The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52

rEDAUmWB HMEHJ), FRIDAY, NOVYKMtt J$, 1M Loc«l and Personal | Church Notes ] bath School Worker#’ Conference in the First Church, Xenia, on WednM day evening. Mr. and Mr#. Dana Busch of Athens are gue#t# o f Mr, and Mrs. John W. Boss tbf# week. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dwight R. Guthrie, Minister — .. Sabbath School, 9:45 a, m, Paul Mr, Jacob Stein moved from the ^ *msey* Supt. Lesson: ‘The Chris- Coulter property Wednesday to G if- *‘on 88 Witness.*' I Thess. 1:1-10, ton, Golden text: “But ye shall receive .. Temperance Notes,, Sponsored by Cedarville W. C. T. U. In the song of Moses we read, power, when the Holy Spirit is come \ “ Their wine is the poison o f dragons For Sale—d em ou n t Circulating untQ y0U! and ye shall be my w it -"and the cruel venom of asps," (Duet, beater, good condition. Mrs. Homer neS8es both in Jerusalem, and in all (32:33). We cannot use stronger Smith, Cedarville, Route 2, , Judea and Samaria, and unto the ut- ... - _____ _ ; termost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8. The annual dinner for the Tarbox 'Morning worship, 11 a. m family will be held Thanksgiving at the home o f Mrs. Lucy Barber. Mr W. J, Tarbox has been ill the past week but is reported much, im­ proved at this time. Miss Eleanor Bull spent the week­ end in Columbus as a guest of Miss Francis Chase, and attended the 0 . S, U.-Iowa football game on Satur­ day. Horae and Peoples Bldg., Asso. De* posits and C, Ds and H. and A. Pre­ ferred. -Bought and Sold. Wm. H. McGervey, 204 E. Second St., Xenia, O. The Research Club will hold the annual Chris' mas party Friday eve­ ning, Dec. 7th,' at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Conley. Dinner will be served at 7:30, Members and husbands or guests are invited. A delegation of College girls, ac­ companied by Mrs. Margaret Work, attended the concert at Memorial Hall, Springfield, Wednesday evening, with the celebrated Fritz Kreisler on pro­ gram. Mr. and Miss •Ralph Murdock are spending Thanksgiving in Louisville, Ky., with Rev. Walter Morton and family. They were accompanied by Mrs. Nancy Oglesbee, who will visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. M". Jackson. Eileen Kyle, Hainesville is spend­ ing a week at the home of her grand parents, Mi*, arid Mrs. J. E. Kyle. Mr,, and Mrs. Willard Kyle will arrive Wednesday night and attend the Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mrs. Anna Grace Kyle, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Kyle entertained at dinner Monday evening honoring their nephew, Dr. Phillip C, Kyle of Tacoma, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adams, Washington C. H.; Rev. and Mrs. Wm, Lubein, Columbus; Mr. Wm. Lafferty, Miss Mildred Kyle, Mrs. Grace Kyle, Springfield, were guests. For Sale—Turkeys, live or dressed. Mrs. Homer' Smith; Cedarville, Route 2 . '• Friends here will be interested in the marriage this Thanksgiving at Holy Angles Catholic Church; Dayton, when Mr. James Hackett, son of Mr., and Mrs. Richard Hackett, will be married to Miss Mildred McGarry of Dayton. The wedding takes place on the forty-sixth anniversary of the marriage of the groom’s parents. The bride and groom will reside on the farm west o f town. Mr. Kenneth Hamilton, died at his home at Selma last Friday morning, following an illness of several months. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Minnie Ritenour, and one daugh­ ter. Mr. Hamilton’s home was former­ ly in Bloomington, 111. The funeral was held Irom the Selma M. E. Church, on Sabbath afternoon, the services being in charge of Rev. C. E. Hill. Burial took place at South Charleston. We wish to thank neighbors and friends for their kindness and sym­ pathy ' during the illness and death o f oiir mother and wife. Also for the beautiful way Rev. Gray and Mr. Reader conducted the services. Mont William and children, r e g e n t THEATRE SPRINGFIELD R K O Vaudeville Friday— Saturday 5 — :—STELLAR—:—C ACTS * * 4 Performances Each Day 1-45—4:15—6:47—9:17 Also Feature Picture—and Short Subjects STARTING SUNDAY iOn the Screen for S Days " L, M. Montgomery’s Enchanted Romance “ANN OF GREEN GABLES” A love classic that will live forever—starring Anne-Shirley and Tom Brown with O. R, Reggie and Helen Wcstley. Sermon Theme: “ The Home of the Independent Religious Leadership.” Joshua 24:15, This is one of the seven notable homes mentioned in the Bible. A description of the other six will follow on succeeding Wednesday eve­ nings and Sabbath mornings. This series will fulfill in part the emphasis which our General Assembly is anxi­ ous for us to give to “ The Christion Home” (see below the mid-week service announcement). The Junior* Christian Endeavor re­ sumed their meetings last Sabbath evening at 6:15 with 17 present. All of the children of the congregation should avail themselves of this train­ ing, Senior Christian Endeavor meets at the regular, hour of 6:15. Union evening service in the M. E. Church at 7:30. Dr. Jamieson will bring the message. The Mizpah Sabbath School class will have their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. William Conley on Tuesday of next week at 2 p. m. Mrs. Hostetler and Miss Sallie McMillan will be assistant hostesses. The three Wednesday evenings be­ fore Christmas.will be given over to a study of homes mentioned in the Bible. These meetings will be held at the manse at 7:30. terms today in speaking o f wine and other liquors. The brewers protested to the direc­ tors of the Chicago Fair against the poster exhibition in the W. C. T. U. booth at the Fair: They didn’t like the poster, “ Alcohol, safe-useful-out- side the body on inanimate substances from baby’s rattle to embalmer’s fluid; injurious inside the body (in beer, ale, wine, cider, rum, gin, whisky and brandy) on living tissues.” They say this poster is “ unfair." Dr. Howard A. Kelly o f John Hop­ kins University says: “ There is no disease in the world for which alco­ hol is a cure. More to the point is the fact that while it cannot be said to cure any disease, it does undeniably cause thousands of cases of disease, all of them fatal in the Ion grun. Its use in ruinous to the kidneys, liver, heart and the smaller blood vessels, and gives rise to that most common fatality, high blood pressure.” SCHOOL NEWS Chapel Program The chapel program Monday morn­ ing was in charge of the commercial department. The Doxoiogy was Bung ! by the assembly after which Nora Neff and Catherine Wolf each sung two numbers. Mr. J. Lloyd Confarr, purchasing agent for the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Company, spoke in an inter­ esting way on the “ Success of Busi­ ness.” Historical Mileposts O f Ohio By C. S. Van Tassel (Copyrighted) Senior Picture Taken Tuesday morning the thirty-three members of the senior class were taken in a school bus to the' studio of Axel Bahsen, photographer, in Yellow Springs for the annual senior pictures. Peace Declamation Contest Miss Doris Ramsey, winner of the local Prince of Peace Contest, will compete for further honors, Sunday evening, when she speaks in the Greene County contest to be held in the Reformed Church in Xenia. E. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. J. Kyle, Supt. Preaching, 11 a. m. Theme, “ Divine Leadership.” Y. P. C. U., 6:30 pi m. Subject: Salavation is the general subject for December. The first topic is “ Salva­ tion, through Faith.” Leader, Harold' Cooley. Union Service in the Methodist Church at 7:30 p. m. Theme, “Palm Tree Christians.” There will be a union meeting of the young people ■in the Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m. Sabbath, to meet a" group from Xenia to present plans for a Young Peoples Group series of meetings Dec. 26-31, to be led by three young men from Prince­ ton Seminary. Come and hear about •it. ■■ The Knoxville Quartetjte will pre­ sent a musical prog-am in the U. P. Church this Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, -President J, Kelly Giffeh' will be with them. Admission free, but an offering will be taken. Thanksgiving Service will be held Thursday morning at 10 o’clock sharp; and dismissed as promptly- at eleven, to which all are invited. May none of us be like the “nine” who neglected to return to give thanks for blessings received. A conference will be held in the 1st U. P. Church, Xenia, next Wednes­ day evening) 7:30, December 5th, of the churches of Xehia Presbytery, under the direction of Mr. Thos. Prugh of Sugarcreek, the new Supt. of S. S. work in our Presbytery. All officers and teachers are urged to be present and all others interested in Bible School work. METHODIST EPISCOPAL * CHURCH Charles Everett Hill, Minister Church School, 10 a. m. P. M. Gil- lilan, Supt. Worship Service, 11 a. m. Subject: ‘Martin Luther and the Bible.” This is a very interesting topic. The Ameri­ can Bible Society is asking that Dec. 9 be observed as Bible Suday, but we find it convenient to be a week in ad­ vance. In the afternoon, at 2:30, in our Church, there will be a meeting of Yeung People, the three Societies of Cedarville, and two from. Clifton. Young People from Xenia will be in charge. The daily press reports the suspen­ sion of “ one o f the most prominent seniors” of Princeton University be­ cause of a “ beer-drinking episode,” at which two kegs of beer was drunk, the first of this month. The young Sale of Magazines Under the auspices of the Crowell man said, “ I was merely doing my bit , Publishing Company, the public school Program Postponed The F, F. A. program originally planned for Tuesday, December 4, has been postponed until 2:30, .Friday afternoon, December 7. At that time Mr. O. A. 'Dobbins will give an il­ lustrated lecture of his tour of Europe. The public is invited to attend this special chape). Anyone interested should note the change of time. in. the cause of Roosevelt and r e - , 8tudents wiU solicit Patrons ^ r sub- covery.” We made mention in these columns sometime ago of a young lady senior in an Ohio college who was arrested and fined for drunken driving the week before her gradua­ tion, In spite of the wets’ promise repeal has not stopped drinking a- mong the young blit has greatly in­ creased it. A good time for old time pledge-signing among the young. A saloonkeeper in California has an exhibition of rattlesnakes in the front window of his booze joint. We would suggest that he put the following in the window with the snakes: “ At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.” . ■ • scriptions to the following magazines: American, Country Home, Woman’s Home Companion, and Collier’s! If you plan to subscribe for any of these papers in the near future, the school will appreciate your patronage. The use of the profits from these sales will be decided by a meeting of the class officers and home room teach­ ers. The Ohio State Automobile Asso­ ciation will soon begin a program to fight intoxicated auto drivers. Fred H. Caiey, chairman of the legislative committee says: “ Arrests for driving while intoxicated have increased (since-repeal) 35 per cent and the ratio of traffic. accidents resulting also has increased.” A nation-wide campaign against drunken automobile drivers will be started within the next two weeks by the National Safety Council, W. H, Cameron, director of the council, announces. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Dr. P. W. Philpott said in the Jarvis Street Baptist Church, September 2, “ I be­ lieve the old bar was 100 per cent better than the present ,beer parlors. The youth and girls did not drink to­ gether then.” Many Americans can say tlie same thing in regard to the liquor situation in this country; The life of a drinking man is apt to' be divided into two chapters of a very tragic serial; in the first of which he could have left off if he would, and in the second he would have left off if he could. ; : GOLDEN RULE CIRCLE MEETING The Golden Rule Circle of the Methodist Church met on Thursday evening, Nov. 22, at the home o f Mrs. Will Marshall, with Mrs. William Cheney, Mrs. C. H. Crouse, Mrs- Hugh Grindle, Mrs. E. E. Neal, and Mrs. Robert Nelson acting as assisting hostesses. Thirty-five members and eight guests were present, Mrs. Aden Barlow had charge of devotions and Mrs. Marshall was pro gram leader. Under the direction of these leaders a helpful and inspiring Plattsburg vs. Cedarville The next home basketball game will be with. Plattsburg, in the College gym, on December 7. Red Cross Enrollment The members of the faculty of the public schools have again been one hundred per cent in response to the Red Cross Roll Call. Christmaa Vacation The public school will dose for the Christmas vacation, Friday, December 21, and will resume Work, Wednes­ day, January 2. As mast o f the troops in General Hull’s surrender at Detroit were from Ohio, this State most keenly felt the disgrace of incompetence and cow­ ardice. A more unfortunate selection for such a campaign could not have been made. Hull.was old and phlegmatic and entirely unfitted in body and mind for such strenuous duties. He was afterward court-martialed for treason, cowardice and un-officer-like conduct, was found guilty o f the last two charges and sentenced to be shot. As he had served with credit in the Revolution and had won honors under General Anthony Wayne, at Stopy Point, President Madison, although 'he approved the sentence of court- martial, remitted it, but the General’s name was stricken from the Army roll. Hqwever, there were extenuating conditions, and in the meaning o f the term Hull was not a traitor. A Wayne or a George Rogers Clark would, no doubt, have immediately at­ tacked the British and won a signal victory. But, being so near the border and such a long distance from the base of supplies, and too, with the British in possession of the Great Lakes, it is a question whether the Americans could have held the ad­ vantage with the preparation at hand. Even under able leadership* the War of 1812 in the West, was not won until the British domination of the Great Lakes was crushed, as had been proposed by General Hull him­ self, and while Ohio was doing her alow to, respond to the gravity o f the part, the general government was situation. 'Captain Robert B. McAfee, a Ken­ tuckian and a staunch American, who was ail through the western opera­ tions o f the War o f 1812, in his story o f the conflict written in 1815 says: “The administration of the genera)1 government. exhibited great want of foresight in sending General Hull to Canada without having taken the necessary measures to obtain the com­ mand o f Lake Erie; and unless it had been determined to hold Upper Can­ ada, during the war at least, and thus to cut off all communication between the British and Indians, the invasion o f that territory was wholly unneces­ sary- andf improper.” However, there was quick recovery from the blow and. the man for lead­ ership was General William Henry Harrison. Every Pupil Test Cedarville will again take part in the annual Every -Pupil Test, spon­ sored by the State Department of Education. These tests, which will in­ clude most o f the subjects taught in grades 3-12, will be given, December 3. ' - ' ' County Superintendent H. C. Ault- man plans to make a (Comparison of the median scores made in the differ­ ent subjects by the pupils o f the county schools. . F. F. A. Meets The F. F. A. chapter of Cedarville held its regular meeting Wedneesday November 28, in the class room. The most important feature of the meeting was the presentation of the F, F. A. buttons by the advisor, Mr. George. Shop Equipment Bought The Agriculture Department' pur­ chased a ' complete blacksmith shop last week at New Carlisle, Ohio. Most of the equipment will be used in the department, and the remainder will be sold to anyone who is interested in buying it. JOBE PROPERTY SOLD The Jobe property, North Main Street, recently taken over by the State Banking Department for the Exchange Bank was sold this week to O. A. Dobbins. The consideration was $4,500. The property was pur­ chased for investment and is occupied by Prof. H. C. Furst. THANKSGIVING BASKETS -The Y. W. C. A., Cedarville College, followed the usual custom this year of distributing baskets of food previous to Thanksgiving to needy families. JAMES MALCOLM REED DEAD Wanted—Wo buy and sell new and used cars. Belden & Co., Steele Bldg, Xenia, O. mmm 666 James Malcolm Reed, aged 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reed, died Tuesday night at 11:45 in a Columbus hospital. He is survived by his parents, and one sister, Marjorie Ellen Reed. The body was brought to the Nagley Funeral Home here. No funeral arrangements have been made nt this time. Thanksgiving program was presented Epworth League, and Intermediate ,as follows: League, 6:30. I Readings: One Hundreth Psalm The Union Meeting will be held in > Life’s Symphony — Thanksgiving, our Church at 7:30. Dr. Jamieson Mrs. Barlow, will bring the message. I Prayer, Mrs. Marshall. The LadiesS Aid, the W. F. M. S. { Story, A Neighbor, A tale of Old and the W. H. M. S. will hold their Days, Mrs. A. E. Richards, all-day meeting at the church, Wed- j Solos: A Morning Prayer} We Plow nesday, beginning at 11:00 a. m. jthe Field and Sow, Mrs. J, W. John* Prayer Meeting at the church, son. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. CLIFTON U. P. CHURCH Robert H. French, Pastor Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Gordon C. Kyle, Supt. Lesson—I Thess. i : l - 10. The Christian as Witness. - Worship Service, 11 a. m« The ser­ mon will he on the theme—What Christ Means to Me. Y. P. C. U., 7 p. m., in the upper room of the church. The topic will bo the first of the new series on Salva­ tion. The particular phase to be dis- Reading, Have You Earned To­ morrow?, Mrs. O. P. Elias. Reading, Thanksgiving—Mrs. Cora Trumbo. Pageant, Thanksgiving Footsteps, Mrs. Neat, Mrs. Grindle, Jane Frame, Elsie; Post, Louise Graham, and Verna Mae .Stein. k ■ * * After ‘ the program refreshments were served and a social hour was enjoyed, Pitchin Wins In the first game of the basketball season the entire boys’ squad played their first game o f high school twit, losing to Pitchin, 26-0. All of last year’s team being lost by graduation may mean several hard games ahead for the year’s squad, but we feel that we have excellent prospects for another good team this year. The Reserves tost their first game 10-7. The girls, after having an unsuc­ cessful season last year, started off their schedule on the right side by defeating Pitchin girls 29-15, Plattsburg boys and girls will play here on December 7. Plattsburg girls won the Clark County Championship last year and have a veteran team back this year. A social event of the Thanksgiving leason will be the marriage today of Miss Esther Mae Hartman, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartman to Mr. David Reynolds o f near Wilmington. Mrs. O. P. Elias was called to Charleston, W, Va., to attend the fun­ eral o f her niece, Miss Mariam Sulli­ van, 19, while attending college at Harrisburgh, Va, The funeral was held Wednesday, The deceased was a daughter o f Mr. A..B. Sullivan, a brother of Mrs. Elias. cussed will he MAN WANTED for Rawleigh rout* of 806 families. Write immediately, obtained' Rawleigh Co., Dept. 0HJ-348-SA, Hebrews Freeport, 111, Salvation ;through Faith. Scripture ,11, Leader, Harriet Kyle. 1 In place of the mid-week prayer For Rent—A. Good home, with ' service we will join with the other electric lights and garage and churches of our Presbytery in a Sab- garden. G, H, Hartman, COUNTY PEACE CONTEST The County Prince of Peace Declamation contest will be held next sabbath evening in the First Reform- ed Church o f Xenia at 7:30. The local winner was Miss Doris Ramsey, She will compete with nine other contest ants for the County medal and honors. LOANS for general farm purposes are made at costby the Miami Valley Production Credit Association, a non­ profit cooperative organization. The interest rate is B per cent a year. Local Representative, F, B. Turnbull, Cedarville. (4t) Mr. C. E, Masters, who underwent an operation several weeks ago at the McClellan Hospital, was able to return home Monday. He is much improved but it will be some time before he will be able to be at his place o f business. LIQUID — TABLETS — SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet# used internally and 666 Salve externally, make a com­ plete and effective treatment for Colds. Moat Speedy Remedies Known December 3, at the Opera House, Shirely Temple in “ Baby Take a Bow,” Sponsored by the local D, A. R. Remember the date. RAW Furs BEEF HIDES HIGHEST PRICES PAID DEALER LOTS BOUGHT Bennie Sparrow Elm St. Cedarville, O. PHONE: 189 MAN WANTED for Rawleigh route of 806 families. Write immediately, Rawleigh Co., Dept. OHK-348-SA, Freeport, 111. Subscribe for THE HERALD NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Estate of Rosa Stormont, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Roger V. Stormont has been duly appointed as Executor of the estate of Rosa Stormont, deceased, late of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, Dated this 23rd day of October^ 1934, S. C. WRIGHT, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. E. Main Street, Xenia, Ohio HOME CLOTHING COMPANY CEDARVILLE, OHIO BIG SURPLUS STOCK SALE RUNNING IN HIGHGEAR! N othing Ever L ike Th is Sale N ew Lot o f Bargins For This W eek . FolksI Come by the hundreds to our Store to>Come and Share in this the Greatest Bargain Event ever held in Cedarville. This week we are better prepared to take care of you. Wc were sorry we could not give you better service opening day. Come for Your Share, is our advice. SALE Continues Until All Surplus Stock is Sold. MEN’S SUITS and OVERCOATS MUST BE SOLD 3 Group# $4.97 $7.47 $9.97 SWEATER BARGAINS THIS WEEK ' Choice o f Lot 87c 1 Lot 0 RAINCOATS CHOICE 25c SHOES and RUBBERS Value# to $5.00— Choice 97c $1.47 $1.97 $2.97 RUBBER BOOTS and 4-Buckle Arties $1.97 MEN’S ....1 ' UNION SUITS 1 Lot-—Value to $1.00 67c Double Blanket Size*—-70x80 $1.47 3 RED HOT WEEK END SPECIALS Men’s Work Sox 5c PAIR (Limit) Women’s Hose 1 Lot—Value to 56c 9c PAm Canvas Gloves g g PAIR (Limit)