The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52

CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST SI, 1934 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KAitUi BULL — --------- EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -K tUw t 3M»t#rtri Anne,; OWto )li w n » f i w e .i Miami Valley Fr*#« Xm t, Entered at the Poet Office, CednrviHe, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class matter, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 SEPARATING THE GRAIN FROM THE CHAFF i Consumers are complain about the rapid rise in com modity prices. It soon will bo the cry the New Deal is in at the pre enl time. A fair sample is given where one ad­ dressed a letter to the Commodity Corporation, it exists but you may not have had knowledge o f it, asking for ta loan of $5,000. The second person jwas a young man writing to the Civil- j*an Conservation Corps asking for a now beginning to j?b?1th“ t ^ was « »t ** work. Even [Uncle Sam’s mail ’ jhave trouble in roan in Washington finding the right Historical Mileposts Of Ohio By C, S, Van Tnssel (Copyrighted) The Miami Exporting Company of CARD, OF THANKS FOR SALE- Tomatoes for canning. Call Phone 12-176, Cedarville. $1,00 We express opr sincere appreciation . to neighbors and friend? for kindness bushel, C. 0. Weimer. and sympathy during our recent sor- — — ------ i- rows. Clyde Northup and Family. I f there is any one thing1that must b e read with an open of the high cost o f-living. Much Of |t The man ! banking institution in Ohio and the . . , . i. l * _ 1 l . . . « « v ,? v k n> + W A r v » i l » e in nvn ri cnn n n c t n r n vm nrn m r n n _ l “ * " 4 “ '* 1' 4 C D U 1 U A «>*- I I IU H „ . . . . . . ________ Circus Murdor Mystery. How the Sharpshooter** Living Tar­ get, His Discarded Sweetheart, Caused Him to Be Her Unwit­ ting Executioner. A True-Life ...... ............... W1V , . . Romance In The American ;places for letters from over the eoun-! Cincinnati, was the first authorized Week End Special at Brown’s Drugs the Magazine Distri- School Tablet—280 Pages Smooth Yellow Paper—-5c School Opening Sale mind it is a government report, especially reports coming from this increased cost of everyday re- who a8ked J loan received a the agriculture department,or the NRA. Every newspaper in quirement* comes from the e n f o r c e - informi ,um that he could the land is flooded weekly tfith all sorts of government reports, ment of the various codes m en an .gt . g j6b of ^ S i o S e r nlnims n f the National Recovery Administration were so iextra- cost is added by the manu- The RUrprJ e was Jto ®he ™angI£aa when he opened his letter found a The clai s o f greatly overdrawn that even the Democratic daily press sent jfacturer, ■ " _ . . . * » . 1 1 V 1 ............ _ _1 _ L 1 i n t. / v J L i n i *-1 then the wholesaler and the consumer most o f it to the waste basket. Gen. Johnson established his , finally the retailer, own newspaper with editorial managers, editors, copywriters, ] should not be surprised when he is and a score of other paid positions to get out a paper with ; called upon to dig just a little deep- nothing in it but NRA propaganda. It contains little in the er in his pocketbook. The policy of way of news of the NRA that the public would be inclined to |tbe New Deal is to add these costs believe. Newspapers have a responsibility to the readers and all along the line and let the consum- woul'djiot think of using ail that is put out as news by the NRA. No wonder Johnson gets out hi® own paper and has advo­ cated censorship of the press. It is not hard to convince anyone the truthfullness of most government reports is to be questioned. Early this week the AAA put out a report of how the pockets of farmers were j correctly Ohio citizens will go to the bulging with a billion dollars more profit than last year, polls in November in such numbers Another report takes credit for the higher prices of farm pro - , that the Democratic administration ducts, all due to the AAA. The drought had nothing to do ............. ’"J- with' shortening of crops. It might also be mentioned that the extra profit to farmers was figured on the corn and hog crops yet to be marketed and no one knows what hogs will be worth next November. From another department comes a report telling of how many million are at labor and what the NRA has done to put these men to work. From the labor department there is a different tone and demand for shorter hours, higher wages that NRA has not provided the expected number of men on some­ body’s payroll. Sponsors of the New Deal also take credit for expansion er pay the bill. The braintrusters that have epoked up this deal aro on government pay. They do not get their pay by labor on the farm, factory or store. If we read the future will soon conclude the election was nothing more than a referendum on the NRA. check in his favor for $5,000. One of the state's snoopers was in town Monday trying to trap the restaurant men on the illegal sale ,of milk by the bottle to be carried out. But this is not all o f the unusual experiences. A manufacturer special­ ized i.n diapers and he journeyed to Washington to see what was required of him by a code. The first station of NRA informed him he must apply to the cotton goods division. From there he-was sent tp cotton textiles. This division could not decide and the visitor was sent to the children’s de­ partment only to be referred to Gen, Johnson. After a two day hunt the manufacturer was given a code by the General. No need now for babies to wear diapers without the Blue Eagle, The Democratic brethern seem to have' wide difference of opinion of most of the New Deal, Atlee Pom- Y1 erene, Cleveland, one of Ohio’s most It is unlawful to sell nulk at retail proiVlinent Democratic leaders in a unless- you have a state license. The \ h recently at MilwaukeCf m *., agent pleaded for a bottle qf m#k that took occasion to rap the AAA and he was a state man and wanted the BFC. He said the latter voted $63,- of business yet if we can read reports from other branches o f j milk for a test. Restaurants can sell-000 000 to irrigate land to increase government correctly we. find Car loadings have dropped amaz- j only by the glass at counter or table. 'farm acreage and fertility while Sec- ingly the past month. Bank clearings are on the toboggan. [Such tactics reminds of the days of cretary Wallace, issued orders to re- FeWer foreclosures but these are due to government loans that i tl'ick prohibition enforcement, have mounted each month until thpse in. charge have drawn the feove iment purse storings tighter a|nd few loans made either on farms or town property the past thirty days. ) One report says business in a retail way has mounted but on the other side comes complaint since the CWA was discon­ tinued there has been a decline in retail trade and a plan must be found to. revive it early this fall. duce the hog, corn and cotton supply, , .. ,. , , Paying processing taxes in return. We An old1 time bootlegger that has are spending money with one hand to had anything but a .good reputation increase production and on the othe# becomes head of a Union m northern |.,pending to decrease production. “Can (Ihio that has attracted much atten­ tion in recent months. All sort of The seasonal decline in , damage has been committed against anyone defend this policy?” he asked. Ohio being in the liquor business retail business Was much greater this present month than in - property and threats made against )ther<! has some question in many former years and this in the face of the fact that the govern- non-union men that want work. in -jquarters about how aut0mobiie acci- .ment was pouring out millions each day in different projects dependent labor tired of union inter-’dents on the highways are being list. to keep business stimulated. Business has been rated as only ferencc take the labor leader for a ed> It has charged that efforts 65 per cent normal and about 40 per cent due directly to gov- night ride and give him a good beat- have been made to hold down on re_ emment spending, so you can readily see that business has not ir)K- Now complaint has been made ports where Uquor or its effect may made much of a natural increase. Business as. viewed upon to uriion headquarters in Washington, have had something to do with the by the government for increase has only been brought about the government under the New Deal accident It is natural that Where an by a method Of inflation. becoming a union recruiting station, | administration has sponsored the How long the nation can endure the present program is and « plea for help is made. It is Kquor business and yet has charge what every citizen in any walk of life should keep upper most peculiar that the government had n o 'of the patroi o f the highways, reports in mind. One of the brain-trusters stated a few days ago .■interest m men that desired to work jni'ight be doctored and mechanical de- that if necessary to keep bread prices down the government and 'verc hindered daily by union feets gjven as the cause of some acci- could commander every bushel of wheat and fix the price as was done with, gold money. City people are now complaining of the increased cost of food and those in charge of relief are not a„ble to map a program to provide for the needy with available funds and increased prices on food, clothing and fuel. The New Deal faces a real test yet to come and the path is not rosy. Higher prices by destroying crops and yet keep the cost down to city dwellers is a Roosevelt program that will be settled only by future developments. leaders. ,dents. r We are informed that the American I Various lines of business about town Legion has taken a poll of its mem- (had a caUer early this week that is bets, or enough of them from every to list IocAi business under the NRA section of the country to even out- 'regulations. There are groans and do the Literary Digest test. The re- Pome threats in the air, all of which p i t is that 96 out of every 100 mem- '^akes the sky look just a bit brighter . .. . . . . . . M rs f re not Qnly °PP°sed t0 the « d' for the Republicans this fall. Extra One thing is certain individuals as well as corporations uumstration and its policy but Will expense may be the luck of the busi- are again in that nervous stage fearing the outcome.of the New vote this fall to overturn the alpha.’ Deal program o f state Socialism. Democrat is beginning to speak out. first chartered bank of issue (1807). Its notes were redeemed in notes of other banks and were in circulation for some forty years. Then came the Bank o f Marietta, incorporated Feb­ ruary 10, 1808, projected by Rufus Putnam, Benjamin I. Gelman, William > Skinner and others, with an author- j ized capital of $500,000.00, evidently: as large an amount as any banking: institution in America. The Bank of I Ohillicothe, capital $200,000.00, was1 incorporated February 18, 1808; the Bank of Steubenville, incorporated on the same date. The Muskingum Bank of Zanesville, was authorized by the Legislature of 1810-11, the Western Reserve Bank, Warren, authorized the following year, and the Mechanics Bank of Cincinnati, was authorized by the Legislature, at its session, 1811-12. The facilities of these institutions proved of inestimable value to the State for the public borrowing of money during the War of 1812. Branches of the Bank of the United States, which was chartered by Con- gross in 1816, were established in. Chillicothc and Cincinnati, Ohio’s antagonism to the Bank of the United States and the settlement of the fight by the Supreme Court in 1824, is a notable case in history. Subscribe for THE HERALD buted with Next Sunday’s Chi­ cago Herald and Examiner. 35c Loose Leaf Note Book 3-Ring with Filler—19c School Opening Sale Week End Special at Brown's Drugs Xenia, Jobbers of Petroleum Products TIRES and BATTERIES Tank Deliveries to all Parts of the County Telephone 15 , Subscribe fo r THE HERALD Week "End Specials B R O W N ’S D RU G S TO R E - - ---------- . .. , , , 'ness house but to fall on the for- The old-time conservative ;’eutlca, ‘,1T asty down.m Washington. “Rotten man” , the consumer. Higher >ut. Tennessee Democrats l hls W1“ be encouraging news to the priced c have split, and a conservative branch of Democracy has fused with the Republicans to elect a Republican governor and United States Senator. . Conservative northern Democrats are rebel­ ling at the program of confiscation of not only money by depre­ ciation, but property as well. This terrible cost is to be paid by the owner of real estate that is out of debt, or the citizen that happens to have a few dollars invested in securities or a financial institution. It will make no difference whether it is the veteran’s widow or the millionaire that may own prop­ erty without debt. The New Deal is an uncharted course to fob those who have for the benefit of those who have not, and unfortunately those put of debt, whether Republican or Dem­ ocrat, there, can be ho escape. . . , .. rice groceries, meats, atid everyday masses but rather disappointing to the needs are part of the New Deal, that JO,000 new job holders that have been gives money in' one hand and takes put on the government pay roll the it out of the other, past two ears. * DATE OF RALLY CHANGED Conservative Democrats, acting _ _ _ _ _ with prominent conservative Republi-j The Republican Rally set for Sept, cans announce the formation of the ! n has been changed uatil Sept. 18 Liberty League in a non-partisan since a first page article was put in movement to aid in maintaining con- type, stitutional government in the country. GAS RATE APPROVED When such Democrats as John W. Davis and A1 Smith begin to fear the ---------------------- -- " utco" ie °f Roosevelt administra- The reduced gas rate proposed by MIXES A NEW DEAL FOR ADMINISTRATION t,on lfc 18 time for the average citizen .The Dayton Power & Light Co for The primary election Tuesday in California was anything te* S l i S i c ^ ! ^ SCHOOL OPENING SALE 10c School Tablet-280 pages - Smooth Yellow Paper 5c School Tablet-110 pages, 2 for Smooth YelJow Paper 200 Page Composition Book 16 Wax Crayons - ■ - - . 35c Loose Leaf Note Book - 5c Erasers, each - , - - - Pencils, 6 for - - - - •- 5c 5c 5c 5c 19c l c 5c Brown’ s --Drugs. but an endorsement of the New Deal from the Democratic star dpoint for the party has had forced on it the nomination of Upton Sinclair, novelist, and Socialist of world-wide reputa­ tion, as the candidate for governor. George Creel, publicity director under Woodrow Wilson, who had the support of the national and state organizations, went down in a terrible de­ feat. Thus the Democratic party in California must accept the world’s leading Socialist as it’s candidate for governor. In ment. President Rooesvelt probably was not made happy upon hearing of the attitude of those prominent in the Democratic party. Ohio Public Utility Commission. The first 500 feet or less a month is $1; excess 50c per thousand with a three cent penalty. Democrat Committee * Is Organized A revived attempt on the part of Business is picking up judging from evehts in Washington the past few _ days. Uncle Sam has plenty of view of President Roosevelt’s trend to Socialism, it is going to money so President Roosevelt in an be interesting to see whether he stands for Democracy or So- instant jumped General Johnson’s cialism. The President and Postmaster General Farley jumped salary from $6,800 a year to $i5,ooo. !the former minority group to wrest OVei the political fence and endorsed Sen. Hiram Johson, Re- One day the firey General had a fuss [organization control from the regular publican,. who was a candidate on four^ tickets for the same with Richberg and Sister Pefkins, ThGi^ar^ faction failed Monday night office and is to be the Republican nominee. The New Deal President acted as umpire and ordered t'rten the 24 members of the Greene must be an eye opener to the conservative Democrat that has the Attorney to take .over certain |Co™ty Democratic central commit- all through the years stood for ideals and principles far dif- tasks and Sister Perkins to tend to tec* sleeted at the Aug. 14 primary ferent than What has been adopted by the national admims- her knitting in the Labor Department, neeomplished the biennial committee tration. Tressler’s Tone-up Tablets Containing Yeast, Iron, Cod Liver Oil Derivative and ithcr valuable ingredients. A pleasant Sugar Coated Pill-that is easy to take. ‘ A Summer and Winter Tonic for Men and Women Try Tresslers Tone-Up1Tablets for in­ digestion, constipation, tired achey feeling, nervousness, unsound sleep and general run down condition. Ten days treatment costs you but Fifty Cents for full month’s treatment for One Dollar. For sale in Cedarville at Brown’s Drug Store only I oMiiiiiiHiHHifiMiimimmiihMiHmiHHnfiiiiiimtiiitiifiMmftriMHiHimHtiiMtiiimiitiiimoriiUttiOmmiiMiiiiiiiiMHiMiimri Gen. Johnson emerged victor in the scrap after sending in his written resignation. As a reward the Presi­ dent boosted his salary to $15,000 a year, and ordered to take a long vaca­ tion to get his nervos settled. As t'he salary comes out of the consumer’s pockets it was an easy thing to add a mere $9,000 more. ’ in the 55T S T O C K M E N ! ! ! Compare this with other methods o f marketing. During the past two years, we have returned to you an average o f ninety-eight and one-third cents for each dollar of live stock sold at this market. This accounts for our rapid growth, SALE AS USUAL ON LABOR DAY Springfield Live Stock Sales Co# SjMtaMHK A ft* Ptm»- Ctntcr 1H SpHngitM, Ohio organization at a meeting courthouse assembly room. Winning a sweeping victory, the controlling faction, by a majority vote o f 15 to 9, reelected H. W. Badg- ley, Spring - Valley, as committee chairman for another two years. Earl Ritenour, Ross township, was elected secretary. An executive committee composed Senator S. D. Foss some time ago ° f 15 centra' committeemen favor- ! arranged for a nation-wide broadcast aWe to ^ regular organization was | with the National Broadcasting Co., *,IPn aPP°intcd, respiting in the umnn- | on a certain date. He expected to dis- imo“ s cl,oice ,of Gc°rgo H. Smith, I cuss a subject of national importance Xen'n•n9 chairman. Other executive | and before he knew it the Commission ,0^ ?crs e*ec*;od were B. B. Bower-* | in Washington having control of all me's,^er’ ®owersville, vice chairman; I broadcasting stations, assigned him Ma,ion breeders, Fairfield, secretary, a subject. It would not cover the w>d H‘ Wl Bad<?,ey* Spring Valley, points he wanted to discuss, as t h e ^ sur! f ’ date was released. There has been1 Th® st of exccutive committee charges that the administration want- mGI,lb.ors* a11 ° f whom are central ed censorship of the press, it exer- co,nm'l;iccnicn, follows: John David, cises censorship broadcasting *,amest0Wn» Eflrl Ritenour, Ross Twp,; stations so that no criticism of the Ray H,tc’ Jeffcrson Twp.; J. M. Dwy- Roosevelt policy will be possible. And RoSS TwP** Meryl Jones, Cedar-! such a thing in free America with V!1Ie Twp’ ’ Raymond Ritenour, Ccdar- ceononiic anarchists in charge of im- W* Badgloy, Spring Valley Twp,; Valley Twp.; Earl Simison, Spring B. B. Bowormeister, portent branches of the government, Those who with one of m o r e ........ . „e- partments in Washington, two or Twp‘}' Eflrl kewis, Os- three new ones being set up each 1,0,71’ Marion Feeders, Fairfield; A. Week, know something of the jumble L* Am,eraon' New Jasper Twp. ‘ i have had experience ?row'<1,’svj nbl H. Smith, Xenia; > c o f the vnrious do HenpJt / Acksort< Xenia; Howard Bat- THE GREAT MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIR Bigger & Better Than Ever Dayton Ohio, Next Week, Sept. 3, 4,5, 6, F o u r B ig D a y s F o u r B ig N ig h t s HORSE RACING EACH AFTERNOON and NIGHT LARGE EXHIBITS FREE ATTRACTIONS BAND CONCERTS 4 TEAM PULLING CONTESTS TUESDAY, SEPT. 4TH. LOT OF SHOWS, GAMES and RIDES ft CHILDREN’S DAY-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH SOLDIERS’ DAY-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER STH All Children and Soldiers admitted to grounds free un­ til 5:00 P. M. on day designated. Valuable Prizes Given Away Each Night G A T E ADM ISS IO N ON LY 2 S c F. L. Van A llen , Pres# R . C# Haines, Sec’y# Local s s canii lie. $ Messrs. Eov u Tindall are ei., Mr. Chmh cd heme afit: - » in Colville. W -jnerJj Miss Mild:* ” lumbus pain* y Ind. uner. Mrs. John spent last wee, William Marsh; Mrs. D. It. ( ill for some j improved. Rev, W. A. (' o f Ada, 0 „ friends here. Sabbath for 1} in Trenton, 0 ,; Prof H. D. I Deem have bee at Cheboygan, luck fishing for Rev, Robert i Sparta, 111., ha* Mrs, Stewart’s Creswell and ot K Mr. John T on ed here by the , « his father, Mr.. | pects to return urday. Mr. and Mrs. r family visited la Mrs. .Walter Pu also enjoyed a before returning M iy and Mrs. tysburg, O., bn —— -a George were Sm .. to Mr. and Mrs. 1 ---* i mother,-Mrs. A. Cora ’ Denlinger panied them. > Misses Eleam who have been at Winona.Lake home:: About friends gave tin day evening win ner was served. The Nazarene of Kansas City E. A. Allen’s 1 dren’s Children’ the name of Gn Allen also has The Weekly U Author, The Sei American Mote word. Doris Tlartnn spending this « first part of the Century of Prop part of the wet the Cedarville E National Counci at Evanston, 1 council is to stu problems, social are facing mode out a course of groups. Mr. and Mrs, ,g— Edith Blair, Mr' Mrs, Creighton I a western trip, np Iowa where Mrs '• teriield will visit* Mrs. Creswell ar ceed on to Mari of the latter, IV will return him When-they will b and Mr. Satterfi* home. Supt. D, S. Selma, were Su* with Mr, and Mi |_ ter, Jean Sue, M * su(perintenden! George during <R Miss Kathryn ing Saturday iu gin her work te the public sclui<c many going-aviJ day, in company .and Mrs. E. A. tained ,at Jefft r Mrs, Ernest Ali< Wednesday by Washington C. t company with \ town as the gm Dorman and on Luneheo given in her h, *ie in len was also a Misses Dorm1 Townsley cnir^ friends at a supper in hono and Mary (’mm from spending S onah Lake, Irnli . held at the hoi f* Charles Coulter ** The guests v Julia McCalln. Jane West, Hr Strowbridge, (» va Clemens, ( Hughes, Rehi-<r * and Mary Con Icy, and Doroth