The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 1-26

tf*S Pi! Tim new thhifs are adverfcfawd by w m ^ u m l l m i x w t A d v a r & a e m e t t t s k e e p y®*AhMasfe of the tinm Read them! FOry-KIGHTHYEAR NO. 19 HESSLETTER FMMSTATE DEPARTMENTS SCHOOL NEWS Graduate Speak# | Rev. Marten Hoetotter, Cedarville! High School graduate, spoke a t tig#- week’# amiably, The speaker, a -------- Irecently ordained minister, based We OOLUMBUS.—Exceptionally good ,yi*Y interesting remark# on the text, fiahtag a t Indian Lake, Logan county,{’'Consider thyself,” Marion has this summer and for years to come |« ‘«« te a splendid record in college and expected to result from a heavy fl*h-'*emin*r5'r- Hi# many friend# at C. stocking program, sponsored by the[H- S. join in wishing him continued stale division o f conservation.. Thirty- wccess thousand mature Lake Erie crappies, pe**h, bullhead catfish and large* month base have been placed in the Faculty Entertained Supt, and Mrs, H. D. Furst enter- spawning water sections, of Indian gained faculty members, their wives, take, Conservation Conuntssioner.and husband# a t the Wbitelaw Reid Lawrence Wooddell announced. The home at six o'clock dinner Thursday lake will be closed Hto fishing until evening, April 4. The group was de- July 1 in order to give, the new fish an lighted by several readings given by opportunity tp deposit their eggs. M m . Chestora McDonald Carr. Rook Commissioner Wooddell said). The [was enjoyed during the evening, stocking of the lake was completed 'Covers were laid for the following: while sportsmen throughout Ohio jMisses Carrie Rife, Ora Hanna, Jean participated in the nation-wide Wolfe, Mildred Albaugh, Ruth Lewis, “American Conservation, Week” act-Satah M, Chance, Mildred Trumho, ivities, which were held under *u- Ruth Chandler, Hello Reeder, Christo! spices of the Educational Conserva­ tion Society of New York. Thomas* Dorothy Nelson,.,Cannon Huftman, Margaret Little, Mr. and Mrs,. Lester George, Mr, and Mrs* I t is unlikely that the erosion of ,Robert Reed, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Ohio farm lands will eyer reach the'Deem, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Qrr, Mr, and “dust storm” stage, according to H..jMr?. Paul Edwards, Mr. and Mrs, C, Ratnsower, chief of the agricultural Paul McLaughlin, Mrs. Anna Wilson, extension department of Ohio State,Mrs. Dan Aultman, Mr. and Mrs. H. university, As a basis for his -state-' D. Furst, and Mrs. Cftestora Mo­ ment, Mr. RamsQwer called attention Donald Carr, to five major programs designed toj — — halt erosion, They are the Mu?-' Elimination Contest kingum valley conservancy program,! Twenty-nine C, H. S. pupils took the Scioto-Sandusky program, the the elimination tests Thursday morn- federal reforestation program in ing, a t Jamestown to select scholar- southeastern Ohio, the state program ship team for Greene County. Re- along ,the shoreline of Lake Erie, and suits of this, contest will be publish- the university's erosion service to ed next week. individual farmers. In the latter, ------- ' case, the' agricultural extension serv-j Readings Enjoyed "ice a t Ohio State carries .on a battle M j ,s. Chestora McDonald Carr, Advertising is news, mi mudhi m Urn headlines on the front page. Often it is of more significance to yon. m m m PRICE, gLfiO A YEAR UCTTE ItTO EDITOR To the Editor; - State yew}»vt here receiving quit* a few Jotters recently from former CedarviUiano, fat which they recite some of their youthful experience* while living hi Cedarville, I am taking the liberty of writing you also, to tell you about an experience which Xhad there finite a few yoars ago, and which which is still very fre*h in my memory, although I have forgotten some of the details of the incident It may he that some of the residents may still remember it too, and this may be the means of clearing up the mystery, a t to whet caused “The Big TH Y CLIENTS m m m m FMMACMTS Guy MiUar, Ohio State University, extension clients of the rural family recovery program in the Court Home Assem­ bly room, Wednesday, to leant details of a farm account book plan sponsor­ ed by the Univesity extension depart­ ment. . « ^ .. The plan is set up «»# of all rural [v0**® m CediHryiUe, for at Hie time ^famis wjw Ere being required to keep tt Was fiditew mystery. As f*r #s f ^ accurate record of their farming against erosion through county ‘agents formerly professor of dramatic arts and extension workers, who urge 0f Rj<> Grande College, pleased the laild owners to build small dams on high school group, Thursday morn- their farms to store up.water. Thou- jng, with a number of readings, .sands of trees have been furnished by the state forestry service to reclaim lands already damaged by erosion. - Dance Orcihe&tra Plays The high school dance Cemetery Road Will Be Improved ' By cooperation of the County Com­ missioners and Cedarville Township Trustees the road leading from. the. High C ou rt Gets HOLC Threatens Springs fa lle y - School Dispute Foreclosures Approximately 16,000 Qhioans who know, only the six boys who partici­ pated hi the plot- and one* or two fothere who were either directly or In­ directly implicated ever knew .the facts in the case. Looking b&ck'on the incident it seems now like a very tame affair, but a t the time itgav© Us quite a thrill and we obtained a g)paf deal of satisfaction out of listen­ ing, with an air of innocence, to the different speculations and theories as to the cause of -“Ibis Big Noise." I hesitate to mention the names of my “edmpaniohs in crime” since two of the boys as well as our main ac­ complice, a noted old fellow of color, have since passed on; but were they still here I feel certain that they would pot object to my telling about the part they played in this affair, for; if they did nothing' worse while mingling with their fellow men here on- earth, th in to participate in tftis boyish prank, then' I am their farming operations. A farm management plan designed to make rural* clients self-sustaining for a period o f one.year has been a- dopted, with changes for individual cases, Plans developed for bach axe subject to approval of the local and state rural rehabilitation division and to lofcal supervision. The plan wilt be broadened in the county a t a, later date to benefit other clients on a par­ tial self-supporting basis: Ohmer Tate Named Relief Board Member Ohmer Tate, former Greene' county sheriff, has beentiamed a member of the Soldiers' Relief Commission of Greene county, by Judge R. L. Gowdy, to fill the vacancy on the board created sure thatjby the death of D. R. Brewer, a Civil souls must now be resting fnJWar veteran. He Will serve the un- peace. Twoof the boys wererelatives of mine -and since it is not good taste Agitation of a gn*p of taxpayer# Home Owners' Loan Corp. a reT S S Sm t i n p o t a t o t o r ? were,serv- an school territory fronl Hie New Bur- suits will be instituted against wilful of. Spring Valley town- defaulters. ^ ric t tti Hi* adjacent “The corporation is instituting ion - y d u trirt, .Tuesday was. closure suit* agaitut every borrower to'.thalf'C” ' ‘ ~ ' Columbus pike to Maasies Creek reeking transfer ot .5,000 acre* of. ed notice Tuesday that foreclosure Cemetery will be improved as FERA project. lington section The road is narrow and above the ship school district cemetery entrance there Is a steep Clinton Count ^ ______ hill. Beyond is -another steep grade earned direct to the ? Ohio Supreme whose record indicates intention of de- at the James West farm. Botfc of Court. fault,” the HOLC said, these grades will be towered to pro- Demanding the trimsfer, recently HOLC officials .were unable to esti- videdirt forfilling and widening the denied-by the Green County school mate-how many of the-16,000 Ohio ___ orchestra Jroad between the bridges over Massiea board for the .Second ime in the last delinquents were deliberate ^uerelfaw.« VarimiR vh lZ l* affecting will play for the college play, entitled^Creek. The cost of the project is 18 months, the tax] lyers sought * Mrf indicated the- number probably is M?n£ “Shirb slBV9B>”t which will be pro-[placed a t 14,866 and thirty men on re- writ of mandamus #om the 1 ” * * **»t ed Thursday evening a t the lief are to be assigned for the work, highesttribunal,’ -Ware reported by State' Banking Sup^ntendent Samuel H. Squire. * ' Th* Liberty Banking Company of opera bouse. .state’s email.. Each case witt be examined iu- dividually, officials paid. 4-H Cliib News At the meeting of the Progressive [ Club of I t is said the-old race bridge will Naming tire caouk board defend- The figure* made public by Chair- be done away with and that tire steel ant, tfa»toxpayere asked the supreme man John H. Fahey shremd <Htio d«- bridge wilLbe.resdacedwitli l |g « » ^ .to SaMAlaBBlffi*li »|tiilli'ii» th* Haquenrire tirehb^ret t* ttWr.tatiiiiB, . culvert to take care of high water, board to pass & -resolution trans- ......................... Cedamlle The stone bridge, which ha* t o n in fer-ring the. territory involved. Peti< ^ ’bV1The0f8tote>dM8ior e3 bMks Towwhip heM Monday evening aVtte ’hae for scores of years will not be dis- tiontog taxpayer* W * Luther G. C o U l t tV G e t t i n g N e w over oy tne state divjswn of banks Cedapv-j,e School> ^ 0 ^ books and turbed. I t has three archea and is one Hame*. Everett E. Hairtea, Roy Carr, J ° - ' ------- '■ ' "*■ "■ ' Pike Rigkt-of-Way to expedite their reopening, Super­ intendent Squire saidl The Bank of Cleveland, the Union Trust Co„ of Newark and the Silverton Bank of Silverton were licensed to reopen, and the Commercial Savings Bank of Galion withdrew from the Federal Re­ serve system during the period cov­ ered, in th* report. bulletins - were distributed to the of the unique bridges of its B. H*Millsr, R. H. Craig,C. H. Mists, members. A general discussion was be found in the comity. F. H. Lundy, Edith L. Haines and Roy held and plans, were made for severalj ...................... . Reeve*. ! The county commissioners have been projects through the year. Preced-! M T C O u o t a . I A similarly sought mandamu* writ very successful in lecuring additional ing the business meeting recreation* * * * * .X waa^rejectod last autumn by the "land from farm owtiere on the Bull- was enjoyed in the school gymnasium. “Cimarron” Approximately 64,000,000 less in ‘ 1 I n C o u n t v E i f f K t Becond dUtriefc Conrij of Appeals on skin Road to widen the ro«d for a V_ _ _ 7 V“ - o the grounds the action was filed ire- stote hlgRWiiy. Landowners are anxi- a ^ • . . 4i. maturely before the couhtyboard had ousto get^the old roadimproved and “Cimerron ” a talking picture, pre- t w *iv,n * H®* °P* « « willing making, the donation. ____________ ____________ rented for ’the henefif J f th f' £ca, ^ ‘ £ automohiie license fees will be paid i®0^ .Scout" was well attended. Net number of candidates to be trained Another netition demanding the eared for bv-tha rn>d by Ohio motorists next year if the * * ,«» gening totaled for C, M, T. C, next Jtdy. Inasmuch 5 o h l l ? Senate follows the action of .thel*83-30' , The ^ Sco«t* «re very as Greene County's quota was only .T J ! House of Reoresentatives and nasses grateful to all who helped to make foar u ig miW increased to eirhL in ^ county boardswas rejeOted by un- and the pavement will be surface ttouaeoi Representatives amt passes ©, .... _ L, ' n “ , w increased to eignt,ta *( 1 ^ ^ largely on thiclaim the treated twenty feet wide. The road ware invalidatod by age. is seven and one-half'milM long to the Clinton county line. ' the license fee reduction bill' intro­ duced by Rep. Uoyd S. Stacy (R) of Washington county. The Stacy meas­ ure provides for licenses fees ranging from $7 to $16,mid would be effective in 1986. At the present time the automobile license fees range from g7 to $25* A reduction in the initial rat* fees for trucks was also provided in the bill, Seven of the eight high schools in State employes formed two new or. « w v will H.V. !48 «B l.r, iU . corporation for the State Employee j an.t rM*rvllu th* with this project a success. . " - . ■" [of bojrs from age 17 and up can be ac- Senier Ciaaa Flay—May 9 and 10 cepted for training this summer. “Success Road” will be given by the Application blanks and information Senior Class on May 9 and 10. Don’t may be obtained from the following: forget! iR«v. J, P. Lytle, Xenia; Dr. Marshall ------------- ;------ [M. Best, Xenia; Dr. Roy L. Haiae*, Cedarville H igh * m $ S S 2 i Z Z * * ,£ < £ born. Have Most Graduates Credit Union, to which all stote em­ ployes are eligible for membership. Were filed with Secretary of State George 8. Myers, Approved by the state securities' division, the articles provide for 20,000 shares of stock a t f6 a share, and any state employe owning one or more shares may bor­ row tnooey from the union. The other organisation created was a new post of the Veteran* of Foreign Wars, which is oompoeed entirely of state employes who have had overseas military service. The new V. F. W. unit will be known as Ohio Gover­ nor Post No. 966. A luncheon meet- tog will be held eech Wednesday. Offi- csrs are Adjutant General Emil F, Mhrfc, poet year and Cedarvflle tops the list ith 33 seniors. J , W. Fkhter, assistant state director of education will prob­ ably be the local speaker at com­ mencement. Bowersville commencement April 16 fith 20 seniors; Spring Valley, May 6 with 8 senior*; R om Twp., May 16 Xenia, it is sanouneed by Adam L. with 11 seniors; BeUbrook, Msy 16 •Bauer, field supervisor of the Bmer- Appiications For Crop Loans Heard Applications for emergency crop loans and feed loans are now being received by the Green* County Loss Committee a t tlm county agricultural agent’s office in th* Federal Bldg., Beeeon, deputy wtotkistrator of the Ohio Seeovery Act, senior vice com­ mander; James P. Hard, assistant cor­ poration advisor in the Secretary of State’a ofeee, junior vie* commander; «ud Jreeph Eaton of th# state hoard of barber Muuniaers, adjutant quarter- with 112 seniors; Beavercreek Twp.,‘gency Crop and Feed Loan Office, Co May 28 With 31 seniors; Bryan, Yel- jlumbus. low Springs, June 4, with 23 seniors, j Loans will be made only to farm- Silverereek, Jamestown, commence-jera who are unable to Obtain else- ment has not been announced, where seed, fertilisers, supplfe*. feed Eighth grsde coitatnencetuetit for [or the neCeisary credit to purchase Caesar creek Twp. pupil* will be held ’such items. Loans will not ft# made May 1, with ton scheduled for promo- to applicants who can obtain credit la tion. Clifton grad* school wil lclose'the amount needed from any other w May 24, but no special exercises are source, Including the production credit .planned for* fourteen eighth graders,association. WILL IMPROVE ROAD to be promoted to higk school Length Checks in payment of approved of th* term in Xenia Twp, grade * ■“ * ‘ * * * * schools Is stilt undecided. Former Co. Coroner Died Tuesday Dr. f t P, llargusrt, 63, Springfield, died a t his home Tuesday evening „ ___ ______ /kJwikwlonere hare «xlej#diag a year. He Green* Qm& cm imm oM r* m r t t toriievtahni*. w * . loans will be issued by th* regional emergency crop and feed loan office at Memphis, Tenn. •. AUTO OVERTURNS TUESDAY An automoWle driven by Mias Mary Margaret McMillan skidded on th* wet re*d hear tit* 9t, John farm on th* Clifton pike aariprertamed inth* ditch., The other occtqNtata were Cadi Relief Plan To Be T ried N ext Announcement ha* been mad* that relief headquarters in this county will start paying relief ht cash the last of Representative* from Xenia and this month. About 600 persons are North Hampton High Schools attend- entitiad to cash or grocery orders, ed the Junior Class Play, “Shirt Thou# that tik* cash will be compel!- Sleeves.” ed to pay th* state sties tax on feed f and provision* while relief orders are Mrs. L. C. Johnson and daughter of not taxable. Wheaton, Illinois, are vieitfhg a t th* In Cuyahoga county where they home of Professor and Mrt. C. W. have; been paying cash for some time, Steele, complaint is mud* that the money goee for liquor and gasoline while ’ property committee of the col- fandHes remain in’ need and as a result some agency must feed the family. HOW LONG CAN MONEY LAST? lege made a business trip to Cincin­ nati, Wednesday, The Girls* Trio and Quartette, Mrs, expired term, which ends April 1,1937, . Tate formerly served on the hoard but resigned in" December, being sue-' family; I suppose I should not mention ceeded a t the timeJby Loren N, Shep- their.names here either. Another who herd, deputy clerk 6# courts. Both are has lou r store sought his fortune .in [World War veterans. Th* third mem- distant and warmer climes, and whojber is Mrs..Anna Lindsey, colored, of has always enjoyed an enviable and;Xenia, representing the Spanish Amir icah War veterans; Her term will, ex­ pire January 1,1938. unsullied reputation to the region of his birth,; would no doubt; feel that it was unjust to mention his name to connection with this almost forgotten affair, aqd thereby cast reflection upon his actions during th* days of his youth.’ The other, the leader of the gang—I believe I am correct in giv­ ing hint credit for being the “brains” of the plot-would prgbgbly suffer most of til if I were to disclose his parf |u th* .affair, stoto fb* plo^-af"! < .vruwwt—-o— ■*-*---* feeted rather materially on* of his fellow churchmen, and to- reveal the One time in his youthwhen he deviated just a little from his strict Cqvanenter principles might caUse hi# Old Side friends to refuse to forgive him, even a t this late date, were I to disclose his name, That, indeed; would be an injustice. So I must he content with revealing my own Identity only and trust that you will not guess who my companions were. I t was in tii* early fall of 1968 I believe, and as things were rather quite to the village, we decided to cause a little excitement. We con­ cluded that the best way to do this without injury to any person or prop­ erty; was to make a "Big Noise." So negotiations were entered into and a deal was consummated without a great deal of difficulty whereby we were to receive from the chief dy­ namiter Of a nearby stone quarry, quite a few sticks of dynamite to ex­ change for Horn* “spirits.” My’only concern today about -this whole affair is the fear of the possibility that we may be consigned to eternal con­ demnation for taking advantage of the weakness of this amiable and ao commodating old fellow by holding out before Wra his strongest tempta­ tion. However, I hope that one more imbibing did him no lasting harm, and Miss Harriett B. Luce, Columbia*, that the shrinkage to his employer’s nurse with the state health depart- p . A. R. CHAPTER OBSERVES HISTORIC DATE “Lexington and Concord Day,” to be observed April 19, was celebrated with a special program by Cedar Cliff Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, a t the home *f Mrs.' 'Frank- TurtibuH, Tuesday 'evening. Mrs. Etiiel Buck" conducted the D. A. R. ritual and Mrs. H. C; Aultman,. this city, read .a paper on “Approved Mountain Schools.” A letter from ; Dr. Stewart McClelland, president of Lincoln- Memorial Institute, Harro­ gate, Tenn., was read by Mrs, Wilson W. Galloway, a former classmate of Dr. McClelland! a t Denison University. • Steroptiqon pictures of mountain schools were shown for the enter­ tainment of the chapter. At the close of th* meeting re­ freshments were served by Mrs. Turn- bull, assisted by Mrs. J. C, ToWnsley, CLIFTON YOUNG MAN MARRIED IN RICHMOND Mr. Lemar Reed, son of. Mr. and - Mrs. Arthur Reed, Clifton, was mar­ ried Saturday ”morning to -Miss Dorothy Young, Donnellsville, O., in Richmond, Ind., by Rev, Harold Ham­ mond, pastor of the Reed Memorial Church in th*t city. The bride , and groom will reside to Clifton with Mr. Reed’s parents. Mrs. Reed is a teach­ er in the Wayne Twp. schools to Montgomery county. SCHOOL ROUND-UP PLANNED ment and Mrs.- Pearl Wittenmyer, county health nurse, are planning the annual county pre-school round-up. The round-up for children who will en­ ter school for the first time in the fall store of explosive* waanot very no ttceobte. After having th* explosives safely cached and our plans completely laid, w» sageriy awaited idghtful so that wa might carry them Mt under cover [will be field the Weekpf May 13. Th* of darioMMi About 8:00 o’clock in [schedule of schools to be visited wiU Work, Miss Basore, and Professor Ithe evening W»met at the Cache, which be announced a t a later date. y Kuehrmann wiB present a program, a t as I remember was D. S. Irvin’s wood Arcanum Friday morning fat the high [pile on th* lot just west of the old school auditorium, In th* afternoon school house on Xenia Avenue. You will, no doubt, retell that to the fall of tile year this lot was always filled GEORGE P. HARMOUNT DEAD Bx-S«fiator S. D. Fees of Yellow Spring* give* out a statement and says that the New Deal can last no they will prnent a program at longer than will the money. How Memorial Hall a t Greenville, Follow- longmoney^hurts dependsion h°wlong jng .the afternoon performance Miss ---------- awn „ the Roopeveltere can sell the gullible Bes*je Victor of Greenville, a student was used for burning lime to the fcltos^g^gv, aft*r am, illness of public inflation bonds. in the college, Will entertain the group [a»d afforded a good place for hiding [months. He was widely known George P. Harmount, 70, formerly ------- . . . . . .superintendent of the Jamestown with great ricks of eord-wood Which[schools, died at hi* home to Columbus, two t o CANNING PLANT CLOSED to an afternoon luncheon at her home,!our mdse-making materials. After) . y™ * , r ^ .w a s b r e n to Ctoriceburg, Iowa, and' a t 1m*. i®*1® time practiced medicine in Yti-iMleses Georgia Skinntll and Dorothy Twp., trusteea w m y- ^ Springs and Osborn. He served [Anderren, and luckily no one was to '« to r n * « IU , » » « y fro* l r n m * . norton !*° IMy* H , > m Iwtn twomiMtit In ***branrhH JfMonnty ni* * ,ur- tiiawtaiwt*....w* f<daughter, eewrfyi m v e p r , ********* th* Th* funeral will be held m m from t e home Friday a t 2:80, with tourial to Ofcmt Hiiow fjiMUfi* Fnwet Cemetery, CHAMPAIGN COMPLAINS Champaign Couutir 1* Up to arms over tne Hopktoa brand of relief man­ agement and a temJtad ts htiag mad* !. ■.4 . ! Miss Betty Fititer reviewed th* ---- -- -................ The government ha* closed down hook “Devil’s Drugs and Doctors’*by'the dynamite toto three pile# and se­ ttle meat canning plant to Columbus Haggertrin Y. W. C. A. meeting Wed-W cly fasten the sticks together and and 600 employee# retired. It wa# n^day morning. Miss Annabel Dean attach a fuse to each bundle. I t was here that much of th* government ^ M nmdfng entitled “A Doctor and decided that instead of touching it off meat for relief wee canned and spoil* Hfai Contraption.” These seleetimw to one charge it would be better to ed end had tobe sent to the fertilim were^mymurir enjoyed by all mem- make three charge# of it and set them plant. hew present, Miss Helen MeKeurie eff a t different points and toteriafte ......... ■" * !!* ^ _ was in charge of devotieu*. tontly- Eo we separated into three PURCHASES ANOTHER FARM | * ^ ............. _ assuring ourselves that no one was 0hio< He h BUrviT*d by his widow educational circles In this part of spying upon u* We proceeded to divide , ------ - ,TWO INJURED WHEN AUTO Ed. Dean has purchased the Wil-r H1T$ CULVERT, SATURDAY Uamtiam Ferguson farm of 148 acre*» from the FregueewJeitiMr. The farm! Is loeated on the Clifton and Old tHrett pike and x m btek to IMtle Miami River. Raymond and' Marion Hargrave, ^ ftowvrsville, suatatoed sever* cute and. bruise* Saturday night wfum thalr . ............. * ^MrhR**iiluH^ ■ ^ '' . ' ■ > . ’Jameetown pfit*. The report la to* Are OMvw has h m m m A ma* g^vre frfl asleep. The car was bhdly toretewt all relief to toe to,Imatatew*GrrfuCo.,«ta- [eeedtaghia breti-r, M.A.OHfto, group# of two tech and. taking our packages which were wrapped to old newspapers to hide the contents, we proceeded to (tor appointed poet* where the explosive* were to be touch­ ed off. . ■ One group w e* nerth to the rolUf* tempos, another went east ^ the Old Flax Mill Pond, and my eemptatien (Otetowred re P u p 4) and two brothers. The funeral was held Tuesday, with burial in Roe# county, his native home, 4-H CLUB MEETS were* uoTiiim 5 The 4-H Chicken‘Club tort a t the horn* of Evelyn Thredsen, April 8, the foUowbg efficers were elected: Prertlent, Evelyn Thordson. Vice President, Ruth Copefirnd, Secretory-Treasurer, Junta Cree- well. Recreation Leaders, Ann Smith and Arno Pickard. Press Reporter, Martha Jan* Turn* bull. The naimr of toe toto has not been decided upon. Th* next meeting wRl beheld April m b .