The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26

CSBAJtYXU* RiatAUD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1933 LEGALNOTICE Notic* i» barely give* that I. 3. Fulton, SwparmteRdant of Bank* of Mia State « f 09aie» in charge of the IpiifiWnn o f The Exchange Bank, fhfrrrills. Ohio, haa filed in the Court ai t%m*noa. Pi*** o f Greene County, Ohio, an application asking for au­ thority to compromise claim against A. W. Reed and Lottie G, Reed, All partiea interested will take notice that said application will come cm fo r hearing before aaid Court on the 18th Day o f December, A, D., 1933 at 9 o’cldck A. M. or as soon there­ after aa the aame may be heard, I, J. PULTON, Superintendent o f Banka in charge of the liquidation of The Exchange Bank, Cedarville, Ohio. SHERIFF’S SALE o f said pike corner to aaid Hanna; I1NT1FR EXECUTION thettcd with Use line gi aaid Harm* N. ; * " B,n‘ *. ' R . of 43 degrees 15 minutes E. 71.00 poles The Farmers A T a e to a stone, comer to W ». Conley in Jamestown Ohio vs. ^srgarette Watt ^ ^ ^ ^ H>umt. ^ Coiado” ,_e} 20197* degree* 45 minute‘ w- 62-M Pole* to ' a stone corner to Conley; thence N, St,Q,10,j 9 degrees 31 minutes W. 1M.64 *n pumuauK. - *“ ’“ “ * lfe* T poles to a stone, comer to aaid Conley, from the Common Pleas G° urt' W1^ in the South line o f Hugh McMillan; ♦"nS® 9 tta O ctoW thence S. 80 degrees 51 minutes W State o f 10.56 poles to a stone corner-te aaid term thereof,, A. D., 1933, a" d *°p J McMillan and Margaret Murdock; directed, I will / t h e thence S, 77 degrees 12 .minutes W. lie Auction at the West door of the / , , . .. .. I Court House, in the City of Xenia, on P°le* * » etone ™ hne of v 1 ' said Murdock, corner to Whitelaw mon Pleas Court. Case Order of Sale 20197. In pursuance of an order RWSENT-STATK ja gripping, thrilling drama that THKAT1U8- SPRINGFIELD covers a span of some seventy-five ».{years in the history and development BfftWttfftl Jean Crawford, co-star- ‘o f America, red with Clark Gable, is scheduled to j “My Weakness," starring Lillian appear on the screen at the Regent:Harvey and Lew Ayres, opens a three- Theater, Sprhtgfield, for aweek start- day run at the State on December 18. ing Saturday in her newest and what j • -----------------—— • is aaid to be her most smashing screen 'FARM WOMEN GEAR A HEAVIER WORK LOAD Many farm families which in the past were accustomed to produce a- bout, half of their own food, have advanced this proportion to 75 to 90 Saturday, December lpth, 1933 at 10 o’clock A. M„ o f said Day, the following described Real Estate, ,to- wit: TRACT No. 1. Situated in the County of Greene, in the State of Reid; thence S. 7 degrees 12 minutes E. 101.76 poles to a stone, corner to said Reid; thence S. 74 degrees W. 20,80 to the place of beginning, con­ taining One-Hundred and Six and Ninety-three hundredths (106.93)' SHERIFFS SALE ORDER OF SALE The State of Ohio, ex reh, I. J. Fulton, Supt. of Banks in charge of liquidation of The Exchange Bank o f Cedarville, Ohio va. Howard Hollo­ way, et al., Greene County Common Plena Court. Case No. 20147. Order o f SMe 20147. In pursuance of an order issued from the Common Pleas Court, with­ in and for the County o f Greene, and State o f Ohio, made at the .October term thereof, A . R , 1933, and to me directed, I will-offer for sale at Public Auction at the West door of the Court House,-in the City o f Xenia, on Saturday, December 16tli, 1933 at 10 o’clock A. M., of said Day, the following described Real Estate, to- wit: »% ji .Situate in the Counties of Clark and Greene in the State of Ohio, and i^i the Townships of Cedarville and Green; and bounded and described as follows, viz: Being part o f Military - Survey No. 1352 in.the name of Hugh Woodson, on the waters o f Massies Creek; beginning at a stake in the line o f a lot o f land now owned by Milton Jefferson; thence with said line S. 35 degrees Eb 23.76 poles to a stake, comer to said lot; thence S. 51 de­ grees E. 19 poles to a stake, also comer to said lot; and comer to Robert .Hatton; thence with said Hat­ ton’s line S. 35 degrees E. 185,65 poles to a stake, comer to M. Dugdale’s; thence with said Dugdale’s line S. 55 ■degrees W. 86.30 poles to a stone in > said Dugdale’s line, comer to'Jona- * than Smith; thence N. 40*degrees W. -■83.25’-poles to .a stone, comer to said ‘ .. Smith; thence S. 50 degrees W. 12 poles to a stone; thence N. 40 degrees W.rl05j50 poles to a stone in the . ...Cedarville-Road; thenc e with said » Road N. 43 degrees E. 99% poles to .. the place o f beginning, containing i 125.25: acres. Also the following described real t" ■ Situate, -in ihe Counties of Greene * and Clark and State of Ohio, and in >' the Township ■ of- Cedarville in; Greene j County and in the-Townahip o f Green in Clark County, and being part of $ Survey N6:-1352, beginning at a post in Wilson’s line and the S. E. comer to L. Holloway’s line S. 59% degrees W. 86. 44 rods to a post comer to : Holloway’s and Harriet Lamb; thenc >■with Lamb’s line S.: 31% degrees E. > 82.84 rods to a- stake in the N. line o f the Xenia and Columbus Railroad thence with the N. line of said rail- t road N. 54% degrees E. 8484 rods to - a stake in said line and corner to Wil­ son’s; thence with his line N. 80% de > grass W. 75.64 rods'to the beginning .containing forty-five (42) acres, there i ..being in both of the above described ’ tracts one hundred sixty-seven and - twenty-five hundredths (167.25) acres o f land,-13477: acres being in Greene .County, Ohio, and 32.48 acres in Clark . county, Ohio. It appearing that said premises are Situate partly fu Greene-county and partly in Clark county, it is ordered that the Sheriff o f Greene county, Ohio, sell all of said property. And it is further ordered that said Sheriff may select appraisers from either County and' that one set of ap­ praisers appraise all the premises; that the portion of said premises which Is situate in Clark county, be appraised and offered fo r sale as « separate tract, and that the tindivid ed one-half interest of each of the defendants; Howard Holloway and Ida Holloway, in that portion o f the premises which is situate in Greene County, be appraised and offered for sala separately; that all o f said, pre­ mises be then offered for sale as a whole, and that publication o f the sale he made in Greene County, only This farm is located on What is known as The Henry Kyle road, five miles east o f Cedarville, Ohio, and one one and one half miles west of Courtsvilla on the Selma and Spring field pike. Said premises has been appraised at 184.77 acres located in Greene county, appraised at $46.00 an acre 89.48 acres located in Clark county, Appraised at $30.00 an acre. 167415 acres located in Greene, and Clark counties, appraised at $46.00 and acre. and can not sell for less than two thirds o f the appraisement, TERMS OF SALE; CASH. JOHN BAUGHN Sheriff of Greene County, Ohio Mareus Shoup and C. L. Darlington, Attorneys. Ohio, and in the Township o f Cedar- ,^ crea 0f iandj j,e ^ the same more or ville, and bounded and described as jegg follows: Being part o f Military Sur- ". . , , Being the same premises described In the deed of Ira O. Harper, since, to vey No. 4561, in the name of Francis Dale; Beginning at a stake as rep­ resented in plat of said lands of A. comer to Horatio Gates’ Survey No. 1560 and northeasterly corner to Stephens F. Mason’s Survey No. 2267, |R, C. Watt, recorded in VoL 109, page 304, Greene County Deed Records. TRACT No. 6. Situate in the County of Greene, State o f Ohio, and and Southerly comer to Wm. White’s;™ the Village of Cedarville, arid Survey No. 4367, comer also to the bounded^and described as follows dower lot of Martha Reid; thence with the line of White’s Survey No, 4367, and west line of said Dower Lot No. 42 degrees E. 59.50 poles to the mid-' bit, ^Dancing Lady." In this picture she is said to be the Jpan Crawford o f that great success, “Dancing Daughters’* — the Joan Crawford who sings, dances and ex­ cites. Besides Gable, others in the cast includeFranchot Tone, Ted Healy per cent. and his rough-neck ^stooges,” Grant So declares Miss Theima Bea)l,1 Mitchell, Winnie Lightner and Fred specialist in home management for Astaire, internationally famous the Ohio State University. Miss dancer. Beall calls attention to the extent of And for those who like their drama 'the live-at-home measures adopted on strong and straight from the should- Ohio farms in recent years. Much of er, the State theater in Springfield the extra labor entailed in such a Will offer, for four days starting iprogram has been borne, “ as usual,” Saturday, Patti Muni in “ The World jby the farm wife, she says. Changes." The sensational star of j Under a continued necessity for *‘I Am:A Fugitive," plays the role of {holding down cash expenses, that 8 hardy pioneer who, with his owndebts, taxes, interest and other hands builds .up a fortune only to 'charges might be met, the farm wo- suffer the bitter disappointment of man’s load has become greater than seeing hie family turn their backs on for many years past, notwithstanding everything for which he stands. It is'the ready assistance she has received' from older boys and girls and the men of the family* ? A marked increase in output o f the farm* garden is noted by Miss Beall. Food has boon preserved by canning, drying, and brining, and by storage in cellars and pits. Home slaughter of animate has increased. And many families have returned to the making o f soap and other cleaning supplies. Individual live-at-home activities have not been confined to provision of food, fuel and soap, the borne man­ agement specialist finds. Comforters and rugs, manufactured in some cases from home-produced wool are to Ml ,found in many homes, and much clothing either has been made or remodelled at home. Weikert & Gordon AUCTIONEERS For Dates Call Joe Gordon, Cedarville, 1. GREEN BROS. 18 Center Street, Xenia, O. Phone 1210 Young Geese, Ducks, Turkeys and Poultry of all kinds. We pay top and are always buying. | REGENT I SPRINGFIELD I z : 1 Joan Crawford and Clark Gable in | i “Dancing Lady” f | STATE | | Week Beginning Sat., Dec, 9 | j 4 Days Beginning Sat., Dec, 9 | | Paul Muni in ' | | “ The-World Changes” 1 | Dfc. IS, 14, 15, “My Weakness" I ............... ........ nun............................... . Being all of Lots 1, 2, and 3 as the same were surveyed and are laid down and are rec rded in S. K. Mitchell’s Addition to Cedarville, said three lots as die of the Cedarville and Jamestown are bounded generally follows Turnpike Road D, corner to said dow- {Northerly by lot No. 4, former er lot and Southwest corner to Wm. Reid’s 80 acre lot; thence with the middle of said Turnpike Road S. 74 degrees E. 101.25 poles to a stone; thence with said Turnpike Road S. 28 degrees 3 minutes E. 29.06 poles to a ly owned by Frank Jenkins, now William Clemans; Easterly by the center line o f Limestone, or South Main Street, so called; Southerly by the residence property o f S. K. Mitchell, now owned by Andrews stone corner to Henry Owens, also jBrothers; Westerly by the center line comer to the heirs of John Hemphill; a ten (10) foot alley as the same thence with the line of said heirs S .!% laid down op the said recorded plat 42 degrees 30 minutes W. 87.76 poles [aforesaid. Said lot No. 1 includes the to a stone, I, Walnut, two hickorys1private alley formely used by -the and elm in the line of said Gates' Survey No. 1560; thence with the line of said Gates’ Survey No. 43 degrees, 15 minutes W. 118 poles to the place said S. A. Mitchell as an. entrance driveway to said residence property aforesaid. Excepting from Lot No. 1 so much of beginning, containing 65.07 Acres thereof as was conveyed by said of land. Being the same premises de -!Mechling and wife to W. L. Clemans scribed in the deed of James Harvey {and George H, Smith by deed o f July McMillan, et al. to Robert C. Watt, |27th, 1910, and recorded in Vol. 107, recorded in Vol. 89, page 390, Greenespage 310 of the deed records o f said County. {County, which exception is bounded TRACT No. 2* -Situated in this [and described as follows: Beginning County of Greene in the State of Ohio,!at the North line of S. K. Mitchell, in the Township of. Cedarville, and mow Andrews Brothers, also South bounded and described as follows: of Cedarville corporation running with the West side of S. Main Street in a Northerly direction 50 feet; thence in a Westerly direction and on parallel iine with the South line of an alley running Easterly and West­ erly direction 154 feet to an alley; thence with said alley ip a Northerly direction 50 feet to said corporation Being part of Military Survey on the waters o f Masses Creek entered in the name of Horatio Gates, No. 1560. Beginning at a walnut and two elms (the elms gone), North comer to said Gates’ said Survey, and running thence S. 45 degrees E. 58.2 poles to a stake, small walnut and small white oak; thence S. 46 degrees W. I l l poles line; thence with said corporation line •to a walnut and hickory and sassa- 154 feet to the place-of beginning, fras; thence N. 46 degrees E. I l l containing 7700 square fee^arid being poles to the beginning, containing the same premises conveyed to said 40% Acres. Katharine G. Fitch by Thomas B. TRACT No. 3. Situated in the Mechline and Annahis wife by deed County of Greene, in State o f Ohio, o fA ate 1®12’ a" d te?2 and in the Township ’ of Cedarville, oYdedJ,n 110* P ^ O o f t h e aaid and being a part of Military Survey records of Greene e °w t y' 0h“ >; on the Waters of Massies Creek enter- Being the same premises described ed in the name o f Horatio Gates, No. ™ the deed o f Margaretta Watt Con- 1560. „ Beginning at a stone in the line of James Cooper and corner to Martha Kyle, running thence with said line N. 46 degrees, 30 minutes E. 78.5-10 poles to a stake; thence N. 43 degrees 30 minutes W. 2.04 poles to a stake; thence S. 46 degrees 30 minutes W. 78.5 poles to a stake; don and Walter A. Condon, her hus­ band and William R. Watt and Lottie S. Watt, his wife, to Robert C. Watt, recorded in Volume 118, page 352, Greene County Deed Records. Except the interest of said Lula B. Watt, -who is entitled to and seized of the use and. occupancy of said Tract thence S. 43 degrees 30 minutes E. No. 6, for and during her natural life. 2.04 poles to the place of beginning, time, or so long as she remains the Containing Ono Acre. widow o f R. C. Watt. Said William The foregoing Tracts 2 and 3 be- R- Watt and Margaretta Watt Con­ ing the same premises described in don,, their heirs and a lign s, are the deed of John Henry McMillan and charged with the payment of all taxes wife, to Robert C. Watt, recorded in a«d assessments annually, and to keep Vol. 89, page 389, Greene County Deed «P all repairs to the outside of the Records. buildings on said Tract No. 6, during TRACT No. 4. Situated in the ' the t8nar* of. the, Baid ^ as set forth m the contract tecorded in Vol, 151, page 277, Greene County Deed Records, Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, located on* State Route No. 72, 1 mile S. of Cedarville, Ohio. Tract No. 5, located on Yellow m County o f Greene and State of Ohio, Beginning at a stake set at the North­ westerly comer of said Martha J. Ervin in the line now R. Watt six (6) links Northeasterly from a black Walnut tree; thence as the compass now reads along the line of said R. [ Gift Headquarter* Brown’s Drugs Compact* from 25c to $1,60 Fsrfttmw 10* to $8,50 Bottle Wotk End Spsclal at Brown** Drugs Watt S. 50 degrees 30 minutes W. Springs Road, 2 27.95 chains to a comer post S. 41 ville, Ohio, degrees E. 14.67 chains to a stake set in the division line along same N. 50 degrees 30 minutes E. 27.95 chains to a stake set N. 41 degrees W, 14.67 chains to the place of beginning, con­ taining 41 acres o f land. Being the same promises described in the deed of S. S. Collett and wife to Robert C, Watt, recorded in Vol, 92, page 219 Greene County Deed Records. TRACT No. 5. Situate in the County o f Greene, in the State of Ohio, and in the Township o f Cedar- ville, and. bounded and described as follows: Being a part of Military Surrey No. 4119, Beginning at a stone in the Center of the Old Follis Mill Road, corner to Whitelaw Reid; thence with the center of said road S, 47 degrees E, 25.38 poles to a stone at the intersection o f said road with the Yellow* Springs and Cedarville Dike, comer to said Reid; thence S. 68 degrees 57 minutes E. 30.60 poles to a stone in the pike, corner to said Reid and in the line of Daniel Haley heirs; thence N. 44 degrees 33 minutes 3, 91-100 poles to a stone in the ^ 'forth ditch of said pike, comer to said! ilaley heirs; thence with the South! side of said pike S, 47 degrees 34 [ minutes E, 38.42 poles to a stake,; corner to said Haley heirs in the South edge o f said road and in the ine of G. C. Hanna; thence N. 45 degrees 46 minutes E. 1,10 poles to a stone in the center o f said pike corner to said Hanna; thence with said pik# S, 46 degraes 89 minutes E. 40.82 polss to a atone in th« canter miles W. of* Cedar- Tract No. 6, located on South Lime­ stone Street, in Cedarville,’ Ohio. Said premises has been appraised at Tracts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, appraised at $120.00 per acre. . Tract No. 5, appraised at $65.00 per acre. Tract No. 6, appraised at $800.00 and can not sell for lesy than two- thirds of the appraisement. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. JOHN BAUGHN Sheriff, of Greene County, Ohio. Miller & Finney, Attorneys. m» iimi min.Mi.i .. ........... iiiiii minmmmmmmtmtmmm For Sale or Rent—House on Wal­ nut street. Inquire at this office or of Misi Fannie McNeill. RAW FURS HIGHEST PRICES PAID DEALER LOTS BOUGHT Bennie Sparrow Elm Street Cedarville, O. ' ^ “BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS — FIGHT TUBE*CUM)SIB" ^ ! 1 " ” \ m The Smartest Gifts As Always, Come from stz :P*. Qifts He. Likes Best! I f H e W ere Choosing He*d P ick These Fine Mohawk Shirts ?iR VI* With the One-Year Guarantee! Finest Broadcloths. Fancy Stripes Plain and figu re s A lso Plain W h ite You hesitate to buy a shirt because' he’s so "persnlcklty?" Then, choose a Mohawk! They wonVshrink. They won’t fade. . They’re full cjit, roomy . . . tailored perfectly . . . with collars that fussy men like! Collars attached or two soft collars to match. White, plain colors and fancies. MEN’S STORE, Main Floor |- Pigskin Glove* $1.98 Made of the finest skins. One clasp and slipon styles In natural color. New Neckties 59c No “Christmas” patterns In this lot! All handmade, with wide ends and wool lining. New colors. SLIPS CHEMISE DANCETTES Flannel Robes $3.95 All wool plain colors with shawl collar. Red, blue, green and •brown, small, medium, and large sizes. Men’sPajamas $1.50 Plain and fancy broadcloth coat and slipon styles In* handsome fast color patterns. Zipper Jackets $4.95 Good, warm, all wool blue mel­ tons . . . 32 ounce cloth. Cos­ sack sjtyle, elastic bottom. It fust Isn*t Christmas Without Lovely erie Boys’ $11.95 Leather Coats Mackinaw Length $8.75 Made of best quality blac or brown horsehide wir warm wambatone colls • Boys like them best! Third Floor Girls’ New Winter Coats Plain or Furred $8.98 Girls like these coats be­ cause they have the new sleeve details and broader shoulders like big sister's. Sizes 8 to 14. Third Floor A beautiful lustrous quality, trimmed with rich laces. Slips are ta lored, also. She’ll be thrilled with tfiese lovely pieces In tea rose. SILK GOWNS, tailored and lace trimmed fitted styles In tea rose and blue. S g a a All ankle length . . . . CORDUROY LOUNGING PAJAMAS, one-piece l o n g - sleeve styles in beauti- £ o A D ful solid colors . . . . . . LINGERIE, Third Floor Scarfs Add Bright Tone Striking Colors $ 1 Handpalnted . . , dres: maker styles . . . bouclc They’ll make a bright cv welcome gift for Chrlsttr.: Main Floor Gloves Make Nice Gifts For A ll Ages Women’s fine Cham- a n oteuedes with plain . U J f £ or novelty cuffs. Children's wool- lined leather gloves With clasp Or strap. , MAIN FLOOR $1 Handmade Enameled Kerchiefs Toilet Sets Wonderful Selection! Three Piece* 19c $4.95 White linens with appllqued corners, hand embroidery, and mid rise kerchiefs with col­ ored patches, MAIN FLOOR Black, green, orchid, blue, or cream enamel with gleaming chrome trimming, (Others $2.95 Up to $12.60). MAIN FLOOR The Edward Wren Store Bill Folds With Initial or Name inGold $1 Name or initial stamped in gold free. Genuine Moroc­ co, pin seal, or calfskin. Two folds with card case and hidden pocket. MAXNFTttOR Springfield, Ohio T h e m merchi you abi FIFTYj ItaKtaMawwaum; lhe “ThriftyGift shopu on ihe Eowth Floor asapRa , t~iu: mi ••*» 'ifii)trY'i''J^'ii i l l!nsnrfitrl mill teUffMgifc i iMisrtiiifnrtitii i' 1 '* i i ...................................................... " COLUMBI purchase a / bodied in t$ by Governo advisory liqJ ceived an a| of the senat week. The, in its consic tion bill afl , both branch! Hosier, whof as a member gating comn| of the bill held daily to a vote jl as possible, f house adjou] .evening. Convening special sessil previous byf convention the 18th amj ijng only a after the rJ adopted Seci Myers sent to President ing Seeretail lips at Wasf called the c| er United' < erene acted United Stsl Bulkley waq convention, by Senator] the constil 1912 and la State Rl Jones of PI floor leader! • house last Jones of Ja come an Jones recei Represents Springfield New cor Secretary numbered 684* since | statement tions 37. ceiving lie 26, makin first of tl were surr the depar $17,256.14. I, 1933, wi her receip in the pa.| December [ by the Gij Inc., of Fo Paul A. i appointed. J. R, Claij librarian Noon wa.'il Ohio man| technical t acquaintan will lead the librarj the state graduate served asl His otherl assistant Square Ll ity; assi| Library, the resea: York Uni library is building i The na papermen their fiel places of ism I’ d lf ing: Sam| inent in ilton jou| of the later pos McLean, Lebanon, lnr, edit many ye Ohio Asa Railroad! S. J. county, Museuml torical ductions 1786-87; house 11 built in' ist Ch i Benjanij Run, ne feed ml Territoif cd by j| at Mt. both Je present painted at Mt. maintai " X <Mt J f . .