The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 1-26

\ ClDAtYJlXi: FRIDAY, AFRU. W, JM5 T H E C E 0 A R V I L L E XARLH BULL — EDITOR XwNiNHMNr A mw a n d p u b l is h e r ; lUiwrt Y*U»y J?w* * » « ' How much income are the Roose­ velt families taking during the de­ pression, while millions of other stock Congressman Marshall from the pocketbopk of the cotton Seventh attacks Roosevelt policies in,Why wouldn't thasa 200 a speech at Springfield before a Re- - drawing easy money he ' publican club and yet did not cast his Roosevelt program? Ivote againat a bill that wilt not only levy heavy taxes for the federal gov- iernment but cause states to do like­ wise, His action on the bill last week probably was a stepping stone to the announcement of another candidate for congress from, the Seventh district. growers,; farmer*' for the < Bsb*r*4 at the Boat Office] Cednrville, Ohio, October 31,1887, a* Meotti el*** matter, FRIDAY, APRIL 26,1955 _____ „ SENATOR HUEY LONG ATTACKS NE)V HEALERS Senator Huey Long, better known as the ‘^ in g p h ” in the bolder* in various companies are not, We notice that the New I)ealers Democratic party, opened a lashmg attack onPrewdentRoose- *We to get a small dividend? Dm- lh»ve is8Ued * call for examination of velfc and the New Dealers before the Senate, Monday. He laid dends on the Roosevelt miliums, while ; n rdief woricerg ^ e#cH CM|nty open charge* that carried an electrical shock that took the holders of Liberty bonds must tak* the atate> ^ i8 the fl?8t move Roosevelt follower* off their feet. It was so scathing the New lower rates of interest, certainly will malrina. Dealer* have adopted "silence” rather than keep open a dis- ‘ not please millions more that have a cueeion that mean* damage to the administration. What the !feW hundred dollars invested in gov- Senator had to eay is accepted as 100 per cent true, and rather ernment bonds, than give him credit the Roosevelters take the position now of in giving him the *‘silent treatment.” In this way they hope the general public will give no consideration to the exposure. _____ ____ _ _________ _ The Senator is performing a far-greater service, not only to damg for water power, municipal the nation, but to the Democratic, party than most citizens real- j lighting plants, etc. It has been known ize. It takes one o f his style to apply the knife to the rottenegs thaj. Gerar(j gWOpe, president of Gen- o f the Roosevelt administration and the contemptable deception that has been practiced in an artful manner. No administration in the history of the world from all that history records in the days o f Roman rule can measure up to the Roosevelt standard of debauchery. No ruler, king or potentate, has ever been sur­ rounded by as many irresponsible appointees as has Roosevelt, Men that openly deny not only constitutional law, but the law of God, for we are living under more or less o f the rule o f the fiitriiQisi?* From another angle Senator Long comes nearer represent- .......... ............. ing the average Democrat than does Roosevelt, who has ^ neat gain of $ 720 , 000 . Not a bad skuttled his party and platform to follow the whims of Russian ........... sympathizers- Long still has the respect of most people and recognizes that from a political standpoint he has. not desert­ ed his party. He must have shocked the Whitehouse when he made the statement that Roosevelt could not get four per cent *of the southern vote if the election was tomorrow*. When the Senator suggested a taxpaying strike on the part of the residents of his state, on consideration that the Roosevelt ad­ ministration would spend no public funds there, he has raised a fine legal point that is exemplified by the historic “Boston Tea Party,” taxation without representation. You hear few of the dyed-in-the-wool Democrats criticise Long, in fact they wish him moral support in his crusade against Roosevelt. His critics are Roosevelt appointees, others looking for a place on the public payroll, newly converted “ Democrats?” and Roosevelt Republicans. The Jeffersonian Democrat cannot condemn Long and support Roosevelt. |t has jUBt come to light why Roose­ velt is so greatly interested in build- eral Electric Co., prominent Democrat, was a strong supporter of the Presi­ dent, In same company iBanother big Democrats, Owen D. Young, chair­ man of the board of directors of the General “Electric. Swope holds 70,- 340 shares of stock, which have in­ creased in Value since March 4, 1933, when Roosevelt took his seat in the Whitehouse, from $835,369 to $1,656, gain for. a depression period while homes and farms as well as most all other investments dropped in valuer Another of the presidential family that has a good profit on his General Electric stock •is Donald Richberg, head of the NRA racket. Other New Dealers own big blocks of this same stock, wards making the relief racket a per­ manent organisation- It has also been •proposed that not only a physical ex­ amination but one from a psycho­ pathic standpoint be made of each person applying for relief. This would put a lot of so-called theorists to work at big salaries, trying to judge bow hungry a man or woman might 'be that had no employment. We suggest that the first examination be started in the Whitehouse. im p r o v ed UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY I chool Lesson Now that the five billion cash box is to bo opened and to be given out by the New Dealers strictly 6n "How will your state, county and city vote?", we suggest that all vote buying be done in the open, in as much as Roosevelt wants it made legal. ay KXV. F. B. riTZWJLTflS, D. JO* Ifimfcir of Facility. Moody Blbla laatltttto of Ofcioftco.. 6 , Waatarn N»w«sss*r Ualaa. Lesson for April 28 T H E H O L Y S C R IP T U R E S LESSON TEXT—M Timothy Illl-lT l Psalm 15:7-M, GOLDEN TEXT—O how love l thy law! It la ray meditation all the day,— Psalm 119:97. PRIMARY TOPIC—Tha Book God Gave Us. JUNIOR TOPIC—Tha Book God Gave Us. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP­ IC—How to Usa tha Blbla. TOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ IC—Inspiration and Authority 0 1 the Bible. Where has all this increase in busi­ ness come from that has sent General Electric stock soaring as well as in­ creased dividends? The company re­ ceived an ordfer for more than half million dollars for equipment for WARNING! Farmers’ Investigate Allis-Chalmers T ractor before buying. L e t u s demonstrate this- w onderful tractor. Quality equipment at low price. Gordon Bros. Garage 30 Esist Second St. Xenia, O. .the Hoover dam. The next order for the same dam was for more than a million dollars, in Montana amounted to $776,000. The government gave an order for the navy department that called for $900,- 000 of the taxpayer's money. There will be millions in new business when the “TVA” dams are . ready. The In one Ohio county the physicians say they will answer no more Roose­ velt relief calls until their bills, that are nearly six months old are paid. In another county grocers have combined and now protest that they be required to bid on supplies.while physicians and dentists are paid regular prices. Probably the professional charges are regarded by the brain-trusters as a hit high and the bills are in storage until the grocer’s forget their plight. IThe Ohio Supreme Court has hand­ ed down a decision that will act as a break on much of the wreckless spend­ ing in municipalities which has been The order for a dam encouraged by the New Dealers. Until a few weeks ago cities and .villages were issuing bonds to meet federal money without restriction. Down at Portsmouth, a taxpayer thought it was time to test the act of officials issuing bonds without a vote of the people, as required by state law.' The Pennsylvania Railroad secured a gov- . _ „ .. ,, . _ . , eminent loan for several million dol- SuP ?me Cow* he,d tl,at offlciala ATTENTION FARMERS! Hand Made Farm G A T E S $ 4*00 Made by Roy Jacobs and are fo r sale by M. ¥ . Collins. A STOCK OF GATES ON HAND lars for electrification, and General Electric gets that contract The gov­ ernment is taking over"private plants in the south under the “TVA” and selling General Electric refrigerators and electric ranges to individuals on money loaned by the government All of this new business for General Electric will add value to the Roose­ velt holdings in General Electric and means big dividends to. the. Roosevelt inillioMire estate this year. - ‘ Now that the President has come out for a ship subsidy, against every Democratic platform for forty years, j there is speculation as to how much ! of th,e Roosevelt millions are tied up [in private steamship .companies? A 'subsidy is a guarantee of profits to these companies at the expense of the taxpayers. With members of the Roosevelt family drawing income as a result of the Whitehouse connection, what is the income of the family? It is said one shoe company paid $4,000 weekly for Mrs. Roosevelt's broadcast. Might we not correctly ask who are the chiselers? i THERE ARE MANY Starting Feeds BUT ONLY ONE S TA R T EN A Com* in aund Sms our Staurten* Fed Chiclu. Let tie show you with Figures anil with Real Live Chicks what Starteaa will do. Try a bag of Startena and get your chicks started right, then switch. A chick fed Startena for six weeks will only cost Two Cents more than a chick fed six weeks on the cheapest starter, and will more than gain this back in extra growth, Purina Chows Hen Chow, Cow Chow, Pig and Hog Chow, Xenia Starter and Egg Hash and Brooder Coal PEED OF ALL KINDS ORAM SEED OF EVERY KINO FULCRUM OATS—WHITE OATS C.L.McGuiim i w yiiy if iifi IE***# i etrtfc MUei* Eh * C ed«rrill% O . "Marie is no longer on her way out." The latest at relief headquart­ ers is, “Marie has gone." If we were to pass comment on the going of the college degree relief dispenser and what has been said, there must have been sadness Monday when Marie did hot take change. -You might imagine there were tears here and there. No that was not the case. Everything was all smiles. The gang Marie had slated to take the air is still .on the job but it is Marie that ■no longer presides over a relief headquarters. Some say Marie's ability to judge j church. It is said that back in 1907 When a sick baby needs milk may not Voliva boasted that he had bu t 33 coinside with what a mother might 'cents to his name, but the day would think, still her college degree opinion j come when he would own every foot, is said to be a mark of ability and inch and one-half inch of the 6,600 that she can have a field for a more Acre ijract covered by the city. For intensive development of her executive some years it might be said that he ability, one of the big-tops of the did own the city, but evidently the New Dealers wrote a ticket giving her • election has reduced his holdings. Re­ assignment in a county where ability ’ fore the next election he should get ih could not issue bonds beyond the ten mill limitation without a vote of the people. Southern representatives . in Con­ gress are standing firm against the proposed law that would put teeth in an act having to do with lynchings. As most of these "white men's parties with a negro at the end of a rope1 take place in the south) one would think that Roosevelt and .the New Dealers that seem so much concerned about the welfare of the people would apply the Whitehouse whip and drive these southern lawmakers into line to support .the bill. There has been much noise made over child’ labor. If Roosevelt means well, there would he some pressure on the pari of the ad­ ministration, to support this bill. On the other hand the New Dealers have wiped out the Ten Commandments, changed the ’ multiplication’ table, ignored the Golden Rule and the con stitution, so there is little .wonder that we do not find the pressure o f the "Big Wind" in the Whitehouse de­ manding that the law be passed. Zion, 111., known far and wide as a religious center, founded by the late John Alexander Dowie, must be one of the flattest places on the universe. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, who succeeded Dowie, as overseer, head of the church as well as the city, and all of the in dustrial institutions, monthskgo made a statement that the earth was fiat and not round. At> a recent election Voliva and his crowd were unhorsed so far as control of the city was con­ cerned. This-was a bitter blow to the leader, who still has his hold on the Will have a chance to shine. The trouble with Greene county, using Administrator Harry Hopkins' favor­ ite statement, the people are "too d— dumb to understand relief problems." Accepting the statement as a Roose­ velt fact, Greene county dumbness, has not yet reached the stage that one cannot tell when a New Dealer has his hand in the taxpayers’ pocketbook. touch with “Hooey" Long and “Frankie” Roosevelt and find out how to win elections. He should promise every citizen of Zion a Roosevelt dole as well as salvation, A few brain- trusters in the Voliva cabinet would he a novel experiment. MEDITATIONS Ohio is not the only state that has experienced all kin'ds of graft in the a ... , . -v „ federal relief organization. Georgia, r i a t l T i v V £ Gr good old Southern Democratic strong- Davey a din e for his rug fund sajdng holds, now flares up against Hopkins, that was all hie administration had Wallace and Roosevelt, Gov, Tal- been worth so far. Now we hear that madge of that state is fighting in the CW b°EraiseTthe 0pcn' attackin* «°ttoh «op , The Stlab * * xl4' Gov‘ was elected *» a farmer and can- ■which places a higher valuation on the not sw<lUow the Boo8evelt Russian idc*8’ Texasjumps into, the breach I ful managed te raise $1.86 cents at a against the cotton plan' and old line * That silence is pfie of the great arts Wconversation Is allowedby Cicero, who says, thereis not onlyanart, hot evenaneloquenceto it,—HannahMote. I. The Origin or Source (It Tim, 3S10). They are inspired of God, which lit­ erally means "God-breathed.” Peter says “Holy men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Ghost” (II Pet, l! 21). When Paul declares the Scrip­ tures to be God-breathed, he means that the utterances resulted from God’s breath In men’s mouths. Because they are God-brenthed they are the veritable words of God. The holy Scriptures not only contain the word of God, but they are In verity the message of God to men. II. The Value of the Scriptures (II Tim. 3:14-17). 1. Able to make wise unto salvation (v. 15). Salvation is alone in Christ, It Is obtained through faith In his finished work on the cross. 2. Disciplines (vv. 16, 17). '•It Is profitable for doctrine, which Is the divine standard of conduct. In the Holy Bible alone Is to be found this standard of life. Not only Is It the standard of life, but of all thought. Then, too, It reproves, that Is, confutes error. The way to deal with error is not denunciation, but the{positive pres­ entation of the revealed truth. It also corrects, that is, sets straight many of the dislocations of personal and social conduct The Word of God Is the standard of measurement, which sets straight the lives of moral beings. Further, It Instructs In righteousness ' and thoroughly equips the minister for Christian . service. The mastery of God’s holy Word Is the Indispensable equipment for Christian service. One who lacks this knowledge of the holy Scriptures is utterly unfit for the Chris­ tian ministry, no matter how well trained lie mny be in other things. III. The Nature and Effect o f God’s Law (PS. 19:7rll). „ 1. It Is perfect It la without a flaw* It converts and restores the soul; It turns man back to God himself to lead a life of holiness.' It hot only converts sinners, but restores the saints to dl vine fellowship, 2. It Is sure. It is absolutely de­ pendable, Man’s reasonings change, but God’s Word endures forever. God cannot li<. It makes wise the simple. Common men and women as to natural gifts become wise even in the rightful things of the world, because of their mastery of the Word of God. 3. It Is right The precepts and judg­ ments of .the Lord are expressions of absolute righteousness because they proceed from the righteous God and inre, therefore, Inherently right 4. It Is pure. There Is no admixture of error. There Is no compromise with that which is untrue. Because of this, It enlightens the eyes.. All that mars the spiritual vision Is taken away. Con-* duct for the' Christian Is clearly de fined. 6. It is clean. This Is seen In the etfects of the Word of God upon the life. The Individual who Is sanctified by It Is clean within and without 0. It Is true and righteous. The de­ cisions- of God's Word are true without exception. The judgments of God’s Word are unimpeachable. Because of these qualities, God’s Word is more to be desired than the choicest of gold. Obedience thereto brings great reward. IV. The Prayer of tha Believtr (Fs. 19:12-14). The life brought face to face with God's Word Is seen as sinful. The soul cries out for 1. Cleansing (v. 12). The perfect lnw reveals the imperfections Of the life. The Word of God reveals sins of which the individual may be ignorant 2. To be kept from presumptuous sins. Presumptuous sins are peculiarly dangerous. In the Mosaic economy no sacrifice was provided for such sins. 3. Freedom from the dominion of such sins (v, 13). How awful is the slavery of those who are In bondage to presumptuous sins, 4. That the words of the meuth and the meditations of the heart be kept in line with God's Word (v» 14). From many dangers the believer would be saved If the words and meditations of his heart were kept In line with the Scriptures! Does It strike you that the mischief of our life is really our constant fret­ fulness? * * Christ would not be diverted from Ihe main Issues of life and destiny. He Observed a strict economy In his re­ sources. * * * " 7 * an.d conservative Democrats, think little of stamp" fund, That is evidently boost ing the stock of the administration beyond the value set by the dime con­ tributor. the Roosevelt schemes, ail of which have failed in that state. Last week a report reached Washington that 200 farmers iwere going to the capital to The Republicans in feeling very kindly to party represent atlve* in Congress, When the roll was called on the Roosevelt Social Security bill last week, but two Re- pufclicm congressmen from Ohio vot­ ed against it. It is significant that FOR 8ALR~8REB POTATOES Home Orown Seed Potatoes—Rural ..assets. See W. E. Watt or 0, C. ra . . * A If**P*I*‘r to Weimer. Phofis 12 on 178, Texas brought ou that such a delega CM© „ S T S ‘b'“ w“ ^ K“ “ rt*' tiom was slates?, to go but each .man was either on tbs government payroll or drawing a fat salary out of the cotton control management, all of Which in the end came out of the OWNERSHIP STATEMENT. This is to certify that Earth Bull la owner, publisher and editor of the Cedarville Herald and that there are M M u - « - j f f i m u u . HIGH PRICES PREVAIL At Monday’s sale Fat Hogs topped at EE.OOf Fat Cows at 47,00} Choice Heifers at $9*73} Laaabt at $10.78. Strong prices always rule here. SALE EVERY MONDAY .Springfield Live Stock Sales Co* Shemtn Ave. ' Phene: Main $$5-J gyrtagiaM, Olds Carroll-Binder Co. Xenia, Ohio Jobbers of PetroleumProducts T f i i i r c M iKXSfQi a n a - ■ » ■ ‘ . R A T T F R I 1 7 C D i e 1 I 1 ! i I I I I b 9 Tank Deliveries to a ll Parts of the County Telephone' 15 J O Y O U S , C A R ^S.S.SEEANDBEE TheH nr/ ( / ' ■( t./.vsf ium'Bi'jt CLEVELAND e BUFFALO . NIABABA FALLS MACK INAC (BLAND SAULT STB . MAR IE GEORGIAN BAY e CHICAGO The vacation of a lifetime—-a continuous programof diversi­ fieddelight—restandrelaxation if yott prefer. Leave Buffalo every Sunday, Cleveland every Monday. Chicago every Thur*- tra VKI day,-from the secondweek in aocNi Julyto the lastweekinAugust. Over 2000 miles of scenicvratettr* «t—<l»nclns-* mailc—deck sports , . . loclilevetiti ana high dais veudeville and imurt. brilliant floor shows every’ . . .. evening (n mijnlfirentballroom. 500loueroocaikndpedort.WomSernllfood Sad service, * .— I f! ‘ Stop-over privileges and special one way rates. Matt tha coupon for bmautitut frma Booklet. THE CLEVELAND A BUFFALO TRANSIT CO* But 9th St. Pier CV ‘ CleTetand.OUo Gentlemenl Send me your free boofcofcolored iUastiatljpHI ■Ivins complete Information, scheduler end rtklp plan ig Showboat Cruliee on the 8, 8. SEEANDBEE. STATE S P R IN G F IE LD THEATERS OFFER You The Finest Entertainment 4.DAYS — Starts Saturday A story of farm and firasida that throbs in 25c ’Til • P. M. JOHN B E A L , G LOR I A STUART, Virginia Weidlar Viridtd by Gtott* SUtxns M H W W r i* Local Mr. and Mi had for then’ Robert*, of X Miss Fannie ill for two w improved and The tnonthl search Club of Mrs. Gcor May 2, at 2 Mrs, H. A. W. Vg., moth way, has been way home for Mrs. 0. R. spent a few 4 with her brot Mr. and Mrs. Mrs* Willard fifteen teache schools Tuesda dinner at the Aden Barlow. Dr. C. M. W has been spe a daughter in week end here Mrs. A. E. Ri Mrs. W. A. Miss Wilmah invitations to one o’clock, Sat ing Mrs, Willa Mr. and Mrs Orleans, Mass, with her son an and Mrs, Robe their country h of town. Attorney Wil o f Osceola, lo among friends, in Xenia. - Mr. the late Harve dent of this c Mr. Howard for the erectio . site of his old several months Rev. Walter Louisville, Ky., o f Mr, Ralph a Mrs. Leola. 1 daughter, Mrs. York City, vis] Thursday. Mil spending the vj law and daugl turned home. | Mr, Rankin government D. C., and Mi Millan, studen lege, spent t their parents, McMillan. Mr, and M entertained at nesday evenin Xenia avenue, Mr. and Mrs. and Anna Lee and Mrs. Ear Robert; Mrs. and Mrs. Paul ter Madeline, Word •has Cleveland of t ing, of Mary Edward FaTri monia about leave one da two granddau Farris were darville. His and daughter, ton, were in funeral. Mr. J. C. ^ known here b McClellan Hoi Subscribe *■K6S uni *T£D