The Cedarville Herald, Volume 58, Numbers 27-52

tr || j. I F r id a y , 20 , less . . W itt Rogers’ Last Picture Coming To 'Regent In Springfield, Friday t m w w t e n imagined bom WW iH W i W«kM fcavs looked ' wearing a hatwiBg collar, dress Ho, sMif-freatsWrt mad alik-lapel- « l Taxed#, but tli* aBjoymeat ot aetaaHy M«iBK th# g n a t humorist W> t w i l i t l» O f *e jh e ’lfar* *r*at# the **M« wlU enjoy when they m Us Igat great motion picture, " t t 9M Kentaeky," which trill bo ahewm a t tho Regent theater, in fyriagfleld. on* wMlc - day, Hot, M. . Rogers completed “In Old Ken­ tucky”*shortly before Ua untimely death., The picture, filmed by Fox, who nude all Ua abotra, la being released tUa weak after a delay of mor# .than a month, during which -maBy'*r«takaa” wore made. The atory la one of racing thor- oughbreda, romance In the blue graaa country of old Kentucky and down-to-earth* humor for which Roger* was fiuMans, Will crashes b Mg society hall on the eve of DoirbycDa# and all: hla friends are amaaed wlMa* -bo Walks In fully droaaed IB thai latest evening ap­ parel, . He “wracks”* t b r party when he pnta on a apacfal tap dance mini. ~ her Bad belleva-it-or-not, Rogers can dance better than he could stag. Bill Robineonr,’ colored star famous for Ua dancing feet, plays the role of Rogers’ stable boy. Robinson teaches the humorist s!) the tricks of fancy dancing and when Will "turns on the heat" at the big party he "stops the show." The picture reaches-, the most fhrilllngvand exciting climax ever given any Rogers -film when his poor, crippled race horse wins the big1Derby through a trick of the Gods. “In Old Kentucky”'ia de­ clared by New York and Holly­ wood critics'who have seen it a t' private advance screenings, to be the greatest • of all WHl Rogers' pictures. It Is expected to set an all-time theater attendance r e c o r d in America. The Regent will offer a premier showing of the film at 11 P. M. Thanksgiving night In ad­ vance of Its regular week's run. NOTICE TO FARMERS Bring in your good milliner wheat, and exchange it for Ohio Pride Flour. In this way your wheat will net you about $1.20 ^per Bushel: Ohio Pride Flour is a high grade patent flour, a n d gives complete satisfaction- You need not have bad bread or biscuits when you use QHIO PRIDE. We are always in the market for good milling wheat. Call us when you have any to offer. CHARLESTON MILLS Phone 19 South Charleston, Ohio : f i | | PLUMBING BOth Room Outfits Electric Water Pumps jWe are,prepared to install Kohler or Standard bath room outfits and necessary bathroom plumbing. We are also agents for the Duro Electric Water Pumps, HOT WATER HEATING PLANTS , ■ i « * If you are considering a hot water heating plant let us give you estimates on the American Ideal system installed. Wc can give you reference of our plants giving satisfaction in thisicommunity. • , F . E. HARPER Phone 130 Cedarville, Ohio The ^PLAYGROUND r of the South-— THE GULF COAST IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL ►UNDAY T ax Legislation By Sen* Yoder I F I J / ^ A I I F C t A H i San* Paul -p- Ypdffir, (D.) .Mont- ' L n U U L m r N # 5 w l I (gomery county, outstanding leader in ij the Ohio Legislature, in a series of 1articles in the Cincinnati Times-Star, j gives some insight to what the legis- : | lature faces on tax legislation. The tfollowing is worthy of consideration By «KV. p. B. FJTZWATBR, D.D« Memberof Kscnlty, Institute of Chicago, UWesternNewspaperUnion. Lesson for December*! EZRA’S MISSION TO JERUSALEM I TAX LEGISLATION ___ „„„„ „ . . . . . ..........• In considering governmental fin- 82 . ance and taxation you will find as GOLDEN TEXT—The hand of our God many sets of figures as there are pur- h*m!P,E*ra.1,8:22?m *°r that *eek poses, ideas and desired results. You primary TOPIC—Bringing Gifts for will also hear today as many defini- a0JPNl0Rf,T0PIC-E*ra^ Lons Jour- tiof for “ W » there are ideas ney. and purposes, However, government . AND SENIOR exists from taxation. Taxation is an YOUNG PEOPliBi AND adui . t assessed collection from the people TOPIC—purposeful Prayer and Coura- and on the people for the support of neons Action, government. So, government money I. Who Ezra Wa* <7:1-10). ’ is the people’s money and has the 1, A priest (w. 1*5). Ha was from same value. the line which was to stand between The question o f taxation has be- God and the people. The leader of the Come complicated because nearly all first company was Zerpbbabel. a sort and ciM8ification8 o£ of military governor. The great peed . . *. . ■ .... . . r now was tor a religions leader, for the have taken the attitude of Don t tax people had gone far from God, as we me> . that fellow- behind the tree, see from the moble reformation which Likewise, governmental -finance has Ezra effected,- only become *complicated because 2, A ready scribe (v. 6). He was a nearly all groupshave taken the at- tencher-of the law of God. titude, “This is a very important a- H*ie t hls h e a r t h Seek the law function and must have the lion’s of the Lord (v. 10). He set out defi­ nitely, with the purpose to know God’s Word. No one who purposes share.” The result of all this is a series of contests between organized minorities, each with a definite ob- )n his heart to seek the law of the jective, bu t without regard for the C«n fa,f‘ n h . . 'general situation, b. He set his heart to obey the Lord (v. JO). He was not only con­ cerned with knowing God’s "Word but obeying it. God's Word cannot be known in Its fullness by the Intel­ lect; It must be experienced. An es­ sential .qualification for a teacher of the Bible, a preacher, or Sunday school worker, Is obedience "to Rod's. Word, c. He set his heurt to teach In All Have Appeal In all probability you have been or are, a part of some organized group which has -bended -every effort for “adequate appropriations for the care of crippled children” or “vote for the hospital levy” or “adequate funds for historical Fort St, Clair” or “vote Israel God’s sratutes and Judgments jfor the bond issue for- a—new fire (v. 10). He not only had a love for ;equipment” or “more and better God’s Word but a desire to, Implant It educational facilities for our children.” In the hearts of others, II. Ezra’s Commission (7:11-20). Spring InDecember. Swimming, bolting, tiding# flaking—golf. AN i t # font* to onjoy. Under =*:gua4list will thaw away the but memory of winter. Ezra went forth backed, by the de­ cree from King Artaxerxes. The king gave him a copy, of the decree which authorized him to lead a company back to Jerusalem. This decree em; powered him to ' 1. Collect funds (vv. 15, 16); 2. Levy tribute (vv. 21, 22); 8. Appoint magistrates and Judge! (v. 25); 4, Execute penalties (v. 20). So great was the king’s confidence ip Ezra that ho delegated all these powers to him. For this great favor Ezra lifted his heart fo God In thanks­ giving (vv. 27, 28)'. He was mainly concerned with the fact that he was to beautify the Lord's house and ac­ knowledged that God had put his pur­ pose Into the king’s heart III. The Company Which .Returned -With Ezra (Ezra 8:1-20). This company was comparatively small, only 1,754 males, but Including the women, children and servants there were perhaps 0,000 or 7,000 people. Before proceeding on the Journey Ezra was careful fo find out as to whether any fit the Levites, ”the ministers of God, were with them (v. 15). He knew that the success of their enter­ prise depended upon the spiritual con­ dition of the people.. Temporal bless­ ings and prosperity of the individual and the nation depend upon (he peo­ ple’s attitude toward God. IV. Ezra's Prayer and Fasting (8:21-23). , The first thing that he did was to' seek God’s guidance. The reason Ezra sought the Lord's help was that as far as possiblo he desired his mission to be free from human dependence. Hu did not minimize the dangers attend tng his Journey, hut since he had as­ sured the king that the hand of the Lord would he upon all for good who sought him, he was ashamed to ask the king for a military escort to pro­ tect them from the marauding Arabs. Ills desire wns-to prove the reullly of God’s help, ns God's honor among the heathen wns at stake. V. Tbs Successful Journty (8:24-32). God heard their prayer. The treas­ ure entrusted to them was great. Per­ haps the entire value of money and sacred utensils was nearly five million dollars.* For a small caravan to go through a country Infested by these robber bands carrying such an amount of money was most perilous, but Ezra' knew that God wns able and would protect them. Observe 1. The care and honesty (vv. 2-1-30). The money was weighed Unto them at the start nnd was to be weigbed when turned over to the authorities nt Jeru-. salem. The incentive to honest and strict accounting of the* trust was that they were holy men and were entrust­ ed with that which -belonged to God. 2. Tlielr safe arrival (vr. 81, 32). Home four and one-half months were required to make the Journey. God brought them safely to their, destlna | ”avc 8at at home and complain- AH of these projects ! could heartily indorse as very meritorious. Yet they all cost money---tax dollars. You1 could also indorse many things in your home or business that would be use* ful and helpful, which also would- be- come necessary after they were cus­ tomary. In your home or business1 yoq plan over a period of years, while in your own affairs you do not ex­ pect all things at one time, even in prosperity years. Organized minor-: ities usually demand all things at once. ■; Government is Just as costly as the voters make ifc—no more. no leas. I have seen organized minorities get; rather rampant because they did not get what they wanted, when they, wanted it. I, have been a party to such rampant n organization—prob-, ably you have, too! ■ Personally, wc. would not become so rampant if we understood the whole situation. Every organized minority can also point to some source—-not themselves—the other /fellow behind- the tree, where the inoney could be raised by taxation to satisfy their demands. By the Bame token, while your organization is pointing to the other fellow, the other follow is pointing to you. The people elect their government, not as their overlords, but as the groundkftepers— the referee and the umpire in their games of life. The trouble is, too many organized minorities demand- and got pledges from candidates be /ore they are elected wuLbefore they have had an oppprtunlty to^ attain a general vision of governmental func­ tions and before they can be expected to set up a planned program. You have also probably been a part of an organization which has had for Its purpose “tax reductions.” Thereby you were in the position of opposing yourself while the governmental officials were left to wonder which was which, I have found my self in all three classifications, Only A Few Dollars “But,” one hears, “this will cost only a few dollars—so few the money would not be missed.” Multiply that idea by 1,000 and you will have- the taxes grow and grow. One day last winter a capital reporter remarked, after listening to many such pro­ posals, “When, oh, when will be tax­ payer! of this Butte ever woke up?" Columbus is usually swarming with advocates of tax-spending ideas—pet hobbies, Only recency has there, been any concentrated effort on the part of taxpayers to resist, Taxpayers The following farms have been post­ ed against hunting with dog or gun and trespassing forbidden:. W. O, Thompson, Anderson Finney, James Vest. Massies Creek Cemetery. Wanted—We huy and sell new and used cars. Belden & Co., £teele Bldg., Xenia, O. Apples and cider at the J. H. Nagley orchard. Phone 152F5. Clear t. i t aching head. Right that upset stomach. Move those con­ stipated bowels by taking N os H’ b Regulator. Pleasant to take, mild though effective. For sale by H. H. Brown, Druggist. NOTICE COURT OF CO l^ON PLEAS Greene County, Ohio Viola Donnley, Plaintiff, va. Jess Donnley, Defendant. . Defendant, whose place of residence is unknown will take nptice^iat plain­ tiff has filed suit for divorce and same will be for hearing after six weeks from Nov. 15th, 1935. Wilful absence for 3 years charged. F. L. JOHNSON, (12-20d) Atty .for Plaintiff.1 For Sale—Petoskey Potatoes, Keep­ ing and Cooking Qualities Unexcelled. Priced According to Grade. W. - B. Ferguson, Old Town and Clifton Pike. Phone: County 1F5. (2t) Tlizre is no reason wfcjf.YHI depriveyoumlfuMMifm lifif iMApt necessities such as E»4s» B m N m I l| Appliance!/AutowoWe-ewNfaHi* kiH for lick of Money. f w helpedthousand#of olharpeople, We canhelpyou to arri f e yoor financial affairs hiouch,* *ay lhat you caneufoyomoit nfeupda^ life. Stop in and see ua today . . you w l be underno att* gation at ad. PERSONAL FINANCING Is uwoott StS So S1000 Oo yoor own tlputar* and security Up to 94 ■o»Ai time So repay' Ubtnl dhcouat for pmaq* psyMati Prompt courteous service f” M n f a a r JAMES E. CHAMBERS, Mp. V 24 E. MAIN ST., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ' k v \Y /1 j r d r tlon, thus proving that fnlthfnl to those who put their trust lb him. - Write or Wire for mceomtnodaioni iem ti / W eekly E ubovsak R atbi From $i9*» Sing!* From $ 34.00 Doubt* Greens fee * 1 alt golf domett ftMt Gao. M. WoKiwiow, Uooeger Perfect Love i’erfect love is distinguished by tho character of Its enjoyments. It craves the spiritual, theho|y and Divine, Its enjoyments are purely religious; they tire sought by prayer, reading the Scriptures, pious meditations nnd nets of Christian duty and usefulness. The enjoyments of a pure heart are sweet, rational and nmvasting. Objection* Nothing will ever be attempted If ait possible objections must first be over­ come.—Johnson h o t e l M arkham etfSJFINDRT, M lM m iP F I OverlookingtheGulfofMexico KMUiMITINDSALE IDSMf Farm Loans 4^%INTEREST Five 1 1 , l,w yepr*. In buy,. Me rinnMe llnhllll/. ! * pynhipf ■Minilirlr. itMl.ft *|« n |« b . WINVJOOD A CO. spriiiaaeia; onto ft*k *ea r Msakei!1 m AtierPey afcnut V* .. hi : 1111 :' in Insww imaww )»*>*,#»»■ Subscribe to T1IE HERALD ed, but wjth little or no continuity of effort, Tax-levying officials' felt the i resistance of the taxpayers, but the tax-spenders were ever present with their arguments, pressure, and, often, threats. There are still other elements, some of which use one or more popular subjects ns bait to the public, to elect their candidates whether they are qualified or not, We all know people who have voted for or against can­ didates because they favored “wdt” or “dry” or “labor” or “anti-labor,” Ior many other subjects, without re* ,ffftrd to the candidate’s ability or lack of ability in dealing with 900 other subjects, including taxation, which .this same candidate, after becoming one of your officials; has to deal with, I This is one reason why no govern­ m en t ever gets enough inoney—-why ; you Jjpar so much about the need for jjnpre jtoxej, mope Iftqney to spend.- ! ftu* Mala—Two (gj fssd M * with coll springs, Two (8) gap etpves. .Tel, 12, Cedarvilla, O, ARE YOU INSURED? AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Ask G. H. Hartman Phone 53 CEDARVILLE, OHIO MOTORISTS ' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Colnmbus, Ohio Vic Dopahey, President Carl Crispin, Secretary P roclamation g * - ■ Viy GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1789 “TV TOW , therefore, I do recommend and assign Thurs- X ^1 day, the 26th day of November next; to be devoted by the people of these states to the services of that great and Glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be. That we may then all -unite in the rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation—for the j^ | single and manifold, mercies, and for the favorable interpretation Of His providence, in the course and conclusion of the late war.*’ „ m ' . TheDayton Power&LightGo. X l X IFYOUNEEDPRINTINGDROPW „ ♦ ----- TO EXPLAIN----- The“OhioFinancialResponsibility Law”andOur“LifetimeAutomobile PROTECTIONPolicy” —OUR PLAN OFFERS— Annual Savings-^Nation Wide Service— A-I Financial Security—Prompt. Friendly Claim Service COL iners o ities h tions t cover v ity “rfc not co) vision, Judy, vision, cause < plaints securit; . ciala to new rt worked that be with t tunate public- type o. combin . droppii never have t plaints . Tho v Jng to mut c< held th.i in the vendor' the s.aU held th tax lav who si farm, contenc tional ; lect th the. fa i) who .sc-.. A c ;severit claims, ' Commi Octobe by Su; of the . The t.< was II ” TJreced Pctobe crease tember yeax- a ported works season: place v incren* said. Only contain fifteen livered itentiai James . mates 1 box c gifts s books, gloves, * sweate and th «o tha mates packag A list not. be tobaccc or any or pea pickles liquid, of anj tainer- Dire Depart week t cation; study the Fi - it cone out a I in an on the ► naire m them sr of the j official by Du -, both •** XEN’ Xen gambh night or mn< be cor they Mr. familj, family of Da dauglt Thshk Endn ehut-i'i n ck a wayd om a fa m * see ua aider bo «k w O H IO iROP1 nan LE, OHIO mobile lervice- mpt , Secretary ¥ t Adr '“The r • v!