The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

NEW THINGS ARE ADVERTISED BE MERCHANTS FIRST* ADVEBU TlBBOflNTS KEEP' YQTT ABREAST OF THE TIMES* READ THEM! FIFTY-NINTH YEAR NO, FH8MSTATE 1 DEPARTMENTS COURT NEWS FORECLOSURE GRANTED Foreclosure and sale o f two tracts o f real estate at the Greene-Mont- gorqery County Hue, involved in a suit ttmoiio rtt- * f . ... fflcd by The Virginia Joint Stock Land COLUMBUS. Ohio. J a ta r o w U Blmk >f clwlMtel,, w . y ,., im p r o v e d to the extent of *25- Aly, „ w Greenmont 000,000 or more during 1936, accord- T . , . .___ ______ , _ ■, , . Country Club, Inc., and others, has ing to an estimate made by Director , . / „ , r T . , T been authorized by common pleas John Jaster, Jr„ o f the State Depart- f f - Hi . , . .court unless interest and current taxes meat of Highways. The complete _. ..... . , , , . _ T . . , r are paid within sixty days. The bank program embraces approximately 300 „„ . . , . _ 7 . . was awarded a $11,080.80 judgment projects ranking from $2,500 to ' . * ‘ ; * , aonnnnn _ j • V . on promissory notes against the de- $870,000 and will improve about 550 i r . * miles of road including grading, s* draining and surfacing rigid ments, fridges, ways, Director pave- viaducts and sub- Jaster said. Funds DIVORCE REQUESTED Suit for divorce on grounds of « . . . . . . . . failure to provide for her support, available for hi^way improvements has ^ instituted by m L y - indudc a $7,600,000 federal.grant for magt ft m|nor ^ her Hazel a S i T e T ^ hJ lay/ 7 ieCt8’ T Baldner, against Jack Leymaster, to; $8,500,000 federal grant for grade whom she waa man>ied in"May, 1934 . crossing eliminations a $4,500,000 Thc ^ fa r, storatiwn to her federal grant for regular federal aid- projects and $4,600,000 in state tunds to mntch the federal grant’ for reg­ ular federal aid projects. Director FORECLOSURE ACTION The Home Building and Savings Fuller and, others. Xenia real estate is involved. H. D. Smith'is attorney for the company. Jaster estimated that the complete |C,°’ 18 in a ™^gage fore-( , program wiR ahsdrb approv-imateiy:c,osur<! action, requesting judgment . 12)600,000 man-hours of employment tOr11S3’930; ^ _ _ v a_!ainst.. ??“ ! of direct labor. The improvements, he said, were designed with the though of safety uppermost inaddi-j tion to constructing worth-while, long- “ ~~ life and economical projects, entailing __ : PARTITION SUIT FILED a lasting'benefit to the people ,of the Partition .of real estate is'the ob- state. iject of a suit brought by Jane Hicks 1 ■ .against John Homer Hicks, Louise For the first time in five years in- Hicks’ A11*n and a" d Virgil Allen’ mates of Ohio penitentiary kre per- Attorney Marcus Shoup represents mitted to have small radios* with, e P amtl * ' headphones, ADVERTISING H NEWS, AS MUCH AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT PAGE, OFTEN IT IS OF MORE SIGNIFICANCE TO YOB* FRIGE* $1*50 A YEAR SCHOOL NEWS Beard of Education, Organizes The. Cedarvillo Beard o f Education met Monday at the school building, in the office o f the superintendent, for organization. After Mr. Bert Mc­ Farland, who replaces Mr. Walter fW* B* ***% *• in an automobile-train «c: w « re-elected to^serve another ternycident ^ ar Lincoln Nebraaka. m were sworn in, the group organized accident occurred on January 2nd, and by re-electing all officers to fill the he died ill a hospital three day* later* same positions for the ensuing yean tHe w d bis brother HaJe weredriv£ g were ps follow : M n P .t0 fche Easfc to their coUuJ B a Fe^’ !8fcud5?3 after vacation, when they ’ -J**' A< . E* cashed into a Union' Pacific freight Richards, cleric. Committees appoint- The brother a lb s e v * ed include building and grounds: injured, y Wor<yias been received here of the death of Robert McCown, o f Beatrice, Release Week Beginning. JanuaryA Mtesr. Clemana, Ferguson, and Mc­ Farland; Finance: Mrs. Galloway, Messrs. Gillilan, and McFarland; Bus: Messrs.' Ferguson and Clc-mans, Mrs. Galloway; Sanitation, Mrs. Galloway, Messrs. Clemans and Ferguson. At noon, the group,enjoyed a special luncheon served by the girls o f the home, economics department under the supervision o f Miss Mildred Albaugh. Assembly Monday morning, the assembly pro­ gram was opened by a brief devotional exercise. After group singing of the Doxology, Scripture was read, by Miss Carrie M. Rife. __4___ The assembly was concluded by several announcements of routine nature. in their cells. This. established policy of making life inJ the penal institution easier for those DIVORCES GRANTED Scarlet Fever Fatal To Mrs* Glen Gohl Mra. Arcadia Gohl, 29, died Tues- Hog Prices/Soar :County Quarterly A fter AAA Death1 Budget Adopted School Work; Resumed The students of the public school re­ turned to work•Monday, January 6, after tenjoying .a two week|vacation Hog prices in all’ markets took a] County commissioners have a d o p t - s c h o o l duties. Reviews<are be- _ ^ Marie Harris Bennett has been a- day following a ten days , illness of jump Tuesday following the Supreme ed a budget’ covering only the first, ^ag conducted thiB week and the first confined there who” are on their good wardet5 a divorce from Willard Ben- sear,et fever at her home in South Court decision that outlawed the AAA quarter of 1936 for the first time. |t|iree day» « f next week in prepara- behaviov. Warden Woodard believes nett on grounds of wilful absence from Charleston. Mrs. Gohl was known in law. along with other*federal control The arrangement was caused' by .tion for .the mid-semester examina- the entertainment as well as the edu- home for more than ^ years. She tins vicinity baviftg resided at one measures governing farm products, uncertainty of revenues this year* The tiona to be given next Thursday and cation value of the radio will be ex- was als0 restored to her maiden name, on the Lower River road near In as much as packers have not been temporary budget calls for $54,606.58 ,FrJ^ay»' Janaary 16 and i7. The father of the boys is Rev. Ross McCown, and the. mother is the former Lena Collins, daughter of the, late Hale Collins, o f a prominent Greene County family. Both parents were former students of Cedarvillo. College, and Rev. McCown is pastor of the Presbyterian ’ Church, in Beatrice. • ■ Cordage Company Saves AAA Taxes Recently the Hooven & Allison Co., Xenia, brought suit in federal court, and seciircd an'injunction against the -- collection of processing taxes on jute fabric and yarn. The company had paid $34,068.26 in floor taxes and pro- < cessing taxes. The suit, restrained- the collection of $3,061.89, which -is. impounded in a Dayton iiank, under court order, and which will now be returned to the company. tremely beneficial to the inmates, awarded custody of a minor child, button. The deceased was bom in storing meat fearing a, reverse and has been transmitted to the' High school students who have at- Radios* were banned five years ago court costs and attorney fees. Lawrence county and was a member opinion, and that small packers could county budget commission. tained high grades in scholarship and following the Easter Monday fire and violet '»>innley obtained a divorce of th®M- E- Church. not borrow longer to pay the govern-The three-month budget calls for attitude fo r the first semester will be riots. No loud speakers will be per- from Jess Donnley oh a charge of w il-! M,'s- Gobi is survived by her hus- ment in advance for processing taxes, the following expenditures: County exempted from examinations. ,1 mitted ' lul absence from home. band, Glen Gohl; four small children: it- is expected that tpk demand m commissioners, $1846.58; general office 1 _____ - i Harvey Snider was granted a di- Ruth, Darid, Donald and Mary livestock markets wotiijd be increased, expense, $760; courthouse and county] Pictures Taken Av equal diyisioii between Dem0- vorce from Mary Snider on a charge Kathryn; Her mother, Mrs. Etta At-' The next step that Wjll aid in main- jail, $295; county infirmary,. $ 6 2 0 0 ;Friday morning, January, 10, Mr." ersits and RepTbjfcans iiTthe House’ of extn‘mc cruelty of Representatives will be presented Kins, Jeffersonville Mrs, A. C. Kanuth w M the House racosnyanes. this weok »•> ^ division re ’ CnvmeH^l of vrf terrain ^ WftReheadi^ortton, O.; and one dW morelfian 11, can;consumef orrection f description o f c t i and deaths property involved in the case o f Mary The House G. Zeiner against Frank Zeiner and brother, J. A, Atkins, Scdalia, O. ^ funeral^w.^ held Thursday W||A T WOULD JACKSON AND JEFFERSON SAY ? Grand Jury Finds j Eight Indictments in special session. The suits from resignations among the members. xne nouse afternoon, burial taking place at when it first convened .on January 7 , others has been authonzed by the g0j0n 1935, was composed of 135 members, court.- . • _____________ _ o f which 68 were Republicans and 67 1 *—:—~ ‘ \yere Democrats. It now has only 12.8' CASE DISMISSED members, 64 of each party. j On application of the plaintiff, the. m—i—i suit of the Peoples Building and Sav- J The disbursements for 'the 1935 iogs Co: against C, M. Burr and others - Ohio state fair were the lowest since has been ordered dismissed. j a recommendation that the ca- 1919, according to a report submitted "— parity of the Greene County Joil bo by Director Earl H. Hanefeld of the TRANSFER ALLOWED enlarged " if the present number of State Department of Agriculture, Common Pleas Judge R. L. Gowdyprisoners are confined therein” was They .totaled $159,437, Director Hane- has granted an application filed’ by made by the January grand-jury, feld said. Total gate receipts amount-the .Sugarcreek. Twp. board of which Conducted the customary in-1 ed' to $53,030 on the reduced admis- trustees, seeking’ authority to divert spection of tho jail, following a one-5 . sion fee of twenty-five cents, which $300 from ,an unexpended balance in day session Monday. j was in addition to stall fee receipts, the road and bridge: fund, to the Sheriff John Baughn, commenting receipts from the rent of space and general fund, in order to pay obliga- on tho jury's suggestion,said the concessions) and other miscellaneous tions incurred by the board. Tho normal capacity of the jail is thirty- income. TI 10 total receipts amount- general fund, is nearly depleted, the two, and that thirty prisoners are now ed to $126,262. The peak in disburse- application sot forth. incarcerated, but that the jail popula- j ments covering the operation of thc -------- . .tion in the past has been as high a® annual fpir was reached in 1929 when SEEK DAMAGES OF $5000......... forty-five. He indicated «Ws Opinion, $ 258,106 "waa expended, plans are Quinn. Yocum, Urbana, has filed however, the jail is "big enough,” for already under way for the 1936 fair, Siiit iii1Common Pleas Court against normal needs. Director Hanefeld said. the Isaly Dairy Co., Marion, O., ask- Eight indictments were reported Ohioans wagered an average of ;n? damages to the amount of $5,000, by the investigating body which con- 125,000 a day during the 1035 horse f or damagesdue to a motor crash, sidered only eight cases. Nineteen racing season with legalized pari it js charged the truckdriver failed witnesses were examined, 'mutual betting, it waa estimated by to stop when approaching a state The following true bills were rc- Rlchord A. Forster, chairman of the highway) ported: Donald1Roberts and Everett State Racing Commission. The state " .Grooms, burglary; Dave Chambers received $98,981 as its share from thc i.mVFR COURT RF,VERRF.n and Fred Jones, grand larceny; Ray miscellaneous county expense, $1940; county auditor’s office, $4047- .50; board of revision, $25; assessing Coming Games Saturday evening, January 11, the personal property, $2450; appraising. Red "and*White squads will travel, to Haigler Issues Public Statement The following statement has been issued by Charles E. Haigler,’ Presi­ dent of Ohio Ten Mill Tax Limitation League, farmer and stock -raiser- o f Fayette. County,-Ohio, on the plan to bndorse. favorite son . candidate' and delegates-nt-large to the Republican National Convention by the Repub­ lican State Gentrai Committee. . "There it a very .gueat ,in in the forthcoming Republican^ Na*" ) tional Convention. "Tjhe’ vast majority o f farmers of- real,estate, $150; board-;of elections, Bowersville to meet Jefferson ontheirjObio are not satisfied with the pres Had "Old Hickory” Jackson lived until Wednesday he would ’ have been 120 years old, and it was this event the Democrats celebrated with dinners over the country nt $1 to as high as $50 a [date. With several hundred thousand of the faithful on the government payroll,1’“ prosper­ ity” made it possible for the "gold .plate” dinners. Hnd "Old Hickory” or Thomas Jefferson heard the Roosevelt oii* oratjon,’ what would these Demo­ crats that fought for state rights, have -to say, of their party leader that has used every effort to break down»One of the first Democratic platforms that was saved Monday the. de­ cision o f the Supreme Court? You can tunc in your radio most any day or night until next November and hear Roosevelt on the “ state of ^ the nation.” The Democratic theme song .should be that popular jazzy classic, “The Music Goes Round and Round.” $2334; treasurer’s office, $3275; re-.hardwood, eorder’s office, $1177.50; prosecuting! Friday; January 17, C. H. S. will attorney’s office,. $1047.50;- court of Beavercreek in the local gym- appeals, $103.88; common pleas, court,^nasium, $1554; probate court, $1935; juvenile court, $2580; clerk of courtsuoffice, $1356.25; coroner, $145; sheriff’s office, $3513.75; county children’s home1 $4050; surveyor’s office, $1898; ditches, $100; soldiers1 relief commission, $1182.50. Death K. B. Rader. Dayton, Sunday P. M. ®nt Democratic program, which; is fending -toward complete control of ■the .activities of .each individual , farmer. . “To regain the confidence of the farmers, the Republican -Party- must offer a program which will’ guarantee Agriculture a just share o f the na­ tional income without making it in- Wednesday morning,1 January 8, 'cambent on .the fanner to sign away > . the ,>VW. C. A. held their meeting, rights as an American citizen. jThe meetingwas opened with singing,! “There is a growing opposition t o - “The Lord is in His Holy Temple.” contracts which make the farmer sub- Olive Brill read the Scripture which was followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Discussion and friendship circles servient to the will of social econo­ mists in Washington who are -today: experimenting -at- tho expense-of both Word has been received here of the'tions were brought to mjnd aiid de- deuth of K. B. Rader of Dayton at cided upon in<the best maimer, his home there last Sunday night. I , He had been in failing health, for **“ s Mildred McKibben- has with were formed in which everyday ques- producer and the consumer. “The program of the Republican State Central Committee to select a favorite son candidate and ‘delegates-, at-large together,with district dele- LOWER C RT RE SED money wagered during the 273 days, ^ Co„ rt of Appeais by a t^ 0 to Barton, breaking and entering; Leo D e p U t V M a s t e r o f racing at Ohio tracks, Chairman one deci8i0n has remanded for retrial Palmer, forgery; Huey Jones, petit, ~ J Fortter asserted. Registrations and a fiVe„yCRr 0id taxpayers* suit in which larceny? Willard Harr, forgery, licensee for jockeys, trainers and Anderson and others seek to. ------- --------- ------ owners Jumped the state’s revenue, recover |390 f or the benefit of the r tT exclusive of the tax on admissions, Xenia Twp. school district, A jury rT O S t 1 ICS U p to $106,311 for the year.^ Nine run- verdict directed by the Common Pleas' ning races, two grand circuit, three £oUrt jn fayor of the members of the independent harness, nineteen county and present clerk-treasurer, is , fair, and the Ohio state fair race expected to make a third trlal of tbo The Board of Public Affiars has hod •IV vrw««* ' ••• .......... O *•*,■»••.*. IV* I I ,w O '' I'SVU UidOMWU UC1C ' some time but his death at the tim e (drawn .from school because of the'gates to be selected to give Ohio a came unexpectedly. Funeral services (illuess o f her-father, who is a miplster poential voice as to the nominee has were held 'in Dayton, Wednesday.0* *be U. P, clmrch of Seaman, Ohio.[great'merit if the spirit,of that pur- morning, and burial wns made in the' M t atld Mra Paul McLaughlin'P086 ^8 ranied out. * * North Cemetery here. wsre’ofifed to their home near Salem,! 3 erot « « outstanding Re- Mr. Rader, son of the late Levi IlUnoJs ^ tbe mne«s of Mr. l,ubl,can leaders in the State who have Rader, was born in Xenia and spent’McLaughlin’s mother. |tho 00hlldence not only of-the farm- his early life there. He Was married i ^ • * ing interest, but also of business and to Miss Anna Shroades of this place,! The college students and faculty labor. and they spent a number of years as have returned from their pleasant j "gome ‘Favorite Sons* have been residents here before moving to Day- vseations and are looking forward to suggested who can riot obtain United ton where he was employed as.**1® coming event, Examinations,Support because they have Strenuons- Attends Conference window trimmer for the Rike-Kumler,^*^ are to be held January 21, 22 opposed measures for removing r- ---- - ■ . Co., for many years. and 23. ja portion of the unjust tax burden J. Ersle Hutchison, Deputy Master Mr. Rader is survived by his widow, | The Y, M. C. met Wednesday morn- fr°m homes’ ahd forms, or the Ohio State Grange for Greene and by a sister, Miss Jennie Rader, of jpg, January 8. Paul Angell read the* “There is a grave suspicion that ounty has just returned from a con- Xenia* meetings were conducted in 1935. A case necessary, .Water Service ference in Columbus where plans were made and a program Outlined for 1836, ..... ............................. . _ The fact teat the National Grange The‘first trial favor- ’^8 ^roublc since the recent cold spell will hold its annual session In Ohio total.of nearly $7,000,000 was wagered pd jbe board but the uppercourt re- ^ue aeraral frozen water services acxt November has created additional in the State, which was slightly less vcrsed and ordered a newtrial.The on ^oTl*a aVenue* Different methods interest in Grange work in this state, than the amount bet in 1934 when decision Was reversed bn the ^H?£n U8ec* ^^aw *^e lines. 8a,jd Mr, Hutchison. A net gain, o f more meetings were held. ground of directed verdict. Judge Springfield has a system of using new members for the state or» „ — Roscoe Hombeck, London, wrote the 8tca™ *hat 0ther dtics ganlzation and a class of 5,O0Ofor the Coa!m,87 n,erlfl‘ . ,wero Although the new automobile 11- dissenting opinion. f e electricity. The village has never highcst dcgrcc of th<? 0rder, to be ^ lnclude! Alonzo Edwards’ « - ■ censes tags won’t go oii sale until j . ■ « —**— found it necessary to purchase special conferred at the National March 1, and owners will not be re- j MOTOR DAMAGE SUIT Scripture Which was followed, byjteo ‘Favorite Soh’ propaganda is a prayer by Donald Burkett, Professor (mere screen behind whidh > sinall jHostetler gave the talk of the morn- ®°terie hope to obtain control o f the [ing, jOhao delegation to the Republican Na* AfC Reappointed) dramatics Club of the college|*iolia* Convention. County Employes -------- .entertained the guest o f Mrs. IrainL ^ ^ Four re-appointments for 1938 m l Wednesday aftettieon, ro of irecte er ict. e 5.000 "® e ers for t e st te or- by Greene Blim^ovn.’^ Th^characte^ ffmillfirations to be considered by Ohio 'were ns follows: Harriet Miller, |Voters‘ ’ Dt Fthel Mae, Helen Hagenmnn, Majel!_ “ tinder these conditions,^ Jt I* NOT quirod to use them for a monte later, Suit demanding $5,600 damages, in- year’ _____________ most of the so-called trjck plates ciudmg $500 for medical expenses, . " have been applied fori according to becn ln common pleas court'TWO COUNTY PROJECTS r. comity dog warden; Dr, A. * » *«,- — , — - - - . . ^ ■■ - ----- equipment for this purpose until this m” '*",” " ' ” V ‘ Kaven, Xenfa, as physician for the Port(,r* Hozel Nelson, Katheloen M il- the duty of the Republican State , 1 - . P P . ,r1Gfitlng- are amon* thc goa,s fot thc county infirmary; George W. Swartz, Christina Jones, and Elsie Post. ..Committee to select a favorite son coming year, , 1 Widespread use of the various serv- 03 Couvt House.custodian, and John ices of the Grange- has been so sue Jamison, as fireman for the Court- D. A. R. MEETING APPROVED AT COLUMBUS cessful that tho past two years have Ho™° heatj " B ? ant candidate and delegatee to support jhim* it is their duty to provide for a fair expression by Ohio Republicans shown a net gain in memberahip of Salary of Lester Stewart, re-ap-! The Gedar Cliff Chapter D. A. R», their preference after considering will hold the regular monthly meet* candidates whether residing' in Registrar Frank West of the Bureau by Mrs. Mary Fletcher, R. R. No. 2,' of Motor Vehicles* Some of the trick (jedarvj))e) against Jolin Roberts, X propr,ot, f ‘ t . . t.\ WPA projects approved Monday by . r , : r deputy sealer of weights and mcas- -- for Isadora Topper, assistant attorney Mrs. Fletcher, according to jthe peti- Bte te headquarters at Columbus in. lecture hour work, participation in established hv commission- ? i8° at the home of Mrs. Frank Cres* voters should also have the utmost ~ ‘ * * * « clerical nature for conra™,dty activities, and a particular * “ emphasis on rural youth cooperation r t -— ^ Imeetittg ihenAers m JteheO **»&&„ the o f tliMr . . . ........ ................... .........-„ ----- ------- . w» T. |VWW, , <*ra” *6 activities will provide - ■ .. 'come prepared to make contributku choice jn the convention. Hazel Costin ol^ ant’s auto at Detroit and Second Sis.. Projects approved and the cost B ^ ^ t incentive to accomplish w . W. BARNETT PRESIDENT this cause. ■ ! "Ohio Republicans are to help "PA* for Paul Albright of Ravenna. la?t December 7. The woman was estimates were: Wilberforce Unlvcra- grange goals for 1930, Mr. Hutchison COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: — — ........, choose a presidential candidate fox- walking in the lane reserved for ity—tra«8crihfiif>. old records for *>e,Ievc8' -- ------ * .TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES ORGANIZE the WHOLE country and any attempt PA prefects approved onday by JJJ®0, Increased activity in the ^ t ge6ler of Weigbt8 ^ ing Tuesday evening# Jhrioiify 14 *t Ohio at elsewhlti, Th# Republican ------ « (in trii * ri nt ----- ----------- ------------ * at t t t l i - * tU o !*® f P rti iP ti i t li by i i - 7: 0 t t f *. - t # l l t Ut t general; OIN^ for George NoCk of tioI1( suffered a compound fracture of eluded two o f a mmunl Jt,c ' ft ^ crs at $600 Wr vear iwell. This will be the "Bills Island” freedom in the selection o f delegates Cleveland; "NIP for Edward F. tbe ri(fht hJp other injuries when (*reene County, involving an expend- ® P M » ° , * ^ y Pritchard of Columbus; “HIC* for 8hc wra lacked down by the defend- iture of $1,900. *" “,1 ” '‘n CORN-HOG MEETINGS CANCELED pedestrians and was proceeding with permanent record of alumni, $1,200; the green light on the traffic signal Xenia — indexing marriage license All corn-hog township meetings set Whqn the accident occurred, the peti- records o f phshate court, $700. for this week'were called off Monday tion recites. Proacdutar Marcus Me-, ------------- ---------- by County Agent E. A. Drake follow- Callister represents tee plaintiff, ing the decision of the Supreme Court ( on the AAA* j REDUCING PROCESSING TAX Walter W. Barnett o f near James* j * — (to limit their freedom o f choice will town is new president o f the board} The Cedarville Twp. Trustees have jeopardise party success,” Subscribe for TH|B HERALD the effects o f a cold. Flour, sugar, and numerous other ° f county commissioners for 1980; organized by election o f Hugh Turn food products, have been lowered foT- Members elected him at their re-or- bull, chairman, Meryl Stormont stee-j For Salc™Po1«nd Ohln# Mg type Mra. Robert Jacobs, has becn quite lowing tho death of the AAA. The Kanizstlon meeting to succeed C. A, ceeded Wilbur Conley as the newly gilts. Wifi sell any nmftbor you wish, ill for several days, suffering from reduction only covered the amount o f JwObs, Barnett is serving his first' elected member. A. R, McFarland Pringle farm, Cedarville, Georg* the tax. four-year term. jis clerk o f the beard. |W#t»en. (it )