The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52
c r .m r A i l F HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1934 ..... H .............. II. II" TIIE CED A E VIL LE HERALD I- KARLII DULL EDITOR AND PUBLISHER la u n r il SaU'JwU SOitxIal it r x . ; (IMo Ncwwapcr Assoc.; Miacjl^Valic? I*rcs3 Awoc, Entered at the Post Office. Cedarville, Ohio, October 31, 1887, a s s e c o n d c l a s s m a t te r * _ _ _ • _ FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1984 | Since the administration in Wa*h- ; ington scrapped the g o ld , standard land has since branched out into the \ silver field by heavy purchases the Recent developments indicate that almost state-wide attention has been jpagt j evv days, things have not moved attracted to the seventh Ohio district, of which Fayette county is a part, j g0 good j„ tbe stock markets. It has W H AT W ILL OUR DISTRICT REPUBLICANISM STAND FOR? the wringer when that company is re-organized under the pew deal, Those in control of such companies have all their original investment back and only hold control with watered stock that cost them noth ing, The little investors that wanted an income producing stock, as well as the small speculator, will he the “forgotten" owners under the new plan o f re-organization. The United Presbyterian General Assembly did the proper thing at its ty the courageous contest being waged by Raymond B, Howard, London,. beea onjy by the hardest kind of work ^ v e m p t o ^ m m 6 Ohio, publisher, who has fearlessly dared to challenge openly the bold efforts jthat wariset managers have held back lic League for decency ^or *a cam- of tho lobby interests headed by D, C. Pemberton of Columbus, to control j a break Republican organization politics in this big Republican district of nine. opportU] in stock prices. At the firBt t li counties, with a view to obtaining a firmer grip on state Republican organ ization control. When Howard announced his candidacy Pemberton saw to it that a group of those whom ho is alleged to control in some of the^counties of the district, met him in Columbus, in a conference where Howard's candidacy was declared unsatisfactory. Pemberton insisted that Sherman Deaton of Urbana, now known to be of his choice, be returned for a sixth term. Thus tho issue has become clearly drawn, Although Howard has been a loyal Republican who has given years of time and effort to constructive wprk for his party, although he stands high as a citizen and has a reputation for integrity and decency second to none, although he in no sense poses as a reformer or a crusader but insists upon honesty and service as being the best kind o f politics and as a member of the Madison county Republican committee is a strong believer and supporter of clean organization politics, never-the-less he is declared “unsatisfactory” by Pemberton and his satellites who are interested in politics for what they make out of it. 0 ■ Whether Howard is successful in his fight against the Pemberton type of organization which has fastened itself in many unseen and undercover ways upon many individuals in the district, .depends upon whether the Re publicans of the district are sufficiently interested in their party to take part ir< helping to make its organization.something to be proud of, not some thing to be apologized for; whether the people, who want to see clean organ ization in them counties and district, take sufficient interest to turn out and vote for what they know to be right, or whether they unwittingly permit the Pemberton type of politician to maintain control and continue the secret arid selfish maneuvering that disgusts most people and is responsible for ob noxious and unwholesome conditions and weakened party spirit, The Republican party cannot afford to permit a lobbyist such as Pem berton to assume the role of spokesman for this or any other district or to dictate policies, plans or organization with the party, For years Pember ton was. willing to be known as a lobbyist for certain railway interests but in the past few years is said also to be tied up with certain other interests which, are supposed freely to provide him with, funds that will enable him and others in the same business to operate along lines politically beneficial to-those .interests. ■ During the past few years, this lobbyist has become so emboldened by his contacts with individuals and political organizations of the seventh dis trict which formerly was his home, and through “favors” has obtained such a firm grip on some of the organization leaders in the district that he now secretly assumes to control their actions, though of course- they would vigor ously deny,this.' By this means he implies a personal control of the district so as to enable him to make such deals and trades as are to his advantage, He sees to it that those whom he controls carry out his wishes, So rapidly and to such a degree has he assumed this attitude during the past two or . three years that he, and his friends, insist that he “ be seen” before any political move, or candidacy, in the district, is to be considered. This is the ' reason that when a district meeting is called only chairmen and secretaries are given voting power in such a district assembly. If too many Republicans are. called in there developments which would disturb Pemberton’s plans. Only through a small, well controlled group, can his work be done. The Republicans of Ohio had better get rid of the influence of such dollar and cents manipulators if they desire to attain the success which their party deserves and has a right to expect. ’ The people of Ohio are growing decidedly weary of .the political domina tion and legislative meddling by such forces as the Pembertons, the “Brady” Hazards, or the Niharts of ill repute in school book company activities, and | others of their ilk. Unfortunately most candidates through fear of embarrassment, or threat o f loss of the -over-estimated speak out on this issue but the sooner our leaders recognize paign to force a cleanup o f the mo- ortunity those on the inside of Protest- manipulation have sold heavriy to an wtg> JeW8 and Cathol}cs uaited unsuspected public. The payment of thi(J moyement there wjU be reaultB. debts in gold, even as specified by The ca ign fa directed ftt the contract, has had some severe blows „ box offl „ ^ n<j reform „ cen_ in Federal Courts the past few weeks. sorabip ia p d by R a t i o n . In all but one instance the Courts Hollyw0od( like the bootlegger, has have held that in as much as it was fear of legislati but it does unlawful to own gold, payment could fear public 8entimejlfc in 8Ucb aflank not be demanded, As Arthur, Br.s- xntovemtmt for appeal is made to bane said recently it soon will make patron8 to remain away from such no difference what anyone promises m piclure8 and ^ ^ reduce revenue. payment, you will have to take just striking at the American pocket what the government calls dollars. ^ oftimes drawft piore attention He issued another warning. And if j-ban appeaj t0 conscience. you are wise you will prepare your- , _____ _ self for dollars considerably cheaper." j The Assembly a number of im- er president of the Greene County Farm Bureau, is head of the Mont gomery County Building and Loan Protective Federation, presided, j Stockholders in the closed institutions have pleaded with Gov. White and the building and. loan department to have the institutions turned back for re organization. Some statements made from the floor must have made more [than one pair of ears in Columbus |burn to a erisp. How the state is handling liquidation has sickened Day- ton citizens, who see little or no chance of return unless the institu tions are turned back, It has been estimated by state officials that it would take from ten to fifteen years to liquidate a building and loan. One former Democratic member of the legislature who resigned is now on a fat salary and expense handling the affairs of two different institutions. . . portent subjects up for discussion. Gov. White’s state liquor commis- As could be expected prohibition was sion issues a statement as to the big agajn endorsed. An effort was made profit the state has made by openit- j .0 deny tbe denominational colleges ing the White “ Socialistic glorified fin£mciai support if dancing and card saloon.” The Gov. found the state piayblg were permitted, but this was had plenty of money and cre.dit for defeated and the policy left to the several million dollars worth of h£ads of the insfcjtutions, The As- fcooze, the big sellers not even on sembly urged this country enter the par with the quality of “bootleg” World Court arid give consideration liquor. The state has been market- towards entry in the League o f Na- ing cheap liquor made almost over tions. We doubt if many o f the night from the scum skimmed in the members of the denomination would process of sugar manufacture.' The approve 0f this 1 country entering State Liquor Commission has a war either organization as they are con- on its hands now as members of one tr0,led at this time. America has had of Cleveland’s largest Presbyterian cnough of Europe and our entry in churches have protested the location cither of these organizations would of one of the Governor’s saloons near 071]y make us the policeman to settle its property. The church property foreign disputes'. Now would be a has been damaged by vandals at times bad time to get tied up with countries and it has been necessary to erect a tba<. owe -yhis nation hundreds of mil- high iron fence to protect the prop- jjons and defiantly default their ob- erty. The Gov. and Liquor Commis- ligations. The Assembly turned down sion have so. far high-hatted the the proposal of Union with the Pres- church people and given no heed to byterian Church. Church union is not complaints. ^ This should make inter- going to save either denomination or esting reading to dry Democrats. [guarantee a future. The financial - 'condition of the denominations and Kentucky has a general sales tax, economic future of the country will that is a tax on everything that is have more to do with determining the sold within that state! A citizen of future of all denominations than any- that state remarked to the writer a thing else, few days ago that he did not purchase It was a sad father we met a few days ago in another city when he re- a thing in his city, Covington, that he could get elsewhere, and that the mail order house in Chicago would benefit |jated a bit of jnside family history when purchases coiild not be made in |upon the retuvn o f a 80n f rom 0ne o f Cincinnati. If.Ohio adopts a sales.fbe state’s leading uiniversities. It tax, then the triad order house or a |waS a proud day the son left hpriie to department store in some other city enter a university early last fall, hav- w o Hiw Kii « » i ui ci 11 I,o ii«S!iI1KI.,) u. H ltw my business. This citizen .jng decided to embark on a course influence Of these lobbyists, are unwilling ; says he o\TOS three pieces, of property,.'tbat W(mid give the lad an education he sooner our leaders recognize the farce of !resides m one and rents two. The twOifronl one o f thc lading professions. Decency and honesty in politics and self respect are worth contending was twice reduced. Taxes ,exist.ed from the day as an infant he for by both party organizations and candidates instead of adopting a fear- !,'.m !.2!f ™nc!e ™U3 ' 6 ®ays,was able to recognize his father and M U classification of property for taxation ful and servile attitude upon which lobbyists thrive and .which furthers the . ,------ - — « - - - -- —- ------------* interests of these parasites whose chief aim is to feather their own jnests If. .as ,n a 8 a *! a3 m training and ideas gained from asso- ,‘**1 ____ ,____ i-i. -r*..................... „i._ ... .Ohio. Under the new state sales tax ,„i., 4 „ c+i,0_ „ mother. One year o f the university ciatesi has almost made the son a little caring whether it is Democrats or Republicans with who they deal. ■ , . „ , . * ............. -- — , - — - .Honest and sincere Republicans want leadership that stands for a R e -:*t , jr°U."^U! aS<S a . .° af f ,W° T* 0 -stranger to his own toother. The pubiicanism of service not a bi-partisan commercialism that amounts to little 1 °ccr)cs, per cen is a e . you m 0 ther, a prominent worker in her more than grurt. ' l bny a thousand dollar automobile, $30 church> remarked at the evening mepl is added, m addition to freight, and|on tbe second day the son was home, The type of alleged political leadership .whose chief concern is being .in on “ the cut” becomes plain political racketeering and is not distantly related to the hoodlumism and gangsterism which has been writing a shame ful page in American history. Opposition to this political racketeering is not an easy ro„ad but men like Raymond Howard who stand for cleanness and decency in politics, should have the cordial and active support of those federal government tax. Each five'of what had taj<en place at a meet_ gallons of gasoline means three,cents !ing of charch ladies that day. The more in tax. Three per cent is a d d e d 'lention of the church) aimost set tbe to telephone, gas and water bflls. We SOn wild( who shouted tbat the church remarked that Gov. White was at- and religion wa3 aU ..bunk» and be who think that Republican organization should strive toward constructive and had tried to force such |did not want to hear anything more public service and be something more than a selfish, coin-jingling grab-bag. a ax, . ° n. CJ lzens ia 10 an aa THE RECORD REPUBLICAN, Washington C. H. - !B8cd h,s J ^K e n tu ck y _____________ , governor to adopt such a sales tax in IF YOU GIVE YOU MUST TAKE— CRITICISM }thaJ state' 0ur info™ anJ admitted ; such was the case and that he hoped The past sixteen years the Democrats have had a field day Ohio would select even a Republican at criticism at legislation and policy of government under Re- as /the next Senator as a rebuke to publican administrations. Of course there were some Repub- tbe administration in Washington, licans so tender-hided they resented any kind of criticism. There Continuing he said: “ I have been a were others that did not hold back at criticism of their own life long Democrat and hope to sen party. There were plenty of them that found as much cause tbe day when my party can be in __ ............ _ _ _____ _____ or more in opposing most of the Hoover administration. This power and follow the principals of [in Wg city, ”was”completely takTn**off of course brought joy in the Democratic household. Jefferson, Today the Democratic [his feet at what one year in a uni- Today the shoe is on the other Democratic foot in most party bas turned Socialistic , with versity had done for his son. He cases and we find a few that Chaff under the least criticism, military dictatorship no different than 'realized other methods, would be re- There are many Democrats, particularly small business m en what Italy had forced on her and quired. To get at the bottom he made and farmers, that are just as critical of the Socialistic tend- Wherever I go, as a salesman cover-'a trip to investigate something about about it when he was at hotoe. Try as he did the father was the more censored when he attempted to cor rect the son, but this only made mat ters worse. The argument ended in the son giving a first class lecture on Socialism, denying religion, quoting his professors on political and eco nomic problems. The father being a successful business man, Republican in politics, and active in civic affairs encies of the Roosevelt administration as was heard of Republi- five states, I urge all Democrats cans caustic comment of what Hoover stood for, if he stood for ,to elect a Republican congress this anything worthwhile. [fall to check the spread o f both So- Nearly two years of the Roosevelt administration have ciaiism and Communism in this passed and there has been time enough to at least take some measure of what has been accomplished and what we might be headed into. Our Democratic brethern might just as well country. that have stock listed in Wall Street, may have more to worry about than the gold or silver issue or the AAA or Holders o f stock in some o f our school themselves for what is coming and there is going to be largest corporations, especially those plenty of criticism and opposition from business sources, farm ers, veterans, in fact the office holding hord will emit the loud est cry to uphold the Democratic program. All w.e can say is . . „ ____________ _____ _____ for tho faithful to stand up and take it like a man, square on n r a . The last Cong-ess passed what the chin. You have given o f it freely hi the past and you must is ’ known ns the corporation bank- take it and like it in the future. ■ ruptcy act, that will permit companies In lme with criticism we wonder what Democratic farmers with thousands and millions in water- thought o f the Tugwell speech Wednesday noon in Des Moines, ed stock, to re-organize. It is be- lowa? Fleading for support of the AAA program and patience lievcd that railroads, utility com- on the part o f farmers was the Tugwell idea. He defended the panics, some insurance companies, processing tax that will cost the farmer two dollars on what 1 and different manufacturing com- he purchases over the government dollar that he receives f o r } panics are soon to take advantage of what he curtails in production. In fact the city is to have first [this act to give the small stockhold- aid to hold the union labor vote And the farmer can wait, but !ers a good trimming, This week the! Tugwell did not even estimate how long he must wait, Eugene American Writing Paper Co., a very Debbs, Socialist leader, never even dreamed of the socialistic jlargo concern, is taking this step to ideas of the brain-trust that have been forced on the people.! re-organize. The stock is selling on And yet Debbs eritizod the Woodrow Wilson draft plan and ) the big board at i ii- 8 , almost a give wan sent, to prison. Onion workers in- Ohio marsh lands are on a strike and are trying to keep owners or their families from working the crop. This should bring tears, to Gen, Johnson's eyes. It should open the eyes of the average farmer as to what regi mentation means and when it will hit him. , •. If you go sleep in church, you are not qualified to criticise the sermon. * away price. The holder o f 100 shares may get ten shares under the new plan, and again he may not get more than one shave for each 100 , depend ing on how touch water has been add- ed in tho years of so-called prosper ity. We have in mind one large com pany that has watered its stock nine times, think' what will come out of the class of men about the institution and found that four of the five pro fessors were Socialists, one o f these regarded as an atheist. This parent is just as much at sea today to know what to do with the son as if he had ventured on a criminal course. He found out something about a state supported institution that he never knew before. The father was a grad uate some years ago of a small In diana College and in a broken voice admitted his mistake was in not send ing the boy to a small college where such doctrines as Socialism were not taught. While this is an extreme case, it only goes to prove that the average university today Is no place for the first year student. We have a painful sample of the university So cialist in various branches of our federal government, and the crop is being enlarged each year from the graduating classes of our univers ities. ■ senatorial race on the Democratic ticket, such a withdrawal is possible in the near future, The Roosevelt ad ministration has a candidate in Gong. West, and no time or effort is being lost in undermining the White poli tical machine with several thousand political appointees under his control. Those holding office and all pro spective Democratic office seekers know that if White was successful in getting the nomination and election, he. would have no chance of dictating patronage with Roosevelt in power. Fisher comments in saying Demo cratic chairmen from various coun ties are alarmed arid are talking in As an observer to keep in touch with the building and loan situation and hear reports o f how the eight building and loans, under liquidation in Montgomery County, were being operated, we attended a meeting Mon day evening when more than 2,000 people gathered in Memorial Hall in Dayton. (!, R, Tltldw, Osborn, form- Chairman Titlow after reviewing what the’ executive committee had ac complished told how progress bad been made on the new proposed legis lation and what the committee faced. He also stated the committee had in terested the federal government in Washington and now guarantee of deposits and paid up stock was pos sible, under a plan of what has been built for bank depositors. Strange as it may seem, certain political inter ests in the state, have urged in Washington against making it pos sible for Ohio building and loans to reorganize under the federal law. These, same politicians also want the liquidating feature retained for pat ronage, while the Dayton Federation wanted a trustee that would not be appointed from political circles. The audience -applauded approval o f the federal plan that would permit guar antee of deposits. It is certain that with the next few months many of the building and loans in Ohio will apply to the federal government for reorganization, to escape tbe . rotten politics in Columbus. In answer to question from the floor speakers made it plain that under present conditions and handicap in state operation, no one could even guess when or how much, or whether anything would ever be paid out of the institutions in liquidation and it was for this reason new laws were demanded to make it possible for the stockholders to'take charge. plain language, Democratic laadsgf realize that with a fight within party ranks, many thing* that hav# happen ed under the White administration the past two years, will be washed out before the public, endangering success of the whole ticket. And the word scandal will have no place when charges begin to fly thick and fast. On with the fight and we hope the dirty work between the Schorrs and Pembertons on the Republican aide, and tbe Democratic administration, come to light. It will convince honest Republicans why the party has fail ed so many times in the past to elect Republican governors._____ _______ \ DON’T FORGET OUR OPENING SPRING LAMB SALE and FAT LAMB SHOW Next Monday) July 2nd Write or Phone for Entry Blanks for the Show Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. Sherman' Are. Phonr Crater 796 S»rtal*.ld, Ohi. The situation with building and loans as well as banks were identical in many respects. Depositors-could not get their money unless borrowers paid not only interest but principle as well. It was recognized some could not pay but there was not much sympathy shown the class that could pay and did not. It was also shown that the eight institutions now closed by the state, located in Montgomery county, had thousands of properties that were entitled to and would get HOLC loans from the government. But it was also made plain that with each application it would take $35 of the depositor’s money to get such a loan through. One speaker stated that these fees would amount to $180,000. It was plain to be seen that those in attendance at the meeting were disgusted with liquidation and that the only salvation was to force legislation that would take the in stitutions out of the hands of the state politicians. Plans were made to have at least 800 Dayton citizens in ' Columbus each day the legislature* was in session to keep ari eye on what was going on. And then it is hardly! possible that a bare baker’s dozen' would be permitted in a committee room where the actual work on bills 1 is done. The legislature is Under the complete control o f the White Demo-; cratic administration. Whether pub lic sentiment in Ohio is to be stronger than political dictation remains to be seen. . i BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE I am wrecking the old Abel Magnesia plant on Railroad street and have build ing material for sale on the ground at low prices. Steel girders for end posts, galvanized siding, building brick, steel sheets, etc. D. Janeskey Binder Twine High Grade Threshing Coal Feed o£ all kinds Our old friend, John W. Fisher, state correspondent of the News League, who usually has his feet on the ground and comes as near making a correct forecast of political events, in his letter Tuesday, indicates that regardless of Gov. White’s statement that he will not withdraw from the :i a C.L.McGuinn CASH STORE TELEPHONE— 3 South Miller St. Cedarvillc, O . - Week--End Specials BROWN’S DRUG STORE 75c Pure Italian Olive Oil 10c Tw ink Dye Soap, for tinting and Dyeing - - ' « - » 5c $1.25 Themros Bottles keep liquids cold 48 hours - * - - 89c 25c Talcum Powders, choice o f 10 10 Odors - — - - - 17c Keep Cool and Sweet 60c Odorono, banish body odors - 49c 25c lb. Fresh, Delicious Summer Candies - * - - - l 9c Nougetz, Iced Jellies, Caromels, Iced Cocoanuts Brown’s*-Drugs Local A son wa Raymond W Mr. and M Willard, Mr daughter, E a two week’; Canada. Icadj n pas hapd lion aed ■sued V i W| ) wl id ft »pe rrs i an s| strati e horj Mr. Elmer tas f] week from 1 to el has had e months, lie — J tion. — For Sale:- Thresher, f cockle. CHICKS— started chi< Yellow Sprii Dr. W. R Sabbath In Church, Xen Ohio W. H. Tilfor will be abse •== 1 aaiij Rev. and bride and i home Tuesdi wedding trij land states. 75c Pure Week End i Rev. Robei spending a . Margaret M Estle and ‘ turned to P - sia Rev. Robe Clifton Unit left Tuesday spend two \ join his wif< return with preaching in Sabbath. ld- at sts, eel . Mi’s, Mi- underwent •; citis at a X Mrs, Johi ing tbe w> Dayton. . Mr. and family atti Copeland’s bell, in Gr ceased is s- a daughte home; and sisters: Fr O. L. Cam Dayton,' ar OiTuiti e $1.25 • Keep Week End The Ha meeting a 1934: During and the c cussed. This wa tion on n girls disc were muk The m< for a reel The he the basen at 2 o’clo. I Till The le; Clothing in Xenia meeting the home Thursday The lie the nantn The ni secretary Distric County ( stration > County 7 were ana club. After r was adjo'. Pauline afternotn n ). CR Tlie F eluded t 4-11 yea library 2? at 2 The i by the Call ■war of kite Were re businesr and ear ant Fin Will St; The later, arid dt given Aiidm ed and and N vyinan m b ed and Bwimti ^5555555 /
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