The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 1-26

se LocalandPersonal i Church Notes IIM IIl/ *5* W; ,W' G*lk>way W I reported Met th* first, o f tht w»«k. Mr. H. H. Brown and family visited lw t week with relatives in Defiance, Ohio. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dwight R. Guthrie, Mi«i«ter Sabbath School, 9:45 a. m, Paul Ramsey, Supt. lesson: I'The Chris- tion as Teacher.” Matt. 7:24-29; Acta ----- --------- 19:24-28. Mrs, P. M. Gillilan. and daughter, Golden text: “Give, diligence to Jane Ellen, visited oyer Thanksgiving P^sent thyself approved unto God, a with relative* in Clarksburg, 0 . .workman that needeth not to be a- — ■—^ s h a m e d , handling aright the word of For Sa le-Tw o winter coats. For 2 Tim. 2:15. farther information inquire o f the ' Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon Misses McNeil. 7:80 p. m. “The l i f e of. Luther,” will be presented by aid o f pictures upon the screen, photograph* o f places where he lived, and reproduc­ tions from old engravings. It is just 409 years since Luther issued his Bible in the German language. Prayer meeting at the parsonage, Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. wMMwtiinmimmww, COLLEGE NEWS Temperance Notes.. Sponsored by Cedarville W, C. T. U. Wet newspapers are advertising (2t) Fernet “ The Home near the Church,” “Golden Wedding Whiskey,” Our ob Mr. and Mrs, son o f Marion here with relatives. cf. Acts 18:7. Walter Furdom and! Junior C. E. will meet at 4 p. ro. spent Thaplfttgjyjng I(notice the earlier hour). Special servation has been that most people who drink whiskey do not have a golden wedding. Mrs. Clara Morton is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Sweet in Rossford, O. Rev, and Mrs. Herbert Main o f New Galilee, Pa., ' spent Thanksgiving with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mr. Fred McMillan spent the week­ end here with his brother, Mr. Clay­ ton McMillan and family,.returning to Pittsburgh, Monday. Mr. Allen Turnbull o f Cleveland spent his Thanksgiving vacation at the home of his father, Mr. H. A. Turnbull. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Orr spent Thanksgiving at Hamilton, O., with Mr. Orr’s brother, Frank Orr !and family. The annual Thanksgiving dinner o f the Creswell family was held at the home o f Mr, and Mrs. Howard Cres- well. ■ installation service for the new Junior officers. This is to. be a candle light service in charge of Maxine Ben­ nett. When is a man drunk? A certain paper says he is drunk when he feels All who are o f the Junior age ■ sophisticated and can't pronounce it; Miss Mary Margaret McMillan has returned to Muskingum College after spending Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr, and - Mrs. Clayton McMillan. Mrs. Frank Bird und< invent an operation at the . Miami Valley hospital, in Dayton, Monday, Her condition is regarded very favorable at this time. , Mrs. Lula Watt entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marshall, and daughter, of Detroit, Mich., Mr. W. L. Marshall and Mrs. James Hawkins, Xenia, last Friday. Miss Ruth Burns entertained a number o f friends at a "Dessert Bridge” at her home Wednesday eve­ ning, honoring Miss Eleanor John­ son, a coming bride, Come and see how Cedrus Staff handles “ Bachelor House” at the Opera House, Thursday, Dec. 13, at 8:15 p. m. Admission 10c—25c. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Corry and son Kenydn, of West Jefferson, O., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Corry, in Clifton. The family of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Kyle all met-at Bradford, Ohio, at the home, o f Rev. and Mrs. Cavin Reilly for a Thanksgiving reunion. It was the first time in four years the entire family had been together. Miss Edna Sipe, who is attending Miami Jacobs college in Dayton, spent Jj Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pearl Sipe and family east of town. Friends here o f Mrs, Harry D« Smith, Xenia, will regret to learn that she is in the McClellan hospital for observation and treatment. She has been ill for some time suffering from a complication o f diseases and her condition is regarded a* critical. are urged and invited to attend. Senior C. E. will meet at 4 p, m. also. Miss Edna Brill is the leader. A future study in the subject o f Missions,will be conducted. The next few weeks will be observed as Bible weeks and the young people are urged to bring their Bibles. Union evening service in the U. P. church. Bey. Hill will present an il­ lustrated lecture on the life of Martin Luther, This lecture will be most apropos because of the 400 an­ niversary' of the translation of the Bible b y Martin Luther. The second o f the three mid-week services to be held at the Manse will be held on Wednesday evening at 7:30'. The subject is; -"The Home of Triumphant Faith.” —Matt. 15:21-28. The Sabbath School officers and teachers Will meet at the Manse fol­ lowing the mid-week service (8:30). The executive committee of the Young People’s society will meet at the Manse following the mid-week service (8:30). which reminds us o f the who was asked why he did not drink sarsa­ parilla instead o f whiskey and he said “When I am drunk I can’t pronounce “ sarsaparilla.” Mrs. Roosevelt has announced that light wine will be served this winter at'the White House. Beer has al­ ready been served there. The first lady of the land says no person shall be served more than two glasses of wine. This probably brings it under the “ liquor control system.” CLIFTON U. P. CHURCH Robert H: French, Pastor Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Gordon C. Kyle, |>upt. Lesson—Matthew 7: 24-29, Acts 18:24-28. The Christian as Teacher. Worship Service, -11 a, m. The. subject o f the sermon will be “What Christ Means to the World,” con­ sidering first what He actually means to the world at present, and then what He might mean if the world as a whole, .were to .follow Him aright. The Junior Missionary Society will meet in the church at 2:30 p. m. Earnest Collins will lead the meet­ ing, and Mrs.'John Collins will speak about Christmas. The Young People’s Society will meet in the upper room of the church at 7 p. m. The topic, for the meeting is “ Salvation obtained through Re­ pentance.” Ruth Johnston will lead the devotions and Harriet Kyle the discussion of the topic. The Mid-Week Prayer Service wilt o’clock. • - The regular monthly Meeting o f the Session wilt follow the prayer service. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Supt. J. E. Kyle. Preaching, 11 a. m. “Bible Reli-' giori,” This is the day of the year set apart as “ Universal Bible Sab­ bath” and we wish to give special attention to the appropriateness of such a day. Y, P, C. U., 6:30 p. m. Subject, “ Salvation: through Repentance.” Leader, Mary Coulter. Union Service, 7:30 p. m., in our church. Rev. C. E. Hill will have charge and give an illustrated lecture on Mcgtin Luther, as -this (is also the Annivers*|ry o f Luther’s Bible, as Well as 'being “Universal Bible” Sabbath. Prayer Service, Wednesday, 7:30 p." m., at the home o f Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Marsh. We will use the C, Clinton N. Howard, the “ Little Giant” says: “ The Prince of the Air has lifted the lid o f perdition from ocean to ocean. Whiskey and war, beer-and Beelzebub, drink and dictators* are taking the 'world for a ride on the ‘pale horse of death.* The pagan deities of Mars,raVenua and Bacchus are back, n the saddle, andi the whole country is suffering from a beer clot,' on the brain. The world has gone off on a drunk. Russia/ is drunk on vodka, Japan is drunk on sake, Italy is drunk on wine, France is drunk on champagne, England is drunk on ’alf and ’alf, Ireland is drunk on whiskey, and the United States is drunk on them all.” The Philadelphia Inquirer says: “ Street accidents continue to take their daily toll; the menace o f drunk­ en driving is on. the increase,” Another item published the day after election says: “New York bars paid little attention, to the liquor law pro­ visions making it mandatory, that they remain closed during voting hours.” Liquor dealers have never “paid attention” to the law. The booze business cannot be regulated nor controlled; it must be. abolished. Don Witmeyer of Rochester, N. Y., at the recent National W. C. T. U. Convention in Cleveland said: “ Alco­ hol, tobacco and un-Christian habits have no place in the plans of young people building their lives. Several Now York magistrates have report­ ed that “ the poison o f the cigaret de­ stroys all moral fiber in the young and that tobacco is the young person's easiest and most direct road to drink.” ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCLD BRIDGE LUNCHEON AT Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Galloway had. — - , ■■ ■ . . , v fo r their Thanksgiving guests his |M. O. subjects, given for the Young brother-in-law and sister, th,R month- “ t,re' Barker and wife and Charles and Luther o f Hamilton and Ed Brigham, a student in Cedarville College. Marshall [People’s Topics tins month, as pre two sons |sented in Both the United Presby­ terian, afttd Christian .Union Herald. We will Use the three divisions of the general subject, “ Savlation” : thru Faith, Repentance, a Confession. Leader, Mr. Andrews. There will be no Choir Rehearsal In our church this Saturday evening, as the three churches unite in the Re- Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred en Jhearsal in the Methodist Church, pre- tertained the following guests pating for the Christmas Cantata, Thanksgiving Day: Mr. and Mrs.!which will be presented Sabbath eve- Cedrus Staff-— “ Bachelor House,” Thursday, Dec. 13. Opera House. Admission 10c—25e tax paid. is RoscOe Wilson Of Centerville; Mr. and mng, December 26th, under the lead Mrs. James Ward and children; Mr. ership o f Prof. Reed. A full attend and Mrs. Robert Trumbo, Jr., and ahee o f all. o f the three choirs children; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trum- earnestly desired, bo, and Mr. and Forest B. Trumbo A fine Sabbath School Conference Of Osborn: and Miss Elsie threads was held m the First U. P. Church, . Xenia, Wednesday evening, under the 1direction of Mr. Thomas Prugh, Sec- Gallowav entertained retary o f Bible School work in Xenia and for the past six years has been a ^ n n tfS ^ r ie n d s at a delightfully Presbytery. About twenty from our an English teacher in the West Cat- * group o f friend a * . - . m re present and we know rolton High School. Mr. Barlow is there will be good resulting from the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow this exchange o f thought and discus* o f Cedarville. He attened Ohio sion of this most important depart- State University and is a teacher Announcement of the approaching marriage o f Miss Eleanor Johnson, daughter of Mrs. J. W. Johnson to Mr. Willard Barlow was made at a prettily appointed bridge luncheon given by Mrs. Robert Jacobs at the home of her mother Mrs. W. C, Iliff of Cedarville, Friday afternoon. The wedding will take place Dec. 22 it was revealed on cards placed on plates when the dessert course was served. Appointments for the lunch, eon were in white and bowls o f white chrysanthemums and white tapers were used on the tables. Bridge was enjoyed and the high score prize was presented to .Mrs, J. W. Johnson. Miss Johnson received a guest prize. Mrs. Jacobs guests included Miss Lois Eetle of Springfield, Mrs. Cecil Millican, Miss Cecilia Boling, Miss Ruth Arnold, Miss Martha Brum­ baugh and Miss Margurite Rhodes of West Carrolton, Miss Helen LeSourd, Mrs. Clark Eckerle and. Mrs. James Miller of Xenia, Miss Velda Beal and Mrs. G. A. Jacobs of near Xehia, Mrs. H. L. Main o f New Galilee, Pa.; Miss Nedra Wilson o f Cblumbus, Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs, Aden Barlow, Mrs. Frank Townsley,- Mrs. R, R, Townsley, Mrs. William Ringer, Mrs. Frank Creswell, Mrs. Paul Orr, Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Misses Bernice Elias, Wilmah Spencer, Ruth Burns, Ruth and Jane West, Doris Hartman and Eleanor Johnson o f Cedarville. Miss Johnson and Mr. Barlow are graduates of Cedarville College. Miss Johnson attended Miami University The Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C, A. distributed Thanksgiving baskets for the needy in Cedarville. Mrs. Heintx spent Thanksgiving vacation in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ault spent Thanks giving vacation in Findlay and Fre­ mont. The Questions for the Manchester Debate Tournament have been sent to Professor Steele. They are as fol­ lows; “Resolved, That all collective bar­ gaining be negotiated by manufact­ uring companies under the safe­ guard by law.” “ Resolved, That all nations should agree to prevent the inter-national shipment o f arms and munitions.” The Girl’s Glee Club, accompanied by Mrs. Work will go to the Presby­ terian Church at. Carlisle, Ohio Sun­ day evening,'December 9. Rev. Boy­ er, pastor o f the United Presbyterian Church in W y ton and a student in Cedarville Cottege'WttT' deliver the address, . , Mrs, Work and a number of Col­ lege students attended the third, number on the Dayton Artist’s Con­ cert Series Monday evening, The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra was the evening feature. The Debate Class has- again organ­ ized in groups o f four, making four groiips. Each group has chosen a question for debate. The next series of debates begins December 13. The Cedrus Staff under the direc­ tion of Miss Glenna Basore will pre­ sent a three act farce, . “ Bachelor House,” on December 13. Eugene Corry and Anna Jane Wham will furnish ,the n^usic for the evening. Dr. McChesney left Wednesday for Columbus to be in •Legislature. Monk's Club Notes The Seminary Library, is now ready for use on the third floor o f the main College Librtiry. The room has been redecorated and new bookshelves have been installed along with other minor changes in the room. A number of volumes have been added to the pre­ sent Library arid these are also ready for use. Anyone who has religious books bat would care to loan them to the Library for the present school year would be very much appreciated be­ cause the Library is in need o f some good current 'religious books. Any permanent donations will-be also ap­ preciated. ^ The Library is open tor ■use any time. There is only one {imitation in regard to the books in this new Library. Many are old and are valuable for reference, so it is re­ quested that none o f these books be reinoved from the Seminary, room. The Monk’s Club is filling engage­ ments regularly and is „ to give a service at the M. E. Church at Bell- brook, December 16 at 11;00 A. M. The general public is invited to in­ spect the new Seminary Library at any time.. The ministers o f the local churches are especially invited ,to use this new Library. There are a number o f old Bibles in tho. Library which are interesting as to .their ex­ act date of publication arid the ma­ terial of their paper and.bindings. Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. After a short devotional service led by Miss Georgia Skinnell, Miss Lois Cultice, and Mr. Paul Gordon, the Y. W. and Y, M. were addressed n joint session by Mr. Wood of Cincinnati. Mr. Wood, who is con­ nected with the National Organiza­ tion of. Boy Scouts, presented an in- laresting and challenging address to the young people. arranged houseparty Friday and Sat­ urday at the hrime of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W i Galloway on Xenia ave. The guest H*t included the fallowing: Misses Dorothy Ander­ son, Cletis Jacobs, Christina Jones, Virginia Townsley, Geneva Clemens, Eleanor Hughes, Elizabeth Anderson and Dorothy Galloway. On Friday evening the following young men were entertained: Russell Murray o f Granitesville, V t ; Ed Brigham o f Placttitia, Cal.; tester Brewer and Wendall Jacobs o f Yellow Springs; Robert Ustlek o f Springfield and John Richards and Joe Waddle of Cedarville. ment o f our work. West High School, Columbus., METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles Everett Hilt, Minister CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this mean of ex* Choir Practice, 7:30 p. m., Saturday, tending thanks and sincere appreeia- Church School, Sunday, 10 a. m. tlon for the many acts of kindness o f P. M. Gillilan, Supt. - apd for the floral offerings from kind Worship Service, 11 a. m. “ The friends during our recent bereave- Christmas Story in Song.” ment. Epworth League and Intermediate Mr, James Studevent and family. League, 6:80 p< ,m. .....■ Union Meeting in the U. P. Church, HARTMAN-REYNOLDS NUPTIALS THANKSGIVING EVENT The marriage o f Miss Esther Mae Hartman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hartman, to Mr. David Ray* nolds, took place Thanksgiving morn­ ing at 10:30 o’clock at the home of the bride’s uncle, Rev. H. C. Herahcy, in Cincinnati, The couple’s attendants were Miss Miriam Hershey and Mr. Louis Har* vin, of Cincinnati, The bride wore a becoming gown of royal blue crepe trimmed in black chiffon velvet, with black accessories. fler shoulder corsage was o f sweet peas and yellow roses, Miss Hershey’s dress was of a darker shade o f blue and her cot- sage was o f sweet peas. The bride and groom motored to Cedarville where a dinner was served in their honor at the Hartman home. Covers were laid .for eighteen guests. The decorations were yellow and white shrysanthemums and bows o f tulle carrying out the color scheme. The wedding cake was decorated in yellow and topped witiv a miniature bride and groom, used as a center piece on the bride’s table. Mr. and Mrs, Reynolds have gone to housekeeping on a farm near Wil mington. The bride is a graduate of Wll mington College and has been em* ployed in the Columbus office of the Motorists’ Mutual Insurance Co. Mr, Reynolds attended Wilmington Col­ lege. A number o f pre-nuptial events were given in honor of Mrs, Reynolds by relatives in Wilmington and Cincinnati. Subscribe for THE HERALD Subscribe for THE HERALD J LOANS for general farm purposes Wanted—W# buy and sell new and For Sale- Turkeys, kva er (are made at cost by the Miami Valley used cars. Briden 4b Co„ Steele Bldg., Mrs. Homer Smith, Ceiarvilk, Sente Production Credit Association, a non- Xenia, O. % j profit cooperative organization. The — . * i . . . . . . „ ,....., interest rate is 5 per cent a year.- For Rent—A Good home, witb^ Reserve a date fo r “ Baehekn* Local Representative, F, B. Turnbull, electric lights and garage and House,” Opera House, Thursday, Dec. Cedarville, - <4t) garden. G. H. Hartman. 318. LADIES’WRIST WATCHES A WATCH IS THE MOST WELCOME GIFT ELGINS SWISS Permanent White f }5,oo up * 7 0 7 ? Tr for out-of-door women Permanent White 4 $16.50 up Yellow Gold “ ^ “ ‘ $29.75 Yellow Gold $21.50 up -I ■ $18.00 up USE OUR LAY -AW AY PLAN T iffa n y J ew e lry Store South Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio O fie Q \ ¥ tmJ4 {a s t W c u ife e l/ ^g e n u in e LAME CEDARCHEST «* « not «* BM(irf*. ■ lla i. LANK) .. .. . t—ftw S’# H illy the •M am t mated, )**—■ -w ■■•at beautiful awl a tn im U * $13.50 s ^ s .:s 3 S 2 r 2 £ 2 J a K s s l l TO c o o q c ADAIR’S 20*2^ N. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio GOOD N EW S ! HOME CLOTHING COMPANY SURPLUS STOCK SALE Continues Another Week G. H . Hartman, manager, has had so many requests from customers who has asked to have sale continue. This is being done on all Surplus Stock, Odd Lots, etc* ° PRICES! SMASHED AGAIN MDSE. REGROUPED AND REPRICED UNHEARD OF BARGAINCOUNTER CHOICE $ 1.00 MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS $1,50 Value CHOICE “ 87 c MEN'S» A Clean Up Value to 25c 13 c SWEATER BARGAIN CHOICE— 1 LOt Values to $10.00 $ 2.97 MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS MUST BE SOLD! REGROUPED and REPRICED G 8 . S 0 $ 6 .50 $ 5.50 Special Counter TWOFOR ONE SALE 10c 4-BuckleArties and Rubber Boots $ 1.97