The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 27-52

X m t m m f » ® i i l w r t i a e d b j Ink Adr«rti*«ment8keep *of th# tinm Read them! Advertising is news, am much am the headlines on the front page* Often it is of more signifemce to you. y ifY -m qgra ydar i F i m F - STATE NO* 27 CEDARVIIMJ, OHIO, JUNE 7,1985 PRICE, |L50 A TEAR COURT NEWS S e k o d P * d iv o r c e s u n s * Charging failu re to provide fo r hey KPHHKNTS supportand cruelty, Thelma A* V ince, COLUMBUS, Arehaeologfeal- The Ohio now liv ing la Yellow Spring*, has filed i*U |t in Common Pleas Court seeking; . * divorce from Donald I f , Vance, o f, -w j » tatM4. . l w S T <N * * Yo rft C ity , a reasonidrfeaHmonyf « M y im welrfner aW rd ’ "** CUjtody o f * » * » * c i> ^ Th* y * er* w «r r ^ M ay 5 , 1022 and MS i j ' 0^ '000;' fwmerly resided in Warren, P*., hut « ? * « separated since October, *® by H en ry q , Skettono, director o f J 033 Uivoreo on grounds o f grosa neglect ■rfht■- nm craelty is sought by Jennie Mor- * tls in a suite against Edward F . Mor- w the’ fcwelr?^titei? a i S d " * ’ They wer®married February 19, J f t t e t w j « state park* that are;1897 at Eubanks, Ky. in custody o f the society and fo r m ak-• * hog * new archaeological and natural 1 W *tory survey o f Ohio, D irector She- trone said The U tte r project is de­ signed to provide “white collar’' job * fo r unemployed archaeologists and:Aye. naturalists who would make an in -!__ fa u n a ,-X tto rt 7 y w 7 h 7 a 1 ^ u S T r o ^ r ^ flo ra, w ild life and aboriginal village w sw t* the plain tiff, sites, burial grounds and re lic*. To fa c ilita te the adm lrdstration o f Ohio’s Share o f the federal w o rk-relief fund* the State has been divided into sixteen ASKS P A R T IT IO N Partition o f rea l estate located uj M iam i Twp*» is the- object o f a suit > 61 ed by George Mentel, 234 Stanton Springfield, against Hanna lungling, Stony Ridge, 0 ., and others. NO TE S U IT F IL E D S u it to recover judgment fo r 0605 .- ? / i , . . . _ r M , claimed to be "due on a note,, has i J ! f af e y & **** filod by c ‘ c - McFarland against' i ^ ’ ’ » • L Furdom. M arshall and M arshall! Athens, Cleveland, Akron, -Sandusky,'are tho attorneys. I Columbus, Mansfield, Chijlicothe; To- ledq* D im a ,,W in g fie ld , Dayton and C inctonati. The areas were estab- pIVORCES GRANTED Forrest LoCdunthae been awarded u . „ - . ^ , , , » divorce from Myrtle ‘ LeCount enj ih® " umb<* grounds of gross neglect and cruelty, - 8^ ion , Th4 ^ ,^ < 1 was granted custody of 4 r 88 BP°rtf 4lon m inor children and personal property and cammunication fo r work projects, was ordered « stor^ to him , divest- w d economy to d efficiency o f central ed o f aU cMm&hy his ^ headquarters, i t was said. - ! n „ ^ yflf-.: "i&Z a n a w i mmm 1 fttosTwmmUMB LETT** TO EDITOR = J » m S t fm Pilii m * W'' W & r >afc, v.uV- ig@S j-W -s District B. Sc Loan { THE 00V L A H B TRAIL On grounds o f w ilfu l absence, V ir -' r> i w . « ’g il C raw ford obtained a divorce fro m ’ Crawford and custody of a ’ ,_ Meeting In Xenia O n the Death o f An .......^ . One cannot, -trip -fa r ____ __ The representatives o f the build- ®oyl|*" d - ^’radV w^ wu^ Ohio S tate university announced th a t m inwTon ** ™ """ 9 " . ing and loans in D is tric t Tw o o f the ^m tw h e re along^the two native Ohioans who have gained. W alter D . McCormick w as uranted 0h io Building AssociationXeague w ill l0VaWe A™ *05F* 1 p rCCT iti0n Wif,1. . be- * • 8 divorce .from Thrinm A /M c *o rm ick ta Xeni* ' Wednesday; June l2 t h do^ ’ J y6(^ j r a * d io lK O -B , dance,, « the » » - 4 a o f ^ m , i K t » nd T lla ceaooraa, a t U » Inatttuhana to ta ------------------- * » « « • t y c d wag .w ^ tla d eurtodv of miooc capreaaoted .m oun t to n i l .000,000.: . S t dg ’„ V Prom inent.building and loan speakers i PM v e r ity ’s commencement _____ They are M iss Sarah Wambaugh, an children, expert on plebiscites, who w ill receive th e doctor o f laws degree, ahd C h a rles / E .‘ Skinner* a noted engineer, who w ill W IN S JUDGM ENT ■will M o a i o r w . - ^ ^ Y S S ; jp au l W agner, superintendent o f the ^ these high i feoohns the doctor o f engineering d e - ^ ^ Anscl tn the case Of Clarence Bayless a - 0W o and Loan Department. (brai7,ed kenw’1 % J i Kennedy; X en is /isp res id en t; ;con^e" tion d o d b ti^ .D o i ' sent day are valued 1 p lain tiff has been awarded a judgment Y * ^ or’ ^ ce. J jd pedigree 6 th .r, fa r* fo , W tua <» , ^ i a - o l L VM , B- & » * < . — S f S T l .S V S * V iney and others, the gree. M is * Wairtbaugb, .who was horn a t C incinnati, was named one o f tz ;xj-Tt?,■"££: "£>es.c. « „ * , G m „ .. „ o „ lB, m r y , «-»* ^ * W t 5 TS5L*5 ^ .^ .a g * ErleOd “The ^ ountering •t in t most fam ily- held the le , have fanciers . have seen Juuro my the-pre- fo r looks O M o ’i C o n g f ^ s n i t f i n Dear S d iU r:—- I t h«* eomo to mjr aMantiaw, as | w ait -as 90m fim asas, t in t tiw jw - | «adt flknM aM 4 Somt I m i h » - ;I s # # » - A A A daesm. o f the-mast- im - ;n i i m f t l farm ers .aver- known to hsmt a k nenih o f our #m ran en fc in WosWoftoRa I s*dy hope it ls s e t h a t w eiinpy i.gst bask ts a- .nano >o*wm - m an t--mhetw i t is no t osessssxy to hrihe Ysssears ;or sayoiAsr ehus to held wotss. I tslhed -t« * »ai|ddbor sosss’dgys-affo and And o u t tiia t a ll w aano t ismamagr a t asreom t meeting in Xehda mfilsd b y 0 Mgnwsm iin L .T , % t'l 1mm leg s correetiy informed tits eomhir w heat |d «s Ir n o t f o r one yea r feat fim rryaam . ?A re w a a * -in -’ tatUgent citizens to sign aw ay our righ ts •fe r’fBeu ymmm i f we were •o lietinK ,in 'ih e --« « 3 r. w n a v y ? A re w# to Has yjaat-iftir a day o r a re we ^ ;Mh(fauCf 5 (ir. tJee .JSatptot ;Aro Wo- to; n e tti* a m <p#o|Wnab m»et o f .which h*s ©f-owc.ewn m M k iaf,-o r -are w e to oa heaping >ap dshts th a t w ill haadett fu tu re generations o r force tiw a i;ti 1 dishaasasbly Out h t thagpest west whwe wheat is ths asajor crop some power caused great; dakb n tom s th a t d id damage to orfps end property. The p as t few wedcs evidently tide same power sent A dehpgewf -water in th e .fb im .o f ra h i that'goat the loss o f miUlons in prop- e riy and lum an live *. - . - • ^ foH h e .fh c e o f w hat is-happening to thia farm -land o f the w est would i t not be Wall to -pause fo r a second and once again.exam ine .onxaelves fo r wo know mot th e day o r the hour the lUNU IK a « ■ < « w W W R W w W awSme K tM N ttffil The festivities for the forty-first annual commencement week o f Cedar- ville College opened Sabbath avenisg with the bacealaureete sorvioe in the United Presbyterian Church. The service opened with the .pro­ cessional, “Holy, Holy; Holy," snag hy the College Girl’s Chorus under the * direction of Mrs, Margaret JV Work. At this -time the members o f the class, faculty, members o f the board vt trustees and ministers entered the , auditorium, The invocation was offered b y Rev, C. E . H ill, D .D ., end scripture was read by Rev, R , A . Jamieson, D .D Prayer was offered b y Roy. jpwJfht R . Guthrie, Music was b y the G irl’s Chorus and different members in the Trio. The sermon was delivered hy Dr. W, R. McChesney, president, the theme o f his message Icing; “Save the Sacred Strongholds,” ' The program fo r commencerttent to - day w ill be found; on anotiw r pag*^ W ith lis t o f graduates and those re ­ ceiving honors and degrees, <f >■* . 1 •’ * R e c ifa l D e p a r tm e n t o f - 1 . ,,,') Rwic Monday Rye., One of the most pleasing ireoithU ______ _ ^ ^ w s f the Departmentiif Music under the « « « .* 4 * # w »th ’ of 7tiie elemeste wfll visit nBidlr~ tiw‘ of Mrs. Margaret Work,was , B l f O p e r l y F t o e p tm llo g the penalty-fop what many J®w » the F5ra^Presbyterian Owrch, {now fbeliove -has been nothing’ more ,M1" Charley Truax, Ohio congreesman-Jthan^bribery by our government for at-large, tried a Huey Long stant in-political purposes only. Congress, Monday, When he Introdoc -1 As-bne th a t must p lead .gu ilty, i f ed a b ill to lim it ?thes ’fe r n of a ll .g u ilt there'be In what hasbeen done, U * S. Court jodgos t o ' fon r years. O harleyhad a brah rsto rm 'over tiie Supsem* Courtderision tim t kflled the Em rier-Iianriee -five'' year mortgage moratorium la w giveu b irth b y the I am :fu lly convinced, as suggested by jrm irrlsst ed ito rial, M r. Ed ito r, th a t an unseen band must have guided the w ritin g o f tiie unanimous verdict o f the judges in th e N B A .case. When S b D i p * * i & S c i t o d i ^ ;A* r i S f e t * , “Old D ick,” our good old fam ily dog U p f l l S Monday o f bygone days. I know th a t “Old Dick’s parentlal $3,189 Pram Tax S tate Auditor.Joseph .T*. Tr|icy»an-. M isa W m n ^ h ^ jd e s a t Cam - APPRO VE COMPROM ISE b ridge,^Masb ^ and M k. Skinner a t j n C0nnactj0ri vrith the defunct Ce- WukinsnUTg, Pa« darville Exchange Bank liquidation,1 ^ ^ M, «.» u w u w ____________ _________ ^ ^ ^ ___ A new ru llnV o f the attom ev wen* *be c.0Urt’. on appbcat‘on o f tba stf te Tbc Summer Season o f Gcdarville bneage, could it have beem traced. nounred Tuesday the- allocstion o f -* “ Lt f ' j - - x x ssa 'zsszzsz Wda J. begins on Tuesday morning, -Cbil- fancj ers< j j e would have been thrown ^ ’12 state-wide distribution. .The dren from the-riementary grades are ont ^n bfa> ear at dog ihow> md distribution include* v|l^S2 for local Welcome to enter the training for that matter -a-blue ribbon would government funds derived from, the school, They should come to the col- j,av6 looked sorely put of place ott his *ales tax atone,and $1,627 in pimr re- iego on Tuesday naming 9 brindled, battle scarred neck. Indeed, i'of fuuda, realised from .the selective New Deal, Evidently Congress did men • f ffifferent'political views. d iffe r- ent personalities, and different re lig - ions, uigree as one on an Dane o f such:importahee, I am ready to ad­ m it, a g reat m istake has been cor­ rected before other damage was pos­ sible, ' ' - W hat the government needs most is D ivine guidance, n o t gold or silver r.Ws»a*Sj llp llif e : not care fo r the OMo K ingfish sug- gestlpn, which was nothing more than * drat* hlit 'an *ttadc on the. court.^ Congress 1 voted 220 to 2 to back the Supremo wbsiirrnn Which indicates the - low er t n ix in g Boni,e returning to sanity. ; Iw rit* ' judgment Spencer. desiring to se ll' m aterials and aup- p lies to the State. The ru ling was based on the workmen’s compensa-' - , _ r , . tion met, which was passed by the X « l)? O lG V l O l a t O E S ^ ^ e ^ m & e s ^ a n o ? S f fc. M t l S t S e r v e T e n i l cW l^en ’a^wmdT^an^all ^inmdries re - ^ ai^ w^ * ^ n be hi#* wsented re ta il Both aPoca- state business to comply w ith th e ' ------ — * tuch * decorat,ort * * 8 trespass upon tlons are made monthly, compensation laws, which would b e \ The parole awarded Curtis Ew ing, p* rdm* i t should be directed to her. Ws dignity. Bnfc whatever, his true , >................. ... p ractically impossible unless the firm 18 # colored, Xenia, who pleaded; g u ilty CO Lf - g * p ftw n m ia w pedigree nothing b a t high and noble P R O G R E S S ]^ FA RM ER S HEIJD_ m » o p e rttip g in th e s ta te .' A t the .November 2 , 3934 to an auto th e ft COLLEGE S S L Sn f 2 A rKH flowed in h i* veins so fa r as I M E E T IN G MONDAY E V E present tim e approximately 90 per charge and was placed on probation ♦ *m concerned. 1 • — — >• _ f pUea a re purchased from Ohio con- 1 Common pleas Judge R . L. Gowdy, ^ . C0D -4 .. w**** **« "* » **«* ■<•»»» jv u ii V. m — • new ru ling is fo b Who sentenced him to serve one to coU ira, ^ had then gained fo r himself a wide 3 rd * M -rn. , T - n 1 He was “O ld D ick” to a ll about The Progressiva Fanners’ C lub m et Lon Compton, W est Jefferson, Q ., town whfih , WM atUl very yo ng. H e a t the C . H . S., Monday « v « to g , June , , s . M r, L . J Qooige,asrisfinntbiod- prosment or - 1 — *v_ made annouaceaumts gfaeofc th v tour, ,'oifieers uind h ndsm /m aet cent o f the state’s m aterials and sup- fo r five years* has been revoked by P and i f the .w kW«d to the totter Ohio firms will get .twenty years in the Mansfieldreform- foraerPS S l l ^ w ^ 4*4^ “ * bunting dog. Though er, n the remaining ten per cent of the.atmy. Ewing was rc-arrestsd for tqlnna having passed on these thirty-five odd club: 1 parole violation a fte r be broke in to a ■ * * £ . « « * •« » lN e . among older ing J ----------- jgarage M ay 25 and stole a spare tire ?L *£^5 n T t v i ^ Cedarvilto sportsmen a stirring mem- activities duriag the samuier. .John The John Jaater Juniors' orrineatra, from an automobile. • _ _ y ‘ m o f his prowws in the field. W ith - W flliamson gave a w p o rt e « thodigac- WiMMd f r r its Sponsor, John Jaater,; ---------------------------- ‘W4da hllrt ,f_ . out apedal train ing be developed in to tion o f feeds. Herm an tvm UU rspo rt- J r dfrootor o f tia S ta te H ighw ay D * -f“ D E A T H MRS. ROB INSON one o f the greatest bird dogs aver ed oa d iffsrsn t kinds o f firnds, p J ta w n t, w ill make its kd tia l appeer-! ----------- W wSch alm Sw t w w c £ S P ^ » c e d in our community, out M r. George assigned the following •aco in Columbus June 14 a t the liw t; M rs, Sarah Em ily Robinson, colored MadDon cmrntv courts ranging, out retrieving, out pointing reports: F ittin g and showing a beef. and aoetol r ia n t o f the season 85 , died F riday morning a t the home, 3 , , ‘ ja il rivals regardless o f breed or c * lf by G regg T a m e r,' J tttto g ' aad e f the S tats Employ**’ Social dub. o f her daughter, M rs. M ary W a lke r, • k r t . i . y n g T A T E V A LU E D w^bolihg. M y fa th e r and “ O ldD ic k ” showing a D a iry CaM by D avid Ram- Tha ocebeotas, a ll msiPbers o f which in Dayton, a fte r suffering fro some| ______ jwera regarded as p by-word among *ey. F ittin g and showing Swine, O tis ato ompkyee o f the highway depart-,tim e w ith hoart trouble. She was th e , jiistw sin jr o f an oatato w ith an ooti- G rwne county huntsmen h i the day Shaw. The next meeting w ill be held m oat, was orgaaixod two yea r* ago widow o f George W , Robinson, and J T T j 2287400 the w ill o f * * * “" ^ l*H8il h®6881* * *°B* f W rd’ Monday* June 37 , iaot*ad o f J««e 3 » N e w B f t n k F l a m t e d B o il* S . C k a r l t i s t o n plans-ate information: according to r«p<a*sfrr reorgaaixntioiiof the First State'Bank «CS. Charleston, dosed in 1932;landnow being liquidated by the State. Banking Department, The oapitaiofihe bankwill bo |50,- 000 b t 500 Bbaras tff flOO .each. To moot ibanking requirement* a surplus of f30,OOOWill be provided with f3,- 5000 undivided profits. It is propoe- ed to spread tho capkal among as many’iCitisens as possible. College Team Defeats Defiance Cedarvilto College baseball team crewed k a ta Saturday w ith Defiance on the latberis lo t and won b y a score o f 5 to 4 , Th is is- the second victory as the local team wen, the Bluffton College game previously. M * i * a * * ! » , « d '■ « « ■ » ■ « » * * « • ■ « * t t . H W i BCM«. Washington C l E h a t ha Otovdam i whan D irector Jaater fo rm e rly rwktod here, was resident engineer fo r the highway ’ The deceased is survived by M rs, "lu. hunter, I remember “<Md D ick” mote department in Cuyahoga county, jW alker, Dayton; M rs. Jess Watorfleld M ta t^ “W b i t i b a l l n o r t h o f Yellow fo r W b “ « k m * * * * * ‘When in NBW IS S U E RA ISED O U o t re lie f toad was reduced b y th is place; and five eons* Isaac, Day- L f * the field W ith my fa th e r he p u t away ______ t S ^ i r i S T a S b y t w m in ex- ton; Ben, P o rt Huron, M ich., James, h ,a ^ * dm iittd to pro'c W ld i.h th ing , hut w ith me ho pm v- ---------- p lixB tm rii dwrif A p ril, acoerdiag to Wtoebosier. K y» A llen , Oakland, C al., ‘ * - « - - - figwua reioaied b y C. C. S t i H ^ , F ^ s rf^ g p rin g fie ld . ^ bequeathed his entire estate, both federal re lto f adw intotrator b<^ re a l and personal, While his daugh- ^ b AidStonal storiwa are a q w M t e » * ’ Mm*Martha Cable, was named " or J & * * * * * » & * the twwahip. John May but exact figurw are not avail- bring aondoetadby Rev, R. Tilman, of without bond. The estate, 48 8S* *4 *n nigging out ♦«, , m_^ w— -t.«. 01 —>, H*«„ 2S* Mr- StiEwiw said. The number Peace Baptist Church, Dayton, ,executrix wunout uonn. xne * « * « , eWt)rtonka#s w jwundn* upon grass- Trusty, has AM an ia- of pereetw woaWag direct relief 1n \ ......... A p ril decreased n jM I bu t there was, an tooreue* e f 7 A « h i tbo number' T IM E E X TE N D E D TO JU N E 22 i To h ie widow, M rs. M artha C . Kelly* ^ nh rtv^rftusllr 'c°hnty eomtnlsakMan to drop th a t . ,— ~ . . . — - - — »— • % ’S ^ S S S g Z r would ho dtad. 1 % 1 a m to assist in digging out g* *Tw,S ^ S J ^ ^ ^ w,rtS?ip* , jRecording: U> n prcHm lnary W rtiftiiit* h f Jr w j^ g y J fu S ? On ih* « ilt * * S w t t t y « « o n by t*i# ----i*- DdS-'gA/K' -wkiMatY first spring days whan the breath o f cummi*skm*r*. I t to a new tog tl is- by special re lie f programs.! Regardfess o f the fa c t th a t there ^ vul Added eagileymeiit by privato in - would be no extension o f time fo r fib rifim w , duetty i t terguly responslMe fo r the tog sales ta x returns according to the ’ * * S h £ v a l^ i^ a t t240WO *ud E***1"* pasture* and .new leaves *ue estate ^ h j u vahtod!at ^40,090 and wWl tHa ^# ir 1 have ob- income from real, estate 8fetVfed head held high, wdfftog C o r n t o in d ia A recent drive a - S tate Tax Commission, there have A g rii deereae*. gdbiet “rittoetors1’’ on re lie f, roils has ric e played a p e rt bt the reductfefc, now been extended u n til June 22 , I t dee ** l been so many delinquents the tim e hasj 4 -H CLUB NEW S P te u T to to m w i th i” io r ir im e i'« f to said th a t fu lly one th ird o f th e ' b« *ouM ****r dtoctoee any dtolike umtor i h e e a r e e f H m United Preshg- Em n r f r r i--------- dtototon 0 # the state vendors have fa iled to file retu rn *. He held fe r it, aquatting bhnaeH ris e * torian Church, D r, T u yW w w a u f r i - . ___ .m ....................... u . «aa tju *MeA hClH a t tins nO/BHB Ox WMiKmKm an ■miienil s a t wunua, v a U u if.*# U iii.ia a i (tho good earth vrith the; same ap­ parent rinotkm al reaettoh it stirred Rev. Then Taylo r, son o f D r. wad in me. Though, I doubt H itohing iq»- Mm . J. ICRs Tajder* PhU a lsliihto, pealed to him «a a very ux ritiag s p rit leaves soon fo r Ind ia as a m itetonary « r mmw^m by 19 * , I t to estimated th a t toaa than 750 o f . . tQM la . to ta l to 178 In an th# 1,150 vendors in the county have *°n w *!*..." j 2^ J r ^ z r z J \ Z «» — « .... .... . ai * s *> new » * * » • * * off w e cwo. jmbo m ta t ^ ^ o f "tile staff to o ffM r itiy combat th * filed, v .^-ir., n.^-......x^,'n r i i i ^ ' M r U m * U rie rie r Jasnee V . ' W ASH ING TON A HO T BED 5 5 T D k rito r MAtor stotod tha t; ------- - m Jh'iSr i* iE t a W w to tondospito; M r. fin d M cM illta , Pittsburgh, Pa., memtocu ptoamed to attend to * Lend' •re «mt O E *»re meeting on Tueeday, Jaws 4 . The naxt meeting w ill ho hold a t th * bom* e f Pauline feegueon, by and aasting an amused eye « ii« t m ri.rerideaba# C ed a rriR ^ a tto eM u to th * w ritgU ng prises as they were b ring p a tte r o f to e Betovmsd IT r ib r - from to * old torian Oharch, firiAag b ri*l i f,i anr»ir-- ■ ' I.ifnlrt^ni-’T-ir Though a lover o f peace, he would MOLC A G A IN A C T tP E never heaiiato to uphold any totag-’ M «*—— ^ ^ , gmatod claims we mad* fe r Mm a t a ! R . * . Du toiri, HOUC agent fo r tide to eew ri to * I t toantias o f to * atato, .whoa* large bustoees intoreato keep* B L U E R IBBON FO U LTRV CLUB f lit t e r to too t*, toadverttot dtopntoa oataty* * ...tow l« tom b W ith gw eiro iitiB tol stf»! . * * * * * a ^ . r i v i t i deg ew m **. Long a fto r-a riv iiig .....__________ •TATEGET* LITTLEEND -faire, *tate* that Wmdthwtton, D. C,,f Th* Bln* piblvimPoultryChtorniat- hto.,fild»to'f d*y* war* over* stiff ef eauttaao until Jaa* S7. to a hot bed and aestiilag with- busd- ‘.gig vm * ptog a t tiw heme o f 'Ruth and toetoleaa, I tow * wemi M at peremta a r * new on toe oneea to ta hto oMe* i* re - ca tie ta to r totow ahd w til A t a r i 100 9*k*m; a f * * t a f * ta r ia b new reprewa ta tivw , try to g to fiad a copetasto, T h * trip to Coney Island ^ » W g g . No appHoattons have be ta tito w M itil, **■> r iV * L * ? * 1 «■ *»« « « * » ■«<: 'T g L * * m "T E T W ib ^ i r A g J S T > ■ g j J S S C ■ + * * * * * ? • * * « . * * . S S S f f S i l * 3 j* m m , * * m m * P eart dw itom w itt M p .g i the home o f Am . to tith , J«na 14 , --Fam Sutacriber,' Monday evening hefbro a good sited audience. ' The program was varied in piano, organ and vocal numbers and1 the audience Was g reatly impressed w ith ” the success o f the recital, Those oa the program fo r piano Were: Irene A llison; Jane E llen G il- lilan , ’ Elizabeth ' Anderson, M artha B ryan t, Eleanor Bull. Vocal numbers: W ayne Andrew , - Boy’s Quartette, D o rtth a Corry, Grange and B lue Serenaders, Anna" Jane Wham , H a rr io t. R ii^nour, Dorothy Anderson, Girins T rio ,. Ruth W est, Glee Club, , ' Pipe’ Organ numbers hy Dorothy Anderson and Eugene Corry. Organ apd piano duet by M artha : :EU« f o f , ^ ir is o n .- , College Senior Honored / At Faculty Reception . Some two hundred guests,' includ­ ing atiidents, alumni and friends o f the .College, attended ' the annual' facu lty reception given in ,A lfo rd : Memorial Gym* Tuesday evening. - Two act plays, “Betty Behaves,” and "‘Thank You, Doctor,” were ipre­ sented by Cedarvflle .College students, under the supervision o f M rs, Louise ■ Heintx, head o f th * English depart­ ment. The girls’ glee club and: the : “Orange and Blue Serenaders,” di­ rected-by. M rs. M argaret J. W ork, sang several nutribers and M r. Eugene Corry played a group o f piano solos. L igh t refreshments were, served follow ing the program . LtGU»AHNGBXPB(dB Expepto of 0001.70 was toswrred by •itawtato ta*ktog’dei«rtoMnt to ton- neotiei «rito to* Cadiurvilto Exchange BAak fiqaldation taring the tot**-: Ahpiried*P>be*sry 15 to May 34* .^ [iiisn lto t to an Hwritod stotmoent M far appvetal tor O tmmm . Plato Court, Expenditure* were divided as foilowsds: mtodrietretito* 0500A0I legal, 0I4A0; opuritof* |8L J. A. NORTH BREAKS ARM John A. North, prominent Xenton, torifttoed a fredwwd.-left arm Turn- day mooting when be foil en to* etop*^ entering the Xenia postofik*. The fracture was wit at the tfcCIelton Hospital. U. 8. COURT RAPE NEW DBALERB AGAIN MONDAY itoi'U* B. Btoresee Court again hit to* New Hem to a Raitimti* utility EmUHt ItfriMto]Huto jAtoto ffetttttotttlfitiMl SsMwsiJnLafdtsJuuiMrJTf msuu 1 ensea mvoivmg uuj m i *vn*i gev- ermnsnt lendis# og*n<>toS' wfll be de- Sltotl (to* *>11 fittia lii' sm - m - wi **, ontistti “filL V ta t'STREAK ” COM ING Cedar Day Observed On Campus Wednesday One o f the interesting and a ttrac t­ ive events o f Commencement week attracted a thousand or more people to the College Campus, Wednesday fo r the annual Cedar Day program . The pageant this year was “The College Rainbow” w ritten and direct­ ed by M rs. Anna C o llin i Sm ith, ’ 17 , a t which tim e Miss Luella Robe Was crowned queen o f the event b y th e re ­ tirin g queen, Miss Regene Sm ith, T 4 . H ie queen’* attendants were: Eleanor Rohe* Esther Pleasan t, Georgia Sklnflell, M a ry Waddle, Hasel Nelson, M a ry Elizabeth Fisher. Children o f the Court: M ary Louise Stormont, Beth Turnbull, Joan George, P a tricia Ann Gfilaugh, Ann Huffman, Janet W illiamson, Carolyn Galloway, M arilyn A u ltman, Phylia Frame, Don Reed. M aster o f Ceremonies, Ralph T in ­ dall, Iris , Goddess o f the Rainbow,’ Eleanor Bull. M ay Pole Dancers: Christina Joaee, M ary Lou McLaughlin, M a ry Linton, J riia MeCaflistor, Retaeca B igg*, Dorothy Carry* Job * Richards, Jo Waddle, Paul Reed, Donald Bm kert* Kugetto Reed* James A a ta n e n . Rato Drops: Frances Patton, Honey Leu Storment, Jeam * W righ t, M artha Jan * OrtewoB, Barbara im itit. H ta * 3 M « P » r i . ' «tada: E, Mageamn, L. CMtlee, R. Crree, If. Calletto, % JCtoAk, * Mask* rig h t, H . M ffiri* E . M ay, M . a P re- taeco, W (tanewvtb, C. Otonwr, D. K ltoe, F . N ftrio rf, B . Mbsnv, E , Me- Berman* H . MeXenrie, E . IbrfB, M . Porter.. Cedar D ay O ratien w a * gfvaa by (Coatbreed to Pag* 4 )' iD r, Hatoea’ boepRsd la Jammtowa- CreeweM arid Levity aanenwee tito ^ mf touyLaytorititouto | X4tlvMNt'4MlMiiJOlWPfe■'JfMlir imAuitog th * M *w gnmmnHaeti T rtta , DriM iuNM , I b s r i ^ l ^ i t t a i^ Thevurionstibam awmai ea^s .ama 1 WE ~9m ! - >