The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26

iKPH GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 179 m«,* « * » '« » «f «» am nefme* *»• *•"*«* wy; th«irc* SO feet to a foil* riuwe '* »* is JU3JSf ff*4 .••-i»» k UJ“ ' ” TO PTOHUW T « - feet to » P»lBt olevatluii I s „ abuse sea level datum; thewe 50 ^«t to a #• mW ^*^WIW,.,Jfo,W'’WrW,ew*,W**^^l ‘ t CUf TIME CENTER LINK, Oft XptiX OK THR FAVKHXNT Off XHNUk &TRKXT NUNC THK MATH OOHPOJUTJPK MHK 0* OKDAB- VUAK, t u m TO t t t t XkTKRHKOTlON- Q t XKSU ST. WITH MJUK ST. •fCTtON M6, t B«gtanl«f At A **H* In «*• CmMC UM of XMda StryK whgrt Hid CwitEf Wo# later- secla the south corporation line of the 'VltlaKU Of Cedarvilie; the afore oenUoned point being station 0-91.8 as shown In the ceater line of the surrey as made by The. Department of Highways foe the Sttte of Ohio. The eleva­ tion of said beginning point being 1*81.93 feet shove sea level dafuw; thence northeasterly with the center line nf said, survey a plus ».»3 % grade 821.8 feet to a point whose elevation U m fc*« feet above sen level datum; thence northeasterly with the center line of said eurvey, a inknli 1,5TS% grade 39».h feet to a point whore elevation Is 1*24.78. fcut above sea leTel datum; Mid point being at .station 8 plus 10 in the center line of the afore mentioned survey; further, the above 'men­ tioned gradients of plus 0.66% grade and minus L57S% grade ara subtended by a parabolic curve 36* feet long1and whose middle-Ordinate Is a minus of 0.00 feet. Tbeuce, northeasterly with the center line of the efor* mentioned survey front station 8 plus 10 a plus 0.88% grade 135 feet to a Point whoa* elevation Is 19*5.16 feet above gea level datum said point also being at station 8 plug *5 In the afore mentioned survey. Further the above minus 1.573% grade and. plus 0.88% grade are sub­ tended by a parabolic curve 10Q feet (png and whose middle ordinate is a plus of 0.33 feet. SECTION Nf. 2 Further beginning at tho northerly edge of the pavement radially to and .northerly from station 8 plus 45 In the center line or the survey as made by the Department of lllgh- wuyw for the State of Ohio.- the elevation of said edge of-pavement being -an elevation of 1025.19 feet abort sea -.level- datum; thence with the northerly edge' of aaid pavement northeasterly 33 feet plus or minus to a point whoso elevation Is 1025.20 feet above sea level datum- said, -point being -northerly 'and at right angles to Istatlon 9 plus 78 In th ecenter line of the afore mentioned survey. i SECTION Ne. 3 Further beginning at tho southerly edge of tho pavement radially to and southerly. from station 9 plus 45 In the center lino off tho survey ?as made by the Department'of High­ ways for the State or Ohio, the elevation of said edge of pavement being an elevation.of 1025.27 feet above sea level datum; thence with tho southerly edge of ■'said pavement north­ easterly 33. feet plus or minus to'a point whose elevation Is 1025.34 feet above sea level datum; said point being {southerly and at right angles to station 9 plus 78 in the center lino of the afore mentioned survey. SECTION No. 4 Further beginning at- the southerly edge, of the pavement southerly 21.00 feet "from and at right angles to station 9 plus 78 in the center lino of the survey as made by the Depart meat of Highways for the State of Ohio the elevation Of . said edge of pavement befog 1025.40 feet above sea level datum; thence northeasterly with tho edge of tho pavement as hereinafter described as follow*: 22 feet to a point whoso elevation Is 1025.50 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whoso elevation is 102C.38 feet above sea. level . datum; thence 25 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion is 1027.75 feet above sea level .datum thence with the pavement edge 11,1 feet to a point whoso elovatlon is 1028.00 above sea level datum said point being southerly from aiid at right) angles- ta station *10 plus 80.1; thence-13.90 feet to a point whose elevation is 1028.25 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point whose elevation, is 1028.75 feet above sea level datum; thence 28 -feet to a point whose elevation Is 1029.37 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 feet to u point . whose elevation Is 1029.92 feet above sea level datunf; thence 25 feet to a point southerly from and at right angles to station 12 phis 00 in' the center line of the afore mentioned survey the elevation of said point being 1030.52 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1031.08 feet above sea lovel datum; thence 50 ,feet to a point whose elevation Is 1031.05 feet above sea level datum; said point being southerly from and at right angles to station 13 plus 00 In the center Uno of the afore mentioned survey; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation la 1032.16 feet above sea level datum; thence • northeasterly 50 feet to a -point whose elevation . is 1032.41 feet above sea fovet'datum-said point 1 being southerly and at right.-angles to station 14 plus 00 in tho center line, of the afore men­ tioned survey; thence 100 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1032.81 , feet above sea level datum said point being southorly^and at right angles to station 15 plus i)0; (hence 100. feet to a point whoso elevation is 1033,39 feet above sea level datum; thence-50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1033.64 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion Is 1033.73' feet abovo sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation, la 1033.49 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation la 1033.17 feet above sea level datum,.said point being south­ erly and at right angles to station 18 plus 00 In tho center line of tho afore mentioned usr- vey; thence'50 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion is 1032.97 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet tfi a point wliofeo elevation is 1032.48 feet above sea level datum; theneo 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1032.07 above aes "level datum; thence 50 feel to a point whose elevation la 1.031,97 feet above sea level datum, said point bolng southerly and at right to atation 20 plus 00 In tho center line of tho afore mentioned aurvey; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation la 1031,09 feet above aea level, said point being (southerly and at right angles to station 21 plus 00; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation la 1031.83 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whoee elevation la 1032.03 above sea level datum; thence SO feel to a point whose eleva­ tion la 1032.11 feet above sea level datum; thence 28.80 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1032.23 feet above sea level datum; thence -24.20 feet to a point whose elevation is 1032.17 feet above sea level datum; said point being southerly and at Tight angles to station 23 plus 00 In the center line of the afore mentioned survey; thence 50 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion is 1032.08 feet above aea level datum; thence 20 feet plus or minus to a point whose elevation. Is 1032.18 feet above sea level datum, said point being at the radius return on Xenia Avenue at the southwest corner of the Inter­ section with Main Street. SECTION Ne. S Further beginning at the northerly edge of the pavement northerly 10,11 feet from and at right angle* to station 0 plus 78 In the center line of the surrey as made by the Department of Highways for the State of Ohio, the eleva­ tion of said edge of pgvement being 1025.25 feet above eea level datum; thence northeast­ erly with the northerly edge of the pavement as hereinafter described as follows: 23 feet to a point whftsc elevation Is 1025,32 feet above see level datum; thence 50 feet to a point w U om elevation la 1026.60 above aea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion la 1027.50 feet above Sea level datum; thence 11.1 feet to a point whoee elevation Is 2027.85 feet above sea level datum; thence 13.9 feet tn a point whose elevation la 1028.32^ feet above aea level datum; said point being1' hCtherly and at right angles to station 11 plus 00 In the center line of the afore mentioned survey; thence 25 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion Is 1029.25 feet above aea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point whose elevation is 1030,20 feet above sea level datum; thence 23 feet to a point whose elevatldn la 1030.69 feet above set level datum; (hence 25 feet to a point whose elevation la 1011,17 feet above aea level ■datum; said point being north- by and at right angles to station 12 plus 09 lii the center line of the afore mentioned aur­ vey ; thence 50 feet to a point whoee eleva­ tion Is 1031.75 feet above aea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1032.17 feet above sea level datum; thence SO feet to a point whose elevation la 1032.61 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation la 1*3106 feet above sea level datum ; Mid point being northerly and at tight angleh to station 14 plus 60 In the center lino of the afore mentioned aurvey; thence 50 feet to a point whoee elevation le 1638,24 feet above sea level datum ; thane* SO feet to a point Whose elevation is 18*8,57 feet above sea level datum; thence 86 feet to a point whewe elevation is 633.66 feet above aea level datum; thence 86 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion Is 1638.46 feet above sea level datum mid point being northly and at right angles to station 16 plus 66 In the center Hue of the afore mentioned survey; thence 86 feet to a point wheee elevation Is 1683.16 feet above aea level datum; thence 86 feet to a point whose elevation la 1032.66 feet above ae* level datum; (hens* 16 feet to a point wfc*ee eferatlMr is 168166 feet .above- m level datum; them# 66 feet te n point Whose elevaHen is 166166 feet above sen level datum; e*td point being north­ erly nad at right angle* to statten 18 plus 66 . TemperanceNotes Sponsored by Cediirvjll* W* C, T. U. llntT or‘‘the aforo mentioned aurvey; flfly fed to a point Whoso elevation is m iM feet aboVo sen level datum; thence u0 b-ct to a point wlsuap elevation Is 1031.23 feet above- sea level dahlia; thvnro 59 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.59 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 fe*t to a point whoso elovatlon is 1031.03 feet above sea level datum , Uicnco 3U feet to a point whoso elevation la 1031.71 feet above sea level datum; theneu -J-8 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1031.8, feet above aea level datum; thence 24.2 feel tu n point whoso elevation is 1031.79 feet above aea level datum; theneu 00 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.53 feet above sea level datum; theneu 36 feet plus or minus to a point at the radius return on Xenia Street at tho north­ west corner of tho intersection of Xenia btrect and Main Street, whose elevation Is 1031.34 feet above sea level datum. AU of the foregoing einvatlous-are In accord- anco with the Plaus of Improvement as made by the Department of Highways for the Stale of Ohio and dated January 1931. Passed thla 15th day or January, 1034. KENNETH h. LITTLE, Mayor of tho Village of Cedarvlllu, Ohio. Attest; JOHN (1. McCORKELL, Clerk of the Village of Ccdarvlllo, Ohio. TWO GOOD PICTURES AT STATK-BBOJKNT THEATRES The State and Regent Theatre* in Springfield are offering two o f the finest picture productions in years aa featured screen fare for the coming week. The Regent Theatre provides Noel BIDS FOR BANK DEPOSITS Bids will be received at the office o f GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 180 TO ESTABLISH THE (3HADE OF Till- CENTEB LINK AND EDGE OF PAVEMENT OF CU1LUCOTHK STRF.ET FROM THE EAST PROPiiKTV LINE OF MAIN STREET TO THE EASTERLY CORPORATION LINE OF CEDAR* VILLE, OHIO, SECTION No. I Be It ordained by the Village Oodticll of the Village of CodarvUle, State of Ohio, that the grade of the center Hue and edge of pave­ ment of Chtlllcothc Street from tho east prop­ erty Hue of Main Street to the easterly cor­ poration line be - and the same is hereby established as .follows:— SECTION l>(«) Beginning at the northerly edge of pave­ ment on Cldfllcothe Slreda and the east prop­ erty line' of Main Street Inui running north­ easterly with tile northerly edge of tho pave­ ment us hereinafter described us follows, tliy elevation of said beginning point being 1049.95- feet above sea level datum; thence 92 feet Ur a point Whoso elevation Is 1050,11 feet above sea level u„ mi; said point being northerly anil at right angles to station 33 plus 00 In the center line of ,tho survey as made by the Department of Highways for the State of Ohio-, tlienee 22.8 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1050.05 feet above sea level datum; then- e 27.2 feet to, a point whoso feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1948,55 feet above sea, level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1046:88 feet abovo sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose clev.i tlon Is 10.45.19 feet above sea level datum said point being northerly and at right angle* to station 35 plus 00 in the center line of the afore imebtloued survey; thence 50 feet tu a point whose elevation Is 1043,84 feet above sea level datum; tlienee 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1042.59 feet above sea level datum, said point being northerly and nt right- angles to station 36. plus 0.0 In the venter line of the afore mentioned survey us made by the Department of Highways'for- the State of Ohio. SECTION l-(h) Beginning nt the southerly edge.of the pave­ ment on ilhilllcothc Street amt the qast prop erty line of Main Street and running north­ easterly with the southerly edge, of the pave incut as hereinafter described im follows: th elevation of sntd beginning point being 1049.3s feet above sea level datum; theneu 92 feet in a point vyhose elevation is 1649.50 feet ahov. sea level datum, said point being soutburly ami at right angles to Btation 33 plus 00 In tli center line, of the survey os made by the Dir partmeut of Highways for the State of Ohio, thence 22.8 feet to a point whose elevation is 1049.25 feet above sea level datum; thence 27.2 feet to a point whose elevation Is JO48.0.'> feet above sea level datum; •thence 50 feet -to a point whoso elevation i» 1047.79 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a polo! whoso elevation Is 1046.43 feet abovo sea love, datum ; thence 50 feet to a point whose eleva­ tion is 1045.19 feet above sea level, datum, said point 'being southerly and ut right angles lo station 35 plus 00 in the center line of the afore mentioned survey; thence 50 feet lo a point whose elevation is 1043.82 feel above sc. level datum; thence 50 feet in a point whose qlovatlon Is 1042,59 feet above sea level datum, said point being southerly and at right angles to station 36 plus 00 in tlio center line of the ufore mentioned survey as made by the Department of Highways for tile Elate of Ohio. SECTION l-(o) Beginning at a point In the center, line ol Clillilcothe Street aa surveyed by tho Depart­ ment of 'Highways for tho State of Ohio, said being station 36 plus 00 of said survoy ami whose elevation is 1042.94 feet above sea level datum; tlienee running with the center of said Chllllcothe Street with a minus grade of 1.96% to station 38 plus 00 whoso elevation is 1039.92 feet above sea lovel datum; thence running with the centor "of said Chllllcothe Street with a plus grade of 2.88% to station 41 plus 20 whose elevation Is 1048.24 fee above sea level datum; (the above mentioned grades of minus 1,96 % and plun grade of 2.88% are subtended by a parbollc curve 200 feet tn length whoso middle ordinate Is a plus 1,21 feet) ; thence from station 41 plus 20 a plus grade of 0.645% to stution 43 plus 29.35 the east corporation, line of .the Village «of Ccdarvlllo whose elevation Is 1040.21 above sea level datum. Further the above plus grade of 2.88% and plus gTadc of 0.645% ‘ la sub­ tended by parbollc curve whose middle ordinate la a minus of 0.56 foet and tho curve ta 200 feet la length. Further all of the foregoing elevations are In accordance with tho Flans of Improvement .as made by tho Department of Highways for the Stale of Ohio and Dated January, 1934. Passed this 15th day of January, 1934. KENNTH L, LITTLE, Mayor of tho Vllngo of Ccdarvlllo, Ohio, Attest: JOHN G. McCORKELL, Clerk of the Village of Cednrvllle, Ohio. ORDINANCE NO, 181 “ However much one may admire the vigorous efforts o f President Roose­ velt to break the depression, he can­ not help hut regret the utterly un- j Coward's sensational stage success, becoming use the postmaster-general |«Design For Living.” This is the o f the administration is making of^Jiis fsame production that stood blase position in his desire to destroy p r o -,New York on its ears fo r more than this nation.^ Never in the a year and according to the reports memory o f this generation has there the screen transcription is every bit been on the part o f a cabinet officer as snappy as its sti'ge parent in re- so bra?en a disregard fo r official lating the naughty but nice story of propriety as Mr- Farley has shown a girl who succeeded in loving, suc- in his efforts in behalf of the liquor cessfully •and simultaneously, two interests. His attitude has been a men under the same roof. Frederick constant affront to the great body o f March, Miriam Hopkins and Gary Protestant church people who have Cooper carry the principal roles, with been working unselfishly for the moral the prominent supporting places in and social betterment of this age. the hands of capable performers. Now tho postmaster general goes A t the State Theatre Richard much further as he uses his powers Barthelmess comes out o f a period to coerce governors o f sovereign, bordering a retirement to offer states to do as he says.” “ Massacre,” a production that is ‘“ w-*'*"1"" claimed by critics to mark a now mile The National Underwriter says: post along the highway o f motion “ Legalized beer, with its scattered picture production. Barthelmess is 'sale in groceries, drug stores, barbe- reported to have spent more than cue stands and a variety o f other two years contemplating and study- places not associated with its sale in ing the technique of the role he por- the good old days, has created a prob- trays in this masterpiece. He, him- lem for- actuaries and medical exa- self, believes that it excells anything miners in life insurance. Due to in- he has given the screen, hot even disputable proof in the past that con- excepting “ Tollable David" and nection with beer in almosti any ca« “ Broken Blossoms.” Ans Dvorak parity brings higher mortality, it will heads a strong list o f supporting be necessary to underwrite all appli- screen players as the principal fem- catiops fo r life insurance most care- mine interest for the romantic fully in future, to direct inspections sequences that dominate the- picture, toward disclosing ..any possible con- ( ------------------------ — nection with beer/' NOTICE OF‘ APPOINTMENT . „ T " . . . , Estate o f William H. Arthur, A ‘ Congregational minister opened j)eceasetj the convention for the ratification of the 21st Amendment in Utah with an invocation and ' a Unitarian minister performed t h e .same service in Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE — v (The Chicken Home Notice is hereby given that L J. | the Township Clerk until 12 M., Mon- Fulton, Superintendent o f Banks o f f day January 29th, 1934 « b depository the State o f Ohio, in charge o f the i for funds o f Cedarvilie Township for liquidation o f The Exchange Bank, | a term o f two years. Bids must con- Cedarvilie, Ohio, has filed in the Court § form to the state law governing same, o f Common Fleas o f Greene County, | pfione 1210 and the Township Trustees reserves Ohio, an application fo r authority to | the right to reject any or all bids, lease Real Estate. s _ , ,, . , i All parties interest will take notice | } ^ , that said application will come on for | paid fo r chickens^ duck*, geese and GREENE BROS. 18 Center St., Xeaia Xeaia, Okie By order, o f Township Trustees, Cedarvilje, O., a . r . M c F a r l a n d , Township Clerk,1 hearing before said Court on the 29th day o f January, A, D, 1934; at 9 o’clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard. Any person desiring to object to Bids will be received at the office o f the approval o f the lease o f Real | BIDS FOR BANK DEPOSITS | turkeys. -Will Call. the Village Clerk until 7'p. m,, Friday, January 19th, 1934 as depository for funds o f Cedarvilie Village for a term o f two years. Bids must conform to the state law governing same, and council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order o f Council o f the Village o f Cedarvilie, Ohio. J. G. McCORKELL, Village Clerk. Estate may do so as provided by the lawB o f the State o f Ohio. i| ■ L J. FULTON, if Superintendent o f Banks in charge ;| o f the liquidation o f The Exchange!! Bank, Cedarvilie, Ohio. i| 6imtMM6MMtimi*6M6IMII|IM6||fimilM«<MI(IIIHMIMHH46«6H66» * 5 , § At Springfield Theatres | S T A T E 1 “ Dick” Barthelmess f “MASSACRE” ! 15! Notice is hereby given that Howard Arthur has been duly, appointed as Administrator of the estate o f Wil­ liam H. Arthur; deceased, late of 60c Dryco-—Milk Food for Babies—48c Week End Special at Brown’s Drugs Weikert & Gordon AUCTIONEERS For Dates Call Joe Gordon, Cedarvilie, 1. \ REGENT j j“DESIGN FOB LIVING” j | Frederick March f § Miriam March . . . I | Gary Cooper | liiiiiHmiMiMiimiiiimiiiHiiMiiimiMiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiKitiiT :.tu “ im m S Sevef l years ago a bishop dedicated CedarvU]e Towna’hiP( Greene County, a saloon in New York with prayer, We wonder whether these “ brethren” asked God to bless the liquor traffic, the great enemy of the church and humanity. Dated this 15th day' of January, 1934. S. C. WRIGHT, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. Utah had the empty honor of being the 36th state to ratify the 21st A- 300 Page YelIow School mendment which repealed the 18th A - Tablet 5c mendment. The leader of the repeal- Week End Speciia at Brown^ Drugs ists ui Utah said: We are determined ; ■ no other statei shall take this glory Areaf) in America and Europe es- away from Utah. Isaiah said, pec,aUy nQted fo t flhe Uve9tock arc “ Woe unto them who decree un­ righteous decrees,” and then raised the question, “ Where will ye leave your gl ory?” . areas o f limestone soils. W. C, T. U, women quite generally throughout the United States have as individuals announced: their jg^rsonal policy to “ buy dry.” 15p Twink Dye Soap—2 f o r 25c . Now is the time to' do that tinting or dyeing. Week End Special at Brown's Drugs . For Sale or Rent—House on Wal­ nut street. Inquire at this office or of Miss Fannie. McNeill. 25c lb.-Satin Fihish Candy - Brittle Shell; Soft Center Candy Assorted Fruit Flavors 16c pound—2 lbs. for 30c Wanted—W « buy and- sell new and used cars. Beldon & Co., Steele Bldg. Xenia, O. OUR TWICE A YEAR SALE is now in full swing with tremendous reductions on all winter goods. Hart, Shaffner & Marx Fine Suits on Sale * Z l M $13.95 Glenshire Fine Suits on Sale $16.55 $18.95 Our Entire Stock of Fine Overcoats, Topcoats $ 13.75 $ 16.75 $ 19.75 Big reductions on shirts, underwear, hosiery, gloves, hats, sweaters,, trousers, zipper blouses and all winter goods. Our present stock of goods are priced much lower than spring prices. The Men’S Store J. O. McDorman 8 South Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio o n r OF A L L - - SUITES We Must Make Room For New Stock ■* Every Suite an Outstanding Value - Many Suites worth Twice the Advertised Price. / i Giving the Consent o f the Village to the Improvement o f Xenia and Chilli- cothe Street, Under the Supervision o f the Director o f Highways y r n li- it WHEREAS, The Director of Hltfliwayfl I* eousIderiiiK the rnalior of, the Improvement under hla suiiervlsloil of the public highway known as Stale Highway, No. 6. and WHEREAS, Xenia and Chllllcothe Strode within tills Village lies In whole or part along the line of said State Highway, aald streets, or section of istrCot being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South Corporation line of Cedarvilie, thence In a northerly direction on Xcnlti Street, to Die Intersection of Main Street, theneo beginning at the Intersection of Main Street and (’hilll- cothe Street, over and along Chllllcothe Street, to the North Corporation Uno of Cedarvilie, lit all a distance of 0.60 miles. WHEREAS, It 1$ proposed to extend said high­ way Improvement through this village and along the aforesaid streets, NOW THEREFORE, Be It Ordained, by the Connell of the Village of Ccdarvlllo, State of Ohio; SECTION 1: That It !s declared to be In tho public Interest that the consent of said village be, and such consent la hereby 'given, that said Xenia and Chllllcothe Street, or an much thereof as Is above described lying along tho line of said Highway No. 6 may be Im­ proved under tho supervlattiu of tho Director of Highways. SECTION 2: That the Clerk be, and lie la hereby, dlrceted to furnish-- to the Director of Highways, and to the Hoard of Ootmly Com­ missioners of Hroonc County, Ohio, a certified copy of (Ids Ordinance. Immediately upon the taking effect thereof, SECTION 3: That this Ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from and after the earliest period allowed by taw. tVfiseri; January 15th, 1934, KENNETH J„ LITTLE, Mayor of the Vitiate of Cedarvilie, Ohio JOHN (I. McCORKELL, Clark of the Village St Cedarvilie, Ohio. tiwewmf " W e never realized how inconvenient it was to be without a phone until after we had to give^ ours up a few months ago. Now that things are better for us we want it back/' said.this woman* We in the telephone office are hearing this story many times each day, Phones are being put back by the hundreds, People who have had to do without telephone i service are tired of having to do personally the many things which the telephone Can do for them. If you would like the step-saving conven* i ience of a telephone again/ and would like to receive calls from friends that mean so much, just let us know. We can install your phone promptly. 3 Pc. Tapestry SUITE Your opportunity to buy a large, roomy 3 piece suite r.t a real saving. Shown in one of the season’s most popular shades of rust. Cappel-Built and cappel-Guarantced. 2 Pc. Tapestry SUITE T rade In Your Old Furniture SUITE $ 69 - 5 ° Davenport and roomy host chair included in this group. Covered all over in good quality mohair with attractive moquettc reverse cushions. Cappcl-Bullt and C a p p e 1- Guqrontced. 3 Pc. Mohair SUITE 3 Pc. Velour su ite : * 8 9 .5 ° A large davenport, host chair and button-back chair in col­ orful multi-colored velour. An exceptionally low- price for this fine sui'e. Cappcl-Bullt and Cappel-Guaranteed, 3 Pc. Frieze SUITE *8 9 .5 ° *109 -50 * 1 3 9 M THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE CO, One oi our most popular styles. This suite Is shown with attached, feather spring, pillow back, Good quality rust tapestry upholstery. Cap* pel-BUiH and Cappcl-Guar- anteed, • A suite worth many dollars more, Three large pieces cov-, ered all over in genuine an­ gora mohair. Reverse cush­ ions in moquettc. Cappcl- Bullt and Cappcl-GuarantCed. You must see this suite to ap­ preciate it. Attractive wood frame upholstered in a com­ bination of linen frieze and green mohair, Cappcl-Built and Cappel-Guarantced. Always Try CappeTs First 60 Days Same As Cash TWF. f»1.» RftUMUp, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO me CO Area top 1 o f O o f p! port train Edue vocal wait* pigs o f si , was canu Duro poun> best Viem shire poun ticip: Ther numl since Thir with cant • A, chaii mete mail now new , 318, shop man set this