The Cedarville Herald, Volume 56, Numbers 1-26

The new things are advertised Jby merchants first. Advertisements keep you abreast of the times. Read them! She Cedarville Jterald, Advertising is news, as much as the headlines on the front page* Often it is of more significance to you. FIFTY -FIFTH YEAR NO. 1. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY DECEMBER 9,1932. PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS COURT NEWS COLUMBUS—-The Socialists, So- cialist-Laborites, Prohibitionists and .Communists, whoso candidates f o r ! president were voted upon in every county of the state,' polled a total of B A N K GETS JUDGM ENT 1 State of Ohio, I. J. Fulton, state banking superintendent, against Add i-, son Graham and Mrs. Addison Graham fo r $735.64; against W . H . and Jennie Kcnnon for 192.64; and against W , H. Kennon for $113.35, Sure,He Will Find You JUDGM EN T U PH E LD A judgment fo r $1,074, fu ll amount an* 7 is ________ , , . . . . . . , sought, with interest, awarded to 80,714 votes, as compared With a total „ , in moo „„„ !>• 2 Howard Q. and A . C. Glass m Comic,5UU in 1028, according to figures __ , --, , . q t, m r at " 7 ., mon Pleas Court, has been upheld by compiled m Secretary of State Clar- ‘ , ence J. Brown's office. O f the 1932 the Court ° f Appeals total the Socialists alone polled 64,094 votes. From 1928 to 1930 the. Social* ist vote gain was about 'S’OO per cent, D IVORCE W A N T E D Divorce from Cora W . McConnell, .. 0 - , T , . „„ , Middletown, O,, on grounds of gross the Socialist-Labor gam was 30 p e r‘ , , , r , ® „ . . .. . . . . . . “ , . ■” neglect of duty, is asked ny F. B. Me cent, the Prohibitionist gain 130 per ^ _ ' ■ * Connell m a suit filled in Common cent and the Communist gain 102 per cent. Although these look like large gains it must be remembered that the total of “minor party” represent ed in 1932, is only* slightly over three per cent of the total votes cast. Pleas Court. They were marrie^d Sep­ tember 29, 1917 in Dayton and have no children. " , State Treasurer Harry S. Day is preparing to collect the'Public utility Excise, which will be due in a few days and will bring a revenue into the state treasury of five and a half million dollars, falling short o f Collections last year due to decreased earnings. For . that reason taxation on steam lines and electric roads has been reduced from fou r to three per cent. There w ill he- even a greater shrinkage next year owing to the abandonment of electric lines in Ohio. The past year these lines paid into the state coffers the sum o f $500,000 and it is estimated that next year they wijl bring only a scant $30,000. ^ State Auditor Joseph T. Tracy re­ ports that sufficient money will be paid into the general revenue fund from taxes collected on public utilities pay­ able December 1 to 15, to return to the H ighway fund, a loan of $3,000,r 000. Employees of Auditor Tracy’s .office to the number o f 125v recently celebrated with a victory ^dinner jh honor of Mr. Tracy’s re-election. Ii was an informal affair and greatly enjoyed by all participating. When plastering begins falling from the ceiling its time, to look after re- did ancTKTs ep$re force o f clerks was forced to move from the'office they occupied, to the front or reception room. This makes it a little incon­ venient fo r visitors who call to see the Governor as they are forced to stand in the lobby until they are called by an attendant. Repairs are being rushed and they surely were needed. SU IT IS D ISM ISSED The suit of Dorothy Tanner, Cincin-: nati, fo r $25,000 against Dr. Paul D. i Espey. Xenia, has been dismissed in Common Pleas Court, for failure of plaintiff to comply with a court order Which directed th a t.within ten-days counsel for plaintiff should file a reply o the answer of the defense to the original petition. A SK S FOR D ISSO LUT ION A suit? fo r dissolution of a partner­ ship and appointment p f a receiver __ ____ fo r the Jamestown Garage,- has been ~ ~ ~ ~ ffied in Common Pleas Cotfrt by F. H. IM r S . M i t C n e i l Clark, against his partner, C. T. Walk- j cr. The hearing is set for Dec. 7. Santa Claus headquarters in the Capital .City has been established ii. the State House Park. He arrived Saturday with his reindeer .and can be found any day in his Alaskan hut dis­ tributing popcorn balls, candy, nuts and oranges. The Capitol has been brilliantty illuminated and the dec­ orations in the business section of the city add to the yuletide spirit. They fa r excel other years and Visitors from all over Central Ohio arrive daily to inspect the brilliant electrical display. Holiday shopping is on in earnest and this is true in all Ohio Cities, towns, and villages. Old Man Depression has been forced to take a back seat, - Steam heat transported from the Ohio Penitentiary to the State Office bilding in Front street, thence up Cap­ ital street across High and into the State House Park, will soon be used in heating the Capitol building. It took over a week fo r the men engag­ ed in the work of laying steam pipes •in conduits, to du ll through the stone foundation of the esplanade, demon­ strating that when the Capitol was built by hand labor nearly one hun­ dred years ago, it was well built and would stand the ravages of time fo r many more years. ASK S FOR FORECLOSURE . Foreclosure of mortgaged property s the object of a suit filed in Common 'Pleas Court b y the Peoples Building and Savings Co. against Walter F, and telen L . Lunn with the Cincinnati! Suburban Realty Co. named as co-de- endant. Died Monday P. M. Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell, 88 , >ne of our oldest residents, died at ler home on East Xenia avenue, Mon- iay afternoon a t 4 o’clock, death be- “ng due to the infirmaries of old age. The deceased was born in Cedar- rille, the daughter of the late Samuel 3arr and she was the, last surviving SCHOOL NEWS ^ in ........ Background for Christmas Lessons A t the regular chapel program, Rev. Guthrie gave the background fo r the coming of our Lord. This wius the first of the Christmas lessons: The.Juniors presented the following, program: Scripture lesson, Mrs. Edwards; Pray- PAR T IT IO N SU IT Partition o f property situated in Bowersville and which was conveyed 0 the plaintiff and defendant April 16, 1931, js.the object o f a suit filed n Common Pleas Court by Walter G ray against Mary Gray, his wife attorney Neal W . Hunter represent* STeatgrand daughter, with- several lb# p l i f i f t i f f i • ' - . . |iii«pfcem..«^jilaceji ai U N IV E R S IT Y D E F E N D A N T Wilberforce University is named efendant in a suit to recover a judg­ ment fo r $357.66, filed in Common Pleas Court-by John C. Tinner. Harry D. Smith, attorney fo r plaintiff. JUDGM ENTS G R AN TED The Clinton County National Bank gainst William Denehy for $847.50. The 'American Loan and Realty Co. igainst George H. Valentine and Gil­ bert H. Jones, fo r $581. Spring Valley National Bank a- ja in st J. W . Morgan, Opal Morgan nd Anna Morgah fo r $850.07; against member of that family. She was the 1 er> Rev- Guthrie; Solo, Frances Tay- widow of John A . Mitchell who died ‘ tori Song, Frances Taylor, Christina Jones, Marian Ferryman, kpd Dorothy .n. 1896, and three children were born to that union: Miss Fannie Mitchell, Mrs. Mae Wilson and James E. Mitch­ ell, all of whom preceded her in death. Two granddaughters, Mrs. Marion Confer and Miss Ruth^Mitchell, and a survive, The:funeral was held from the,Me Millan Funeral Home* Wednesday, af- :einoon. her pastor, Rev. R. A . Jamie­ son, of the U . P. Church, where she was a life member, had charge of the lervice. Burial took place in Massies Creek Cemetery. ’ Claims Listed Against Commercial Bank Claims agairfst the closed Commer- dal and Savings ' bank amount to $302,922.68, according to an itemized statement filed in common pleas court o h n 'lL W r ig h r a n ^ R o s ^ 'w r ig h r f o r f ^ ,the H ^W ating agent of the state $775 33 |banking department. Cotton. The accompanist fo r the musical selections was Jimice Dune- vant. - As a special feature of tjio program, Lawrence Williamson and G regg Tur- ier gave reports of their trip to Cleve •and- , Play at Opera House, Dec. 21 ,8 P. M. The Dramatics Class o f the High School will give a three act Comedy, 'The Red-Headed Stepchild” at Cedar- alle opera house, Wednesday evening, December 21, 1932. Admission 10: and 10 cents. Christmas Vacation The board of education recently de­ rided that the public schools would >e dismissed fo r the Christmas holi- lays, Friday evening, Dec. 23, and would be resumed Tuesday morning, January 3rd. John T. Harbine, Jr. against E, R. Logan, D. M. Creamer and W . C. iVorthington fo r $1,171.75; and E. R. -i 0 gan and W . C. Worthington for $2,- 343.75. Local Building and Loan Gets Verdict In Appeals Court O. S. U . Offers Three Winter Courses During December, Ohio State Uni­ versity will offer three new classes in the series of 23 short agricultural courses scheduled fo r the winter months. They are: fruit growers' school, Dec. 6 - 8 ; potato growers’; Dec. 13-14; meats course, Dec. 12-16; A d ­ ditional classes will be offered in Jan­ uary, February and March. Fees are nominal, ranging from $2 to $ 6 . Affirming the Common Pleas Court judgment favorable to the Cedarville Building and Loan Association, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision involving $174 in proceeds from the ental notes against the state bank­ ing department, in charge of the liq­ uidation of the Exchange Bank. The notes had been given the bank for rental of the Waddle farm on which the loan foreclosed a mortgage. The point involved was whether the loan, holding first mortgage on the real estate under foreclosure and be­ coming the purchaser of the farm -at sheriff’s sale, was intitled to proceeds of rent from April 1, 1932 to Amil 1, 1933, or whether the bank, holding a second mortgage, having acquired the farm by deed from the owner when the later had defaulted. Judge Gowdy held in favor of the loan and now the court of appeals affirms his decision on appeal of the bank department. H . D. Smith was attorney fo r the loan and Marcus Shoup for the bank, on appeal of the bank department. ! The statement lists all creditors whose proofs o f claim have been ad­ judged valid and allowed by the agent. ‘Generally they include $188,238.05 in commercial,' Christmas cluh and sav­ ings accounts; $46,270.96 in time and demand certificates of deposit; $62,- 910.26 in public funds; $2123.75 in outstanding drafts; $25.28 fo r certi­ fied and dividend checks outstanding; $257,17 in liabilities not on books; $3,- 979.21 in miscellaneous claims subse­ quently filed. Plat Opens Dec. 19 • The plat for “The Red-headed Step- •hild” will open at Richards Drug 3tore, Monday, Dec. 19, at 12:15 P.M. Cincinnati To get More Losal Stone The Cincinnati Park Board has contracted with . Morris Taylor for 600 tons more of the famous rock, on the banks of Massies Creek. Some months ago the board ordered 1,000 tons. The rock is trucked to Eden Park in that city and was selected as the finest rock to be found 'in Ohio fo r 1 the erection of a water cataract. S IXTH A N D S E V E N TH GRADES TO G IV E C A N T A T A , Dec. 22 The Sixfh and Seventh Grades of the public schools will give a sacred cantata, “The Holly N ight”, at the public school auditorium on, Thursday, December 22, N o admiftsi?^, is to be. charged. The program starts at 8 P. M. The cantata is in three acts and is to be given under the direction of Mrs. Mildred Foster and Mrs. Hazel Barber. SELM A SCHOOLS TO G IV E OPERETTA , DECEMBER 20 The Selma High School Chorus 1 b to give an operetta, “The Wishing Well” in the Selma school auditorium on December 20. The musical play is given under the direction of Mrs. Mil­ dred Foster. The Cedarville H. S. orchestra will be augmented with the Selma orchestra. Greene County W ill Issue Relief Bonds The state relief commission Monday authorized Greene County to issue $ 20,000 worth of bonds fo r immediate relief needs in the county. Greene County officials asked for $43,000, but the commission announc’ d it would study the proposal to authorize issuance o f the* remaining $23,001), meantime granting $20,000 0 be used immediately. The delegation comprised W . A. Miller, city solicitor of Xenia; I. S. Dines, A . E. Beam, C. A . Jacobs, J. J. Curlett, and Prosecuting Attorney Marcus McCallister. C. H. S. Opens Basketball Season 1 The first game for the Red and .Vhite quintet will be played this even ing, Dec. 9, in the new Springfield tligh gymnasium, where Coach Orris •oys will meet the Springfield High School team, Both boys and girls .earns will - play in the local gym, Saturday evening, Dec. 10. The main ’ontest will he the game by C, H . S, ioys vs. Powell; the preliminary will je played by C. H. S. girls vs. O. S. £ S. O. Home girls. Admission at the some game has been set at 25c; for rite opening game, there w ill be no admission charge for students in the public schools. SH EEP C LA IM S A P PRO VED Twenty-two sheep and animal claims totaling $424.75, and which have ac­ cumulated during the last three' months, were approved and ordered paid Monday by tho County Commis- slonera. The largest individual claim approved was that o f William Wilker- son, Bath Twp, amounting to $50.50. Prominent Farmer Found r \ 1 f t % ( 1 , 'Dead In Bath Room Otis T, Wolford, 72, wall known farmer residing south of town, Was found dead in the bathroom o f his home Monday morning about 9:20 o’clock. Death was said to be dua to an automobile accident in which he was injured some days previous. When driving to Xenia his car skidded end upset showering him with sOur cream,. He sustained bruises, especially to his right knee and hip but he did not re­ gard them at all serious. It is said embolism, a blood clot from the injur­ ed leg reached his heart, causing Sud­ den death. . / * ■ Discovery was made by the tenant onthe farm, Curtis Cousins. W ith oth­ er employees they tried .to locate Mr. Wolford, seeing he had not been aboui his usual morning work. Seeing, a light in the bathroom and being unable to roUBe him, the house' being locked 'up , they notified Dr. R. L. Haines, county coroner, a neph­ ew. He sent his assistant, Leo Reed, who. gained entrance through’ a win­ dow'and found Mr, Wolford lying on the floor in the bathroom, partially dressed. By the light burning it is surmised that deSth took place Sun­ day night-as he was preparing for bed. A s fa r as the mtn on the farm know Wolford was in his usual health, oth­ er than his injured leg. .Owing to the relationship between Coroner Haines and the deceased, Dr. Haines appoint­ ed Eldon Bailey, Jamestown, to act as coroner and conduct the investigation. The deceased was bom near Shady Bower, Md. H e Came to this county when a young man and has always made his home on the farm where he died. He worked for many years for .he late Nixon Brown, and in later life married a daughter of Mr. Brown, miss Elizabeth Brown, who died six years ago. He leaves a sister, Mrs; -da Haines, near Xenia; ■ Peter Wol- -ord, Washington C. H„ William Wol- rord, Dixon, 111 ., and T. C. Wolford, near Xenia. A few years ago Mr. Wolford erect­ ed a memorial entrance on his farm in memory of his wife, marking a his­ torical site where General Benjamin Logan, Revolutionary army officetr' camped over night. The funeral was held from the home of Dr. Haines in Jamestown, Wednes­ day afternoon, Dr. L. L. Gray, having charge o f the service. Burial took place in Woodland Cemetery, Xenia, The Christmas vacation begins Thursday, December -2 at 4 P. M. and ends Tuesday, January 3 at 8 A . M. giving eleven days vacation. The mid-year examinations are on Monday to Friday inclusive, January 23-27. • Registration for. the second semester will begin just before hol­ idays and continue immediately after holidays. Class work o f the seepnd semester begins Tuesday, January 31 at 8 o’clock. The Day o f Prayer for. colleges Friday, February 3 at 10 o’clock the Presbyterian Church. Itev. J. A . Stevenson, D . D., direc­ tor of Moral W elfare of the General Board o f Education o f the Presbyter­ ian Church, U . S. A ., addressed the students and faculty last Wednesday. His address was replete with good substantial matter and was well re­ ceived. W e trust that he will return on his .next visit to this region. The next semester o f Cedarville College wili afford an opportunity to the boys and girls who were prevented from entering college in September. Practically any subjects you desire will be offered. Think over the mat­ ter and try to arrange to become a student in Cedarville College, Jan. 31. The semi annual meeting o f .the Board o f Trustees is Friday, February 3rd in the college office. The Home Coming dinner and game will be Saturday, February 4 at 5:30 P. M. The,,girls quartette of Cedarville College will broadcast from station W A IU , Columbus at 9 A . M., Satur­ day morning, December 17. Kindly re­ member the date and try to listen in. Again we call the attention of the friends of Cedarville College to onr anxiety and desire to pay off the note of four thousand dollars resting on the college. This amount had to be bor­ rowed last year to meet the expenses. We are dependant on the good will and generosity of our friends to help Every dollar given now will save that much interest on the principal. Will you consider this matter ahd help Cedarville College as much as you can with your gift? SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS W A N T MORE TIME IN PURCHASE OF LICENSE TAGS School bus drivers in tho county ct and that many of them are “ broke.' a meeting Saturday afternoon at the The tags cost from $40 to $70 each. Court House, Xenia, named a com- t)ther 6 stated that they only had 3 ,a- mittee o f six, headed by Fred Ester- bout funds enough to purchase gaso­ line Xenia Twp., to call upon Dilver line until the first o f January. I f they Belden, auto club secretary and dep- were compelled to get tags they would ttty commissioner, to enlist hfs aid in be compelled to cease operation and Obtalrting the extension of time for this would check transportation of purchasing their 1933 truck licenses, pupils, and may lead to closing of the The drivers say they are not re - schools. The drivers ask fo r an ex- reiving their salary in many instances tension of time until boards are able owing to w shortage o f school funds, to pay salaries in full. Dr, Taylor Heads Medical Group Dr, L. L. Taylor, Yellow Springs, was elected president of the Greene County Medical Society at a meeting at the Court House Thursday, He has been vice president and serving as president since Dr. R. H. Grube, for­ mer president, moved to California. Dr, C. E. Ream, Bowersville, vice pres­ ident; Dr. H. C. Schick, was rejected secretary-treasurer. D ID NO T REACH GO A L The Xesia Community Chest cam­ paign for $ 12,000 has closed but did not reach the goal. The total subscrib­ ed was $6,750, How Seal Money Is Used In County The money received fo r Christmas Seal sales is used fo r the following purposes: Free Chest Clinics fo r Greene Coun­ ty, residents, who have heed in con­ tact with open cases of Tuberculosis. Fays the salary of a Tuberculosis Nurse, who visits patients and ar­ ranges fo r all their examinations. For X -Ray plates to assist in the diagnosis of patients unable to pay fo r such service. For correction o f defects hindering the resistance to Tuberuculdsis of people having been diagnosed as sus­ pects. 20 per cent is sent to the State Or­ ganization fo r research work in Tu­ berculosis and service to the County organizo',ons. The Si 1 Sale and Clinics are con­ ducted under the Auspices o f the Prince of Peace Contest Held Gr(* no County Miss Mary Margaret MacMillan, which ha« io? its objective, the pre The Philosophic Literary Society held its regular meeting last Monday evening. A fu ll and interesting pro­ gram was given. There was a splen­ did attendance. The Cedrus Staff gave the play en­ titled “Green Stockings” in the opera noqie before a large audience. The players acquitted themselves in a splendid manner. The college is grate-' fu l to Duffey’s orchestra, the W ilber­ force University Quartette, and to Miss Rachel Douthett and Slary Craw­ ford fo r the excellent entertainment during the interludes. President McChesney. addressed the Noon Tide Cltob o f Dayton in the An ­ tioch Temple last Fridoy morning. His subject was “The First Thanks­ giving in America.” The individual and group pictures for the new Cedrus have been taken. The work of the photographer iB un­ usually good and the pictures w ill .be one o f the leading features o f the new annual. ’ ' S U N S H IN E C L U B TO MEET S A TURD A Y , DEC. 10th The Junior Sunshine and Garden Club will meet Saturday, December 10 a t the home o f Mrs. H. H. Cherry. Members are reminded to bring gifts fo r the little Shut-ins. Those who have books or toys or dolls fo r the baskets can give them to the members to be given the needy. The Women’s Club entertained at the home of Mrs. Ad a Baker last night for the annual Christmas party. Local Boys in Hobby Fair Messrs. Chester Murphy, Edward Melton; nnd Robert Peterson entered exhibits in the Boys' Hobby Fair, held .n Xenia, last Friday and Saturday. The local boys did not win first or second places, nevertheless their dis­ plays were very good. Proposed To Use GasT ax Funds For School Aid “The Red-headed Stepchild” Don't forget to come to the Opera -louse Wednesday evening and see the 'Red-headed Stepchild”— also her father and step-mother and all the rest of the family. who recently won the local Prince of Peace Contest, ably represented Se- darville in the Greene County Prince Of Peace Contest held recently irt Xenia, Contestants included repre­ sentatives from Spring Valley, Ce­ darville, Osborn, and Xecnla, Miss E l­ eanor Conner, Osborn, was declared the winner. vention of tuberculosis. IHRISTMASi Senior Pictures Taken Last Wednesday, the members of the Senior class posed for tho class pictures. For Sale—Buff Bock Cockerels. Phone 34F11 Clifton Ex. W , B. Fer­ guson, 1931 A two-year moratorium on high­ way construction in Ohio appears to be one of the important problems fo r ;:he incoming state legislature to set­ tle. The school Interests wili propose a diversion of gasoline .tax funds fo r school purposes. The highway con­ tractors and automobiles clubs will oppose such a move. Can Ohio afford after spending hundreds of millions of dollars on new toads, most of which have heavy mo­ tor traffic, to abandon road work? It would mean that millions would be required in two years to place worn i out roads in repair, and than would' follow another increase in gasoline taxes. , The incoming legislature faces one of the most imporatnt tasks ever giv­ en any similar body in the history of the state. v The schools are badly in need of funds and it has been proposed by a school survey commission to raise $ 20 , 000,000 fo r state aid fo r schools, Another source knocking a t the door of the Ohio treasury is that o f finan­ cial aid for unemployment relief. It is estimated that $ 10 , 000,000 in addi­ tion to present funds will be asked fo r this purpose. * Can all these millions be collected from the motor car owner without do­ ing injury to the source and have prob ably all go down at once? The federal government is to con­ tinue the one cent gasoline tax and it has been suggested that it should be increased another cent to help balance the budget. With Ohio now collecting four cents and the government go so fa r as to take two cents more that would make Ohio motorists pay six cents on each gallon o f gasoline, more than fifty per cent of the cost o f the fueL There are not many things that will stand a fifty gfer cent tax. , The grave problem is providing for a reduction of state and probably school costs fo r a short period. The proposal to lift part o f the school tax from real estate .will meet with popular approval but to load another tax on one or more everyday commod­ ities would not lighten the load oh the average purse. There can be some reduction in the building ahd upkeep of our road sys­ tem, The overhead for the department is much out of lipe with present day Conditions. But there are many other state departments that must tak<? a reduction also. The “Cry o f N p More N ew Taxes” has already sunk deep in the minds o f Ohio people.