The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 1-26

CIDA1VILL* HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH *», 1*W T t h e c e d a r v i l l e h e r a l d KARL II BULL — ED ITO R AN D PUBLISHER aw* Mmmm *»•**.; Miua v*a*f aim *. p c ^ C T K in r z x s m M K E z z - j ' Have score# « f paruovt on relief to *nd knocks the iwn clwin off end 'say of tke slimy frown meat that catches her while she’* falling. Bat a was handed ou t! What are tba needy ^ oo tch owl slips into the roost sad ‘ saying today about the canned meat acrootchoe up to the hen and talk* (that haa been given out in recent softly to her. And the hen just falls [weeks? Many o f the heads o f these in l&ve with her and the neat thing Ifamilies openly tell us they had to you know there ain’t no hen!" ...1throw the meat away* Other aay it ......n.,.i.n. . ■ * SOl^CliaiKllUMUttWBBBI !CWWB<| ,ickims« jin their families. Entered At the Port Office, Cedarrille, Ohio, October 31,1887, M second class matter. .. ..... MARCH 29, 1385 ^---- ----- - i What is the real situation in regard Making the needy work oj>e day for * a n iU tY MESS t0 President Roosevelt’s health? From 'eash; one day for credit and one day as * am most every source you hear various {for relief order* and then get slimy The administration o f relief in Ohio to theunemployed and stories that the President’s health ' and tainted meat is not causing much the poor andneedy is In a sorry mess. It is a disgraceful has broken and that he is not phy- shouting from the housetop for Roosc- condition, _ sically able to direct government af- j velt and Hopkins. It haa also been A few weeks ago Gov. Davey and the_state legislature dis^ fairs., He has been surrounded by j brought to our attention that coal Historical Mileposts Of Ohio 6y C. 3. Vain Tassel ".*/ (Copyrighted) For Bale-1 will sell the reside** 9 m » * ** ' « f the late lass Stormont, Prfvrte { • * * * T m TE bids will he received. Roger Stormeat, t e r * . , l h ^ m r tJ W W i m * Kxeouter, «W-8 Harriet Bldg., Hay- **Gervey, *** * o. ton, Ohio, wrnmmmfrnmmrnmmmmmmvmf J " u1 I am now prepared to taka care of Wanted We vaults or night soil, Phoea 2401. aertears, BeWee A Ca, Staela Kdg., Price* reasonable. Marion Peterson. Tank, v* agreed about the handling of state relief. The Governor wanted the most radical or radicals, some of jorders are now being written for ton absolute authority over it with the power to hire and fire at whom arc Hussion bom. Net. so long j jot*. Last winter when the mercury! - will all relief employees. The legislature insisted on civil serv- ' Ag(> he went to his New York home jwas near zero half ton lota spread; T*le fourteenth legislative session, ice in the selection o f employees. When this happened the f or a rest. This brought a revival Governor made some statement in which he bitterly assailed ‘ 0f stories about his health. He has the members o f the legislature for playing politics as he said at been back in Washington, but a few the expense Of the poor and suffering people o f Ohio, jweeks and now must have another A little later the Governor attacked the manner in which Vacation and is off the coast of Florida on a pleasure boat with a millionaire "forgotten man”. And with the an nouncement of this sudden trip again we hear that Washington is full of stories that Roosevelt is, no longer able to carry the direction of the government, I f we were to be naked our opinion we would say it makes little difference whether he is in Washington, New York or mid-ocean, things could be no worse than if he were in the White house all the time, The reddest of the Communists aredi­ recting the government With a rub­ ber* stamp jingo congress. re lief w a s being administered through the federal relief ad­ ministration. He charged there was waste, extravagance, in­ efficiency and unfairness and washed his hands of the whole matter and le ft the furnishing of relief entirely to the federal administration. * These charges aroused the ire of Federal Relief Adminis­ trator Hopkins and he said some nasty things about Gov, Davey, accusing the Governor of playing politics and Shirking the responsibility of the state to those in need, There were charges and counter charges'until the explosion came Saturday. President Roosevelt took a hand. Charging that Gov. Davey was attempting to make the relief population of Ohio the victims of. corruption and political chicanery the President directed Relief Administrator Hopkins to assume en­ tire control of the administration of federal relief in Ohio. A fter receiving the letter from the president a letter was sent by Mr. Hopkins to Gov. Davey in which he said the federal government was taking over the administration o f relief in Ohio and stating that the state democratic campaign committee, as he called it "your campaign committee,” had shortly after the election solicited "money” of the men and business firms who sold goods to the Ohio Relief Administration” and had collect­ ed over $8,000 "by this corrupt solicitation^and paid into your campaign committee,” Mr. Hopkins called this a "shake- down” to pay the deficit in Mr. Davey's campaign and pay the costs of his inaugural. " No more scathing indictment has ever been made of a Gov­ ernor o f Ohio than was made by President Roosevelt and Relief Administrator Hopkins of Gov. Davey. The criticism by -Gov. ; Davey of the federal relief administration is more severe than has been made by any Republican. Gov. Davey then made the "grandstand play” of filing an affidavit against Mr. Hopkins charging him with criminal libel and daring him to come to Ohio and stand trial on the charge. Mr. Davey must have a poor opinion of the intelligence of the people of Ohio i f he expects them to take'this charge seriously, f t was just a cheap, silly gesture made to influence public sentiment. The mean things said by those both sides were made by Democrats. The charge which has been made so frequently in the last two years when the federal administration was crit­ icised that the person making it was "a narrow minded, partisan Republican” can not be made in this fight.- As little as we think of Gov. Davey and as little as we think of some of .the persons connected with the federal administration and the things they have done, we have never gone as far as the prin­ cipals in this fight,” ’ The sad feature of the whole situation is that we are afraid that both are telling the truth. Gov. Davey is no doubt right when he says there has been “ waste, inefficiency and extrava­ gance’ ’ in the administration o f relief in Ohio, No doubt there has been graft also in the handling o f funds. With the expend­ iture ol $12,000,000 a month through .88 separate agencies, with seyeral thousand, men and wpmen responsible fo r the manner in which it was spent "waste, extravagance and ineffi­ ciency” were certain and graft most probable, No organization could be set as quickly and grow so rapid oyer- * month at a time were Blip. December d, 1815 to February 27, posed to keep families warm. We 1818, was the la#t held at Chillicothe. would like to hear Roosevelt cry over Commerce on the lakes was lucre**- the air once more for hie “forgotten ’n*f *n importance. On December 28, man.” Spoiled meat may not be the 1815> incorporation paper# were is- purehase price for vote# at’ the next »» «* ** the Cleveland Pier Company, election. I f the needy do not com- which wa# authorized .to construct a plain, they may get cash for relief P>er or harbor, wharves and ware- and their votes also, and Roosevelt’s houses, on the south border of Hake benediction. , Erie at the village of Cleveland, for the security and accommodation of •In a neighboring county at relief headquarters is the daughter’’ of a highly prosperous bank president in that city. Another girl from a family that owns much city property. Another from a farmer’s home that Is said to, be far .from need of a job or relief. Seventy-five per cent of those on pay at relief headquarters in that capnty are from homea with steady Incomes. Such reports while probably*'not desirable reading are putting those on relief wise to the niggeriy allowance and. the taxpayer gets an insight as to how his tax dollar is being squandered by what has become a highly organized union —the Social Serviceters. Here is a sample of how your tax dollars, is being spent by the Roose­ velt,-Hopkins relief ' grafters. After the sick and half-fed c..ttle from the west had been taken from the Dela­ ware feed lot, a lot of, hay, valued at $1,200 was stored On the state fair grounds at Columbus. The in­ vestigation now going on in Columbus brings to light that more than $1,000 has already been spent as salaries to Democratic politicians serving as watchmen. What the hay is being held, for no one seems to know unless it is to keep a few politicians on the payroll. •. government cattle from the western states to the fertilizer plant say each pound has cost $5 or more. Farmers received a small sum. Railroads hundreds of thousands of dollars for freight, Packers millions on the cost plus’ plan. Trucking companies for hauling cattle and dressed meat. Canners who were paid on the cost The hay’ story is mild compared to the grand jury investigation that mil­ lions-qf pounds of government meat spoiled after a trucking company be- 1 NO m uuwi rnu uc iuiw «u a * ym- came rich hau]h^ much of ^ tWeen ly without this happening. Many persons have received relief >ColuinbttlJ and Toledo. Now the spoil- who were not entitled to receive it and many have not received »„, cannbd meat is to ^ ^ ^ V i d c what should have been given them. Much of the relief money at the e of the wl|ef fund but has been worse than thrown away It has caused many persons t0 the fertilizer facto in anothcr to stop trying fco make a living. They have lost their morale w regardiess of the one i8 lo_ and feel that the government owes them a living. The lavish }catod where the ^ spoi!ed. Those manner m which relief has been dispensed has been one o f the wbo ^ follovved the h^nm of the worst things that has ever been done for the welfare of this 1 country. With such a big organization with so much money it would have been surprising if politicians had not seen the opportunity to raise money and get votes. They never overlook such a chance. According to President Roosevelt and Relief Admin­ istrator Hopkins the politicians took full advantage of the op­ portunity in Ohio. . We can not believe that President Roosevelt, Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Davey have not known the situation all along. A ll of plus plan, each operation calling for them have had too much experience in politics.not to have a new trucking bill and finally one ;known it But each noW attempts to make it appear that he is more to get spoiled meat to the "Without sin” and his motives o f the purest and highest, "They fertilizer plant. remind one o f the Pharisees and hypocrites of old. It is to be ------- hoped that one good thing will come from the quarrel and th a t ; For the benefit of an’ aroused pub­ is a more efficient administration of relief. We honestly believe ,He there is being staged • sham that with one-half the money that has been spent all of the aid house-cleaning at state relief head- could be given in Ohio that was needed. A t least the people quarters. You get a. report of a cer- may learn what has been going on.— Hillsboro News-Herald, .tain number of employees being drop- “ ‘ ' r ' ped. each day and what a saving fi- HATS OFF TO OHIO SENATORS nancially is being made. The truth is The Herald, irrespective of party lines, wants to compli- *th.a* whiln certain of the politicians, ment both Ohio Senators, Democratic as they are, fo r their vo te ,wives> sons and daughters, are being - against the Roosevelt steal of five billion dollar appropriation Ia‘d off and departments aboUshed, measure as to how, by whom or what it is to be spent. It takes an unusual amount of courage for .a Democratic Senator to wote against graft ridden measures sponsored by Roosevelt, Hopkins, and others that sail under the guise of relief for this and that. The exposure in Ohio o f graft in con­ nection with relief administration and how Roosevelt and Hop­ kins have cooled on the grand jury investigation now in pro­ gress in Franklin county. When it came to reaching out and ouliing a Roosevelt grafter, the administration refuses to turn over to the ’ grand jury certain important documents and records, It is to the credit of Senators Buckley and Donahey that they oppose the silver inflation section. Both have public , records of demanding care in spending public funds. The Roosc-' velt relief organization is getting away with murder in the name o f relief for the needy. The Roosevelt administration is doing for the nation what Tammany has done for New Yqrk City for years and every legislative act as well as executive order should be carefully examined. I t is a fine tribute to pay both Senators Buckley and Donahey a compliment for their negative vote on this bold re­ lief bffl that reeks with the smell of graft fo r Roosevelt politicians. A WORD FOR OUR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Every community at times is likely to overlook just what we have as a valuable asset. It is so easy to overlook the value o f what we see each day. No community that we know of has more reason to feel proud o f its educational institutions than Cedarville. We should not only feel proud but take the trouble to let other communities know what we have in Cedar- villa College and our local public schools. For several years the local schools have taken honors in tests in competition with larger schools, and that honor comes to us again this year. Cedarville College debate team brings us honor* against teams from larger schools. We should be proud of both institutions# you are not told of the new depart­ ments being created and that the same old crowd now walks in another door on a new job under a new name, You are told the relief department has given up certain work but tbe treasury department, under Roosevelt- Hopkins orders, starts' operation in Columbus, taking back moat of those supposed to be fired in the relief de­ partment, Hotels in Columbus last Thursday, Friday and Saturday looked like football days. In this case.the tax­ payer, the home and farm owner was the football, being given a toss by the relief maiiager# and hosts of assist­ ants from the 88 coiffclits. The Roosevelt-Hopkins graft, mess at re­ lief headquarters in Columbus un­ covered by Gov, Davey, needed smoth­ ering, and the relief managers and the ease workers Were fciveh new task^ in returning home wlth;new publicity stunts to get tlie public mind off the graft eases. It made a nice vacation for the over-worked relief managers who received an outing at your ex­ pense. , While the Franklin county grand jury is investigating the spoiled meat situation with relief headquarters, what about the hundred* o f panda of meat that spoiled last summer at relief headquarters in Xenia? What The New Dealers have claimed ship“ a" d ™ 8ela and for the wcour- much. They, have Red more. The a^ment o f commerce, outstanding mark pf yellow cowardice While the company might make appeared this Week when the NRA, charges for wharfage, no charge could rather than take a licking in the be raade ot the. accommodation of United States Supreme Court in the yes8els conveymg United States Belcher lumber case, had it with- tro°p*« arms- aI* ^ t io n , provisions drawn. Belcher operated a lumber , . „ ., ' , mill in Alabama and was charged As Wlldca* aser“ with violation of the code. He wasous menace to business, an act was charged with violation of wages and paf sied Prohibiting the issuing or cir- hours and he held the code was fore- cAulat,nf of ^ b o n z e d bank paper, ing lumber so high in price that all A ^ank muat be incorporated under building operations were at a stand- th? lttWS f .the State- .the pe” alty still, He was paying less but selling otherwise being a forfeiture of one his product formless on the ground thousand dollars. ' that it’ was the only way to stimulate An '" c^ease in taesa anes °* repair and new, building. He was Stafce waspaaaed at this sea- arrested and found guilty in lower The Governor, Supreme Court courts. In an upper court he won dudSes* Auditor of State were to and the government appealed to the rf *^00 a year. 1the Secretly Supreme Court. * Now Roosevelt and °* State, $800; State Treasurer, $700; Richberg have asked the DepartmentJfmb6Js„ of ‘ he General Assembly of Justice to withdraw the case rather * ree dol.lars, per da^ C,erk of each than have the rottenness of the NRA J^se, six dollars per day; door- laid before the highest court. “A keapere o£ ®enate and House> three good run”anytime to a bad stand” is do^ara per day* ■ ' the Roosevelt motto. lDurmg the first week of October, _____ 1816, as the public buildings at the . . . . tv , new capital named Columbus were I f the Davey administration is look- near, ^ completed the recorda of ing for under-cpver stuff why not in- severa, ofl]ce8 were moved to the „ ew vqstigate the attempt of former ,ocation flnd all buiWin includil^ Governor George White to rent the th(J new gtate h wwe west entrance of. the new office build- . M . . » , . . _ for- occupancy the first Monday in mg to a friend for. a restaurant. The j>eeember ornate entrance faces the Scioto river ' . . and cost probably $100,000. It would As 80011 as the qttest,#n of Iocatlon he a beautiful location for a restau- 'vaS settled« £he work clearing the rant being located in a six million forest raavked by a sin« le cabip- was dollar building.. Public sentiment vapidly pUshcd’ After the plat of the soon gave the former Governor a new towh .W8S *urv*ye4 forrt the ^our thought on turning over public prop- Proprietors, on June 18, 1812, the day erty to a private citizen for personal war was declared against England, the first sale of lots took place. There were busy scenes of improvements, Gov, Davey con ol»o look Into tho * "1*, ‘'J ‘ he 18“ ' Ohio otote liquor bu»ine, s.- W . h e « that a number of store managers and • e employees have been dropped from £be a38embling of the Legis- the pay roll in recent months, due to ,aturc> tbere December 2, 1816, the a shortage in cash. Each is supposed VlI,a&e had 8even mercantile estab- to be under bond but at present no lishnient8* two printing offices, a bank bonding company has been asked to with f,ve P a c in g attorneys listed make good the shortage. This m it- Mld three Phymcions. A new bridge self is rather unusual. One of the rctoss the Sdoto ,rom Franklinton tricks for a side profit is to report wns nearly completed, breakage of botflet in unpacking and ~~ • handling. It is more significant When1 For Sale:—About 50 bushels of you learn it is mostly the bottles with home 8rown and Rural Ru*“ the highest priced goods. This 8et 8eed P04* 1^ 8- Thone 60, Yellow speaks for itself also. An investiga-SP” 8*8 pike- Frank Armstrong. <4t) tion might also be made as to liquor! ■ — — store managers in some of the big1 The roceipts from the Greene. Co, cities handling “bootleg” liquor as a Basketba11 Tournament reached $790 side issue. .this year, the highest in five years, ' Huey Long took a fling a day or so ago at Herbert Hoover and President Roosevelt that brought down the Sen­ ate. He likened ‘both to a couple of owls. “Hoover is a hoot owl ) 666 Most Speedy Remedies Known LIQUID — TABLETS — SALVB , . • .. 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and RooseveU is a scrooteh owl, said ^ m saw* externally, make a com- the Southern Senator. pJet0 a||d ’ » “A hoot owl bangs into the roost ^ojda> effective treatment for W ill Rogers in“Life Begins a t 40 »> n- * Wit) Refers, tee world’* fore- most humorist, who writes many funny things in few words in his dally metropolitan newspaper col­ umn, at last has been given his “perfect role” in a screen com* edy, Witt plays the role of a coun­ try newspaper editor In his latest vehicle, “ Life Begins at 49,“ which opens at the Regent theater, Springfield, for one week begin­ ning, Saturday, March $9. “Ail the troth $1 a year entitles soliciting subscribers for his coun­ try weekly, and when the big bad banker takes bis newspaper plant away from him Will starts a scan­ dal sheet and then the laughs mul­ tiply ten-fold, Tho Regent theater’s perform­ ances are continuous from noon to midnight, dally, with popular low prices prevailing at all shows, The State theater in Springfield, will feature “Ruggles of Red Gap,” with Charles Laughton, Mary Bol­ and, and Charles Ruggles, starting yon to,” is te* motto Will nsee in ! Saturday, for four day*. FOR. A LIMITED TIME ONLY A U. & L. Battery (13 Plates) —FOR— $ 3.95 OhioIndependentOil Co. XENIA AVE „ Cedarville, O. Fitzwater& Cummings, Mgrs. Phone 68 ATTENTIONFAHMEKS! Hand Made Farm $ 4-00 Made by Roy Jacobs and are for sale by M. W. Collins. A STOCK OF GATES ON HAND Careoll-BInderCo. Xenia, Ohio Jobbers of PetroleumProducts TIRES and BATTERIES Tank Deliveries to all Parts of the County Telephone IS THERE ARE MANY Starting Feeds BUT ONLY ONE 8 TARTENA Com* in and See our Startena Fad Chicks. Let ua ahow you with Fiffurea and with Real Live Chicka what Startena will do. Try a bag of Startena and get your chicks started right, then switch. * * A • A chick fed Startena for six weeks will only cost Two Cents more than a chick fed six weeks on the cheapest starter, and will more than gain this back in extra growth. Purina Chows Hen Chow, CowChow, Fig andHog Chow, XeniaStarter and Egg Mashand Brooder Coal FEED OF ALL KINDS GRASS, SEED OF EVERY KIND j FULGRUM OATS—-WHITE OATS C . L .M c G u i i m South MUIar St. TELEPHONE— *