The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52

LoealendPertoxud ... Tf-rfmfflui!, Mr. sad Mrs. Air* Iiak met *oa, *f#efc EaMay as gtMwi* of Mr. sad Mr*. Laths* Gr*y o f Epriagfiskl, Ohio, Mr*. W. A. C*nae sad ekHdrea of ffmth Views. *pmt Saturday with Mr. sad Mr*. Alv* Link. fmmmm i 1 Church Note* CLIFTON U, R CHURCH R*k*rt E Fr**eh, Pw(tr gbbotb School, 10 a. M. Gordon C. Kyi*, 8upt, L*«son: Matthew 6: IS­ IS. Act* 2:41-47. Th* Christian a* a Church Mamber. Worship Service, 11 «. m. The ser­ mon will 1 m the third of a series of Parables of the Kingdom, Theme— Luke 15; rational addrsss will proeeid with oar Quarterly Confereao*. Kpworth League Topic; “Why ShmOd Wa Share Our RriirionT" Lt*d*r, Harry Sinks. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHUftCH Sabbath School, 10 a, an. J.E.Kyl*, Supt. Proachiny, 11 a, m. Th*me, “ The Everlasting Gospel,” Y. P. C. U., 5:SQ p, w. As we did not meet last Sabbath evening, w» ■will study two topics as given this ar CXDAIVTLLK HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER it, M l l Mr, ami Mrs, B. F. Hoifinger, Mr. and Mr*. X X. Smith « f Covington, Th® Call to tb* Kingdom. Ohio, war# Sunday gaeeia te Mr. and U-JO. Mrs. L. J. George «nd daughter, Joan Young People will meet in the »<>»«* »* “Sin*" t. “My Problem o f Sue. .upper room o f the church at 7 p. m. Sin,” 2. "Consequences o f Sin.” --------,- ■- , to discuss the topic, The Consequences Leader, Donald Buricert. Mr, and Mrs. C. J. George, Mr. and ** s,n* Mrs, French will lead the Union Service In this church at 7:80 Mrs. Kay Feternm* and family o f .discussion, :P* w. Sermon by Rev. Dwight R. Gettysburg, were Sunday F* U . ! The annual Thankofferjng service of Guthrie. _ callers, the Women’s Missionary society will j Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, be held Thursday afternoon at 2 P> m. at the home of Mrs. Geo. Rife, o’clock at the home o f Miss Nellie.:■Leader,'NjvRay HenHewon. Wohave Waddle. Mrs. Carrie Dodds Geyer l decided to follow the C, ¥ . 0. Pro- will be the speaker. , jlgram for the next few weekS^ the Union Evangelistic services will be subject for this meeting is "Sin.” As 7;S0 Miss Annabel!* Murdock entertain­ ed the Women’s Club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemen* enter­ tained the Dinner Bridge Club at their home last Friday evening, * Mrs, Charles Illff of Chicago, has been visiting among friend* and rela­ tives hero for several days, Mrs, Iliff will spend the winter in Spring- field with her mother, Mrs. Mary Phillips, Mrs. H. S, Reiter of Youngstown, 0., is visiting for a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Marshall, The monthly meeting of the W. C, T. U. will be held this Friday after­ noon at the home of Mr$, C. W'. Steele at 2 p. m. Mrs. C. E. Cooley has gone to Lakeland, Fla., to- spend the- winter with her sister-in-law, Mrs.' Walter Cooley, -v ;[ .........-......,....... > , ,s The Greene County Ministerial As­ sociation will meet Monday, Nov. 19, 10 a. m. in' First M, E. Church,XeniO. Rev, G, P, Campbell will lead the de­ votions, and Rey. D. R; Guthrie will speak on "Classroom and Pulpit Ex­ periences in Scotland ” Charles E. Hill, President. . Mrs. Edith Blair, Mrs. A. E. Rich­ ards apd Mrs, Frank Creswell enter­ tained two groups of ladies at -the BlairjCreswell home Tuesday after­ noon and-evening. Forty-foUr guests were present for the bridge and rook luncheon. Among the out of town guests were; Mrs. M> C. Schick, Mrs, Harold Ray, Mrs. Paul Creswell, Mrs.. James Miller o f Xenia, Mrs. Tiffen Walker, Jamestown, and Mrs. .Lewis McDorman, Selma. The same number of guests Wert present in the evening to enjoy a dessert-bridge. -The home was beautifully decorated with fall fiowers and bouquets Of chrysanthe­ mums, , A BIRTHDAY DINNER held in our church at 8 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday eve­ nings, and In the Presbyterian Church on ‘ Thursday and Friday evenings, The Rev, M. L, GerharcR, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Ironton, Ohio, will be the speaker each evening. The series will be con­ cluded with ia union communion serv­ ice in the Presbyterian .Church oh Sabbath evening, November 25th. Everyone is cordially invited to all services. This evening (Friday) there will be a special prayer meeting at the Par­ sonage in preparation for the union services, , . • A pleasant surprise party was ar­ ranged for Miss Arnetta Hopping, of Clifton at her home, Sunday, in honor of her birthday. Dinner was served and at the table with Miss Hopping were: Mrs. Elizabeth Hopping, Mes­ srs. Leroy Parsons and Ralph Tindall., Short talks were made by Mr. Tindall and Miss Hopping. Those present for the event were} Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Parsons and family, Mrs, Emma Todd and daughter, Jeanne, Springfield;'’Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Parsons, Mb. and Mrs FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dwight Hi Guthrie, Minister Sabbath School, 9;45 a. m," Paul Ramsey, Supt. Lesson; "The Chris- tion as Church Member.” 1 Matt. 5; T-16; Acts. 2:41-47, Golden text: "We are members of His body.” Eph. 5:30, ■ Morning Worship, l l a. m. Sermon text: “The marks of the Lord Jesus,” ,Gal. 6:17, . . Christian Endeavor meets at 6:15 P. M. The subject for the meeting is: "Missionary.Heros of Today and Yesterday.” The leader .is Miss Lois Cultice, A splendid meeting has been prepared, . Union evening Service at- 7:30 in the Methodist Church. The sermon text is: "Ephraim is a cake unturned.” Hosea 7:8, The sermon describes the meanipg of an "unturned cake” and goes- on to outline the thoughts which called the figure to the mind of Hosea. There will be no mid-Week.service next1week. The next mid-week serv­ ice will he held on Bed, 5, when the first of three studies on "The Chris­ tian Home” will be made, ■The annual Thank offering service of the Ladies Missionary Society will be held, on Thursday afternoon off next wfeek at 2 o’clock, Mrs; Charles Ryan Adams of Springfield, the Sy­ nodical president, will speak. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. $. C. Wright.' , Assistant host-, esses ate: Mrs. Mary Rreitzer, Mrs. Shermah Cotton, and Miss Jennie Bratton. Mrs. C. W. Steele will lead the devotions. This is one of the im­ portant meetings of the year. Next Sabbath (Nov. 18tb> is an inter-denominational day known as "Men and Missions Sabbath.” In a pamphlet sent out by. "The Laymen’s Missionary Movement” concerning the Sabbath mentioned above there ap­ pears an interesting article written by this will be the only mid-week service for this month, the entire division of subjects on Sin may be considered. The last Wednesday evening of the month we wiil have the Knoxville College Glee Club with us, and the Thanksgiving service will be held at JO a. m> Thankegiving morning. Temperance Notes.. .Sponsored by Ctdarville W. C>.T. U. "The man who first brewed beer was a pest for Germany,” said Martin Luther,. “I have prayed God that he might destroy the whole brewing busi­ ness,” . PorfauuUr General J** mw A. Far*, lay said: “Repeal will do away w*«th 1 bootlegging* gangsterism, raekataer-; ing and kidnaping” # j President Roo#*v«lt said: "The sa- j loon must not cow* back in Its old | form or any modem gUiae.” | What ara th* frets today? i Hiftorical Mileposts Of Ohio By C. S. Van Taaaol (Copyrighted) COLLEGE NEWS F. E. R. A. student* are to make a religious sociological survey of Cedar- yille for the local ministerial associa­ tion, Among the items to be secured are church membership, church pre­ ference, activity in various organiza­ tiona of the church, home ownership, and occupation. The data sought is same as in the survey made several years ago. When secured the same Will be turned over to the ministerial association for use In its efforts to serve the community. The coopera­ tion of the citizens of the community WiU aid the F. E. R. A. students in' earning their waythrough college and will be much appreciated by both our ministers, and the college.-Dean Steele has charge of the survey. «ww*w*i ' leg islature called : FOR MONDAY EVENING One by the name o f Wm. S. Davis, writing in the Boston Post recently said: “Let me make, one prediction—■ Monk’s Club Notes This week oja Thursday and Sunday’ evening the Monk’s Club will present, services at the Selma M. E. Church; At both o f these services there will be special music. Thursday evening Gene Spencer will leadthe.meeting and Paul McLaughlin will lead the Sab­ bath evening, meeting. Evangeline Bennett and Franklin Trubee will speak on.tfie subject: "The Shepherd and (he Sheep,” at the Thursday ever ning service. The Club is engaged to assist the College Glee Club in a "College Night” program at Carlisle, 0., Sunday eve if the Women of American do not,ning December 9. Also arrangements cease drinking, prohibition will return are being made for two services in within three years and this time to Middletown, O., Sunday, December 16. stay: Insane’ Let me quote one of the leading hotel men of New Eng­ land who recently said to me, "Davis, Glee Club Mrs. Margaret Work, accompied by repeal has helped my business and yet the Glee Club, the Orange and Blue I am afraid my conscience would Serenade™, College Trio will visit the cause me to vote dry tomorrows I ]0. S. & S. O. Home on Sabbath after­ noon to present a sacred concert. have never seen anything like this 1• craze of women and girls for liquor,” Excessive drinking of today will take its greatest toll 10 to 15 years hence, in the .opinion of Dr, Charles ET, Mayo, world famous surgeon..In Dr, Mayo’s opinion, it is impossible' to keep step with- today’s fpst beer hall age, and hope to join the Me- thusaleh dub. Newspapers report that the Keeley liquor institutes have had an increase of 55 per cent in business Since re­ peal, No doubt many o f ihe patients at these institutes will soon be Wo­ men and girts. Alcohol was a factor in more than 62 .per Cent of the accidents studied' by Dr. Herman Heist, pathologist at Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, WiS- The federal government Won't al­ low the name of the great Catholic coach, Knute Rockne, to be "taken in vain,” by having a brand of whisky named after him. Thousands of pro­ tests have been received at Washing­ ton; , Col. John A. Hughes, head at Ohio’s liquor commission, early in September, estimated that bootleg liquor sales in . „ „ , . . the state total 300,600 gallons a Paul Parsons and family, Mr. and Mrs. IDr. Homer McMillan, of Atlanta, Ga., monthf an amount equal to the sales Edwin Hopping and family, Mr. and * "local boy,” who visited relatives |made through the state liquor.stores. Tw,t" ”y‘ - Wr in Cedarville recently. A portion of DJd not the repealist promise that the article is as follows:, ibootlegging would cease after repeal? Mrs. Arthur Hopping, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Hopping and family, Mrs. Elizabeth Hopping, Clifton; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Tindall and family o f Cedarville; Mr, Hickman, Springfield; Mr. Jack Marlett, Mrs. J. C, Mpriett, and the guest of honor. r mu GOOD NEWS FOR ALL e— 5 RKO KEITH 1 « VAUDEVILLE ACTS Will be Shown at the REGENT Theatre Springfield Next Friday and Saturday and every Friday and Saturday Thereafter, "Never in the history of the Ameri­ can Republic was there greater need for the redemptive work of Home Missions. A nation is d plural of man and only Christian men can make a Christian nation. When more than two-thirds of our people are not even nominal members o f the Christian Church, —- Protestant or Catholic; when more than 27,000,000 Protestant The international convention of the Disciples of Christ held this month in Des Moines, la., termed the re-legal- ization of liquor as a solution of the temperance question as "a tragic failure.” Our First synod of the West called it a "wretched failure,” E, R. Catori, chief of the California Miss Basore will render readings at this service. The Orange and Blue Serenade™, accompanied by Mrs. Work, sang several numbers -at the Church of Christ at Grape Grove, on Sunday eve­ ning, November 11. Red Cross Mrs, J. W. Ault represented the Red Gross - among the faculty of Cedarville College Thursday after­ noon. Teacher Training Meeting President McChesney. and Prof, Hostetler will attend the Teaching Training group meeting Monday and Tuesday, November 19 qnd 20, at the Public Hearing Room, No, 2, State Office Building, Columbus, Ohio, Public school music will be the sub­ ject for discussion for the.meeting on Monday, Reports of committees on standards will be given on Tuesday, i Gey. Whit* has ealM >th* Ohio.-] b*i*l*ter« lii -*¥«•' when it i* ■ expsetad that 'new .tax law* wifi ba intredne*d and effort. -’male t*pas* a f eaut retail sales tax! .to provide revenue to r schools and! War was declared by Congress « - ! 2 i L 2 ? r t 5 ,5* tin*t r.n>.t ic>,. .eetunatod that additional revenue o f mllHon dollar* must he provided. " ever the ! gainst Great Britain’ June IP, 1812, It i. believed General Hull received u the news hv inviti mwuunMv A battle is to be expected Carroll-BinderCo. Xenia, Ohio the ne s by special essenger at Fort . . . . .. . ... Findlay on the BJ.nclmrd River “ 5 * * ^ *“ *! hi, march to Detroit, but he did not ** **• I*r* " * i announce the fact to his army until t*x mt ****** they had reached the northern bound- W ** 0Untie*' ! ary of Ohio, The date o f Hull’s sur-! '------! ' . 1 render to the British at Detroit August 16th, • Steels Bldg., I *Xenia, O,- There was consternation among1 the whit* settlers, on the lower Maumee and some fled southward into the interior over Hull’s army trail, while others abandoning their homes made their way by boat down the Maumee River and eastward over the lake. ■ , The people of Ohio were stunned by the disaster and the press rented their wrath upon Hull for hi* "turn­ ing Tory by the influence o f British gold.” A public meeting was held at Chll- licothe on September 2nd, and resolu­ tions passed calling upon Governor Meigs to protect., the northern frontiers by sending the militia, to their assistance. The Governor, how­ ever, had anticipated the situation and had already put in motion such measures and ordered blockhouses built for refuge in'case of Indian at­ tacks, , - With all this,alertness in protecting the interests of the people of Ghlo, when the October election approach­ ed, there -were bitter attacks against the Governor who whs a candidate for re-election, charging- him with the mistake made in conducting the War, But his vote was H,859 while his opponent, Thomas Scott,, who had been secretary of the first constitu­ tional convention and later, judge of Ohio Supreme’ Court, received 7,993 votes. R AW F luff BEEF Bffljapp HIGHEST PRICES PAID DEALER LOTS BOUGHT Bennie Sparrow Elm St. CsdwrvillSf O , PHONE: m Jobbers of Petroleum products TIRES and BATTERIES Tank Deliveries to all Parts of the County >■ Telephone 15 Equipment Cedarville College purchased a new Royal typewriter and a new Roto- speed this past week. ' Also Dr. Jurkat secured a map of Admiral Byrd’s expedition in the Ahtnrtic regions,' . young people are not enrolled in any iligtwiiy patrol, when reporting an Sabbath School or institution for their training in spiritual matters; when 10,009 rural communities have no church or religious organization of any description, and 30,000 other com­ munities have vacant or abandoned increase of 40 per cent in fatal ac cidents due to drunken driving, said; "1 am particularly disappointed over the figures because I felt that the re­ peat of the 18th amendment would . . . . ,, not only put an end to the Intolerable church** because there is no resident iCOTlditioria thkt were breeding crime minister or religious teacher to lead ^ Would alKo xe*ult in less drink- them, must we not conclude that jn_ „ . though the physical conquest of the j * i srsu&is « - wt- \ ~ rsss,z z n C K rS nC»omm «* Mdnmonth, 111 ., In re. .hould beeeme more ta ie eW in w i , 8" V ° * elene-Ferelpi end Borne. Wliet of l l , ktoi r Z ™ ‘ Corey dndeen « d LMnpttene nbr»d ^ and of Brainerd, Feck, and Whitman Club Proeram. » Mrs. Margaret Work, accompanied by Jane Wham, Miss Georgia Skinnell and Miss Glenna Basore presented a program 'at the annual guest night banquet of the. Wimodausian Club at Carlisle on Friday evening, November 9. On Saturday this group enjoyed the day in Cincinnati, at home. With one-half of their Christian m l in each church mem­ ber of America the world would be won for Christ in one generation. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH | Charles Everett HUi, Minister | Church School, 10 a. m. P. M. Gil- liian, Supt. , Worship Service, 11 a. m. Subject: “Th* Suffering Servant” Epworth League and Intermediate. Lesgu«, f:!9 p. « . ' . Evening Worship In the U. P, Church. The Rev. D. R. Guthrie is ing "Temperance Notes. Promised in the Name of Beer Fourteen promises were made for beer by the advocates of modification, We ask you to check the promises Against the present facts in the case. The beer spokesman promised: A billion dollars in taxes, Immediate prosperity. No more agricultural problems. A million men returning to work AT ONCE. Disappearance of thB gangster. No more crime, No rnor* speakeasies. No more drunkenness. No more depression. No more drinking. No more troubles anywhere, any* Committal Service The annual Committal Service of the Y. W. C. A, was held in the Pres­ byterian Church on Wednesday eve­ ning, November 14, For the service, an impressive candle light ceremony, the church was bsautifully decorated in ferine, fiowers, and cedar. The President, Miss Carma Hostet­ ler, presided. The service features the invitation to Freshman girls to join the Y. ty. and the acceptance, The members of the cabinet individually pledge themselves to the support of the Y. W. C, A. The remaining members take their* pledge in a body. Vocal selections were given by the college Trio, Miss Anna Jane Wham, Miss Georgia Skinnell, and Miss Lois Cultice. ■ This service Was written' by Miss Frances McChesney and is held each year in memoriam to her. the yffteefcer, t . On Wednesday evening, 7 : 30 , Dr. how, anytime. B. L. Georg*, District «up*rintend*nt, perfect law enforcement, will b* present, and after a brief da* Rehabilitation o f youth. HUNTING SEASON OPENS The hunting season opened Thors day and some 449,009 licensed hunters took to the open spaces in quest of pheasant* and rabbits. The state department issues a warning that one per emit o f the wild rabbits are in­ fected with tularemia, rabbit dieeas* that took 64 lives last year, Cau­ tion is urged to use rubber gloves In dressing all rabbits and the meat must he cooked until theta is no red meat near the bones. Home Owners* Loan Corporation Wednesday Office of Public Information, For Release to A. M. newspapers, 7500 New Post Office Building. Wednesday, November 7, 1034. Supplementing a warning issued by the Home Owners* Loan Corporation yesterday, urging private and institutional lenders against requiring cash payments for mortgagors to make up for any deficiency between theOriginal lien and the face value of the bonds of the Corporation, or to offset any difference between market and face vailue of HOLC bonds, the Corporation today emphasized that such notice to lenders in no. way relieves the borrower from his obligation to make every effort to discharge his current indebtedness to., the original mortgagee while his application for relief to the Home Owners* Loan Corporation is pending. In some instances, the Corporation states, home-owner bor­ rowers who were not in acute distress have discontinued pay­ ments on their original mortgage, in the hope of thus becoming eligible for aid from the Corporation. ..To prevent this prac* , rice, the Corporation stipulates that any home owner who wil­ fully stops his payments on his original mortgage, in the hope of obtaining a Corporation loan, thereby makes., himself in­ eligible for a Corporation loan by his record of unwillingness to pay his debts, and by increasing his accumulated past due obligations. ..Thus, deliberate delinquency by a home owner means the immediate'risk of foreclosure and the loss of the property, and removes any possibilityof relief through the Cor- . poration. Home owners are urged to make all possible payment* to the original lender until such time as the Corporation loan for which they have applied is actually closed and the new mort­ gage by the Corporation has replaced the Original mortgage. * The Corporation restrictsits loans to persons who are in genuine distress at this time, but who may be depended upon to meet their mortgage indebtedness to the limit of their ability. ..Many applications from wilful delinquents have already been re­ jected, and under such circumstances the original mortgagee is often warranted in prompt foreclosure action. Borrowers from this institution should govern themselves according to the above notice from HOLC and keep interest (sa wall as taxes) paid in full pending the application for a government loan. Under a new Ohio law governing all Building and Loan As­ sociations in the State interest periods end on June 39th and December 31st, ..changing interest periods for this association “ avo been from what they h e In former years. Patosky Potatoes for sale, Phono Chiton F -li. CHfton- Old Town pike. W .l. Fartnsow Protect your home or farm by keep-* ing interest and taxes paid promptly. The Cedarville Building and Loan Association \