The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 1-26

TH m m ABB ADVERTISED bit merchants first , adver - TO5MBNTS KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THK TIMES. READ THEM! 9 k i 'G e d a r rM e ft e r a td . AtovmmmQw ni?m aw mm AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT PAGE. OFTEN IT IS OF KOBE SIGNIFICANCES TO YOU. m f t y - n in t h y e a r n o . CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY MAY 22, 1936 PRICE,* 1#50 A YEAR FMMSTATE DEPARTMENTS COLUMBUS.—Ohio's "back to the farm” movement, which started in tho depression year 1030, continues un­ abated, according-to records o f the United States bureau o f census. Bureau, data shows that in the last five years 105,279 persons, not includ ■ing children under five years o f age, were added to Ohio’s farm population ■ The number o f occupied farms in­ creased more than 35,000 during the same period. Farms, fo r the purpose o f the census, are designated as tracts o f land o f three or more acres which produce at least $250 worth o f pro­ duce annually. The increase in the number o f farms means . the “re- occupation. o f abandoned farms, the clearing o f forests and the creation o f new farms, and in most cases the subdivision o f fai*ms.” The increase was most pronounced in the vicinity o f large cities, according to data com­ piled by the census bureau. The seventh annual All-Ohio Safety Congress and exhibit, under auspices o f the Industrial Commission o f Ohio, Will attract hundreds of civic leaders, city and county officials, business and industrial representatives and others interested in greater safety, parti­ cularly in industry^ to Columbus June 2, 3 and 4, it was announced by Thomas M, Gregory, industrial com­ mission chairman. The annual con­ ference is designed as a culmination o f the year's activities in accident prevention and will afford an oppor­ tunity o f exchanging views on many o f the serious problems confronting the efforts to make .industry safer for the worker. Chairman Gregory said. The exhibit will feature the newest DIVORCE SUITS George Dunn charges in a suit for divorce, from his wife, Ella Lea Dunn, lias failed to perform household duties and neglected to care for the home he furnished. The couple was married In 1931. Rebecca Marts in her suit for di­ vorce from Rocellus Marts, charges cruelty in the form o f abusiv treat­ ment, The couple- was married Sept 28, 1926 at Miaraisburg, but are now living apart. The wife asks alimony and restoration to hre former name o f Conway. - FORECLOSURE SUITS The Peoples Building and Savings Co. is plaintiff in a suit against Frank B. DeWeese and. others,, requestng, judgmeint fo r $3,599.86 and foreclos­ ure on mortgaged Beavercreek Twp: real estate. The Home Federal Savings & Loan Association, in a suit against Cora B. Purnell and cithers, requests judgment for $490,39 and foreclosure on mort­ gaged Xenia DIVORCES GRANTED, Jeanette Hoag has been granted, a divorce from Richard E. Hoag. or., the grounds o f gross neglect. She was a- warded attorney fees and restored to her former name o f Townsley. On grounds o f cruelty and neglect, Esta Mangan won a divorce from Han­ oi Mangan. JUDGMENTS RENDERED The following note judgments have been awarded: Jacob A. Ccott against John and Martha1Kyne, fo r $148.75* ttate o f Ohio ex rel S. H. Squire, supt. tc., against John T. Barnett and. oth ers, for $150.82. ■ ORDER DISTRIBUTION In the case o f i.eroy D. Eyler againsfc in safety devices o f all kinds and-will {Etta Johnson and' others, distribution be the largest held, according to {o f a balance o f $12,827.96 in the hands plans, Important data on rent areas, liv­ ing accomodations and kindred sub­ jects o f interest to property owners, civic ’ leaders, realty boards, county commissioners, chambers o f commerce and business firms will be provided by the Works Progress Administration real property survey, which is nearly completed, according to Dr. Carl Wat­ son, WPA administrator for Ohio. of the sheriff has been authorized by the court, and the method o f distribu­ tion outlined. CASE DISMISSED Dismissal o f the case o f Albert Wil- kenson against Dorothy Wilkenson is disclosed i n an approved court wrrtry. WILL RECALL GRAND JURY Prosecutor Marcus McGalliater will __ recall the grand jury 'Co investigate a More than l,20*0*^^o^*are"empioyed ®ffray *“ « * 'CCC ^ on the inventory, which will cia8« fy 5«8. Patterson Field Camp, eariy last not only the amount o f city land in ®“ turd1ay ^ . “ "*!“ * .mMcK! ^ " ’ permanent or temporary use but t h e * 9’ co,ored' Cincinnati will probably amount and ^cation o f that which i s .* " * tt, murd^ f a^ e- dcp*nd‘n* 0" “ formal inquest by Coroner H. C. Schick McKibben is said to have stabbed not being utilized fo r any practical purpose, Dr. Watson said. Dr. John H. J. Upham, dean o f the college o f medicine o f Ohio State uni­ versity, was honored last week by be­ ing elected president o f the American Medical association.. He will assume office next year when the 1937 annual convention o f the organization is held in Atlantic City. , . Warning that under a new 'state law, effective, that commercial car certificates or registration will have to be carried was issued by Registrar Frank West o f the bureau o f motor vehicles. The requirement applies to je(j. The Appelate Court dismissed St. all classes o f commercial vehicles, in-(John's appeal. The higher court held the trial court had not abused its dis­ cretion in suspending the judgment and permitting the defendant to file an answer. Andrew Price, 23, Cincinnati resulting in his death shortly afterwards. Me Kibben fled but was. captured later and held in the county jail. VERDICT IS UPHELD Mrs. Harriet St. John, 80, Caesar- creek Township, is entitled to her "day in court” in defense o f a suit brought by her son, John A. St. John/ to re­ cover judgment to $7,072.59 on a promissory note, the Second District Court o f Appeals decided Saturday,, sustaining a decision o f Common Plea* Judge R. L. Gowdy, who had ordered a judgment obtained by the son vacat- chtding trucks, trailers, semi-trailers and buses. Failure to comply may cost the violator a fine ranging from $10 to 100. Non-resident owned com­ mercial cars, operating in compliance With the laws o f the state o f their owner’s residence, are exempted, Registrar West said. A new improved issue o f the Con­ stitution of the state o f Ohio with all amendments and annotations to Jan­ uary 1, 1936, has been published under the direction o f Secretary o f State George S. Myers. It will be distri­ buted upon request to libraries, uni­ versities, colleges, high schools and other institutions and organizations, Secretary. Myers said. The Constitu­ tion with the amendments and annota­ tions covers fifty pages, and there are twelve pages o f comprehensive index designating article and section num­ bers, In a foreword Secretary Myers says: “ The Constitution o f the State o f Ohio, like the Constitution o f the United States guarantees not only law and order but liberty and freedom to all rightfully entitled thereto . » * Wrought and fashioned by the wisdom o f our fathers, it has been added to from time to time to meet the just demands of a complex civilization . . . Supreme alike over legislative forum, executive order and court decree, the Constitution o f Ohio may truly be said to be the product( o f the common everyday people o f our great state t . » Protector alike o f rich and poor, young and old, o f every color, creed and class, we pray an all-wise Creator that this Constitution o f the State o f Ohio shall ever remain the bulwark o f a great and free peoplle." Subscribe to TtfJB HJSRAtiD FATHER PICKS UP HIS DAUGHTER IN COURT ROOM As his wife was in Greene County Probate Court hero registering a com­ plaint o f abuse against, Carl Boatman, 27, o f near Xenia, slipped into the courtroom, seized his daughter Jane 2, and fied. A fter deputy sheriffs ap­ prehended him on the outskirts o f Dayton- he was returned to face prosecution on a kidnapping charge. Later on plea o f his wife he was held on a different charge and placed on probation. Local Jersey Breeder Enters Stock In Sale Ten head registered Jerseys will be consigned by Clark County Jersey breeders to the Ohio Jersey Club Sale to be held at the Ohio State Univers­ ity Stadium June 13, The sale will bo held by Chester Folek, Springfield- Yellow Springs pike. Consignors from this section will include W. W. Trout, George Strong, C h a r l e s Schneider, Albert Kunkel, Harry S. Heide, Clyde Stinson, Chester Folek and R. A, Murdock, NEW PRESIDENT FOR WILBERFORCE UNIVERSITY Election o f President R. R, Wright, Jr., o f W ilberforce University, as a Bishop o f the African Methodist Epis­ copal Church at the quadrennial con­ ference in New York will mean a new President fo r W ilberforce. Dr. Wright hns been President fo r four years. We are back again this week with another pub­ lic school picture taken back in the. days when it was fashionable for the school teachers to wear “ puffed sleeves” . ' No doubt there are many pupils that still remember the highboard fenc that separated the playgrounds between theboys and girls. Miss Min­ nie Owens (Mrs. I. C. Davis) is the teacher in the picture. How many o f the pupils can you name? One of the most timely addresses on present day problems wa^ recently delivered by Mr; W. F. Wiley, publisher o f the Cincinnati Enquirer; before the Wil­ mington Rotary Club. Mr. Wiley spoke on “ Some Present Day Problems” and said: “ The Constitution is the bulwark between the American people and their government. Freedom is not a heritage and cannot be handed down from father to son and must be fought for and*protected-by each generation,” Continuing the. speaker said: Many years ago in our national life certain o f the states o f the Union, chafed under what they regarded, at the time, as repressive features o f the Constitution o f the United. States. It was contended then that the Constitution had usurped powers for the Federal establishment that plainly belonged and should be re­ served to the States. There was bitter denunciation o f the great charter o f our liberties and in certain .sections-rabid talk o f nullification. Ultimately ..the agitation- a large section, secession from the Union, and a bloody civil war. Today the situation is squarely reversed and the amazing and sinister spectacle is presented o f the Federal government seeking to nullify the Constitution in order that it may complete and plenary power not only over all the states but over all individuals as well.' In a scathing address in Washington last January, Mr. Bainbridge Colby, once Secretary o f State in the Wil­ son Administration, and one o f the most brilliant law­ yers in America said: Forget Oatlis “ Today nullification proceeds from the legislative branch o f the Federal government, acting at the in­ stance and under the compulsion o f the Executive, and is directed a t the judicial branch o f the Government. "The nullificntionists fold up and forget their oaths o f office in which they pledged themselves by the most sacred sanctions to preserve and defend the Constitu­ tion. N. “ They proceed to draw laws to extend the authority -of the' Federal Government into prohibited fields, to regulate activities which the constitution cays the Federal Government shall leave severely alone, and to fasten upon the individual citizen a supervision and in­ terference which violates almost all of his constitu­ tional immunities. “These laws do not originate in the legislative branch o f the government but in the executive. They are passed not by representatives o f the people, acting upon their independent judgment and observant of their oaths to respect the Constitution, but are crowded through the legislative branch o f the government by executive coercion and the use o f favor and patronage that amounts to moral bribery—to the utter nullifica­ tion o f the Constitution, both in letter and in principle, Above Gusto o f Passion “ As the summit of Olympus was above tempests, so the Supreme Court in above the gusto o f passion that swirls in the lower levels of our life. “The cajoleries, inducements and threats which bulk so large in the relations between tho Executive and degislutive branches of the Government stop and shrink away at the outermost frontier o f the judicial branch of the government. "Ami yet the nulJiflcatlonists standing at a safe distance do* what they'can to undermine the credit and authority o f the Constitution as it speaks through the judges o f our highest court, We hear talk that the power o f the Supreme Court to review acta o f Congress is to be taken away; that the mere enactment o f a law by congress shall be proof absolute o f its constitutional­ ity, although we have seen Congress passing laws with­ out reading their text and notwithstanding confessed doubts as their constit utionality.” < Claim Constitution Outmoded I have quoted thus at length from Mr. Colby’s speech because it sets forth with extreme clarity and emphasis and with no exaggeration, the situation that confronts as. The nullifiers proclaim the Constitution to be outmoded, a Telie o f the "horse and buggy age,” so Hncient and decrepit that it can be flouted and ignor­ ed. As for the Supreme Court, their withering con­ tempt for tho opinions of “ Nine old men” knows no bounds. , . * ■ What i? this Constitution of ours? Whence came it? Is it a makeshift thing, a fancy, a wierd theory of government, emanating from fantastic minds, that it should be so weak, so vulnerable? Or is It the great­ est charter o f human liberty ever give to mankind and under whose wise and benignant provisions a nation h is flowered as no other in all history ? Let us look into far backgrounds, if you will, that we may have fuller knowledge o f its inspiration, its origin, its fram­ ers, and o f its beneficence. b Colonist Relief I wonder how many o f you have any clear recol­ lection o f the text o f the Declaration o f Independence. -Qf course you read it years ago and maybe some of yoii more recently, What was it 'that caused ' the colonists to rebel against the tyranny o f Great Britain? What was fo revolting and insufferable in government as to lead them into long and bloody warfare and its attendant distress? At random let me quote from the text o f that historic document,” ( 1 ) "H e;has erected a multitude o f new offices- and sent swrirtns o f officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” . . (2) "He has Cut off our trade with all parts o f the world.” . (3) "He has imposed taxes upon us without our consent,” (4) "Me has deprived us in many cases o f the benefits o f trial by jury,” Junior-Sealer Banquet The Junior clue- delightfully enter tained the Seniors at a three^course dim r Friday evening in the gym­ nasium/ Hall and table decorations in the senior Naas colors, green and gold, Were arranged to carry out the Dutch'theme. * After the delicious dinner, served by a group o f sophomore giris and boys, the following program was an­ nounced by the master o f ceremonies Justin NorthUp: *■ Wclcome~Mary-Frances Helntz. Response—Harold Benedict. Dutch Dance—Honey Lou and Richard Stormont: History o f Senior’s—Betty Swango. Faculty Speech—-Mr. Orr. Trio i—Harold Strobridge, John Peterson, and Lawrence Fulkerson. School Board Speech—Mrs. W. W. Galloway. Song—-Mr. Reed. Farewell Poem—Betty Rowe. Ned Brown's orchestra furnished the mpsie fo r dancing. Guests for the evening included members o f the faculty and board o f education and their husbands and wives, ■ (P). “ He has incited domestic insurrection amongst U S,” /' ■ _ „ Those indictments, *r.y friends, were lodged against King George III of England in 1776. But they have a strangely familiar ring. They at least, do not seem to have been outmoded in 1936. A lter the lapse, o f 160 years indictment number One is just as pregnant with meaning and as pertinent to the condition o f the Ameri­ can people as it was more than a century- and a half, ago. Creates Offices Let me read it again: “ He has created a multitude o f new offices and sent swarms o f officers to harass our people/and cat out their substance.” * No One knows accurately or even approximately the number.of new offices, bureaus,, commissions, and secret committees created March 4th, 1932, notwithstanding decessor’s time threatened the nation with" disaster" Nona nave' bean removed. Civil Service has been ig­ nored and hundreds o f thousands o f names hove been udded to the public payroll at a cost o f hundreds o f millions annually, taking no account o f the millions on actual relief. Snooper# and snifters* intent on uncover- ing your personal and private affairs,, infest every com­ munity including this one. The ghastly, gorged pay­ rolls to' maintain these parasitical investigators is com­ ing out o f your substance increasingly in the form o f taxes. Indictment No, 2 “He hns cut off our trade with all parts o f the world.” . ’ . South America, Japan, Egypt, alert to opportunity snickered audibly when the policy o f forced scarcity was the United States. As. a result o f the plowing under o f cotton we have lost the big cotton markets o f the world to Egypt, Brazil and Japan. In­ stead o f exporting food stuffs to all the world we have become importers to swell tthe coffers o f the Argentine, Canada and even Russia, The poor little pig that Used to go to market isn’t even permitted to, stay at home, hut is born to be a sacrificial martyr on the altar o f the AAA, Indictment No. 3 “ He has imposed taxes upon us without cur con­ sent." * Has any one stopped to calculate how much the processing tax inaugurated by the AAA had increased the cost o f living commodities before the Supreme Court intervened and halted the mad proceeding? Has any one even the remotest conception o f tho that must be paid-by every citizen, o f the United States to meet the interest charge on the colossal public debt that has been created to say nothing of its liquidation? The totnl actual expenditures and the. estimated expenditures o f this Administration up to January 1st, 1937 total $24,206,533,000, or os much as the govern­ ment o f the United States cost from Washington to Wilson, Indictment No, 4 , , How many o f you present here today have been hauled before an autocratic Senatoiial Committee, a blustering bureaucrat or a clamorous Commission to be subjected to Inquisition and punishment in the form o f fines or assessment, to conform to some so-called emer­ gency executive order? If you have escaped the pil­ lory let me assure yon that thousands o f your fellow Americans have not. Indictment No. 5 “He has altered fundamentally the form o f our government.” ‘ The abdication by Congress of its legislative prero- gative In favor o f the Executive, which the Supreme Gojiti of th^ United States condemned and halted* auf- ficiently illustrates the polnt. Nor can we forget the injunction o f tho Chief Executive to a Congressional Committee to pass certain legislation regardless o f its constitutionality. „ „ , . . Indictment No. 6 “ He has incited domestic insurrection in our midst.” No act o f the Administration deserves greater con­ demnation than its studied effort to exalt and exploit labor at one and the same time. It has looked with complacency, even with open approbation, on unjusti­ fied strikes in largo industrial and mining centers. It has incited and encouraged the labor agitator and or­ ganizer to redoubled energy and activity asserting by innuendo nhd direct charge that business men are avaricious, deceptive, untrustworthy, liars and crOoks, It is clearly apparent thAt the Constitution was erected by the colonists to establish for themselves and their' successors the civil and human rights denied them by Kirtg George. Consideration o f legislative and ad­ ministrative gets o f tho past three years make equally apparent the reason why the nullifier proclaim the con­ stitution t obe outmodeled. It stands an impregnable harried .hi the path o f those Whose dear intent it is to subvert und destroy representative government. ' Cities Examples , ThS & nsi i tu,lLon * * * not born in 1787, It did not spring ftillfledged from tho brains o f its framers as did Athena from the brow o f Zeus, None off the lasting and valauble achievements o f mankind ever have been o f instantaneous origin and development, Architecture was not discovered and perfected in the year 1086, It has been instead an evolved science and art over a period o f ten thousand years, Long before the ancient Ptolemy* sought immortalisation in the valley o f the Nile by the erection o f the Pyramids, the primitive Egyptian first began the erection o f (Cintinuod on page four) Baseball News Cedarville nine traveled to Dayton last Friday, April 15, to compete in the. District Baseball Tournament. They drew a bye the first game which entitled them to play Ft. Laramie the second; game. Ft. Laramie proved too much for the C. H. S. nine and defeat­ ed them 14-0. Senior Class Night Tuesday night, May 18, the seniors held class night in the school audi­ torium. The program was opened with a gongby the entire class. The first part o f the program was an amateur hour with John Peterson as Major Bowes, and Herman Randall as Graham McNamee, announcing the following program: Solo—“ Indian Love Call”—Jean Dunevant. Senior Orchestra by eight seniors. Solo—Evelyn Thoxdsen accom­ panied by Day Ledbetter on his guitar. —Harold Strobridge. Quartet—-Elmeda Harris, Dorothy Tracy; May Harris, Eloise Turner, ac­ companied by Lois Fisher. Solo—“When-I Grow Too Old To Dream”—Nora Neff. Trio—Virginia Townsley, Geneva Clemons,, and. Rebecca Galloway. Hawaiian guitar solo—'Roy Led­ better, Imitations—Dorothy Sipe and Mar- . eanSraith, Solo-—" When The Moon Comas Over The Mountain—Katherine Rumpke. Quartet—Daniel Dennelhy, Donald Ferguson, Monroe Pyles, and Herman Randall. Trombone Solo^—Charles Whitting­ ton. ■ . . 49 Reading—“ Teaching Public School" Florence Ferguson. The second part o f tho program consisted of: Presentation o f Key by Harold Benedict, president o f senior class to Justin Northup o f the Junior class. Class History—Howard Finney. Class Prophecy—Charles Whitting­ ton. Class Poem—Feme Rose. Class Will—Jean Dunevant. Pantomine—Seven Senior girls, At the conclusion o f the program, the class picture which is to be hung in the auditorium was given to the school. Announcement was made that the clasa had given, one hundred dol­ lars to the radio fund. Closing Days Final examinations fo r the second semester are scheduled fo r Thursday and Friday# The teachers Will use Monday and Tuesday for grading papers, complet­ ing reports. Wednesday morning, pupils will re­ turn to receive grade cards. The busses will make their trips a t the usual time and return at eleven o’clock. Baccalaureate Services Baccalaureate services for the chws o f ’36 will be held at 8:00 p, m., Sun­ day, in the Cedarville Opera Hoitee. The speaker will be Rev. C, E. Hill, paster o f the local Methodist Church, and special musk: will be presented by the high school chorus under the di­ rection o f Mr. Reed, The pupils will note the change of place. This change is due to the vast audiences that have been attracted by this event in recent yean , Since no local Church is Urge enough to ac­ commodate the crowds, it was con­ sidered wise to make the change. The commencement exercises for the thirty-eight members o f the grad­ uating class will be held at 8:15, Tues­ day evening. May 26. The speaker fo r the evening w ill be Dr. H. V. McNutt, professor at Wit­ tenberg College* ml v.wn TUESDAYEYE Hog Rustlers Make Another Haul Farm live stock is again the prey o f midnight thieves. J, E. Kyle, Clif­ ton, lost ten shoats weighing thirty to forty pounds, over the week-end; A, C. .Steele, Columbus pike, had two hogs ‘stolen that would weigh 160 pounds. Ancil V, Wright, 49, head o f the Co- darrille Lumber Cp., prominent busi­ nessman, died at Grant Hospital, Col- ’ umbus, Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock. Some weeks ago he suffered an attack o f the flue and later developed a strep­ tococcic infection o f the blood stream. The deceased was bo ro in Fayette County, June 22, 1886 and moved to this place thirteen years ago from Clark County, where he formerly operated a farm. He has been & resi­ dent o f this plane since the purchase o f the Cedarville .Lumber Co. from W, J. Tarbox. ; Mr. Wright was a member o f Field- ing Lodge, F. and A. M.; o f South Charleston, was a Thirty-Second de­ gree Mason and a member o f the Shrine. V He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dorothy Thomas Wright; his parents, Mr.‘ and Mrs, A. A»jWright, Spring- field; two brothers, Leonard, o f South Charleston, and Samuel o f Springfield, and two sisters/Mrs. Thomas Wenner, o f Springfield,, and Mrs. Rudy Nida, o f South Vienna. The funeral services * will be held- from the late home, N. Main st., this Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, with burial in Jeffersonville' Cemetery.' Local business houses have been asked to close during the. hour o f the- funeral by The Community-club. Central Committee To Reorganize A reorganization meeting for the new Greene County Republican Cen­ tral Committee composed o f 24 mem­ bers elected at the recent primary, f o r . two-year terms, has been called''for Saturday, May 23, at 3 p. m., in the Common Pleas Courtroom, Xenia. Of­ ficers are to be elected and an exe­ cutive committee appointed. Neal W. Hunter, Jamestown attorney, is the present central committee chairman; Und I. R. Kneisley, Osborne, is the secretary. . , Greene Red Cross Directors Cliosen New directors fo r Greene co. chap­ ter, American Red Cross, were elected at the annual meeting o f the organiza­ tion last Wednesday. They are: Bath tp., Dr.- H. E. Crow­ ell and Mrs. Frank Kcndig; Beaver­ creek tp., C. E. Greer and Rev. A. C. Renoll; Cedarville tp., W . W. Gallo­ way and Airs. Charles Johnson; Spring Valley tp., Mrs. Katie Eagle and Harold M. Van Pelt; Miami tp.; Mrs. H. V, Knorr and Rev. John Kelly. BIRTHS IN APRIL John Thomas Wood, Xenia, Beatrice Lee Van Zant, RR 1, Wash­ ington C. H. Shirley Jane Upton, Xenia. Nancy McHenry, Xenia. Kevin.Dennis Kelble, Xenia. Peggy Anne Short, Xenia- Robert Jackson Johnson, RR 2, Xenia, Richard Eugene Inlow, Xenia, Sarah Graham, Xenia, O, S. & S, O. ‘ Home. Richard Alan Grant, Xenia, James Rosemond Anderson, 3rd, Xenia, Wm. Herbert Arthur, Cedarville. Patric C, Collins, Xenia. Margaret Annabdle Finlay, Xenia. Beverley .Rae Free, Xenia. Judith Ann Wolf, Washington C, H, Wm. Edgar Miller, RR Spring Valley. Ronald Franklin E&vers, James­ town. Donald Edward Bearing, Cedarville. Elva Mae Beard, RR 1, Sabina. Maryland Joyce Hall, BowersVille. • Mildred Marie Sanders, ‘ RR; 2, Xenia. John Leroy Kearns, Cedarville. Omah Norene Koontz, Fairfield. SELMA 4»H CLUB The 4-H Club o f Selma met for its first meeting at the home o f James Calvert, Eleven members answered the roll call including new ones. The club was organized under a new lead­ er, A ugfet Wiseman., Clayton Wire* man was re-eleeted president, James C overt, secretary* treasurer; Chet Hohenstien, rec. director and Edwin Tindall, news reporter, were the other oflkers. The next meeting w ill be held at the Home o f Ralph and William Wilson, ***** - . .