The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

ordinan c e no . to* R^QUHSCAT RELATING TO THE DISTRIBU­ TION QF H4MD SILLS AND OTHER ADVERTISING MATTER, AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS THERBFOJL, BE IT ORDAINED BY TOE COUNOIL OF THE VILLAGE OF CKDARWLLE, Sfeta o f Oitio; SECTION 1, It »baH ba unlawful fo r «my person or parsons to post bills, distribute band bill* containing advertising matter* o r tack cards con­ taining advertising matter, within the corporate limits p f the Village o f Ce- darvjlle, Ohio, relating to any article, compound or thing which haa n ot 'been manufactured or compounded within the corporate lim its o f the Village o f Cedarville, Ohio, without first having obtained a license from the Mayor to do so. SECTION 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to grant and issue a li­ cense to any person fo r the distribu­ tion and posting o f - advertising mat­ ter upon payment to him fo r the use o f the Village o f a license fee o f F ifty Dollars, ($50.00), fo r each day said, person is so engaged. Any part o f any calendar day shall be deemed a full day fo r the purposes hereof, and a license shall be required fo r each person so engaged in the actual dis­ tribution and posting o f advertising matter. > SECTION 3. Each person/obtain- ing such license and engaged in dis- . tributing such advertising matter shall so distribute the same in such manner that it will not be thrown, cast, or de­ posited, in or upon any yard, door­ step, porch, street, alley, lane o r pub­ lic place within the corporate lim its' o f the V illage o f Cedarville,. Ohio, SECTION 4. Any person violating the foregoing sections o f this ordin­ ance shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than F ifty Dollars, ($50.00), nor more than Five Hun­ dred Dollars, ($500.00), fo r each vio­ lation, and each day’s violation shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 5. Nothing, in this or­ dinance shall be construed to exact or require a license fee from persons having a regularly established place o f business within the Village o f Ce-; darville, Ohio, or persons doing ‘busi­ ness in the Village o f Cedarville, Ohio, who make a proper tax return o f such business for advertising his or their own business or the products thereof. SECTION 6. That ordinance 174, passed the 6th day o f May, 1931, be and is hereby repealed, and. all or­ dinance or part o f ordinance in con­ flict herewith are hereby, repealed., . SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect apd he in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed this 6th day o f April, 1936. K , L , LITTLE, " Mayor. Attest: J. G. McCorkell, Clerk. N O T I C E George -T. Rogers, Bethany Height. WoodR- Uttio, Wheeling, West Virginia, Clara Rogers, Hethany Height, Woodsdale. Wheeling, West Virginia, Mm Ilogers, Bethany Height, Woodsdale, Wheeling, West. Virginia, James . Rogers, (minor)' Bethany Height, Woodrdaie, Wheeling, West Virginia, JvIlzaUeth KOgora, Bethany Height, Wooda- dalo, Wheeling, West Virginia, Eleanor Rogers, (dinar) Bethany Height, Woodsdale, Wheeling, -West Virginia, Joanna Rogers, (minor), Bethany Helglit, Woodsdale, Wheeling, West Virginia, Rogers Ewing, (minor), Not. 1 Park Row, Woodsdale, Wheeling, Wait Virginia, Elizabeth Waltz Dickey, 10 Monroe St., Apt. P. H. I). B-, New York, N. Y.r Bessie Ewing, No. 1 Park Bo#, Woodsdale, Wieellng, West Virginia, „ .Newton Waltz, 7 Hamilton Avenue, Woods­ dale; Wheeling, West Virginia, James R. Hutchison, 228 Treemont Avenue, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Harriett Ai Kwr, Penny Farms, Florida, and E: Isabelle Kerr, Fenny Tama, Florida, will take notice that J. E. Haatlngs, Exe­ cutor of the last will of Dora J, Kerr, deceased, on the 7th day of April, 1838, filed his peti­ tion In tlfe Probate Court within and for the County of Greene and State of Ohio, alleging that It was necessary to sell the real estate of the decedent In order to pay the legacies under the will of said decedent; that deeedent died f seized in fee simple of the following described real (state, to-wit; Situate in the County of Greene, In the State of Ohio, and In the Village of Cedarville, and Being all of tot No. 5, in Kyle's Addition to the Village of Cedarville, as the same Is numbered and known on the recorded ptat of Kjle'a Addition to said Village, The pmyer of the petition la for the sale of said premises to pay the legacies of the decedent. Tho persons first above mentioned will take notice (bat they hare been made parties de­ fendant to said petition, and that they arc required to answer, tho same on or before the 6th day of June, 1926, J. E. HASTINGS, Executor of the Will of Bara J.Kerr, deceased. Miller St Finney, Attorney,, Xenia, Ohio (Apr. 18-May IS) Buy your Blaster goodies a t the Presbyterian Market, Telephone orders to 204. Clear that aching head. Right that -upset stomach. Move those con­ stipated bowels by taking ' Noah’s Regulator. Pleasant to take, mild though effective. For sale by H. H. Brovrn, Druggist. (Vonliuwtd from f a t page) Fitzgerald that leading packers and Chicago business men went directly to President Cleveland, when Governor A ltgeld remained passive, and were answered by the arrival o f federal tempers and pressure from the chief executive upon the governor which compelled the state military to inter­ vene under the threat o f a declaration o f martial law. Thus was broken the backbone o f this most unusual and ruthless strike during which Mr, Fitzgerald lived in the Transit House on call at all hours and personally helped to guard and switch trains. HI b Later Years In May, 1922, the Chicago River A Indiana Railroad property was dis­ posed o f to the New .York Central Railroad pu l a t the same time the Chicago Junction Railway was leased to the Chicago River & Indiana. Mr. Fitzgerald, who had been president o f both railroads since 1912, was in­ vited to continue’ his association with the lines but decided (a relinquish the heavy burden o f responsibilities he had borne so successfully through many years and to devote his energies to his other business interests. But Mr, Fitzgerald's talents for railway operation were too celebrated to remain latent long. He was a member o f the Chicago syndicate which was formed to repeat in Los Angeles the successful development o f the stock yards, industrial district, produce terminal, and belt line com­ bination, As the Los Angeles Union Stock Yards and Central Manufactur­ ing District burgeoned into promin­ ence he became, in 1925, president ,o f the Los Angeles Junction Railway, a tieufral belt line designed to replicate the functions o f the Chicago Junc­ tion in the Pacific Coast industrial center. This post he 'retained until a short time before his demise. Chief among Mr. Fitzgerald's other interests were the Grant Coal Mining Company, the Chicago Brick Company, the Illinois Waterway Barge & Dock Company,,the Wedron Silica Company and a fru it and nut ranch Which comprised several hun­ dreds o f acres near Mobile, Alabama. The fru it -and produce terminal at 27th and Asland was largely bis con­ ception. An innovation he was instru­ mental in promoting Was tho Stock Yards District Agency under whose care were consolidated the freight transactions o f every Chicago rail­ road as they embraced the great Yards and Central Manufacturing District industrial concentrations. As a- terminal consultant he -was con­ versant with facilities, in all im­ portant rail centers and sought for advice with respect to varied enter­ prises. 1 O f Richard Fitzgerald, the man, much could be written in praise and little in deprecation; Trained in the rough and ready tactics o f railroad activity, he w as-a hard hitter but a square shooter, shrewd and fa r sighted but no egoist or unfair opportunist, tough on the culpable but generously responsive to loyalty and merit. Tales unnumbered which date until his very' last days recount instances o f his un­ failing friendship for old friends who could count upon, not advice alone, but material assistance kindly and un­ stinted. In his earlier years he had been an ardent follower o f turf activities. As one o f the strong figures in the West­ ern Jockey Club in the .early 1900’s, Harvey Woodruff recalls his rep­ resentation o f Hawthorne and says that, had his sage advice been heeded, the war between the Jockey Club and the American Turf association, which really closed middle western track for many years, might have been averted. Latterly, o f course, the trade was not a prominent interest but golf found him enthusiastic as ever. Around Chicago in the summer and Los Angeles in the winter his southpaw efforts with the sticks made him a low net opponent worthy o f his foe- man’s steel. Mr. Fitzgerald made his home at the Drake Hotel. He had lived alone most of the time since his w ife’s death in 1921. He le ft two daughters, Marie (Mrs, G. F. Sw ift) who was at his side during his last moments, and Gertrude (Mrs, James E. Baum), Funeral services in Ids honor were held on January 10th from Mrs, Swift’s home in A stof street and at­ tended- by relatives and intimate friends. Interment took place private­ ly in'Mouftt Hope. He figured prom­ inently in Masonic circles in earlier days and always maintained fu ll memberships in the various bodies o f the fraternity. His clubs included the Chicago Athletic Association and On- wentsia, Old Elm, Edgewater Golf, Los Angeles Country, Traffic, Central Manufacturing District, Chicago Rid­ ing, and Midday Clubs. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT sea ANNOUNCEMENT Dr- Carl H. Reuter wishes to ah- nouHce the acquisition o f the com­ plete Case Records and equipment o f Dr. Charles L. Minor. Dr. Renter trill be ready to see patients at Doctor Minor’s old offers, 727-732 F it * N stim al Bank Building, Springfield, Ohio, after April 1st, Practice limited to diseases o f 4mdl Threat, H* ********1.... t*isii)(PWOswiaiwa«s'»ioiau(auMB(aiM*, Estate o f Charles McGrath, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Ada Finney has been dflly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Charles McGrath, deceased, late o f .Miami Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 26th day o f March, 1936. S. G, WRIGHT, Judge o f the -Probate Court, Grecnq County, Ohio. Everything good to eat at the Easter Market, Saturday, April 11, at the Clerk’s office. Seniors Go to Columbus The seniors, accompanied by the civics teacher, Miss Hanna, wilt make the annual trip to Columbus, Thurs­ day, to visit places o f interest in the state capital. Darrow Visits Mr. B. H. Darrow, commonly known as Unde Ben o f the Ohio School o f the A ir, visited 'th e local schools, Thursday afternoon. Using the pub­ lic address system, he brought a worthwhile message to the pupils. A fter Bchool, he spoke to the teadh- ers concerning the benefits to be de­ rived from the use o f the radio in the classroom. ' * Milk Being Served Since the early part o f March, milk has been served each noon to needy and undernourished children. The funds fo r this very , splendid service have been obtained by gifts from teachers and from the local Masonic Lodge. Party Enjoyed Members o f the seventh and eigihth grades enjoyed :a-party in the school gymnasium, Friday evening after school. Both grade and high school teachers were guests. Many games and contests were enjoyed, and deli­ cious refreshments served. Every Pupil Tests In cooperation with the State De­ partment, o f Education, Cedarville participated this week in the testing o f every pupil enrolled in various sub­ jects. These tests given twice each school year makes it possible for teachers to know the progress made* jj. by each pupil in the class and to com­ pare the achievement o f the class as a whole with that o f other classes-in the state. . / ' NOTfCEOF HEARING Greene No. 4 ~(Clerk o f Balm Legal Copy N o. 36-528) Columbus, Ohb, March 18.1985 The Director o f Highways o f Ohio w ill hold a public hearing a t 2 o’clock p. m-, Eastern Standard Time on Mon­ day, April 20, 1986 in the Greene County House, Xenia, Ohio, fo r the purpose o f hearing arguments fo r and against the proposed addition to the state highway system o f the road known as the Xenia-South Solon.Road, located in Greene and Madison Counties add being more definitely de­ scribed as follow s: Beginning on Btate Route U. S. 85 (S . H. 29) approximately 3.10 miles northeast o f the east corporation line o f the C ity o f Xenia a t the inter­ section with the Federal Road; thence in a northeasterly direction over and along the Federal Road, approximate­ ly 9.60 miles to the intersection with tjbe Jamestowit-Charieston Roald; thence in a northerly direction over and along the Jamestown-Sonth Charleston Road; thence in a norther­ ly direction over and along the James- ■M— , n ............... utiimmium tomuSoutil OharWnn «Aa|f, mutely 0.85 mile to the intersection with the Jamestown-Selma Road; thence in a northeaatariy direction oyer and along tho Jamestown-South Charleston Road, approximately 0.W mile to the intersection -with the Federal Road, (Selma-South Solon Road); thence in a southeasterly di­ rection over and along the Federal Road (Selma-South Solon Road), ap­ proximately 1.80 miles to the Greene- Madison County Line; thence jn an easterly direction over and along the Federal Road (Selmu-Sonth Solon Road), approximately 1.85 miles to the west corporation lino o f tbe v il­ lage o f South Solon; thence continu­ ing in an easterly direction over and along Main Street, approximately 0.16 mileB to the junction with State Route 70 (S . H -197) at Washington Street, in the village o f Sonib Solon, Madison County and there terminate; in all a distance o f approximately 14.40 miles in Greene and Madison Counties. Any alternate road in the same general location may be considered at th is hearing. JOHN JASTER, JR., . Director o f Highways o f Ohio. Subscribe to THE HERALD High School Dance' The high school ’ students and faculty enjoyed the second dance o f the year which was held in the schiool gymnasium, Friday .evening, April 3.! The music was furnished by the dance orchestra o f Yellow Springs High School under the direction o f Mr. Frank Morelli o f Springfield. The gym was attractively decorated with red and white crepe paper. Dur­ ing the intermission, punch was serv­ ed by the student committee. Donation Received The school, is in receipt o f a dona­ tion o f $10.00 from the local Masonic Lodge, which is being used to supply milk fo r undernourished pupils. We ate.very t rateful fo r this financial as­ sistance to the milk fund. Since the early part o f March milk has been served each noon to needy and undernourished children. Anyone desiring to make a contribu­ tion-'to this fund will be rendering a very worthwhile and necessary serv­ ice. Mr, B, H. Darrow, Director o f the Ohio School o f the A ir and County Supt. and Mrs. H. C. Aultnian were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Furst, Thursday, April 2. EASTER MEETING The annual Easter Sunrise Service sponsored by the Epworth League will be held at 7:00 A . M. in the M. E. Church. Everyone is invited. Immediately after the worship serv­ ice, breakfast will bo served in the Sunday School room^or ten cents. Everyone is asked to he there promptly so there w ill be n o interrup­ tion in the worship service. There w ill be no Epworth League. Sunday evening. W. C. T. U. MEETING The county W. C, T. U. meeting will be held at First M. E. Church, Xenia, on Friday, April 17. The program will begin at lCf:30 with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Dr. W. R . Me* Chesney will be the gueet speaker. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 have located by radio business in iird’s Store, where I will be prepared o care for your Radio Service. If mu need a new radio ask for a dam- mstration. GREER McCALLISTER NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Dora J. Kerr. deceased. Notice is hereby given that J. E. Hastings has been duly appointed as executor o f the estate o f Dora J. Kerr, deceased, late o f Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 9tl day o f March, 1986. S. C. WRIGHT, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ------- ' / Estate o f Margaret Rakeatraw, de­ ceased, J Notice is hereby given that Clinton | Rakestraw has been duly appointed as ' executor o f the estate o f Margaret Rakestraw, deceased, late o f Cedar- villei Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 18th day o f March, 1936. S. C. WRIGHT, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio, Subscribe to THE HERALD Make Him Your First Choice and Elect Dr* F. M. Chambliss State Representative GREENE COUNTY Republican Primary, May 12 Your Vote and Your Support-— I Thank You- B l— d T i l t e d C h ick * m W HAMPSHMES AND OTHER BREEDS O SIER ’S HATCHERY Y e llow Springs, 0 . Easter I JntXX*cfctT °’ °H,° EnterUiiuitent fo r the Whole Fcmtly Iff Springfield f Popular Prices! 10th ° * S U t t W/tfc Love’' STATE THEATRE / SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Saturday • 4 Days Fred MaoMurray Jean Bannett “ 13 HOURS BY M R ” A Naw Skyway Thrlllar Fairbanks Theatre SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Saturday Midnight On Our Stage —r REGENT SPRINGFIELD Extra! Easter! Week Starting Saturday “Colleen” Dick Powell Ruby Keeler Hugh Herbert Jack Oakie Joan Blondell A Riot of Laugh* and Music Thrill o f Thrills El-Wyn’s Big Spook Show Ghosts! Spooksl phills! Thrills! Laughs! - “HERALDWANTANDSALEADS PAY” First in pulling power. . . First in all-round economy •■• WORLD'S THRIFTIEST HIGH- POWERED TRUCKS I N TRUCKS, it’s puttingpower that counts ; and thenewChevrolet* for 1936havethe greatestputt­ ingpotoerofAny trade*intheentire low-pricerange! Moreover, they give yon-this greater pulling power with the loweHgas end oil coete, lowest maintenance costs and maximuma&rmmdeconomy! Theyarethe world'sthriftiestfdgfi-poweredtrucks; and tbe whole secret of their:extra pulling power, extra thrift, extra safetyanddependabilityis the fact that theyhave* combinationof feature*not foundinany otherlowqwicadtrack, * TbctonewChevrolet*alonehaveaHigh-Compreesion Valve-in-HeadSix-CylinderEngine, themostefficient ragihe^hudribr'idl-raund ‘duty . . i a Full-Floating BearAideof tnaxhnnmraggednessandreliability. . ; NewPerfectedHydraulicBrakes, givingthequickest, safest,*,itraightlmewatope... . andNewFull-Trimmed De Luxe Cab for driver comfort, with dear-vision, instrument panel for safe control, dee or phone' year Chevrolet dealer for a thorough demonstration—-fodoy/ CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN GHfBRAL MOTORS WffTALLMEMT P L A N - MOMTOLYFAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE NIW FERFECTOB HYDRAULIC always equalised for quick, uoswarring, ^straight line” stops MEW HMH-COMPREMION VALVE- „ Df-BEAD ENGINE with increaied to n e p o d , increased- torque, greater economy in gas and oil FULL43UMMI9 DELUXE GIB with dear-riiion instrument panel for safe control XUiUL>l%OATINGNEAR AXLE with barrel type wheel bearings on 1Jjf-ton models CHEVROLET TRUCKS CUMMINOS CHEVROLET SALES OHIO