The Cedarvile Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 1-26
t The new things are advertised by merchants first, Advertisements keep you abreast of the times. Read them! Advertising is news, as modi as the headlines on the front page. Often it is of more significance to you. FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 12 .I j CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23,1934 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS ! COURT NEWS If Washington Returned Today ' DISMISS CASES ; The following cases, having been settled, have been ordered dismissed in Common Pleas Court: Gerhard •Rpkette vs. Clara Swartz; Vernon F. COLUMBUS. ~ Approximately 800 Coss vs, C, D. Barnard, cribs of com on Ohio farms have been: sealed that the owners .of the grain may take advantage of the new state ASK EQUITABLE RELIEF Suit for equitable relief has been farm warehouse act and the federal filed in Common Pleas Court by John Commodity Credit Corporation under T, Harbine, Jr., against Charles F. which farmers may borrow money. Holland, Edna F. Compton and Ralph These cribs represent loans already G. Compton. granted or applications made for j -------- ’ loans. The state law is being admin-; WANTS TITLE QUITED istered by Director of Agriculture i A friendly action to quiet the plain- "Earl H. Hanefield, who has appointed tiff title to three tracts of Jefferson a supervisory board of three members Twp. Real estate, containing 109 each and a sealer in the 59 “corn acres, has been filed in Common Fleas counties’* of the state as selected by Court by Ray Gerard against Dorothy the CCC. Loans are made on the and Herman Gerard, minors, and basis of a minimum value of 45 cents Robert Gerard. per bushel for the corn. The govern-! --------- ment’s object in setting up this plan] BRINGS TWO SUITS is to. reduce production of com and " The Peoples Building and Savings hogs, Loans will be made up to ]Co. is plaintiff in the following two March 1, mortgage foreclosure actions filed in . , ~ —~ , (Common Pleas Court, against Mary, This is what the state legislature Marcus, Alonzo, LilHan and Jerry did principally last week: !Walker, asking judgment for $563.83; Recessed until March 6 to permit against A. P. Neff, Lambert M. Neff, time for committees to work out a Anna v> Neff and E q Bees0ni seek_ permanent tax plan. Adopted two school relief bills to, go into effect immediately, one ap propriating $5,000,000 to aid weak! ing $2,395.95 judgment. FORECLOSURE ACTION The Federal Land Bank of Louis- school districts to July 1 and one per- vi]le jias brought a $7,233.02 mort- mitting school boards in state aid dis- gage foreclosure suit, involving Ross tricts to borrow money to pay back property, in Common Pleas salaries and bills. Court against the following defendr Appropriated $3,000,00 from state ants: George A. Little and Luetta F. funds to finance old-age pensions for Little, of j amestown route 4; Frank the last six months of 1934. M. Leese, 2821 E. Fifth street, Day- COLLEGE NEWS LOCALS DRAW SILVERCREK INTOURNEY Girls’ Hobby Fair MORIS TAYLOR March 9 and 10 k » . h DROPED DEAD Announcement of MavCh 9 and 10 Tha J-B - Ruffner, 118 W. McPherson as dates for the second annual Hobby j The legal-accountmg features of Dayton. B f ..'B earing and Fair Jor Kirls of Greene County, con-, the Ohio foreign corporation act is _ . the theme of an article appearing in 1 ie ae earinff* the current number of the Tax Magazine of Commerce Clearing On ducted under auspices of the Xenia. _____ Business and Professional Women’s DIVORCES GRANTED Club, was made today. The place her cross-petition ‘ charging wbere the exbibit witl be beld bas not House, a periodical of national eir- . ^ n n - yet been decided, culation. The author is Hugh 'A. fallure to pi'°vlde’ Elsie B‘ Gumm,ngs ™ - Sherer, formerly of Dayton, who is a thor is Hugh A. hag been‘ awarded R divoroe fro“m Plans for the fair were introduced member of the corporation advisor's Walter L. Cummings, in Common in count-v and cit5* sch6ols tbis weok Pleas Court. Custody of •a minor by club members. Exhibitors must be ataff in the office of Secretary of State child Was 'awarded ’to the defendant Sirls under 19 years of age. GeorgeS. Myers. The artade is a dis- and ^ ordered to pay $5 The fair ^ be conducted on • evasion of questions of mixed law and , . . .. . ■ accounting and is designed as an aid to lawyers and accountants who the WEDNESDAY [Births Reported | In January i Barbara Lucille Ferguson, RR, :Xenia; Harry Lee Graham, RR 12, Conference on Education** :Dayton; Walter Lee White, RR, ;Xenia; Jafnes Fernando Sanders, RR, IXenia; Nancy Ann Bennett, Port Wil- same plan as, last year, .divided into ; ugual hfeaith. Morris Taylor, 67, colored, farmer, ibam: Ronald Lee Miller, RR, Xenia; was found dead a t his home on the j,Gonrad Bari Roush, Dayton; Infant Columbus pike west .hit town Wednes- ]Rogers, Xenia; Evelyn Jane Williams, day afternoon. Mr. Taylor had beeniC®darvlile’‘, Geneyieve Reed, Cedar- seen last by a neighbor about nine ®’ Ruth Enda Mundy, Yellow ^ ___ _____ o'clock that mowing; He had su f-j?pnngsf Douglas Harper Claire, day to observe Washington’s birth- fered with heart attacks for some Jam^ 0WTn: Janet Christina Garring-‘day 0n February 22. Class Work, <time hut so fa r aB kpown was in his ®ri^RR,^ Jamestown; Eleanor Lucille was resumed Friday, the 23. Bell, Jamestown; Patricia Mae handi- On grounds of failure to provide, £ba following departments: , . . . Florence Bone obtained a divorce cra£t’ art work’ music’ poetry or com- specializem taxation work for foreign from EarJ B(jne • Cugtody of thrce position; x sewing, cooking, dolls, corporations operating m Ohio. m{jior cWidrert Was won by the de- natural history, collections and special ..eshibi^ which jnclud jeany type o f * ''exhibit made by ft handicapped girl. A century of continuous medical £endant‘ ^education in Ohio will b e ' celebrated by Ohio State University College of . , m Medicine March 1 ,2 and 3 with an ap- In the case of Kathryn Taylor, ad- E x a m i n a t i o n s F o r propriate program. There will be an ™nistratrix of the estate of Wesley, VERDICT AFFIRMED His body was found on the kitchen Thornton, Xenia; Priscilla Ann Allen ......... _ ^ ^ floor « if ho b4 « l g . W down- J ^ S S * _ » • »»<™ of tho * . M. m t ward from his chair.. He had suffer- ’Garo1 True Kersey, Xenia; Jerome ed a hemorrage by *oih the nose and H a88' Xenia? Robert Clarence Field, moUth Coroner R. L. Haines ordered‘the PbylliaA nn Kavanagh, RR, Cedar- body removed to the M cM illa n™ 5 Wanda Rae Cook’ RR’ Sprin* Funeral Homcr the inquest to follow hater. • exhibit” of mstrumentsVequipment’and Tay,or' deceased, against Norma Training C aiilp ; Mr. Taylor was the last member of books illustrating the development of Parks‘ a d?fense m°tion to set aside ‘ —---- jhis immediate family, his father hav- medicine and dentistry. The century a jury verdict awarded the* Greene County boys between the j ing died two years ago at the age began with the establidhmen of Wil- Ida*nt' <f was denied by the court. ages of 17 to 25, can now take of 101. He is survived by one son, loughhy Medical College in 1834, with ------- .the examination for enrollment for .William Fisher of this place. A num- medical instruction continuing in the OVERRULE DEMURRER Citizen's Military-Training Camp at her of cousins reside in Springfield state ever since. A defense demurrer to a petition Ft. Benj. Harrison, Indiana, for the and Kentucky. . The funeral will be ____ filed by Alonzo Johnson against C. period July 5tli, to Aug. 3; Iheld Saturday afternoon. Announcement .was made last week E. Hargrave Have been overruled The quota set for this county is; ----- ............... ■■ of the winners in the potato judging >n Common Pleas Court, contest that was conducted in Colum-j .■-1—-— bus during Farmers* Week. With 51. DIVORCE SOUGHT BY THREE Blue. These boys will bo sent to camp teams competing, considerable time .Divorces are sought by two wives without any expense, or obligation, if was necessary to complete the awards, and a husband in suits on file in the Federal appropriation will then be ^he J. M. Auld automobile was The Berlin Heights vocational training Common Pleas Court. ,sufficient, according to H. S. Bagley, st0]en jasj. Friday night from in front team, composed of Ivan Smith, Rich -1 Frances M. Fox, seeking to be di- of Osborn, Greene County CMTC ^ Firat p> cj,urcj, Xenia, ard Cobb and Armin Malorie, was vorced from Adam M. Fox, 1422 Chap- ]Chairman. aut0mobile was found-the next placed first. Ivan Smith was also pel street, Dayton, charges cruelty; Physical examination will be given, day ^ Baughn'8 force. It had first among the individual com- and mistreatment. The plaintiff asks without expense, by Drs. M. I. Marsh, ^,een abandoned on the Burlington Valley. ;again 15, which includes aii the boys A u t o Stolen Friday of ail four courses, Basis, Red, White, s While In Xenia petitors, with 918 points out of a pos- to be awarded custody of a .minor H. E. Ray. Bible 1000. Schools Winning second, child, alimony, attorney fees and third, fourth and fifth places re-, costs. They were married July 2, spectively were Newton township, 1929. . Miami co.; New Madison, Pleasant-. Custody of a minor child is sought ville and Canal Winchester. The Sa- by Nora M, Ficks in a suit against vannah, Ashland county, team, made Martin L. Ficks, who is charged by up of David Cellar, Guiles Munhollon his wife with cruelty. They Were mar aud Lloyd Calhoun, won first in apple ried October 10, 1929. Heart Disease Fatal To Mary McNeill pike. There was no gasoline and the battery had been run down, the lights left burning. The robes and tools had been purloined either by the parties taking the car or someone else. Miss Mary McNeiii, Belie Center, !Xenia Laundryman died a t her home last Thursday un- j ^ # judging. Cellar and Russell Breckin- ' Wilful absence from home for ef pec££d^ £rom a bear^ attack, Two ^ . I s G r a S u V l C t l l U ridge of Grove City tied for individual more than three years is charged by 3*.aters’ Margaret and Fannie, Cedar scores With 1880 points out of a pos- George A. Felver in a suit filed ” ’ sible 2000. !gainst Zoe Felver. a- ’ Ohio has a journalistic family of note headed by Paul Mason, editor of the Ohio Health News, Mr. Mason has a remarkable career as a news paper man. He has been director of publicity for the State Department of Health since Oct, 1,1921. He found ed the department publication Jan, 1, 1925, and has edited it ever since. Wilmington Man Fatally Hurt In Motor Accident ville. Who have been residing a t home Charles Kaiser, who with his the past year, and two brothers, John brother, George operates a laundry in McNeill, Idaho, arid R, S. McNeill, Xenia, was killed Tuesday evening Belle Center, survive. Private furter- when a truck he was driving skidded al services were held Saturday after- at Garfield and Springfield streets, noon. Miss Margaret McNeill, fell Dayton, and crashed into a telephone several days ago and is suffering from pole. Kaiser was pinned under the a fractured hip. truck. Joseph Herr, Xenia, a pas- .............. senger, sustained a bruised left DEPUTIES TO ASSIST shoulder. The deceased is survived .by his Deputy internal revenue collectors mother, the brother, George, and a TAKES HONORS FRIDAY Charles S, Thomas, 73, Wilmington, .................. He former Xenia resident, died a t the Mc- Was the first editor of Fire Protec- fClellan Hospital last Thursday from will visit this city March 10, 14. and sister, Mrs.Lillian Wolfe. tion, established in Citicinnati as the Iskull fracture and other injuries, 15 to assist Xenia and Greene County --- ----- -- first publication of its kind more than suffered three hours previous when his income taxpayers in preparing theirIJl.UFFTON B, B. TEAM 20 years ago. He first came to Co- automobile left the Jamestown-Xenia 1933 income tax returns. Taxpayers rp lf,JO unWA < lumbus in 1896 to cover the legislature Pike» striking a telephone pole. The needing .assistance have been inVitcd for a Cleveland newspaper, He has deceased has been in the insurance to appear at the Federal building, worked on newspapers in Philadelphia, business for the past thirty-eight Xenia, on any of the assigned dates. Washington, Baltimore, Milwaukee years in Wilmington, and Florida as well as leading dailies5 He is survived by his widow; a in Ohio. Earlier in life he had an ex- brother, John Thomas; and a number citing career as a seaman. He sailed ot nieces and nephews. The funeral on the ocean from 1879 to 1889, was held Saturday in Wilmington. operating a trade, schooner on th e ’ ----- " . . . . . . Pacific until it was wrecked on the Is- j EIRE DESTROYS RURAL HOME land of Molokaii, one of the Hawaiian group. Mr. and Mrs. Mason have two Prominent Farmer • Died Suddenly George M. Hagler, 75, prominent farmer, died suddenly, Saturday noon a t his home, six miles south of New Burlington. Mr. Hagler was the own er of Ray Hanley, famous pacer cam paigned successfully during the last five years by his son, Joe Hagler, Xenia trainer. He is" survived by his widow, Cath erine; four sons, Frederick, a t home; Joseph, Xenia; Albert, neurOld Town; and Elemr, near Cedarville; a daugh ter, Mrs. Henry Noggle, Spring Val ley; two brothers, Mose Hagler, near Xenia, and Frank Hagler, Xenia; and a sister, Mrs. Ralph Spahr, Xenia. Gospel Team The Gospel team held two services Sabbath. One at the Greene County Home and the other a t the Friends church, Xenia; Ohio. i —— j The program a t the County Home; Drawings for the first round of play was chiefly musical. Eugene Spencer !in Greene County’s 20th annual rural had charge o f the program. The inix- scholastic basketball tournament were Jed quartette composed of Anna Jane made Saturday at a meeting of Wham, Carma .Hostetler, Paul Angell representatives of the eight compet- and Paul McLaughlin sang two num- ing high schools, hers: “O Day of Rest and Gladness*' | Jefferson, of Bowersville, and and “Abide With Me.*' Anna Jane Cedarville, which finished first and Wham sang a solo, “Rock of Ages.’*Second, respectively, in the county A duet by Paul Angell and Paul Me-[league race, were seeded in opposite Laughlin, “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” .brackets. Glenna Basore gave a short reading. ] The tournament will be conducted Paul Gordon read the Scripture lesson on three consecutive evenings next and Paul McLaughlin led in Prayer, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at The service closed with the Lord's Xenia Central gymnasium. Four firsfc- Prayer. [round games will be played next Sabbath eve, the team gave their Thursday evening, two semi-final con- Peace program a t the Friends Church, tests Friday night and the finals Sat- Xenia. Paul McLaughlin was the urday night. Both the tourney winner leftder. Paid Gordon read the Script- 'and runnerup will represent this ure lesson and Paul Angell led in 'county in the Class B sectional tourna- prayer. Gene Spencer, Homer Mur- jment at Wilmington College, ray and Donald Burkert were the The championship finals will be pre- speakers, Paul Angell and Paul Me- ceded by a preliminary contest be- Laughlin sang a duet and Anna Jane tween Beavercreek and Bellbrook Wham sang a solo. Dr. McChesney girls’ teams to decide the feminine offered the closing prayer^ and pro-county cage title. Beaver’s sextet, de nounced the benediction. [fending champions, was unbeaten in j This week end the team goes to the county league rivalry this season, jPIattsburg. March 3-4 special serv-,while Bellbrook girls were runnerup Iices are to be held .at Selma. March with, only one defeat, j11, Jeffersonville, Ohio. The team is! Jefferson basketeers are favorites still open for engagements for any to win the county tourney for the type of church service. jthird year in succession. No ' school '■— jhas been a consecutive, three-time win- Educational Program1 iner of the classic since the event was The Oratory Class gave the follow- founde4 in 1916. ing program Friday in class: “World!” Tbe Bowersville team, which won six straight games in league competi- jtion this season, has not lost to a rival team in Greene County in two jseasons. Jefferson’s only setback this 'season was administered by Port Wil liams. Tourney pairing follow: Thursday night (first round) 6:30— Ross vs. Bellbrook; 7:30—Jefferson vs. Beayercreek; 8:30—Silvercreek vs. Cedarville; 9:30—Spring Valley vs. Yellow Springs Bryan. Friday night (semi-finals) 7:30— Winner of Ross-Bellbrook vs. winner Jefferson-Beaver; 8:30—Winjner Sil- . vercreek-Cedarville cs. winner Spring “ Valley-Bryan. , ‘ ‘ Saturday night, 7:30-—Beaver girls va. JSeUbroolc girls; 8:36-^tourhaiiient F ra rilin cbamP'onsblP finals between semi final winners. Plans for the third annual state wide amateur basketball tournament to be sponsored March 16 and 17 under auspices of the health and phy sical education department of Wilber- force University are being completed, ai ording to Henry H. Corrothers, Wilberforce coach. Any amateur basketball team in Ohio is eligible to enter. Last year about 30 teams competed. The tour ney trophy was won by the Selma Ramblers, with Dayton McCalls run- nersup. Springfield. Var*ans won the consolation trophy. Tindall, Chairman. Christian, England's Program. Rife, France's Program. Linton, Germany’s Program. Hostetler; Russia’s Program.' Ferguson, japah’s Program. Bull, Spain’s Program. Cedarville College closed . Wednes- Y. M.(and Y. W. C. A. Y, W. C. A. Was held in the college chapel Wednesday morning, The leader was Homer ^Mhrtay^T^esidehf of the Student Body. Trubee led in prayer. ” The Star Spangled Banner was sung. Presi dent McChesney spoke on George Washington. Wilmington Rotary Club President McChesney accompanied by Mrs. McChesney and Miss Chance attended the Rotary Club Monday night and gave the Washington ad dress. Xenia Officials To Attend “School” Chief of Police O. H. Cornwell and Dr. Marshall Best, Xenia police surgeon, have been invited to take part in a short course in police ad ministration a t Ohjo State university which is being fostered by the Ohio crime control commission of which Chief Cornwell is secretary. The course will be conducted from March 19 to 24 and sheriffs, deputies, police chiefs and commissioned police officers are eligible to attend. Harvey Walker, professor of political science, will direct the school and students will be housed on the campus. More advanced work will be offered later. Greenfield Tuesday, February 27, President McChesney will address the Rotary Club .at Greenfield and the High School Assembly in the McClain build ing. He and Prof. Kuehrmann will have.interviews with students of the Greenfield Schools. ! Debate | Cedarville College Debating teams .consisting of Walter Kilpatrick, j Franklin Trubee, Joseph West, Carl ’Ferguson, Donald Burkert, Robert Harrimah, Beatrice Pyles, Luella Rohe, and Jane West, will journey to North Manchester, Indiana, Friday of this weelc to the annual inter-col- lcgiate debate tournament. Colleges from Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Ken tucky will be present Our debate teams have acquitted themselves very creditably and we are expecting them to return with laurels of victory. Gas Tax Money For Poor Relief jresentatives of Cedarville College. Miami Conference A religious conference of students from colleges and universities of Ohio will be held under the auspices of Miami University and Western Col lege for Women, Friday, Saturday and Sabbath of this week. Miss Basore, Doris Hartman, Carma Hostetler, Carolyn Brill, Ruth Kimble, Ruth West and Paul Gordon will be rep- WOMAN SUES VILLAGE alleged to have been received April _________ ______ jpire Thursday afternoon destroyed h ld33, when she tripped on irregular- sons who are successful newspaper ■ the residence of Robie Bartlett on the Hies in asidewalk here* causing her men. Paul V. is on the telegraph desk Xenla-Spring Valley road, Route 42. to fall, of the Cincinnati Enquirer. He cover- Some of the furnishings were saved, ■ ■ ~ ed the state legislature part of the Tho residence, a frame one-story and TAXPAYING ENDS ON acres, i time last year and assisted the regular a half structure, was built a t a cost MARCH !•ORSURE county, correspondent twice before, Wilmer of more than $3000, Only partial Cedarvilje College Yellow Jackets fell before the fast Bluffton college1the gasoline tax fund to the general basket bail team Inst Friday night. !fund to pay bills has been granted by The locals lost by a score of 19 to 39.1Common Pleas Judge R. L. Gowdy to - — — Tho home team lost by one point on the trustee boards of Jefferson and Tho village of South Charleston Saturday night to the Defiance col* Cedarville townships. Was named defendant in a damage lege team. The score was 28*27. board was authorized to make a $1,« suit filed by Mrs. Estella Rinehart. -—— — - [s00 transfer and Cedarville trustees Mrs. Rinehart asks $2500 for injuries ED DEAN PURCHASES received authority to divert $1,000. HOLLOWAY FARM ----------— ■ Permission ,to divert money from > MAN OF THE WOULD GUEST OF VILLAGE A CORRECTION Tho Herald pencil made a slip last Ed. Dean has purchased the Hollo way farm in the Eastern end of this township. The farm comprises 150 Isaac when wc stated that Charles a small part being in Clark coulter had rented the Kyle farm, to b e ,vacated by George. Ensign. I t should have been Frank Engle. Mr. John McVay, address, North Ameri- TVi«> Jefferson 'ca» Europe, Asia and Africa, may be a globe trotter but his speed was slackened here when he became emeshed in mayor’s court and drew a prize of $26 and costs. I t was left to Marshal McLean Ito designate jufot how soon the world traveler should resume his journey and if he returns G, does Kentucky politics for the En- insurance was carried on tho house, While extension of time, was grant- Assure yourself of spending a Coulter has rented the Collin Barber quirer, and has been legislative cor- which Is located on what is known as ed from February 15 to March 1 to pleasant evening a t the “Y. W." Style farm, respondent a t Frankfort for somo the Priest farm. pay taxes, there is to be no more ex- Show, Alford Gym., March 2, Fire Department Called Out On Frosty Mornings The local fire department was call ed out about three o’clock Sabbath morning when fire in the grass started by sparks from a locomotive swept the north side of the railroad tracks into the adjoining fields from “Pitts burg” west to a field back of the Ce darville Lumber Co, The alarm was turned by Pressley Townsley, No water was thrown and the fire was fought out by hand before any dam age was done. Wednesday morning fire was dis covered in the roof of the Wm. Con ley home about seven o’clock by Fred Melton, who resided nearby. The fire, was checked without much damage. It is supposed to have started from em bers that fell on the roof. Corn-Hog Program Nearly Completed The local committee composed of David C. Bradfute, Hervey Bailey nnd Fred Ctemans, have ’about completed their work signing up corn-hog pro ducers in this township. Practically every large corn-hog farm is signed up or will be on the final date, about one hundred and twenty in all, There has been quite a bit of statistical work in connection with this movement. ACCIDENTAL DEATH Coronet R. L. Haines returned a by this route he had better have the]verdict of accidental death Thursday $25 and costs. McVay has a practice)in the ense of John O.' Cartwright, of begging clothing, selling shoe'.25, Xenia, killed by a Pennsylvania strings, and then when he has the 'passenger train near the W. Main st,> price of a drink, proceeds to celebrate, [crossing Tuesday morning, time. He also worked in Columbus, and covered the famous Snook murder trial. 'tensions and the books close on the 1 Pure Castor OH, 4 ozs.—17c ”•latter date. Intangible returns nnd Week End Special a t Brown's Drugs taxes are now being received also. Don't miss the Style Show to be Pure Witch Hazel, 1 quart~33c given by the College “V. W.” girls Week End Special a t Brown’s Drugs a t the Alford Gym, March 2. Come to the Gym Thursday night, March 1, at 7:30 and enjoy an eve ning’s entertainment sponsored by thft Y» W. Admission, 10 cents. Come to the Gym, Friday night, March 2, and see the styles of the “good old days” modeled by up-to- [date co-eds. Admission 10c, 1 !
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