The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26
CEDARVILLE HERAT D, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1934 GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 179 TO ESTABLISH TUB UKUJE ELEVATIONS o r ra x center lank , ok kook ok the FAYXMKXT OK XKNU BTRKKT FROM THE BOL'TH CORPORATION USX o r cjsdar - YUIJi, OHIO TO MIS INTERSECTION OF XENIA ST. WITH MAIN ST, SECTION N». I Bsgliining at it poUt In the Center Lino of Xenia, Street, where said Center Line Inter* secu the south. corporation Hue of the Village of Cedarrtllo; the uforo mentioned point being atatton 9-01,8 as shown In the center Uno of the survey ns made by The Department of Highways for tbo State of Ohio. TUo eleva tion of said beginning point being 1931,83 feet , above sea level (latum; theuee northeasterly with the center line of said survey a plus 0,93 % grade 231.8 feet to a point whose elevation is 1034.80 feet above sen level datum ; theuee northeasterly with the center lino of said survey, a minus 1.578% grade 099.0 feet to a point whose elevation is 1021.78 feet above sea lovel datum; said point being at station 8 plus 19 In the center lino of the afore mentioned survey; further the above men tioned gradients or plus 0.95% grsdo and minus 1.573% grado are subtended by a parabolic curve 200 feet long and whoso middle ordinate Is a minus of 0.85 feet. Thence, northeasterly wttti the center lino of the store mentioned survey from station 8 plus 10 a plus 0.28% grado 135 feet to a point whose elevation is 1025.10 feet above sea level datum said point also being at station 9 plus 45 in the afore mentioned survey. Further the above minus 1,573% grade and plus 0.28% grado are sub tended by a parabolic curve 100 feet Jong and whwio middle ordinate Is a plus of 0.23 feel. SECTION No. 2 Furthor beginning at tho northerly edge of the pavement radially to and northerly -from- station 9 plus 45 in tho center lino of the survey as made by tho Department of High ways for tho State or Ohio, the elevation of said edge of pavemont being an elevation of 1025.19 feet above sea level datum; thence with tho northerly edge of said pavement northeasterly 33 feet plus or minus to a point whoso elevation is 1025.20 feet above sea level datum said point being northerly and at right angle* to lstatjon 9 plus 78 in th ccentor line of the afore mentioned survey. SECTION No. 3 ' Further beginning at tho southerly edge of the pavement radially to and southerly from station 9 plus 45 In the center line of-Die survey as made by tho Department of 'High ways for the State of Ohio, the elevation of said edgo of pavement being an elevation of 1025.27 feet above sea level datum ; thence with tho southerly edgo of said pavement north easterly 33 feet plus or minus to a point whose elevation- is 1025.34 feet above sea level datum, said point being southerly and at right angles to station 9 plus 78 in the center line of the afore mentioned survey, SECTION No. 4 Further beginning at the southerly edge of tho pavement'southerly 21,GO feet from and at right angles to station 9 plus 78 in tho center lino Of tho survey as made by the Depart ment of Highways Tor the State or Ohio the clovution <it said edge of pavement being 1025.40 feet above sea lovel datum; thence northeasterly with the edge of the pavement as hereinafter described as follows: 22 feet .to a point whoso elevation is 1025.50 feet above sea level datura; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1026.38 feet above sea level datum; theuee 25 feet to a point whoso eleva tion Is 1027.70 foot abovo sea level datum; .thence with the pavement edge 11.1 feet to a point whose elevation is 1028.09 above sea level datum said point being southerly from and at right angles to station110 plus 86.1; thence 13.90 feet to a point whose elevation is 1028.25 feet above sea lovol datum; thence 25 feet to a point whose elevation is 1028.75 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point whoso elevation Is 1029.37 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point whoso elevation Is 1029.92 feet abovo sea level datum; thence 25 feet to a point southerly from •and at right angles to station IS phis 00 In tho center line of the afore mentioned surrey the elevation of said point being 1030.52 feet above sea level datum; theuee 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.08 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whoso elevation is 1031.65 feet above sea. level datum; said point being southerly from and at right angles to Btutlon 13 plus 00 in the center line of the afore mentioned survey; thonco 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1032.10 feet above, sea level datum; thence northeasterly GOfeet to a point whoso elevation Is 1032,41 fbot abovo sea level datum said point oelng southerly and at right angles to station 14 plus 00 In the center line of the afore men tioned survey; thence 100 feet to a point whose elevation is 1032.81 foot abovo soa level diitum said point being southerly and at right angles to station 15 plus 00; thence 100 feet to a point whose elevation is 1033.39 feet above - sea levol datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose oleva'tlon Is 1033.64 feet above sea level datum; theuee 50 feet to a point whose eleva tion ,1s 1033.73 feet above sea levol- idatum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1033.49 feet abovo sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1033.17 foot above sea level datum, said point being south erly and at right' angles to Btatlon 18 plus .00 in the center line of the afore mentioned usr- • vcy; thence 50 feet to a point whoso eleva tion is 1032.97 feet above soa lovel datum; thcnco 50 foot to a point whobo elevation is 1032.48 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 foot to a point whoso elevation is 1032.07 above sea level datum; thcnco 50 fcot to a point whose elevation Is 1031.97 feet abovo sea lovel datum, said point being -southerly and at right to station 20 plus 00 In the center line of the afore mentioned survey; thence 60 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.69 feet above sea level, said point being [southerly and at right angles to station 21 plus 00; thence 50 feet to a point whoso elevation is 1031.83 feet above soa level datum; thence 50 feel to a point whose elevation Is 1032.03 above Sea level datum; thenco 00 feot to a point whose eleva tion is 1032.11 feet above sea level datum; thence 28.80 feet to a point whose elevation-is 1032.23 feet abovo sea level datum; thence 24.20 fcot to a point whose elevation is 1032.17 feet above sea lovel datum; said point being southerly and at right angles to station 23 plus 00 In the center line of tho afore mentioned survey; thenco 50 feet to a point whose eleva tion is 1032.00 feet above sea level datum; thcnco 20 foot plus or minus to a point whoso elevation Is 1032.13 feet above sea level datum, naid point being at the radius return on Xenia Avenue at tho southwest comer of tho inter section with Main Street. SECTION No. 5 Further beginning at the northerly edgo of the pavement northerly 19.11 feet from and at right angles to station 0 plus 78 In the center line of tho survey as made by tho Department of Highways for the Stato of Ohio, tho eleva tion of said edge of pavement being 1025.25 feot above sea level datum; thcnco northeast erly with tho northerly edge of tho pavement as hereinafter described as follows: 22 fcot to a point wlio3o elevation Is 1025.32 feet abovo sea level datum; thonco 50 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1020.00 abovo son levol datumj thcnco 25 foot to a point whoso eleva tion Is 1027.50 feet above sea, level datum; thcnco 11.1 foot to a point whoso elevation Is 1027.85 feet abovo soa level datum; thence 13.9 feet to a point whoso elevation Is 1028.32 feet above h lovel datum; said point being iiYfrihcrly and at right angles to station 11 plus 00 In tho center lino of tho afore mentioned survey; thcnco 25 foot to a point whoso clova- tlnn Is 1029.25 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 fcot to a point whose elevation Is 1030.20 feel abovo sea lovel datum; thenco 25 feet to a point whoso elevation Is 1080.69 feet above net level datum; thenco 25 foot to a in.Ini whoso elevation Is 1031.17 feet abovo sea level' datum; said point being north- by and at right angles to station 12 plus 00 in tho center line of the afore mentioned sur vey; thcnco 50 feet to a point whoso dera tion Is 1081.7$ feet above sea level datum; thcnco 50 feet to a point whose elovatlpn Is 1032.17 feet abovo sea level datum; thcnco 50 feet to n point whoso elevation Is 1032.61 feet above cc-a level datum; thenco 50 feet to n point whose elevation La 1033.00 feot abovo sea level datum; said point being northerly and at right anghh to station 14 plus 00 In tho center lino of the afore mentioned survey; thence lj0 feet to a point whoso elevation la 1033.24 feet above sea level datum; thonco 50 feet to a point w I iojo elovatlon In 1033,57 foot above sea level ilatm.-i; thepco 50 feet to a point whone elevation. Is 1033.66 feel abovo soa level datum; tlienco 50 feet to a point whose eteva lion is 1033.49 feet abovo sea level datum n.-tld point being northly and at right angles to station 1C plus 00 In the center line of the aforo mentioned survey; thenco 50 feet to a point whoso elevation to 1033,18 feet above sea level datum; thenco BO feet to a point whose elevation la 1032.98 feet ih in sea level datum; thence $0 feet to a point wlwee elevation Is 1032.58 feet above sc» level datum; thenco fit feet to a paint whose elevation Is 1032.(3 feet above sea level datum; Mid point be)** north erly and. at right angles to station HI plus 00 In hoe >-f the ofwe sur- ,-ej; theme 50 feet to a point whose eleva tion l- l'V-12 27 f i t cia J..-1 I'.iiuui. au feet to a point whilst? elevation Is 1031.78 feet abovo sen level datum: ‘ htnro fw t to & point whose elevation is feet gbtivo aea level datum; tfcieweo 50 feet to paying investment. poiut whoso derailon Is 1030.08 feet ahovo wa | level datum: uald point helUw ttorlhwly awd | ;Ej;t angles Hi station £0 plus 00 in the renter I luu ef the aforo mentioned survey. thence vatten is 1031-01 r); 1uu nfty reel to a point whose feet above sea -level datum. thence al) feel to a point whose elevation la 1031.22 feet above eea ierel datum; thcnco 50 feel to a point whoso elevation is 1031.89 feet above sea lovel datum; thenco 50 feet to a pplut whose elevation Is 1031.63 feet above sea level datum; theuee 50 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.71 feet above sea level datum; thence 25 8 feet to a point whose elevation is 1031.87 feet abovo sea level datum; thence 24.2 feel tu « point whoso elevation Is 1031.70 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whoso elevation la 1031.53 feet abo o sea lovel datum; thence 36 feet plus or minus to a point at tho radius roturn on Xenia Street at ilm north west corner of the Intersection, of Xeuiu Street anil Main Street, whose elovatlon is 1631.32 -feet abovo sea level datum. All of the foregoing elevations uru In accord ance with tliu Flans of Improvement as made by the Department of Highways for the Statu of Ohio and dated January 1934. Fanned tills 15th day of January, 1934. KENNETH L. LITTLE, Mayor of the Vlllago of Ccdarvllle, Ohio. Attest: JOHN G. MeCORKELL, Clerk of thu Village of Cedarvllle, Ohio. ere are thirty million young activities. We will ADVANCE; NOT Good smooth light sows sold up ....................................... is in the schools. We hope to RETREAT.” ?2.80. Most o f a heavy run o f calves ‘ | * a p i t \ £ :he educational systems o f the — ------------— - sold from $6.20 to $6.40, with a de- 1 A . 1 A l i V j XW.» I mand much greater than the supply. Top steers and heifers sold at $0,00 and $0-10. Lambs sold higher than previously, several head beginning GRADE ORDINANCE NO- 480 TO ESTABLISH THE GRADE OF THE CENTER LINE AND EDGE OF PAVEMENT OF CH1LLICOTHE STREET FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF ALAIN STREET TO THE EASTERLY CORPORATION LINE OF CEDAR- VILLE, OHIO. SECTION No. I Bo It ordained by tho Village Council of the Village of Cedarvllle, State of Ohio, that the grade of the center line and edgo of pave ment or Chilllcotho Street from tho east prop erty line or Main Street to the easterly cor- miration Hue be and the same is hereby established, as follows:— SECTION I-(a).. . Beginning" a t. the northerly edge of pave ment on Chilllcotho Street and the east prop, erly line of Main Street and rumilng north easterly with tho northerly edge of the pave ment us hereinafter described us follows, the elevation of said beginning point being 1049.ll > feet above sea level datum; thence.92 feet to I a point whose elevation Is 1030.11 feet abo. c i sea level datum; said point being northerly ami I at right angles to station 33 plus 00 in tlu ; center lino of the survey as made by the ; Department of Highways for the State of Ohio: { thence 22.8 feet to a point whose elevation .- i 1030.03' feet abovo sea level datum; then c [ 27.2 feet to a point whose elevation Is lOJW.i.i j feet abovo Sea level datum; thence 50 feel to ;• a point whoso.elevation Is 1048,55 feet above j sea -level datum; theuee 30 feet to a point i whose elevation is 1016.88 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a point whoso elm lion Is 1043,19 feet above sea levol datum. I said point being northerly and at right angle., J to station 35 plus 00 in the center line <1 tho afore mentioned survey; thence 5(1 feet n. a point-whoso elevation Is 1043.84 feet above sea level datum; thence 50 feet to' a point whose elevation is 1012.59 feet above »ca lev.I datum, said point being northerly and at riel- angles to station 36 plus 00 11. the center Hi .* of the aforo mentioned survey as made by tn ’ Department of Highways for the State of Ohio. SECTION. i-(b) Beginning at the southerly, edge of t|ie pave ment on Chilllcothe Street and the east pio , erty line of Main Street -and running north easterly with the southerly edge of the pnvc, nicnt as hereinafter described as follows: t..- elevation of said beginning point being 1040.2. feet above sea level (latum; thence 02 fee] u a point whose elevation Is 1049.5.0 foot'abov, sea level datum, said point being' southerly mm at right angles tn .station133 plus 00 in lit center line of tho survey as made by partment of Highways for the State of Ohio, thence 22.8 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1049.25 feet above sea level datum; thence 27.2 feet to a point whose elevation Is 1048.95 feet above sea level datum; thcnco 00 jfect, u a point whose elevation Is 1047.79 feet nlmv sea level datum; thence 50 feet to a potn whose elevation Is 1040.43 feet above sea Ieve datum; thence 50 feot to a point whose elevn ■ tion Is 1045.19 feet above sea level datum, s.i'u point being southerly and at right angles .< station 35 plus 00 In the uentcr line of the aforo mentioned survey; thence 50 feet to it point whose elevation Is 1043.82 feot above s- lovel daHim; thcnco 50 feet to a point vyhou elevation is 1042,59 feet above sen level datum said point being southerly and at right angle.- to station 36 plus 00 In the center line i.t Hie' afore mentioned surrey as made by th Department of Highways for. tho State of tihl» SECTION l-(c) Beginning at a point In thu center line r Chilllcotho Street ns surveyed by the Depu I meat of Highways for the Statu of Ohio, said being station 36 plus 00 of said surrey am> whose elevation Is 1012.91 feet above sen level datum; tlicncu running with the center of sal, ChlUlcothe Street with -a minus grade of UMF, to station 38 plus 00 whoso elevation ' I 1039.02 feet above sea level datum; tlicuc. running with the center of sijld Clillllcotli Street with a plus grade of 2.SS% to statlm, 41 plus 20 whose elevation Is 1049,24 fe. abovo sea level (latum; (the above mentlonce grades of minus 1.96 % •mid phut grade of 2.88% ate subtended by a parbollc curve 20, feet in length whose middle ordinate Is a pic: 1.21 feet).; thence from station 41 plus 20 a plus grade of 0.045% to station 43 plus 29.35 the east corporation, lino o f the VUlngo n; Cedarvllle whose elevation Is 1049.21 aliov sea level datum. Further the abovo plus grade, of 2.88% and plus grade of 0.645% Is sub tended by parbollc curve whose middle ordinate Is a minus of 0.56 feet and the curvo Is 200 feet In length. Further all of the foregoing elevations are In accordance with the Plans' of Improvement ns made by the Department of Highways for tho State of Ohio and Dated January, 1934. Passed this 15th day of January, 1934. KENNTH L, LITTLE, Mayor of the Vtlage of Cedarvllle, Ohio. Attest: JOHN G. AtcCORKELL, Clerk of the Village of Cedarvllle, Ohio. countenance. Lambs-, Tops ___________ 8.10 j New wallpaper will be greatly a i* T u m n p r a n r p TSJnfrOti wiil maSnify a<llllt us wel1 as “ VVo are confrontedwith conditions. Lambs, M ed ium ................5.00 @ 7.00 jvaneed in price, (let in on clean-up ** * eilipcLHiiWC xxLi v,a •« sc)100ieducation in the findings o f These must be dealt with as they Culls ____________ ________ 5.00 down -sale now. Then see us. Sponsored by Cedarville W, C. T. U, science andmedicine relating to the exist. No just cause canafford to With a strongmarket here today, j McFarland Bros. ■ ' . ■ habit forming poisonous nature o f the sleep on its rights. Certainly the W. hogs brought a top price o f $3.65, or j __ 1 ................. .. r T’- . ' **■"*"*"*"”* "*"*"*"*"*”* Idrug alcohol. G. T. U. will enlarge, not lessen its 20 cents above our expected market, j “ What Is the W. C. T. V. Going “ There to Do Now? citizens Many people have asked that ques- |u.ip the tion; here is the authoritative answer country in their observance o f th e , REPORT OF SALE from the newly elected president o f Jaws requiring the instruction in th e , Monday, January 22, 1931 the National -W.C.T.U., Mrs. Ida B, nature and effect of alcohol and other! Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. Wise Smith, who has a very definite narcotics upon the human system. <HOGS—Receipts 787 head program in mind: “ We will extend our religious a c t-,190-210. lbs. ..................... 3.60 @ 3.65 558.10. “ This is a fight for a clear brain in ivities so that Christian people may 210-250 l b s . i.________ 3,50 @ 3.55 ! ---------------------— an unsettled age,” she says, “ and one realize their particular responsibility '250-300 lbs.......... ..........„__3.20 @ 3.40 BIDS FOR BANK DEPOSITS of the things the W.C.T.U. will do is to rid the world of an evil which keeps ’300 u p ______________ 3.00 @ 3.30 Bids will be received at the office of to try to lead in the creation o f a men from the kingdom o f heaven.'170-190 l b s , .................___3.40 @ 3.55 the Township Clerk until 12 M„ Mon conscience and- an intelligent under Contacts with missionary societies 150-170 lbs.......... _...........3 .0 0 @ 3.25 day January 29th, 1934 as depository standing for total abstinence. There will be strengthened as a part o f this 130-150 lbs. _____________ 2.50 @ 3.00 Ifor funds o f Cedarville Township for is a real value to a drinkless regime, work. 130 down .................. 2.00 @ 2.75(a term o f two years. Bids must con- "We would lige to impress society “ There is great need for citizens Feeding shotes _________ 2,00 @ 3.00 -'form to the state law governing same, leaders with the deep wrong they do generally to recognize their individual Smooth Lt. S ow s _______2.600 @ 2.80!and the Township Trustees reserves when they put liquors before young responsibility for the nomination ami Heavy l t s o w s __________ 2,00 @ 2.40 1 the right to reject any or all bids. people or those who may not have election of citizens who themselves .Thin lt s ow s ____________ 1.50 @ 2.00 i By order o f Township Trustees, the strength to resist. There ought obey the law and who wiilperform Stags __ 150 down Cedarville, 0 „ to be a high premium in society on their duty as sworn for itsenforce- VEAL CALVES—Receipts 62 head I A. R. McFARLAND, brains that are not stimulated by al- meot. This is a representative democ- Tops ___________ _______ ..0.45 * Township Clerk, cohol. This country should reach the racy. Law and order is not a matter Medium ____„,_„4.5Q @ 5,50' --------—— -----:— point where amusements do not de- of partisan politics, Culls *___ __3.00 down NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT bauch the physical and mental nature. “ The program of the W. C. T. U. .CATTLE—Receipts 65 head j Estate o f William H, Arthur, “We are initiating a survey o f the has always included all lines o f Home .Top S te e rs _____________ 4,75 @ 5,10 Deceased. social cost of drink; this will relate to Protection—not merely the fight a- Medium S te e r s ________ __3.75 @ 4.50! Notice is hereby given thatHoward the cost of the drink habit and drink gain liquor. In the changing social Feeders _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.75 @ 4.00 Arthur has been duly appointed as traffic on Home conditions, taxation, order there! is a new obligation to Choice Heifers ___ 5.00 Administrator o f the estate o f Wil- crimef in both cost and social effects emphasize these additional aids to Medium H e ife r s _______ _3.00 @ 4,00 ^am H. Arthur, deceased^ late of and in all other phases of community better social conditions. Fat Cows ____________: „ ’_2.25 @ 2.75 Cedarville Township, Greene County, | Physician and Surgeon j I f | Day and Night; Phone 99 | IOffice—S. Main Street, l. O. O. F. | 5 S | Building, Cedarville, Ohio | i . . . * | Will Open Monday, Jan, 22, 1934 | ------- 1.00 @ 2.00 Ohio. life; If a town gets a thousand dol- “ As to liquor, the age old truths Canners ______ lars from saloon licenses and pays out of science and particularly the newer Bulls _______ ‘ _____ ___■..2.50 @ 3,00 Dated this 15th day of January, | ten thousand dollars in charity for discoveries prove that the W. C. T. U. Milk Cows _________ __15.00 @ 30.00 1934. poverty caused by drink—that ought Total Abstinence position is the only SHEEP—Receipts 88 head - S. C. WRIGHT, to show that taxing liquor is not a one the evolution of civilization can Breeding E w e s ______ ___ 5.00 @ 7.00, Judge of the' Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. I NOTICE I | To Stockholders of | | The Cedarville Building \ | & Loan Association | | Please deliver all pass books o f this | | Association to the office on or be-1 | fore February 1, 1934 for balance \ I and audit. ^ § J. C. DAVIS, Sec’y. (IIIMIIIIIIIItllltlllllllllilMlIlillllilMllilllillimttlllllMlIililllliMii ORDINANCE NO, 181 Giving the Consent o f the Village to the Improvement o f Xenia and Chilli- cothe Street, tJnder the Supervision of the Director of Highways WHEREAS, Tho Director of HlRhvvnyS is consIdorliiR tho matter of tho Improvement under Ills supervision of tho public highway known rts Stale nighwny No. 6. and WHEREAS, Xenia and Chlllleotho Slrootn within this VIlInKO Ilea In whole or part along the line of said Slate Highway, said afreets, or section of .street being more particularly described as follows: Beginning nl the South Corporation lino of t'cdn;vllle, thence- In a northerly direction on Xenia Street, to the Intersection of Alain Street, thenco beginning at Ilia Intersection of .Main Street and t'hllll- cotbe Street, over and along ('htlllcotlu- Street, to tho North Corporation line of Cedarvllle, In all a distance of 0.60 miles. WHEREAS, It Is proposed to extend said high way Improvement through this village and along tho aforesaid streets,' NOW THEREFORE. Be It Ordained, by the Council of (he Village, of Cedarvllle, Slate of Ohio : SECTION I : That It Is declared to In In Iho public interest that the consent of said village he, and such consent Is hereby given, that said Xenia and ChlUlcothe Street, or so imieh thc-cof as Is ahmo tlc.’.erlhed lying along (he line of said Highway No. A taay he im proved under (ho supervision of the Director of Highways. SECTION 2: That tho Clerk he, and lie Is hereby, directed to furnish to the Director of Highways and III the Board of County ( uiii- nilsslnners of (iipetie County, Ohio, a certified copy tit Hits Ordinance Immediately upon the laklng effect thereof. SECTION 3: That tills Ordinance shall lake effect and ho In force from am) after Hie earliest period allowed by law. Paused: January Hull, 1934. KENNETH L, LITTLE, Mayor of the Vlllago of Cedarvllle, Ohio Attest; JOHN O. McCORKELL, CUrk of the VHUgo of Cedarvllle, Ohio, FV*-* *!s tfj-t.d*.- Knee -AcHon W hee ls Longer wheelbase • , • x •• r$ . Bigger Fishf r Bodies (4 inches ni6re room) 55 t \ 80 miles dn hour ■Sj v Faster acceleration 12^ greater economy at touring speeds « ' Increased smoothness and quietness v v v , v I . v . a . y . : all-weather brakes Smart new styling Typically low Chevrolet prices It’s here now, for the first time: the car that all America has been standing by to see and drive —Chevroletfo r 1934! And if you aren't among the first to attend the gala introductory showing* you’re going to miss one o f the biggest, most exciting events o f the whole motor car year. There never has been a new Chevrolet model with so many basic and sweeping advances as this one* Its different —totally unlike anything you’ve seen or anything you will see in motor cars for 19341 CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, DivitUmojGeneral Motors CUMMINGS CHEVROLET AGENCY Cedarville, Ohio and youfll never be satisfied with an y other low-priced car n s g s ^ s ^ is is m s js ^ 0 The] merj y o u | FI] COL! convent] o f the been th i sands and es)| the enc Witt event fl ists of ] hand; once ml . Newspa week, oi- lateii the stal] unabatc About] to conyl beginnif day o f j branche activititj many prograr State turitl Sd ganizat| ranged Future I •' The daily al ers will lick Fel posed n o f disci Sandusl side ov newspa Norwo paper Ashtabi dent of Granvil News-I Ohio rect th Many and sp bus, F nual.O be held Conser clubs, groups well a. servin Conser evenin Counci ning, o f the be hel meetin Leagui Feb. 2 Counci A. F, the Oh .The Childrt fare ( Monda Wallic of the ticabil federa progre sions, bettor dren. Federi cate o eveniii tion iij after Enc fundsl civil Smitll Aerorj towat] a lar cities! the n| has the s| explo ities | gram to landil land j beenf ing. towa i«8 vord illitj cor and | pfis thaij is si SUMS
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