The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

f y n i.ii N entral ighes, iman; i Ar- ireme :k, of ?reaa- iditor laker,' nmit- :hair- exec- pres- aaded .'oner, jaded augh; ;e M. Ham* r. J. irrow ffith. >n of fiaize Carl unty. r *>• Irace id by larke ;halr- . by ercer tiriin, ;aded iater; Har- unty, h. U bo y Dr. eatra S CO. ' tin 335-1 <fiiwiKlel upin red «Ulkover .youtoo i lervke. "V locil and Personal j Tfc? basketball cam* between Co* d»rvi% Hi and Roe* m baa been post, poped until mere fttvorafole weather,, j Mrs. J. C. SwineJvart, Apple Creek, 0., spent the past week here m the gu «t of |fy. and Mrs. Herbert Deem. Mr, Q, A. Dobbins, who has been ill for several weeks, being confined •to his bed* is now able to sit up pome each day, Dr. bw Anderson suffered bums on the left hand and arm Tuesday, when a gas flame poured out o f the front of a garage heater. The fire had gone out and after waiting some time the Dr. attempted to start it, with the result of a small explosion. ’ j Mr. Charles Bruce of Indianapolis Ind.* Bpent the week end here, visiting with his brother, Campbell Bruce, who lias been critically ill for some time. W*jr«r Kenneth little Will , W*d Washington C. H. Girl Announcement has been made of the coming marriage of Miss Naomi Horboltahehner, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Harbolteheimor, Wash­ ington 0, Hi* to Maypr Kenneth L. Little o f this place. The date for <to* Church Notea METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' Charles Everett Hill, Minister . Church School, 1(1 a. m. P, M. GU- the nuptial* will he announced later, jlfiah, Supt, Miss HeyboUasheimer graduated Morning Worship, 11 a, m. Sub- from the Sedalia High. School andh«s joct: “ Paul’s Secret of Power..” been employed at Leakas’ Fur Shop in Dayton, Mr, Little is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B, H, Little of this place, a graduate of Cedarville High School, Epworth League* 6:30 p. m. Union Meeting, 7:80 p ,m., in the Methodist Church, Dr, W. E. Mc- Chesney is to be the preacher. CSioir Practice, Saturday, 7:00 p.” CedarvjJJe College and attended Ohio m. State University, He is serving his j Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. second term as mayor of the village';m., at the parsonage, and has been substitute teacher m the Greene County public schools. He also.directed tlie 1535 Christmas Health Seal Campaign as chairman, Mr, Little is a well known musician and is director of a dance orchestra. Luncheon Bridge Party At MacGregor. Home Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ervin, Xehia, "Braebprn," the charming country left Tuesday for Baltimore, Md., home of Mia. Robert W. MacGregor, where the former enters the John was the scone of a delightful luncheon Hopkins Institute for clinic examine- bridge party Wednesday afternoon, tion of on ailment, due to. stomach -Twenty-four guests enjoyed luncheon trouble, . - at one o’clock, followed by six tables — :------------- -- of bridge. Mrs. Mac Gregor's mother- .always glad -to Miss. Eleanor Bull and friend, Miss in-law, Mrs. Robert MacGregor, of Or- People present Catherine Block, both members of the loans, Muss., who has been a guest at high school faculty at Pleasant Hill, the MacGregor home for some time', O., spent the week end at the home of was the only out-of-town guest. the former. . ■ . 1 . ■■- --- --;_________ — --------------- - SUPT, H. C. AULTMAN HEADS Friends of Prof, and Mrs. Ruben METHODIST BROTHERHOOD Eliasson of Yankton, South Dakota, ‘ -------- will be interested to hear of the birth UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, 'Minister Sabbath School, 10 a, m. ' Meryl Stormont, Supt. ' Preaching, 11 a, m,- This is Young People's Day fo r‘the entire denomina­ tion, with a special program prepared’ by Rev. Stillman Foster of Indiana, Pa., National Chairman of our Y, P. The Boyland Trail By FRED F, MARSHALL Boh Harbison, the home town's “Casey Jones” tooting his whistle in answer to the light in the old home­ stead window as he speeds his train through the sleeping village.,. and who remembers when the post office was located in the little room next to Siegler Baker Shop , , . and when a rickety hoard stoop gave access from the street to what is now Richard’s drug store. . , Things I remember about some home towjjt people—Harrison Deck who could quote yards and yards o f clasids poetry , . . Boh Ford whowas a good ice skater ... . Jim Barlow, who excelled at the square dance . , . Jim Caldwell’u long, hurried stride , Cecil Bums who -was always called upon to recite “The Night Be­ fore Christmas” (with gestures) . , . the laugh pf Curt Niles and Manny Robison . . . Billy Cre&well who al- CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY^ C ,U. Our service will he in charge S . T ” wWe briwmed bat of the President, James Anderson, with the following speakers, Misses , , „ Josephine Auid and - Dorothy -Gallo- Hidgeway who ganged hoy . . ..Nan way, with Messr. Emile Finney, John i0'vned a *®0IJl • • • Sammy Tobias, and Forest Nagley. We are Billy Pickerel picking coal along have our Young R, R. tracks. 1 Local nicknames, ’’Bear” (Oscar) Sub-Zero Weather Causes Suffering With Man and Beast When the mercury dipped to 20 to 25 heiow *ero Wednesday night with a high wind and drifting snow, man as well as beast suffered from the effects of the stinging cold. Farm­ ers had trouble finding protection for live stock and the dty dweller had trouble keeping his J>jpae from freez­ ing. It was one of the worst days in years and according to government weather officials we have not had this brand of winter since 1872, 64 years ago Travel and highway traffic was al­ most at a standstill due to drifting snow, It was with difficulty that main roads could he traveled while little at­ tempt was made to travel side roads. Rural mail carriers could only reach part of their patrons, Thursday. Realizing the situation Supt. Furst dismissed school at noon Wednesday and arranged at once to get pupils home. The Township Trustees pro­ vided two men to accompany each school bus to open roads, even at that a•service. Y. P.' C. U., 6:30 p. m. Subject for last week, “ Christian Youth in Action -—Farther Afield.” Leader, Harvey Auld. Union Service, 7:30 p. m., in.M. E. Church. -Barman by Dr. W. R. Mc- j Chesuey. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. Supt. H. C, Aultman, of the Greene .. . of a son, Jolm David, born to them on County public school system, has been m., at the home of M$s. Aletha Bird. Christmas Day. Mrs* Ellisson was for- appointed a district chairman for a i No choir rehearsaPthis week end. meriy Miss Rosamund Sterrett of state-wide “Brotherhood Movement” ColunVbus, who is well known here, sponsored by the Ohio Conference of '—~ ~ . the Methodist Episcopal Church. He Mrs. Fred Clemans was hostess to has been assigned to the Wilmington members of the Kensington Club and district, embracing Greene, Fayette, to a number of guests at her home- Clermont, Brown, Clinton and High- last Thursday afternoon. land counties. , It was a great dissappointment that we could not have our Anniversary service last Sabbath, but We will hope to present our anniversary message at a later date. | Miss Laura Wright spent'Sabbath night with Dr. Jamieson and family. Lee, “Dutch” Cotteriel,.“Zip" (Wil­ fred) Stewart, “Sheep Jim” McMillan, “Razorblade” White,, “Bunk” Smith, “Kidney” Iiiff, “Jockey” Irvine, “Dusty” Duflield, “Deerfoot” (Wil­ liam! Marshall, Mike “Corky” O'Connell, “Toad” Sparrow,” “Peanut” Creswell, “King” Creswell, “Hip” Fisher, “Scroggy” .Shroodeg, “Uncle Tommy” .Tarbox, “Sleepy” (Earl), Randall, “Aunt Sally” Mitchell, “Fat twin” (David) Lowery, “Bunny” Clarke Nagley, “Dash” Jones, “Duck” Broadice, “Jum” and “ Tit” Hamilton, “Warrior” Charles Galbreath, . . . and there was “Cam” Ross who as a boy sang school solos in a high falsetto Frank Kauffman, 75, London business man and well known among dairyman, having been general manager of the 'London prominent LOCAL EASTERN STAR ATTEND for years MEETING IN LONDON . . - . , - , but whose voice changed to a deep ^ ° UP ° t'? Tlty;.fiVe °f th° y0™g basso over the, week end . . . and A number of members of the local Creamery Co. for 22 years, died at his chapter of the Ohio Eastern Star al- home Wednesday after a short illness, tended a district meeting in London, The funeral will be held Friday at 2 Wednesday. In the delegation were: p. m. from the late residence with bur- Mrs. H. H. Brown Worthy Matron,, ial in the Lafayette Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Creswell, Mr. and ;sion onterprise is ..■ Mrs. J. K. Stormont, Mrs. Ruby Mur- Funeral services for Amos Murphey phy, Mrs. Ed. Hamilton, Mrs. Paul 73, who died at hishome in Jamestown Orr, Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. B. H. after failing to rally from a cerebral Little. Although' the winter weather people gathered at the parsonage Sab­ bath evening and spent a very pro­ fitable hour with Miss Wright. After a splendid talk she was pressed with questions which kept her on the floor another hour. Such personal contacts with missionaries give a better under­ standing as to what the foreign mis- liemorihage with which he Was strick- made travel uncertain, all were able en Sunday, was held Thursday atthe to return home that evening. home, with burial in Jamestown ceme- - ---- —------------- tery. StfrviVdfs 'hte Ms -Widow,- Mrs. •Weather reports indicate that Toledo Sarah Murphey,; fpur_daughterar Mrs;, andCleveland eachhad higherfemPCr- Mary Jones, Springfield; Mrs. Edna atures-10 below, Wednesday, than in Littler and Mrs. Stella.Pemberton, Ce-. this part of the state where the per- daxville, and Mrs. Lelia Pemberton, cury stood in the twenties. Xenia, and a son, Edgar, at home. —---- - -— ■ ' ■ i . i 11 .i• Due to the cold weather there is po 3Ir- WilHam Conley, who has been school today, touringaroundFlorida, is now located • in St. Petersburg at the Shenandoah The Xenia Rotary Chib will again Hotel. In a letter' to his son, Wilbur, sponsor a Boys’ Hobby Fair, March we learn even-Florida has “chilly” 27 and 28 in the Armory. F, C. Orr weather at times. has been named chairman, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Paul Ramsey, Supt. Lesson: “Jesus De­ clares His Purpose." Luke 4. Golden text: Luke 4:18,19. iw w- a curve hair to the local sa idiots. Worship service, 11 a. m. Dr«F, A. w.- . , . , " They had acquired the art from Eddie Jui-kat will deliverJthe.sermon. The Junior Christian ‘ Endeavor meets .at 5:45 in the Primary Room. The Query Club meets at 6:30 in the Sabbath School room. The Union Service, 7:30 pi m. in M. E. Church. Sermon by Dr. W. R. Mc- Chesney. - . • The Mid-week Service will .be held on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Miss Annnbelle Mui-dock will review the second chapter of the mission study book “That.Other America.” . The Women's Missionary Society will meet Thursday, January 30, at 1:00 p. m. (n the. church'for. sewing and.short business meeting. WRIGHT’SGROCERY S P E C I A L S THE STORE OF FINE FOODS HOME CULTURE CLUB KELLOGG’S RICE CRISPIES, 2 for 21c FLOUR, Dewey’s Best, 24 lbs.............. ...... 79c SODA CRACKERS, 2-lb. box..................... 19c OLEO, Honey Grove, 2 lbs.......... ............25c GREEN BEANS, Standard, 3 for ... 25c SOAP CHIPS, Eels-Naptha...................... 23c COFFEE, White Villa, 1lb.. ........ ...... 29c SUGAR, Pure Cane, 10-lb. sack.................. 55c MILK,HoneyGrove, 3for...................... 20c SUPER,SUDS, large box......................: 19c . ^ jju i ,iii-rirt i " injii' " M" -1- 1 • iw * * ft * COFFEE, Good Cup, J-lb. sack ... ' 4 7 C Mrs. Walter Iiiff was hostess to the Home Culture Club at her home Inst Tuesday afternoon. Fifteen members and a number of guests were present. Each member responded to roll call with a current event. As the subject of the afternoon’s program was “Crime,” Mrs. V. C. Bumgarner read a paper on “Crime.” [This was followed by a discussion on i “The Prevention of Crime" by Mrs. IMilroy and “The Detection of Crime” by Mrs. H. H, Brown. All three papers were very interesting and instructive. Mrs. Brown closed the program with a piano solo entitled, “Mandoline Serenade." A delicious ice course was served by the hostess. Frank Jackson who sold tickets at the opera house . * . Warner and Perrin ^our of the day and it was nightfall ‘before the last bus returned to town. Local garages had an- overflow for storage and were kept busy most of the night pulling motorists out of drifts, Three girls from Xenia became Stranded op the Clifton, pike during the evening and were given a lift to town by Dean Shastzer, Jamestown-, Kroger Co. employee in Yellow Springs^ The girls suffered intense; pain from frost bitten feet and one had lost her shoe in the snow and was not conscious of it due to frosted feet. The girls spent the night ivith Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brightman after getting some relief at the Brown Drug store, Shastzer spent the night with the local Kroger manager, Ben Baker. Track driver Selma, Kroger Dayton branch .stuck in' a snow drift on the Jamestown pike but was unable to dig out. Both ears were frozen and one Split. He remained with his truck through the night letting the motor run to try and keep warm. A11 per­ ishable goods were frozen. Fifty or more Ross Twp. school pupils and a number of adults were forced to remain in the building ail light. They had been there-for the Itoss Twp. Farmers’ Institute, evening session. Others started home and many abandoned their cars in drifts and braved the storm;to get home by foot,'': . />■ y A district meeting of- the Eastern Star was held in London, Wednesday. The local delegation reached home with difficulty 'but many delegates room throughout the night. , ■ .Warmer weather is promised, by Frida}? or ,Saturday. SPECIAL DEM0KST1A1 SALE OF LEE OVERALL: *■ -J ■ - i' i,’4* *'m.* . SATURDAY, JANUARY 25TH ______ _ ... ... ■,_ • _ T. ^ EXTRA 9 PECIAL - $ 2.00 Grade Tr- For Saturday Only ! Home Clothing Company G. H. HARTMAN, Prop. Harry Nagley who wrapped and tied up the packs of butcher shop paper in the paper mill finishing room . . . and the splendiferous chandelier sus­ pended from the opera house ceiling . , , when boys tied a buckeye to the opposite ends of a string and by a deft movement of the wrist caused them , to perform simultaneous opposite gy­ rations . . - Marceilus Toivnsley, the |only white boy of my younger day 'who could do the.btick-and-wing (tap- dance to you) , . , Rufus and Foster McFarland who moved to town from .Oakland City, Indiana and introduced Roush-who-canur fronirfhi>ir~ home town and who later became a famous baseball celibrity . . . and What has become of that silver-plated hose nozzle won ;n a contest by the olden time hand pumping fire engine crew . . . and I always thought the name of Blaine Dome, n homo town boy, would do well for n story hook . . . and Bert Tiffiny was the only home town boy I knew who ever mastered the circus performer’s stunt of walking oh his. hands' . . > and what more inspiring figure than Andrew Jackson astride a horse at the head of a Decoration Day parade . . . or what more stirring story than that of old man Pollock of the G. A. R. on his experiences in -Andorsons Confederate-prison-, .—and who recalls the great local stir created wjhen the-Frey electric line was staked out and the Galbreath residence >on Xenia Ave., leased as a depot , , , and when they drilled flfr oil south­ east of town . . <npd when, penman­ ship “styles” changed in school about as often as that of caster hats. 4 h < COLLEGE NEWS Orange and Blue Serenaders of the College furnished part of the pro­ gram, and Miss Anna Jane Wham sang a agio, -At the home of Mrs. Fred Clemans at‘the meeting of Ken- ;29. singtort’ -Giub ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR SALE! 30.000 bushels good white oats, suitable for, seed if yep ■ them, _ - * h1 ’**.* 1.000 bushels Manchu soy besins. ■ 20 tons ground rye at $20.00 per ton. This is cheajp feOd for your • - ’* '* ’ ’v . sows and pigs. . ..: . ■ All kinds of Wayne pig meal and feeds. ' ' ' ' Page wire fence, steel posts, locust posts, nails, barb wire-*;,Be, sure and see us for your fence as we will save you, money, S—Good Work Horses— 5 , 1 Good Shorthorn B u ll; •< ’ i 3 tractor plows, 2 mowing machines.,2' Johp DeereH2-rpw cultivators. 2 tractor disc harrows, 2 horse disc harrows)’l-.Iand-roller, - 2 single row cultivators, 1 sulky hay. rake, ! set heavy harness1frr one horse wagon, collars, all sizes; one.good farm wagon, one good’ manure spreader, 1 Buckeye 2-row cultivator, Cassidy gang plow. The above arc used implements, hut good and priced tp sell. , Come over and see us. GUY CURRY & COMPANY WE DEUVE* FKEE SOL-TH SOI.ON', OHIO yif ‘HERALD WANT AND SALE AOSPAT WEATHER CANCELLED 10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The blizzard that prevailed Sabbath- brought cancellation of the observance of the tenth anniversary of Rev. R. A. Jamieson as pastor of the local con­ gregation. A special program bed been prepared.for both morning and »vening services bat -Weather condi­ tions were such that both meetings were called off Sabbath morning. PUBLIC SALE Ferndole Hampshire sow sale will be held February 18. W. A. Kavanaugh will hold a sale Tuesday, January 28 on what wns V Oleo Eotmore. Special low price Lb. lacarom or i Bulk. ghetti Juynow lbs. Gold Medal A teal lowprice Flour AppleButter Marahmellowa lb. 15cu> Embassy. Freih, tstiy Tomatoes 4No. 2cana25c 8t*nd*rd. Solid pack Salt . , 2 plcgk T5t Country Club » f; » , Hqrainy 2 No, 2^ canslSc . Country Club. For breakfast - ■,. . Applesauce 2 No.2cansl,5c Country Club. New low price- 241b., tack Country Club 38 ox* iar Thursday afternoon, January 16, the, |fnow71 03 ^'he D&niel Dennehy farm, Federal pike. Wm. Cheney and Florence K. White will hold a sale on the latter’s farm, 3 miles east of town .Wednesday, Jan. SWeet Potetoea, 4 !ba. ......-He PORK LOIN* lb. 28c APPLES. DeHckws* 4 Iba. 2Se SALT MACKEREL, 3 for 28c TANGERINES* 2 4 »* .........3Sc FRESH SAUSAGE, lb...... 28c GRAPES 2 I b a . ..... . ...26c BOLOGNA, 2 lbs*........._„..3Sc POTATOES, peck ............28c SMOKED SAUSAGE, lb. 20c BANANAS, 3 lb ............... •*<! FNESH OYSTERS, <jt........80c ORANGES, Call. So*. .... 35c GOOSE LIVER, lb. 27. PEACHES, white Villa, No. 254can . 19c % *'■ - ....... / „ I, nr -■ .- ............. — ..||» '>**■> .... Friday morning, January 17, Mr, Lester C. Taylor, Reformed Presby­ terian Missionary at Houston, Ken­ tucky Mission, spoke in chapel. He is a graduate of Sterling College, Kan­ sas, and has been pursuing his theolo­ gical work at Chicago and Winona, III a tremendously exciting game Cedft-rville College defeated Wilming­ ton, 30 to 23, last Thursday night. This is the first time for years that jCedarville has defeated Wilmington, [and so the Cedarville hoys certliinly jfeel that revenge is sweet. The game 'was very close and hard-fotight, the lend changing hands Several times 'until at the last Cedarville spurted .enough to gain a seven point victory. GUY CURREY. Auct., SALE DATES Jan. 24—John Price, Newport, O. Jan. 29—Mrs. J. E. Dement, , YatevillO. O. Feb. 1 —Long & Browfi, S, Solon, Feb, 4 —Mrs. Pat Cooftey. London Feb. 11—Roht. Minshall. Londoii Feb. 26—C. E, Huies, S, Charleston Clear that aching head. Right that Upset stomach. Move those con­ stipated bowels by taking Noah’s Regulator. Pleasant to take, mild though effective. For sale by H. IT. flrowi), Druggist. Candidates seeking (nomination at the May primary must file their dec­ laration of candidacy and petitions' not iater than 6:80 p. m., Match 18., Crackers Sugar B R E A D Fresh Crisp Pure Cane Franklin lb. box Mackerel 3 No. 1 catfii 25c Stockup atthislow price ScretchFeed100lbfti$1.79 Wetco Egg Math 100lb. bag $2.05 Weico • , SoapChips 2 3Hlb.pfcgs.25c. Bsiytaskot CleanQuick * ' Cornmeal v -e - 31bs.l0c White. Bulk H A N D P ICK ED M ICH IGAN Navy Beans 5 Ib’13c Putin a supply at this speclsl price JEWEL BRAND COF FEE 3 ‘ 43> Special lotirfctice Lbe 15e ; BACON . 28c Head Lettuce f 1 a 2 F O R J L J L 1 * FRANKFURTERS 2 LBS. 35U BOLOGNA V •s i , bs . 3 5 c ; CELERY . . . f B a LARD * • 2 9 c 2 LBS. APPLES . . . 10 LBS. CHEESE . . ■ ' m 2 3 c ORANGES . . . 10 LBS. SHORTENING % LBS, 2 9C GRAPEFRUIT . * 4POft * ".'W W E PAYf C A S H F O R YOUR E G G S ! ,//