The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 27-52
* / « - A * A # ', CEDARVITJE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, i m THE CEDARVILLE HERALD KAELH B U U , --------- — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER UliMJMSit—N»tIo««l SditocUl Assoc,; Olilo Is'ovtspays* &sxw . : Miami Vullsjf i’rutut Assoc. Batared fttrthtPoct Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, m seconddas*matter, F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 2 3 , 1936 LANDON URGES W AG E T A X REPEAL I f you are earning $30 per week and are 45 year* old— HereVhow the Roosevelt wage tax, which goes ijpto effect the first o f next year, will affect YOU. Each week next year your employer will be required to deduct some o f your pay. BY THE END OF THE YEAR YOU W ILL HAVE BEEN DOCKED FOR $15.60, The rate is to be increased gradually until by 1949 the tax will TAKE $46.80 OUT OF YOUR PAY. If you stop work at 65 the government promises to pay you a pension of $$ .88 PER WEEK . If you DON ’T stop working you DON 'T get the pension. YOU CAN GET THE $8.8 8 ONLY AFTER PAYING THE WAGE TAX FOR 20 YEARS. But a man and wife now, under the law o f 40 states, may receive up to $60 per month WITHOUT HAVING CONTRI-, BUTEDAPENNY. Here then is the deal: YOU PAY THE WAGE TAX FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS, AND THEN YOU WILL BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AS A PENSION ONLY HALF AS MUCH AS PEOPLE CAN GET AND ARE GETTING NOW WITHOUT PAYING ANY TAX AT ALL. ■ . ■ The Roosevelt wage tax is a fraud upon American working m en . Alfred M- Landon hew sworn to secure a repeal of the Roose velt wage tax. / (Courtesy Chicago Tribune) VOTE FOR W. W. BARNETT Republican Candidate For County Commissioner- (SECOND TERM) (GREENE COUNTY) Election—November. 3,1936 (Political Advertisement) Furniture Repairing AND Re-Upholstering I am again located in Xenia a fter an absence o f a few years and am prepared to repair and reupholster you r fu rn i ture. We also do repairing o f coal o il and gas stoves and ranges. C. R. HOERNER Cor. Second and Whiteman Sts. Xenia, Ohio PLUMBING Rath Room Outfits Electric Water Pumps We are prepared to install Kohler or Standard bath room outfits and necessary bathroom plumbing. We are also agents for the Duro Electric Water Pumps. HOT W ATER HEATING PLANTS I f you are considering a hot water heating plant let us give you estimates on the American Ideal system installed. Wo can give you reference o f our plants giving satisfaction in‘ this community, Phone 130 F. E. HARPER Cedarville, Ohio Attorney General John Bricker, Re publican candidate for governor, in a speech several days ago let the public in /pn the mtjpner in which the Ohio Sthte Pair has been managed. Brick er stated that some 500 box seats in the coliseum were supposed to be a- vailable to fair visitors who wanted to see the horse show. Investigation re veals according to reports that hut one box was sold, the other 499 were filled with Democratic politicians, most of them state officials, who witnessed the show at the expense o f the farm ers of the state, who could not even get a box If they had the price. It seems that certain Democrats in the county have taken exception to the position of the Herald during the pre sent campaign. There should be no surprise at this late date as months ago when we were, convinced that Communism was supplanting Demo cracy. we stated our views with a warning that critical comment could be, expected. We are also informed that certain reports are in circulation chat have the appearance o f placing the Herald on tlie “ spot.” These re ports do not concern us even to the point of open denial but we do serve notice that if there are any o f the followers of the Democratic donkey that are not satisfied with our posi tion on" political questions, we may find it necessary to name names, events and places that will not look well in print. We are not now and never have been concerned over what politicians thought of our policy in handling public matters. There have been. times when the Herald gave support to certain can didates on the Democratic ticket but that must not be taken as a tight rule that we cannot use our own judgment. We once supported John M. Pattison Cor governor because o f moral issues. We supported Cong. M. R. Denver, and never had cause to regret .our attitude. Both were outstanding Dem ocrats that believed in a democracy That was the foundation o f our Ameri can form of government, that has never been surpassed; and no attempt was ever made to wreck it until the Roosevelt Communists gained control. Roosevelt is not a Democrat of that, school and no one who proposes to vote that ticket this fall can be honest with his conscience and his God and maintain otherwise. A.B.C.o/TAXES. BY BERT FOSTER THREE MONTHS WORK FOR—? I F you have a steady job, do you realize that beginning tomorrow morning, every dollar, down to the last pepny, you’ earn from now un til the end of file next three^months must be turned over to your local, state and federal governments for taxeB? If you have no job right now you are paying taxes just the same out o f your savings, your borrowings, or money received from other sources. I f you are a farmer you cannot escape. The government takes it out of what you get for what you sell. was to collect the WPA funds in Cin cinnati for Roosevelt, yet Horrible Harry Hopkins, says there iB no poli tics permitted in WPA. A woman in a neighboring town in this county informs, her banker while cashing an old age pension that if she did not vote for Roosevelt and Davey her pension would be cut in two. The good lady should not worry for John W. Bricker will be the next governor pnd off will go a lot of political heads not only in Greene but every other county in the state. January 1, 1937 will be the fatal1day, not even the Dictator in Washington can stop, the house-cleaning program that will be ordered on Nov. 3rd. President Sloan,- General Motors, mails an important letter to each employee in the various plants. It makes no political demands. It does treat the social security New, Deal legislation as a threat . to labor. George M. Verity, American- Rolling Mill, executive/, sounds the warning. American business after January 1 must take out a certain sum from each employee payroll to “ balance the Roosevelt budget.” A $1,000 fine and a year in prison is the penalty pro vided in the Roosevelt law, which means business executives will gladly, withold and send the amount down to the New Dealers, who do not discuss this issue -during— the— campaign. Notice has already been posted at the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co. One more week o f the campaign and the Rooscvelters,should play sqaure with labor on this issue. I must employ at once a man living in small town or on farm. The Dem icratic-Communistic-$o- cialistic mess is a pot-pouri or com gjomorafion o f political heretics of every religious and racial group that was ever known to aspire to get con trol o f the nation. In the Farlcy- Roosevelt mess what do we find? Southern Kluxers by the hundred from .11, S. Senators down to pick and shovel politicians. Catholics, Jews, and the “ niggers.” as -Roosevelt’s southern sponsors refer to that race. | Permanent w*lk- Must be satis-I | field with eaririftrg $75 a month at f first. Address Box I Cedarville Herald., care o f I i Name f t - I A dd ress_________ ________ _____ _ 1 It was only a comparatively few years ago that the nation and Greene county faced this rancid contest be tween the groups with the hooded Kluxers out to drive Catholics and Jews from the country. It was during the A1 Smith campaign that we were told the Pope would sit in the White House if A1 was elected. .Greene county has not forgotten those days. Catholics and Jews as. well, and some Protestants, could expect a “ burning cross” most any night. Business men v/ere threatened with the Roosevelt labor union plan of “ boycott” if the Kleagle so desired. Today we find all these interests under the Communistic flag of Democracy, yet Russian Com munism destroyed the Catholic church in that country and murdered priests just recently in Spain. Another brand of Communism peculiar in Germany wages war on the Jews in that coun try. Southern Kluxers in Roosevelt’s "army of the revolution” find greatest pleasure in lynching a “nig'ger.” Just last week a Dayton business man, who still follows A! Smith, both having the same religious views, complains that Roosevelt has foreign bdm Jews in nil the important branches o f gov ernment, most of them hid from pub lic view and that Farley has traded off his church for patronage. This bnhel o f confusion among groups is what the planners want as Roosevelt would say, “Just §s I have planned it.” A day of reckoning is not far in the distant. IOLIVER & NELSON J ! Republican Candidate for | Re-Election as I STATE SENATOR I f 5th-6th Senatorial District i ' * ' I Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Highland, Ross Counties in,inin imiiim ,m, PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN! Instead o f reshipping to factory $700.00 Player Piano, like new can be had for unpaid balance of $36.42 re maining on contract! Write at once to Edgar O. Netzow, (Department o f Ac counts), 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, Mitwauke, Wisconsin, who will advise where piano can be seen. Kindly furnish references. aa'jsmiiui J. O. McCorkell & Son, Insurance Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ARE YOU INSURED AGAINST BURGLARY? We Have Merchantile and Residence Burglary/Insurance ■ SEE US AND BE SAP] Last week we referred to a local case where a son reported "that a Democratic politician h a s s led a form of force or scare on a local widow who had been granted ah ohf age penson The woman was urged to put up a RooscVelt-Davcy /picture, to which she objected. Democrats do not like that kind o f roadliqbv Chicago papers were full of affidavit were charity and WPA workers were forced to walk miles in the recent Roosevelt parade in that city. Down in Cincinnati there has been, exposure o f forcing WPA workers to join a Democratic JClub. Employees on the Ohio high- jwnys were forced under threat of loosing their jobs if they did not cough up for the DaVey campaign, One o f our old ncjwspaper friends, C. ; p* on j the Democratic payroll* HOW MODEM WOMEH LOSE FATSAFELY Gain Physical Vigor— Youthful ness With Clear Skin and Viva clous Eyes Thst Sparkle With 4 Glorious Health Here’s the recipe that banishes 1st l end bringslout aU the natural attrac tiveness that every woman possesses. Every morning take one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water before breakfast—cut down on pastry and fatty meats—go light on potatoes, butter, cteam and sugar—in 4 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fst nave vanished. Notice also that you have gained in energy—your skin is clearer—you feel younger In body- * e jo n a joyous Kruschen will gits surprise, qet a Settle of Kmeben feUa-iM «?•* trHUn* s»« it lasts 4 wests.- H you don't fsn a superb tmprerMMtti la health—Sogloriously ew1 uergMe—*t*er» ousljr. sltve—your money «£«* reternef. -Many, people find that,the NOT*- talc- SAY, GRAINIMPORTS AREEXPECTED TOSETRECORD H allow e ’ en Imports o f grain into the United States fpr domestic consumpetion dur ing file 193(5-37 crop year promise to establish a new all time record, offi cial and commercial reports indicate. As near as can be determined from the.available records, there is an ag gregate o f approximately 60,OUO,(HH> bushels o f wheat, com , rye, and bar ley that either has been actually im ported into this country since July 1, 1936; is held in'bond at various ports, or is in transit to American and Canadian ports. Carnival CEDARVIIAE, OHIO Friday, October 30 BAND CONCERT—PARADE DANCING IN TWO IIALLS , During July and August, 1936 the treasury department reported that the duty had been paid on 16,898,000 bushels o f grain from other countries -including 10,771,000 bushels of wheat, 2,850,000 bushels o f corn, 1,- 422,060 bushels o f rye, and 1855,000 bushels o f barley. - Since Aug. 1 Argentina has shipped 27,217,000 bushels of com to the United States and Canada. The bulk o f the exports to Canada are expected to be reshipped to American ports. ABIGNIGHTFOROLDANDYOUNG CONTESTS FOR CHILDREN Prizes Galore To Winners oS Many Contests Come-Bring the Family The United States has become one o f the best customers for surplus IAll Contestants Must Appear Masked In Parade grain produced in Canada. The offi cial report .of-the board o f grain com missioners of the dominion govern ment showed shipments from Fort •William,.Canada, between July 1 and Oct. 8 to American ports as follows; To Duluth— Wheat, .10,265,000 bushels; barley, 1,885,000 bushels; rye, 100,000, bushels. To Chicago—Wheat, 1,684,000- bushels; rye, 1,468,000 bushels;' barley, 1,11,5000 bushels. To Milwaukee—Wheat, 60,000 bushels; rye, 100,000 bushels; barley, 1,838,000 bushels. To Detroit—Wheat, 178,000 bushels. Practically all o f the grain is expected to be used for domestic consumption in the United States. ENJOY YOURSELVES Hallowe’en Event Staged as a Benefit by members of the I. O. O. F. Approximately 655,000 pounds of butter was imported into the United States last week, the .department of agricnlture-iaeported^Included-in-the total was butter from Holland, Latvia, Poland, Siberia, and Cuba. An addi tional 109.000 pounds are expected today and tomorrow at New York, in cluding 28,000 pounds from New Zea land. At the dose o f last week Latvian and Holland butter was offered at 10*4 cents per pound, delivered at Now York. The import duty is 14 cents per pound.' ' Clfear that aching head: Right that pact stomach. Move - those can* atipated bowela by taking Noah’s Regulator. Pleasant to take, mild though effective. For sale by BT. H. Brown, Druggist. If you need fence erected or re building o f old fence, Phone 141-F12. (tf) MAYWOOD HORNEY, Subscribe to THE HERALD THE TOPIC FOR TODAY IS FEED Almost as soon as it became know that the Cedar ville Elevator was opened up the first of this year, rep resentatives o f a number of commercial feed builders called to make another outlet for their products. Only now, after several month’s opportunity to check up on claims of quality, service, etc., have we taken on one complete line o f feeds to represent the manufacturer in this district. ..The line is— W A YN E FEEDS MANUFACTURED BY ALLIED MILLS, Inc. ' Wh ile this will be the complete line which we feel is at. least the equal of any feed, we will continue to< handle the special items of other brands which otar customers may demand. W e feel that a trial will convince you and solicit your inquiry. CEDARVILLE GRAIN CO. Telephone 21 South Main Street Cedarville, Ohio ASK FOR YOUR COUPON WHEN TRADING WITH Cedarville Merchants You are invited to be in town at 8 P. M. next WEDNESDAY NIGHT t when a special attraction has been planned. ^Bring the family and also invite your neighbor. Cedarville Merchants extend a special invitation to be in town each Wednesday night until further notice. STORES AFFILIATING Pickering Electric Shop Wright's White Villa Grocery Cedarville Bakery Brown's Drug Store Cummings Chevrolet Agency Cummings & .Creswell Hammon's Dairy Paul Edwards', Dodge-Plymouth Cummings & Creswell,* by L. T* Dukes, Hardware’,* Don Allen Filling Station Blue Bird Tea Rtoom Evans Restaurant E. F. Harper, Plumbing C. H. Crouse d, E. Masters, Grocer Marion Allen, Ice v Patton Ford Agency Parker Pool Room Rigio Pool Room Cozy Theatre Shane Barbershop Old Mill Camp Cedarville Grain Co. Martin Weimer Filling Station -Dick- Acton ‘Filling Station Allen Barker Shop Cedarville Herald C. L. McGuinn, Coal, Feed Cedarville Lumber Co. . C. E. Barnhart C. H. Gordon A / E. Huey, Hardware H. H, BROWN, President “ PAtJL CUMMINGS, Secretary. Local <tan The Rev, (\ El Peebles, ty'edr.t-sif illness of his man. Mrs, Hattie home a fter* visit! and daughter, MrJ in Pittsburgh. Mr, and Mrs. Fi tained the Dinner/ day night, at the I Knott near Pitch! Mrs. A. E. Riel Cincinnati last critical illness o f! who is well knov Attorney Fred son, Frederick, o f 1 his. cousins, EUen| Miller Townsley, Mr. and M i - l . llrbana, spent the I caring for Miss L| was injured in an FOR SALE—Fil in Cedarville. Ref| terms; Farms list surrounding countij ranged. W. L. Office in Gaines B| (4t) The Ladies' Aidj E. Church will sel Bank Building, Fr| 30, during the tion. Mrs. George Gor| Townsley have isst) number o f guests Wednesday at one o f the latter. Mr. Howard Harl Mrs. David McElro] end in Palestine, Mr. and Mrs. Jamd Mr. H. C. Wolfe. | Frank Creswell fnl has rented the Alba Clifton and Spring^ move there in the Wiseman, who resi| farm, Courtsville the Creswell farmJ BRIDE-ELECT IS HONORED Miss Evelyn. Thol Mr. and Mrs..J. H;| Xenia, bride-elect son o f Mr. ,and Mr( o f Jamestown, was l cellaneous “ showerl Thordsen home Wei The hostesses wq Little, sister o f th| Airs. Thordsen. Fifty guests well enjoyed contests and freshments, with p| pointmets, were sei[ sen was presented] array of gifts; The date of nuptials hns not ENGAGEMENT A| Mr. and Mrs. Ads are informally ani] gagenient and' app of-their daughter, Lett Masincup, of Cl nuptials will be-quf the Huff home No\| Both Miss Huff are employed in thJ pent Rayon Mills ii Miss Huff was gracf ville High School lege and taught in schools for three I was graduated f| Business College,- Air. Masincup at Business College, Miss Huff and arrive at the hon parents November ! ENTERTAIN FR| AT I? Mr, and Mrs. L| o f Cedarville, ent friends at their ning. Games were were awarded Mij Mowery and Mr, freshments, apprij lowe'en season, Those present Kenneth Heins, t :, Mr. and on, M*ynard| Bryan, Mr. Mr. and Mil Jamestown; Mr, ( Mowery, o f Was and Mrs, Haroldl McClellan, Miss! Mrs. H. D. Stralel Mrs. O. M. Bui| Elehnor, o f Spriii Mrs. Laurie Strs Monoy to Loa Heal Estate. 0 lugs and Loan Afl W 4* , ‘"A t
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