The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26
CEDARVILLE HERAI.D, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,1933 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KAR*TI BULL — — — EDITOR AND.- PUBLISHER JMERKKKK- National Kdltorli) A moc .; Ohio Newspaper Aaioc.: Miami Valley Press Assoc. Entered *t the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, jus second class matter. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1933 W ORTHWH ILE CHRISTMAS EFFORT Recepticales have been placed in the grocery stores about town whereby those who care can drop groceries, canned goods, meats, vegetables, sweets and toys. I f each family that is able will give something worthwhile the leaders of the local organizations sponsoring this movement will be able to bring happiness and cheer into numerous homes in the township. .While many families have been given aid through the public works program there are yet many more that have not secured employment. There are some where old age and sickness now require relief and numerous children that will not have the opportunity of knowing the true spirit of Christmas unless this movement is generously supported. If you have a surplus of vegetables or fruit divide with those less fortunate. FOR A SAFE CHRISTMAS Fires—Falls—Fun. Here are the three great accident hazards of Christmas. Each year they take a toll in life, health and property that is the more horrible because it can be so easily avoided. Of them all, fire is perhaps the greatest and most common hazard. Special rules, simple enough in themselves, and yet often broken, apply to the holiday season. Gandies should not be used either on the tree or in windows. All tree decorations should be non-inflammable. Those made of celluloid, cotton and paper should be avoided or kept at a sizable distance from flame. Electric lights for the tree should be of good make, and o f not more than one firefly candle power, .The wiring should be carefully inspected before it is used. Lastly, the tree-should be kept away from any fireplace and should be removed from the house within the week following Christmas. After that, the needles dry out and become highly inflammable. . _ Care and caution will eliminate the'fthpliday,falls,” '. Under the heading of fun hazards are listed accidents, caused,.by tlangerous toys and unwise methods of celebrating.- Sharp knives, tin horns, with ragged corners, air rifles, tool.kits con taining sharp instruments—these and similar articles, when given to children too small to use them properly, invite disaster. It’s easy to have a safe Christmas— and it’s a lot more fun. Plan yours that way* • A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS CODE There is mounting opposition, especially on the part of 'dairy farmers in tlie New York milk shed and elsewhere, to certain provisions in the proposed national trucking code which is now being considered and revised by government officials and the trucking industry. The code is designed to outlaw unfair competition, and to do away with uneconomic trucking practices—purposes which deserve and receive full public support. But there is danger that, in accomplishing this, technicalities will arise which will make the letter of the code defeat its spirit. For example, 'under the proposed code no farmer c.ould haul a neighbor's milk, hay or other produce to fnarket for compensation even once a year, without filing a schedule of rates, securing a license or permit, securing and displaying,jgsignia and complying with all the rules applicable to a regular commercial trucker. No farmer driving into town could bring-back a few bags of fged, for his neighbor, if he were paid for it, without doing precisely the same things, ' , • • In brief, the code would, to a large extent, prevent farmers from following the age-old practice of "■SwaraJing'/'-work,' *nd would compel every farmer to either do his own hauling op hire1 . a commercial trucker every time he wanted a crate of eggs or a half-dozen cans of milk taken to town for shipment, or wanted a load of fertilizer’brought back. According to one authority, the code would raise farfhersV trucking costs 50 to 75 per cent at a time when agriculture is fighting for it| very existence. It is one thing to permit an industry to clean its own house and another to lay down regulations which make common, time-honored practices illegal. It is always the best people that find time for extra work. Youth will spread its wings in spite o f anything but the world has a way of clipping them. Once again we have reached the time for New Year Reso-, lutions. Waiting until next year may be too late. j Men have always been judged.,by what they,do and not; what they claim to do. True love -must be hard to win and much harder to hold if w.e believe the number of divofee cases filed in the courts. i -■A-pretty good Mgj£of old ag fi£ «j| f^ | g you she the same use each oay! IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL UNDAYl chool Lesson (By REV. P. II. FITZWATJSR. D. D., (Ulster ot Puculty. Moocjy Bible luitltut* ot Cblcife.) W1833, Wc: Uro N«w#l*D«rUaloa, s Lesson for December 24 A VISION OF WORLD PEACE The new securities law was passed to stop “ blood money” and now turns up “ baloney money” to give us a new worry. i m .:M.n;miCTnasn Coal! Coal! Best High Grade Coal for Every Purpose POCAHONTAS LUMP DANA.BLOCK KAY JAY and YELLOW JACKET Car of Good Kentucky Block will be in first of next Week I wish each and everyone a very Merry aindHappy Christmas ,t'i 9 % ? M3SSON TEXT—Iijalah HJl-t, GOLDEN TEXT—Thfey shall not hurt nor destroy In all my holy mountain; tor the earth shall be full of the knowledge ot the Lord, as the wafer* cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9. . PRIMARY TOPIC—Peace on Earth, JUNIOR TOPIC—The Prince of Peace. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- IC—What Does Christmas Mean, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—A Christian Christmas. Isaiah does not set forth merely an ideal for a world at strife. The fact Is revealed that Jesus Christ shall come buck to the earth and establish a kingdom, and remove from men’s hearts the cause of strife. Instead of ir vision of “ World Peace" a better statement of the subject would be “The Universal Reign of Jesus Christ." I. Who Is This King? Jv, 1). 1, He Is the Son of Man. “A child is born" (Isa. .9:0), The one who shall reign over all the world us king Is a real human being. The eternnl Son of God, Incorporated with the hu* man race in order to be Its Saviour and Lord, Bhall come of David’s line. 2. He is the Son of God. "A son Is given" (Isa. 9:0). As the eternal Son of God he was nut “born" but “given." This son "given" , la the “Mighty God," the "Everlasting Fa ther." Being such he will take the “government upon Ills shoulders," that is,, he will assume All Authority, He, lie “Wonderful.1’'. The world will mar-' vel at him. He Is tile nil-wise “Coun sellor." Therefore there will be/no mis take made Id, his conduct of the af fairs of the kingdom. He Is' the •Prince of Peace." SI. The King’s Qualification (v. 2). The king which the world needs and ■for which it longs must have super human wisdom and power. There shall rest upon him: 1. “The spirit of the Lord." 2. “-The sphlt of wisdom," giving insight into all things, human and divine. 3. “The spirit of understanding," giving him the ability to use that which is highest and best. . 4. “The spirit of counsel," enabling him Intelligently to plan and adminis ter the affairs of the kingdom. T>. “The spirit of might"—ability to execute his plans, 6. “The spirit of knowledge," en abling him to perceive the will of God in all things, 1 7. “The fear of the Lord,” causing hint to ,be reverential and obedient, 'lll.'-The Character of the' 'King’s Reign (vv. 3-5). 1. “Ho shall not judge at the sight of his eyes.’’ His knowledge is per fect None can deceive him, , 2. "Not reprove after the hearing of the ear," The word “reproof* means decide. His decisions, therefore will he on the basis of fact, not of heresay 3. “With righteousness shall he Judge the poor." When Christ reigns us king the poor shall get justice. 4. “Shall smite the. earth with the ■rod of his might." By the “earth" Is meant the wicked Inhabitants. 5. "H e shall be girded with right eousness and faithfulness." He Is ab solutely righteous and will faithfully i/urry out all his words. IV. The lisus of the King’s Reign (vv. 0-10). Here is a picture of the glorious golden age of Vvhlch poets have sung and for which the great and wise men of all the ages have longed and looked There will.then be peace both between men and animals. 1. "The wolf shall dwell with the Iamb" (v. 0), The word “dwell’’ aug- gets Intimacy as If the lamb should receive the wolf Into Its home. 2. “The leopard shall He down with the 0). 3. SSEb&aittf and the young Hon and e figfeigiigether" (v, G). They sre - ___ kind that a Uttle'chUd shalFleitfl3them. 4 . "The cow and the bear shall feed" (v.*7). 0. "The lion shall eat straw" (v. 7), The Hon shall no longer prey upon other animals for food. 0. "The suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp" (v. 8). 7, "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord" (v. 9). The Issue of this glorious reign shall be the attraction of the Gentile nations (vv. 10-12), This Is the real purpose of the coming kingdom, following payments will depend on Iwhat fees are charged by the at torneys in charge, A few drags like j the last one and the chance of a full NO RUSH YET FOR NEW AUTO MOTOR TAGS MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MISS HARRIET LEWIS One hundred per cent payment fade like a noon day fog, The various farm organizations are : -preparing to jude 1% government to take control o f alt live, stock markets in the country. The manner in which the market* have- been operated the* past few years- )m *ot only been- a detriment to *toMt producers but to consumers as well. Low prices on hogs of late, nearing a thirty year low record, will wreck the whole farm pro gram unless corrected, Dressed meats cost more today under low prices paid to' feeders than « year ago. Of course the reason given I* due to the process ing tax. This is not convincing and packers haye forced down the price of hogs even below the processing tax. When dealers pmchase meat the higher price is said to be due to the next tax which no doubt is added as intended under the law. Another feature farm leaders will urge wifi be the elimination o f shipping hogs direct to packers. We have always opposed government meddling in pri vate business but the hog and cattle situation, demands, intervention by some poWer immediately. C . L . M c G u i n n GA 8 H STORE TELEPHONE— 3 South Millar St. Plily Com** Fir»t No student can afford to say, as Nome unfortunately do, "1 will secure my education first and my religion afterward." Religion Is a value so Im portant that It cannot safely be post poned or side-tracked In favor of aby lesser concern. CotUrvillo, O How Sw**t I* Raitl Rest! How sweet the sound! It !i melody to my ears t It lies as a reviv ing cordial at my heart, and from thence sends forth lively spirits which beat through all the pulses of my soul I —Baxter. “A* a Man Tl>lnk.ll.“ Out of the heart proceedeth evsry evil. The mind is the mil) by Which the grist of the soul Is ground, Love tblnketh no evil; righteousness does 'h6Y meditate upon Iniquity, '{...•* -................ NOTICE OF APPO INTMENT Estate of Lillian Spencer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Wm. M. Spencer amd W. J. Tarbox have been duly appointed as Executors,of the estate o f Lillian Spencer, deceas ed, late o f Xenia Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this ilth day o f December, 1933; S. C. WRIGHT, Judge o f the Probate Court, Green* County, Ohio, While the five stock situation de mands attention there should be a throttle placed on those who control the sugar markets. Raw sugar was never cheaper I r .Cuba than the past year and the revolution o f recent months and overthrowof the admin istriRioo' ip power 'Was a reaction from siigAr caiw produce*# who can not-sell ’ raw sugar at' prices that wifi insure a living! to the. natives. In ternational bankers'control the sugar market at this.'time. Several days ago Cedarville broke into the “ Believe It or Not” column in many a daily-paper in the United States. All because defeat in a foot ball game with; a West Virginia team last year enabled .the victors to run up A record breaking score. Lowell Thomas, radio fame,' a good news item in his review, and sport writers have commented on it here and there. The fact was the local college team had been booked against a team'of heavy weights far superior and most all of them several years older. If you cannot get in the news o f the day one Way you can another. Dallas Marshall and Curtis Hughes took a truck load o f ducks belonging to David C. BradfUte and John Coif fins to Philadelphia last week where they found a good market. The ducks netted the owners much more than they could get In any market in this section. Mr. JBradfute has gone into th.e duck business on an extensive scale the past few years. We had the' promise that part o f the federal gasoline tax would be re pealed with the return o f liquor taxes. Under the law there will be a reduc tion of half a cent a gallon in the tax after the first o f the year. This should bring gasoline down that much but wifi the gasoline bosses let loose of that half cent. On the surface a news report from the oil center is that crude oil is to advance and this means an increase in the price of gasoline. As Mr. Rockefeller wanted prohibition repeal we are waiting to see if he is to take advantage of the motorists and gobble up the half cent tax that is to be dropped. The recent Republican love feast in Columbus has left a trace o f some thing different than what most of the following ftmliztet- at^the tiaTe. ,Jiv respect!V* o f the “retuVn to the gbld standard” speeches of former Attor ney General Edward Turner and Senator Fess, it now developes that the doty attorney has his eye on the Senator’s seat in the United States Senate. .While both of the “ gold standard” speakers were expressing their views Sherman Eagle, spoiled part of the program by injecting the McKinley idea o f the “ gold standard," which was a mile from the Hoover standard that Fess wanted restored. With such a development it looks like the love feast soup must have been served cold by Ed Schorr. Gilbert Bettman’s spludge in the senate race last year is to be renewed at the Re publican primary next August. More reason for another love feast. wifi Wilbur Glenn Voliva, head of the R. C. Ritenour, local registrar for motor tags, says there has been no rush yet for the 1934 tags and De cember is fast slipping away. Motor ists wifi not get an extension on time 4?1.00 Lock .Diary, 5 year—69c Week End Special at Brown’s Drugs Did the Republicans in the legis lature do their cause any good in joining with Gov, White for the state monopoly plan for control o f the sale of hard liquor? The big cities want ed open sale and a return to the old time saloon but the Democrats through Sen. Bulkley fought this for the state control plan. It turned out that the Anti Saloon League, educa tional leaders and ministers threw 310,000,000 Zion, 111., religious enter- j B0 the sooner you get your tags the prise founded by the late Alexander j iess time you wifi have to wait in line Dowie, says that hiim wifi never con- j f cr the new tags at the close of the quer the depression. It probably will yearj make no difference for Voliva has fre quently said the end of the world will eoma in 1936, He ha*, always con tended the world is flat and not round. The church headed by Voliva is hav ing its financial troubles, just like in dividuals. All the twenty-six in dustries . in that city of 6,000 people are owned by the church and they are in receiverships due to a total in debtedness of $800,000. At present not over 25 per cent of the debt could be paid, so the future of the city is not so bright. But there is yet one more year of worry before the “ end of the world." One. sleeper in the Ohio county home rule amendment that was sold to the p e o p le o t Ohio as an economy measure, much after the fashibn of classification of property for taxation, will be received by county sheriffs and treasurers with not only interest but jollification. Under Article X of the constitution that has stood for years sheriffs and treasurers were barred from holding office for more than four years out of any six. Under Article X of the new amendment just adopted providing for the so-called home rule, the clause was left out and sheriffs and- treasurers can serve as many terms; as the' people desire to elect theniiSCharles P, Taft II, Cin cinnati, sponsored the home rule a- mandment; his brother, Robert A. Taft, forced classification on the people. Some of these days the elect ors in Ohio may ask for guardians. To save the trouble the public might use the old time parlimentary rule, designate the -Tafts as secretaries, with instructions to cast the vote. It is safe to say the sheriffs and treas urers are shedding no tears. For a year of the depression the Chicago Century of Progress did not do so bad. The net profit is announced at more than two million dollars.' The last Chicago attraction known as the World’s Fair back in 1893 was held during the panic but we have no figures of the profit for comparison. Depressions in those days were called panics but we are in a new era when panics are called depressions. More than 22 million persons entered the gates this year and the total revenue Was. more than 37 million dollars. And the Century of Progress is to be open ed again next .year. The governors of several states in the southern tobacco territory have placed a ban on .tobacco auctions for the present. The bidders were all blit stealing the crops, prices in many in stances being as low ao three cents a pound for first grade tobacco. A number of the auction sales in south ern Ohio have been called off due to low prices. Tobacco growers seem to have as hard time getting a profit as do hog and cattle .raisers. Butter fat and eggs took a tumble this week which wifi not add anything to the farmer’s pocketbook. Bell Company Improving Lines The Ohio Bell Telephone Company is carrying oil an outside plant im provement program in Cedarville which wifi result in the rebuilding of abojit 70 •per eeftt of <$ts1cS*?telephone plant in this-community. All plant south o f the river is be ing rebuilt. Workmen are placing 31 poles, 2500 feet of aerial cable and four miles of wire. When this is dpne they Will remove 35 poles, 1500 feet of cable and 13 miles o f wire. One of the objectives of the pro gram is to get the telephone plant off the streets and back of residences ahd buildings, thus improving the scenic appearance of the community. All of the plant to be removed comes off the streets, according to H. W. Cleaver, Ohio, Bell commercial man ager in charge of the Cedarville ex change. It will mean a substantial reduction in the amount of open wire by in- j creasing the amount of cable. There ' wifi also be an improvement in service when the job is completed. j Considerable improvement Work is also being done on rural telephone lines around Cedarville. j This work consists of rebuilding the rural lines in those places where such activity is necessary to place the lines on a 100 per cent efficient basis, Old poles are being replaced by new and much new wire is being strung. Manager Cleaver said that the com- A memorial service for Miss Har riet Lewis, formerly of Clifton, who died in Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 28, wifi be held in the Clifton -Presby terian Church, Dee. 31. Rev, Dr, Daniel Browlee, Dayton, former past or, wifi preach. Miss Lewis was born in Clifton ninety-nine years ago. She was a missionary for forty years in Southern China. She retired in 1922 and resided in Los Angeles at the time of her death. £ If * t 1 £ t 1 I * £ £ £ £ 3 5 £ £ £ £ n $ iS £ Electrical Gifts THIS CHRISTMAS You wan) to spend your Christmas money wisely, and you can do no Better than to invest it in electrical gifts for everybody! A complete variety of Useful, modern, attractive suggestions is watting for you here. Come and see them— and buy them economically. Neeco Electric Cooker Chaffing Dishes Drip Coffee Makers . Gas Coffee Makers . Potato Bakers MIXERS— Mix-Masters Sunbeam .Hamilton-Beach Pantry Pet • Ham and Egg Grill Safety Nite Lite Heating Pads Curling Irons Desk Lamps Plash Lights Health Lamps Soldering Irons Electric Alarm Clocks Stimulators These Are Sure To Please— Waffle Percolators for gas or electricity ’ Toasters Reflector Heaters - Bath-room! Heaters Egg Cookers Sandwich Toasters Waffle Irons Popcorn Poppers All Sizes Electric Irons £ W ashing Machines, G&„ and Electric' Refrigerators, Radois, Vacuum Cleaners, Hand Vacs,' Hot water Heaters, House Lighting Fixtures *>f a ll Kinds. Use Our Lay-Aw ay Plan A Small Deposit W ill Nold Article EICHMAN’S 52 West Main St. Xenia, Ohio I £ £ £ £ £ £ their support to the state plan. The !Oany is carrying on similar rehabilita- wets are not satisfied with Gov. White on rural pjants throughout the and half sqre at Republican leaders. state. More than 60 miles of rural lines arc being rebuilt in the vicinity of Cedarville. The construction and improvement activity is aiding the The announcement that depositors the Xenia Commercial and Savings , ,«,*i>«* mi „ Bank are to get another 15 per cen t1Company in keeping its persbnnell in dividend this week is welcome news *n conformance to the provisions at Holiday time, This is the third NRA code, which has been dividend which totals fifty per cent, signed by the Ohio Bell and other If all reports are correct depositors companies in the nation wide Bell can count on th* bank paying out in System. full and this will be good news, once ; ■L“ -----— — it is countersigned by the state 1 Christmas Fun Sets authorities, There is a condition that Week End Special at Brown’s Drugs | F O R M O R TO R 1 S TS £ No Need To Be Puzzled i| Over Gifts The fact that the use o f automobiles is almost 1 Sr unanimous opens a wide vista of suggestions. Select something for the auto user. In our. head* N quarters is a great range o f articles, any one o f jjjj| which would make a welcome and appreciated gift, A New Tire A New Battery S A New Heater ' They would mean much to the whole fam ily. H Many other articles o f equal worth. ^ COME IN— LOOK AROUND AND SHOP 1 C a r r o l l -B i n d e r Co. Phone Main 15 LocJ Miss Ma attends Ml for the hoi Prof, o: little daufjl for Indian! spend the [ turn Janus Mrs. Cla Rossford, i law and di man Swee; East. Main Street Xenia, Ohio must be taken Into consideration, the A Complete Indoor Seto~49c tm m m m m m m m m m m a m s N i Miss Je a few days] * Mr. and Mi turned to where she nurse. Mi examinatio ago. Mr. Jami are in Pitt the holiday is a studen U. P. Theol A numbe tamed at t T. W, St. dinner - hor eighty-sixth Richard K suffering wi or rabbit d skinning rail proving. Sol only case tl Mr. and J Mrs. Mary Huntington, spend severs Mrs. S. K her home c move i|n wi Barber. • Messrs. Di Hughes enjo Pennsylvanu week. Theii business tri; Marshall wa young buck brought hon around amon to the fine < express our the treat. ir. w . c . a . The Y. Vi tained at tl Monday ev party. The true Christn by candle 1 tree was si gifts. The ning was thi through gift under the di Program Ch salad' and “ candle-lighf fifty Y. W. Lois Culticl Eleanor Bull of refreshml poor childre which will American CHRISTM; The Horn! ' Xmas Parts ' Mrs. C. E. ' ' December and guests I rations wei Xmas seaso| was given Piano soil ing—“Joy . “ Xmas in Richards. Musical Xmas Bells] Story- behind,” M Singing changing and guest pleasure, A two cd the commit WOMEN’S I CHRISTSf Mrs, I). Thursday the Womel friends, 'll sent to cq evening. Christmas home was the nppron Christmas gifts whirl the membe After n i at tables, I sented inci] quartette Johnson, George anj A short | Them nee entevtainmj cast was el dock, Mrs. |wisely, it in |variety vaiting |y them is •ns |rators, w a te r Us. Ohio rm llmost
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