The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

CEDARVTLLE HERAlD, FRIDAY, JANUARY U, 1 M in the name of “economy" but behind the move was the first step to force a situation that school patrons would gladly‘give up board membership or' decline to serve that control would eventually pass to political interests in Columbus. Material and supply in­ terests that sell school boards would prefer to deal with professional poli­ ticians rather than local boards. The irony of the situation with a school hoard member drawing $20 a year for fifteen or twenty meetings, is that a state examiner, who gets his appointment through political chan­ nels drnwB $20 a day for examining school records. While economy is a sweet term in these days it will he noticed that the state felled to en­ force any economy in the five and ten thousand dollar class of officials or ap­ pointees. It takes Beven cents of each sales tux dollar to pay the annual salaries of several hundred political appointees in that department alone. This is 33,500,000 a year based on a sales tax collection of fifty million dollars. One month a hundred, or more appointees in the sales tax de­ partment were dismissed, in accord­ ance with the recommendation of the Sherrill survey for a reduction of gov­ ernment costs. Later appointees go back on the job but no public an­ nouncement is made to that effect. T H E C E D A R V I L L B H E R A L D XABtH B IW , -------- EDITOR AND PVBWSHBB™ i iwttcrut Amm t Oto* aw*.t mimm Y»u*r Trm+ tom t \ , *t th* Fort Omoe, 0*dw?Mef Ohio, October 81,1887, ■mnwcoa a clmg m u tte r- . FRIDAY,TAWARy 31, 1936" ‘‘HAPPYl^SRRiOR, r TCrTAKEYWALK----------- One lone Democrat, and one speech, takes the New Deal from the first page of the daily press, for the first time in more than three years. When Hon. Alfred E. Smith, New York, for years Democracy’s only out-spoken statesman, opened an attack Saturday evening on the RoOsevelt-Frankenstein socialistic and being enforced on the republic, in the very shadow of the White House, did the NewDeal become second­ ary news. So paralysed were the New Deal leaders at what Smith said, no reply or statement has yet come from Roosevelt regardless of the feet that in the past free use has been made of both the press and air lanes. There have been Democrats and Republicans alike that have not followed the “Happy Wariidr,” a term given him by Roosevelt in his campaign for the presidency, yet no one has ever had the occasion to question his Americanism, his stand for the constitution, or charge Jiirti as. being a demagogue. He fought for prohibition repeal but in the open and by orderly and legal manner as provided in the constitution. Those who would damn him today for his last speech were in the main his spon­ sors in his presidential race, so this leaves those who term them­ selves Democrats and uphold the hands of an administration to­ day that has adopted most of the Socialist, platform, in the same position Republican leaders were when members of Herbert Hoover’s party refused to endorse, his administration. The Dem­ ocrats are on the defensive such as no other political party in this country ever faced for socialism and communism in the past never had been recognized as having a place in the republic. Smith’s speech is worth much to the nation. It will bring home to the average citizen the danger we face and it probably will change the tenor of a. Democratic “rubber-stamp” congress that has sit back and passed bills drawn by so-called brain-trusters of foreign birth, irrespective of whether they were constitu­ tional or not. * All that Smith had to say was not critical of Roosevelt the Democratic pla%form^ He admitted that 6ne plank, repeal of prohibition, had been accomplished; but not another plank in the 1932^declaration of party principles had been carried out. The speech was plain diction, dressed in the usual Smith fash­ ion, that the humblest! citizen could understand. His analysis of the failures of his party in power was unanswerable, no mat­ ter who attempts it. / The Roosevelt followers dare not attack Smith from a re­ ligious standpoint, a thing that could spring out of the south, for the south swallows Farley and says nothing. No one could say Smith was a dry or a KKK. The south swallows prohibition re­ peal and likes it because it is “Democratic.” The “Happy War­ rior” stands at the open gate and challenges all comers. His connection with Tammahy in the past is now no longer an issue for respectability has been breathed into that organization by Roosevelt and Farley, who have used the patronage club to win what the former characterized in his campaign for the nomina­ tion, a house of charnel. Here are a few of the pointed statements from the address that will supercede anything the Roosevelt administration has accomplished for recording in history: . “HoWcan you balance a budget if you insist upon spending more money than you take in?” This cannot be answered be­ cause Roosevelt made a solemn pledge in accepting the nomina­ tion that he would reduce governmental costs at least 25 per cent. “Why was not the party platform earned out?” The only ans-' wer is that Roosevelt surrounded himself with half-wit Demo­ crats, renegreg Republicans that had* been failures in private business, and brain-trusters of foreign birth. We might ask the question: “ How could the platform for a business administra­ tion be enforced when an ex-prize fight manager was-named to a cabinet position?’’ The dagger that cut its way into the White House was: “If you are going to have an autocrat, take me, but we are not go­ ing to have either a good,or a bad autocrat.” / “With the Supreme Court working overtime throwing three letters of the alphabet,.out of the window at a time, why do we import millions of bushels of grain from foreign countries and at the same time destroy our own foodstuffs?” “The government will on the first day of February own more thah two million bales of cotton for which there is no mar­ ket, The cotton cost 13c a pound as purchased from southern planters but is now worth only 11c a pound, to say nothing of storage charges for two years. ” Not even a brain-truster dares offer explanation to t$ie statement. “We can either take on the mantle of hypocracy, or we can take a walk, and we will probably do the latter.” In this state­ ment the shadow of the late William Jennings Bryan looms with the threat of a divided party, Roosevelt’s position is that of William Howard Taft when Theodore Roosevelt split the ranks that gave the presidency to Woodrow Wilson. _ “There can he but one capital, Washington or Moscow . I t only & fow weoks thfit Son* Lewis# Democrat, Illinois, returned from Russia, with new communistic ideas of how our government should function. . ,, “There can be only one flag, the Stars and Stripes or the red flag of the godless Union of the Soviets.” The ahswer to that is that no administration in all history ever attempted to de­ bauch and degrade its citizenery, inflame class against class, defy the laws of God and exhault hypocracy in both govern­ ment and private dealings as has the Roosevelt administration. With the tendency of the times we question but one state­ ment made by Smith: “I was born in the Democratic party and pa8t y" re Smith challengcd 8d I expect to die in it,” On the law of averages Smith has some ln{n{strtt.tjonwithwhat it is doing no* years ahead of him hut with four^ years hut Robinson spent most of his tim< reading for ancient Smith speeches. New Dealers stress what Smith umocivcp w. ^ campaigns but Bob-* banner with s.___ ... .. . ___________ „ ’trusters of foreign birth tjbat come jfrom oommunisUc nations, and the list of university, high-tops that have the past ten years been sb*rf*d with teaching open socialism, I t was to be seen that Robinson left no opportunity for the unsuspected to read between the linos that Roosevelt’s advisors in­ cluded a long list of names that were far from being Anglo-Saxon. Smith in his speech discussed the issues of to- One of the black spots on the record of the Ohio legislature was the _ _ repeal of the law that enabled school j day and’the' trend’of tibe nation.'Rob- board members to be paid the princely lnson offered littie ftrcument but was salary of $20 a year. The action was ia in the a secoiid Another factor in the move to break down local government is the part ex­ aminers of the state bureau of ac­ counting have been playing to drive local citizens from boards of educa­ tion, Every technical and question­ able legal act o f school boards are magnified and enlarged which would lead the unsuspected citizen that mem­ bers had stolen the smokestack or sold the school room desks to a junk deal­ er, The recent experience of board members in the Clifton district Is but an example of the damnable method to discredit leading citizens that were giving of their time to conduct honestly as their best judgment guides them the business affairs of the district. The other side of the situation is that Gov, Davey on Mon-, day made serious charges against two different state offices as to business management^ Honesty was not at. stake for at least- one state official, under the same branch of government that examines school .boards, was | . . . . , short in his accounts several thousand 40 *amous watering places of the south. Overcoats feel comfortable in not convincing, Smith said but one man could answer his statements and charges and that man was White House, Why was fiddler put on the air to pinch hit for the Dictator? It was to keep Roose­ velt from having to publically go on record, Robinson Was much concern­ ed oyor Smith’s new made friends at the American Liberty League dinner, his former enemies-so-to-speak. But Robinson evidently did not Jet T ub con­ science trouble him much when he traveled the country urging Demo­ crats and Republicans alike to sup­ port Smith, .who advocated repeal, while Robinson himself stood both wet and dry, depending on the locality he was in. From toe public viewpoint a lot of dirty Democratic linen-is going through the wash. ’ The second HOLC foreclosure suit has been filed in Greene county by the government against T, H. and Maty B, Bell seeking judgment of $2r 993.54. There was a time not so many months, ago if a hank, building and loan filed such a suit, cryia were utter­ ed to high heaven in the name of justice to give toe property owr it, another chance. Even legislation was passed, and declared unconstitutional, that permitted land owners to demand re-appraisement and a lower rate of interest The New Dealers in the name of Uncle Sam demand the last penny but the: financial institution or individual was listed as crooked if their money, was demanded. There being no other way of throw­ ing away the public funds we find the government has taken over six theatres under lease in New York City to hire theartrical talent and put on shows for toe entertainment of the metropolitan center.. Of course no big administration production showing the Dictator in action will be given in the rural sections- The regular theatres are finding increased patronage when the .plays can be ar­ ranged to pot-shot, the New Dealers. The American audiences no longer a- rise and sing “God Save Our King” when the Roosevelt picture is even thrown on the silver screen in giving- important events of the week. Postal cards received here from Mr. George Hnmman.who is doing Florida this winter, may cause a sudden rush of young and middle-aged bachelors dollars. The official was given a back­ door sentence to the pen but no a- mount of publicity was giv*n out a- gainst that guilty one as was handed out by the examiner in the Clifton district case, The situation is an open challenge to decent citizenship. It is either back your board of educa­ tion in this move or permit boards of education to pass out and let the state politicians step in. You have no other choice. . • The war is on in New Deal ranks. One branch of Democracy attacks the grave and memory of Woodrow Wil­ son and William Jennings Bryan; another outbreak was A1 Smith’s “walk-out” speech Saturday against the Roosevelt communists and social­ ists in the New Deal; Tuesday eve­ ning Sen. Joe Robinson, messenger boy between the White House and the Senate, who ran as a candidate for vice president in 1928 ’ with toe “Happy Warrior,” made a speech that a few years ago would have brought out the Klu Klux one hundred per cent.' The fight between Democratic leaden and the effort of Robinson to make answer to Smith coven what has happened ih Democratic ranks in vefthe*willjfirid his'partyhas preceded him. We will then have reached the stage when both the major political parties of to- Thc day will have passed to the beyond. We will find oursel es or those of the conservative faith.united under a new r it .in(0n did ^ even refer him?elf to New Dealer followers, .socialists and eowmunists known as lib -what had gftid in the pMt erals, and Roosevelt begging to be the New Dictator under a re".- campaign and had not even stood on nime such as wC'find in Italy and Germany. .. . * ’the party platform. Robinson must A1 Smith Stands the’hero of the hour. He has made fnend }iave had a short memory, a thing and foe, in and out of his party* think of the seriousness of tne evidently develops, for in 1928 Blight the nation, is in as no one else could. ^ I. would rather be he travelbd 10>000 miie8 over the right than be president” means as much today as when first ut* ^ country telling voters what a great tcred scores of years ago. PLUMBING .................. i- -• ......... Bath Boffin Outfits Electric Water Pumps ■* < ■ • t 1 We are prepared to install Kohler or Standard bath room outfits and necessary bathroom plumbing. We are also agents for the Duro Electric Water Puihps. HOT WATER HEAT ING PLANTS r If yod are considering a hot water heating plant let us give you estimates oh the American Ideal system installed. . Wc can give you reference of our plants giving Satisfaction lit this community. F . E . HARPER Pho*** 130 Ctafaryillw, Ohio president At Smith would make. Rob­ inson’s memory faited him in the Roosevelt campaign promise to reduce government expenses 25 per cent. Neither did he recall that after Smith's nomination he rewrote the party plank dealing with prohibition, Smith advocated repeal* Robinson pussy-footed the issue* coming from Arkansas where Klu Kluxers were as thick As flies and prohibitionists of the Democratic faith were asked to support “Al.” Even Robinson conld not hold southern states in line be­ cause he-was trying to ride the Dem­ ocratic jackass in both directions on, the prohibition issue, Robinson tried hard to cover the charge of communism and socialism in the Roosevelt administration, Smith failed for seme reason to land a bqdy blow by not naming toe under-secre­ taries, the behind the scene brain- thin locality with zero weather but the latest fashioned bathing suite pictur­ ed makes one long for the spot where “winter spend toe summer1’. *• 114 1 "I • • D trn u l fw Airports Tlis steady growth and adaptation to practical purposes aviation Is am* making and will continue to make !* creased uses for real estate, Then are now close to 2,000 airports an* landing fields In the United States, This number Includes municipal air­ ports. commercial airports. Depart-, Kent of Commerce Intermediate fields and marked auxiliary fields. The es- tabllshmeut of 1,053 additional, ale ports Is contemplated at the present time: Maj, M. A. Pakas stated recent­ ly that pilots of experience all con­ firm th# necessity of landing fields tea miles apart Installations at these In­ tervals would practically eliminate all danger from forced landing, he said. Consequently, the holder of property tea miles distal,: from an existing landing field «tr airport may be m y arise If he bides his time.' C m -IJ ot File Freveatiea All the causes of preventable fire* cannot be catalogued In a short space. They are legion; but they-can all be removed by constant vigilance and the nse of ordinary common sense. The loss of life and property by Are in the United States and Canada la out of all proportion to that In rifost European countries, after allowance Is made flor conditions peculiar to these two lants. Anything due to careless- Hess Is unnecessary. The Amerlcag and Canadian peoples hnve If In their own power to save thousand* of lives and millions of dollars' worth of prop­ erty that now Is sacrificed annually to their thoughtlessness. One week out of fifty-two Is not too much time for them to ponder the cost of mteiesf- ness. Uatldy Cities American citizens who go abroad are impressed with the ttdl'iess and good Order of European cities, as con­ trasted with centers in America, One reports New York as “the dirtiest city we saw” on the entire trip. Even at that, New York Is more tidy and at­ tractive than the average city of this country, But the observations of this traveler, and the others, suggest a Condition that. American ritles can hardly afford to Ignore. With all their wealth American cities can af­ ford to clean up their loose ends, Convention* Boot! City Tie 8 b Louis Convention sud Pub­ licity bureau la credited with bringing to St, Louis each year approximately 800 conventions. The bureau states that In acting as host to 'these eon- venlions, it provides sit organised service which endeavors to make gb Louis such an attractive convention city those organisations which Meet there ate eacorteged to ratom y n r after year.. The Herald is of a series, of local pic your amusement bu can revive their m just wfbat the p There are no prize.* discuss toe picture The above picture Local and STOP ARE YOU INSURED? Mrs. C. E. Maste; proved following an grip. fc= E INSURANCE Ask G. H. Hartman Phone 53 CEDARVILLE, OHIO - to ex pla in - MOTORISTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Columbus, Ohio The“OhioFinancialResponsibility Law” MidOur"lifetimeAutomobile PROTECTION P o R ct ” —OUR PLAN OFFERSi- Annual Savings—Nation Wide Service— A-l Financial Security—Prompt Friendly Claim Service Vie Donahey, President Carl Crispin, Secretary Prof, and Mrs. Re- residing in the i Kenia avenue, have 'Hartman, property, The home has beet Connected with mur* eifijlj rl^ ---——j OHI len Weintf * Mrs. El i t- Friday after spend # |« . visiting in Dayton, jl I f I . JohnS|vl%| ton, b.,MUl srbert B Mrs. J. W West Calloll ter, Mrs.. He stitoting as teacher{ Mato formerly taug for several years. Vice A Parable , Miss Martha Aar^ ter of Sheriff and B has been named a m Twp, high School fai, cancy" caused by tl Miss. Ruth Goodbg health.rShe wifi teac English. a Ohio' VfesU The Grqgfie Coun invited to attend a i county hand to be'o semlbly room of thi day evening a i 8 o’c be.directed by H. the 6 . S. & S. O. , and the Wittenberg cretai Acertainmanhadafurnaceandhishousegrew • - f cold. Saidhetohisfurnace: "Notanother lumpof coal do you get ’til you give moreheatf -thepoormanfroze! -and so didthemerchant who cut down his advertisingbudgetto“saveexpense.”