The Cedarville Herald, Volume 57, Numbers 27-52
CKPARYHJ.E HFRATiT), FRIDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1934 THE CEDARVILLE HERALD KAULH BULL, — — — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -KtUoul KdltorUJ A mo e.i Ohio N*«»p«jw Auae.f UUrat Vatl*y ftrtM Assoc. Entered *t the Poet Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934 Day, has many change* in the priee of the annual dinner. We have been interested in reports about the turkey price situation. The price is much 5above that of last year and the reason ! given is the affect of the drouth ; creating a shortage. One of the largest turkey producers of Ohio is ___ --------------------------------------- ----- - — --------- — --------- i 0ne t I^USt m {quoted as saying that the dry weather THE AMERICAN SPIRIT io^Selat/on^s^n Islington fol- (has been favorable to an increase in . . . . . . , ™ i, the nation is in Washington, lol- production due to the mortality rate To a great many citizens, Americanism is just a word. They , lowing the edict o f the inflation New much ,owjer tban in fprmer pay it lip service—-but they have a very poor knowledge of its ' Dealers. Pocket pieces and keepsakes; Then we view the ice 8itua. actual meaning. ‘ heir way to the ^ P it a l-d t y , j aon> In thiB aection most turkeys Real Americanism is a spirit. It is that spirit which in- jevcn to the gold back certificates. You tare , eHip at 20c on foot But watch archie domination and established a nation where the govern ment was to exist for the- individual, not the individual for the government. , . . Today, the American spirit stands for these things precise ly as it did in the past. They are as important today as ever, and perhaps more important. The public is beleaguered from many sides by those who would effect sudden and irrevocable change in the very foundation stones of our government. The advocates of fascism, communism, dictatorship and other theories are always active—and there is danger that they may seem persuasive to a people struggling with great, yet tem porary, problems, . ■ . , , . The public cannot be too strongly warned against seeking temporary benefits at the expense of permanent principles. Even the worst of depressions pass—-and we will be a sad nation indeed, if after this one passes, we find that we have lost those constitutional guarantees of corporate and individual freedom that have made us great, THE TOWN BULLY Who pays your wages or salary? Business and industry. Who pays the politicians and office holders? Business and industry. ■ „ _ . Who pays the doles now handed out by government? Busi ness and industry. Who improves property that pays taxes? Business and industry. Where does permanent employment for the masses come from? Business and industry. Who is injured by government going into business? ...Busi ness, and industry. Who suffers most from such a program? Millions of wage earners and investors. ,• What will replace the tajtes destroyed by tax-exempt gov ernment business competition* with private citizens? Higher taxes on remaining private'property. What is the difference between the town bully and the politician who uses the force of government to take what he wants from helpless private citizens? None. / The people make the government. The people make the politicians. Industry and business create incomes, and property which politicians tax. I f the politicians destroy private business, where will they get taxes?. Wh^re will people get jobs? Can we all get jobs with the government? No. If politicians can’t get taxes, then what happens? Govern ment is bankrupt. Will business and employment increase under a town bully policy? It is our business,, our jobs and' our taxes that are at stake. Private business cannot compete with tax-exempt govern ment business. Try it if you think it can. ' What is the answer? Keep government out of business and confine it to the function of governing a free people, for which it was established, • What has government in business done fo r other nations of the world? Bankrupted them in most cases and made tax slaves out o f the people. a new set of dishes, selected by Mrs. Roosevelt, It numbers 1,000 pieces, has rich blue border with 48 pure gold stars burned on the flat pieces. When silver inflationists from Con* gross and New Deal circles sit down to face the spread of gold, the turkey may not taste so good. The next governor of New Mexico comes from our neighboring county seat,' London. He is Clyde Kendle Tingley and was born on a" farm five miles north of London. ’ When 22 years of age he took out for the west. Today, at 44, he is the governor- elect, having been elected by a major ity of 8,000, He had the honor of having Douglass Fairbanks and Mary Pickford campaign for him. Mrs. Bell Tingley, mother of th<£ governor- elect resides in Springfield. His wife was Miss Carrie Reid, and is also an Ohioan, her home being at Bowling Green. The adoption of a sales tax con tinues to be a big topic wherever one, two or three congregate.' Inasmuch as it covers all the necessities of life, economic doctors are busy trying to figure out just what it will cost each family in the state in the course of a year. The dairy interests tried hard to have milk exempted but failed, so each bottle of milk selling at nine cents or more must carry the tax. It was pointed out'that the tax would reduce the consumption o f milk and opponents wanted the tax absorbed, by the distributors. Here was a new stumbling block. City distributors operate under the New Deal with code restrictions and distribution costs fixed. The next suggestion was that Gov. White's milk trust commission would hav/C" to order the base price paid dairymen reduced to cover the tax. And this is probably what will happen shortly after the bill becomes a law. The biggest money maker the federal government has is the hog processing tax) It is collected twice, first by lower prices on hogs and a- gain when the consumer orders his pork chops. It is a wonderful age we live in. President Roosevelt in a speech some days ago called Ameri cans “pioneers of 1934." He is also credited with the statement, “We are on our way”—in or out—of the wild erness stripped bare by the tax col lectors. The cities cry about sales and income taxes—they also vote the New Deal. No Sympathy here. lumbus,. 22 to 31c. We checked prices of one chain store organization in various cities and find a difference of two, five and seven cents a pound. Today, Thursday, Thanksgiving jonce a week on the same subject, Carlisle, offers his personal sugges tion as a remedy. At least half pf the houses in the U. S. are from 35 to 40 years old and out o f date and most o f them4 covered' by insurance he suggests that the nation be divided into fire zones and insurance agents be designated to select which houses are to be burned, Do this over a five year period, Insurance companies to pay the loss and congress to appropriate two and one half billion dollars to repay the insurance companies, New policies would be written on modern property not subject to’ fire risk. Special taxes to be levied over a long time for future posterity to pay as it will in the end get to live in the property. Change the arson* clause in insur ance policies as was done with the gold clause in bonds. Legalize arson to aid unemployment. This may sound like “ fiddling while Rome burns" but as sound as plowing up cotton and killing pigs while people, are hungry and cold," An Outstanding Live Stock Market Witjh an Outlet for AH Grade* and Weight* o f Livestock. Hog* at this market sold at Terminal Market price* this week. Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. Sherman Ave. Phone: Main 335.J Springfield, Ohio We are just a little hit surprised that Gov.-elect Martin L. Davey has not given the rural counties of Ohio more consideration in the selection of his cabinet for the most important de partments o f state government. Cin cinnati was given ope major appoint ment but Cleveland gets the hog share, Unless Mr. Davey considers the head of the agriculture depart ment from a rural county there will be no representation from the purely rural and prominent agricultural counties. I f his appointments were APPLY FOR LICENSE NOW Mrs. R. C. Ritenour, local registrar, who will issue automobile license plates, states that >all. truck owners should apply at once to have their license plates on time .as it will be several days before they can be de- made on the basis of election returns livered. No authority has been grant- he has treated Cuyahoga county handsome, Cincinnati did not vote his way but gets one place. A number of counties that have always been solid Democratic the past few years jumped over this-year and supported Clarence J. Brown. These in the knowing say many of these counties were so disgusted with Gov. White’s administration they desired a change . Take a second notice of a news item with a Washington, D. C.> date line on another page. It- does not refer to Italy, Germany or Russia, but is a mandate from King Franklin’s New Deal Kingdom—NRA, Read again and see if you can find where in WHAT CREATES WEALTH? Government cannot create wealth. It can only spend it. That economic axiom was recently pointed out by B. C. Forbes, in c nmenting on the delusion that government has a limitless purse, that it can pull bundles of cash out of a magic hat, that “ a day of reckoning never comes.” Every cent spent by political organisms must be supplied by the taxpayer. And that term, “ taxpayer,” means every person in the country Who has a job, any savings, a piece of property, a business, or a dollar to spend. It means the day laborer as well as the bank president—-the jclerk as well as the executive. In fact, the clerk and the day laborer have the most to lose from tax extravagance and the most to gain from tax economy. Government cannot be supported by taxing men of wealth— idi^duaf rights” have beeu abolished* there aren't enough of them to-make a dent m the budget. The :No new plant8 for the production 0f great bulk of its revenue comes from indirect taxes on clothes, crushed stone( aand or aVel in 13 food— all the necessities and luxuries which the average man Ohio counties can be in8talled until and woman of small income buys. * June, 1935, without wearing knee Wealth' is created when capital is used to provide facilities 'breeches, silk vest-eoat, kneeling, and with which men can work to produce goods and commodities ;kissing King Franklin,g robe< Wh and services that the people need and want. Potential wealth iwould a man wartt to invegt in a new is lost when the burden of taxation makes impossible this Ltone crusher plant when he can b capital investment—when it stifles at the source the jobs and L farm an(1 be paid for not wing opportunities that would otherwise be provided, jpjgieta? Tax reduction is in the interest of every worker, every farmer, every business and professional man. It would pro duce jobs, develop industries—and make more taxable wealth. The item in reference to installing And there is only one way we can have tax reduction— by j new stone plants recalls a campaign spending less tax money. • .the New Dealers are making to help — — ...... ....... \ build up the heavy machinery in- Community Chest drives over the country are not met with ir^ try . Companies manufacturing ed this year to operated a truck just on application for license. No truck can be operated after January without' the 1935 plates. ‘ 1st I THREE ARE VILLAGE GUESTS Marshall McLean had, all three a- partments filled the first of the week when Charles Davenport, George Mr. Davey owes his election to one or Barber and Jimmy Wallace were his two counties'that usually stay in the Republican column, but no Republi cans get major posts. guests on intoxication charges. Mayor Little placed the fines at $5 each and costs added. •Press reports tell us that Edsel j Ford and wife, Detroit motor car manufacturer, were recent dinner guests of President and Mrs. Roose velt in Georgia. A year ago the Roosevelt administration was trying to hang the Fords up by the heels and shooting both father and son with ridicule because the motor magnets refused to join the NRA movement. The government even went so far as to forbid the company or agents bid ding to supply motor cars or trucks. If report of car sales are a criterion the black list failed to Work for evi dently public sentiment hacked Ford, who has taken the lead in record of sales in recent months. The Roosevelt administration evidently is trying to court the favor o f the Ford family and heal over what e$er soreness ‘ that might 'exist. A day or so later the Ford company announced it had' no intention o f adopting the. NRA. We are in'receipt of a report from the O.S.U. bureau of business re search which shows the average daily sales o f groceries from wholesalers in Ohio was 11.7 per cent under the previous month. The index shows the price increase for the month was .3 per cent, the sixth consecutive month they have advanced. the interest and response of liberal contributions as in the past —Not with Santa Claus a reality. Carroll-Binder Co. Xenia, Ohio Jobbers o f Petroleum Products TIRES and BATTERIES Tank Deliveries to all Parts of the County Telephone 18 factory machinery of all kinds have had little of the Roosevelt prosperity and now the government is going to loan these concerns, that have 100 per cent credit, any sum wanted to pur chase new, machinery and modernize plants — to increase production—a thing they tell us we have had more than we can consume. Church circles in Washington, D. C., have started a bombardment of mem bers of congress over the wave of crime and murders committed within the past year in that city. Never, church leaders say, has viciousness and criminality been so rampant in the history of the city as since the lid was lifted by the New Deal Con gress. Appeal has even been’ made to the Supreme Court, The national administration is always responsible for the government of the Capital City, and the charge js "made-thnf, orders were given months ago to take the lid off. Big-shot gamblers have John F. Carlisle, prominent citizen opened extensive joints within sight in Columbus, Writes his views o f the of the Capitol and openly operate Unemployment situation, to a Co- with many members of congress as lumbus paper, and boiling it down patrons. Within recent weeks two we get the essence as follows: “ With murders were committed in gambling seventeen million people out of em- circles. Already this year 1,900 ar« ployment even under the controlled rests have been made for house- Now Deal, the heavy goods indust breaking. Arrests for intoxication fios including brick, cement, steel, are double what they were a year lumber and building construction are ago and disorderly houses have been suffering most and adding to the un opened in all sections of the city. We employed, in as much as President are on the way with the New Deal, Roosevelt changes hi* mind about If surface ' indication's amount to anything there are breakers ahead for the tax program now under consid eration by the legislature. Difference has arisen between Gov. White and Gov.-elect Davey over the division of the tax among the various districts. The former wants a division written in the bill. The latter wants the tax collected and held for distribution under his administration. A battle rages between municipalities, counties and schools over‘the percentage pro' posed fo r distribution. It may be the opponents of income tax will be able to wreck the whole program, especial ly in the senate, We are eventually going to get a consumer’s sales tax law, regardless of any contest that has arisen, if not under this adminis tration, we will the next. It would please Davey to have the legislation passed before he assumes charge in January. Goal consumers are now getting an earful o f how coal dealers have been victimized by the NRA racket. Heavy assessments were levied on dealers and a budget of $140,400 has been spent so far this year. Kline L. Roberts, Columbus, drawing a fat salary o f $10,000 a year and expenses, is chairman of the code committee. A long-list of other officials is named as drawing big salaries. Complaints in Washington after waiting for months are now being heard by gov ernment authorities. The situation in the coal industry is believed to be so bad the government cannot whitewash what is uncovered. NRA officials backed by government orders have fro mthe first insisted that all extra code costs must ■he .collected from consumers by increased ptfeeesi.. . Subscribe for THE HERALD. Local Representative Wanted No Experience Needed Man who can call oh farmers and sell them complete line o f products including Feeds for Livestock, Radios, Washing Machines, House and Barn Paint, Hand Tools, China Wa r e , Silverware, Aluminum Kitchen Ware, Aladdin Lamps and other items. No selling experience necessary. .We train you in sales and service .work. Farm experience or knowledge o f livestock helpful. Car necessary. Large weekly com mission gives you chance to earn splendid income. Exclusive close- to-home territory. We are 50 year old, million dollar company. Write for full information. Tell us about yourself. E. V . MOORMAN, President Dept. 326, Quincy, 111. IF IT IS CHEAPER COAL You W ish-I Have It Mined *nd Screened Manhattan Lump, Ohio's Best Coal. Forked at my yard and delivered at $5.00 Per Ton, C. O. D. Four tons or more $4.75 per ton delivered C. O. D. Something Better! Yes, Car just came in of Hard Burlv Eastern Kentucky Coal. This is the Best and Cheapest Coal on the market'at the Price. Only $6.00 Per Ton Delivered Also have in stock following High Great Coals: ’ Genuine Pocahontas Lump, Yellow Japket, Kay Jay, and best of all, Dana Block. FEED OF ALL KINDS— Will Trade Coal for Grain C.L.McGuInn CASH STORE TELEPHONE— 3 South Miller St. Cedarville, O. Wholesale and Retail on Tankage and Hominy Also Line of Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, Soy Bpan, Alfalfa Meal, Salt and Other Feeds. Always in the market for Corgi, Wheat and Oats DAILY MARKET ON HOGS We quote on Cattle, Calves and Sheep NO COMMISSION CHARGE •CUMMINGS & CRESWELL Phones; Yard 78— Store 100 Cedarville, Ohio IFYOUNEEDPRINTINGDROPIN Printing lo r Particular people Good Printing Inspires Confidence When you send out a poorly printed circular, or -any printed matter, you make a very bad im pression upon its recipient. When you send out a well printed circular, you in spire confidence and respect. The quality o f your printed matter reflects the dignity and distinction o f your business enter prise. We do expert printing at reasonable prices; you have nothing to worry about when you place a printing order with us----- the work will be turned out promptly, correctly, and will be r f the kind that inspires, confidence, creates interest and im presses with its good taste and neatness. Give us your order the next time you need to have some printing done, and well prove that we live up to all the claims in this advertisement. TheHeraldJobShop Local Mr. and Mi are guests pi Ross this wei Mr. Jacob Coulter propt ton. For Sale- heater, good Smith, Cedar The annual family will b the home of i My W. J. past week bu proved at this Miss Eleanc end in Colum Francis Chan S. U.-Iowa ft day. Home and I posits and C. ferred. _Boug McGervey, 204 Q. . The Resean annual Christi ning, Dec. 7tl and Mrs. Wilb be served at husbands or g A delegatio companied by attended the ec Springfield, W the celebrated gr.'im. Mr. and Mi: spending Than Ky., with Rev family. They Mrs. Nancy O with Mr. and ’ Eileen Kyle, ing a week at parents, Mr. ami and Mrs.' Will Wednesday ni Thanksgiving < Mrs. Anna Gn ■Mr. and Mrs. at dinner Mor their nephew, Tacoma, Wash Mr. and 1 .Washington C. Lubein, Columl Miss Mildred 1 Springfield, we For Sale—Ti Mrs. Homer S 2. Friends here the marriage. Holy Angles C when Mr. Jam iand Mrs. Riel married -to Mi: Dayton. The \ the' forty-sixt. marriage of tin bride and groc farm west of U Mr. Kenneth home at Selmu following an ill He is survived Miss Minnie R. ter. Mi. Hamil' ly in Blooming) held from the ! Sabbath afterti in charge of R took place at S We wish to friends for th pathy during o f our mothei the beautiful \ , Reader conduc William and c RE THEATRE Va 1 Fridls | »—•:—f 4 Pcrfor i:45—4 Also Feii She STAR’ On the 1 L. M. Ench; u . GREE A love cit forever--^! and Tom Reggie am
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