ready for distribution in a few days. It will be mailed out from, the college office on or before the fifteenth. The alumni are to issue four numbers o f the bul­ letin during the year. Mr. W. B. McCallister was taken suddenly sick last week. He was re­ moved to the McClellan Hospital in Xenia and operated on for appendi­ citis. Reports indicate that he Is get­ ting along nicely. Miss Carma Hos­ tetler has been on the sick list with a heavy cold and out o f school for over a week. Miss Patterson was on the sick list Monday and detained from school, Professor Kuehrmann has been confined to his bed for a few days with a heavy cold. Mrs. Work .has completed the or­ ganization of the Gleb Club. I t has thirty one girls. A mixed chorus of twenty eight has been organized. Twoi quartettes, a men’s and girls’, are practicing. The men's quartette are Joseph Free, Edward Irons, Preston 'Garlough and -Robert Harriman and Clyde Hutchison, accompanist. The girls’ quartette are Eleanor Bull, Maxine Bennett/ Florence McLaugh­ lin and N ina1Stevenson. The alter­ nates are Anna Jane Wham and: Dor­ is Hartman. The Girls’ quartette is ;o broadcast the third Saturday o f this month from W A IU at 9:30 o'clock in the morning. The broadcast­ ing is under the supervision of the Pocket Testament League. Keep the date in mind and listen in. FORECLOSURE SUIT Suit fo r $168.93 and foreclosure and sale of mortgaged property has been {filed in Common Pleas Court-by the Peoples Building and Savings Co. a- gainst Maudie J. and Ferman Sanford of Yellow Springs, through Attorney C. W. Whitmer. SEVENTH GRADE— President, Nell Hartman; vice pres­ ident, Betty Jane Judy; secretary, Charles Hunter; treasurer, Edward Pitstick; news reporter, Ruth Ellen Dennehy. EIGHTH GRADE— President, Robert Reed; vice-pres­ ident, Justfln l|t»jfchup; secretary, Ned Brown; treasurer, Mary Jean ToVmsley, FRESHMEN— President, Rebecca Galloway; vice- president, John Williamson; secre­ tary, Virginia ToWhsIey; treasurer, Dorothy Sipe, |SOPHOMORES— IN CAESARCCREEK NOTE JUDGMENTS John T. Harbine, Jr., has recovered the following cognovit judgments in Common Pleas Court; against John and Daisy Dougleas, $802.60; against Columbus M. and Emma S. Boorom, $ 121 . About 1600 small-mouthed bass from tho Xenia fish hatchery were distributed Friday over a five mile stretch of Caesarcreek from New Jasper Twp, to Spring Valley Twp. ^ E S T ON VISIT GO Mr. and Mrs. William Conley left Wednesday for Crystal City, Mo., on a visit with their son, Mr. Robert Con ley and family. The trip was made by motor, Miss Florence Williamson o f Bowl ing Green, 0., spent the week-end at tho home o f her father, Mr. D, S. Williamson. For Rent—House o f four, rooms. In quire o f Mrs. Lee Shroades, CLOSE IN ON ROSS TW PTT a RM The Union Central Life Insurance Co., Cincinnati, is plaintiff in a suit for $13,996.82 and mortgage foreclos­ ure is asked, against Frank H. Harper and Nora E. Harper, Cedarville, Em­ mett Simmerman and Shirley Simmer man, ? I t is claimed that' the amount for which judgment 'is sought is due on twenty-one prOmisory notes, secured by mortgage on a farm in Ross Twp.; which was subsequently sold by the Harpers to Emmett and Shirley Sim­ merman. The Farmers- and Traders Bank, South Solon; Dayton Power ant Light Co. Dayton; First State Bank o f South Charleston, and Ira J. Ful­ ton, state hanking superintendent are named as co-defendants in the suit, al claiming mortgage interests. Miller and Finney, attorneys for plaintiff. Attillo Cappola has started a bar­ ber shop at the residence ,of Mrs. Grace Brigner. He has had six years experience in a large barbershop in Eastern Ohio at Lowellville. He can do first class work. He is using this means to make h it way through school The patronage of all who would like to help Mr. Cappola in his laudable ef­ fort will be greatly appreciated. Rodney Taylor, class o f *32, left Thursday morning o f this week for Pittsburgh Xenia Theological Semi- nnry o f the United Presbyterian church. - He intends to study fo r the ministry o f the Gospel. Mr. Taylor makes the second member o f the class o f *32 to enter the ministry, Marion Hostetler being the other and he is attending the Western Theological Seminary o f the Presbyterian Church. These two seminaries are located with n sight of each other in North Side Pittsburgh formerly Allegheny. Esther Mae Hartman entered Ce­ darville College this, past week. She is pursuing special work in Educa­ tion as well as some other subjects. We are glad to welcome her into our' stu­ dent body again,. The total enrollment in the regu­ lar college to date is one hundred eighteen. This does not count the ad­ ditional enrollment In the Depart­ ment o f Music. (Continued on Pag* Four) i