The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52

OEPARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, T O Y 27, 1234 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL - .— ' — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER M in m i'-w iM u l Xdltorlal Auoe.; OMo Newip.per A iwxm Miami Ygllay Press As«oc, Entered at the Poet Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, < as second class matter. _ ______ _________ _ J FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1934 AN OLD DEAL FROM AN OLD DECK The approach o f the primary election should bring to the attention o f voters o f both political parties to the importance o f men and issues. It is important that men properly fitted by ability to serve in a public capacity should be nominated. It is just as important that certain issues that have a bearing on politics and business have attention. . ,, , One o f the evils of our present day political setup is that frequently we select a certain individual more as a window dressing and loose sight o f what he represents or who he rep­ resents. It is not hard to overlook the improper person for some public purpose, but frequently it is confusing to many to select the right person, and at the same time know the back­ ground, or the interests he represents. This exposition is directed mainly to those who will go to the polls and ask fo r a Republican primary ballot, August 14. On that ticket you will find two names for Republican committeeman in the Seventh Congressional District. One is Shertnan Deaton, Urbana, who has served fo r several years, and if the, record is correct, much to the satisfaction o f one whom terms himself the' “ boss” o f Republican affairs in the district, D. C. Pemberton, Columbus, who does not even reside in the district. Pemberton is a railroad lobbyist^ but for some years represented the saloon interests in Cincinnati. The other name, Raymond B. Howard, London, is not regarded “ satisfactory,” according to the Pemberton standard, and the Pemberton machine is expected to deliver for the utility inter­ ests. Two years ago by the influence o f the railroad lobby the taxes fo r these companies was reduced. Have you as a home/owner or farmer ever heard of the railroad lobbyists urging a reduction in your taxes? A t most o f the sessions of the present legislature the utility interests, with Gov. White, have endeavored to force a sales tax on the people o f Ohio. This shows why Mr. Pemberton and the utility interests would, keep control of party affairs. Mr. Howard is no professional office seeker. As committee­ man there is no salary, and the only service he can perform would be for promotion o f party interests, and not use the 1party to pull prize chesnuts for the railroads. He is a well- known newspaper publisher who stands well in our neighbor­ boring /county. . He has always been on the right side o f public issues, moral and civic, which his traducer, Pemberton cannot approve because he cannot control him. I f you want the Republican party managed ’as it has been the past few years, used as trading stock for lobby in­ terests, unmindful of whether the party can elect its ticket or not, then you should not give Mr. Howard consideration when marking your ballot. If you are interested in cleaning up a bad mess in the Seventh District then you as a Republican, hopeful of party success this fall, must, use your influence and cast your vote for Mr. Howard. Some new, and younger blood is needed in the party management, otherwise you will con­ tinue to get the old deal from the old deck, and the morning after the regular election read the notice o f Republican defeat once more. Just what logrolling lobbyists want., but higher priced living for those with meager income, Carlton S, Dargusch, the brain- truster, of the White administration on tax matters, takes exceptions to a recent editorial in The Herald, when we referred to his statement in a Co­ lumbus paper, relative to taxing dis­ tricts using bankrupt methods to pay past due obligations. What Mr. Dargusch says he said matters little compared as to how the public read , the statement. It is unusual that I public officials, bankers, and county | Someone lias suggested that Ohio should have a state commission to regulate the price of gasoline and eli­ minate the price wars that break out now and .then. Springfield for weeks has had all popular brands of gasoline wh’de in Greene county the ofliclals became excited when the Dax*- price on the same gasoline has been gUSC}, statement appeared. Dargusch nineteen cents. Just a few weeks informs ug that he ha8 for two years ago a war broke out in Dayton and infjisted on morp new taxes to meet since Montgomery county has had 10 outstanding obligations rather than be cent gas. A few independent dealers compelled to repudiate public debts, have cut to 13c. . Wednesday the,Q„ this issue we must refer him to price went up two cents in ^Clark g ov< White's campaign promise of county and the price of nineteen <» jj 0 ]v[ew Taxes," The people took cents was cut to eighteen cents in at his word and he has failed to Greene county. To return to the sug- make good, and even tried to force gestion that price should be regulated the legislature to pass new taxes. As brings up the milk situation in this Mr. Dargusch is a member of the state. The dealers have been having State Tax Commission wa have not no 'trouble in getting an increase or heard anything from his board as to fixed price but the farmer has to reducing the cost o f government so fight every inch to get a hearing for that taxing districts could meet obli- an increase in price. The milk trust gations. The Governor or his Tax can control the whole milk situation Commission have at no time tried to after the fluid leaves the farm. The juse force on any set o f public officials big oil companies can and do control to meet past obligations. The law is the price o f gasoline. The gasoline plain as to proceedure for collection wars only have a tendency to weaken 0f bonded debt, but has the Governor the independents and help get them 0r the Tax Commission even used RECIPES FOR YOUR COOK BOOK TRY THEM By Miss Inez Plainer Hot Weather Desserts and Appetizers Chocolate Bananas Mix 3 t cocoa 3 t granulated sugar Roll 3 bananas (peeled- in sugar ( mixture ^ J Chill in the refrigerator i Serve with whipped cream which has been sweetened and flavored with vanilla, Pineapple Delight Whip 1 cup of cream Fold in 1 8 slices (1 can) pineapple (cut fine) 12 marshmellows (cut fine) 10 maraschino cherries (cut in quarter) 1 t vanilla out of the way. When Gen. Johnson ordered the re- BSBT Heart to Heart Talks with our GAS and ELECTRIC Customers A Code for Housewives I N THESE days o f Codes for this, that, or the other thing, why is it that a Code for the Housewife has not been worked out? Someone has figured out that six hours a day ought to comprise time required for household duties. I f you are spending more than six hours a day, had you not better take an in­ ventory o f your Electrical servants? Your electrical store has than at reasonable cost. There really is no good reason to break down under the household load, winter or summer, at the low cost at which Electricity is available to your The Dayton Power and light Co. their influence to get taxing districts in Cuyahoga county to meet bonded The NRA was supposed to eli- debt of the taxing districts ? What minute price cutting and make every jthe public wants is reduction in gov- one pay equal, if not top prices for (ernment operation to reduce costs and everything. If a small dealer cut the ajs0 make it possible to meet obliga- price Gen. Johnson would order him tions, and before the matter is settled to the guard house as he did the New jthig plan w{n j,e adopted. The first Jersey tailor, that charged 25c for jstep would be for the legislature to pressing a pair of pants when the abolish the State Tax Commission and Johnson price was fixed at 30c. In place taxing authority back in the the Clark county war the big com- hands of county officials. The state panies cut- the price to kill in-jean save nearly a million dollars a dependent dealers. Gen. Johnson 'year by so doing. The public will does^ not object to,b ig business hav-,see that county officials do their part­ ing its own way. His plea for small, ......... business is all bunk. Chicago has a second taste of a serious labor strike when employees about the big stockyards walked out turn of the NRA Blue Eagle of the Tuesday in the face of the fact 100,- flarriinan Hosiery Co., Harriman 000 cattle were received, mostly from Term., following a strike of em-jthe drouth stricken states. Cattle by ployces,, trouble started in a political the hundred had to be shot owing to way-for the administration. The town t their impoverished condition from lack of food and water. Condition's about the stock-yard were undescribable. Most of this stock was owned by western farmers who shipped on con signment and the strike means a big loss to them. These farmers must have a friendly feeling towards Gen Johnson, who has. at every turn given more or less support to strikers. When he saw public sentiment had broken the back o f the longshoremen's strike in San Franc»csteb&was quick to. get on the other side of. the question. j has but the one industry and 600 em­ ployees who desired, to work, were j denied the opportunity because 300 were out on srtike. This is part of jthe New Deal program. Those who iwant to work in industry cannot do so if a few union workers go out on a strike. This is a part of the pro-, gram to force all labor into unions. Tennessee is normally a Democratic state but once in a while drops into the Republican column. With elec­ tion time but a ' few months away iNRA found itself in hot water and iwas not able to withstand political The strike on the west coast is j pressure.. As a result the hosiery costing Uncle Sam above $5,000 a day company had its. Eagle returned and 'demurage on wheat that goes to the permitted to open again. Union labor-far East. The Government pays U. now looks on the General as a d if-1S. brokerage concerns the difference ferent kind of sympathizer that he between the cost of wheat grown iij( professed some months ago. this country and what wheat sells for --------- jin China. As hundreds of cars of John Dillinger, noted bandit fell by wheat are on sidetrack and cannot be the same method he had administered loaded on the boats due to strike con to ■ law enforcement officers and jditions, the government is forced to bankers. Even some of his racketeer pay the railroads $5,000 a day demur- associates are said to have been given 'age.. Never in the history of the Re- the lead treatment. The news of his .public has the nation experienced a death at the hands of federal officers time when ■ every executive of any covered much space in the daily press [authority from the President, ’mem-, this week. To sum up his career he hers o f the cabinet, U. S. Supreme fell when ;jealously displayed itself (Court, down to the brain-trusters are among his lady friends. The reward not only out of Washington, but most o f '$15,000 was tempting even to the jof them on foreign soil, seeking new underworld, and a woman is said to .socialistic ideas on how to operate the have given a tip that brought a quick government, end to a desperate character. We I can boast o f the noble character o f a good woman, but nothing equals what can be found in a bad woman. Some months ago a statement was made in our presence that borrowers would never have to* repay their loans to the- government. Such stories have been repeated time after time but when the government started its first foreclosure suit in Marion, Ohio, several days ago, because the _ ... ,___ r ___ borrower had not met the terms o f are not bright. Vou do not hear much It is evident the administration at Washington has tired of the so-callec brain trust and the university social ists are being released and permitted to return to their classes. Things are not going smoothly today as they did months ago when anything with NRA or the New Deal were mention­ ed. People were willing to take orders and give the plan a test but it has gone far enough now to con­ vince all that prospects for success the contract, it appears Uncle Sam these days from Wallace or Tugwell John Baughn She r i f f P rim ary Election August 14» 1934 Your Support and Influence Will Be Appreciated must mean business. The government claims it has laid out plans for easy payments at low rates o f interest and in this Way helped property owners to hold their homes. Now the gov­ ernment wants the’ borrower to stand , by his agreement and make payments, j With IIOLC in operation just a few months more than a year and the first foreclosure suit started, those with government loans must not over­ look their obligation. The recent j moratorium does not apply to those Iwho borrow from the government. We listened to an argument several days ago on the bank corner relative to the San Francisco strike. Senti­ ment was against the strike other than with one individual. Most of these men were without regular em­ ployment and had to take a day now and then on the relief list or in the harvest field. One mentioned that he could not. see why people should sup­ port strikers -that have been getting FORECLOSURE ORDERED regular work at $8.60 for an eight The Cedarville Building & Loan As* hour day when thousands have not ,sociation has recovered a $6,221.70 the chance to get that much in a judgment in a suit against Florence week. Most of the crowd failed to B, Gray and others, in Comment Pleas have a good word for the greed being Court. Foreclosure o f mortgaged prop shown by labor unions, that want erty was authorized, everything and have no interest in The Now Carlisle Building A Loan labor that is now unemployed. If Co. was owarded a $2,426,41 mortgage * worthy any foreclosure judgment in a suit against thing, the New Deal, means nothing John Brown and others. I . of the Agricultural Department. Ole Sol has done more in two weeks in reduction of crops than the adminis­ tration could have-done in a year. Re­ ports in the cities and with concerns handling food stuffs there is a well founded feeling that we are facet with a serious shortage of most every thing in foods for man and beast With millions still out of employment, farm income reduced greater than ever, the scarity of food supplies means much higher prices, which the public will hot be able to buy. The administration is also pinched be­ tween demands of union labor, which it started out to foster for political purposes, and the burden on industry that is closing hundreds of plants, only adding to the number of unem­ ployed, Probably the situation has driven administration leaders to for pign shores, leaving the government to drift as it will. Connoisseurs of sleep The comordol trovjflwfcanopartonhoBl comfort, foowy park* oar you hear the Snton*itNfetalas apofanof intwr» ofWwl praiicbythese of sleep. mtnharycw travri oftenor rare!/, Stfo.-Sthfchok* oomfort serviceandeconomywM you. Un ita ry , foarious rooms with bath,shower and servitor, from * 2-50 Sample rooms Mbrld fomeus food in five beautiful djmvf room* >The totel of diameter lo aefty of diaraan JOHNLMORGAN.....Afe** anhv C INCINNATI CKEWBRKE’S20M*.MEM6K(tH£,SUlTK4£l*liOK' @ J i Chill and serve in dainty glasses Water Melon and Cantaloupe Balls j Fill sherbert glasses with small balls cut from water melon and can- ; taloupe. , . i Add a few seedless raisins. 1 Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar. | Just before serving pour a little j ginger ale over the fruit in each cup. 1 “HERALDWANTANDSALEADS PAY” Week "End Specials BROWN'S DRUG STORE 25c Modess Sanitary Napkins, - 15c 2 for 25c 25c Hobson’s Rat Paste . - - - 17c Rubbing Alcohol, full pint - - 19c A Cooling Rub-down $1.00 Wampoles Cod Liver Oil - 79c $1.00 De W itt’s Kidney Pills - 59c 50c Regs-A real chocolate candy Laxative, box of 48 - - 39c Brown’s **Drugs. Printing for Particular people Good Printing » Inspires Confidence When you send out a poorly printed circular, or any printed matter, you make a very bad im­ pression upon its recipient. * When you send out a well printed circular, you in­ spire confidence and. respect. The quality of your printed matter reflects the dignity and distinction of your business enter­ prise. W e do expert printing at reasonable prices; you have nothing to worry about when you place a printing order with us------ the work will be turned out promptly, correctly, and will be o f the kind that inspires, confidence, creates interest and im­ presses with its good taste and neatness. Give us your order the next time you need to have some printing done, and we’ll prove that we live up to all the claims in this advertisement. TheHeraldJob Shop Mi ill a'. Mi;: Mi- Dan Mai! $!.»<! Week I At fashic ture— model Hai recent prised furnit stock the nc much Belc quanti plete i 25 $ 4 ! $ 7 e Pi! $ 2 .s $> $ 6 $ ! S t $19 $ $7 Ac Mlgic Hoosie One M Conlott Gruno-« Gruno' Philco Leonnr Floren' Simmo Simmo Mati Simmo Biglow Armstr Congo) AIP 20-21