The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52
CTOAIVJLL* H I1ALD, FRIDAY, W0VWI1I* , 1*, 1*4 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARIM BULL — EDITOR AND PUBUSHKI -l W* Kiw»i|ir A****.; Him* v*u*r **$* a**#* «t fet M Q«oe, C**xrvilia, Ohio, OetofewSI, IBS?, ?fm - AMtiMT. 1 S & A T , N 0 1 « M W I f , WS4 _ READY FOR WATERWORKS F I fAH WANTED for R*wiei**i «9 # l of 800 fctmilia*. Writ* Inwm&akdf. v>m, Rawleigh C*„ Da*. fiHJ-WMA, »r* pretty small potato** and have The Jntoraatierial Livestock Show littk ehaoee j* forming m y g***rn- open* U Chicago an Use. lit and will wm M policy, fcmpective o f poUUoal be « f ftWMMud interest a* the coliseum ijTrnntrfffirn authorities are party. The lavtebneMwith which th* and ail buSdlag* « « mw, rapUafuMf nUtiac Man* for starting work on th* FiwcpwdVW- government ha* erected Korea of thoaa burned lart May. The *hw ha. SwWpriwater system, financed by ----------- building* in that city, even Million always been a big attraction for stock- the federal government. Selection of APPLES FOB SALE dollar garage* for senator* and eon* men in this county, gressman, barbershop* and rant-" RED CROSS ANSWERS THE CAUL i New that Xing Franklin I ha* been given an almost unanimous endorse" ment, with Santa Claus high lord of the exchequer, and the legislative mill pewtred with the most modern rubber gears known, there is nothing [to do but survey some at the high loans than collections and Santa Claus now comes on a' different mission to prepare for payday. As will be noticed elsewhere in this issue HOLChas tightened the lines on loans having more than exhausted its funds when all applications have been acted-upon. There are now 440t« O0Q applications being held up that will total more than five billion with what has been paid out. Congress only appropriated three billion and news dispatches this week state the Roosevelt administration will not ask congress for'additional funds. It Was originally expected that previous to the time the three billion was used enough would be Returned by pay., meh'ts on, principle, and interest to keep the organization functioning. The'department has been disappointed in interest payments. Whwnwver the Red Crone *ek* something in the name o f humanity that something is given by the American people wholeheartedly. This week Die Bed Cross asks Ohioans to be come members. It only makes this appeal once a year. These members are the lifeblood o f ibis ‘greatest mother in world*—her sole means o f support. We o f Ohio shallmot let these gallant people down, after day they serve to relieve human suffering, most o f them without pay. Their only plea is ‘help us to help / Cedarville township and Greene county must do its part in this great work. WHILE THERE'S LIFE THERE'S HOPE Postmaster General Farley on election night pronounced the death prayer o f the Republican party, based on returns at that hour. Since that time others have taken up the comment that the Grand Old Party has passed, to the beyond with no hope o f returning as an agent o f political usefulness, Rut the Republican party "is not the first to be listed as “ dead" following an election in the nation. We turn back a number of pages to the election o f William McKinley In the nineties when predictions that no Democrat president would ever grace the White House again, Grover Cleveland having been defeated during what we then called the “ panic years.” As far as electing presidents during the interm o f 1896 to 1912, when Woodrow Wilson became president, the Democratic party was experiencing one of the those “ dead” periods. Only two states voted Republican,. Utah and Vermont, and then the Re publican party was looked upon as out o f the picture for the future. But death only covered a period o f about eight years when Warren G. Harding gave his party resurrection and then fre quentmention was made as to what would become o f the Demo cratic party? It so happens that political parties must have the proverbial “ nine lives o f a cat” or in the end if history is. correct they just disintergrate, only to he succeeded Jby the same thing under a new name,. It must not. he forgotten that the present Republican party was once known as the Democratic party. < ; „ The election that keeps the Republican party rather small as a minority organization at this time will prove bu . one thing in our estimation. Death is not so often written over the lintel o f a political party as it more frequently records the death o f cer- , tain leadership and party management. The Republican party today suffers most because selfish interests would not return to the days o f Marcus Hanna, who saw a chance o f Republican supremacy only through new names and new faces following the defeat o f Cleveland. Time after time during the Hoover administration it was ......... predicted that his administration would wreck the" party by !comment’ at Republicans with De following,his “ do nothing policy,1’ either by choice or denied , p^st OT> iha% side the opportunity by his associates. Selfish politicians and the horde tfence. It was bnly a year or so ago o f office holders defended the President but an enraged jihat southern Democrats in Congress populace turned thd administration out, marking one o f the *objected to DePriest attending a gath- darkest pages in the political history o f this country and a four eidng. at the White House, How they years that may haunt Republicans for years to come. 'will receive their newly converted Old hard-shelled leaders that profited most by continued coloml assdcjate on ’the Democratic control o f the Republican party could ,not sense changed eco- Vide is causing no little comment. , nomic conditions and the temper o f the people following the > ___ _ ^ attempt o f the Hoover administration to cure the newly named Josephw. Sharts, Davton, for year* depression b y saving Wall street financial interests at the ex- n prominent member pi the Socialist pense o f the common people and we entered a recent campaign party, who tried five times as a can- withthia same kind of leadership—only to suffer a defeatthat ^ ate for governor for hi* party, has under ordinary circumstances would not have jhappened. Two renouncedMsmembershipandso nott- years o f the Roosevelt Socialistic administration hove left open- aed national headquarters. He says ings fo r Wide difference between electors. Hundreds o f thou- there hope of their party in the sands o f Jefferson Democrats djd not then and do not today interest of the American laboring approve o f most o f the New Deal program. Endorsement o f the lnan. He does not approve Fascism Roosevelt program last week was only possible due to -the dis- Nazism „nd other foreign doctrines! satisfaction o f Republicans and lack of Confidence in party lead- Hehasfound his ideal in the Roosevelt ership. Had the party been reorganized as it wpuld have been brand of Socialism, if Marcus Hanna were at the helm, the Republican ticket would _____ have had the support o f the true Jeffersonian Democrat, that believes in the nation as a republic as provided by the constitu tion and not a Communistic or Socialist democracy. .Regardless o f your party politics it might be well to re-read Jefferson,who never gave approval to our form o f government as a. democracy but as a republic. What is heeded in management of the Republican party in the nation is greatly needed in Ohio, A review o f the Republi cans only electing three Republican governors, Willis, Davis and Cooper, in about thirty years, should stir the blood o f any tij.y for m y years. Known as a state partisan and convince the most skeptical that Ohio Republicans productive for potatoes, even the eyes suffer most from an over-load of selfish politicians and lobbyists 0f the tuber must have watered when that profit most from defeat o f the party and being in a-better position to deal with the majority. The association and con nection o f party leaders the past four years with the adminis tration o f Gov/White, brings no surprise that defeat was the verdict for Republicans. • • . The Herald has at various times pointed out with Republi can affairs in Ohio in the hands o f Schorr, Taft, Pemberton, Maschke, and others, there was little hope fo r victory. We have ' not had cause to change our views, to this time and just last August took the stand that to clean-up the party you must start at the bottom and for this reason we supported Raymond B. aurant* for legislators, gave th* PETER HAMILTON DIED FOL- Ohioan something new to think about, j LOWING LONG ILLNBS8 It Is nothing to view for instance the i Commerce building that covers threej Peter Hamilton, colored, 82, died city block* and cost $17,000,000. Five;Sabbath following a long illness. He or ton million 1* * small amount for jh*d been Wind of recent years and *1- anyon* single building that your!»w*t kelplees. He was a resident of Uncle Sam put* up in the nation's jthe town for more than fifty years. Red XMktous, GoWea BeiSrte**, well site, pumping station and letting : contract* will proceed at once. A t- _ „ tontey Marcus Slump, Xenia, ha* Grime# Golden, Fall Pippin, Jeaathaa. charge of the legal stops in the im-,PHONE 1-8$ F» M. QILWLAH provement. 1(84) the ’ co*»pto& situations and get capital. The bulkTng program is not;He is survived by his wife, Mary jready to enter the promise land. There naar complete and there arc aquare*.Smith Hamilton. The funeral was held Day i1* no !° al*,Tra,e^ because the yet of city property purchased thntj*rt)mthe Baptist Church of which h« new *b*J»*ty hi* Ml but closed the.must give way for more governmentjwaa a member, m-— ’ Cedarville of HOLC, The ultimate^out-,buildings. Private elevators in the*e|®uriai took place come is to get ready to pay. More (buildings are numerous. An item of cemetery, attention has been given to renewing {}uxWy in the Commerce building isj Tuesday afternoon, ip Massies Cheek; C. M. AUSTIN SUGAR CAMP An unusual feature of the recent election was the winning o f a con gressional. seat from ■Chicago by Arthur W Mitchell, who defeated Oscar DePriest, Republican, colored. When a colored gent cap be elected on .the Democratic ticket in a thickly colored section of Chicago, in the past strongly Republican, we may have reached- the turning ’point and there may be something in the story that Santa Claus has converted the South ern colored citizen to the cause of .Democracy, Southern Democrats have in the past poked much caustic la $7p,000 diningroom with' equipment 'XENIA YOUTH SHOT WHILB for the exclusive use o f the bead of j HUNTING THURSDAY P, M. that department. If you visit the newf ------- - postoffice building you will find one of >; Word was received here Thursday the finest bath rooms to be found in Umt Otha Inlowj 19, Xenia, was near the world. Each of the members of jdeath at the McClellan Hopsital Ip the Interstate Commerce Commission that city, a victim o f gunshot wounds have private baths in their office while out bunting. Slight hope was suites. Over at New Peal head- held for his recovery. * quarter* private baths for all depart-! — -— *— —- meht heads run from silver plate to FARM HAND ENDS LIFE IN orchid enamel and black onyx. They are spotless clean with from three to a half dozen janitors for each suite.; Hairy Underwood, 48, Bellbrook, In the. Labor Department Miss Perk-single, was found hanging early ThUrs ins had thousands of feet of-highly morning on the farm Of C. M. polished marble floors torn out andAustin, near Bellbrook* replaced by cork, which gives thet -The body was hanging by rope from union. labor leaders a surer foothold a rafter in a- sugar camp on the farm, on that department and relieves alt Discovery was Wade by William Sid- causes o f noises that might interfere enatick, a farm hand. It was thought or„ cause nervousness while debating death had token place some, time the important issues. A twenty-five? day previous,YCordner R» L, Haines thousand dollar hath room suite in was called to view the body, any"New Deal headquarters should fie ' —— ....... -* - . convincing that everything out o f OHIO DEER REPORTED IN Washington is coming clean. The SOUTH CHARLESTON VICINITY biggest cleaning is faced by the tax- ( ■ . — — payer, ”whether in the metropolitan Several farms residing, near South city or out in the sticks. Charleston report that a red doe has ----------------- :— . been seen numerous time# during the Political dopsters are trying to past ten days. The deer was first figure out. the electorate mind as a sighted on one o f the farms owned by result' of the balloting last week. Was Henry Ford, automobile manufactur- it the New Deal, popularity of Roose- er who owns several thousand acres-in velt and ft& spending or could it Madison township. Last year a doe have been popularity of Davey and was seen at times near the Haines Donahey? For • instance Xenia City farm by George Ensign, tenant. ^ jumped over the fence and - gave1 ----- —;— ........ Dayey a plurality, an almost unknown RELIEF WORK PLANS COVER * FIVE TOWNSHIPS IN COUNTY While only one of the seven states voting on constitutional prohibition or repeal, stood pat for the drys, there must not-be much encourage ment for dry leaders to renew the fight at this time. Kansas so far is the only dry state. This week Maine, long known as the original dry state, fell off the water wagon, having been dr . fift the legislature, with only two oppos ing yotes let down the bars for any and all kinds o f liquor. With this action two big distilling companies announce plans for immediate erection of plants for the manufacture of liquor front potatoes. Reports out of Washington this Week, indicate a movement! is to be made to revamp the rural route Howard, London, as a candidate fo r Seventh District Repuhli- system in this country. As this sys- can Committeeman to break the hold o f Pemberton through tem was put in use by a Republican Sherman Deaton, tlrbana, a willing servant o f the lobbyists, administration it is predicted that was then and later, was re-elected „ as district committeeman, within the next two years every rural It is evident that Ohio Republicans will not hack any candidate delivery man will be a part of the fo r governor, no matter who he is, that must campaign under machine to deliver votes for Franklin such a handicap. D. probably the first step to this end No, political parties do not often die. But party leadership comes with the proposal to return to does die and this is the exact situation in Ohio. When we reach the old plan, of fifty years ago and the time that men o f means who believe in Republicanism will not give financial aid with the party in present hands we can expect nothing but continued defeat. 4 Kt Jk M -Mftci It Jk L, ACCEPTED A t FULL VALUE ON DENTAL .WORK * EXTRACTIONS—4SOLD PIN PLATER AT LOW PRICES TO SUIT YOU On* Day §4**k» « r Att Work If Ntefal NEW PLAT il-ai0 « h < <U REPAIRS—$i U If DA. G. A. SMITH, Demits X-K«y-4EririMetjMHi AKtoep «r Awalte—Me Up a - l l H V . t p A iMftfi MMg* iprfcigleH, 0 . Mala M I ! restate the "star’' route system. The postal department is now asking for bids for motor routes from Xenia to Jamestown by way of Wilberforce and Cedarville, two trips for six days a week, Froin Xenia, to Waynesville With connecting points. Yellow Springs and Springfield. Mails will be dropped at Xenia by the railroads af.d the department will pay route drivers for bringing it back to Cedar ville, A present the mails is dropped here by railroads and we have five mails a day. Under the New Deal plan there will fee but two daily for six days a week, Some of these days the rural route drivers will ge a no tice from the Postmaster General to "Call me Jim" Farley, James is fond Kltohen Ware, Aladdin Lamps and of those homely expressions that have jq other items. No selling experience enduring charm and he must be given credit for his ability as a politician, to deliver the goods. ■ ( A newspaper friend was recently down in Washington and there wnx tfee guest of a big city reporter that had covered different government de partments for several years. In as much as these two newspaper people boyhood friends our Ohio in formant came back homo fooling that aftef*)l he and ail of the rest of ua event jn politics. - Donahey carried the county over his opponent. Sen. S. D. Xtess, a resident. If the.election was Under present plans there Will be to’.* and against New Deal, how cart,but five townships in the county on the you explain election of Cong. Mar-work relief list fop the rest of the ehaU, opponent of New Deal, over C. year. Workers will be paid in cash W. Rich, advocate o f the alphabetical through FKRA, The townships list- order, and defeat of Fess, opposed to d are: Xenia, Bath, Miami, Cedarville New Deal, with Donahey supporting and Beavercreek, it? The result has the politicians guessing. IF IT II CHEAPER * .a You Wi*h--I Have It Mined and Screened Manhattan Lump, Ohio’s Beat Coal. Forked at my yard and delivered at ' $5,00 Per Ton, C. O, D. Four ion* or more H 7 5 per ton delivered C. O. D. Something Better! Yes, Car just came in o f Hard Burly.EasternKentucky Coal. Thi* is the Beat andi Cheapest Coal on the market at the Price. Only $6,00 Per Ton Delivered Also have In stock following High Groat Coala: Genuine Pocahontas Lump, Yellow Jacket, Kay Jay, and best of all, Dana Block. * , FRED OF ALL KINDS—Will Trade Coal for Grain. C . L . M c G u i n n CASH STORE TELEPHONE—3 South Miller St. • Cedarville, O. PARTITION SUIT Partition or sale of Xenia Twp. real Day by day wfe go’ bite the Winter Restate is the object of a suit died by Elizabeth S. Berg and Ell* Robertson .gainst Edna Turnquest and others. with less moisture in the ground than for many many years. We have had two unusually dry seasons covering most of each year and at present are about 17 inches behind in rainfall for the present year, Farmers inform us that much of the wheat sown is not up yet and that there is not enough moisture to hold it during the winter. Another dry year and some one will be paying a bounty to increase crops. UBIKOUFE GUARDFEDS • ' i -v ‘ • 'r * , * ' M > ’ i *•* Wholesale,and Retail on Tankage and Hominy - Also Line of Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, Soy Bean, Alfalfa Meal, Salt and Other jFeeds*. Always, in the market for Corn, Wheat and Gat* DAILY MARKET ON HOGS , , ■ * We quote bn Cattle, Calves and Sheep NO COMMISSION CHARGE CUMMINGS & CRESWELL Phones: Yard 7fL—Store 100 Cedarville, Ohio * Arthur Brisbane, noted editorial writer, comments on a public state ment of Howard Y. Williams, organ izer of the Farmer-labor party who dated: "President Roosevelt will run for re-election on a 1 iberal, third- party ticket in ‘36.” If all goca well,? If the money holds out, and- if preses _ that print Our "inflation , bonds” do not break down^ President Roosevelt will need no third party in 1930. By i that time there may not be even two parties.” , Dayton has had all manner of ex perience with her building and loans, some of which had not been managed for the best interest of the stock holders. Months ago there was the cry of liquidation and the White ad ministration moved its political wreck- era on the scene. Several Weeks ago a large public meeting was held in Dayton when demand was made by stockholders and patrons to return the Institutions to the owners. This week more trouble arises when two attorneys present claims totalling $121,000 as their fee for legal service. And the politicians have not yet turn ed the institutions back to the own ers, Local .Representative Wanted No Experience Needed Man who can call on farmers and sell them complete line of products including Feeds for Livestock, Radios, Washing Machines, House and Earn Paint, Hand Tools, China Ware , Silverware, Aluminum necessary. Wo train you in sales and service work. Farm experience or knowledge of livestock helpful. Car necessary. Large weekly com mission gives you chance to earn splendid income, Exclusive closc- to-heme territory. We are 80 year old, million dollar company. Write for full information,. Tell us, abouf youraelf. E* V, MOORMAN* PvMldMf D»pt. 35W, Quincy, 1)1, Have You Visited Adair’s Store Recently? See Our New Modern Section! M COME IN This Beautiful Modern Suite $ S V H O d ia but one o f the new modern Bed Roottt Suites we are showing . . . . priced within the reach o f everyone. The BED* CHEST* VANITY' and BENCH priced at.............. ..... ................... ............. 79 The Modern Dining Room $ 107 ° ° shown in this group is very attractive . . . . strictly modem without being extreme. The 8-pe. suite priced a t .......................... ..... ..... ............................... China Closet m ■ I' •» * ■ * $28.00 You’ll be delighted with the Living Room and Kitchen. The rooms are all mad* im as nearly as possible as they would be in your home. p SEE HOW INEXPENSIVELY YOUCANFURNISHA HOMEBEAUTIFULLY ADAIR’S N. D«tft»lt St» >i> i v n e fll MB* fWi fdtetely y ^ *g ) m m - Mr. and ^ apvat Sumji * Mr*. Luther ?Moua — jiatluai Mr*, W. , LltAW fa u tb Yienn Mr. and Mr: Mr. and B tmxMJ sad Mrs, B. Ohio, were £ Mr*. L, J. a Sue. . Mr, and M Mr*. Ray I’ Gettysburg, caller*, ' Miss Anna' * ed the Wome Thursday at1>a** Mr. and M tained the Di home last Fri '* Mrs, Chari DC been visiting . tives here ft M* Uiff will sper field with ht Phillips. , Mrs. H, S. . O., is visiting , parents; Mr. ° The monthl n T. U. will be noon at the h at 2 p. m. 7 . Mrs. C. E. . Lakeland, Fh with her siste Cooley. The Greene sociation will 10 a. m. in F Rev, G. P. Ca _ votidns, and 3 ~ apeak on “CI p ■ perienees in i Chari Mrs. Edith ards and Mrs tamed two g Blpir-Creswell noon and- ever . were present < luiicheon. Ai guests were: .Harold Ray, J ' James Miller Walker, Janie McDorman, Sc of guests wert to enjoy a dei Was beautiful] flowers and boi mums, A BIR1 A pleasant > ranged for M Clifton at her ... of her birthdi- and at the ta were: Mrs. E srs. Leroy Pai Short talks w< and Miss Hopr •the event. wer> ' Parsons and fi and daughter, and Mrs. Jern Paul Parsons i Edwin Hoppin Mrs. Arthur and Mrs, C. I Mrs. Elizabeth and Mrs. L. F Cedarville; Mr Mr. Jack Mar' and the guest GOO F, 5~F RKi VAU Will be R E Theatre Nej and every and Satur* Thercaftc Fla* »' screen attrac tion*. 1 nmmiimn f f r
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