The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26

CXDARVILI.F HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1034 XENIA Business Directory WHITMER FUNERAL HOME, Inc. Established Over 20 Years MRS. J. H, WHITMER GLEN RteED w STANLEY H. CHITTY, Director SERVICE WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL There is no charge made for the use of this beautiful funeral home, 29 W . MARKET ST. PHONE M-68 W . F. HUGHES DAYTON AVE. PHONE M -153-W GLASS—TIRES—PARTS—USED CARS VULCANIZING RE-NEW CLEANERS 6 W . SECOND ST. PHONE M-57-R CLEANING—PRESSING—DYEING DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS SALES AND SERVICE . WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS Purdom Motor Sales 50 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 1156 D . D. JONES, Druggist PRESCRIPTIONS—TRUSSES FITTING ROOM—QUALITY SERVICE 43 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 179-R LANG ’S Chevrolet Sales and Service Body and Fender Work — Battery Service Repairing—Wrecking Service PHONE M-901 t . _ ■ ........... ............ - „ „ . „ -n-.-n- DR. JOHN A . YODER OSTEOPATHIC, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT General Practice, Colon and Rectal Diseases 18-19-20 STEELE BLDG. PHONE 344-R COVAULT BEAUTY SHOPPE 33 W . CHURCH ST. PHONE M-434 BEAUTY CULTURE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ^ GET A PERMANENT FOR GRADUATION STILES CO. S. DETROIT ST. PHONE 298 COAL, KOPPERS COKE, CEMENT, LIME SEWER PIPE, TILE, BUILDING MATERIAL W INTER AND DAVIS 8-10 S. ORANGE ST. PHONE 506 -W ; Res. 559-R PEERLESS FURNACES . Furnace Cleaning, Repairing for All Makes Roofing and Spouting H . E. EICHMAN 52 W . MAIN ST. PHONE 652-R MAYTAG WASHERS, ELECTROLUX AND NORGE REFRIGERATION Radios, Fixtures, Appliances, House Wiring McCOY BROS. GARAGE Desoto and Plymouth SALES AND SERVICE Battery Repairing Service—Towing 2265 S. DETROIT ST. PHONE 51 ■»iw— W — *1 — 1 1 — - 1 — 11 — 1 e n H - »!!■ ■ » — I f W .IH H ■■■ I. ■■ || M I, >1 » LUCILLE’S BEAUTY SHOP 12i/8 N. DETROIT ST, PHONE M-234 BEAUTY CULTURE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES GET A PERMANENT FOR GRADUATION ' J. SCHARDT AND SONS, Florists 251 BELLBROOK AVE. PHONE M-553-R FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS—PARTIES—FUNERALS FAMOUS CHEAP STORE 45 E. MAIN ST. PHONE M -179-W WE SELL EVERYTHING Hardware, Fence, Paints, Ready-to-Wear Clothing Dishes, Granite Ware ANDERSON FLOWER SHOP 101 WEST MAlfo ST. PHONE M-681-R FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS BRYANT MOTOR SALES Authorized Ford Dealers FO&D SALES AND SERVICE 24-Hour Wrecking Service—Body and Top Work SKIDDO LUNCH ROOM A GOOD PLACE TO EAT 29 W . MAIN ST. PHONE 108-R 190* * VARIED PICTURE PROGRAMS .. Temperance Notes. . ' AT SPRINGf KLU t h e a t e r s Sponsored by CwUrvilla W. C. T. U. * ,The Recent Theater, Springfield, ,will depart from its customary policy -* •« ••••■•• it r - - r •■■ and open on Friday, June. I, with “20,- Ilonor Roll of Dry Newspapers 000,000 Sweethearts," reputed to be The names of newspapers which an outstanding bit of entertainment refuse to print liquor advertising is by metropolitan critics. Dick Powell by no means complete. A recent addi- and Ginger Rogers are starred in a tiory is the Lewisburg Saturday News, cast of superb radio and screen play, of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, which ere including the Four Mills Brothers, has refused many offers, .locally and Ted Rita and his band and the Three from foreign sources as well, to pub-1Radio Rogues. The entire action of lish liquor advertising. Its publisher this film is staged in a radio broad- is Congressan Benjamin Focht. casting studio and gives theater audi- “ The Farmer's Wife,” published at ences an opportunity to gain fir,st- St. Paul, Minnesota, and “ a delight- hand information of the intimate lives ful periodical,” refuses to carry liquor of announcers, entertainers, etc. or tobacco advertising in any form. ! A special preview Friday night at --------- Ml p. m. will usher in the Springfield LESTER IIAGI.ER DEAD MEN and WOMEN, 18 to. 45 in Queer M*d Uttle j — —_ Cedarville District, who want to make Facts About R*W* Rjff I Word was received here this 8 1 f ov* }° cntf Government i» The Amorican Werftly^ j week of the death of Lester Hagler, work’ Hundreds post depression post- Magaxm* U l» tr ibu t*a ” who resided in Florida, last Septem- t,ons eo™m«- For information and Next Sunday s C h ic a g o her. Local relatives just received the qualification interview, write care and Examiner. A Story fcvery- information this week, Ccdarvillo Herald. one Should Read ! Despite the Liquor Control ( ? ) law,engagement of “ Stingaree” at the of Illinois which makes all the state State Theater. This production brings wet until a community votes itself Richard Dix and Irene Dunne together dry,' and ‘in the face of a desperate for the first time since their sensa- struggle by the liquor traffic to in- tionai success in "Cimeron.” It is vade the city, Evanston, home of the the story of a swashbuckling bandit National W. C. T. U. Headquarters, who fell in love with a poor girl ambi- , has banned the retail sale o f all al- tious to become an opera star and coholic beverages within its bound-.with the aid o f a six-gun assisted her aries, in realizing her ambitions. This is : --------- jreported as being an exceptionally j - Local option raised its temporarily-, fine romantic picture with the entire bowed head in the great metropolitan footage dominated by the action con- city of Chicago and in twenty-one out sequent' to the life of its hero—a Iof twenty-three precincts voting on picturesque pirate of the highways, the liquor issue in the spring primary i Starting . Sunday the Fraibanka elections, the saloon was overwhelm-Theater will present Richard Bare ingly voted out. Nineteen of these thelmess in his most recent starring precincts are in one ward. The pre- picture, “A Modern Hero.” Verree sent Illinois law makes the whole Teasdale. Jean Muir and a host of state wet until a community exercises exceptionally fine performers support its' privilege of local option, jthe talented star in this story o f a Four county precincts also vbted on circus con man who climbed to the this question and in all of-these the heights of business success ' on the victory went to the drys. Outside of hearts and money of women. While these the liquor question was not on it '« an unsympathetic role for Bar- election issue. thelmess, reports have it that he does a marvelous, convincing job as the heartless crook and that the quartet of feminine players who fill in the in • No. Beer Sale Near Michigan State University For fifty-one years the charter pro- cidents of his life combine to give the vision which forbids sale of beer near picture a swing and action trend that the campus of the University of Mich-, makes for perfect entertainment. igan has been in effect, but the liquor! — ---------------------- forces attempted to “ muscle in” by * LEGAL NOTICE forcing a vote on the question at the The Cedarville Building & Loan spring election. To repeal the pro-: Association o f Cedarville, Ohio, vision required a 60. per cent major-! • . . ■ Plaintiff, , ity, but only 1,834 voted for a chanp,<3,i vs* while 2,128 voted against it. jFlorence B. Gray, et al„ It has been the pride of Evanston-j ‘ Defendants, jans that no saloon had ever marred1 Martin Knecht, Sr,, whose place of the beauty of this city on the shores residence is unknown, will take notice of the great Lake Michigan, because that (on the 19th day of April, 1934, of the charter of Northwestern Uni-j The Cedarville Building & Loan As- versity which banned the sale of in- soriation of Cedarville, Ohio, filed its toxicating liquor within four miles of ;Pe^^on against him in the Common the campus, but when beer was legal- j Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, feed by the Congress last April several ipraying for a judgment in the sums of the cafes began selling by the.0* $2,574.37 and $2,647,33, with inter­ glass and some of the chain storesiea^ thereon from the 10th,. day of put out huge beer signs. It was not AprH* 1934, at, 7 per cent per annum for long, however, as the olt&MlPcU n,ortg8Sr® not*8» and ,eekin* to very quickly took action and Evanston foreclose mortgages on real estate again became the home city as plan- ■ituate in Ross Township, Greene ned by its founders. County, Ohio, being two tracts, both part o f survey No. 816,' one tract “ The extreme exhibition of indff- consisting;t>f Forty (40) acres, the ference on a liquor question is found ®«ier °* T" enJ* Nine and Thirty in a recent vote in North A d a m s , ' H u n d r e d t h s (29.33) acres of Massachusetts,” says an exchange. n . . . . . . . “The total number of registered vot-! Said Defendant is required to ans- ers in the town is 9,644, of whom 287 ™ eajdPet,t” or * * * * * ‘h* 2? d took the trouble to vote on the ques- d*y ot June- lfl34» or tb.e PUint!ff t'on of granting tavern licenses. The may civic conscience is sleeping peace-, . , ,, , , fully when 97 per cent of the voters real. 8o ld for the P «P °»° °* are not interested enough to go to the ,g y ,n* the mort*a&e8 of the P,am* p°Us and vote on such a question.” T jj E CEDARVILLE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION of Cedar­ ville, Ohio. Plaintiff. take judgment ordering the {mortgages foreclosed and the said Which Horn o f the Dil&Hittia? j The statement that liquor revenues j in Pennsylvania will be jso much under j j arty.rp Smith what waq estimated for the year that*Attorney for P]’ lnti{r< the state will be m debt flffcon million i dollars is a bit startling. Will the de -! - . ficit be met by raising the taxes, orj Wflnted_ Wc buy and m new'and by an endeavor to increase the con-; Used car8> fielden & Co., Steele Bldg, sumption of intoxicants ? ; Xenia, O. 7t REPORT OF SALE Monday, May 28, 1934 Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. HOGS—Receipts 862 || 190-300 lbs..................... 3,40 @ 3.50 i 170-190 lbs. ................ 3.25 @ 3.40 J 150-170 l b s .___ , .............3.00 @ 3.20 i| 130-150 lbs......................... 2.50 @ 3.00! I 100-130 l b s ........... .......... 2.25 @ 2.75 j Feeding Shotcs ________ ^2.25 (fi) 3.75 | Light sow s_-— _________________ 2.75j| Heavy Sow s________ -«_*2.25 @ 2.60 !| Thin sows _____-__**..«1,75 2.25?| S ta g s ........................ 1.50 @ 2,25] | CATTLE—Receipts 88 Best Steers - _______ 6.75 Medium s te e r s____1.____5,00 @ 6,00 Grass steers ____________ 4.00 @ 5.00 I Stockers ________ 4.00 @ 4.50 I [Best, heifers ____ 5.60 ■Medium heifers ______ »»3.50 @ 4.50 -Fat cow s............................3.50 @ 4.60 [Bologna cows —_______ 3.00 — 4.00 ®Bulls — ............................1.00 @ 2.60 Mjilk c ow s .............. ....... 20.00 @ 40.00 SHEEP and LAMBS—Receipts 141 Top Lambs ____________ 10.10 Medium lambs _________ 8.00 @ 9.00 Light lambs .................... 4.00 @ 7.00 Breeding ewes ................,4.00 @ 8.00 Culls — ........................ .2,00 down •Fat ewes ...................... 1.00 @ 2.00 VEAL CALVES—Receipts 110 Tops .............................. ...5,75 [I AT SPRINGFIELD THEATRES! if REGENT Starting Friday, June 1 i “20,000,000 Sweetheart.” [ Featuring those popular stars I Dick Powell and Ginger Rogers | “ s t a t e * t h e a t r e 4 1 Starting Saturday, June 2 i (Preview Friday Nlte, 11 I», M.) f “Stingaree” Starring Richard Dix and | Irene Dunne | | as the swashbuckling bandit and | | the poor girl with opera ambitions | FAIRBANKS THEATRE \ Starting Sunday, June 3 § 1 Richard Bathelmeas in i i “A Modern Hero” i See Bathelmess in a new role sup* | | ported by Verree Teaadale and | i Jean Muir. } B A B Y C H C K S FROM BLOOD-TESTED FLOCKS. Tasted for B, W« D,; Stained Anti gen used by oUr own poultrymen, tested seven years, including 1934. Reactors 'rdlfidVed day tested. Hatched and adld in accordance Heavy and common.........3.00 . . 4.00 TH*S ADV' ftnd Jn adVance Culls ------—---------- -— .3.00 down Wo had very good quality hogs 6h ~ our market today, and prices were i j A u-^- R°^b?» steady with last weeks close, despite ^ lower terminal markets today. Good feeding pigs were in strong demand We can deliver any Tues. or Fri. White, Brown, Buff Leghorns, $7.50 [per 100. |S6i09 for 600, $70.00 for * ‘ White, Buff Rocks, „ . _____ - 100, $38.50 for 500,. $76.00 for 1000. Buff Orp., White Wyan., .$8.60 per 100, $41.00 for S00, $80.00 for 1000. Heavy As- sold at satisfactory prices, Announce­ ment was made of our opening Lamb Sale early in July. 40c Fletchers Castoria—28c Week End Special at Brown's Drugs order, $2.00 for each hundred ordered; balance C. 0 . D.; or all cash with order. XEN IA HATCHERY Xenia, Ohio PUBLIC SALE The undersigned Executor will offer at public auction on the 16th Day ofi June, *34 AT TWO O ’CLOCK P. M. * at the residence properties on Cedar Street, the follow­ ing real estate of the late C.N. Stuckey, located in Cedar­ ville, Ohio, to-w it: Two residence properties on the North side of Cedar Street, consisting of the one formerly occupied by the de­ cedent as a homestead, and the property immediately West of the homestead, and the business property on Main Street, which is now occupied by the Cummings Chevrolet Com­ pany.- ’. ' . . J . ' v. '■ f; The following are the terms of the sale: One-third cash, One-third in one year, and One-third in two years deferred payments to bear six (6%) percent interest from day of sale and be secured by a first mortgage on the real estate. The purchaser or purchasers to have the right to pay all cash if they desire. A deposit of the sucessful bidder must be made on the day of sale with the Executor of sufficient amount to show good faith, and a reasonable time will be given to the purchaser.or purchasers to complete the sale. Said premises have been appraised as follows: The resi­ dence occupied by the late C, N. Stuckey, at Eighteen Hun­ dred Dollars, ($1800.00); the one to the West of said home­ stead, at Fifteen Hundred Dollars, ($1500.00); and the busi­ ness property on Main Street at Fifteen Hundred Dollars, ($1500.00). Said premises must bring not less than two- thirds of j,their appraised value. For further particulars or information apply to the un­ dersigned Executor. W. L. Miller, Executor, MILLER & FINNEY, Attorneys Xenia, Ohio 3 Alien Building, Xenia, Oh.o WEIKERT & GORDON, Auctioneers lei Us Show You £ GREATLvf RE GOODYEAR EVER BUILT New A LL -W EA TH ER And here’s the GOOD MEWS jTtriG'marvelous new. (G»3^A11 - Wea ther ^wltlimitsmany advan- tajle8*over any other* |tire“on4the market coetCyou lnoth lng ’extras fO MORE Non-Skid.Mil«qaet • Come see this brute-for-punishment —•this great new “ G -3” that Goodyear has built, tested, proved out under terrific abuse, to more than offset the harder wear put on tires by today’ s fast-stepping, fast-stopping automo­ biles . . * It’s a costlier tire to build but not to buy—consider that important fact too as you look it over and we think you ’ ll say: “ Put on a set,”. Tire Repairing A Oils —Gasoline Road Service R A LPH W O LFORD Ph«Ml# $ Oil 25 ROAD SERVICE O .