The Cedarville Herald, Volume 56, Numbers 1-26

i CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, W3S, W ill Celebrate 55th Marriage Anniversary ; < J * i MR. and MRS. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barber -will ob­ serve their 55th marriage anniversary with “ open house” on Tuesday after­ noon and evening when they will be pleased to welcome any and all of their .friends. Five years-ago on that date they observed their fiftieth we^- w. H. BARBER ding anniversary and entertained a large company of relatives and friends both afternoon and evening. Both have been life long residents of Ce- ' darville and their “ open house” invi­ tation is again extended to their many friends. The event is entirely informal. Local and Personal Mr. W. A. Spencer has been on the sick list for more than a week, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Thayer ,o f Ur- bana, 0,, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Scott for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley en­ tertained the Dinner-Bridge Club last evening at their home at 6:30. Mrs. Lula Watt entertained a few friends at six o'clock dinner at her home last Friday evening. Mr. Carter N. Abel of Pedro, O. a former resident, stopped . here' for a brief visit Wednesday while on a bus­ iness trip to Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. MeKinnis of Sil- vercon, 0., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. o. E. Masters over the week-end. Mrs, Mciiinms and Mrs. Masters are sisters. The Miepah Bible Class met with Mrs. Esta Williams, Tuesday after­ noon. The meeting was opened by singing the Hymn “ Come Thou Al­ mighty King” . Mrs. Huey read for the scripture lesson from the 55th chapter of Isaiah, after which Mrs. Steele led in prayer. The roll call was answered by resolutions that we ought to have made, The minutes were read by the secretary and approved. Mrs. A. E. Allen resigned as . substitute teacher. The subject fo r discussion was; “ Is the nation spending wisely, and are individuals spending wisely V There was quite asspirited. discussion. Miss Rosa Stormont jrdad a short] poem.“ Things” by Edgar.Guest. The, meeting; adjourned for social horn:; with the hostesses, Mrs. Williams and Mrs, Conley, who seryed delicious re­ freshments. Mr. Melvin McMillan has been con' fined to his bed for several days owing to an attack of bronchial .pneumonia, Mrs. Martha Bromagem Bell of Hillsboro, 0., was called here by the illness and death o f her uncle, G. W. Creswell. •Mrs. W. W. Galloway visited last vefek with her parents, Rev, M. A. 3umers and wife in Huntington, W. a., for several days. Miss Katheryn Saunders, who is .end of the department of music in . ,io public schools in Orville, 0., has. eturned to her work in that city. . Mr. Clyde Hutchison, who under- vent an operation some time ago at ;he McClellan hospital for appendici­ tis, was able to return home last Sun­ day. F. H. Beach and A. L. Piersfcorff of Ohio State University will be the’ prin­ cipal speakers at the Winter Fruit jchool to be held at the Assembly itoom of the Court House, Xenia, Monday afternoon, January 16. This school which is sponsored by the fruit growers of Greene County and the ounty Extension Service is open to Ml farmers. Charles Kinsey, a com­ mercial orchardist north of Xenia will spedk on “ The Outlook for the Qr- nardist.” Mr. William Rife entertained a group of relatives and friends at din- tier at his home, Saturday, in honor of his birthday and also the birthdays of Mr. William Collins and son, Billy. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Col­ lins and family, Mr. Robert Collins, Mr, and Mrs. William Collins and fam­ ily, Mrs. Mary Collins, Mr. J. B. Rife. Mr, and Mrs. Walter St. John, James­ town; Mrs." Laura Tonkinson and daughter, Mrs. Alfred Otstot, Spring- field; Miss Margaret Rife and Miss Nellie Waddle. PENNIES spent for Electricity buy a lot o f help for the farms of America The same wires that bring you electric light also carry electric power and heat for many uses which are as big a convenience as lights them­ selves. You are not getting full value for the money you spent wiring your house and barn unless you put eleclric power and heat to work. They are the cheapest help you can hire, doing big jobs for a few cents a day. To pump water, cook, re­ frigerate* saw wood, sharpen tools, grind and mix feed, cut ensilage and fill the silo, cool the milk . . many other chores . . . Electricity does' them quickly and cheaply. If you are using Electric­ ity for lights only, you will be pleased at how little extra these added services will cost each month, The more cur­ rent you use, the lower rate you earn i»er kilowatt hour. We invite you to ask us to assist you with problems as­ sociated with your farm The D a /io it Power & Light Company Xenia District E. II. HEATHMAN, Manager 1 The Dayton Power and Light Company is one of the large taxpayers in Ohio. In this way it assists materially in the conduct of government, supporting of schools and in the maintenance o f public service, ^ o —wwnwa ouNiiMm i«am»nni<MHX*& I Church Notes | FIRST PRESBYTERIAN V.HURCH I Dwight R, Guthrie, pastor, j Sabbath School, 10 A. M. Prof. A. J, Hostetler, Supt, ■ Lessor.—“ Jesus at Work.” (Mark 1- ;21-35). Morning Service at 11 o'clock The sermon text is taken from I Kings 13; 18. “ But He Lied Unto Him," Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 in the church. The tonic is "How Un­ selfish Should We Be?” We are al­ ways told to be unselfish but how far should our self-interest be submerg­ ed? Rev. Guthrie will lead the discus­ sion and Martha Jane Martindale will lead the devotions.- Union Evening Service in the Pres­ byterian Church at 7:30. Dr. R. A. Jamieson of the U. P., church will be the speaker. The Mission study course ,on Wed­ nesday evening at 7:30 will be con­ tinued. Three different classes of in­ struction are being conducted by Dr. Jurkat, Mrs. Clayton McMillan, and Rev. Guthrie respectfully. The attend­ ance at the opening of the study course was most encouraging. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH C, A. Hutchison, Pastor. 4 Sunday School at 10 A. M. P. M. Gillilan, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M. Epworth League at 6:30 P. M. Union Service in the First Presby­ terian Church. Rev. Jamieson will preach. Mid-week Prayer'Service next week will be held in the Sunday School room at the Church, Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Saturday at 8 P. M. The Epworth League will hold an old fashioned Box Social at the church next Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, at 8 o’clock. Everybody invited. Ladies bring boxes with eats for two. Men come prepared to buy the boxes. . OHIO D. A, R. OFFICER GUEST OF LOCAL CHAPTER TUESDAY “ The older daughters of this count­ ry should train them sons and daugh­ ters That they might establish Chris­ tian homes," declared Mrs. A, H. Dun­ ham, Dayton, secretary of the Ohio D. A. R. before members o f Cedar Cliff Chapter at the home o f the T e - gent, Mrs, Frank Creswell, Cedarville, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Dunham’s subject was “ The Daughters’ Privilege of Service” and she stressed the following points of service by the D. A. 'R., Americanism, better fiiims, Ellis Island and nation­ al defense. Mrs. Creswell, regent, was appoint­ ed delegate to the 0 . A. ft. Continen­ tal Congress in Washington in April with Mrs. W» W. Galloway, vice re­ gent, alternate. Mrs. Creswell and Mrs. W. C, Iliffe will be the chapter’s delegates to the state conference in Akron in March while alternates w ill; oe Mrs. Galloway, Mrs. I. C. Davis, Mrs. H. C. Aultman, Mrs. C. H. Ervin, Mrs. H. C. Corry and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull “ Ellis Island Day’ was observed by vhe chapter and articles to be sent .vere received by Mrs. J, S. West, Mfb, J. E. Kyle conducted the D. A. ft. rit­ ualistic service. Later refreshments .vere served by Mrs, Creswell, assist­ ed by Mrs. Fred Townsley. The Epworth Leage of the M. E. Jhurch will hold a box social in the church parlors on Tuesday evening, eanuary 17th at 8 P. M. Ladies are re­ quested to bring boxes for two. Boxes will be 25c. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN R. A. Jamieson, Pastor. Sabbath School 10 A. M. Supt. J.E. Kyle. Preaching 11 A. M. The pastor will deliver his seventh anniversary ser­ mon. Y. P. C. U. 6:30 P. M. Subject, “ Con­ duct. How unselfish should we be? Leader, Malcolm Finney. Union Service Presbyterian Church 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 P. M. Subject, “ Work in the Mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky.” This is the second study in Missions, which is beinj| conducted for six weeks in the entire U. P. Church. Choir rehearsal Saturday 7:30 P.M. Having had a few weeks rest, it is de­ sired that a full attendance may be realized at this meeting. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Clifton, Ohio Robert H. French, Pastor Sabbath School 10 A. M. Mr. Gor­ don C. Kyle, superintendent. Morning Worship 11 A. M. The ser­ mon will be on the theme “ To Walk with Him.” This is the second o f the series of New Year Resolutions. , The Young Peoples’ Society will meet at the parsonage on Wednesday afternoon at 2. The leaders o f the meeting will be Mrs. Anna Sparrow and Mrs. Wm. B. Ferguson. Beginning Monday evening, the 16th of January, we will have two weeks of special evangelistic services. The first week the pastor will lead the meetings an they will be held in the following homes: Monday, Roger Collins; Tues­ day, 0 . B, Tannehill; Wednesday, J. B. Rife; Thursday, David Turner; Fri­ day, The Parsonage, The following week Dr. H. A. Kelsey, New Concord, 0.. will preach in the church each evening. All the services will begin at 8 P. M. Dr. Kelsey will also preach at morning and evening services, Jan. 29. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed on Sabbath morn­ ing, February 5th. A hearty welcome awaits you at all these services. A very good conference was held in the local church Tuesday afternoon with delegates present from the sur­ rounding congregations. The speakers' were Drs. John H. White of Pitts­ burgh, H. B. McElree, Xenia, member of the Board of Administration, and Dr. A. W. Jamieson, Rushville, Ind. Dr. Jamieson was a guest o fhis broth­ er, Rev. R, A. Jamieson, over Tues­ day night, and joined the other speak­ er# for a similar conference in the 1st U. P.'Church, Columbus, Wednesday evening. EARN SUBSTANTIAL INCOME Selling Penny-a-Day Accident and Sickness policies. Also dollar a year Burglar policy. Write 815-KA, Guar­ antee Title Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale: G Melody Saxophone. Henry Henderson, Selma, 0. FOR SALE— Five room res­ idence on East Elm St. City water, cistern, well, garage, and garden. L. F„ Tindall,, Ex. C. E. Smith, deceased. Local Butchering—. Meat of all kinds for sale. Prices right. Let me butcher your hogs. James Vest. Cemetery Road, Cedarville. ' Weikert & Gordon AUCTIONEERS For Dates Call , Joe Gordon, Cedarville, 1. Mrs. E. A. Allen was a guest of honor at a banquet of the “Patyrus” at Circleville last Friday evening at che home of Mrs. Ward Robinson. Mrs. Allen is a charter ftiember of the or­ ganization and a former president. The club is composed of members in­ terested in literary work. During the irfonth of December Mrs. Allen had stories published in fifteen different' magazine# published in this country. The Ross Twp.' Farmers’ Institute and Corn and Cake show will be held Monday and Tuesday, January 23-24. In connection will be an “Old Fiddlers’ Contest” and “Woittanless Wedding.” The speakers for the institute will be W. S.. Ferguson of Lexington and G. A. Steele of South Vienna. A full account of the program will be given .n ‘the next issue. Mr. Arthur Duffey, South Charles­ ton, former leader of the U. P. choir, had an unusual experience Tuesday evening while driving,to Springfield on the Clifton pike. When near Ei­ der Corry’s home he was forced off the road by an oncoming,motorist.- His car headed for the ditch and turned over plowing through the mud upside down and striking a telephone pole. Mr; Duffey remained in his seat and only sustained a ^bruised arm. The top o f the car was demolished and it is almost a miracle how he escaped injury. NEW AND NOVEL Bjr CIIKRIE JJICHOLAS m Now that cunning little capes and jackets are made such an outstanding feature I d the formal evening mode, designers are .devising .aft sorts o f clever and unusual accessories along this line. The bolero-and-muff set here- sketched Is fashioned of sheer white material arranged in tier upon tier of tiny ruffles. The black velvet dress which it tops Is fashioned along youth­ ful lines as Is also the black evening toque which completes the ensemble. A most perfect costume is this for tbo debutante who may be attending the wedding of a sorority sister. The lit­ tle ermine cape la tied at the front In cravat manner. It is worn with n dress fashioned of corduroy-stripe brown velvet. It is a Vfera Borea cre­ ation. P h M V s lv s t A chic little tricorne of plaid velvet with an ascot scarf tq match is one of the newest offerings of fashion. The two are charming to wear with your'fur coat to give a bit of color to nn otherwise oue-color costume. FOR RENT— Collett farm on Cedar- ville and Jamestown pik* by March first. Write 108, Dayton Hill, Xenia, Ohio. 666 LIQUID — TABLETS — SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 866 Salve externally, make a, com­ plete and effectit*. treatment for, Cold*. ' * ' ' * ’ / • Most Speedy Remedies Known TOD F A Y I M S 1ST. w « * Our Annual Big January Clearance Sale Tf you haven't taken advantage of this gale o f fine quality merchandise, do bo NOW, Naturally stocks are limited-—so make it a point to be here first. Prices have been lowered to meet and beat all- competition. You owe it to yourself to see these wonder­ ful values. Every Item From Our Regular Stock -N ot rheap Merchandise Bought For This Sale! Sale of Coats Buy a good coat this year. Why be satisfied with poor merchandise and out-of-date styles, when you can have such fine coats at these low prices. Be here first and get the pick of the lot. $12.50 Pur Trimmed Winter Coats .............. NOW • $ 8 . 9 5 $19.50 Fur Trimmed Winter Coats........... NOW . $29.50 Fur Trimmed Winter Coats .............. NOW ■ j 8 * 7 . 9 5 Sale of Dresses These are not dresses we can’t sell. W e ha-e MARKED THEM DOWN simply to clear the decks for newer stock. You won’t find nicer dresses at the price in Xenia. Excellent silks. v ‘ • Former $6.95 Dresses Former $16.75 to $19.50 Dresses * 1 0 « EXTRA SPECIAL HOSIERY Yes- We still have enough to satisfy all thrifty women. Our regular Manikin brand hose. Full fashioned, all silk, both weights in the best colors of the season. Be wise! Buy them by the box. Regular 75c Hose Latest In Ladies Shoes FACTORY IMPERFECT $5 and $6 SHOES KroppemlorM/HniHU has sent us the finest styles it has cVm* been our pleasure to show Every one is this KflftHon'ashoe. Ties, straps, pumps in calf and miede. All sizes but not in every Btyle, If you are smart you’ll buy two pair. 8Z.98 Hutchison & Gibney Co . Xenia's Leading Department Store Since 186* QUICK FACTS ABOUT DOUBLE PURPOSE Purol-Pep Lubricating Gasoline 1-PREMIUM GASOLINE QUALITY Refined by the Gyro Vapor-Phase Pro- cess to new high-test specifications, Results: -—Quicker Starting —More, Surging Power —Better Mileage . —High Anti-Knock —Greater Economy A special, carbonless, upper cylinder lubricant is scientifically and perman­ ently blended with Purol-Pep. . Results -—Quieter Motor Operation — Protect* Valves, Pistons, Rings —Reduce* Wear and Scoring — Insure* Longer Motor Life —Gives Better Piston Seal, against loss of power —Gives Smoother-Flowing Power —Reduces Crankcase Dilution —Decreases Motor Oil Consumption —Reduces Carbon Formation 2-TOP CYLINDER LUBRICATION 2 Premiums In Quality At No Premium In Price The Carroll'Binder Co. 3 Convenient Stations No. 1— 108 E. Main St. No. 2—N. Detroit St. No. 3—Bellbrook Road 6 SEE THE HERALD FOR COMMERCIALPRINTING 0