The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

s A* mW THINGS ARB ADVERTISED BY MERCHANTS FIRST. ADVER­ TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE TIMES. READ THEM! ADVERTISING IS NEWS, AS MUCH AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT PAGE, OFTEN IT IS OF MORE SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU. FIFY-EIGHTH YEAR NO. 1 CEDARVILLE, OHIO; FRIDAY DECEMBER 6,1935 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWS LETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS r ~ - ■ — * C O U R T NEW S ’ D r , Townsend To i Address Ohio Synod Dr. E. B. Townsend, Marietta, D r. McChesney To Seek Re-Election ° ■ , ‘ | Local Voters Traded j 3.2 For 6 Per Cent 1 •< ! Voters in Cedarville Twp.- and vil-i secur- Bec- . COLUMBUS.—Nine special iners o f the ’state division o f ities have been sent to various tions o f Ohio in an attempt to dis- ? cover whether there is any new secur- j % 4 ty “ racket” If! operation which has} Married sixteen years ago, A lea- to be the guest speaker a t the an- thea Mowen has been awarded a di- nual winter meeting o f Dayton Pres- vorce from Charles Mowen, in com- bytery which will be held in West- exam m° n pleas court’ on groundB °t w iI' minster church; Dayton, beginning at exam- fm absence from home fo r more than'i0:00 o’clock next Tuesday morning, (Dec. IQ). The organization includes more than 40 Presbyterian churches in eight counties o f the district. A - bout 100 delegates a.e expected in- three years, cruelty and non-support. The couple was married in 1919. 4 large majority “ No More 3,2 Beer." Assembly The program fo r Monday, December .The Ohio Liquor Commission accepted '4, which was presented by the eighth the result, probably on the. belief that grade, was announced by Robert Dr. W.: R. McChesney baa an. nounced that he will seek re-election something stronger was wanted and MUrphy,. The Scripture was read by as representative o f Greene county in issued a permit , last week-end to Dorothea Squires, following which SLIPPERYDAD CAUSESFATAL AUTOACIDENT $pow and Ice covered h ig h ly the House o f Representatives on the Prank DeWine fo r six per cent beer, the selections, “ Naples” afid “ Mary, < J T n i f Republican ticket at the primary next Two other Ohio townships that voted Don’t You Weep,” were sung by group L i,- Hf T . . Mav. « mit. n. 9 . w i v »h»m ~u.~n.Ua « . » »!.•> jine roaa near,tne tst, iplu i liomf, Sunday morning, that .resulted in a fatal accident to Paul R, McDonald, ay. ; out 3.2 were given -permits at the 'o f the class. GROCERY IS SUED bout 100 delegates are expected in- Dr. McChesney last week completed, same time fo r the. higher-powered] The speaker o f the morning was the . . .. , Suit to recover a $1,326,12 judg- eluding more than 50 ministers to-! Ms. twentieth! year as president o f beverage. • I t is, claimed that six per Rev, Mr. H ill, who gave a vexy inter- "fJL!.0"!!* u l va J a ^. roent» cIaimed to be due on an a?” gether with lay representatives o f the Gedarville College, the second presi- cent beer is listed by the Commission i n g talk on Plymouth, as it must count, has been filed by The Steele churches. Dr. Hugh I. Evans, host dent of the institution. He will seek in a class with wine. - It is said that have been in the days o f the Pilgrims Meredith Co„ Springfield, O., pastor, as Moderator, will conduct hie third'ten# In the legislature. at least three applicants in .the vil- }and as it was when he visited it last vision, The survey was ordered be-.against. May Fletcher, doing business die morning devotions and preside ! In announcing his candidacy Dr. lage. will ask fop th esix-per. permits, summer. caiwe oif an unusual dearth o f com, as jyfrs> j . p ( Fletcher’s Grocery. The during the day. McChesney stya be is strongly op- Prosecutor Marcus McCallister has • -------- plamts concerning aueged frauds in plaintiff’s attorney is Marcus McCal -1 Ministers to receive calls include ‘ Posed to anytnew taxes in 1936.and written a letter o f protest to the ' Pupils Returned security transactions, which^ led offi- i;ster> Charles S; Sanger, Who comes from favors reduction o f the tax burden Commission as follows: C , If. S. is g la dto welcome back cials to consider the possibility that a - — . the Presbytery o f Cayuga, New York,-, where'possible ' “ This office has been informed that to school the following' pupils who ” * * * » °* some sort is being , FORECLOSURE JUDGMENT co assume the pastorate, o f the F ir s t " Hr. McCha|ney expressed . opposi-a permit to sell 6 per cent beer in Lave been ill: Marjorip Hartman, a worked. Mr. Judy believes, however,, The Home Building and Savings Presbyterian church at Eaton and tion to any changes in the founda- Gedarville township,, Greene County,'junior, who had an operation fo r ap- o f the pendicitis. Dorothy Taylor, a fresh- pendi leral ng in the lower branch local option* vote, on the Class D-I wan, who has been suffering from a broken blood vessel in /her arm, with the fact that previous uhfor- ed a $798.65 foreclosure judgment in ^ome the installed pastor o f the Blue a bill now tunate investments liave , made the a suit against Charles E. Jenkins and Ball church which he will serve in o f the public .more cautious regarding the others. connection with his ministry at the poses- to repeal part, o f the founda- “ Obviously, the electors o f’ this ter-jNancy Finney, a sophomore; who lias type o f investment it makes have . ■ ——— Oakland Presbyterian church in tional program dealing with the ritory" are opposed, to the able .of any been unable to attend school until this combined to result in fraud reports- SALE APPROVED Middletown. Rev. Irvine L. Dungan, method o f distribution o f taxes levied kind o f beer or intoxicating <liquors 'time. dropping to a new low. He said that Sale 0£ real estate to the plaintiff fo r 16 years pastor o f the First Pres- under the tensmill limitation. in said territory. Th e. sentiment o f I --------- neyer, in the history o f the division fpr $8,000 has been confirmed, and byterian church at Troy, will ask Proposing that the foundational the people was voiced overwhelming- •Senior \Party distribution o f proceeds ordered, in permission to retire from the active program be given a “ fa ir trial.” Dr. ly against the sale o f beer, at the | Members o f the senior class, ac- to three have there been as few fraud com­ plaints as there now are. TheOh io Supreme Court, by refus­ ing to review a decision o f the Sum- mut county court oif appeals which held that a farmer selling his produce in the city o f Akron must obtain a •■fondant has been handed ■the case o f the Peoples Building and work o f the ministry. ; A student fo r McChesney pointed out that if the November election. In the face o f jeompanied by Mr. Deem,enjoyed a Savings Co., against Frank C.'Hubbell the ministry from the Gettysburg school law is ’changed the burden o f the election results, the granting o f coasting party a t -C l ifton Tuesday, and others, - ' - church will be examined and received financing the schools might be thrown a permit to sell intoxicating liquor in December S, . ' ' ------ under care o f Presbytery. Important back on real estate, thereby “ defeat- this territory is imposing a condition ]1 Wieners and marshmallows DEFENDANT W INS committee reports, routine business ing the will o f the people whoenacteduPcn these electors which they obvi- roasted around a camp fire. A court finding in favor o f the de- and plans fo r future work are includ- the constitutional ten-mill amend- ously do not desire. Your action in down in ed in the program. The Other officers <ment on real Estate.” making a real issue between the wet Junior Party Members o f the junior class re­ ceived their class rings Monday, De­ cember 2. They are displaying their vendor’s sales tax license and collect the ease of Warren E. Bingham a- 0f the organization include Rev. C. He believestre-enactment o f the and dry forces, and further, you are the sales tax from his customers, up- gainst Marcus Shoup^ as executor o f L. Plymate, Dayton, stated clerk, and sales tax law is necessary, and that placing more coals on the fire, o f re­ held the constitutionality o f the sales the Rose A . Ankeiiey estate. The de- Rev. Donald F. Lomas, South Charles- the-present shortage o f income yield- sentment against such conditions, tax law so fa r as it affects a farmer fondant was authorized to recover ton, temporary clerk. . 1 ed by the law-for the count" js , town- The majority is being subjected tojnice looking rings quite freely. who sells produce away from .his court costs. Appeal bond was set-at ______ ships and n^bnieipalities, could be the? wishes o f the .minority.” ’T ’ C 11 D I t? ■■made .up by eliminating many present , “ In all fairness to these electors, ---- — I O b e l l i \ 6 2 l J b s t a t e -sales tax exemptions. However, ,he their interest should be considered as farm. The Summit county .plaintiff $ 500 . contended that the l'aw is uriconstitu- . . . tional in requiring the fa rm er to col- DISMISS CASES iect the sales tax on sales-made off Dismissal o f the following cases the farm while exempting farmers has been authorized by the court: who sell their produce pt the farm. Edna j Ung vs. John Jung, Jr., fo r Cedarville vs. Osborn This Friday evening, December 6 , One thousand, one hundred anti _____ _ . seventy-four parcels o f Greene co; i • , . , ' , r u • pi1- t pf Pr?secutionJ -H, M. v «n pelL real .estate on; which taxes are delin- A decided increase in accident former county treasurer, vs. Hugh severity, but a ' decrease in total jf. Hicks a’nd others, taxes •involved claims, was noted by tKo Industrial and court costs paid; The Hobart F o r D e l i n a u e n t T a x e s Tavors exempting food from the sales we 11 aS the retailers. I trust that you the Red and White squads w ill travel i * . ■ tax. '";■■ will use your discretionary .powers,!to Osborn to meet Bath on their will play as vested in you by the laws o f Ohio, floor. The Osborn and revoke any permit or permits re- during-tine evening, cently granted, or refuse to issue such Commission o f Ohio fo r the month o f Manufacturing, Co. vs. Adda Mitchell October,' according to data, compiled and others, dismissed by plaintiff, by Superintendent Thomas P. Kearns - o f the division.of safety and hygiene. VA LU E ESTATES The total o f claims filed in October Estate 0f Catherine - Pickering! was 15,449, or 1,160 less than in the^gross>-value# —-SlsTSfis'- a d m i n i s t r a t i v e ^ l,,K /OI^ L UnnInn/i October claims represented an in- Estate o f Andrew Fox: gross value, crease o f 14 in .comparison with Sep- $800; obligations, $103.38; net value, tember and 15 more than in October a $697i . H,e ^cumulated year ago, Superintendent Reams re- Estate o f Ployer P. Hill: gross ported. Unusual increases in public value, $3,311.40; obligations, $513.52; works and other construction when a no,, value, $ 2 , 797 . 88 . ' seasonal decline ordinarily takes Estate o f Marion Bailey: gross place were largely accountable fo r the value, $225; obligations, $ 37 . 55 ;- net increased accident severity, it was value, $187.45. said. . • ■:■':■ ;---- — I -------- ‘ APPO INTMENTS Only one Christmas g ift package Myrtle O. Wood has been named containing food, and not exceeding administratrix o f the estate o f Frank fifteen pounds in weight, will bo de- H . Moorman, without bond, in probate livered to any inmate o f Ohio pen- courf itentiary, it was announced by Warden j.. -p. Marshall has been appointed James C. Woodard In addition, in- executor o f the Henry C. Stire estate," mates will be permitted to receive one untier $ 4,000 bond, box containing simple Christmas FlWqnce J. Johnson and James E. R. E. Goirry Died Wednesday Eve. permits in the future, in view o f the ;■■■;■■,■'■•,«>*.——■ . action o f the electors o f this county Funeral serVfCes were; conducted at at the last November election.” 2 p. m. Friday A t the Clifton Presby- Demonstration On quent will be placed on the block a t once on the second Monday in’ March, 1936, by the county auditor’s office. The wholesale auction o f land,. .„ ^ _ mostly undeveloped, is believed to be ter,Un Church,.^or Robert E. Corry, the first project o f its kind sponsored ^ fo/,hlft,, C0Un‘ y by an Ohio county, to collect delin­ quent taxes.. The total delinquency ex­ tending fo r four or more years, and „ . no property can be sold for less than . , ’ anti« av William nun Vlion!' KPmttn taxes due, plus penalties and interest. . . 3Tie real estate consists principally of vacant lots, 1012 o f them in^Bnth c edarvVlle pike. He retired in 1917 Cafeteria, Miss Lillian Brinkman will Band 39, Lima, O., and injury others. McDonald, an enroliee at a veteran’s CCC camp at Ripley, was riding with William Ellis, 06, Belle- fontaine, and a son, H. G.".Ellis. A ll were bound fo r Ripley where Ellis and McDonald- were being driven to the camp. ' When the* Ellis car approached the turn the car skidded and Stirling a- cross the road at the approach o f a" an^ car driven by Frank DeWine, Cedar- ville, going north. Both cars went into the ditch. Ellis was placed in the- McMillan ambulance and sent to the McClellan Hospital, where he died a few. minutes after arriva l.; According to Coroner H. 0. Schick, Ellis suffered a broken neck, , W illiam E llis suffered .serious scalp wounds which-were dressed by Dr. Espey, Xenia, after which he re­ turned here with, the body o f Mc­ Donald to the McMillan Funeral Home, and was later .taken, to Lima, fo r funeral" services' on Wed­ nesday, H. G. Ellis suffered slight wounds which were dressed by. Dr. Henderson, Clifton, Frank DeWine' escaped with only slight bruises. Officials o f the CCC camp at Rip-, ley notified a brother, L. V. McDonald, Lima, o f the accident and death. So fa r as known he is the only surviving; relative. - . were. 1 Plattsburg Plays Here December 13, the G. H. S. teams will meet Plattsburg on the local hardwood. commissioner, who died at his home in Yellow S after a’Tohg ffli Corry was horn on a farm on the The Xmas Seal Sale annual side o f the Christmas Greene Countians A t Stock Show Greene County 4-H Clubs are represented at the 1935 International ' Livestock Exposition and National pringSi, Wednesday night" * x O \ V i O M f i K G I S r e a d - H e a lt h Seals is being conducted this Club Copgrcsa^qt Chifi8go„thig;weete 'jtfltmfag frbm'lheSrf trouble.- ‘ ■ ^ rr-t; - * ' " “ ‘ - -‘[year by fhe piipiTs o rgradeTth ree “to jb y Casper’ A r n e t t , .CM kmm ,'' Joe loaf o f "six inclusive. Mrs. Kathleen Cres-Haines .Caesarcreek and Paul Wat- To recognize a standard l f ____ _________ _ _ ........... the bread is the joy o f every home maker. J well is local" chairman o f "the sales, sen i' 0 f - illi ahd 'Eliza’ Brdw ,’ Cor- But Jt’ ls indw4|“ trucr Joy .to be able Mr, Kenneth Little, the county chair- ry. Following his marriage to Miss to I" a,JC a loaf o f bread. man. Jessie Anderson February 23,. 1888 On Friday, December 6 at 1:30 p. they, moved to a farm on the Clifton- mv ^ en'a Central. High School o f E. kins. Cedarville. The trip fo r the boys is their re­ ward fo r feeding and showing the G.. grand champion 4-H Club steer, tp., and 95 in Osborn village represent residential sites platted but never developed. There are 32 lots served.M CP« ^ y in the list in Xenia city. The land has been declared forfeit to the city. and moved to Yellow Springs and lliscuss problems relativeto making’showat the local theater. commissioner two louf bread. Such subjectsas type o f terms from 1018 to 1922 Hour to be used, methods of combin- Ho is survived by his widow, five ,n* ingredients, proceedure in hand- Through the courtesy Lowry, pupils who. sell fifty seals theifer and pig at the Greene County ,will receive a free ticket to a picture'Fair and is made possible by the Honor Roll Grade card sfor'the second grading morning. Ubiko Milling Company, The boys with Harry Lewis, Field Agent fo r the Company left fo r Chicago, Sunday Think Machinery Found Was Stolen The sheriff's office has been in­ vestigating the finding o f a quantity daughters, Mrs, W. If. Hann, Hagers-*,inK mnteria,,s ns wel1 as th® "utritive period were issued Tuesday eveni ig. | Casper Arnett a member o f the town, Ind., Mrs, A. L. Flater, who balance o f this important part o f our Pupils who earned ranking o f B or Bath Township Beef Calf Club fed lives on the home farm; Mrs.'C. M. diot'":l$ H. bo a o f the subject ubove in every subject arc as fol- and exhibited the grand champion Preston, near Clifton; . Airs. Wayne' ma^Pr presented. In addition Miss lows: Flatter, Springfield, R.R. 4 and Mrs. Brinkman will demonstrate the nyik-j steer in the 4-H Beef Club Show. Joe ..........., ..... ....... . .. ... ... ..... ...... IHaines o f Caesarcreek won his trip Mildred Foster, at home; a son, .inp’ o f lpaf brt,ad fron* various kinds) Clavn Galloway, Norma Stormont, by showing the grand champion beef THIRD GRADE Robert Howard in Detroit; a brother, o f flour. Frank and a sister, Mrs, Alta C. Jobe, This demonstration is made possible! (Helen Williamson, Kenneth Huffman, heifer calf and Paul Watkins o f the ............ ............ ............ . ..... . _ FOURTH GRADE 'Cedarville Livestock Club showed the _____ ................... .............. of s,|oo machinery parts in the shal- o { Yellow Springs. Burial took through the County Homo Dcmonstra-< Richard Conley, William Ferguson, Champion pig in this show. gifts such as checkers, playing cards, Johnson have been named co-executors *0,,r yi'at®r under a culvert on the New pjacc jn’ Clifton cemetery. Hon program and the public is in -N e il Kennon, Jean Bradfute, Martha ! Approximately 1300 farm youths d ..'"1 ’ “ ,1' “ 41 *u '* vited fjo attend. Women from Xenia Jane Creswell, Jane Ellen G illilanjfrom 44 states will attend the 14th' hooks, pencils, pipes, brushes, belts, o f the p rank W. Johnson estate, with- Burlington pike, three miles south of gloves,, ties, socks, undergarments, out c. H. Ellis, B. E. Bell and Xpn,a» m tho belief they may have sweaters with" “ V ” necks, blankets j . ,T/ Curlett were named appraisers, h**” "tolen. and the like. The order was issued , Thomas ,E. j ohnsQn has been desig- ^ ,7hR dispovf ry waB taadc ^ so that relatives and friends ,o f in- ^ated administrator o f the Isabcllo Clarence Harlow, a hunter, who re- mates may join in preparing the one Johnson estate, under $200 bond. ported the find to the sheriff s office package o f food and the box o f gifts. Thomas Dignam has been it _____ .A list o f banned articles which will ex<?cutor o f the Margaret Dignam a” d P'at®s, and other not be delivered to inmates included estiite, without bond. J. J . Curlett, tobacco in any form, tooth paste, soap Rran^ Massey and "William Brenizer or any other toilet preparation, butter were designated appraisers, or peanut butter, jellies, cocoa, jam, Charles E. Weber has been named foUTld pickles, raw meat, salt, sugar, any executor o f the Margaret Weber liquid, nuts in shells, pies, and food estate,-without bond. P, M. Gillespie, o f any kind in glass or metal c o n - j. j. Curlett and Erskine Winter tainers, . iwerc appointed appraisers. National Club Congress, ivities will center in the Their act- 4-H Club The" Prose family Thanksgiving !illd Greene Comity are eligible to at- Mary Esther Knisley. dinner was held at the home of Mrs. tend any Home Demonstration pro-j FIFTH GRADE E. E. Finney and family. Those pre- grams, which are arranged for adult Billie Armentrout, Ruth Ramsey^Building which is adjacent to the new sent were? Mrs. Margaret Prose of closes. ;Norma Dean, Claire Stormont, Janet $2,000,000.00 Amphitheater, bomfi 6f ... , Columbus, O.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H . ----------- £“------ fJones, Elaine Sharp- .the International Livestock Show. named Tho machinery parts incldded knives Gunnet an{( (,aURhU;r( jo^phine; Mr. TO PAY BANK DIVIDENDS SIXTH GRADE 'The building was" constructed .last small pieces, ancj ^ rg chas. T. Prose of Zalnes- -------- f Jeamie Wright, Margaret Stormont, year by the Hiteraational Manago- M, H. Smoke, liquidating agent for Doris Townsley, Mary McCampbell, ment as permanent annual head- Detty, Mar-'quarters fo r the Club Congress. They had been wrapped in oil paper V,H Misg Ruth Pr03e o f Ijima. Mr. and newspapers and packed in car- amJ Mrg> Floyd Gray of Westerville; the Farmers Bank, Jeffersonville, will Frances Jolley, Marceil tons, which were water soaked when aiUj j 0 hn Prose o f West Jef- Pfly a dividend o f ten per cent on Dec. garet Anderson, Billie Stormont,] In the Livestock Show, tho finest f ” ferson; Miss Helen Finney o f Christ 23, the seventh dividend a total o f Eugene Stanforth, George Martindale. stock from every corner o f the con- ------------ — ------ Hospital, Cincinnati; Miss Francis 70 per cent so far. A five per cent SEVENTH GRADE tinent together with some entries MRS- MARGARET RAKESTRAW ‘ Finney o f Hamilton and Mr. Malcolm dividend for the People and Drovers Wilma Jean Ferguson, Alice Han- from Europe w ill bo seen by the boys. DIED SUNDAY EVEN ING Finney o f Ohio State University, Cor Bank, Washington C. H.» will also bo na, Almeda Harper, Jack Huffman,} Scores o f special exhibits, showing lumbus. paid, a total o f 35 per cent. a ‘ Mrs, Margaret Paxton Rakestraw, . Director E. L. Bowsher o f the State j The executrix o f the Mary A. Costcy 79 ^ widow o f David Rakestraw, died Department o f Education said last estate has been granted a six months 3U(](lenly nt ]ier home) three miles Veek that the recently-appointed edu- extension o f tir 1 from October 31 fo r soUtj, o f town, off the Federal Pike, rational committee which w ill make a filing her account because o f a will g uminy evening at 7:50 o’clock. She Study o f the effect o f the repeal o f contest suit pending in a higher the Eighteenth amendment so fa r as court, it concerns high, school pupils will send Wanda Hughes, Martha Kritzer, the latest advances hi the Agricul- Louiae Miller, Carl Watkins, Keith tural science shave been installed by out a questionnaire to three groups in an attempt to gather information^ on-the subject. One type of question- ‘ naire will be sent to the students themselves, another to the judiciary of the state and the third set to school officials. The committee was named ’by Director Bowsher at the request of both “wef' and “dry" interests. Snow and Ice Covered Roads Saturday N igh t ! This section of Ohio was covered ——......— Saturday evening and night with a XENIA BANS SLOT MACHINES blanket of snow that melted to ice Xenia police gave owners of and frora only to be followed by a had been In failing health for several years and was stricken with paraly­ sis a short time before her death. Bern nt Bloomfield, O., Mrs. Rake­ straw had resided in Cedarville Twp. thirty-four years. She was well- known in the community and was n member of the United Presbyterian Church of Jamestown ,aml tho Wo­ men’s Missionary Society of that church. Mis. Rakestraw is survived by four children: Earl, Xenia; Misses Isa­ belle and Pearl Rakestraw and Clin- ton Rakestraw, nt home. Lighten Their Climb Back to Health- *Buy Christmas Seals! jWright. ! EIGHTH GRADE I Joseph Baker, Wallace Collins, Vera gambling devices Until last Mopday small blizzard that- raged Until past _ Funeral services were conudcted at bight to get everything in the clear midnight. the homo Wednesday afternoon by! or machines of the chance order would .Automobiles and trucks on the high- Dl, L L> Grfty> j amc9town, jn ciinrgCr I ha confiscated and charges filed they went, Out way found travel dangerous and Buriftl Wa8 ’ madc jn Jamcatown numerous accidents have been report- 'ed, hut one fatal in the county. The and dentil of Paul E. McDonald, was tho Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Faris ami ‘ Mr. mid Mrs. Robert R. Townsley, family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jolly and 0 r f 1 1 n e coun y ^ is year Clara. Morton- spent Thanksgiv- family, Mr. and Mrs. John Stout, all ue mo or ear acci cn . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Townsley and of Dayton, and Mrs., Eulft Spear and The State Highway employees clear- ing day> at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Jean of Cleveland, spoilt ed the toads as best as could bo ex- Morman Sweet, ftossford, 0. They Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. pected and placed sand at dangerous enj oyecl ft trjp Detroit, on Friday/ Ervin Faris. Mr. Faris has.been n places. All garages were busy pull- Mr, and Mrs. Robert R. Townsley,' shut-in for some time. ,inft machines out of ditches and re- visited on Saturday at the home of a —— pai ring damages. By Monday noon aeic<?( Mrfl. siyvesterj Gerlach, Willis-1 Admission only 15® sod 25c to see the center of the reads had been clear- ton, O. They returned home Sunday "The Quest,” Tuesday evening at 8:15, for traffle. | evening. -State Colleges, Thousands of en­ tries Of form crops have been entered, in the 17th, International Gtain,and ■Mae Fields, ’Bernice Frame, Emma Hay Show, !Kennon, France* Patton, Pansy Rose,) Others visiting Chicago with the Betty Truesdale, Nancy Williamson, boys are County Agent and Mrs. E. Cooper, A . Drake, Mr, and Mrs, R, K. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins. Crumrie. Both Mr, Haines and Hawkins are members o f the Greene County 4-H. Beeb Club Committee, DEATH OF MRS. ROBT. W H ITE FRESHMEN ■ Harold Cooley, Thelma .Ruth Copeland Junior *Joseph McCullough. ! SOPHOMORE ' Alma Brewer, Catherine Ferguson, Dorothy Galloway, Neil Hartman, 'Martha Jane Martindale, Harold MU- V , Jonette M , Itampke, Ethel White, 46. t « f . « l 'Roeclyn Site,, M . r , Allee Wtattlns- Robcrt , t her ^ s<1„ . jtOT1‘ TTTMronq * ]dya moriiing, following an illnses o f * juxvxuuk 'several months from heart trouble. Elizabeth Anderson, Marie Collins,; Besi(les net htohAnd Mrs. W h it e s (Warren Elam, ^u rence Fulkerson, «8Urv}ved b thrM c 1 lildren> Mrs. Pullin, Dons ^Ramsey, Brtty_ Rows, paul> ftt home; two 8;HterS| Mrs> Rite S traew in^ V irgW a Swanoy, Bushon, Marion, Ind.; mid Betty Swango, Mildred Williams. Mr„. u h Perk(n8| juchmond, Ind.} i . SENIORS four brothers, James Mitchell, South , Geneva demans, Harold Benedict, Bend, Ind.; and Enoch, George and IDaniel Dennehoy, Florence Ferguson, Frank Mitchell, Xenia, and tone grand- Pauline Ferguson, Rebecca Galloway,'^ud, Elmeds Harris, Roy Ledbetter Phyllis, p , , . 'Powers, Ferae Rose, Evelyn Sparrow,' Creek Cemctesy. Mabel Charles Whittington. S IGHT-SAVING ROOM Ethel Mussetter, Grace Deck. Come to tho Cedrus Staff “ Tho Quoot,” Taoo.i Nov.-10. Flay, See tho Cedrus SU (f Play, "The '.Quest,** «v«nhi|r m Q m |Cedarvlll< Opera House, „