The Cedarville Herald, Volume 55, Numbers 27-52

V c r n *r* iUR BERAtr, r ; 57: 10v. Record Race Victor Thanks Firestone IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY ! chool Lesson t (By KBV. r . B. F ITXW A TM , D P „ u<ua- k w » l r*9u*y. Moody B tU « _ iM tltu t* pf Cbtewro.) . . ( 6 . l l l t i WM tartt X w q w w U nl»»,| Upper left, Harvey S. Firestone, Jr,, referee of the race, and Edsel Ford, pacemaker on the first lap. Lower, Fred Frame, the winner, and Jerry Hauck, riding mechanic, in the car they drove to victory. Men, automobiles and tires sot uiwsing records of speed and endurance in this y 600-mile international race on the Ind.'r.n". Motor Speedway. Giving a splendid e;:hi of cooj and steady driving, Fred Frara", «,. of many races, won the. event in rc„w.t-h. ■ time. With an admiring throng millin'1’ r.. him after his sensational victory, errs u,' t! things Frame did was to send the fcl'.c telegram to Harvey S.eFirestone, .p ' r manufacturer: “I want to congratulate you and then!: yr the wonderful performance of Firestone new no,,a ivitn .i i *■ f ! c ‘■ •3 CH tires A Pleasant P la c e ...... The more than 700 employ; ees of The Sinton St.'Nicholos have won for the hotel a reputa­ tion for service, comfort and luxury that is world wide.... Whether‘yourvisit to Cincinnati be for a day or many months you'll save money and Apt more real pleasure if you make The Sinton S t Nicholas your home 750 moms with bath,shower and servidor from . . . . . .*2?Q Sample rooms. . . , $6 Five dining roomsservingwonder­ ful food at moderate prices. OtkxKlb0ffice>520N.Mich«pnAve Suite422’" Phone!Superior4416 JO H N LHORGAN .....W y»<^ ftineaor \bm ■which helped me win the Indianapolis 600-mile rasa today without tire trouble, setting a hew i r , r d of more than 104 miles an hour foV the' ■CJ7 miles.” ri\*o- race throughout- was a remarkable . ;-*vOne triumph. Every car to Apish was cy.'.'ypcd with Firestone Tires,' The first four t: - o the former record of 101.18 miles an hour ,3 Ly Peter De l ’aolo in 1925. In all the history t.:a tamous mot;- race there has never been a snore severe test .of tires and never a finer demon­ stration of their qju-Hties than was furnished this year. It was the thirteenth consecutive victory for Firesfbne. • ' ' . NOTICE TO WATER * CONSUMERS Owing- to the fact that the amoupt of water pumped in the. month of May was so much out of proportion: to the amount of water for which the department receives pay, it was de­ cided by the Board of Public Affairs to order meters on- each and every water service: . . .. This order will go into effect July 1st. The meter will cost $10.00, plus the ..installation fee: both to be paid cy the property owner. , The board also decided to delay ex­ ecution of this order, provided the consumers would co-operate with the vvater-works department and try to conserve water and not waste it. The water works cannot water the gardens and run sprinkling apparatus all fnight and otherwise waste water! i The Hoard dqes pot desire to force | this order a t this time.but a t the same | time operating costs must be kept down and the only way to do it is cot down the amount of water pumped. The water consumers can do this ’ and if the- total .amount of water Ipumped in June is within reason, the .Board can help the consumer by not demanding a meter a t this time, j BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS j Cedarville, Ohio Lesson for June 19 JACOB THE ABED FATHER LESSON TEXT—G«n**l* * 6 : 1 - 7 , 26 - 26 ; * 7 : 7 . GOLDEN TEXT—Hanor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may ba long Upon tha land which the Lord thy„God atveth thee. PRIMARY TOPIC—Joaaph Honera Hi* Father. JUNIOR TOPIC—Joseph’s Father Blegnea the Kina, INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC—-How May We Henor Our Parent*? YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC—-Our Obligations to Our Parents. I. Jacob Journeys to Egypt (45:10- 40:27). 1. Joseph sends for bis father (45:10-24). At Pharaoh’s , request Joseph sent an urgent invitation to Jacob to come to Egypt, promising to give him the "good o f the land,” 2. Jacob consents to go (45:25-28), The news that Joseph was alive and “lord of all Egypt,” backed, up with the eight of the “wagons which Joseph had .sent to carry him,” in­ duced Jacob to consent to go. - . 3. Jacob’s vision at Beer-sheba (46:1-7). -a,-He—offered—sacrifices- unto- -God LEGAL NOTICE BINDER TWINE Lowest Price Per Bale Ever Quoted Inquire at our Store and SAVE A LOT OF MONEY i Headquarters Here ► for Everything Neefhd by the Harvester— Biggest Line of Repair in A ll Southern Ohio The Greene County Hardware Co. t o t Mein Street, Xenia, Ohio Notice is hereby given that the business and property of The Ex­ change Bank, Cedarville, Ohio, has been taken possession of by I. J. Fpl- ton, Superintendent of Banks of the State of Ohio, as provided by-law. All persons who may have claims against The Exchange Bank, Cedar­ ville, Ohio, are required to present the same a t said bank and make legal proof thereof on or before the 16th, day of July, 1932. All persons who may have pass books issued by said hank are request­ ed to leave the same a t said bank to be' balanced; and those holding Cer­ tificates of Deposit/ to bring the same to said bank for examination. I. J. FULTON, Superintendent of Banks, State of Ohio. , D, J, SCHURR, Special Deputy Su­ perintendent of Banks. For Sale:- Farm Produce, Cream, Eggs, Milk, 20c gallon. Bring contain­ ers. Dunkle Farm, Kyle Road. fi, B. MILLS FOR RENT—House of eight rooms and bath. Garage. Excellent location on North Main St., Cedarville. Inquire J, A. Finney, Xenia, O., Phone 1241. Its too late after your car is stolen or you have an accident. PLAY SAFE Insure with Motorists Mutual Insur­ ance Co. Home Office, Columbus. G. II. Hartman, representative.. ‘HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAY’ TUBERCULIN TESTED MILK Delivery Morning and Evening Milk—7c Quart Milk—4c Pint Cream—15c Pint COTTAGE CHEESE— 10c Pt. •20c Quart HARRY HAMMON (v. 1). As he was now about to leave Canaan, Jacob sought God’s guidance and blessing, Hls sonl; no donbt^ was moved with great emotion. h. God’s response to Jacob (vv. 2-4). He bade him go to Egypt without fear, assnring him of the divine presence and blessing and his ulti­ mate return to Canaan. c. Arrival in Egypt (w . 5-7). Jacob was accompanied by his sons, their wives,' their children and cattle. With the meeting o f Joseph the fam­ ily circle was now complete, seventy souls In all (v. i27). II. Jacob Meets Joseph (40:28-34). Though the journey was now over, they were faced with . perplexing problems. God had promised to be with Jacob, and Pharaoh bad prom­ ised to Joseph that they should “eat of the fat of the land,” bat the de­ tails were not known. 1. Judah sent before (v. 28). He was sent perhaps to direct them to the Land of Goshen. 2. Met by Joseph (vv. 29, 30). Jo­ seph, being the lord of -Egypt,, prop-, erly traveled In his royal chariot Though he was Jacob’s son, It was proper that he should extend a royal welcome. • l|l. Joseph' Presents His Father and Brethren unto Pharaoh (47:1-6), 1. Pharaoh's Invitation (45:16-19). Jacob and hit sons were In Egypt by the king’s Invitation.' Joseph, though occupying an esslted position, was not ashamed of his father. % Joseph’s tact (47:1, 2 cfc 46:30- 34). a. In introducing his father and brethren la .a personal way, thus, capitalizing 'h it own Influence in favor of hit idn. b. In having hit father and brethren come to Goshen (45:10). Since pos­ session is “nine polntjrof the law” they were already in Goshen before asking Pharaoh for permission to occupy it (t. 4). , e. In coaching his brethren (46:34). He taught them beforehand what to say because he knew how awkward they would he before the great king, d. in choosing live, not all (v.-2). In all probability he chose the flvO who would make the best appear­ ance. 3. Their request to Pharaoh (w . 8, 4). Joseph anticipated Pharaoh’s questiofas sad put' the proper words Into their mouths to be naed In mak­ ing their desires known. 4. Pharaoh’s response (w . 6, 6). a. His gracious offer. They were to enjoy the best of the land. b. Positions of trust offered to ca­ pable men among than. He knew how capable Joseph was and sur­ mised that soma . of his brethren might be likewise gifted. IV. Jaoeb Blotting pharaoh (47:7- 10 ). Here is an appraisal of true dig­ nity. Though Pharaoh was the great king and Jacob now a suppliant at his feet, receiving natural blessings, yet morally Jacob was above Pharaoh and therefore conferred blessings npon him. V. Joseph Nourishes His Father and Brethren (47:11, 12). L He placed them in the best of the land according as Pharaoh had commanded (r. 11). They were thus ready to go forward In business as soon as the famine was ended. 2. He nourished them (v. 12). Since there was uo bread In all the land to bh obtained except as dis­ pensed by Joseph, he distributed to them according to thair needs. Oar Joseph, Jeans Christ, supplies all our needs according to hla riches la glory (Phil 4iic;. ■ . To Kindle Love Love m r not, cannot, be attained in its folia** at once; but the per­ son of Christ, If Indeed we see him aa he la presented to ua In tha Gospels, will kindle that direct affection out of which it cornea.—B. F. Westoott. F m h Messages He wakens us, it we will, every morning to freah messages, and we may pour out our hearts before him and be assured of his heed.—W. Rob­ ertson NIchol BARGAIN IN \ BUILDING LOT The only available building lot on ChUlicoth Street. Located on comer of alley in good eotamunity. o , l . M c F arland 1217 Glendale Ave. Apt, A-10 1 Dsytep, Ohio FORD TRUCK WEEK h G et th e facts ab o u t n ew tran sp o rta tion econom y- / - i This Is an opportunity' to see how the transportation need* of a new business era have been met with new economy* performance, apd reli­ ability in the new Ford trucks* Your Ford dealer is ready to give yon , the complete story. 1 * it it Body types to fit every hauling; need* 50-horsepower ^cylinder engine. New freely shackled semi-elliptic rear springs distribute load stresses. Wide* deep* strong frame gives substantial support for bodies. %Boating type rear axle for heavy service.. 4-speed transmission. Tubular steel coupling shaft "writh heavy duty universala at each end. New bi-partible coupling and removable main cross member permit easy servicing of clutch, transmission, and coupling shaft. New comfort and safety for the driver. These features and many others will convince you that the New Ford Trucks can save you money mid give yon added performance. JEAN PATTON CEDARV ILLE , OHIO FORD TRUCK WEEK JUNE 18 to 2S INCLUSIVE LET’S HANG OUT the WELCOME SIGN • • 3WC§ - ■ ’Strike Up the • ' ' • BAND !’ 4 i When the flags-flutter t</the breeze; when lively band music quickens the pulse; when a great city is in holiday attire; when streets are filled with a merry throng;.. -. .it is then that the pride of citizenship in that particular town or community swells within the heart and one feels . . . . . . “it’s great to belong". But how many people who, have been a part of Or witnessed such city, town or community activities have stopped to consider the cource of that commenwealth’s ability to put across pro­ gressive programs which make for the popularity and growth of the town? The source, the Origin . . . . . the very beginning of that town's ability to do things and grow was the spirit o f cooperation of its citizens . . . . . its business men, « its civic leaders. They stuck together—and they did things. They helped each other to help themselves. They saw to it-that when one of their citizens invested hismoney his time and his ability in honest home effort that he was supported ......... that he re­ ceived in return for all that he was giving—to make a better town in which to live. A town is no bigger than its citizens make it Likewise, a town is just as big as its citizens make it. AH of which brings us down to the question, "how big do we { want Cedarville to be?” Are We atisfied with our town? Are there advancements we would like to have and enjoy. *.in civic life—in the school—in our church l i f e - in our homes—in our business ? Neither tt>wn nor individual can stand still. . . They must either go forward or slip back. Citizens of Cedarville with investments in homes and property most surely do not want the town to slip back— to see their earnings and savings fritter away « . . and be lost. Then support the home merchants; support home industry in every manner; keep jobs open and citizens employed; help your-self by helping your town, its busi­ nessmen, its civic leaders. Buy at home— Boost Cedarville—hang owl the welcome sign and strike up the hand. THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED FOR THE Cedarville Community Club FI c Clar tistic ecuti court for sion this murd murd grec this I cases offen robbe third the p group creas Ho Buck meeti comp Assoc List, the B at Ce There a gen tainm an enj is hop the st frien in thi, Lake The $ 212,0 the sr This i day. Day., 207,09 cigar- Septe mates tween dollar garet On, - xeceiv ment to H' Ther ing a and. ing o of $6 will couhti $310,1 force ures : ges. ty wi 5.38 i road. • with $ 122,0 The ployes held 5,000 L. Wo re ta r states has n that i Over will and a stage brief . ntive Wa SEEEE HERALDFOR COMMERCIALPRIHTINC r S Penit feat’ charg tor. dent ing numb inatin enthu theela on po The the p land 1 catch for h inche. fish, 20 bl order whid prop; strea JAM Tw legal court his 1 of $ aro T1 (end 20th colic *