The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

‘A CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ?.0, 1935 THE CEDARVILLE HERALD KARLH BULL — — Ui*tUUHt~-XtUo<t»l KUtorUl Ateoe., r - ED ITOR AND PUBLISHER Ohio B owwow Auee.i MUral V»U»y Fretw A moc . .1 Entered At the Foat Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, ■ ac second class matter. FR IDAY , DECEMBER ZO, 193$ 1 ______________________ ________________________________________ ______ Gov, Davey in his Monday night radio "RooBeveltian fireside chat” .certainly lifted a cover exposing the A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS, BEST WISHES, HEALTH [New Deal prosperity. The Cover- AND HAPPINESS IS OUR GREETING TO HERALD ' nor **ain Jhmibasted the waste and high cost of relief to the nation, state and other taxing districts, citing that it cost three million a year to pay the salaried force in Cuyahoga county. Now that county along with a few READERS AND PATRONS THE TOWNSEND PLAN OR NEW DEAL PLAN The election o f a Republican to fill ain unexpired term in .Congress, Tuesday, in the Third Congressional district in Michigan, in the face o f scores of promises for New Deal hridgea, highways, postoffice and school buildings, to gain support of the Democratic nominee, was a direct slap at the “ spend yourself out of debt” administration in Washington. When the Republican nominee' in the primary took up the cause of the Townsendites, the nominee defeated the regular organization candidate by nine thousand. Oin Tuesday he was victorious again by a large majority. This election shows no trend o f intention o f Republican leaders to support the Townsend plan but it does show the strongest kind of opposition to the New Deal, even in the face of free spending for relief and most any kind of improvement the federal government might offer. It is but another proof that the trend of sentiment is against what is going on in Washington. The TqWnsend plan is the outgrowth of the Communistic seed planted and nourished by the Roosevelt New Dealers, to take from those who have for the have-nots. A system o f federal taxation means the cost is to be paid by all, the have-nots paying on goods purchased, even in meagre amounts, in proportion to the ,purchases of those more able to spend. Day by day the great mass of common citizens are gradually absorbing the background .of the double-dealing New Dealers. As a result such movements as backed by Dr, Townsendwill continue to grow for a time. - For weeks we have been hearing the argument that the Townsend plan is the solution to the situation as it exists today. With the federal govern­ ment squandering billions for political purposes in the name of relief; billions more for useless public improvements that will call for millions more each year for upkeep; social security legislation along with old age pensions and Unemployment insurance, which is to be paid by taxing producers of all kinds of goods, as well as taking a percentage of most all labor wages each week;.cost of poor relief in the states, coupled with cost of upkeep of county homes; all this is what leads a nation of people to uneconomical schemes. On the surface it would appear that the Townsend plan should supplant the New Deal free spending but this would ohly be going from bad to worse. Either plan is doomed to failure ,in the end for it means a financial crash such as no other nation ever faced in history. r The more we hear of the New Deal the more we are going to hear of the Townsend plan. Continued growth o f either means the.wiping out of not only personal property values with inflated money but placed the greatest asset of any nation at the bottom of values—your home or your farm. The New Deal is not now and never has been anything but political propaganda and before another year is past candidaates on each of the major tickets will be sponsoring the Townsend plan to catch innocent and uninformed electors. others wants the state to give aid at the expense o f the other counties in Ohio that are paying their own way. The Governor also cited other cities in Ohio with the statement that re­ gardless of the fact business was sup­ posed to be getting better the relief list continues to grow. Now, this is an unkind reflection o f, the Moses down in Washington that is to de­ liver the nation into the period when those on relief will he given auto­ mobiles and gasoline to ride to head­ quarters to get sustenance, a dole check and a keg of beer. George White element in the Demo­ cratic party in Ohio has no use for Davey and witb the aid o f the New Deal in Washington had all plans for “giving the Duke of Kent” a decent burial next primary day. One faction is now in No Man's Land, no where to go, no candidate, It is our guess 'that before the time comes next May all will be well in Democratic ranks. [Democrats have discovered and will Ilearn more as time approaches, just -what Mr. Sawyer found out, that the White Hope in Washington was .not going to drag many Democrats into office in this state unless all signs fail. Mr. Sawyer knows Ohio poli­ tics. Those who know him have faith in his judgment. It is going to he worthwhile watching one faction of our Democratic frienda feasting on n dish of “Dduvey Crow,” BOY SCOUT MEETING A number from here attended tit* meeting and dinner o f Tecumsoh Area^Coundl, Boy Scouts o f America, in Springfield, Saturday evening in Wittenberg Field House. Judge Harry [Gram, Springfield presided and the address of the evening was delivered by Attorney General John W, Brisker, A 20 -year adult veteran service award was presented to H. C, Rogers, Mechaniceburg, ten-year awards to Judge Gram and JK. E. Dodeon, Springfield. Seven men were given five-year emblems, Dr. Leo Ander­ son of this place bring in the list. The attendance at the banquet was the largest for ^years, 513 being present. What Gov, Davey has to say is .as nothing compared with what Father Coughlin' spreads on the air each week. His platform certainly has no place in the New Deal that is now a Wall Street outfit. Then there is friend Hugh Johnson, who is support­ ing the Roosevelt communistic pro­ gram by lecturing over the country and each time potshooting Wallace, Tugwell, Frankfurter and other New Dealers trying out Russian ideals on Americans. Last week Johnson spoke in his native town out in Kansas. He used the school blackboard to. prove to his former fellow townsmen how the New Deal had changed the rules of arithmetic that two times two equal five just as two plus two makes five. Hugh must be having lots of fun “supporting” Roosevelt and the New Deal. Alva St. John, 74, Caesarcreek Twp., former resident of tins town­ ship, died at his “home on the Hussey pike, Thursday- evening, following an llness of heart trouble. He was r son of D. M. and Jane Beam St. John. He was married to Miss Maggie Olive Smith, who died in 1933. Sur­ viving are three children, a grand­ child, three sisters and a brother, Tiie funeral was held Monday after­ noon, with burial in Woodland Cemetery. / Mrs. Henry Wisecup entertained a party of friends last Friday evening at a chicken dinner in honor of her husband's birthday. The following guests were present to enjoy the hospitality: Mrs. Hattie Heathcook, Mr. Hunter Heathcook, Mr. Harry Kennon, Mr. Herbert Lewis, Mr, Wil­ liam Baldwin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wisecup. After serving refreshments the evening was spent in a social way; and. all departed wishing many happy returns. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS If there ever were 1 a lot of Demo­ crats in Ohio "caught with their trousers down" it was following the sudden announcement that Charles Sawyer would not seek the nomina- Furniture Repairing Ition for governor on the Democratic | ticket against Gov. Davey. The 1 Greene County, Ohio ,Viola Donnley,'Plaintiff, , vs. Jess Donnley, Defendant, , 1 Defendant, whose place of residence is unknown will take notice that plain­ tiff has filed suit for divorce and same will be for hearing after six -weeks from Nov, 15th, 1935. Wilful absence for 3 years charged, [ F. L. JOHNSON, (12-20d) Atty for Plaintiff. AND Re-Upholstering I am again located in Xenia after an absence of a few years and am prepared to repair and reupholster your furni­ ture. We also do repairing of coal oil and gas stoves and ranges. WKKBBmm $ J ; 2 | A WEEK FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS d e liv e r s A NEW 1936 C. R. HOERNER •o ' , Cor. Second and Whiteman Sts. Xenia, Ohio CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY m a k e o u r m a r k e t y o u r m a r k e t ; Sale Every Monday SPRINGFIELD LIVE STOCK SALES CO. Sherman Ave. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO M*hl ■Df'J The' annual Christmas party for members o f the Women's Club and their husbands was held last Thurs­ day evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Turnbull, Thirty- three members and guests enjoyed a sumptous dinner after which informal talks were given by Dr. W. R. Mc- Cheaney, and his gueet, Rep. McCul­ lough, Miami county. Miss Glenna Basore gave several reading while Mrs. J. W. Johnson sang a vocal solo, Mrs. Turnbull was assisted in enter­ taining by Miss Ina Murdock, chair­ man; Mrs. Adda Mitchell, Mrs., Lina McCullough, Mrs. O. W. Kuehrman , 1 and Mrs. R. G. George, Jamestown. [ ' Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Snook announce the birth o f n son on December ' 8 th. The baby has been named Edgar Charles. WE W A N T 1000 TON S SCRAP IRON All Other Grades of Junk Highest Prices Paid. Xenia Iron&MetalCo. Xenia, Ohio 17 Cincinnati Ave. 0 STOP ARE YOU INSURED? AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Ask G. H. Hartman Phone 53 MOTORISTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY CEDARVILLE, OHIO ----- TO EXPLAIN------ The“OhioFinancialResponsibility Lav” andOur“LifetimeAutomobile PROTECTIONPolicv” —OUR PLAN OFFERS— Annual Savings—Nation Wide Service— A -l Financial Security—Prompt . Friendly Claim Service Columbus, Ohio Vic Donahey, President Carl Crispin, Secretary lv iiin rS ft D ON’T WAIT—select your new Philco now! Pay­ ments u low as 60c a week will insure Christ­ mas delivery. Philco excels all other radioe in tone, performance end value! And only Philco gives’you t the automatic Built-in Aerial Tuning System— an amazing new invention which doubles the foreign stations you can get end enjoy! H O S E Guaranteed First Quality Pure Silk Full Fashion­ ed Hose — the newest shades, 59c Sizes Bl/a to 10t4._/ A Not only are our new w Gruen watches particu­ larly smart and stylish in appearancebut, astheyhave been for more than half a century, each one represents the finalword in the watch­ makersa r t T r u l y depend­ able timepieces that you’ll alwaysbe proud to wearand say “Mine’s a Gruenl”. PHILCO'#IIB (lllattrat»J Abort) TUskiaAmw M r O iu l Philo* U ■ ek iaftM fw im m l S d a fs la tha kl| (oroisn >w p «M - |lrw yra M m * Saortooa (oaoptlon. Traa Philco ton*. I m i UM X clM fu r a k InoL Jtaaoualnf volaal With BmUt-la $ 4 4 9 5 JUtiol Tuning t r r t ii PHILCO IMF {At Loti) Oar UfffMt-MlUBfi U l T on itn C ranM WHh Bwilt-la JU dJ TudwSrrim.................... . . . . . $70.00 43 N ow P h ilc o s — . $20 UP SPEC I AL HOL I DAY TEEMS ★ RAYON UNDIES Lace or Appuique Trim. Wo­ men’s Dainty undies, pink or ) flesh shades, regular sizes. Bloomers, pants, 4 9 c chemise.___________— — BEST GRADES >1.00 Pit NNANT...A .mart GRUEN at an exeep- e, white tlonallylowpric Guildite e«w... .$24.76 ANNABELS . . . Un- vrj* 1 value in an ex- DAVID E. ROBISON WASH DRESSES ceptionally low-priced GKVENbsg _____ I a uette,white Guildite case.,. .$21,75 Cedarville’s Only Authorized Philco Dealer Phone 11 Cedarville, Ohio Women's Regular and Extra Sizes. 59c Tiffany Jewelry Store South Detroit St. Xenia, O, yi I PLUMBING Bath Room Outfits Electric Water Pumps We art* prepared to install Kohler or Standard .bath room outfits And necessary bathroom plumbing. We are also agents for the Duro Electric Water Pumps, HOT WATER HEATING PLANTS If you are considering a hot water heating plant let us give you estimates on the American Ideal system installed, Wt can give you reference of our plants giving satisfaction in this community. Phone 130 F. E. HARPER Cedarville, Ohio The Ctty Lo*a b willing to advise* yea the** amewdt on "Your Owa"’ wMhoat wltlng livri* from anybody. )Folks with limited Incomes can we thisdlfnlftcd distinctiveUsance senteej tot patsonal needs, [And ramambar this—Six out of Seven people who corns to Tha City | Loan, Get The Moitey* Write far free booklet — "Queitiont and Answers about lactna". k RHPvivRiir------- ------- JAMES E, CHAMBERS, Mgr. 24 E. MAIN ST., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Fact Color Prints—short sleeves, all new a, | a a styles. First Quality Broadcloths. * WOMEN’S ROBES All Wool, Regular Sizes, Full cut roomy “ •* cable girdle l'“*' . $1.98 All colors. T Flannel Gowns Women's — Warm Grade. Long sleeves, lull cut.sizes .1 Fleecy and warm. $ 9 c Worth 79c. MEN’S PAJAMAS Plain and Fancy Broad- Flannel. Coat or cloth and Worth more. Blipover style. Fast color patterns. — Finer Pajamas—>1.49 98c MEN’S MUFFLERS Rayon, Prints or Wools. For Gifts, style—all colors and combinations. Fringed.. 49c to 98c MEN'S SHIRTS Famous Brands. All sizes, Plain or prints— 79c tend $1.00 GIFT TIES Men’s Faqcy Foulards in Xmas boxes. Brand new patterns, rayon lined tips, 25c, 39c, 49c BOY’S SWEATERS V Neck or Zipper Style. Plain colors. Sizes 28 to3<5‘ 98c Equal to >1.50 kind. Half Zipper Styles—69c HE'LL BE HAPPY WITH A ROBE With all the style of >5 kind. Plain rayon o r . all wool. , Selection o f i colors—all sizes, and $3.98 $4.49 GIFT SLIPPERS FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN UHLMAN*$ 17*19 N. Main Street ^ J r, M A l . !.; O v i f - X M h ,0 U * m m m m iM M M m M tttM M M M M em *****m m m m m m 11I The College the Public Sch the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs j^ jr j Louis Thordson have refcupied' tom IowajTaftt tha home tb ILThordsed on Dr. W. R. confined to his this week, suff cold. Prof, and Mr daiightor, Ma; Thursday at th< parents, the holidays. NOTICE—Ph . Building ft Loa office before D balancing and 1 >1 a id Mr. and Mrs pact to leave in Florida, to spen< son-in-law jand < Wilfred Weime: gaged in the g present lias fiv under way. al< Xei -nai [LLE, TI Chocolate i) oT Hs isibil omot FLOU l^ sassas OATS,U Servi COFFEE, SODJ Cl ompt CORN, P WALDRqi". s«» PRUNES BANAN APPLES P O T # CABBA ONION ORANG BREA BOLOG FRESH LIVER l a r d ; o y s t e : ,ERS Gifts. ns.