The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 27-52
The new things are advertised by merchants first. Advertisementskeep you abreast of the times. Read them! ffhe ^Cedarville Merald. Advertising is news, as much as fhe headlines on the front page. Often it is of more significance to you. FIFTY-FIFfti Y«AR NO. 46. CEDARVILLE, OHIO/ FRIDAY OCTOBER 2V 1932 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR RIVERPAGEANT F8R WASHINGTON STARTSFRIDAY ;j SCHOOL NEWS Routed COLLEGE NEWS Study o f the Parables Continued f The study o f various parables o f the ———. iBible, as a part o f the plan whereby A river pageant that will begin to*.the local ministers speak at the high day, Friday, north o f East Liverpool, school chapel on three days a month, O., and follow George Washington’s was continued by Rev. Hutchison on journey down the Ohio River as fa r last Monday morning. He spoke con- as Point pleasant, West Virginia, has kerning the three parables of--the-lost- been arranged by join state commis-1sheep, the lost coin, and the lost boy. sions o f Ohio and West Virginia as Proceeding this, Miss Reigel read the the major celebration in the middle' scripture followed by the Lord’s Pray- west o f the George Washington BL^teaghnd Dorothy Kennon played a centennial, j?&no solo. Ten men, portraying Washington,! .______ his aides, ana Indian servants, will !, Cafeteria Supper-October 26 re-enact. George Washington’s down;- The annual cafeteria supper will be rivqr trip made in 1770 and described held pt the school building, Wednes- in his dairies. They make over-night day, October 26, 1932. Further details stops at each the known- camp sites- will be found .in a special article in o f the Washington party and approp-! this issue. riate ceremonies are being arranged! _ _ _ _ _ by local agencies at each of th e ‘sites.! Stage Curtain Installed ■The Daughters o f the American! A new stage curtain o f beautiful Revolution will join the ceremonies by (blue velvet was installed in the audi- placing and dedicating markers at torium last week. The old curtain four camp sites during the course o f jhad served its day o f usefulness and ■the celebration. The party will travel in a powered flat boat accompanied by two men in an Indian' canoe. A t each camp; site, it thus became necessary to provide a new one. The dark blue cloth is in striking contrast with the newly painted walls. This project Is to be the men will land, pitch camp, and re- ■ financed through various school activ- enact, as accurately as possible, the j ities over a period o f years, episodes, which Washington experien-{ - ced at that camp site. j. George Washington Picture Show The itinerary of the voyage starts! Students o f Cedarville High Schooi at East Liverpool, October 2i and will iattended the picture depicting “W&sh- continue until Point Pleasant is reach- j agton, the "Man and the Capitol” , at ed on October 31. ! the Bijou Theatre, Tuesday and Wed- Thousands of automobiles wilLtum nesday, The picture is a part o f the in the direction of these joints begin- ning with the peek-end on October 21 and continuing until the final celebra tion at Point Pleasant. Christmas Health Seal Sale Planned Bi-Centennial Celebration. It / was through the influence o f Supt. Ault- >nan that high school students o f the county were privileged to attend the matinees. Plans for the annual sale o f Christ mas Health Seals, which starts No vember 25 and continues until Christ mas, were discussed at- a dinner meet ing o f the executive board o f Greene County Health League at Geyer’s •“ Rose Room!’, Tuesday evening. Mrsu Guy-Harold Smith, Cohanbiis, will come to Xenia November 31-and will be engaged by the league for ,sev eral weeks in arranging -a. chest Clinic here in December. Proceeds from the sale - o f Christmas seals are used to finance these clinics, ‘ Dr. Clyde Dawson, Yellow Springs', president, appointed a committee com posed o f Mrs. Pearl Wittenmyer, Mrs. S. M. McKay and Dr. C. G. McPher son .to re-draft the constitution o f the league. It was also voted to join the Ohio Healh League. Those presen were Dr. Dawson, president; Dr. McPherson, vice pres ident; Mrs. Wilbur Shultz, executive secretary; Mrs. George Baldner, re cording secretary; Mrs. McKay.treas- urer; Dr. WVC. Marshall, Yellow Springs,1Greene County health com missioner; •Mrs. Wittenmyer, county health nurse; Mrs, Elizabeth Ander son, Mrs. Anges Hurley, Miss Mildred Mason and Mrs. A . B. Creswell, 'Ce darville. Scout'Program—November 18 The members o f the Boy and Girl Snout organizations will present a program ih the opera house, Novem ber 18th. They will be assisted by the music and dramatic organizations o f the school. The proceeds will be used to aid financially the Boy-and- Girl ScoUt Troops o f the village. No School—October 28 The local stysdefits will be dismissed all day October 28, hi order, that, the teachers may attend the meetings v t the Central Ohio Teachers’ Associa tion, which convenes in Columbus, on October 28-29. C. H. S. vs. Mt. Sterling 13-6 Cedarville met defeat* at the hands o f Mt. Sterling 13-6, last Friday, on the local gridiron. Both teams used a passing offense during the game. The players who were injured in ear lier games will probably be in the line up. Osborn, an old foe in football, <vill no doubt be prepared to avenge former defeats suffered from us, but our boys are equally prepared to, win he, ggme as usual. Why not - lan to fbe at Osborn Saturday afternoon to 1 0 ,ee the big game? Jamestown To Vote On School State Aid Jamestown and Silvercreek Twp. schools will vote November 8th on state aid fo r schools and taxpayers and patrons o f the districts are to hold an open meeting Monday even ing at 8 o’clock to hear J, W. Fichter, assistant state director o f education, discuss the plan. The village end-township funds are at a low ebb and unless state aid is approve! by the electors tho schools will be forced to close. The plan the board has in mind is the same as used in Cedarville Twp., Miami Twp., and one or two other districts in Greene county. CELEBRATE 25th WEDDIN G , Sprmg- Mr.and Mrs. Ohmer Burrell field, former residents o f'th is place; celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dobbins and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbins and fam ily were in attendance, Tax Delinquency Over 10 Per Cent The delinquency in tax paymehts in 1931 on real estate in the county was $81,555.44, or 10.26 per cent o f the current net charge o f 1794,606.04 on the tax duplicate, exclusive o f all special assessments, according to the report o f county officials, Delinquencies and forfeitures o f former years on real estate, carried over on the 1931 duplicate amounted to $89,053.77 o f which amount $30,- 067.75 was repaid at two tax collec tion periods this year. The net real estate and special as sessment collection for the first half Of 1931 taxxes amounted to $368,006.- 23, plus $17,228.92 in repaid delin quent axes, while for the last half of 1931 the collection last August a- maunted to $382,961.87, plus $12,838.- 83 in repaid delinquencies carried over from previous years. Mr. W. H. Barber underwent a min or operation in Dayton the first of the week for a growth near his right ear. It has been giving him trouble for some time and it is expected that he will now get relief. SEVENTHDISTRICT Bank Stockholders Get FARMERSSTAND BEHMAND That -farmers over the Seventh Dis- rict have become more interested in he attitude o f Cong. Charles Brand jolting his party nominee is proven by /hat is said to be a movement of eading farmers in the District to jack, the Congressman. * J. M. Willis, Washington C. H. O., former Republican State Representa- .ive and life long Republican 'in his statements says: “I am in sympathy viih Gov. Roosevelt and his policies and other Republican farmers feel as I do.‘l“ * " F. ,M. Rothrock, Republican, Wash ington G- H., Said he was glad one congressman had fortitude . to tell President Hoover and former Presi dent Coolidge that they acted against agriculture. - H. P. Allison, Republican, Jefferson ville, says he will follow Brand’s lead ership. Chas. F. Keller, Mechtmicsburgh, .tepuklican, defends Brand and says: 'If the politicians continue the cru- ,ade against Brand, the defection may ae extended down the line to affect ether candidates. 1 Charles Austin, Greene county Re- mblican farmer, jumps the fence in apposition to Hoover. Austin was a jirector of the Xenia Commercial Bank that purchased $30,000 worth of foreign bonds recommended by the ad- ninistration and are now worthless, t he bank is now in liquidation. Thanksgiving Remembrance Alb stockholders o f the defunct Exchange Bank, some forty or more, received Thanksgiving remembrances Tuesday from Ira J.- , Fulton, Superintendent o f Banks o f the State o f Ohio, that their 100 per cent assessment on their-stock would be payable to him on or be fore November; 30th 1932. Interest will begin to run if thq amount is not paid on or before that date. Mr. Fulton in his letter says: “ It has been ascertained from an analysis of-the affairs o f said bank that the^assets thereof will be in sufficient to pay its debts, liabilities and it, therefore, becomes my duty to enforce the individual liability o f its stockholders under and "by virtue o f the,provisions of Section 710-75 o f the General Code o f , Ohio. - ■ ’ The Exchange Hank closed on May 4th this year, and the Com -. mercial Bank, Xenia; closed about March 1st. No call has yet been made on the Cortjmerciil stockholders. The First State Bank, South Charleston, clojwf(|about two weeks later and is now in the process o f liquidation, ' ’ * COURT NEWS Canning Companies Hit By Bankruptcy Mb. and Mrs, J. Lloyd Confarr, who have been spending a two week’s va cation visiting in North Carolina, Vir ginia, Pennsylvania, Washington, D, C. and New York City, have returned home. The Continental Can Co., New York, on Saturday filed bankruptcy petitions in federal court, Cincinnati, against the South Charleston Canning Co. and the Spring Valley Canning Co. John Ellsworth, Madison county, who owned 2,500 acres and farmed 4,000 acres, took similar action last week, all o f which proves things are better than they are represented to be. Xenia School Board To Test Tax Law A mandamus suit challenging the constitutionality o f that part o f Ohio’s new classified tax law, which exempts from taxation such intangible personal property as motor vehicles, household goods, pianos, musical instruments, moneys, credits, stocks and bonds, and capital stock o f banks was filed directly in the Second District Court o f Appeals in Xenia, Saturday, against James J.- Curlctt, County Auditor. Tho suit is in no way against Mt. Curlett who has followed the new classification tax law. The Suit charges a deficit o f $9,019.42 in the Interest and sinking fund for bond retirement purposes is attributed to tho law and the legislature has no power to pass laws impairing the obligations of contracts, The petition argues schools bonds issued in 1919 and 1920 and their, purchase constituted a contract between the school board and purchasers o f the bonds; Terms o f tho contracts, it is declared, pro vided a t; ’ would be levied on all taxable property Of the school dis trict in an amount sufficient to pay the interest and redeem them at maturity. The petition says the new tax law exempted- from taxation per sonal property o f an aggregate value of $2,739,845 and substituted a tax “ Wholly inadequate and insufficient to replace such revenue los ses,” The suit was filed by William Miller of the law firm o f Miller and Finney. SUIT AGAINST COUNTY Greene County Commissioners were made defendants Tuesday in a suit de manding $2,500 damages, based on an auto accident, filed in Common PleaB Court by Mrs. Lenora Hartsock, Spring Valley-Centerville pike. Mrs1. Hartsock and infant daughter, were injured when the auto in which they were riding down Barrett’s Hill, on a county road known a * the Centerville pike, west o f the Cincinnati pike, as- sertedly skidded in fresh gravel and overturned. It is charged there was no guard rail on the west side o f the road. TRIAL POSTPONED Jury trial o f Edward Thaxton, 45, colored, Xenia, under indictment on two counts charging him with shoot ing with intent to wound and intent to kill, has been postponed for a new date to be set. It was necessary to hold up the trial set fo r Wednesday owing to the condition of Mrs. Eliza Hicks, 52, who was wounded- when Thaxton fired the gun. Good Eats, Good Time A t School Dinner The Annual Cafeteria Supper spon sored by the teachers of Codarvilie Public School will be served Wednes day, October 26, from 5:00 to 7:30. Don't miss the opportunity to get a delicious meal at five cents fo r each serving. Here’s what you may look forward to .eating: Creamed chicken and home made biscuits; mashed po tatoes, creamed peas, Perfection salad Waldorf salad, bread and butter, cot tage cheese pudding with chocolate or vanilla sauce, coffee, ice cream, wei- ner sandwiches, baked beans. This is a real social gathering. Be here to enjoy the supper. Meet your friends and get better acquainted. The proceeds from the' supper are to he used for the benefit o f the school. ’ There will be no program in order -that all who desire may attend the mid-week services at the churches. Prof. Hostetler secured six new mi croscopes this week-for hill class in Botany, There are fifteen microscopes in Use in the class. The class num bers thirty^two.. Visitojyt report. -that class and teacher are “ busy as bees” and the work is most Interesting and instructive. Prof. Kuehrmann has ordered a a large supply o f materials fo r his chemistry and zoology .classes. The Science Hall was never as busy and useful as it is now. ' Dean Steele has arranged hours in the library whereby students can re fer to books and periodicals during the forenoon. These morning hours will be used only for reading in the library, No books or papers will be given out. This will prove a great benefit to all-who need to use these hours fo r reading. It will not entail any .extra expense. AH- the service is provided free o f coBt. The girls’ quartette and Mrs. Work acquitted themselves with credit in the broadcast over WAIU last Satur day' morning. Their next broadcast will be over the same station at 9 A, M., Saturday, November 19, the third Saturday in November. They will al so appear in the Peace Contest in the United Presbyterian Church, Sabbath evening, October 30. Coach Ault and the Yellow Jackets journeyed to New River State College ast Saturday. New River has*made a eputation for itself b y . playing in the class o f big colleges with the ex pert teams. The score was 89 to 0 fo r New River. Here's hoping fo r a bet ter showing with the Friends from Wilmington; - It was not expected, to je otherwise than it was at NCw Riv er. The game played in Xenia Thurs- iay evening under electric light. '' (FICHTERSAYS 1 GIVECHILDREN EQUALCHANCE -Mrs. Robert Hess o f the Cincinnati Public Schools will lecture in the chapel on. the Problem Child next Friday morning, Oct, 28 at 11.80 A . M. All are cordially invited. M m . Hess is an expert in her fift* and a gqqd speaker, , - ‘ -Rev. Wilbur Vorhis, .pastor o f the Walnut Street M. E. Church o f Chil- licothe will speak in the chapel at 11:- 30 A. M., Monday morning, Nov. 7. Rev. Vorhis , is favorably known to many here both as a man and a speak er. Come to hear him. j ,. The college faculty/and students are grateful to the Cedar Cliff Chapter o f she D. A. R. for the invitation to hear he lecture o f Major Grow last Tues day evening in the United Presbyter- an Church. The Major is an interest ing and instructive* speaker. CLIFTON PASTOR HONORED Rev. Claire McNeel, pastor o f the Clifton Presbyterian Church, was hon ored by the members o f his congrega tion at an informal reception in the Clifton Opera House, Thursday even ing. More -than 75 members and friends enjoyed supper. A group o f MUST SERVE TERM J, B. McDonald, Springfield, now ih -jail at Mt. Vernon, O., will be re quired to serve a one to ten-year Ohio pen sentence imposed by Judge R. L . 1young people of the church presented Gowdy, after he had pleaded guilty to a playlet, "The Village School” and an embezzlement charge on Which he later group singing was enjoyed. was indicted. The sentence had been — - ■ <■ - ..... .... ..------------- suspended and McDonald had been pa roled in the custody o f Dr, R< L. Haines, Jamestown, on condition that he paid a fine o f $674 and costs, dou ble the amount o f the sum he embez zled from Dr. Haines, The parole has been revoked and McDonald must be taken to the pen. The Alumni edition edition o f the College Bulletin was mailed out this Week to the Alumni. It was edited and published under the supervision o f the Alumni Association o f Cedarville Col lege. It is q very interesting number. The comniittee is to be congratulated upon* this first edition. There will be three more editions this year. The October issue o f the College Bulletin was mailed out this week. More'Voung people than ever before are inquiring about entering college next semester and next September, The Hallowe’en party will be given by the Y, W. C. A. thiB year in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium, Thun- day, October 27th. AH committees are appointed and are busy making plans. Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, who was quite ill for several days, is reported some what improved, 1 .The fall •meeting o f ' the Greene County Teachers’ Association was held in the local achool auditorium last Saturday with Joseph W. Fichter, Columbus, assistant director o f edu cation, the feature speaker. Dr, W, R, McChesney, gave his address on “ George Washington.” Mr. Ficther in his. address said; “ Children o f today should be given the same opportunity to attend school as was given children in prosperous times. We are in one o f the most critical times in the school history o f Ohio hut the fact that the cost o f gov ernment must be reduced should not mean that the school teacher should bear all the reduction. This reduction should be equalized. . In dealing with school1 costs he says “Several years ago only a select group, o f pupils attended high - school but now the cost o f operating a 'high school has been increased since the passage o f a law forcing girls to attend until" they teen years o f age. In explaining a-remedy present crisis Mr. Fichter state aid school districts ceive everything that is both for last year and th isyearun til December but after that nothing coiild be promised. He spoke at the morn ing session and continued his discus sion informally at an afternoon ses sion. . 1 The conference opened at 10 o’clock in group singing; led by M rs.. Mildred Foster, supervisor o f music in the lo cal schools and Rev. C. A. Hutchison,' pastor o f the M. E. Church, gave the invocation. Supt, Hi D* Furst, gave the address o f welcome. - Luncheon was served at noon in Alford Memor ial Gymnasium under the direction o f the Ladies’ Advisory Board o f the Col lege* ■. ‘ ■ The following officers were retained by the association fo r •, the coming year:/ Harley Hollingsworth, principal o f Caesarcreek TWp. ' consolidated School district, president; C. A. Devqe, superintendent o f' Jefferson Twp* schools, secretaery-treasurer, The officers with the following teachers compose the executive committee: Miss Josephine Randall, Jamestown High School; Miss Martha Beam, New, Burlington, and Roy A. Redman, Bryan High School, Yellow Springs. ' boys and* are eigh- for the said that would r£- due them William A . Gillaugh Died Saturday William A. Gillaugh, 65, former Cedarvillian, and fo r a number of years, an employee o f the Pennsylvan ia railroad, died at his home in Xenia, - Saturday night. He had been in fail ing health fo r several years suffering, from a complication o f diseases and had been confined to his bed since May 1931. He was born near Osborn, January 28, 1867. and had spent his entire life in this county* He was a member o f The First M. E. Church, Mr. Gillaugh was married to Miss Edith HaineS on March 30, 1897, and she survives w ith on e son, Clarence Raymond Gillaugh, Dayton. Raymond Dale Gillaugh, a grandson also survives besides two sisters: Mrs. Jennie Fraver. Xenia; . Mrs. Sa rah Crow, Dalton; a brother, John Gillaugh, CedarviUe, and a half broth er, Frank Gillaugh,' Tippecanoe City. The funeral was held from the late home Tuesday afternoon with brutal in Woodland Cemetery. Water Meters Ordered For All Comsumers TEA GIVEN FOR LOCAL , CANDIDATE LAST FRIDAY Mrs. Ancil Wright, Democratic can didate for county clerk o f courts, was a guest o f honor at an informal tea given b y Mrs. Leon Reed, vice chair man o f the Greene Co. Democratic executive committee, at her home in Yellow Springs, Friday afternoon.A- bout fifty women called at the Reed home and were received by Mrs, Wright, Mrs. William Magee Wilson, Xenia, and Mrs. Reed. Refreshments iof tea and cake were served. The tea table and rooms o f the Reed home were decorated with fall flowers. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST— Motorist Mutual Insurance Co. G. H. Hartman, Agent At a joint meeting of Village Council and Board of Public Affairs, Tuesday evening, it was decided to install meters for all consumers that have not been on that service. The question has been under considera tion by the local authorities for some months. Contin ued increased^consumption, much of which is regarded wasted water,' has made this step necessary, according to those in authority. About twenty-five meters are now in use and the board ordered the first shipment of S3 to come from Chicago at once. Property owners are to be held re sponsible for the meter and installation, except where the tenant assums the cost by previous arrangement. It is planned to have an installation cash price and also one that can be paid in quarterly payments along with the water bill. The contract with the company furnish ing the meters makes this arrangement possible. The authorities also decided that the first meters to be installed would be with e$ch village official that had water service arid no meter now. Blighty meters in all were ordered, to come in two shipments. Prac tically all towns in this section of the state with muni cipal water service use the meter system. County Ministers Organized Monday Rev. J. Otis Young, pastor o f the Osbom-Fairfleld M. E, church, was elected president o f the Greene Coun ty Ministerial association, succeeding. Rev. R. W. Kttoop, pastor o f the M .. E. ckurch in Spring Valley at a meet ing in Xenia, Monday. Other hew officers were Rev. R. A. Jamieson, Cedarville IL P. church, vice president; Rfev. W. N. Miranda, pastor o f the Xenia tl. B. church, sec retary and treasurer. Rev. J. P. Lytle o f the First II. P. church, Xenia, was chosen program secretary. McChesney To Speak A t Republican Rally Attorney Dean Stanley and Dr. W, R, McChesney, Cedarville College, will speak at a Republican rally for Spring Valley Twp, residents at 8 P. M, Saturday at the town hall. Dr. Me Chesney is the candidate for atate Representative on the Republican ticket. Attorney Stanley is from Lebanon,
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